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Al-Ishlah: Jurnal Pendidikan

Vol.14, 1 (April, 2022), pp. 841-852

ISSN: 2087-9490 EISSN: 2597-940X, DOI: 10.35445/alishlah.v14i1.1248

Development of Android-Based SPU Learning Media in General

Chemistry Course 1 for University Students
Mellyta Uliyandari1, Emilia Candrawati2
1 Universitas Bengkulu, Bengkulu, Indonesia; [email protected]
2 Universitas Bengkulu, Bengkulu, Indonesia; [email protected]


This study aims to develop an Android-based SPU learning
media using APP Inventor in the general chemistry course 1 of
Learning Media; the Universitas Bengkulu Science Education study program.
The method used in this study is Research and Development
General Chemistry 1.
(R&D) with a 4D (four-D) research and development model,
namely definition, formulation of learning objectives, design,
carried out by designing media In learning, developing
(developing) the validation of learning media content by media
Article history:
experts and material experts, and dissemination
Received 2021-08-14 (dissemination) through YouTube. The results obtained include
Revised 2021-11-12 developing Android-based SPU learning media with six main
Accepted 2022-04-17 contents: the intro, home, CPL, and CPMK pages, materials,
evaluations, and about me. The validation results by material
experts, media experts, and assessments by students are all in
the "appropriate" category, so this application is perfect to use.
Student responses after using this application are also good and
are in the "agree" category, meaning that students agree and are
interested in the SPU application used. Student learning
outcomes have increased after using SPU learning media. The
gain score is 0,60 and is in the "medium" category, indicating
that SPU learning media effectively improves student learning
outcomes in the general chemistry 1 course, especially in SPU
This is an open-access article under the CC BY-NC-SA license.

Corresponding Author:
Mellyta Uliyandari
Universitas Bengkulu, Bengkulu, Indonesia; e-mail : [email protected]

One of the efforts of educators or teachers in teaching students who learn is through education
(Ruhimat, 2011). The purpose of national education, in general, is to improve the quality of Human
Resources (HR). In order to improve the quality of human resources, it needs to be balanced with
improving the quality of education. The achievement of educational goals is closely related to the
effectiveness of learning. One of the supports for learning effectiveness is the use of learning media.
Lecturers or teachers in the classroom generate numerous learning media, but improving the quality of

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learning requires practical learning media that students may use as a means of independent learning.
One of the learning media students favor is learning practical media and following the times.
One of the things that cannot be avoided in the 4.0 era is the progress of information and
communication technology which is developing very rapidly (Budiman, 2017). Technological
advancements have sparked movements in various fields, one of which is education, which is
characterized by digital communication. According to Istiyanto (2013), wireless digital communication
is needed in various fields ranging from education, business, health, and security. Therefore, the
availability of mobile devices is needed to support activities in various fields because they are flexible
and practical to use.
At this time, gadgets have become an inseparable part of the community. According to data
recorded at the Ministry of Communication and Information, gadget users in Indonesia have touched
240 million units. This is quite large compared to Indonesia's total population, currently 230 million
people. Opera, a company that acts as a web browser, stated that users of gadgets with OS 3 android
aged 13 to 24 reached 44% (Bambang, 2013). The rapid development of gadget technology among
students certainly provides opportunities for the world of education to utilize gadget technology as a
learning medium. Learning media is a tool that teachers and lecturers use to facilitate learning activities
(Alhafidz et al., 2018). Learning media is also one of the factors that can affect student learning outcomes.
By using suitable learning media, learning materials can be delivered interestingly so that learning
objectives will be more easily achieved (Indaryati & Jailani, 2015). Learning media during learning
activities can increase students' learning motivation and affect students' psychological conditions (Sakti
et al., 2012). The use of appropriate learning media can also improve student learning outcomes.
According to constructivist understanding, learning is the result of its construction (learners) due to its
interaction with the learning environment (Daryanto, 2013).
One of the developments of learning media that utilizes gadget technology is android-based
learning media using APP Inventor. According to Munadi (2013), android-based learning media is
quite significant in improving student learning outcomes so that it is very effectively used as a learning
medium. Android-based learning media is also efficient in supporting the student learning process
anywhere and anytime. According to Chuang (2014), Android and tablet-based learning media can
positively impact cognitive, metacognitive, affective, and socio-cultural aspects.
Android is a middleware operating system and applications presented in mobile software. One of
the advantages of Android is that it is open-source, so many application developers (developers) seek
to develop applications that are useful and can be run on the Android system, one of which is the APP
inventor application (Bagus & Krisnawan, 2016). According to Mulyadi (2013), App Inventor is a tool
used to create android applications based on visual block programming so that users can create
applications without coding. Visual block programming, referred to here, is that in its use, the user can
view, use, arrange, and drag-drop "blocks," which are command symbols and certain event handler
functions in creating applications and can be called without writing a program code. One of the
advantages of using the APP inventor is that the system is relatively easy to use and suitable for all
cellphones, so it can be recommended to create android-based learning media. The development of
android-based learning media allows children to learn autonomously, allowing the character education
ideal of independence to be implemented in everyday life.
The S1 Science Education study program is one of the newly established study programs at the
Faculty of KIP, Bengkulu University. Therefore, the learning media used in the teaching and learning
process are considered less than optimal to support the learning process, especially in the general
chemistry 1-course Elements (SPU). Appropriate learning media is expected to make it easier for
students to understand SPU material, especially about the periodic properties of elements in one group
or one period.
Both at school and in universities, there has been much research into the development of android-
based learning media. Several studies on the development of android-based learning media have been
conducted, including one by (Andi Rustandi, 2020) titled "Development of Android-Based Learning

