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An Undergraduate Thesis presented to the

Faculty of Senior High School Department
Mabini Colleges Inc, Daet, Camarines Norte

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the subject
Inquiry, Investigation and Immersion


April 2022


IN DAET, CAMARINES NORTE” prepared and submitted by MARIEL E.
HERICO in partial fulfillment of the requirements of Practical Research has been
examined and is recommended for the acceptance and approval for Final Oral



Research Committee




Secretary Co-Chairman



Principal, High School Department

Result of the Oral Examination for MARIEL E. VILLALUNA, JOHANNA M.
FRANCISCA B. NUEVA, and MICHAEL HERICO Senior High School Students.
Thesis: Level of Resiliency of Market Vendors in Daet, Camarines Norte

Venue: Mabini Colleges, Inc.

High School Department
Daet, Camarines Norte

Date: April, 2019


NUEVA, and MICHAEL HERICO passed the oral examination.


HAROLD B. ABASOLO, MBA (Chairman) __________________
GAIL D. ABASOLO, MBA (Secretary) __________________
ENGR. ARIEL R. PAPARES (Member) __________________


Principal, High School Department


This is to certify that the suggestions given by the Panel of Examinees in
connection with the Oral Examination of MARIEL E. VILLALUNA, JOHANNA M.
FRANCISCA B. NUEVA, and MICHAEL HERICO, in defense of the thesis entitled
“Level of Resiliency of Market Vendors in Daet, Camarines Norte” were compiled


Secretary, Oral Examination Panel

This is to certify that the thesis of MARIEL E. VILLALUNA, JOHANNA M.

FRANCISCA B. NUEVA, and MICHAEL HERICO, entitled “Level of Resiliency of
Market Vendors in Daet, Camarines Norte” was edited by the undersigned.

Thesis Editor

This thesis entitled “Level of Resiliency of Market Vendors in Daet,

Camarines Norte” submitted to the High School Library, is open for inspection, and is
to be used with due regard to the rights of the authors. The authors grant the privilege of
loan or photocopy to accredited borrowers provided proper credit is given in subsequent
written or published work.
Permission for extensive copying of this work for Scholarly purposes may be
granted by the Principal of the High School Department. It is understood that any
copying or publication of this paper for financial gain shall not be allowed without
written permission.



Principal, High School Department
First of all, we would like to give thanks to our Heavenly Father, as He

continuously guide and give us strength and knowledge to finish this research.

To Ma’am Gail D. Abasolo, our research adviser, for the unwavering

support and direction both before we began this research and when we were

putting together each chapter and section of this report. Thank you for constantly

encouraging us to do our best in order to make this work.

To Mr. Harold D. Abosolo and Mr. Ariel R. Papares for believing and

supporting our research study and giving advices when they see some problems

that is needed to be improve and correct.

To our classmates who have been our supporting system from the very

beginning of this study.

To our friends, who are always there to support and for encouraging us to

always move forward.

To the panelists who gave us patience, motivation, enthusiasm and immense

knowledge in making this research study. The guidance they bestow upon us is

really helpful and important.

Finally, we would like to express our gratitude to our parents and relatives

who gave their motivational, financial and moral support. Without their help, this

all will not be possible.

This project is dedicated to entering Senior High School students who aspire to be

accountants one day. We truly want them to understand that selecting the correct strand

has a significant impact on their ability to understand the fundamentals of the courses

they choose to pursue, particularly in the Bachelor of Science in Accountancy.



Unpublished Thesis
High School Department
Mabini Colleges Incorporated
Daet, Camarines Norte
April, 2020

This study determines the Level of Resiliency of Market Vendors in Daet,

Camarines Norte. It answered the following questions: (1) What is the profile of
respondents in terms of; Capitalization, Educational Attainment, and length of operation.
(2) What is the level of resiliency of market vendors towards challenges along the aspects
of; physical, mental, emotional, social and financial. (3) Is there significance relationship
between the level of resiliency of market vendors based on profile. (4) What
recommendations can be suggested to improve the resiliency of the market vendors.
This study used purposive, convenience and quota sampling technique with the
use of frequency count, percentage, weighted mean and one-way anova to analyze and
interpret the results. Moreover, a survey questionnaire was used to gather the data.
The investigation shows that the profile of respondent in terms of capitalization is
that, majority of the market vendors has a small capitalization because they started with a
little amount and they just grew it. They all studied but most of them are high school
graduates. Almost all of them are just starting out in business and others have been
around for a long time.
The result of the study showed that the level of resiliency of the market vendors in
terms of physical, “I usually finish my work task adequately and on scheduled” is higher
than “I am healthy and fit most of the time since I run my business” and “I have a lot of
stamina almost every day since I run my business”. While in mental, “I am always clear
what to do regardless of the business problems I have” is higher than “I don’t let myself
neglect the daily running of business even though I’m preoccupied with many problems”.
In emotional, “I feel intrinsically rewarded when I can solve a business problem” is
greater than compared to “I am not affected when my customers express their feeling of
his/her satisfaction”. In social, “I accept my client(s) comments to improve my products”
is higher than “I keep giving assistance or encouragement to deeper social support to my
staff(s) when resolving conflict”. And lastly in financial, “the financial risk of my
business are still within my control” and “I feel that I can keep up with the current needs
of my business to expand” is greater than compared to “I accept that there is a cost to any
decisions that I take in my business activities.” The result in the level of resiliency of
market vendors in terms of physical has a verbal interpretation of strongly agree with
4.33 while in mental has a verbal interpretation of strongly agree with 4.41, in emotional
has a verbal interpretation of agree with a weighted mean of 4.16, in social it has a verbal
interpretation of strongly agree with a weighted mean of 4.21, and in financial it has a
verbal interpretation of agree with 4.04 of weighted mean. Moreover in order to give
solutions and information about the level of resiliency, the researchers decided to make a
research output that will help the market vendors to boost their level of resiliency in
terms of physical, mental, emotional, social and financial.
The study shows the importance of having the level of resiliency in terms of
physical, mental, emotional, social and financial to become successful and strong vendor.
Finally, the study advises future researchers to gain a better understanding of the issue
they wish to explore so that they can determine what information and data they should
collect and use in their research. Have patience and tenacity when conducting the
research, and hope that the results will
be valuable to future researcher as well.

COVER PAGE …………………………………………. i
TITLE PAGE …………………………………………. ii
APPROVAL SHEET ………………………………………….. iv
AUTHORIZATION PAGE …………………………………….. vii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT …………………………………… viii
DEDICATION ……………………………………… ix
ABSTRACT ………………………………………. x
TABLE OF CONTENTS ………………………………………. xiii
LIST OF TABLES ……………………………………….. xv
LIST OF FIGURES ……………………………………….. xvi
Introduction ………………………………………….. 1
Statement of the Problem ………………………………………….. 3
Hypothesis ………………………………………….. 4
Scope and Limitation ………………………………………….. 4
Significance of the Study ………………………………………….. 5
Definition of Terms ………………………………………….. 6
Notes ………………………………………….. 8
Related Literature ………………………………………….. 9
Related Studies ………………………………………….. 18
Synthesis of the State-of-the-Art ..…………………………………….. 25
Gap Bridged by the Study ………………………………………….. 27
Theoretical Framework ………………………………………….. 27
Conceptual Framework ………………………………………….. 32
Notes ………………………………………….. 34
Research Design ………………………………………….. 37
Source of Data ………………………………………….. 37
Respondents of the Study ………………………………………….. 38
Sampling Design ………………………………………….. 38
Research Instrument ……………………………………….. 39
Data Gathering Procedure ………………………………………….. 39
Statistical Tool ………………………………………….. 39
Notes ………………………………………….. 42
Results and Discussions ………………………………………….. 43
Output ………………………………………….. 65
Notes ………………………………………….. 74
Summary ………………………………………….. 72
Findings ………………………………………….. 73
Conclusions ………………………………………….. 73
Recommendations ………………………………………….. 75
APPENDICES ………………………………………….. 77
CURRICULUM VITAE ………………………………………….. 92
Titles Pages
Table 1. Capitalization ……………. ………………. 43
Table 2. Educational Attainment ……………. ………………. 44
Table 3. Length of Operation ……………. ………………. 45
Level of Resiliency
Table 4. Physical Resiliency ……………. ………………. 47
Level of Resiliency
Table 5. Mental Resiliency ……………. ………………. 48
Level of Resiliency
Table 6. Emotional Resiliency ……………. ………………. 50
Level of Resiliency
Table 7. Social Resiliency ……………. ………………. 52
Level of Resiliency
Table 8. Financial Resiliency ……………. ………………. 54
Inferential Analysis
Table 9. Capitalization ……………. ………………. 56
Inferential Analysis
Table 10. Educational Attainment ……………. ………………. 58
Inferential Analysis
Table 11. Length of Operation ……………. ………………. 60
Significant Relationship
Table 12. Capitalization ……………. ………………. 62
Significant Relationship
Table 13. Educational Attainment ……………. ………………. 63

Significant Relationship
Table 14. Length of Operation ……………. ………………. 64
Figure 1. Theoretical Paradigm ……………………………………. 31
Figure 2. Conceptual Paradigm ……………………………………. 33
Figure 3. Proposed Output ……………………………………. 67
Level of Resiliency of Market Vendors in Daet Camarines Norte

An undergraduate research paper presented to the

Faculty of Mabini, Colleges Inc.

High School Department

In partial fulfillments of the requirements for the

Subject Practical Research 2


EFONDO, Alyzza Khim R.

IBANA, Pauline Dane G.

HERICO, Michael


NUEVA, Francisca B.

October 2021

The Problem


The world is facing different challenges where everything is affected including

the health, economy and most especially the businesses. There are many circumstances,

like economic issues, natural disasters, personal problems, finance and more. And market

vendors are one among the foremost affected entrepreneurs because all of those said

scenarios can affect them. Despite those challenges entrepreneurs have different skills,

strategies and traits that they were implementing to stay in business despite many

challenges. Market could be a public place where consumers buy their basic needs which

are essential to each individual. Resiliency of the market vendors is the start line to

become a successful entrepreneur and serve the general public consumers perfectly.

Those that work for and in an exceedingly small business are confronting numerous

challenges but by having a positive attitude, they will survive and prosper within the

crisis. This implies they have to bear in mind the conflicts and dilemmas faced by atiny

low business by utilizing an entrepreneurial mindset (Ratten 2021). Entrepreneurs face

plenty of challenges and circumstances that are unusual to come back to, although every

problem encompasses a big impact on the tiny and medium enterprises. The Philippines

are one of the foremost prone countries when it involves natural disasters among the

opposite countries. And these market vendors don't expect to face these varieties of

challenges. Entrepreneurs make decisions about strategies to survive that determine

whether or not they are resilient to plug challenges (Moreno,2021). Market vendors earn

their income publically, and as of this date public markets are now available again. so as

to get goods within the advertisement still includes a lot of safety policies that ought to be

followed for the sake of everyone. Garett and Zettel (2021) stated that the practices that

entrepreneurs use to develop and deploy their capacities so as to adapt and answer

adversity experienced in their capacity as entrepreneurs are included in entrepreneurial

resilience. Entrepreneurial resilience is defined as a collection of psychological and

behavioral capacities or dispositions that allow an entrepreneur to beat hardship,

consistent with the concept of entrepreneurial resilience. In the study of managerial

competencies, competencies are to judge in terms of actual doings within the working

area and typically clarify with regards to primary characteristics like traits, knowledge,

skills and attitudes of the independent manager. A pleasant competency or good

managerial work define a successful business. Also resiliency is included within the

characteristics of a successful entrepreneur. Entrepreneurial resilience is defined because

the processes an entrepreneur utilizes to develop and deploy capabilities so as to adapt

and answer adversity encountered within the entrepreneurial role (Williams, Gruber,

Sutcliffe, Shepherd, & Zhao, 2017). Therefore, the studies about managerial

competencies and entrepreneurial competencies became more important. It's done to

create their businesses successfully. And nowadays, managerial competencies used isn't

the standard one, but it's exceptional, realistic and more creative to aim the entrepreneurs

goal. The markets are located publically places where the bulk of citizens buy their

everyday needs. This study provides the connection of the entrepreneurial skills and

resiliency of the market vendors that they were implementing that kept their businesses.

As of now businesses are setting out to rise again due to the vaccination program of our

government, and market vendors are included within the Philippines vaccine priority list.

Dealing within the market is now extra challenging, therefore it's up to the aptitude and

therefore the strategy of an entrepreneur. There's a difference between entrepreneurs

versus successful entrepreneurs. The difference between success and failure often comes

all the way down to who’s willing to stay; it gets into the neatest way, and that’s not

necessarily associated with talent, skill or education (Cristensen, D. 2018). Our research

aims to handle the link of the entrepreneurial competencies and therefore the resiliency of

market vendors in Daet, Camarines Norte.

