Your Personal Report
The Importance of Human Attachment 1
Why Attachment?
Human attachment plays an essential role in our survival as babies
as well as in our relationships and overall well-being later on.
Since our attachment styles are formed so early, we neither
remember much about this stage of development nor do we have
control over it. Therefore, our attachment traits are typically
subconscious and automatic.
As a consequence, we might find ourselves repeating the same
unhealthy patterns - in our relationships with ourselves and with
others - over and over again.
Our Mission
Healing an insecure attachment may take dedication, patience, and
persistence - although this might be challenging, it is entirely
Cultivating a secure attachment requires knowledge, practice, and
the ability to reflect on yourself (including your experiences, your
relationships, your skills and weaknesses, and your beliefs, amongst
other factors).
Our mission is to provide you with the necessary insight, skills, and
inspiration so that you can develop a sense of security and feel safe -
both in relationships and on your own.
It’s important to keep in mind that your GENERAL attachment score (how you relate to
others in general) is not depicted in the graphic.
We do, however, base your report on your general attachment style, and not on your
attachment towards a particular significant other.
In some cases, you might notice that your attachment scores for all
relationships (caregivers and partner) do not match your profile - your
general attachment. This, however, is nothing to be concerned about. It
might be that you exhibit a certain pattern of attachment towards people
you meet; and yet, in close intimate relationships, you have a different
approach. O r it could be that you have a specific attachment pattern
towards your caregivers, but not towards other people in your life.
You may have a poor sense of self agency. This can result in a difficulty
making decisions/feeling helpless/not establishing goals in life.
Within intimate relationships, your desire for love and intense fear of
rejection can cause you to act chaotically - on the one hand you search Score Mother/CG1: Anxiety: 3.67 | Avoidance:
for affection and approval, yet on the other you may become jealous and 6.83
suspicious of your partner's intentions. Score Father/CG2: Anxiety: 4.67 | Avoidance: 7
Score Partner: Anxiety: 1 | Avoidance: 1.33
You desire relationships and love, but believe that you are not worthy of Score General: Anxiety: 6.33 | Avoidance: 5.17
it. Therefore you have difficulty opening up to, trusting, and bonding with
others. Deep down, you believe that a partner will reject and abandon you.
Let’s have a look at the five primary conditions for secure attachment and the corresponding
benefits for self-development. Your responses from the self report on the five conditions of
secure attachment will give you an indication of your early childhood experience from your
earliest childhood memories.
Your Results
Result Result
1. Felt Safety
As a parent, first and foremost, you want your child to feel protected. If your child feels protected, it feels safe. For
the infant and toddler, safety means closeness to the mother, as she is the source of food, warmth, and protection.
Danger means separation from her, beyond the comfort zone.
The attuned mother is fiercely protective but not overwhelming, intrusive, or ignoring. She gives her child space
and freedom to explore the world, but stays close enough, so that the child has a felt sense of safety.
When the infant strays too far and becomes frightened, they know that they can run to her and envelop her in a
warm, protective embrace, secured against the world. This conveys a message: "You are safe. You are loved. You
are loveable."
Special thanks to R. Chris Frayley from the University of Illinois for making the use of this test possible and for his contribution to
the attachment field. This test is used with permission from R. Chris Fraley from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
*Source (ECR-RS): Fraley, R. C., Heffernan, M. E., Vicary, A. M., & Brumbaugh, C. C. (2011). The Experiences in Close
Relationships—Relationship Structures questionnaire: A method for assessing attachment orientations across relationships.
Psychological Assessment, 23, 615–625. *
*Source Five Conditions: How to Treat Attachment Disturbances in Adults (Brown & Elliott, 2016)
Simply avoiding proximity will not heal the trauma or the painful
childhood experiences. In order to learn to build secure
relationships, you need to learn to trust people first.
We can help!
We know that having a disorganized attachment style can be difficult. It can be stressful, confusing, and overwhelming
to experience constant instability in your relationships, feelings, thoughts, and behaviors.
But there’s no need to feel trapped or hopeless - we’ve got your back!
Below, we’ve outlined a series of steps you can take on your journey towards cultivating attachment security.