Mellyta Uliyandari, Emilia Candrawati / Development of Android-Based SPU Learning Media in General Chemistry Course 1 for University
Al-Ishlah: Jurnal Pendidikan,Vol. 14, 1 (April 2022): 841-852 843 of 852

Media in Simulation and Digital Communication Subjects for Class X Vocational High School
Information Technology, Airlangga, Academic Year 2020/2021," which found that the learning media
developed is highly feasible to use, with a feasibility percentage of 94.52%. Another study, titled
"Development of Android-Based Learning Media for Physics Subjects in Energy Subjects in Class X IPA
1 SMA Negeri 2 Muara Badak for the Academic Year 2019/2020," was carried out by (Saputra et al.,
2020). Based on the overall validation results from material experts and media specialists, the medium
generated is very viable to use, with an average validation rating of 96.5. Asti Amalina Puspitaningrum
(2019) researched learning media production under "Development of Android-Based Learning Media
on Static Routing Materials." The findings of this study suggest that the learning media created are
effective and can assist students in comprehending learning materials. The findings of expert validation
of learning media have also been quite promising. Another study, "Development of Android-Based
Learning Media on Solubility Materials to Improve Academic Performance of High School Students,"
was undertaken by (Yektyastuti & Ikhsan, 2016). Material and media elements and the chemical
learning media employed all impact high school pupils' academic achievement. In addition to the four
studies mentioned above, a study titled "Development of Android-Based PCT (Paper Chromatography
Techniques) Practicum Media with QR Code Technology on Mixed Separation Materials" was
undertaken by (Uliyandari et al., 2022). Based on an evaluation by media and material specialists, the
PCT suitable medium generated is suitable for usage. With a conversion value of 3.98, student
responses to this study fall into agreement with the group.
Based on the five studies mentioned above, the researcher attempted to construct an Android-
based SPU learning medium in the general chemistry course 1 of the Science education study program,
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Bengkulu University. The learning media that will be
created will develop earlier researchers' learning media. Its development lies in the content or content
of the learning media and software used. This SPU learning media has many features, ranging from
material, images, animations, and videos, that allow students to understand the material presented
efficiently. This is a development of other learning media that only displays learning media features in
images and materials. The software used also determines the quality of the learning media used. In this
study, the researcher tried to make SPU learning media by using the APP inventor application as the
software maker. The advantages of this application are that it is easy to use and does not need to use
coding. In addition, this software is also easy to install and compatible with all types of laptops, which
allows the software to be used on a wide scale. The SPU learning media developed in this study also
has several advantages, starting from its many features and enriched with exciting materials, images,
animations, and videos. Also, the distribution of the SPU application is effortless, click on the link, and
the application can be directly installed on the cellphone. SPU users and learning media are compatible
with all Android phones.
The development of Android-based learning media using the APP Inventor is considered very
important to be developed because it is one of the learning media that can support optimizing the
learning process in the general chemistry course 1 in the Science Education Study Program of Bengkulu
University, especially during the endemic period of covid 19 which requires students to do hybrid
learning between face-to-face learning and online learning from home. The use of this android-based
learning media can be done efficiently only by installing the SPU application on the student's Android,
and then students can immediately use it as a learning medium by utilizing its features in it. This
learning media is also not glued to the classroom because it can be installed on each student's Android,
making it possible to be used as a learning medium independently in their respective homes.