Statement of the problem

This study aims to determine the Level of Resiliency of Market in Vendors in

Daet, Camarines Norte.

Specifically, it will seek answers to the following questions:

1. What is the profile of respondents in terms of:

a. Capitalization;

b. Educational Attainment; and

c. Length of operation?

2. What is the level of resiliency of the market vendors towards challenges along the

aspects of:

a. Physical;

b. Mental;

c. Emotional;

d. Social; and

e. Financial

3. Is there a significant relationship between the level of resiliency of market

vendors based on profile?

4. What recommendations can be suggested to improve the resiliency of the market



There is no significant relationship between the level of resiliency of market

vendors based on profile.

Scope and Delimitations

The study focused in Level of resiliency of Market Vendors towards various

challenges in Daet Camarines Norte. The process continues until at least 30 respondents

are willing to participate in this survey. 15 males and 15 female of the respondents must

have at least 3 years in being Market Vendor in Daet Camarines Norte. The scope of the

respondents in level of Resiliency required the following aspects: Physical, Emotional

and Mental towards different challenges. This study will be conducted on Daet Public

Market. This study aims to include participants with the criteria of selling dry goods only.

There is no age bracket in this research because they did not conduct an age limit to be a

market vendor.

Significance of the Study

The result of this study will benefit those who are involved in this research and

those who are affected by the problem that will be measured as the study continues. The

information that the study shall give will be advantageous for the market vendors,

consumers and other people related to the study.

Market Vendors. The result of this study will help the market vendors to know

the essential entrepreneurial competencies perceived by them in times of pandemic.

Customers. This study will guide the consumers to understand how market

vendors work during a pandemic and guide those consumers who are also considering

market vendors as their source of income.

Policy Makers. This study will help them to make rules and policies that can

improve entrepreneurship at Daet, Camarines Norte. This study can also help them to

identify the problems and dilemmas of every small entrepreneurs and/or market vendors

of Daet.

Local Government Unit of Daet. This study will help them to open more

opportunities to local entrepreneurship and to expand local businesses that may help the

Department of Tourism.

Aspiring Entrepreneurs. This study will guide and benefit those aspiring

entrepreneurs as their future reference in starting business.

Researchers, themselves. This study will benefit the researchers as an updated

source and/or reference of information.

To Future Researchers. This study can be used as guide and reference in their

future study and they can also get an idea for their topic like “Effectiveness of

entrepreneurial competencies as perceived by market vendors in times of pandemic".

Definition of terms

To help us understand the study better, the researchers used the following

conceptually defined terms to express the meanings simply and emphasized the specific

words used in this study.

Educational attainment. Is a phrase used by statisticians to describe an

individual's greatest level of education, as defined by the US Census Bureau Glossary.

Emotional Resiliency. Resiliency is the ability to bounce back from a variety of

challenges–trauma, tragedy, personal crises, and everyday life problems–stronger, wiser,

and more personally powerful.

Financial. Banking, advantage or debt, credit, capital markets, money, and

investments are all examples of finance operations. Finance, in essence, refers to money

management and the process of obtaining necessary funds. The oversight, development,

and study of money, banking, credit, investments, assets, and obligations that make up

financial systems are also included in finance.

Market Vendors. An individual or association in a market that sells goods or

services to someone else in the economic production chain.

Mental Resiliency. Is described as a person's ability to successfully adapt to life

tasks despite social disadvantage or extremely difficult circumstances. Adversity and

stress can manifest itself in a variety of ways, including family or relationship issues,

health issues, and professional or financial concerns, among others.

Physical Resiliency. Our body's ability to adapt to numerous changes and

demands while preserving stamina and strength is referred to as physical resilience. It's

considerably more than that; it's also our ability to grow or excel in the face of adversity.

In other words, the saying "no pain, no gain" holds some reality – we emerge from those

very trying moments a little bit better for it.

Resiliency. Resiliency is the ability to bounce back from a variety of challenges–

trauma, tragedy, personal crises, and everyday life problems–stronger, wiser, and more

personally powerful.

Social Resiliency. The ability of social entities to accept, absorb, cope with, and

adjust to varied environmental and social stressors is referred to as social resilience.

Ratten, Vanessa. (2021). COVID-19 and Entrepreneurship Challenges and Opportunities for
small bussiness. Routledge Company. Retrieve from. November 24, 2021.
Garett, R., Zettel, L. (2021). Entrepreneurial Resilience. RetrievefromJanuary3, 2022.

Whatls. (2015) Vendors. Retrieve October 26, 2021, from

Moreno, Donn Enrique. (2021). The Impact of Entrepreneurial Characteristics on the Business
Resiliency of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in the Philippines. IJMSSSR.
Retrieve from. December 14, 2021. https://www.ijmsssr.org/paper/IJMSSSR00425.pdf
Williams, T. A., Gruber, D. A., Sutcliffe, K. M., Shepherd, D. A., & Zhao, E. Y. (2017).
Organizational response to adversity: Fusing crisis management and resilience research.
Academy of Management Annals, 11(2), 733–769. Retrieve from. December 14, 202.
Scott, E. (2020). Why Emotional Resilience Is a Trait You Can Develop. What Is Emotional
Resilience?. Retrieve from. December 15, 2021.
Hinwood, J. (2017). What is Mental Resilience? Retrieve from. December 14, 2021.
Hurley, K. (2020). What Is Resilience? Your Guide to Facing Life’s Challenges, Adversities,
and Crises. Retrieve from. December 14, 2020.
Handerson, N. (2012). What is Resiliency and Why is it So Important? Retrieve from.
December, 14, 2021. https://www.resiliency.com/what-is-resiliency/
Sakdapolrak, P. (2018). What is Social Resilience? Retrieve from. December 14, 2021.
Wikipedia contributors. (2021, July 4). Educational attainment. Wikipedia. Retrieved from.
January 9, 2022. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Educational_attainment
What Is Finance? (2021, April 2). Investopedia. Retrieved from. January 9, 2022.

Chapter 2


This chapter provides an overview of the previous study and literature about:

Resiliency, Social Resilience, Emotional Resilience, Mental Resilience, Market vendors,

Small Businesses, skills, and impact of natural disasters to market vendors. These

discussions support the research and introduce the things that comprise the main focus of

the research described in this study to determine the best outcome and conclusions of the

current research.

Related literature

In the article of psychology and education (2021) a successful entrepreneur must

be endowed with sets of skills, attributes and competencies that transcend the commercial

component of owning and managing a business. To keep up with the Department of

Trade and Industry (DTI), one among the most challenging today is the dearth of

competent owners/managers. The way or behavior of an entrepreneur really reflects its

business. the premise explanation for these failures is entrepreneurial incompetence and

lack of experience, since all of the other factors essentially result from the two. A variety

of the controversial causes of failures related to the two general factors are: lack of

strategic management, poor financial control, lack of control, mismanagement,

inappropriate action, the others (PEA 2021). Competencies are viewed from two

perspectives. The first is that competencies are the behaviors that a non-public

demonstrates; and second, competencies are considered because of the minimum

standards of performance (Strebler, 2009). Another important component of the

managerial behavior competencies is the leadership qualities of the owner/manager of the

venture. Effective entrepreneurial leaders care about their organizations and their people.

This could result in a positive impact to a business.

The concept of “resilience” refers to the positive ability of individuals to beat

difficulties and accommodate changes encountered in their life, including their vocation.

This can be often defined because of the positive characteristics or traits of a private from

its previous experience or overcome different challenges and adapt to new changes. This

may be also said in numerous fields like engineering, environmental studies, sociology,

psychology and economy. Resilience is taken into consideration as a revolutionary

process that encompasses adaptive adjustments and dynamic processes. Aging, being a

lady and fear of failure is an example of personal characteristics or traits that lessen the

likelihood of becoming an entrepreneur, while the extent of data and skill contains a

positive impact on businesses. Zamfir, Mocanu, Grigoriscu (2018) claimed that resilient

enterprises are people who survive, adapt and grow in times of change and adverse

conditions. Entrepreneurial resilience has been demonstrated to be strongly influenced by

self-confidence in concern skills, network membership, and also the event of

entrepreneurial plans.

Resilience in business could also be appealing because it allows businesses to

position sustainability into perspective: business could be a contributing member of a

much bigger social ecological system on which their existence depends and their

activities have an impact – resilience allows the two-way relationship to be explored.

Because it allows businesses to position sustainability into perspective, resilience allows

them to explore the two-way relationship between business and society. Business isn't a

self-contained system, but rather a contributing member to the larger social ecological

system on which their existence relies and their activities have an impression. It helps

organizations to position risk into perspective so that they will adapt and predict danger:

all risks are systematic in nature coming from linked vulnerabilities that lay between

interactions and feedback of social and ecological factors of the system. The mixture of

risk management and decision-making for sustainable development within the framework

of a social ecological system's boundaries and thresholds enables organizations to form

actual value by integrating risk management and decision-making for environmental

sustainability (Haywood& Van der Watt, 2016).

An enormous number of informal workers lose 60% of their worldwide income

due to the pandemic (SET). A multistage probability sampling method was accustomed

to conduct a questionnaire survey. among local vendors in Malaysia, and so the findings

demonstrated that place attachment had a substantial effect on positive perception but not

on negative opinion of international tourist welcome. The findings show that

respondents’ positive perceptions of international tourists significantly and positively

mediate the link between area connectivity, economic benefits, and participation in

tourist reception. Moreover, the research concluded that vendors still have a positive

attitude towards receiving international tourists thanks to the economic benefit and their

attachment to the planet and levels of participation when times are hard.

The goal of this research is to see if a widely recognized conceptualization of

person level resilience can be used to predict entrepreneurial success, thus providing the

world with an operationalization of entrepreneur resilience. Entrepreneurs, scholars,

journalists, and bloggers are pointing to the relevance of resilience in entrepreneurship as

a fundamental phenomenon (Suster, 2009, Featherstone, 2009, Hedner et al., 2011,

Francis, 2014, Jozefak, 2011). However, because resilience has various definitions in

literatures as disparate as mechanics, scientific techniques, psychology, manufacturing,

social research, global natural action, and sustainability science, some have questioned its

status as a classy buzzword (Alexander, 2013). Entrepreneurial resilience is defined as a

phenomenon related with several facets of entrepreneurship, most typically the

individual, the business, and so the team (Hayward et al., 2010, Hedner et al., 2011,

Hmieleski and Carr, 2008). This multiplicity of conceptualizations mirrors that of other

domains and presents a challenge to the sphere in measuring, understanding and thus

enhancing entrepreneurial resilience for the advantage of the community.

In addition, as a pillar of a country’s economy, entrepreneurship improves

people’s quality of life. The study used a descriptive research methodology to guage the

entrepreneurial capabilities and readiness of extension and community service recipients

of a state university’s training on transferred technology in Negros Occidental,

Philippines. Data was collected from randomly selected respondents employing a

questionnaire created by the researcher. The results revealed intermediate entrepreneurial

competencies and good entrepreneurial preparedness when using the mean. Similarly,

when respondents were categorized by educational attainment and entrepreneurial

training, Kruskal Wallis results revealed substantial disparities in competency and

readiness. Furthermore, using Spearman rho, a substantial association between

entrepreneurial competencies and readiness was discovered. per the findings, an

individual’s economic advancement is extremely important.

The literature regarding entrepreneurship suggests that the resilience of

entrepreneurs may help to elucidate entrepreneurial success. During this article, they

conduct a test whether a connection exists between resilience dimensions and also the

success of established entrepreneurs within the Spanish tourism sector, and whether any

gender-specific differences exist. The subjects' resilience was assessed five years before

the follow-up data was gathered. The key to considering predicting the success of the

entrepreneur is resourcefulness. This might be said about both men and girls. However,

the power to predict entrepreneurial success of those who have hardiness and optimism is

different for men and ladies. The influence of optimism on the success of their businesses

is larger for girls than for men (Ayala and Manzano, 2016).

The first stage was to define the term "resilience" because it applied to

entrepreneurship. On reviews of the literature, the author discovered that there have been

no particular terms like, apart from the term 'business resilience,' which was new at the

time, there was no such thing as entrepreneurial resilience. Measured in terms of a

'business organization's performance,' like sales volume revenue and earnings the term

'emotional resilience' decided to be unsuitable to be used. Because it's a widely used

phrase within the field of psychology, and since it focuses on just one dimension is

employed. The term 'business resilience' was also not appropriate. Because it focuses on

the organization instead of those who work there. 'Social' may be a term wont to describe

a bunch of individuals.' Resilience' was also ruled out because it is a phrase used

frequently in sociology. The survival of a community within a population mentioned as

anthropology (Buang, 2016).

