Peter John Crodua Final Demo 11

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A LESSON PLAN IN Measures of Position (Quartile)

Method · March 2019

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.25592.90888

0 49,856

2 authors, including:

Craig Refugio
Negros Oriental State University


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A LESSON PLAN IN Measures of Position (Quartile)

Peter John L. Crodua

Craig N. Refugio, PhD


At the end of the one-hour period (60-minute period), the student should
be able to:
(KNOWLEDGE): 1. determine the quartiles of an ungrouped data
(SKILLS): 2. solve quartile value of an ungrouped data
(ATTITUDE): 3. appreciate the concept of measures of position in real life


A. Topic: Measures of Position (Quartile)

B. Learning Competency: Illustrates the following measures of position: quartiles, deciles

and percentiles. M10SP-IVa-1

C. References: Mathematics Learner’s Module, pp. 364-370

D. Materials: visual aids, activity sheets, board and chalk/chalkboard, projector



A. Preparation

a) Prayer
“In the name of the Father . . . Amen”
Please all stand for the prayer.

Good morning class! Good morning teachers.

b) Checking of Attendance

Go back to your proper seat, I will check

your attendance.

We will recall again our classroom rules. Classroom rules.

1. No using of cellphones
2. Listen when someone is talking in front
3. Respect each other
4. Raise your hand you want to answer or
you have something so say.

B. Presentation

A. Awareness

Who can recall about the lesson we
discussed last meeting? It was all about measures of central tendency.

Then what are the measures of central

tendency? The measures are the mean, median and the
mode of ungrouped data.

The mean is? The average of the data set.

How about the median? The middle term of the data.

What is the mode? The most frequent occurring value in the data.

B. Activity

I will group you into 4 groups. Count off 1-

4. Group 1 occupy the 1st and 2nd row,
group 2 stay in the 3rd and 4th row, group 3
1st row and 2nd row in this side and group 4
occupy the 3rd row and 4th row in this side.

I want you to play this game. This game is

what we call “4 pics 1 word”. The
mechanics are easy, just use the
scrambled letters to have the right answer.
The group who will get the correct answer
will be given 1 point. The group that has Yes sir
the higher points will get a price. Are you




For the winners, claim your prices here.

Okay, what words did you encounter from
the activity?
The words are Measure, Position, Divide,
So, we have the measure and position, Equal, Lower, Quarter.
divide and equal, and lower and quarter.

What do you feel with that activity? Exciting sir.

Do these words connected to each other? Some of the words are connected to each
other like Divide and equal.
Okay those words are connected to each
other because it is part of our lesson this

C. Analysis

So, for this morning is all about Measures

of Positions on Quartiles.

At the end of this lesson, you are expected

1. Determine the quartiles Q1, Q2, and
Q3 of an ungrouped data.
2. Solve quartile value of an
ungrouped data; and lastly
3. Appreciate the concept of measures
of position in real life situation.

Let’s first define these terms first.

What is measure?
Measure for me is all about an amount or
Okay, measure is a standard unit used to degree of something.
express the size, amount, or degree of

Okay. How about position?

Position for me sir is all about taking an action
A position class it is all about arranging a of where you belong. It gives us direction.
particular position that he/she belong.

For instance, what is your position among

the siblings in your family? 4th sir.

Now let’s talk about quartile.

No idea sir.
What is quartile? Who has an idea?

From the word “quart” we have 4, division

by 4. Like in our quarterly examination, it is rd th
divided into 4 quarters, 1st quarter, 2nd 3 quarter and 4 quarter

Now let’s discuss about the quartile. Quartile – the score points which divide a
Please read the definition for quartile. distribution into four equal parts.
25% 50% 75% 100%

Q1 Q2 Q3
Lower Quartile Middle Quartile Upper Quartile

We have 3 quartiles, the lower quartile Q1,

middle quartile or median Q2, and the
upper quartile Q3.

The difference between Q3 and Q1 the

interquartile range.

25% of the data has value ≤ Q1.

50% of the data has a value ≤ Q2
75% of the data has a value of ≤ Q3.

We have the formula for getting quartiles.


Where n is the total number of items in the


If the Q1 is decimal, round off to the
nearest integer.
If the Q3 is decimal, round down to the
nearest integer.

Let’s have an example:

The scores of 7 students in a Mathematics

seatwork are: 7, 4, 3, 6, 7, 4, 8. Find Q1,
Q2, and Q3.

1st step is arranging the data into

ascending order: 3, 4, 4, 6, 7, 7, 8

2nd step is to find Q1. Use the formula

So, we have the 2nd position as the lower

quartile. Q1 is 4.

3rd step is to find Q2. Use the formula

And the 4th position is the middle quartile. Q2

is 6.

4th step is to find Q3. Use the formula

And lastly, the upper quartile is the 6th

position. Q3 is 7.
3 4 4 6 7 7 8

Q1 Q2 Q3
Lower Quartile Middle Quartile Upper Quartile

And now it’s your turn. Find Q1, Q2, and Q3.

Find Q1, Q2, and Q3 for the data set 10, 2, 1st step: 2, 8, 9, 10, 15, 17, 23, 25, 28, 30.
9, 15, 23, 30, 8, 17, 25, 28
2nd step:

The value of Q1 is 9.