Research and development (R&D) was the research approach used in this study. Research and
development is a research method used to create products and test their efficacy development research,
according to Sugiyono (2010), is research that tries to produce specific products. This study is based on
the 4D (four-dimensional) research and development paradigm, which has four stages: defining,

Mellyta Uliyandari, Emilia Candrawati / Development of Android-Based SPU Learning Media in General Chemistry Course 1 for University
Al-Ishlah: Jurnal Pendidikan,Vol. 14, 1 (April 2022): 841-852 844 of 852

designing, developing, and distributing. The learning objectives are created at the definition stage,
learning media are designed at the design stage, learning media content is validated by media and
material specialists at the development stage, and learning media content is disseminated via YouTube
at the dissemination stage. In general chemistry course 1, this research was undertaken to construct an
android-based learning medium using APP inventor. This study was conducted over one semester (six
months), from July to December 2020. Students from the Science Education Study Program FKIP
Bengkulu University made up the study's population, while the sample consisted of 57 first-semester
students attending general chemistry course 1.
The data collection strategies used in this investigation were quantitative. Data was collected in
the form of validation data on learning media by material and media specialists and student responses
to learning media questionnaires. After using the android-based SPU learning medium, students'
pretest and post-test results yielded additional quantitative data. A verified pretest and post-test
question, a questionnaire validation of learning media by media experts and material experts, and a
questionnaire on student responses to the usage of learning media all contributed to constructing the
instrument used in this study. The study used a Likert scale for data analysis, which was then
transformed into a 5-scale table. Meanwhile, the pretest and post-test results were assessed using a gain
score and a minimal completeness score comparison (KKM).


1. Development of Learning Media

The development of learning media aims to assist students in understanding the material presented
by lecturers, especially on SPU material (Priodic Element system) in general chemistry courses 1. Media
development is carried out in 4 stages, namely:

The fundamental problem is determined at this stage, and the learning objectives are defined. The
problem obtained based on the results of observations is that there are still differences in students'
abilities to accept the material being taught, so learning media are needed that can guide students to
study independently. At this stage, the collection of materials used in the manufacture of learning
media such as syllabus, lesson plans, materials on SPU, and a grid of evaluation questions. Researchers
also conducted discussions with cognate lecturers to obtain quality learning media. Based on the
discussion results on making Android-based SPU learning media, it is considered necessary to make it
to support the student learning process in the general chemistry course 1 science education study
program at Bengkulu University.