The existing literature on the nexus of resilience and entrepreneurship is

examined during this paper. Resilience within the face of failure as an entrepreneur, and

resilience as a recovery and transformation process. In step with the review, these

publications didn't adequately define constructs and only used a little number of them in

both entrepreneurship and stability; there are an oversized number of living scholars.

Originality/value this work integrates ideas about resilience and entrepreneurship to boost

future contributions (Korber, McNaughton (2018)). As a result, it serves should take a

more holistic approach to entrepreneurship and resilience, particularly within the context

of socio-ecological sustainability, by observing it from a multi-level and longitudinal a

spread of educational disciplines to point out how combining research from different

sectors might as a jumping off point for more complex debates about the connections

between various dialogues and therefore the role that entrepreneurs may play in

furthering a positive, long-term route in an exceedingly socio ecological system.

The study purpose is to empirically demonstrate a theoretically grounded strategy

for deciphering the underlying familial relational processes that contribute to resiliency

that sustains an entrepreneurial culture through generations, the study will try and

Sustainable closed corporation and Contextual group therapy ideas are used within the

research. a group of shared values, beliefs, norms, standards, and opinions held

collectively within a business is understood as an entrepreneurial culture (Fletcher,

Melin, & Gimeno, 2012; Zahra, Hayton, & Salvato, 2004). Within the short term and

over time through generations, a company's culture determines its willingness to support

and sustain entrepreneurship (Habbershon, Nordquist & Zellweger, 2010). Family

businesses, on the opposite hand, may grow less entrepreneurial with time (Jaskiewicz,

Combs, & Rau, 2015). As a result, a greater knowledge of how entrepreneurship is

promoted in family businesses is critical, yet research on entrepreneurship-fostering

processes is lacking within the literature.

According to Olawale Fatoki (2018), the term resilience doesn't have one

universally accepted definition and therefore the complexity of defining the construct of

resilience is broadly recognized. He added that several authors have defined resilience in

numerous ways. And for him, the word resilience originated from the Latin verb

“resilire”, or “to leap back”. He also defined that the tiny and medium enterprises

(SMES) have a significant role to play in a country's sustainable development. In African

nations they suffer from high unemployment, at a rate of 26.7%. The business

environment in African countries is extremely unstable and challenging, and plenty of

SMEs operate during a hostile instead of a benign environment. So it's vital to grasp how

entrepreneurs survive during uncertainty and what drives entrepreneurship during

challenging times. Entrepreneurial resilience, which might be described because the

ability to face up to and quickly overcome adversity, is a vital personal characteristic

within the pursuit of entrepreneurship and it could also be one in all the drivers of

entrepreneurial success.

In tough work circumstances, those that are more resilient have the next chance of

succeeding, all outcomes suffer from high-stress work situations (high demand, low

influence, and poor support). All outcomes are protected by resilience. Under low-stress

situations, stronger resilience incorporates a better protective impact for stress, burnout,

and sleep. When there's plenty of pressure on the task, resilience is more practical in

preventing depression, absenteeism, and productivity. The flexibility to use positive

mental skills to stay psychologically stable and focused when faced with challenges or

adversity in any business contributes significantly to how workers cope with stress and

perform at work. Employers are developing resilience to realize a competitive advantage,

just like how the military trains active duty soldiers (Shatté, 2017).

Recent research, on the other hand, has looked at how resilience affects how

people respond to more frequent life situations including illness and work stress.

Resilience is broadly defined as the ability to "bounce back" from adversity, and there is

evidence that it can be learned and developed, including emotional regulation, impulse

control, causal analysis, self-efficacy, and realistic optimism. In this framework,

resilience encompasses a set of acquired skills that reduce stress and speed up productive

responses when setbacks occur. These are essential considerations since working in a

stressful setting is a known serious health risk, there is some evidence that the significant

negative relationship between workplace stress and job satisfaction is moderated by

resilience. This shows that workers' acquired capacity to be resilient may have a

protective impact in stressful work environments. A deeper knowledge of how resilience

scores relate to crucial health and work outcomes, such as job satisfaction, intent to quit,

absenteeism and self-reported job performance is required by businesses in general.

Individual resilience must also be distinguished from aspects of the workplace, such as

social support, job expectations, and individual discretion. The purpose of this cross-

sectional study is to see if having more resilience reduces the harmful consequences of

stressful work situations.

According to Shen Lamson Lin 2018, This paper refers to the resilience strategies

of vendors in a changing regulatory policy environment from a strength -based and

entrepreneurial perspective. Vendors advocate subtle strategies centered on objective

resourcefulness and rigidity, and state here that traders are implementing and building

resilience in response to particularly challenging contexts including poverty, cost

inflation. In operation, I do not expect losses, market uncertainty, moreover the research

implications despite its limited generality, the result sheds light on crystallization of the

stability of vendors and informs the service and policy remedies.

The business today is dominated by small and medium enterprises which consist

more than ninety (90%) percent of the total number of establishments. These enterprises

play a very important role and critical role in the economic and social development of the

country. (SERDEF, 2007). It is imperative that attention must be given to the owners and

managers of these enterprises for them to be better equipped in facing the challenges of

this fast growing competitive business arena. It is important that entrepreneurs should

understand the principles and processes involved in managing a venture successfully. A

successful entrepreneur needs to be endowed with sets of skills, attributes and

competencies that go beyond the commercial component of owning and managing a

business. It is these attributes, this way of thinking and behaving, that needs to be

developed among the owners and managers of entrepreneurial ventures if they aim to

thrive in this type of endeavor.

According to Hendrik Bressembinder, Allen Carrion, Laura Tuttle and Kumar

Venkataraman 2016, In analyzing the economics of strategic trading, it is shown that the

profit maximization strategy for researchers of a monopolistic trader who knows a

pending liquidation is to sell in the easy word, the trader’s strategy is essentially forced to

capture everything of the balance portion of the arrangement. However, strategic traders

have an impact on the liquidation price of the trade. In addition, it has been shown that

resiliency in many strategic traders is beneficial compared to the situation when there is

no trading resiliency.

Related Studies

According to Bernard and Barbosa (2016), they focused on the significant life

circumstances that cause trauma and occur prior to the decision to start an entrepreneurial

project that created a resilience dynamic. It is obvious that not all entrepreneurs are

resilient, and that being an entrepreneur does not require going through a resilience

process or having suffered a traumatic incident. Resilience mentors provide the emotional

support needed to develop a social network; dedication to action allows for learning

experiences and connections; interim triumphs and self-esteem work provide the

legitimacy and self-confidence needed to become an entrepreneur later on. Their research

shows that the resilience dynamic might play a multifaceted function at the crossroads of

causal factors that contribute to entrepreneurism. It is a type of emotional and cognitive

capacity that is beneficial to entrepreneurs, especially when it comes to rebounding from

failures related to their entrepreneurial venture. Accordingly, resilience is valued when

faced with challenges rather than as a dynamic driving force strong enough to serve as a

catalyst for initiating the entrepreneurial process.

Starting with an examination of the term "resiliency" in various meanings, this

study examines the potential of businesses to be resilient. The economic research on

resilience is now quite extensive. Despite this, the methodologies used by researchers to

assess robustness at the organizational level remain hazy and inconclusive. (Sabatino,

2016) This study develops a logical model to evaluate the resiliency of manufacturing

companies by analyzing qualitative data and finding certain key factors. This study

proposes a logical method for determining a company's resistance to economic shocks,

therefore encouraging a new management culture based on adaptation, flexibility, and


Based on a comprehensive evaluation of key publications among 339 articles,

books, and book chapters published between 1977 and 2014, this report examines the

evolution of and gaps in knowledge in business and management research on resilience.

A review of the records reveals that resilience research has evolved into five research

streams or lines of inquiry, each focusing on one aspect of the supply chain's

vulnerability and disruptions: (1) organizational responses to external threats, (2)

organizational reliability, (3) employee strengths, (4) business model adaptability, or (5)

design principles. Two significant conclusions emerge from an analysis of the five

streams: first, resilience has been conceived differently across studies, which means each

study has generated its own definitions, theories and knowledge of resilience. Second,

there are no insights into any possible generalizable principles for creating resilience, nor

have any parallels or distinctions across these streams been studied. Third, there are little

insights into the empirics for identifying resilience against future adversity since

resilience has been operationalized in a different way (or the absence thereof). There are

chances to integrate and expand on current knowledge, as well as areas for additional

examination of resilience in business and management studies, in this article, which

highlights growing research trends and paths for future research (Linnenluecke,2017).

Robert Wilson 2016, When resilience is lost and the individual or organization

eventually gives up, it can have at least four possible side effects. Individual resilience

features how people use positive coping skills to be more resilient and work even when

they are stressed. Individual stability, on the other hand, is not the only criterion for

organizational stability. It takes more than stable individuals in an organization to create a

stable organization.

As stated by Shah, Angeles & Harris (2017), the ability to withstand and

overcome socio-environmental stresses makes agricultural livelihoods resilient. They

evaluated multiple contextual intangible narrations of resilience, with a focus on emotive

and affective markers, based on in-depth fieldwork with rice farmers in a region of the

Philippines experiencing water-related threats. Farmers spoke of their courage in

overcoming loss and harm, as well as their optimism, faith, and hope for brighter futures

in farming and living in the futures of others. Naturalizing life’s hardships as cyclical,

strong belief in their own ability to persevere in difficulty and faith in God’s power to

protect hard-working families, these emotions define the resiliency of farmers and help

them cope through different challenges.

Adrian Micu, Angela-Eliza Micu, Alexandra Capatina, Nicoleta Cristache and

Rogdan George 2018, The ability to lessen the dangers of turbulence is referred to as

resiliency. Rearrange a company model as it is changing so that the perspective, structure,

and customer input remain the same. From the standpoint of sustainability, resilience is a

compelling paradigm for researchers and policymakers interested in learning how

corporate actors and socio-ecological systems adapt and modify their models in response

to environmental changes.

Traditional markets are one among the foremost important facilities for the

community to fulfill their daily grocery needs. Traditional markets are strictly forbidden

in an exceedingly few months due to the actual fact that it attracts crowds and might

become an area for viruses to spread. However, buying and selling activities of traditional

markets must meet the day-to-day needs of the community and still support the economic

sustainability of societies. Implementing health protocols is extremely difficult in a very

market environment. An example of the matter seen is the lack of community discipline

for laundry and sanitizing their hands in an exceedingly market environment, while hand

washing facilities are already installed in any respect entrances to the normal market.

People prefer to stock traditional markets because buying and selling are often negotiated

for cheaper prices and basic commodity freshness (Putra, Oktarini., 2021). Due to the

actual fact that markets are vulnerable to get crowded at a brief period of time, their

government thinks it is possible thanks to keeping the markets on run at the identical time

to maintain the safety of the entrepreneur and also the buyer.

Novio, (2016) stated that markets are stuffed with different vendors offering

distinct reasonably priced products that are utilized by most of the consumers in their day

to day living. Agricultural products are those primary goods which are most frequently

sought and sold by consumers in any public market. Like fish, meat, vegetable, poultry

and other products that's derived from a farm are the most sold publicly. But there is a

problem in terms of pricing of products especially when the demand and supply isn't

stable. To deal with these issues, the government approved the Department of Agriculture

(DA) Measures to mend the identified problem.

Feng, Chen, Feng, & Li, (2021) Stated that the Platform vendor pricing

promotional techniques vary with the Impact of market expansion and proportion of

price-sensitive consumers, redemption costs, commission rate charged in third-party sales

and selection of third-party sellers within the promotional campaign. If the impact of

market expansion charges a weak or the commission rate is low, the platform vendor will

pay the next regular price during the promotion. Furthermore, while the impact of market

expansion increases the dimensions of micro cases consumers, when the of market Price-

sensitive P expansion is little or moderate and also the commission rate is high, the

promotional campaign doesn't always lead to increasing demand for first-party products.

When the platform receives the third-party seller's promotional decision, the platform and

therefore the third-party seller are more likely to profit from the platform's promotional

campaign because the redemption amount decreases and the market expansion effect

increases. Finally, when the impact of market growth intensifies, after the end of

organizing the promotional decision of the third-party seller, the consequence that just

one player is more likely to occur in the promotion strategy.