3rd step:

The value of Q2 is 16.

4th step:

The value of Q3 is 25.

2 8 9 10 15 17 23 25 28 30

Lower Quartile Middle Quartile Upper Quartile

Is the answer correct? Yes or No? No sir.

Where is the error for the solution? In getting the value of the middle quartile. He
did not round off the number.
No, the solution is correct. Why?

Remember that we round off the lower
quartile if the answer is decimal and round
down the values of upper quartile if the
answer is also decimal.

The answer is correct! Any questions? None sir.

Clarifications? Violent reactions?

D. Abstraction

As a recap, our lesson this morning is all Measures of positions on quartiles.


It is really important for us to know or to

study the measure of position for to be
guided at all time. For us not to be
Yes sir.
Does measures of position really exist in
real life?
When we get our grades sir.
Okay! How can we apply it or where can
you find it in the real world?

How? We can use it when we get the position of our

grades like the highest score and the lowest
So, we can determine what subject we score.
need to give focus to have a higher grade.

I will give another scenario for measures of


When your 9 classmates will fall in line, we

arrange them in ascending order, from
shortest to tallest.
Q2 sir?
What is the position of the 5th person?
Yes sir.
Are you sure?
Q1 sir.
How about the 3rd person from the shortest
to tallest?
Yes sir!
Is that correct?

Very good!

Another, game in a basketball.

Me sir.
Who are basketball players here?

How many quarters does the game have? 4 quarters sir.

1st quarter, 2nd quarter, 3rd quarter and 4th

Yes, very good. A basketball is divided into
4 equal parts. what are those? quarter.

Every quarter has 10 mins. So, it is equal to
In a quarter, how many minutes does the all of the quarter in the game.
game have?
Not really sir.
Very good. So, did you understand the
concept of quartile?

Okay, I will ask questions again to make

you recall your lesson.
We have 3 positions, Lower quartile, middle
What the positions of the quartile? quartile and, upper quartile.

It is the median?
In other words, what do you call the middle
Median sir.
Is that a question or an answer?

Very good.

E. Application

Using the same group, I want you to

choose one representative each group to
pick one envelop from me. Each envelop
has a task to do.

Inside these envelopes there are problems

for you to solve, and also it has a way on
how you present your work in front. Like
dancing, singing and others.
No sir

Okay, in other words you present your

work in a creative way given in the Okay sir

You have 2-3 mins. to present your work,

and will be graded according to this criteria

Content 20%
Creativity 10%
Presentation 15%
Cooperation 5%
Total 50%

Now, you start discussing with your


You will present by:

1. RAP

(First group problem)

You are going to know what is the

quartiles of the scores in your mathematics Q1 is 5, Q2 is 7, and Q3 is 8.
class of your 5 friends including yours. The
scores are 3, 5, 6, 8, 8, 10. Find the Q1, Q2,
and Q3.
(After the presentation)

Let’s give the group a DAB Clap

(Second group problem)

You have a big problem in your Q1 is 9, Q2 is 12, and Q3 is 15.
assignment about getting the quartiles of
given distribution. Now, find a way that you
can get the values of the quartiles of the
ages of malnourished children in JNHS.
7, 9, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 15, 16, 16
(After the presentation)

Let’s give the group a Firecracker clap.

(Third group problem)

You want to know how to easily solve a
problem on quartile. So, you invite a Q1 is 5, Q2 is 7, and Q3 is 9
celebrity to give you tips on how to solve
quartiles given a sample problem. Find the
quartiles of the scores of 7 students in
mathematics remedial class
5, 5, 6, 7, 8 ,9, 10
(After the presentation)

Let’s give them an Aleng Dionisia Clap

(Fourth group problem)

You are in a Broadway and you are
going to have a conversation on how did
you solve for quartiles. Explain to the Q1 is 20, Q2 is 25, and Q3 is 45.
audience how did you solve the problem.
Get the quartiles for the numbers won
by a famous basketball team in the year
2000 to the year 2005 are
20, 20, 25, 45, 50
(After the presentation)

Let’s give this group an Indian Clap

Let’s give a clap for everyone for a job well

done. We feel excited because we didn’t know what
to do but we make it.
What did you feel in the activity?
We learn that we can also have various
presentation of our solutions in math.
What do you learn with the activity?

That’s right! In math, we can have

presentations not just solving and
answering seat works

I will give you your scores in your
presentations. For group 1, your score is
___. For group 2, your score is ____. 3rd
group, your score ____. And last but not
the least, 4th group, your score is ___.

Let’s give a big round of applause for


IV. Assessment
Get ½ lengthwise and answer these following questions

1. Find the lower quartile and upper quartile of the data. The number of days taken
by each of 11 employees to finish a job were
32 39 27 23 42 35 42 29 46 37 42.


23 27 29 32 35 39 42 42 46

2. Find the quartiles of the problem. A group of students of JNHS obtained the
following scores in their Statistics quiz:
8 5 4 5 7 3 6


1 2 3 4 5 6 8

V. Assignment

Research and study in advance about Measures of Positions on Deciles.


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