The researchers started planning the media that would be created at this point, which included
creating scenarios, building storyboards, creating learning media layouts, and compiling assessment
questions. The end product is a comprehensive design or storyboard ready to be developed in the next

A. Media Development
At this stage, the researcher develops learning media based on the learning materials that have been
collected and the storyboards that have been made. The result of this development is an android-based
SPU (Elementary Systemic System) application with App inventor. This application can be accessed
from gadgets with Android OS. The material focused on in this learning media is the periodic system
of elements, starting from the development of periodic systems of elements, periodic tables of elements,

Mellyta Uliyandari, Emilia Candrawati / Development of Android-Based SPU Learning Media in General Chemistry Course 1 for University
Al-Ishlah: Jurnal Pendidikan,Vol. 14, 1 (April 2022): 841-852 845 of 852

and periodic characteristics. The results of the design and systematics of the learning media developed
to include the following components:
1. The intro page contains the "menu" button, which is used to enter the main menu page. This page
also added the University of Bengkulu symbol as the researcher's university of origin. This page is
used to attract students' attention to be interested in learning the material contained in the learning
2. On this menu, the home or main menu, the user can access all the menus in the learning media.
The menus contained in this main menu are CPL and learning objectives, materials, evaluations
(questions), and about me.
3. CPL and CPMK, this page contains CPL, CPMK, sub CPMK, and learning objectives so that
students know the achievements and learning objectives that must be achieved after carrying out
learning using the SPU application.
4. Material, this page contains the material presented in the learning media. There are 3 materials
displayed in this SPU learning media, namely material on the development of periodic elements
systems, periodic tables of elements, and periodic characteristics of elements.
5. Evaluation, this page consists of evaluation questions totaling 5 essay questions. These questions
test students' understanding before and after participating in learning using SPU learning media.
6. About me, this page contains the profile of the researcher as well as the maker of android-based
SPU learning media

Here are some views of the Android-based SPU learning media that have been designed :

Figure 1. Main Screen Figure 2. Menu Page Figure 3. Display of CPL and
Display Display CPMK

Mellyta Uliyandari, Emilia Candrawati / Development of Android-Based SPU Learning Media in General Chemistry Course 1 for University
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Figure 4. Display of Figure 5. Display of Figure 6. Display of the Periodic

Learning Materials Evaluation Questions System Table of Elements

The developed learning media is subsequently evaluated to confirm that the information is
genuinely suitable for use by students. Two specialists, namely material and media experts, carried out
the validation. Validators are professionals who are experts in their disciplines.
Validation by material expert lecturers focuses on two main aspects, namely learning aspects
(learning objectives, material delivery, and evaluation) and material aspects (material relevance and
material selection). At the same time, the validation of learning media with media experts focuses on
aspects of the display of learning media (text display, color combinations, images, and navigation
buttons) and aspects of use (user instructions and interaction with media). The validation results by
material experts and media experts obtained first were converted into quantitative data by scoring. The
scoring results in each aspect were converted to a five-scale adapted from Sukardjo (2010), as presented
in table 1.

Table 1. Conversion of scores on a scale of five in the validation step

Validator Value Interval Category Information

Material X > 71,34 Very Worthy Number of Items : 17

Expert 57,78 < X ≤ 71,34 Worthy Lowest Ideal Score = 17
44,22 < X ≤ 57,78 Decent enough Highest ideal score : 85
Xi = 51
30,66 < X ≤ 44,22 Less Worthy
Sbi = 11,3
X ≤ 30,66 Not Feasible
Media Expert X > 54,48 Very Worthy Number of Items: 13
44,16 < X ≤ 54,48 Worthy Lowest Ideal Score = 13
33,84 < X ≤ 44,16 Decent enough Highest ideal score : 65
23,52 < X ≤ 33,84 Less Worthy Xi = 39
X ≤ 23,52 Not Feasible Sbi = 8,6

The data collected from the validation of the Android-based SPU (Priodic Elementary System)
learning media by material experts and media experts, as shown in tables 2 and 3 below, were scored
following table 1.