The current research work examines the impact of the psychological capital of

householders and therefore the managers of budget hotels on the organizational resilience

during now. The travel and tourism business in India has been a significant contribution

to the country's economic progress. As a result, the people and also the sector's resilience

become even more important for the business's recovery from the pandemic moreover as

for the economic process. The word resilience comes from the latin word reziliere, which

suggests "to spring back." However, within the event of a calamity, the economy,

organizations, and society might not be able to return to their prior status. Additionally,

within the current context, where the calamity referred to as COVID-19 has badly

affected the complete world, the tourism sector will have a troublesome time returning to

normal. There has been no dearth of research on the health related crisis management

within the tourism industry (Hall et al., 2017; Shao et al., 2020) but most of the past

studies have focused on the impact of the epidemics on the economic revenue and flow of

tourists. However, less work has been done on how psychological capital of householders

and managers of budget hotels build resilience for the speedy recovery of their business

(Orchiston & Higham, 2016; Prayag et al., 2020). The concept of psychological capital

and organizational resilience hold special relevance for the organizations facing any quiet

changes (Prayag, 2018). With this phase of uncertainty, organizational growth and

sustainability is extremely passionate about the human capital (Luthans, 2002).

The purpose of this research is to look into self-help organizations' social

resilience and civic entrepreneurship. The goal is to figure out how entrepreneurial

activities might help promote societal resilience. Within the Kibera slum, the problem

was investigated in a very self-help group. The goal is to contribute to the conversation

on the most effective self-help organization techniques and, as a result, the major factors

that determine whether they succeed or fail in developing countries. The phrase "social

resilience" has been explored mostly at the community level in the social sciences. When

it was being applied to an organizational level, the assumption has been that an

organization has certain attributes that can contribute to the community’s resilience. An

organization's social resilience is seen in its ability to survive in a changing environment.

However, resilience, as well as other features of an organization, cannot be built without

people (Kuusikko, 2011).

This study was resilience is mainly depicted in the entrepreneurial literature as a

personality trait of entrepreneurship. Our approach is to consider it as a process and to

take a closer look at the role that resilience dynamics can play in deciding to become an

entrepreneur. We recorded the life stories of three resilient entrepreneurs and analyzed

their experiences in detail at a total of 206 key events. From this analysis, we created a

model based on trauma theory as a trigger for the resilience process and highlighted the

key factors that nourish this process. It turns out that some of these factors are precursors

to entrepreneurship. Resilience mentors provide the emotional support that individuals

need to socialize. Commitment to action enables experience and interaction that is the

source of learning. The work of intermediate victory and self-esteem brings essential

justification and self-confidence to later entrepreneurship. Finally, a search for meaning

and consistency reveals a gap between an individual's personal values and the leadership

practices of an employer's organization, thus allowing the individual to have an

entrepreneurial spirit and to launch his or her startup project. Helps shape. Therefore, our

research shows that resilience dynamics in the interface of causal factors that lead to

entrepreneurship can play a multifaceted role (Bernard, & Barbosa, 2016).

Training social entrepreneurs and innovators is becoming more common in

business schools around the world, emphasizing the importance of good educational

practices. Based on social identity theory and self-efficacy research, we provide a social

identity and self-efficacy approach to social entrepreneurship education that focuses on

helping students create identities as social entrepreneurs and gain confidence in their

potential to impact good social change. We provide four case examples to highlight the

enormous impact group social entrepreneurship projects can have on both students and

society, as well as examples of pedagogical devices and relevant content that have been

used in the classroom to promote such an approach. Many of the potential problems faced

when attempting to do so are also identified, and we offer suggestions for overcoming

them to teach social entrepreneurship and innovation in a university setting (Warner

Woodworth & Isaac Smith (2012).

Synthesis of the State-Of-The-Art

This chapter describes the major findings and some similarities from the review of

related studies that were identified with the present today. Previous studies that are

conducted have a similar aspect to the present study as it is both questioning the level of

resiliency of the market vendors towards challenges in terms of physical, mental,

emotional, social and financial.

Much of the studies claimed that every entrepreneur especially the market

vendors has a level of resiliency along the aspect of physical (Bernard & Barbosa 2016),

(Munishi, & Casmir 2019), (Orchiston & Higham, 2016; Prayag et al., 2020) (James and

Gudmundsson 2011), (Wilson, 2016), & (Micu, Micu, Capatina, Cristache, & Dragan

(2018)), mental (Bernard & Barbosa (2016) & Shah, Angeles, & Harris (2017)),

emotional (Shah, Angeles, & Harris (2017)), social (Shah, Angeles, & Harris (2017)) &

(Hernandez-Rodriguez (2017)), and financial (John Scott & Devesh Nirmul (2020)).

Most of the study shows that physical resiliency is a dedication to action allows

for learning experiences and connections; interim triumphs and self-esteem work provide

the legitimacy and self-confidence needed to become an entrepreneur later on (Bernard &

Barbosa (2016)), managed to develop reactive and less proactive capacities of coping

with inadequate capital threat mainly based on the individual, household, community

level and to a lesser degree national levels (Munishi & Casmir (2019)), however, less

work has done on how psychological capital of owners and managers of budget hotel

build resilience for the speedy recovery of their business (Orchiston & Higham, 2016;

Prayag et al., 2020) but entrepreneurs must have access to resources that allow them to

adapt to change in both their business and personal lives in order to survive (James and

Gudmundsson 2011)), individual resilience features how people use positive coping skills

to be more resilient and work even when they are stressed (Wilson, 2016) and the ability

to lessen the dangers of turbulence is referred to as resiliency (Micu, Micu, Capatina,

Cristache, & Dragan, 2018).

Some study said that mental resilience is when they focused on the significant life

circumstances that cause trauma and occur prior to the decision to start an entrepreneurial

project (Bernard & Barbosa, 2016) and naturalizing life’s hardships as cyclical, strong

belief in their own ability to persevere of difficulty and faith in God’s power to protect

hard-working families (Shah, Angeles & Harris, 2017).

Emotional resiliency is when they spoke of their courage in overcoming loss and

harm, as well as their optimism, faith, and hope for brighter futures in farming and living

in the futures of others (Shah, Angeles, & Harris, 2017).

Some study shows that social resiliency is the ability to withstand and overcome

socio- environmental stresses makes agricultural livelihoods resilient (Shah, Angeles &

Harris 2017) and developed an understanding of the intricate systems in which they

participate, and they strive for continuous adjustment and renewal (Hernandez-

Rodriguez, 2017). Financial resiliency is when they characterize the rising importance

and effect of climate change-induced risks and impacts on investment decisions across

the building investment (John Scott & Devesh Nirmul, 2020).

Gap Bridged by the Study

This study aims to determine the level of resiliency of market vendors. All these

studies are done for researchers to have an idea about the resilience of vendors. They

cannot predict the future of what will happen to their business. There is a possibility that

their business will go down or close. To fill this gap, the researcher will determine what

factors are changing for the respondent in terms of their personal entrepreneurship skills

and the level of stability of the vendors in the market towards the challenges in the

aspects of physical, mental, emotional, and social. Based on the researcher's initial

analysis of the relevant literature, by interviewing the respondent, it will serve as a gap-

bridge from our previous study to the current study.

Theoretical Framework

This study is supported toward the Resilience Theory of Dr. Dorman Garmezy

(1991) and also the Resilience processes in development of Ann Masten (2001).

Dr. Dorman Garmezy may be a psychologist and infrequently noted as a founder

in research in resilience. He defined resilience as “not necessarily impervious to fret.

Rather, resilience is intended to reflect the capacity for recovery and maintained adaptive

behavior which will follow initial retreat or incapacity upon initiating a stressful event”

(Garmezy, 1991).

Garmezy took an ecological approach to resilience, arguing that protective

measures were necessary. Individual and familial characteristics, yet as environmental

influences, all have an impression on resilience. Some of these influences are: (1)

Individual variables may be a dispositional characteristic, like temperament (activity

level) Cognitive talents and the way one responds to new situations (positive reaction to

others). (2) Factors within the family, family cohesion and heat (despite poverty or

marital strife), within the absence of responsive parents, the presence of a caring adult.

(3) External support elements included the supply and usage of outdoor assistance. a

robust maternal substitute, and a supportive environment. This stated that stress is simply

a straightforward thing that offers great lessons to everyone that may build their

personality and grow more.

The researchers used the second theory, which is that the Resilience Processes

Therory Masten(2001).

Resilience refers to a category of phenomena characterized by good outcomes in

spite of significant threats to adaptation or development. Research on resilience aims to

know the processes that account for these good outcomes (Masten, 2001). Individuals are

not regarded as resilient if they have never faced a significant threat to their development;

the decision covers the threat side of the conclusion; there must be current or past hazards

judged to possess the potential to derail normative development.

During periods of specialization in risk, problems, pathology, and therapy,

psychology has overlooked significant phenomena in human adaptability and

development. Attention to human capabilities and adaptive systems that promote healthy

development and functioning have the potential to tell policy and programs that foster

competence and human capital and aim to boost the health of communities and nations

while also preventing problems. The study of resilience rekindled positive psychology,

and now the renewed focus on effective human functioning could help elucidate the

fundamental processes that underpin resilience in development (Masten, 2001).

"The capacity of a dynamic system to successfully adjust to disruptions that

threaten system function, viability, or development," according to the 2014 definition

(Masten, 2014). According to Masten, to be termed resilient, there must be two

requirements present: a measure of positive adaptation or development, and the presence

of variables that threaten positive adaptation in the past or present. Positive adaptation or

development, according to her, is defined as meeting developmental tasks and underlying

human adaptation systems.

Developmental tasks are the expectations of a given society or culture in an

exceedingly historical context for the behavior of kids in several age periods and

situations (e.g. visiting school, getting employment, romantic relationships). Fundamental

human adaptation systems include attachment relationships and parenting, pleasure in-

mastery motivational systems, self-regulatory systems for emotion, arousal and behavior,

families, formal education systems, cultural belief systems, religion and spirituality

(Masten et al., 2009).

Resilience is that most appropriately conceptualized as a developmental process

or a dynamic capacity instead of as a static outcome or trait. Resilience is a term that

applies to a wide range of systems, from children and families to organizations and

societies. It refers to a dynamic system's ability to adjust successfully to shocks that

threaten its function, viability, or development (Masten, 2014). Positive psychology

emphasizes the study of human strength and virtue to grasp and facilitate positive

developmental outcomes.

Level of Resiliency

Physical Mental Emotional Social Financial

Year Achievement

Profile of Respondents

Capitalization Length of Educational

Operation Attainment

Figure 1

Theoretical Framework

Conceptual Framework

This study follows the Proposed Original Model. When an unexpected situation

happens, the business owner, particularly the Market Vendors in Daet, Camarines Norte

should apply the traits of being resilient. We are going to measure the level of resiliency

of the market vendors when it comes to Physical, Mental, Emotional, Social, and

Financial. We expect that these five different aspects will help us to find out what is the

Level of Resilience of the Market Vendors. On how they become more creative, and

resourceful towards challenges.

Being resilient may help the entrepreneurs to become successful. There are

market vendors who do not attend any business courses but are successful in the field of

business and there are others who study entrepreneurship and it has helped them even

more to be ready in the field of business, this is another variable we also want to know.

While at the same time the capitalization and Length of Operation on how these two are

connected to keep the business on run despite many challenges.

Resilience Theory Resilience Processes Theory

Level of Resiliency of Market Vendors in

Figure 1
Daet Camarines Norte
Theoretical Paradigm

Figure 2

Conceptual Paradigm

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Chapter 3

Research Design and Methodology

This chapter presents the design and method that was used in undertaking this

research, and also the sources of data, respondents of the study, research instrument, data

gathering procedure and the statistical tools that will be used to achieve the researchers’


Research Design

In this study, the researcher will utilize a descriptive comparative research design,

which investigates and describes the variables without the researcher controlling or

manipulating any of them. The purpose of this design is to identify the characteristics,

frequencies, trends, categories and the relationship of the level of resiliency of market

vendors in Daet, Camarines Norte. This design was used in this study, to examine if the

skills, traits, and characteristics of market vendors affect their capability and resiliency by

conducting a survey, questionnaires, and interviews. Furthermore, this design used to

examine the level of resiliency of market vendors. The market vendors should be in 3

years of business to qualify as a respondent of a study.

Sources of Data

In the study, the researchers will use both primary and secondary. The primary

source of data will be from the respondents of this research which is the dry goods vendor

of Daet Public Market through survey. The questionnaires will be provided by the

researchers. The secondary sources of data are the written works that can be found from

the articles, journals, published books and internet.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study are the market vendors of dry goods in Daet Public

Market located at Barangay 6, Daet, Camarines Norte. The target number of respondents

are thirty (30) market vendors of dry goods. The criteria set by the researchers in order

for a market vendor to qualify as respondents include: (1) they must be a market vendor

for at least three years, (2) they must be selling within Daet Public Market, and (3) their

business must be under the category of dry goods.

