Heat Transfer CC3

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Diagnostic Exam Topic VI: Heat Transfer 4. Liga sitrogen at 77K ix sored an wsinelated 1.0-m diameter spharical tank The tank exposed to ambient alr at 285K. The thermal resistance ofthe tank ‘hatorinl is neglghle. ‘The convective uct ‘eanefee tonclent ofthe can exterior 30 W f-K. The tial Tent transir from the a tothe tank is most nearly (4) 40 (B) 28 kw (© 16x (D) 20kW 2. Tho oxtorior walls of « house ate 3m high, 0.14 m thick, and 40 m in total length. The thermal eonductiv- ity of the walls is 0.098 W/m°C. The interior of the ‘walls is maintained st 2°C when the exon (outdoor) wall temperature is 0°C, Neglecting corer effects, most nearly, what is the hat transfor through the walls? (a) 0.023 Ww (B) Goes ew (©) 025 kW (D) 065 kW 9. A.staless steel tube (3 ca inside diameter and 5 em ‘outside diameter) is covered with 4 cm thick insulation. ‘The thermal conductivities of stainless sect and the Insulation are 20 W uu and 0.06 W/mK, respectively If the insdo wall temperature of the tube is 500K and the outside temperature of the insulation is 0K, what most nearly the heat loss per meter of tube length? (A) 120 W/m (@) Wo W/en (© wow) () 80 W/e 4. A concrete wall is 20 om, thick snd has an overall ‘thermal resistance of 0.2 m’-°C/W. The temperatire ifference between the to wall suriaces is 5°C. What > most nearly the hest transfer through the wall? (A) 15 Win? (B) 25 W/a? © 3 W/uF (D) 25 Wh? 8. 50°C water fows through 2 1.3 m lowg copper pipe ‘The thertal conductivity of the capper i 350 W /xa-*C. ‘Theintersal diameter of the pipe is 20 iam. and the pipe ‘walls 5 mm thick. ‘The temperatnre outsie ofthe pipe 520°C. Whet is most nearly the heat transfer through the pips? (a) a0 ew (B) 100 EW (C) 240 Kw D) 40 kW A parallel fow tubular heat exchanger cools water from 0°C to 70°C. The coolant incresses in tempera tnre from O°C to 85°C. The log mean temperature difference is most neaely (a) 38°C (B) 3-0 (©) 58°C were 7. A fan moves 29°C air over a 20 W resistive electrical device thet as 1 sniform surface temperature of 100°C. The forced ecnvection heat transfer coefficient 4s 50 W/m?°C. If the cooling fan fails and the devi is ‘cooled by natal convection (heat transfer corficient 8 10 W/m#C), the resulting surface temperature of the device will he most nearly (4) 100°¢ ) 375°C (©) s00re (0) ec DE VI-2 {8 Two lange parallel plates are mninteined electrically ‘uniform temperatures, Plate has a surface temper- tute of 900K and an emissivity of 08. Plato 2 bas @ uefa temperatte of 30K ait an emissivity of 08 ‘The facing surfaces of both plats constitute opaqus, dlfce gray raditors. A thin aluminum radiation shield is placed between the plates. The space between the plates jr evacuated so that convective effects are nee ‘ble, The emissivity of bath sidesof the radiation shield 180.15. In stoady'state, what is most nearly the net heat flux fom plate 1 to plate 2? (4) 940 Wnt (B) 1500 w/a? (©) 1900 W/m? (D) 2600 W/n? ©. Air s€ 300K fows at 0.45 m/s over the surface of Tov Im fiat plate. The average Kinematic vsconity of the ae 20.02% 17 m/s the Prandtl mum 0.7, fad. the thermal conductivity is 30% 10-8 W/eK. IF the sarfice texperetire of the plate Is 400K, the aver- ‘ge hea transfer ccffieien is ost neaely (a) 26 w/b (B) 50.W/at-K (© To W/meK (0) 82.W/mPK 40. A metal ephore at 750°C with a diameter of em is ‘enelosnd fm a vaenm container. ‘The temratae ofthe ‘surroundings is ~20°C, 12 W of power is nerded to ‘maintain the sphere's temperature, What is most neatly the emissivity of the sphere? (a) 035 (&) 020 (©) 025 (D) 0.28 FE-eWEWTERL REVIEW MANURE SOLUTIONS 414 The het transfer fro the tank to the atmosphere ie @ tA( Ty — Pog) = he D(Dy — Tre) (0 xt mcr 298) (20 gag) BFK — 2858) Ww 1000 19.8 kW "The heat transfer from the alr co the tank Is 19.6 KW QOL). The anewer ie (0). 2 Calculate the area, ‘The heat transfer due to conduction is = Min=m) v0) ox mian =von i asi ‘The answer is (0). 3. Ther ofthe inside ofthe tube ls Dy_ Sem 2 oi ‘The rudius of the ous of the tube Dy _ Sew 273 ” ‘The outer radius of the insulation is no ntt=25an+4an=65em ‘The beat transfer through the tube is Bek L(Ts ~ Ts) i fe ner m "The temperate betweun the tube are Snsulation ie in BON SEE ‘The heat transfer through the insulation is Dek Te — Ts) a From this the temperature between the tube and inate Iation isso ‘Equate the two exprossions for the temperature between ‘the tube and boundary uname am Onk,L On Ts Salve for the heat transier per unit length. Q_ 27-7) ay ne eR 2n(500K ~ 50K) wk (CaK ATS Wa (150 W/m) The answer is (0). 4 Find the best tmnsfer per unit aren. _4ar nee Q_ar oe apres) 02 25 W/m! The snswer I (0). 53. The inner radius of the pipe is 20 mm, ‘The outer radius ofthe pipe is 10 m+ mm Calculate the ate of heat transfer through the pipe. aati, cs ne Go = HAL (210 W) ‘The answer Is (C) 6. Calculate the log mean temperature difference for parallel ow in tubular heat exchangers. (80) ‘The answer le (C) 7. Use Newton's law of cooking, At state 1, the fan is ‘operating, and at state 2, the fan has failed, aT) Solve for the surface temperature of the device aftr the fan fail i a = [2S | ao0'e — 25°0) + 25°¢ ao = a00°¢ 10 ‘The answer Is (C). cate DE VI-4 8. The net eat: trausfor is 1a dy. Gay Fa eads 1-92, 1 1-4 faady * Aas” eae Since the plates re parallel, A= A= a= Ag Since the platesare lage, Fia = Fig —1. Since tho enisivity of the Shield is the same on both sides, £9 Ti=a pis (00% x10" 2) (own boetate as tos os = 1856.0 W/m? (1000 W/m?) ‘The answer is (6). 18 ‘The Reynols number is sega al - (045 =) m moe = asx a0! Since Rey i Toss than 10°, tho low over the Bat plate ix laminar. {ise a Nissi correlation, Nu, ~ ME oosonel/*Po!® = (o6s40y(2.15 x 1090.7)" sar (9 ‘s0 x -* SL) (66.47) | — 2.50 Wu? K (26 W/uK) ‘The answer Is (A). 10. Calculate the absolute temperatures of the sphere nd the surroundings. Ty = 150°C +279" = 1023K T= -2°C+ iK ‘Use the equation for net energy exchange between to bores when the body is small compared to. its surroundings. Qa= coat} 7), “The surfce area of a sphere i Ax tee =m Solve for the emisivity of the sphere, Qo Qu AGT) ae TD) (1299) (100 1)" (earxi0 Yao > (aozan* (25a) = 0.154 (0.15) The answer is (Al.

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