Mellyta Uliyandari, Emilia Candrawati / Development of Android-Based SPU Learning Media in General Chemistry Course 1 for University
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Table 2. Validation Results by Material Experts

Assessment Number of Score obtained Category
Aspect Items
Learning 10 40 Worthy
Theory 7 29
Amount 17 69

Table 3. Validation Results by Media Experts

Assessment Aspect Number of Score obtained Category

Learning Media 8 32 Worthy

Use 5 21
Amount 13 53

The validation results from media experts and material experts based on tables 1 and 2 are in the
"appropriate" category. This "feasible" category states that the Android-based SPU learning media is
feasible to be used and applied to general chemistry learning 1 in the Science education study program

A. The results of the media feasibility assessment and student responses

The media feasibility assessment in this study was carried out by students of the science education
study program who took the general chemistry 1 course. This assessment focused on aspects of
learning, material, display, and use of learning media.
The same questionnaire was also used to obtain data on student responses to each statement item.
The data obtained will describe student agreement with each aspect contained in the learning media
used. The data obtained will describe whether the learning media developed is following student
expectations or not.
The results of student's assessment of the feasibility of learning media are converted into
quantitative data by scoring. The scoring results are then converted to a scale of five according to table

Table 4. Conversion of five-scale scores on student assessment questionnaires

Value Interval Category Information

X > 33,6 Very Worthy Number of Items : 8

27,2 < X ≤ 33,6 Worthy Lowest Ideal Score= 8
20,8 < X ≤ 27,2 Decent enough Highest ideal score : 40
14,4 < X ≤ 20,8 Less Worthy Xi = 24
X ≤ 14,4 Not Feasible Sbi = 5,33

Mellyta Uliyandari, Emilia Candrawati / Development of Android-Based SPU Learning Media in General Chemistry Course 1 for University
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After scoring the following table 4. The data obtained from the results of the media feasibility
assessment by students as shown in table 5 below:

Table 5. Results of media assessment by students

Rated aspect Amount
Learning 475
Theory 461
Appearance 477
Use 463
Total 1876
Conversion rate 32,912
Category Worthy

Based on the data in table 5, the media feasibility assessment by students is in the "Eligible"
category so that the media can be used and applied to students.
Response data or student responses to learning media are known through questionnaires
distributed to students after using SPU learning media. These student responses cover four aspects:
learning aspects, material aspects, display aspects, and usage aspects. The student responses are
converted into quantitative data using the scoring method, according to table 6.

Table 6. Conversion of scores on a five scale

Formula Value Interval Category

X>Xi + 1,8 SBi X > 4,206 Strongly agree

Xi + 0,6SBi < X ≤ Xi + 1,8SBi 3,402 <X≤ 4,206 Agree
Xi - 0,6SBi < X ≤ Xi + 0,6SBi 2,598 < X ≤ 3,402 Just Agree
Xi – 1,8SBi < X ≤ Xi - 0,6SBi 1,794 < X ≤ 2,598 Disagree
X≤Xi - 1,8 SBi X ≤ 1,794 Do not agree
Keterangan : Xi : ½ x (5+1) = 3
Sbi : 1/6 x (5-1) = 0,67

Source : (Suartama, 2010)

After the data is converted according to table 6, the response data or student responses to
SPU learning media can be presented in table 7 below:

Table 7. Data on student responses to learning media

Rated aspect Statement Accumulated Conversion Conclusion of

score responses Rate student responses

Learning 1 249 4,36 Strongly agree

2 226 3,96 Agree
Average student response scores for 237,5 4,16 Agree
learning aspects
Theory 3 235 4,12 Agree
4 226 3,96 Agree
Average student response scores for 230,5 4,04 Agree
material aspects

Mellyta Uliyandari, Emilia Candrawati / Development of Android-Based SPU Learning Media in General Chemistry Course 1 for University
Al-Ishlah: Jurnal Pendidikan,Vol. 14, 1 (April 2022): 841-852 849 of 852

Learning Media 5 240 4,21 Strongly agree

6 237 4,16 Agree
The average student response score for 238,5 4,18 Agree
the display aspect of learning media
Use 7 224 3,93 Agree
8 239 4,19 Agree
Average student response scores for 231,5 4,06 Agree
aspects of the use
Average response scores on all aspects 234,5 4,11 Agree

The average score for student replies to the Android-based SPU learning media is 234.5, which,
when converted to a scale of 5, equals an average conversion value of 4.11 for the category "agree." This
can be viewed as a widespread agreement among students on the Android-based SPU instructional
medium elements.
This SPU Learning Media is a new learning medium for S1 Science Education students, so the
enthusiasm and curiosity of students towards this application are also relatively high. With enthusiasm
and high curiosity, the students' responses to this application as a practical and easily accessible
learning medium are also quite good, so it falls in the "agree" category.