Sampling Design

This research will use Quota, Purposive, and Convenience sampling techniques; it is a

non-probability sampling method. Quota sampling is a procedure that restricts the

selections of the sample by controlling the number of respondents. We choose the Quota

sampling technique because it allows the researchers to sample a subgroup that is of great

interest to the study. Purposive sampling is also a type of non-probability sampling in

which researchers choose people of the public to participate in their surveys based on

their own assessment. We choose the Purposive sampling technique because it allows the

researchers to extract a large amount of information from their acquired data. This helps

researchers to describe the population-wide impact of their results. Convenience

sampling is another form of non-probability sampling strategy that collects data from

people of the population who are readily available to participate in the study. We choose

the Convenience sampling because it's quick and easy to deliver the results. Our study

aims to investigate a characteristic of a certain subgroup that's why we need 15 male and

15 female respondents. The researcher will conduct a face to face interview for the

participants of this research. We will not use emails for the survey because not all market

vendors have a cellphone or access in email.

Research Instrument

In this study, the researcher will use a questionnaire, the questionnaire is a neat

question carefully prepared to be answered by a group of people to collect facts and

information, the first question Is the level of resiliency of market vendors with challenges

in physical, emotional and social, the second part is the questions that will use

unstructured they are free to give whatever answer they want.

Data Gathering Procedure

In order to gather some information, the researchers will conduct a survey to the

market vendors in Daet, Camarines Norte using questionnaires, survey forms and

interviews. The researchers will analyze the data gathered from the questionnaires.

The researchers used survey forms to identify and gather the data needed in

conducting this research. Laptop, mobile phones and internet also used in this study for

searching some related studies as a reference.

Statistical Tools

The researcher will use the following quantitative analysis method to tabulate data

that will be collected:

Frequency count. is an attempt to count the number of times certain units appear in

specific contexts of language use, such as primary words in texts. Counts like these are

usually done to provide a statistical foundation for word lists used in courses like

shorthand and English as a second language (efl). It is the calculation of how many

people belong to a specific group or how often a particular attribute occurs. In this

calculation, the absolute (actual number) and relative (percentage) totals are used.

Percentage. One of the most common ways to represent statistics is with percentages.

Percentage is symbolized by the sign percent, which simply means "per hundred." One

percent (or 1 percent) is one hundredth of the total or whole number and is determined by

multiplying the whole or whole number by 100. They can be useful for analyzing a

difference compared to a benchmark or initial value, as well as being especially useful

when making comparisons.

Weighted Mean. This is a sort of mean that is derived by multiplying the weight (or

probability) associated with a certain event or outcome by the associated quantitative

outcome, then summing the results. The essential aspect that distinguishes the weighted

mean from the arithmetic mean is that it is highly useful for calculating a theoretically

expected outcome where each event has a distinct probability of occurring. this will be

used in the second research question which deals with the level of resiliency of the

market vendors towards challenges along the aspects of Physical, Mental, Emotional and


One-Way ANOVA. This examines the means of two or more independent groups and

will see if the related population means differ statistically. A parametric test is a one-way



Bhandari, P. (2021). An introduction to correlational research. Scribbr. Retrieved from. December

16, 2021. https://www.scribbr.com/methodology/correlational-research/.
Sousa, V.D. (2007). An overview of research designs relevant to nursing: Part 1: quantitative
research designs. Retrieved from. December 17, 2021.
Corporate Finance Institute. (2020). Weighted Mean.
QuestionPro (2020). Pearson correlation coefficient: Introduction, formula, calculation, and
examples. https://www.questionpro.com/blog/pearson-correlation-coefficient/
Finding and Using Statistics: Using basic statistical techniques. (2021). Finding and Using
Statistics: Using Basic Statistical Techniques. Retrieved January 22, 2022, from
LibGuides: SPSS Tutorials: One-Way ANOVA. (2021). LibGuides. Retrieved January 22, 2022,
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Burlingame, CA: LoveToKnow Corporation 2003‐. URL: www.1911encyclopedia.org
Last visited October 2005 Gratis. Reference Reviews, 20(3), 9.


Level of Resiliency of Market Vendors in Daet Camarines Norte

This chapter presents the data gathered by the researchers using survey

questionnaires. These are presented in tables following the sequence of the specific

research problem regarding the Level of Resiliency of the Market Vendors in Daet,

Camarines Norte.

Profile of Respondents

In this part, the profile of the respondents was analyzed. They are identified based

on their capitalization, educational attainment, and length of operation.

Table 1

Distribution of Respondents Based on the Capitalization

Capitalization Frequency Count Percentage (%)

50,000 and below 15 50
50,001 - 100,000 9 30
100,001 - 250,000 3 10
250,001 - 500,001 3 10
Total 30 100

The data gathered in table 1 showed the capitalization of the caputalization of the

respondents. Out of the 30 market vendors in Daet, Camarines Norte, 15 or 50 percent

said that their capitalization is 50,000 and below, while 9 or 30 percent of them have

50,001 to 100,000 capitalization. Three or 10 percent of the respondents had a

capitalization of 100,001 to 250,000. And also 3 or 10 percent of them said that they have

a capitalization of 250,001 to 500,000.

Majority of the market vendors has a capitalization of 50,000 and below because

of the fact that they started with a little amount of capital and they just grew it. However,

least of them has a capitalization of 100,001-250,000 and 250,001-500,000 because they

need a large amount of capital for their business and/or to start their business.

According to Amadeo (2021), small-cap companies have greater growth potential

because they have a smaller operational and financial base, it is easier for them to

expand. And Hofstrand (2022), believes that the financial needs of a business will vary

according to the type and size of the business.

Table 2

Distribution of Respondents Based on the Educational Attainment

Educational Attainment Frequency Count Percentage

High School 15 50
Vocational 3 10
College 12 40
Total 30 100

As indicated in table 2 which showed the educational attainment of the

espondents. Out of the 30 market vendors in Daet, Camarines Norte, 15 or 50 percent of

them claimed that high school is their educational attainment. As for 3 respondents who

belong to the vocational bracket, they composed of 10 percent of the total population.

And 12 of them said that their educational attainment is college which has a percentage

of 40.

Base on the result shown, majority of the respondents had an educational attainment

in high school. This could be due to the fact that they are more focused on

entrepreneurship due to the hardships of life and having to world hard rather than

continuing their education. However, least of the market vendors claimed that their

educational attainment is vocational because of the fact that they would rather go on to

take business courses in college than taking vocational courses.

Juang (2017), believes that a solid quarter of independent business owners had up to

a high school diploma because according to Farhadis (2020), entrepreneurship education

empowers students to think creatively, to seek problems - to solve opportunities, to

empathise with others, to take risks, to accept failure as part of the growth process, and to

appreciate the correlation between hard work and success. However, according to

Rohmania and Nuryuono (2021), many vocational graduates are still unemployed. And

Xiangyue Liu et al. (2019), believes that college students with entrepreneurial intention

or potential, entrepreneurial education can help them develop entrepreneurial knowledge

and skills, and improve their success rate of starting a business.

Table 3

Distribution of Respondents Based on the Length of Operation

Length of Operation Frequency Count Percentage

1year to 3 years 11 36.67
4years to 6 years 8 26.66
7 years and above 11 36.67
Total 30 100

The data gathered in table 3 show the distribution of respondents based on the

length of Operation. To elaborate, there are a total of 30 market vendors who responded

to the questionnaire. 11 of them are 1year to 3 years and accumulated to 36.67% of the

total of the respondents. And also 11 of them are 7 years and above with 36.67% of the

total, and lastly 8 of them are 4years to 6 years in the market with a 26.66% of the total.

Based on the result shown, two of the classification got an accumulated result of

36.67%. These are 1year to 3years and 7years and above. The reason could be the items,

foods, things that they were selling and also the location because of the fact that the

market place is a public place where the basic needs of people will be found here so that

the majority of individuals buy their necessities here. So, small business entrepreneurs

realize that markets are a great place to locate their business. And the reason of getting

the lowest count of 4 years to 6 years because these are the person who inherit and

continue to keep selling to grow their family business even challenges came.

As reported by Boiko et al. (2019), wholesale markets are one of the most

significant components of the system of products flow from the producer to the consumer

in a market economy. Ward (2016) has supplied this advice in order to maintain the

family business strong. The following strategies could be formed through family

meetings and company planning. They are critical to the survival of the family business

across the generations.

The Resiliency of the Market Vendors

In this part, the level of different aspects of resiliency of the market vendors were

analyzed, and the results are presented in the following tables.

Table 4

Physical Resiliency of Market Vendors of Dry Goods

Physical Resiliency Weighted Verbal

Mean Interpretation
1.I usually finish my work task adequately and on 5.00 Strongly Agree
2. I am healthy and fit most of the time since I run 4.03 Agree
3. I have a lot of stamina almost everyday since I 4.03 Agree
run my business.
4. I believe in working not more than eight (8) hours 4.4 Strongly Agree
a day regardless of how much work to do.
5. I accept sudden workload in last minute (i.e., 4.17 Strongly Agree
customers’ orders, projects, change of timeline, etc.)
Weighted Mean 4.33 Strongly Agree
Legend: 1:00-1.80 – Strongly Disagree, 1.81-2.60 – Disagree, 2.61-3.40 – Neither, 3.41-4.20 – Agree, 4.21-5.00
Strongly Agree.

In this table 4 indicates the physical resiliency of market vendors who're selling

dry goods. In order to elaborate, there are 30 respondents who answered our survey. It

has an average Weighted mean of 4.33 who interpret as Strongly Agree. In 5 questions 3

of these get a verbal interpretation of strongly agree. These are question 1 “I usually

finish my work tasks adequately and on schedule” this got the highest average of 5.00,

question 4 “I believe in working not more than eight hours a day regardless of how much

work to do” with an average of 4.4 and question 5 “I accept sudden workload at the last

minute” with an average of 4.17. And 2 of these got a verbal interpretation of Agree.

These are question 2 “I am healthy and fit most of the time since I run business” and

question 3 “I have a lot of stamina almost everyday since I run my business”. Both of

these got the same average of 4.03.

Based on the data presented, all of the market vendors strongly agree with most of

the questions in line with their physical resiliency and some agree. This is due to their

dedication to their job, willingness to sell and gain profit. This defines that their ability to

adopt sudden changes that can lead to stress are well handled and give a positive

action. Somehow both question 3 and 4 got the least number of result and both of this

question is about health the reason could be, they prioritize their business than their

health. Because they may be afraid to lost their business if they not give too much effort

to it.

In accordance with Hanseen (2020), the cumulative knowledge, attitudes, and

abilities that underpin well-being are known as resilience. Resilient people have much

more reserves to pull on during difficult circumstances, which leads to less anxiety and

depression, as well as improved physical health and function. And Parker (2019) stated

that failure in business it is widespread and can result in not just financial losses, but also

physical harm. Grief, shame, and self-blame, as well as low self-esteem, are all evoked.

Table 5

Mental Resiliency of Market Vendors of Dry Goods

Mental Resiliency Weighted Verbal

mean Interpretation
1. I respond to adverse situation in my business 4.33 Strongly Agree
with positive attitude.
2. I don't let myself neglect the daily running of 4.3 Agree
business even though I'm preoccupied with
many problems.
3. I have to think myself during critical times 4.17 Agree
and let my stuff to take care of my business.
4. I courageously face potentially disruptive 4.6 Agree
changes by turning adversity into advantageous
5. I am always clear what to do regardless of 4.67 Strongly Agree
the business problem I have.
Weighted Mean 4.41 Strongly Agree
Legend: 1:00-1.80 – Strongly Disagree, 1.81-2.60 – Disagree, 2.61-3.40 – Neither, 3.41-4.20 – Agree, 4.21-5.00
Strongly Agree.

The table below shows the five levels of mental resilience in the dry run exercise

respondents to the questions I respond to adverse situation in my business with positive

attitude is 4. 33 which means they strongly agree. In the matter of don't let myself

neglect the daily running of business even trough I'm preoccupied with many

problems, the respondent responds with a weighted mean of 4.3 which means they agree.

In i have to think myself during critical times and let my stuff to take care of my business

agree with a weighted mean of 4.17. In the matter of I courageously face potentially

disruptive change by turning advertising into advantageous opportunity, respondents

replied that they agree with a weighted mean of 4.6. The overall level of awareness of the

respondents on i am always clear what to do regardless of the business problem i have is

4.67 means strongly agree.

Based on the data, most market sellers agree, according to questions related to

their mental stability, that they have experienced mental stability, while others strongly

agree. As a result, respondents are able to establish positive conduct regardless of their

future problem. And the least weighted mean is 4.3 not neglecting oneself in running the

Business even though busy with many problems, the respondents show a correlation with

the systems that facilitate the health of a mind of the individuals because stress can affect

mental health.

According to Lantman, Mackus, Verster (2017) people who exhibit these traits

are considered to be in higher mental health. Mental resilience is a personality trait that

allows a person to recover from a stressful situation and look forward to the next

planning. According to Elder and Paul (2020), critical thinkers seek creative progress and

need to comprehend thinking habits at any level of thinking.

