Keep It Going
Keep It Going
Keep It Going
Scriptures: Joshua 1:8, Psalm 1:2-3, Proverbs 13:20, 1 Corinthians 15:33, Deuteronomy 31:16,
Proverbs 3:26
That teenagers can learn how to consistently live out their values on a daily basis.
Keep this book of the law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be
careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Joshua 1:8
Let’s play a game, PASS IT ON. A tray with folded papers will be passed round, with music
playing underground; the teen with the tray when the music stops gets to pick one and answer
the question written in the paper, use this as a discussion starter.
1. Your friend told you a top secret about his health, another classmate wants to know what your
friend told you. What will you do?
2. A student in Mrs. William’s first class has offered to share answers to the maths test with you as
you are to take the same test in her second class. What will you do?
3. On your way to the staff room to be scolded for not paying your bill of N1,500 for the textbook
given to you, you see N2, 000 in the hallway. Will you turn the money in or pay for your
4. Alex decides to go home soon after he arrives at his friend’s party because they are planning to
prank the new girl in school and vandalize the principal’s office. What should Alex do with
information he has?
Identify critical values that should have been displayed in each scenario
Your values determine the actions you take, as well as who you will become. What you do on a
daily basis is what you will have in life. Values give reason why you do things; they motivate you
and also restrict you from doing certain things, thereby placing boundaries on your behaviours.
From this lesson, we will learn that things we do every day will either help to sustain or deplete
our values.
Divide the class into four groups, let them study the scriptures and answer these questions
Psalm 1: 2-3, Joshua 1:8
1. What effect does reading the scripture have in sustaining your values? (It helps to renew your
mind -Romans 12:2)
2. Do you think reading the scripture helps you sustain your values? (Yes, it does. Since it’s from
the scriptures you got them from, reading the scripture will remind you of your values
continually. helps you to)
3. What are the benefits you get when you read the scripture? (It reminds you of the root of your
values and that gives you the confidence of assurance that you are right with God)
Proverbs 13:20, 1 Corinthians 15:33
1. Do you think that the company you keep can affect your values? (Yes, it can and will affect your
2. How does the company you keep affect your values? (As human we tend to become a
combination of what we see, hear and touch and even say)
3. What are the effects of making friends with people with good value system? (They help you
become better. Their good values will rub off on you. They help you maintain your sanity (good
Deuteronomy 31:16, Proverbs 3:26
1. When you are faced with situations that challenge your values, what would you do? (You
enforce your values and stand on it)
2. How much of relying on God do you need to maintain your values? Total reliance. Jeremiah
3. What benefits do you enjoy standing your ground in the face of compromise? (Your confidence
Allow them choose a person per group to will present their answers.
Memory verse
Keep this book of the law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be
careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.
Joshua 1:8 (copied out on the picture). Let them arrange the scripture into a perfect picture.
1. Can you remember the values you had 3 years ago? List them
4. Where do you think your new values are taking you in next 5 years?
5. Do you need to make some more changes in what you value so that you can reach your
full potential? Mention them.
No one wakes up one day totally undecided about what they are to do and who they are to be.
Our actions and identity are pretty much intertwined with the values that we have, and unless
we consciously pattern our day-to-day life on those values, we cannot truly maximize the way
we think and act.
To see a difference in your life, you’ll have to start living by your values.
Make a list of 3 practical things you would do daily to sustain your values.
Ask some people to share their list. List 4 items that reoccur in the different lists
Ask the class to discuss the list and agree on action plans to achieve items on the list
Wrap up by saying, remember who you wanted to be, you communicate values through
behaviour, you can’t just talk values. You communicate your values every day, even when they
are being opposed or challenged.
Ask each person to write a short letter to themselves about actions they will take to achieve the
changes they need to make to change they are doing now e.g I will wake up earlier so I can
have time to study, in order to have better grades in school.