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LCM HCF Class Study Sheet

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Winners Institute Indore.

Maths With Aditya Patel Sir


Class Study Sheet by Aditya Patel Sir

The HCF of two numbers is 15 and their LCM The product of two co-prime numbers is 945
is 300. If one of the number is 60, the other? then find their LCM?
(a) 50 (b) 75 (a) 189 (b) 35
(c) 65 (d) 100 (c) 27 (d) 945

By- Aditya Sir Winners Institute

The HCF of two numbers 12096 and 14818 is
478. Their LCM is? Find the smallest number that exactly
(a) 400086 (b) 200043 divisible by 2, 3, 4 and 5?
(c) 6000129 (d) 8000172 (a) 65 (b) 70
(c) 60 (d) 80

The LCM of two numbers is 84 and their HCF

is 21. If the ratio of the number is 1:4 find the
Find the smallest number that divided by 12,
24, 36, and 45 the remainder became 6 in
(a) 21, 84 (b) 21, 85
each case?
(c) 22, 84 (d) 22, 85
(a) 363 (b) 366
(c) 364 (d) 365

The LCM of two numbers is 100 and their Find the minimum number is which after
HCF is 5. If the ratio of the number is 4:5 find dividing by 28, 35, 42, 63. It gives remainder
the numbers? 17, 24, 31, and 52 respectively?
(a) 1249 (b) 1149
(c) 1250 (d) 1150

The LCM of two numbers is 924 and their

HCF is 12. Find how many such pairs be
(a) 0 (b) 1 A number when divided by 10 it gives
(c) 2 (d) 3 reminder 9 when divided by 9 reminder
become 8 and the same number divided by
8 reminder become 7 find that number?
(a) 359 (b) 355
(c) 360 (d) 354

The sum of two numbers is 216 and their

HCF is 27. How many pairs or such numbers
are there?
(a) 1 (b) 2 Find the minimum number in which after
(c) 3 (d) 0 dividing by 5, 6, 7, and 8 it gives reminder 3.
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When the same number divided by 9 there is

no reminder?
(a) 1683 (b) 1684
(c) 1783 (d) 1784
Find the least number the must be
subtracted from 2890 so that obtained
number is divided by 18, 24 and 30 it gives
reminder 4?
(a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 4 (d) 3
Find the minimum number in which after
dividing by 5, 6, 8, 9 and 12 it gives reminder
1. When the same number divided by 13
there is no reminder? Find the largest 4 digit number which
(a) 3601 (b) 3602 divided by 10, 15 and 18 it gives no
(c) 3604 (d) 3603 reminder?
(a) 9990 (b) 10000
(c) 9780 (d) 9890

Find the largest 4 digit number which

divided by 12, 18, 21 and 28 it gives no
What is the sum of the smallest number of reminder of 5?
digits, which divides by 15, 18 and 42, in (a) 9834 (b) 3832
each case, the remainder remains 8 and (c) 9833 (d) 9835
which is completely divisible by 13?
(a) 24 (b) 22 (c) 26 (d) 25

Find the largest 4 digit number which

divided by 15, 28, 21 and 24 it gives reminder
9, 22, 15, 18 respectively?
(a) 9234 (b) 9244
(c) 9245 (d) 9256
When 12, 16, 18, 20 and 25 divide the least
number, x, the remainder in each case is 4
but x is divisible by 7. What is the digit at the
thousands place in x? The greated number of 5 digit that is exactly
(a) 8 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5 divisible by each 8, 12, 15 and 20 is?
(a) 99950 (b) 99940
(c) 99980 (d) 99960

Find the minimum number of four digit

number in which after dividing by 12, 15 and
24 it gives no reminder? Find the number that is divided by 11, 18 and
(a) 1070 (b) 1060 21 between 4000 to 5000?
(c) 1080 (d) 1090 (a) 4360 (b) 4158
(c) 4550 (d) 4260

Find the minimum number of five digit in

which after dividing by 30, 45 and 60 it gives Find the number between 1000 to 2000 that
reminder 20, 35 and 50. respectively? exactly divided by 12, 15, and 18?
(a) 10060 (b) 10080 (a) 1080 (b) 1087
(c) 10050 (d) 10070 (c) 1090 (d) 1085

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A milk man has two cans in which 45 liters and

75 liters milk contain. Find the maximum
The number between 22000 and 23000 that measurement that can measure both the cans?
is divisible by each of 12, 18, 21 and 32 ? (a) 15 (b) 18
(a) 22176 (b) 22536 (c) 16 (d) 20
(c) 22032 (d) 22276

The greatest number of six digits which There are 1001 pen and 910 pencil. Which is
gives remainder 10 when divided by distributed among the students in such a way
36,48,54,60 and 90 is? that each student gets as equal number of pens
(a) 997930 (b) 997240 and pencils. What will be the number of
(c) 997910 (d) 999908 students?
(a) 88 (b) 99
(c) 91 (d) 94

Three Bell ring at the interval of 12, 15, 18

seconds respectively. All three bells ringing The length of the floor 68 meters and width is
together at 10 : 30 then after what time all 51 mtr. At least How many square tiles will be
three bells will ring together again for first required for the floor?
time? (a) 11 (b) 12
(a) 10 : 33 (b) 10 : 25 (c) 9 (d) 13
(c) 10 : 31 (d) 10 : 38