Table 6

Emotional Resiliency of Market Vendors of Dry Goods

Emotional Resiliency Weighted Verbal

Mean Interpretation
1. I tell my feelings of doubts to my business 4.23 Strongly Agree
partner(s) or staff.
2. I am not affected when my customers express 3.77 Agree
their feelings of dissatisfaction.
3. I feel intrinsically rewarded when I can solve a 4.43 Strongly Agree
business problem.
4. I don’t act impulsively wherever I face stressful 4.20 Agree
moments with my clients or staff.
5. I am able to ignore my dear of failure and future 4.17 Agree
results to continue working hard for my business.
Weighted Mean 4.16 Agree
Legend: 1:00-1.80 – Strongly Disagree, 1.81-2.60 – Disagree, 2.61-3.40 – Neither, 3.41-4.20 – Agree, 4.21-5.00
Strongly Agree.

As indicated in the table, the Emotional Resiliency of market vendors who are

selling dry goods shows that in 30 respondents who answered our survey questionnaire

has an average weighted mean of 4.16 that is mean Agree. In Emotional Resilience we

have 5 questions, in question 1 “I tell my feelings of doubts to my business partner(s) or

staff(s).” got an average of 4.23 that interpret strongly agree and in question number 2 “I

am not affected when my customer(s) express their feelings of dissatisfaction.” Has an

interpretation of agree that got 3.77 average, in question number 3 “I feel intrinsically

rewarded when I can solve a business problem.” got an average of 4.43 that interpret

strongly agree and in question number 4 “I don’t act impulsively whenever I face

stressful moments with my clients and staff(s).” got an average of 4.20 that interpret

agree and in question number 5 “I am able to ignore my fear of failure and future results

to continue working hard for my business.” Got an average of 4.17 that also interpret


Based on the results shown, in terms of Emotional Resiliency the verbal

interpretation of market vendors, most of them agree and some strongly agree. We can

see in the result that the market vendors will not lose the ability to interact with others

and share their feelings even if it is not easy for them. They don’t let their feelings come

to their work. But, the question number 2 “ I am not affect when my customers express

their feeling of dissatisfaction” obtained the least average in weighted mean based in our

survey results. This means their feelings is strong and they putting aside their emotions

and it also says most likely they are not affected when customers says or express


According to Matheson, at el. (2016) professional resilience is defined as the

ability to keep performing well, adapt to changing circumstances, and maintain a sense of

professional and personal fulfillment. Characteristics of high self-determination, tenacity,

and low harm avoidance are likely to underlie resilience in primary care workers. Positive

and negative emotions, according to Balaji et al. (2017), buffer the link between

perceived injustice and consumer pleasure. Customers' emotion control through

suppression and revaluation influences the effects of contentment on both unfavorable

word-of-mouth and repurchase intentions.

Table 7

Social Resiliency of Market Vendors of Dry Goods

Social Resiliency Weighted Verbal

Mean Interpretation
1. I accept my client(s) comments to improve my 4.57 Strongly Agree
2. I can accept other people’s views for my business. 4.4 Agree
3. I believe in working as a team with my business 4.33 Strongly Agree
partner(s) or staff(s) to accomplish task.
4. I hand over to someone I trust to handle my 3.73 Agree
staff(s) work problem(s).
5. I keep giving assistance or encouragement to 4.03 Agree
deeper social support to my staff(s) when resolving
Weighted Mean 4.21 Strongly Agree
Legend: 1:00-1.80 – Strongly Disagree, 1.81-2.60 – Disagree, 2.61-3.40 – Neither, 3.41-4.20 – Agree, 4.21-5.00
Strongly Agree.

Table 7 shows the social resiliency of the market vendors of dry goods. It has an

average weighted mean of 4.21 which has an interpretation of Strongly Agree. Out of the

5 questions, 3 got a verbal interpretation of Strongly Agree. These are question 1 “I

accept my client(s) comments to improve my products” with an average of 4.57 ,

question 2 “I can accept other people’s views for my business” with an average of 4.4.

And question 3 “I believe in working as a team with my business partner(s) or staff(s) to

accomplish tasks” with an average of 4.33. And 2 got a verbal interpretation of Agree.

These are question 4 “I hand over to someone I trust to handle my staff(s) work

problem(s)” with an average of 3.73 and question 5 “I keep giving assistance or

encouragement to deeper social support to my staff(s) when resolving conflict” with an

average of 4.03.

Based on the data presented, most of the market vendors agree on the questions.

Majority of them stated that they accept their client(s) comments to improve their

products. This is simply due to the fact that they believe in the saying “customers are

always right” and they value the opinion of their clients or customers. Based on the data

presented, we can see that the least results is a about the relationship between the staffs

and the owners. This is simply because they have nothing to rely on or to entrust their

staff but only themselves.

According to Fader (2019), customer centricity is a strategy to fundamentally

align a company's products and services with the wants and needs of its most valuable

customers. That strategy has a specific aim: more profits for the long term. In addition,

these customers give you a strategic advantage over your competitors; it's a strategic

advantage that could be the best path forward for many businesses. According to Brower,

Lester, and Korsgaard, a gap in trust between managers and employees can have

profoundly negative effects on works. Executives and managers invest a lot of effort and

time building trust in their teams: both establishing trust in their employees and ensuring

that their employees trust them in return. But many employees say they do not feel

trusted by their managers. And when employees don’t feel trusted, workplace

productivity and engagement often suffer. It’s up to managers to signal trust in their

employees in consistent and thoughtful ways.

Table 8

Financial Resiliency of Market Vendors of Dry Goods

Financial Resiliency Weighted Verbal

Mean Interpretation
1.The financial risks of my business are still within 4.05 Agree
my control.
2. The cost of winning my business is reasonable. 4.04 Agree
3. I feel that I can keep up with the current needs of 4.05 Agree
my business to expand.
4. I accept that there is a cost to any decision that I 4.00 Agree
take in my business activities.
5. There is a possibility of earning more income from 4.04 Agree
new opportunities that my business had identified.
Weighted Mean 4.04 Agree
Legend: 1:00-1.80 – Strongly Disagree, 1.81-2.60 – Disagree, 2.61-3.40 – Neither, 3.41-4.20 – Agree, 4.21-5.00
Strongly Agree.

The financial resiliency of market vendors selling dry goods is shown in table 7.

To be more specific, there were 30 people that responded to the survey. It has an average

weighted mean of 4.04, which indicates that it is agree. All of these earn a verbal

interpretation of agree in all five questions. These are the questions 1 “The financial risks

of my business is still within my control.” and question 3 “I feel that I can keep up with

the current needs of my business to expand.” this got the same highest average of 4.05,

question 2 “The cost of winning my business is reasonable.” and question 5 “There is a

possibility of earning more income from new opportunities that my business had

identified.” also got the same average of 4.04, question number 4 “I accept that there is a

cost to any decision that I take in my business activities.” got the average of 4.00.

According to the information gathered, all of the market vendors agree on the most

of the questions in terms of their financial stability. it is also stated here that one of the

financial risk of the business is within the control of the owner and the owners need to

keep up the currents need of the business to expand. This is simply due to the fact that

some of the owners are committed to their businesses, yet they are experiencing financial

difficulties. However, only a minority of them say they accept that there is a cost to any

decision they take in their business activities because it is difficult for them to accept all

of the consequences or negative outcomes of their decisions.

As stated by Eniola and Entebang (2016) by such knowledge (resource) has

implications for effectiveness of financial decision and strategy the firm adapts. This is

especially so in SMEs where the owner-manager often has the ultimate power, in making

strategic decisions. Financial decision is one of the central decisions that owner-managers

have had to make in the running of their businesses. The outcome of such decisions

impacts significantly on the profitability, growth and survival of their ventures. SMEs use

idiosyncratic, immobile tangible and intangible resources as the bases to sustain

competitive capability that brings about superior performance. The tangible resources

include financial capital (e.g., equity capital, debt capital, retained earnings) and physical

capital (e.g., machinery and buildings). However, according to Holiawati &

Murwaningsari (2019), ownership theory states that if the company has good human

resources in the form of human capital, physical capital, and structural capital it will

encourage investors to be interested in investing and the value of the firms will increase.

The possibility of risks such as interest and tax penalties that are the visible and the loss

of the corporate reputation negatively influence the long-term sustainability of the

corporate business.

Inferential Analysis

Relationship between the level of resiliency of the market vendors based on profile

In this part, the relationship between the level of resiliency of the market vendors

based on profile were analyzed, and the results are presented in the following tables.

Table 9

Relationship between the Level of Resiliency of Market Vendors based on


Capitaliz F Physical Mental Emotion Social Financial GM

ation Resilienc Resilienc al Resilienc Resilienc
y (WM) y (WM) Resilienc y (WM) y (WM)
y (WM)

50,000 15 4.18 4.27 4.23 4.25 4.39 4.26


50,001- 9 4.24 4.53 3.87 4.04 4.24 4.18


100,001- 3 3.87 4.4 4.40 4.13 4.2 4.2


250,001- 3 4.60 4.60 4.45 4.60 4.74 4.60


GM 4.22 4.45 4.24 4.26 4.39 4.31

Table 9 showed the relationship between the level of resiliency of market vendors

based on capitalization. Out of the 30 respondents, 15 have a capitalization of 50,000 and

below which has a weighted mean of 4.18 in physical resiliency, 4.27 in mental

resiliency, 4.23 in emotional resiliency, 4.25 in social resiliency, 4.39 in financial

resiliency, and has a grand mean of 4.26. Nine (9) of the respondents have a

capitalization of 50,001 to 100,000 which has a weighted of 4.24 in physical resiliency,

4.53 in mental resiliency, 3.87 in emotional resiliency, 4.04 in social resiliency, 4.24 in

financial resiliency, and has a grand mean of 4.18. Three (3) of the respondents have a

capitalization of 100,001 to 250,000 which has a weighted mean of 3.86 in physical

resiliency, 4.4 in mental resiliency, 4.40 in emotional resiliency, 4.13 in social resiliency,

4.2 in financial resiliency, and has a grand mean of 4.2. While there are also 3

respondents that have a capitalization of 250,001 to 500,000 which has a weighted mean

of 4.60 in physical, mental, and social resiliency, 4.45 in emotional resiliency, 4.74 in

financial resiliency, and has a grand mean of 4.60. The grand mean of physical resiliency

is 4.22, mental resiliency is 4.45, emotional resiliency is 4.24, social resiliency is 4.26,

financial resiliency is 4.39, and overall resiliency is 4.31.

Based on the result shown, respondents with a capitalization of 250,001 to 500,000

have the highest level of resiliency in terms of physical, mental, emotional, social and

financial because of the fact that they are more competitive and have a high need for


According to Gitman, McDaniel, Shah, et al., (2018), most entrepreneurs are

ambitious, they are competitive and have a high need for achievement.

Table 10

Relationship between the Level of Resiliency of Market Vendors based on

Educational Attainment

Educatio F Physical Mental Emotion Social Financial GM

nal Resilienc Resilienc al Resilienc Resilienc
Attainme y (WM) y (WM) Resilienc y (WM) y (WM)
nt y (WM)

High 15 3.89 4.17 3.93 4.12 4.16 4.05


Vocation 3 4.67 4.85 4.67 4.67 4.53 4.68


College 12 4.5 4.5 4.32 4.27 4.57 4.43

GM 4.35 4.51 4.31 4.35 4.42 4.39

Table 10 showed the relationship between the level of resiliency of market vendors

based on educational attainment. Out of the 30 market vendors, 15 had an educational

attainment in high school which has a weighted mean of 3.89 in physical resiliency, 4.17

in mental resiliency, 3.93 in emotional resiliency, 4.12 in social resiliency, 4.16 in

financial resiliency, and has a grand mean of 4.05, while 3 of them said that their

educational attainment is vocational with a weighted mean of 4.67 in physical, emotional,

and social resiliency, 4.85 in mental resiliency, 4.53 in financial resiliency, and has a

grand mean of 4.68. Twelve (12) of the respondents claimed that their educational

attainment is college which has a weighted mean of 4.5 in physical and mental resiliency,

4.32 in emotional resiliency, 4.27 in social resiliency, 4.57 in financial resiliency, and has

a grand mean of 4.43. The grand mean of physical resiliency is 4.35, mental resiliency is

4.51, emotional resiliency is 4.31, social resiliency is 4.35, financial resiliency is 4.42,

and overall resiliency is 4.39.

Based on the result shown, respondents who had an educational attainment in

vocational have the highest level of resiliency in terms of physical, mental, emotional,

and social, this is due to their ability to develop and utilize their competencies in order to

adapt and respond to adversity. However, respondents who had an educational attainment

in college have the highest level of resiliency in terms of financial because they have a

broader knowledge when it comes to financing.