At this stage, the application was distributed to students through Bengkulu University e-learning.
The software from this application is also distributed via YouTube to make it easier for students who
want to use this application as a learning medium, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic as it is
today. The youtube link for the tutorial video for using this application is
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzgkxCuBTkbe6Wb6KXIHZ5w, while the google drive link to
download this application on the youtube page is
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Hrow529N1d_ro255vBVDkJFUuMgk1ehP /view?usp=sharing.
Following the media distribution, the study looked at student learning results following the use
of Android-based SPU learning media. By comparing students' pretest and post-test results, the
influence of employing SPU learning media on student learning outcomes can be determined. The
pretest was administered prior to the students' usage of the SPU learning media, and the post-test was
administered after they had used the SPU learning media. Figures 1 and 2 depict the data from the
students' pretest and post-test results:

Figure 4. Histogram of student pretest results

Mellyta Uliyandari, Emilia Candrawati / Development of Android-Based SPU Learning Media in General Chemistry Course 1 for University
Al-Ishlah: Jurnal Pendidikan,Vol. 14, 1 (April 2022): 841-852 850 of 852

Figure 5. Histogram of student post-test results

The students' average pretest score was 51.05, and the students' post-test average was 80.78. The
students' pretest and post-test results were tested for gain or gain scores by comparing the students'
average pretest and post-test scores. The gain score obtained is 0.6 in the "medium" category. This
shows that the use of SPU learning media effectively improves student learning outcomes on the
Elemental Periodic System material.
This increase in student learning outcomes is thought to be due to the very high curiosity of
students towards the new learning media they use, thereby spurring interest in these media. This
interest then spurred students' motivation to take part in learning activities. Another factor that is
suspected to be the cause of the increase in student learning outcomes is the nature of the learning
media which is very practical and can be read and studied repeatedly at home so that they can learn
whenever they want and can repeat the study if there are things that have not been understood. This is
in line with the opinion of (Muyaroah & Fajartia, 2017) in his research, which states that android-based
learning media can motivate students to learn the material given quickly. Learning with android-based
learning media makes students happier because it is packaged with a unique presentation, and students
can learn anytime and anywhere. This android-based learning media has several advantages; namely,
this media has an attractive appearance in terms of color, writing, images, and animation. This media
is also easy to operate and distribute to students.


The development of android-based SPU learning media in the general chemistry course 1 FKIP
UNIB refers to 4 stages: defining, designing, developing, and causing. There is six main content of SPU
learning media: intro, home, CPL and CPMK pages, materials, evaluations, and about me. The
deployment or distribution of the application to users is carried out through the youtube site. The
validation results by material experts, media experts, and assessments by students are all in the
"appropriate" category, so this application is perfect to use. Student responses after using this
application are also good and are in the "agree" category, meaning that students agree and are
interested in the SPU application used. Student learning outcomes also increased after using the SPU
learning media. This was indicated by the gain score of 0.60 and was in the "moderate" category, which
indicated that the use of SPU learning media effectively improved student learning outcomes on the
periodic element system material. This research was limited to SPU (Elemental Personality System)
material in general chemistry course 1. Therefore, it is still necessary to develop learning media on other
materials in the general chemistry 1 course or other subjects in the science education program. FKIP
Bengkulu University.

Mellyta Uliyandari, Emilia Candrawati / Development of Android-Based SPU Learning Media in General Chemistry Course 1 for University
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Mellyta Uliyandari, Emilia Candrawati / Development of Android-Based SPU Learning Media in General Chemistry Course 1 for University
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Mellyta Uliyandari, Emilia Candrawati / Development of Android-Based SPU Learning Media in General Chemistry Course 1 for University

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