4 bells ring at intervals of 30 minustes, 1

hour, hour and 1 hour 45 minutes From a point on a circular track 5 km long A, B
respectively at 12 noon. They will again ring and C started running in the same direction at
simultaneously at? the same time with speed of km per hour, 3 km
(a) 12 mid night (b) 3 a.m. per hour and 2 km per hour respectively Then
(c) 6 a.m. (d) 9 a.m. on the starting point all three will meet again
(a) 30 hours (b) 6 hours
(c) 10 hours (d) 15 hours

Three runners complete a round in a cricle

in 10 minutes, 5 minutes and 20 minutes
respectively. If all three start together at how
much time they meet again?
(a) 18 minutes (b) 20 minutes
(c) 22 minutes (d) 15 minutes A milk vendor has 21 litres of cow milk, 42 litres
of toned milk and 63 litres of double toned milk.
If he wants to pack them in cans so that each
can contains same litres of milk and does not

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want to mix any two kinds of milk in a can, then

the least number of cans required is?
(a) 3 (b) 6 There are three farms whose area is 288,
(c) 9 (d) 12
408 and 552 square meters, respectively. In
which rows of equal length has to be made,
if the width of each row is 4 meters, then
what will be the maximum length?
(a) 3 meter (b) 5 meter
(c) 4 meter (d) 6 meter

Three sets of English, Mathematics and

Science books containing 336, 240, 96
books respectively have to be stacked in
such a way that all the books are stored Find the largest number by which 24, 60
subject wise and the height of each stack is and 84 gets exactly divided?
the same. Total number of stacks will be? (a) 10 (b) 15
(a) 14 (b) 21 (c) 22 (d) 48 (c) 14 (d) 12

Find the largest number by which after

A servant was hired for fixed days for dividing in 99, 123 and 183 it gives same
which he had to pay Rs. 3239. he was remainder?
absent for some days, and only Rs. 2923 (a) 10 (b) 12
was paid, what was his maximum daily (c) 13 (d) 11
wages ?
(a) 80 (b) 79
(c) 78 (d) 81
Find the greatest number that divides 556,
763 and 349 and leaves 4 as remainders
(a) 69 (b) 92
(c) 36 (d) 54

A farmer has 945 cows and 2475 sheep. He

farms them into flocks, keeping cows and Find the maximum number by which after
sheep separate and having the same dividing in 17, 26, and 43 it gives remainder
number of animals in each flock. If these 1, 2 and 3 respectively?
flocks are as large as possible, then the (a) 8 (b) 9
maximum number of animals in each flock (c) 6 (d) 10
and total number of flocks required for the
purpose are respectively?
(a) 15 and 228 (b) 9 and 380
(c) 45 and 76 (d) 46 and 75
What is the greatest number that will divide
307 and 330 leaving remainder 3 and 7
(a) 19 (b) 16

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(c) 17 (d) 23 When product of two numbers, is divided

by its HCF then we get 5775, but when it is
divided by LCM, we get 25. If one number is
525, what is the second number?
(a) 275 (b) 325
(c) 405 (d) 210
When 7897, 8110 and 8536 are divided by
the greatest number x, then the remainder
in each case is the same. The sum of the
digits of x is?
(a) 6 (b) 9
(c) 14 (d) 5 HCF and LCM of two 3 - digit numbers are
23 and 1771 respectively. Find the sum of
their numbers?
(a) 414 (b) 391
(c) 460 (d) 322
In finding the HCF of two numbers by
division method four successive quotient
are 4, 3, 6 and 5 respectively and final
divisor is 12. What are two numbers? The ratio of two numbers 9 : 14 and their
(a) 1226, 5376 LCM is 1008. The numbers are ?
(b) 1116, 4836 (a) 63, 98 (b) 72, 112
(c) 1056, 4596 (c) 81, 126 (d) 54, 105
(d) 1176, 5076

The product of the LCM and HCF of two

numbers is 24. The difference of the two
In finding the HCF of two numbers by numbers is 2. Find the numbers?
division method, the last divisor is 17 and (a) 8 and 6
the quotients are 1, 11 and 2 respectively. (b) 8 and 10
What is sum of the numbers? (c) 2 and 6
(a) 833 (b) 901 (d) 6 and 4
(c) 816 (d) 867

The product of LCM and HCF of two

numbers is 24300. Those numbers are in
Three numbers which are coprime to one ratio of 4 : 3. What is the sum of LCM and
another are such that the product of the HCF of two numbers?
first two is 551 and that of the last two is (a) 540 (b) 585
1073. The sum of the three numbers is? (c) 720 (d) 765
(a) 75 (b) 81
(c) 85 (d) 89

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The sum of LCM and HCF of two numbers

is 4956. Those numbers have a ratio of 11 :
16. What’s the difference between LCM and
HCF of two numbers?
(a) 4480 (b) 4620
(c) 4780 (d) 4900

Sum of two numbers is 128 and their HCF

and LCM are 8 and 504 respectively. The
sum of the reciprocal of those numbers will
𝟐 𝟏
(a) 𝟔𝟑 (b) 𝟐𝟖
𝟖 𝟏𝟔
(c) 𝟐𝟕 (d) 𝟔𝟑

The sum of two numbers is 255 and LCM is

1080. Find the numbers?
(a) 120, 135
(b) 150, 105
(c) 165, 90
(d) None

Thes LCM of two numbers x and y is 204

times HCF. If their HCF is 12 and the
difference between the numbers is 60, then
x + y =?
(a) 660 (b) 426
(c) 348 (d) 852

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