According to Garret and Zettle (2021), entrepreneurial resilience includes the

processes entrepreneurs utilize to develop and deploy their capabilities in order to adapt

and respond to adversity encountered in their role as an entrepreneur. And also according

to Huang (2016), if college graduates have the correct knowledge and motivation about

personal finance when starting out, they can get control of their finances by making wise

decisions and avoiding common pitfalls.

Table 11

Relationship between the Level of Resiliency of Market Vendors based on Length of


Length F Physical Mental Emotion Social Financial GM

of Resilienc Resilienc al Resilienc Resilienc
Operatio y (WM) y (WM) Resilienc y (WM) y (WM)
n y (WM)

1 year - 3 11 3.91 4.07 3.95 3.98 4.22 4.03


4 years - 8 4.38 4.66 4.23 4.25 4.45 4.39

6 years

7 years 11 4.4 4.56 4.33 4.42 4.44 4.43


GM 4.23 4.43 4.17 4.22 4.37 4.28

Table 11 showed the relationship between the level of resiliency of market vendors

based on length of operation. Out of the 30 respondents, 11 said that their length of

operation is 1 year to 3 years which has a weighted of 3.91 in physical resiliency, 4.07 in

mental resiliency, 3.95 in emotional resiliency, 3.98 in social resiliency, 4.22 in financial

resiliency, and has a grand mean of 4.03, while 8 of them said that their length of

operation is 4 years to 6 years which has a weighted mean of 4.38 in physical resiliency,

4.66 in mental resiliency, 4.23 in emotional resiliency, 4.25 in social resiliency, 4.45 in

financial resiliency, and has a grand mean of 4.39. Eleven (11) of the respondents

claimed that their length of operation is 7 years and above which has a weighted mean of

4.4 in physical resiliency, 4.56 in mental resiliency, 4.33 in emotional resiliency, 4.42 in

social resiliency, 4.44 in financial resiliency, and has a grand mean of 4.43. The grand

mean of physical resiliency is 4.23, mental resiliency is 4.43, emotional resiliency is 4.17,

social resiliency is 4.22, financial resiliency is 4.37 and the overall resiliency is 4.28.

Based on the results shown, respondents with a length of operation of 4 years to 6

years have the highest level of resiliency in terms of mental and financial, this may be

due to the fact that because of their length of operation, they are able to adapt the issues

they have encountered to themselves, resulting in emotional and financial resilience.

However, respondents with a length of operation of 7 years and above have the highest

level of resiliency in terms of physical, emotional, and social because they have been in

business for a long time, they are aware of the difficulties that come with beginning and

running a business and are confident in their abilities to address problems.

According to DeMers (2020), successful entrepreneurs are also willing to adapt to

solve a problem; they aren’t beholden to the image, processes, or lines of thinking that

got them into the problem in the first place. And also according to Gitman, McDaniel,

Shah, et al., (2018), entrepreneurs understand the challenges of starting and operating a

business and are decisive and confident in their ability to solve problems.

Result of Inferential Analysis

Table 12

Significant Relationship Between the Level of Resiliency of Market Vendors Based

on Capitalization

The f-ratio value is 8.53383. The computed p-value is 0.000044 that is less than

p=0.05. Therefore, there is a significant relationship between the level of resiliency of

market vendors based on capitalization. It reveals that those who have a capitalization of

250,001 to 500,000 (m=4.60, s=0.19) scored significantly higher than those who have a

capitalization of 50,000 and below (m=4.26, s=0.21), p<.05. Also those who have a

capitalization of 250,001 to 500,000 scored significantly higher than those who have a

capitalization of 50,001 to 100,000 (m=4.19, s=0.40), p<.001. Moreover, those who have

a capitalization of 250,001 to 500,000 also scored significantly higher than those who

have a capitalization of 100,001 to 250,000 (m=4.2, s=0.45), p<.001. These findings

show that capitalization significantly affects the level of resiliency of market vendors.

Table 13

Significant Relationship Between the Level of Resiliency of Market Vendors Based

on Educational Attainment

The f-ratio value is 25.16059. The computed p-value is less than .00001 that is less

than p=0.05. Therefore, there is a significant relationship between the level of resiliency

of market vendors based on educational attainment. It shows that those who had an

educational attainment of vocational (m=4.68, s=0.39) scored significantly higher than

those who had an educational attainment in high school (m=4.06, s=0.28), p<.001. Those

who had an educational attainment in college (m=4.43, s=0.26) scored significantly

higher than those who had an educational attainment in high school (m=4.06, s=0.28),

p<.001. Moreover, those who had an educational attainment of vocational (m=4.68,

s=0.39) also scored significantly higher than those who had an educational attainment in

college (m=4.43, s=0.26), p<.05. These findings show that educational attainment

significantly affects the level of resiliency of market vendors.

Table 14

Significant Relationship Between the Level of Resiliency of Market Vendors Based

on Length of Operation

The f-ratio value is 13.93614. The computed p-value is &lt;.00001 that is less than

p=0.05. Therefore, there is a significant relationship between the level of resiliency of

market vendors based on length of operation. It shows that those who are in business of 4

years to 6 years (m=4.39, s=0.23) scored significantly higher than those who are in

business of 1 year to 3 years (m=4.03, s=0.31), p&lt;.001. And also, those who are in

business of 7 years and above (m=4.43,s=0.35) scored significantly higher than those

who are in business of 1 year to 3 years, p&lt;.001. These findings show that the length of

operation significantly affects the level of resiliency of market vendors.

Research Output

Proposed research output to help the market vendors:

Based on the results gathered from the survey and statistical analysis, the

researchers have produced this pamphlet that will help the market vendors. The proposed

pamphlet consists of information which will serve as a comprehensive guide to maintain

and boost the level of resiliency of the market vendors in terms of physical, mental,

emotional, social and financial.

Market Vendors

Physical Mental Emotional Social Financial
Resiliency Resiliency Resiliency Resiliency Resiliency

Have a healthy Have a positive Don’t exhibit Get connected Talk and
lifestyle while mindset excessive to your inquire to some
running a negative customers experts in
business emotions terms of
during difficult handling
times finance

Maintain being Watch Conduct a self- Don't act Separate

physically fit motivational evaluation impulsive in personal funds
by conducting video honestly front of your from business
exercises and customer income
proper diet.

Keep the store Participate in Don't put Be open Spend only

neat as possible good pressure on minded about your money
entrepreneurship yourself try to the opinion of when necessary
programs to rely on the customers such as rent or
increase someone you other materials
knowledge can trust to needed

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This chapter presents the summary of the study, findings, the conclusions drawn

from the findings, and recommendations made regarding the study entitled the “Level of

Resiliency of Market Vendors in Daet Camarines Norte”.


This research aims to find out how resilient market vendors of dry goods in

Camarines Norte are in different situations. Thirty (30) market sellers selling dry items

responded to our survey or have been our respondents. This group of thirty (30) market

vendors offering dry goods answered to our survey, which included four questions. The

first question is “what is the profile of respondents in terms of capitalization, Educational

AttainmentandLength of operation?” And the second one is “what is the level of

resiliency of the market vendors towards challenges along the aspects of Physical,

Mental, Emotional, Social and financial.’’ And the third question is “is there a significant

relationship between the level of resiliency of market vendors based on profile?” and for

the last question is “what recommendations can be suggested to improve the resiliency of

the market vendors?”

This study took place in the school year 2021-2022. The data for this study was

collected using a nominative survey and a descriptive correlational research style. The

questionnaire was used as the data collection tool. In this study, the quota sampling

technique was chosen as the sample design.


In terms of the year of stability of vendors, the respondents have the same data

for 1 year to 3 years and 7 years to above and the lowest is 4 years to 6 with only 8 or

26.66%of the respondents responding. respondent. In capitalization there are 15 or 50%

of the respondents are the ones with larger capital used in business. Equally 10% used

only 100,000 to 250,000. In terms of education attainment, 12 or 40 percent of the

respondents are college graduates, 15 or 50% of the respondents are high school

graduates and 3 or 10% of them have completed a vocational course.

And the 30 respondents, 4.33 weited mean physical strongly agrees with the

highest percentage and has the least 4.03 agree, 4.41 weited mean mental and has the

least 4.3, and emotional has 4.21 weited mean strongly agree with the most low 4.23 in

social is 3.73 agree, while financial has 4.04 weighted mean and the lowest is 4.00 and in

terms of data stability, there appear to be two divisions in the data: strongly agree, agree,

highest and lowest indicating that the respondents are knowledgeable about marketing

methods for the sale of dry goods.

There is a significant relationship between the level of resiliency of market vendors

based on the profile of the responded.


The researchers look at the respondents’ profiles in terms of capitalization, finding

that 15 to 50 percent prefer high capitals and only ten percent only use 100,000 to

250,000. They all start with a suitable amount of capital, but the majority start with a

large amount of capital. In terms of educational attainment, they had all previously

studied, but the majority of them had only completed high school levels, because in

business, no matter what their educational attainment is, if they are hardworking and their

strategies are sufficient to attract customers, their business will be successful. Also, in the

year of vendor stability, respondents have the same data for 1 to 3 years, 7 years and

above, and the lowest is 4 to 6 years, with only 8 or 26.66 percent of respondents

responding. The replies reveal that it is more than just short-term or long-term reactions;

it is a coordinated effort to reclaim what has been lost and put protections in place to

prevent future loss.

Because most market vendors have a physical resiliency that allows them to fulfill

their jobs competently and on time, the 4.33 weighted mean physical strongly agrees with

the highest percentage of the 30 respondents. And mental resiliency received a 4.41

weighted mean os strongly agree because they always know what to do no matter how

bad the situation is because they can establish positive behavior independent of future

problems. and emotional 4.21 weighted means strongly agree since certain market

vendors believe they can meet and exceed their customers' expectations in their business.

Financial risks are still under their control because they are committed to their enterprises

despite financial challenges, exhibiting their financial resiliency.

As a result in our research it is show that there is a significant relationship between

the level of Resiliency of market vendors based on the profile of responded and the data

that we gathered. It include the survey questionnaire that the Respondents answered to

get the result of this research. The market vendors shows that it is not just defined by

short-term responses, rather, it is an organized movements towards regaining what was

lost putting safeguards to prevent further loss in the future.


Following a careful examination and consideration of the study's previous results

and conclusions, the following suggestions are made:

To market vendors. Improved the strategies, conduct a simple promotion of the

products by consistently selling fresh, good and safe products. Also maintain or improve

the characteristics as market vendors in every way like handling the body, emotion and

other things that keep you strong.

Customers should adhere to the IATF health protocols to ensure their safety

during the transaction between them and the vendors. To help vendors increase their

income, consumers must purchase seasonal, local, and in-demand products.

To policy makers. Vendors from Daet Public Market who lack the rules and

policies to be able to develop entrepreneurship can study the changing environment in

favor of entrepreneurship and adopt policies that will allow more individuals to

participate in the process. Entrepreneurial to identify the problem of every small business

and retailers in the daily market need to develop a plan of cooperation with anyone's

programs, and participation in the business program can be considered a factor towards

skill improvement.

Local Government Units (LGU), should increase access to public utilities, spaces,

and resources to the market vendors. Since they face problems of bribe payment, inability

to access various government facilities, lack of facilities such as toilets, lighting, lack of

social security and other similar hurdles. Revise laws about the product registration,

product standard, environmental and labeling requirements place restrictions on certain

products. Because the market-vending economy should ensure equitable distribution of

economic gains across its production and distribution in its value.

To Aspiring Entrepreneurs. Ask someone who’s well experienced in terms of

business before engaging into one. Don’t decide rapidly without enough knowledge about


To researchers, themselves. In this study the researcher encounters a lot of

difficulties, doing research is really hard. That's why you really need to know time

management for you to balance the schedule that you have. Focus on your study and

make sure that at the end of the study you have knowledge. Always do your task on time

so that you can have more time for the other subjects that you have.

To future researchers. Studying the level of resiliency of market vendors requires

a lot of time and double effort. Keep an open mind and be prepared to discover things

you never imagined you'd learn. And always remember to “expect the unexpected”

because everything can happen during an interview or survey.


Sample Letter to Participants/Respondents

Dear Respondents,


We are the Accountancy and Business Management students of Mabini Colleges

Inc. Presently, we are conducting a study entitled “Level of Resiliency of Market

Vendors in Daet Camarines Norte”.

In this regard, we are asking for your precious time, and effort to answer all the

questions in the questionnaire that are important and helpful for the completion of the


Rest assured that all data gathered from you will be kept in the highest level of


Your positive response in this request will be a valuable contribution for the

success of the study and will be highly appreciated.

Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Respectfully Yours,

Mariel E. Villaluna

Johanna M. Hermogino

Alyzza Khim R. Efondo

Pauline Dane G. Ibana

Francisca Nueva

Michael E. Herico


Noted by:

Ma’am Gail Dan Abasolo

Research Adviser

Survey Questionnaire

Respected Market Vendors,

A pleasant day to you, we are from Grade 12 ABM student-researchers of Mabini

Colleges Inc. who are conducting a research study about the level of resiliency of market

vendors as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject of Practical Research 2.

As one of the qualified respondents, we’d like to inquire if answering this survey

questionnaire is not bothering you. This will serve as the main data gathering tool for the

study we’re undertaking. Thank you for taking your time assisting us in this research.

(Isang magandang araw po sainyo, kami ay magaaral na ABM na nasa ika-12

Baitang mula sa Mabini Colleges Inc. na nagsasagawa ng isang pagaaral tungkol sa

Antas ng Katatagan ng mga magtitinda sa pamilihan ng Daet, Camarines Norte. Bilang

isa sa mga pasok na magtitinda sa aming pagaaral, gusto sana po naming itanong kung

kami ba’y nakakaabala sainyo. Ito ang pangunahing kailangan sa pagkakalap ng mga

impormasyon tungkol sa pagaaral. Maraming salamat po sa pakikiisa at pagbibigay oras

sa aming lahat.)


The Researchers

Part 1. Profile of the Respondents

Instructions: Please answer the following questions/statements below honestly. Choose

the option that best describes your business by putting a checkmark (✔) on the box.

(Panuto: Mangyaring sagutin nang matapat ang mga sumusunod na tanong/pahayag sa

ibaba. Piliin ang angkop na naglalarawan sa iyong negosyo sa pamamagitan ng

paglalagay ng checkmark (✔) sa kahon.)

1. What is the profile of respondents in terms of:

a. Capitalization;


 50,000 and below

 50,001- 100,000

 100,001- 250,000

 250,001-500,000

 500,001 and above

b. Educational Attainment; and

(Natapos sa pag-aaral)

 Elementary

 High School

 Vocational

 College

 Others, please indicate__________

c. Length of operation?

(Katagalan sa pag-nenegosyo)

 1 year-3 years

 4 years-6 years

 7 years and above

Part 2. Level of the resiliency of the market vendors towards challenges along the

aspects of:


1. This questionnaire consists of 25 resilient items altogether in terms of Physical,

Mental, Emotional, Social, and Financial.

2. Select one of the numbers to indicate how well the statement describes you:

1 = Strongly Disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Less Agree 4 =Agree 5=

Strongly Agree

3. Put a checkmark (✔) on the rating column next to each statement.

4. Some statements may be similar but no two are exactly alike.

5. Please answer all questions.

A. Physical Resiliency of market vendors

Indicators 5 4 3 2 1

1.I usually finish my work task adequately and on schedule.

(Karaniwan kong tinatapos ang aking gawain sa trabaho nang sapat at

ayon sa iskedyul.)

2. I am healthy and fit most of the time since I run business

(Maganda ang aking pangangatawan halos sa lahat ng oras mula

noong aking pinatakbo ang aking negosyo)

3. I have a lot of stamina almost everyday since I run my business.

(Marami akong lakas halos araw-araw mula ng patakbuhin ang aking


4. I believe in working not more than eight (8) hours a day regardless of

how much work to do.

(Naniniwala ako sa pagtatrabaho bilang isang team kasama ang aking

(mga) kasosyo sa negosyo o(mga) kawani upang magawa ang isang


5. I accept sudden workload in last minute (i.e., customers orders,

projects, change of timeline, etc.)

(Kaya kong tumanggap ng mga biglaang mabibigat na trabaho(tulad

ng order ng mga customer, pagbabago ng mga timeline ng proyekto,


B. Mental Resiliency of market vendors

Indicators 5 4 3 2 1

1. I respond to adverse situation in my business with positive attitude.

(Tumutugon ako sa masasamang sitwasyon sa aking negosyo na may

positibong pag-uugali.)

2. I don’t let myself neglect the daily running of business even though

I'm preoccupied with many problems.

(Hindi ko hinahayaang kaligtaan ng sarili ko ang araw-araw na

pagpapatakbo ng negosyo kahit abala ako sa maraming problema.)

3. I have to think myself during critical times and let my stuff to take

care of my business.

(Kailangan kong isipin ang aking sarili sa mga kritikal na oras at

hayaan ang aking mga taohan na pangalagaan ang kanilang mga


4. I courageously face potentially disruptive changes by turning

adversity into advantageous opportunity.

(Buong tapang kong hinaharap ang mga problema at biglaang

pagbabago hanggang sa maging ikakabuti ng aking negosyo.)

5. I am always clear what to do regardless of the business problem I


(Lagi saking maliwanag kung ano ang gagawin anuman ang mga

problema ko sa negosyo)

C. Emotional Resiliency of market vendors

Indicators 5 4 3 2 1

1. I tell my feelings of doubts to my business partner(s) or staff(s).

(Sinasabi ko ang aking nararamdamn at pagduda sa aking (mga)

kasosyo sa negosyo o sa aking (mga) tauhan.)

2. I am not affected when my customer(s) express their feelings of


(Hindi ako apektado kapag ang aking (mga) customer ay

nagpahayag ng kanilang mga damdamin ng kawalang-kasiyahan.)

3. I feel intrinsically rewarded when I can solve a business problem.

(Pakiramdam ko ay talagang ginagantimpalaan ako kapag nalutas ko

ang isang problema.)

4. I don’t act impulsively whenever I face stressful moments with my

clients and staff(s).

(Hindi ako umaaktong masama sa tuwing ako ay humaharap habang

may mabigat na problema sa aking mga kliyente at tauhan.)

5. I am able to ignore my fear of failure and future results to continue

working hard for my business.

(Nababalewala ko ang takot ko sa kabiguan at mga resulta sa

hinaharap para patuloy na magsikap para sa aking negosyo.)

D. Social Resiliency of market vendors

Indicators 5 4 3 2 1

1. I accept my client(s) comments to improve my products.

(Tinatanggap ko ang (mga) komento ng aking kliyente upang mapabuti

ang aking mga produkto.)

2. I can accept other people’s views for my business.

(Maaari kong tanggapin ang pananaw ng iba para sa aking negosyo.)

3. I believe in working as a team with my business partner(s) or staff(s)

to accomplish task.

(Naniniwala ako sa pagtatrabaho bilang isang team kasama ang aking

(mga) kasosyo sa negosyo o (mga) kawani upang magawa ang gawain.)

I hand over to someone I trust to handle my staff(s) work problem(s).

(Ibinibigay ko sa isang taong pinagkakatiwalaan ko na humawak ng

problema ng aking mga tauhan sa trabaho.)

5. I keep giving assistance or encouragement to deeper social support to

my staff(s) when resolving conflict.

(Patuloy akong nagbibigay ng tulong o panghihikayat sa mas malalim

na suportang panlipunan sa aking (mga) tauhan kapag niresolba ang


E. Financial Resiliency of market vendors

Indicators 5 4 3 2 1

1. The financial risks of my business is still within my control.

(Ang mga panganib sa pananalapi ng aking negosyo ay akin paring


2. The cost of winning my business is reasonable.

(Ang halaga ng pagkapanalo sa aking negosyo ay makatwiran.)

3. I feel that I can keep up with the current needs of my business to


(Pakiramdam ko ay makakaya kong kamitin ang mga kasalukuyang

pangangailangan upang mapalawak ang aking negosyo.)

4. I accept that there is a cost to any decision that I take in my business


(Tinatanggap ko na may bayad ang anumang desisyon na gagawin ko

sa aking mga aktibidad sa negosyo.)

5. There is a possibility of earning more income from new oppurtunities

that my business had identified.

(May posibilidad na makakuha ng mas maraming kita mula sa mga

bagong pagkakataon na natukoy ng aking negosyo.)

Reliability Test Result




/VARIABLES=physicalresiliency mentalresiliency emotionalresiliency

socialresiliency financialresiliency

/SCALE ( ‘ Resiliency ’ ) ALL






Scale: Resiliency

Case Processing Summary

N %

Cases Valid 10 100.0

Excluded 0 .0

Total 10 100.0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure.

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach’s Alpha Cronbach’s Alpha Based on Standardized Items N

.822 .843 5

Item Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

physicalresiliency 4.2000 .57349 10

mentalresiliency 4.4200 .47563 0

emotionalresiliency 4.1600 .59479 10

socialresiliency 4.5200 .34254 10

financialresiliency 4.6000 .51640 10

Inter-Item Correlation Matrix

physicalresilien mentalresilien emotionalresilien socialresilien

cy cy cy cy

physicalresilienc 1.000 .538 .547 .520

mentalresiliency .538 1.000 .364 .911

emotionalresilien .547 .364 1.000 .244


socialresiliency .520 .911 .244 1.000

financialresilienc .420 .778 .318 .528

Inter-Item Correlation Matrix



physicalresiliency .420

mentalresiliency .778

emotionalresiliency .318

socialresiliency .528

financialresiliency 1.000

Summary Item Statistics

Mea Minimum Maximum Range Maximum / Variance

n Minimum

Item Means 4.380 4.160 4.600 .440 1.106 .038

Inter-Item .517 .244 .911 .667 3.729 .039


Summary Item Statistics

N of Items

Item Means 5

Inter-Item 5


Item-Total Statistics

Scale Mean Scale Corrected Item- Squared

if Item Variance if Total Multiple

Deleted Item Deleted Correlation Correlation

physicalresiliency 17.7000 2.331 .640 .477

mentalresiliency 17.4800 2.375 .804 .958

emotionalresilienc 17.7400 2.552 .460 .399

socialresiliency 17.3800 2.875 .678 .926

financialresiliency 17.3000 2.500 .621 .810

Item-Total Statistics

Cronbach’s Alpha if Item Deleted

physicalresiliency .782

mentalresiliency .735

emotionalresilienc .843

socialresiliency .788

financialresiliency .786

Scale Statistics

Mean Variance Std. Deviation N of Items

21.900 3.780 1.94422 5

Curriculum Vitae of Researchers

Mariel E. Villaluna

Purok-1 Barangay Sta.Cruz Labo, Camarines Norte


[email protected]

PERSONAL INFORMATION_____________________________________________


BIRTHDAY: July 21, 2004

BIRTHPLACE: Labo, Camarines Norte

AGE: 17 years old


RELIGION: Catholic


FATHERS NAME: Felix P. Villaluna

MOTHERS NAME: Bella E. Villaluna


ELEMENTARY: E. Obmaña Elementary School

SECONDARY: Camarines Norte College

Alyzza Khim R. Efondo

Purok-5 Baragay Daculang Bolo, San Lorenzo Ruiz

Camarines Norte


[email protected]



BIRTHDAY: June 3, 2004

BIRTHPLACE: Provincial Hospital Daet , Camarines Norte

AGE: 17 years old


RELIGION: Roman Catholic


FATHERS NAME: Glenn B. Efondo

MOTHERS NAME: Kristine R. Efondo


Elementary: Pandan Elementary School

Secondary: Our Lady of Lourdes College Foundation

Pauline Dane G. Ibana

Purok 9 Barangay IV Daet, Camarines Norte


[email protected]



BIRTHDAY: April 30, 2003

BIRTHPLACE: Talisay, Camarines Norte

AGE: 18 years old


RELIGION: Roman Catholic


FATHERS NAME: Dante M. Ibana

MOTHERS NAME: Mary Jane G. Ibana


ELEMENTARY: Mantagbac elementary school

SECONDARY: Moreno Integrated School

Michael Herico

Mambalite, Daet Camarines Norte


[email protected]


NICKNAME: King-king

BIRTHDAY: May 26, 2000

BIRTHPLACE: Talisay, Camarines Norte

AGE: 21 years old


RELIGION: Roman Catholic


FATHERS NAME: Ramon Carbonell Rodriguez

MOTHERS NAME: Maybel Carniyan Herico


Elementary: Zantua Abordo Elementary Education

Secondary: Porfirio R Ponayo

Johanna Moya Hermogino

Capacuan Paracale Camarines Norte


[email protected]



BIRTHDAY: April 11, 2004

BIRTHPLACE: Provincial Hospital Daet , Camarines Norte

AGE: 17 years old


RELIGION: Roman Catholic


FATHERS NAME: Johnny S. Hermogino

MOTHERS NAME: Imelda M. Hermogino


ELEMENTARY: Calaburnnay Elementary School

SECONDARY: Maximo Manarang High School

Francisca Nueva

Calintaan Talisay, Camarines Norte


[email protected]



BIRTHDAY: March 11, 2004

BIRTHPLACE: Quitang, Camarines Sur

AGE: 18 years old





MOTHERS NAME: Emelinda Nueva


ELEMENTARY: Talisay Elementary School

SECONDARY: St. Francisc Parochial School


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