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org © 2022 IJCRT | Volume 10, Issue 4 April 2022 | ISSN: 2320-2882


*Ms. J. Sri Keerthana

Research Scholar, Department of Corporate Secretaryship (Aided), Erode Arts and Science College, Erode


In both developed and developing economies, employee performance is critical to all businesses. The
worrisome rise in the rate of business failure, shutdown, and employee poor productivity. Employees play a
critical role in ensuring that firms maintain a competitive advantage over competitors around the world.
According to the findings, using a recruitment agency and internal employee recommendations in the
recruitment/selection process allows organisations to hire dedicated employees. Employees are more
productive when they are recruited through the influence of the host community, yet this leads to
organisational inefficiency. The study concludes that organisations can use employment agencies in the
recruitment and selection process, but they must be willing to share the job description and responsibilities
with them. Accepting referred candidates for employment from devoted and engaged employees was also
advised since it improves employee mentorship, monitoring, obedience, and coaching. It was also
recommended that recruitment/selection be focused on the candidates' ability to accomplish job tasks rather
than considerations based on host community influences.

Keywords: Recruitment and selection, Agency, Employee referral, Employees, Performance


The success of a company is determined not by the amount but by the quality of its workforce or
employees. As a result, it is critical for any company to hire the best and most qualified staff. Finding
applicants, communicating opportunities, and developing interest are all aspects of recruitment. To achieve
organisational objectives and progress, the recruitment and selection process is critical and must be carried
out in a systematic manner. Employees have a critical role in corporate development, and as a result,
organisations are now placing a greater emphasis on their human resources. Human resources are critical to
the organisation because they add value, viewpoint, and characteristics to the culture. Human resources that
are well-managed can propel a company to new heights. Human capital Management starts with the hiring
process and then moves on to the selection process. Traditionally, some subjective components were
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present in the recruitment and selection process. However, if we handle job applications professionally, we
can limit the impact of subjective factors (Walker et al., 2009) .

Recruitment and selection procedures are one of the most important aspects that determine whether an
organization's outcomes are successful or unsuccessful. Employees who are not only satisfied but also
motivated are likely to be hired and retained as a result of an effective recruitment and selection process.
Furthermore, the success of the organization's selection system might have an impact on the bottom line
business productivity, such as financial performance or the performance of other employees in main stream
departments. As a result, considerable financial and time investment is required for the construction of a
complete and valid selection procedure, which will result in the organization's money and time being
wisely spent. While recruitment is the process of obtaining a candidate pool, selection is the process of
selecting the best applicant (Walker et al., 2009). It is well known that proper selection has a broader range
of positive effects on organisational development and work life.

Another crucial aspect of recruitment and selection is that it assists firms in attracting top talent. As well as
appointing qualified industry personnel. Appointing the appropriate individuals for the right job and in the
right place, as well as doing the right things at the right time, is an important part of the organization's
recruitment and selection process. However, it must be measurable and valid in order to process and assess
the efficacy of the recruiting and selection process in reaching the organization's desired goals, specifically
the job goal.

According to the literature, organisational development is inextricably connected to employee performance.

The right employee selection will lead to success, but the improper employee selection will lead to failure
(Walker et al., 2009).As a result, the purpose of this study is to look into the link between good recruitment
and selection processes and organisational development.


1. In a manufacturing business, the relationship between the usage of employee referral methods and
employee commitment

2. The association between employee productivity and the adoption of the Employment Agency technique

In order to accomplish the above mentioned objective, researcher hypothesized that:

1. H01 In a manufacturing firm, there is no substantial association between the usage of the employee
referrer approach and employee commitment.

2. H02 There is no substantial association between employee productivity and the usage of employment
agency methods.

Theoretical background:

The two steps of the hiring process are recruitment and selection, although there is a distinction between
them. The first is the process of finding individuals to fill vacant positions and encouraging them to apply
for jobs within the business, whereas the second is a series of stages in which candidates are vetted in order
to select the best prospects for open positions. The primary goal of recruitment is to build a pool of talented
candidates in order to improve the selection of the best candidates for the organisation by attracting more
and more potential employees to apply, whereas the primary goal of the selection process is to find the best
candidate to fill the various positions in the organisation. The hiring procedure begins right away. The

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selection procedure follows, with the final interviewers and decision makers making the ultimate decision
and making the official appointment.

The selection procedure follows, with the final interviewers and decision makers making the ultimate
decision and making the official appointment. The Resource Based View (RBV) of Barney (1991)
demonstrates that aggressive gain can be sustained. When businesses have a human resource pool that can't
be replicated or replaced by competitors, it's easier to manage. Companies, according to the resource-based
perspective, must Continually assess their workforce to ensure that they have the right people on board.to
have the right abilities in the right places to ensure long-term aggressive gains (Barney 1991), While this is
not the case, businesses must compensate for the shortage through other means. Employing appropriate
recruitment and selection criteria.

Effectiveness of Recruitment & Selection Process:

Jim Collin writes a lot on getting the "appropriate people on the bus" in his book "Good to Great." A
company's ability to locate and hire the greatest people is the foundation of its success. Companies must
consider not only a candidate's talents and experience, but also his capacity to work with others
(teamwork), his ability to adapt to change, and his communication skills when making recruiting decisions
(oral and written).


Internal and external candidates are considered in an effective recruitment process. Don't take the easier
route and hire someone who isn't qualified simply because they are an inside applicant. Encourage current
employees to make job recommendations. "Internet and employee referrals," according to a Development
Dimensions International researcher are the most popular and effective recruiting strategies." Spend time
determining which advertising methods will best target the population you want to reach.


Determine exactly what talents you want in an employee and design your interviewing and selection
process to find people who possess them. Also, consider what skills your present team lacks. Select a
person who can help fill the gap if you have five employees who are exceptional at textual communications
but struggle with presenting to a large audience. Start over if you don't discover a match during the first
round of interviews.


Even the most qualified individuals may require training; however, a good recruitment and selection
procedure will cut down on the amount of time you spend on training your new hire. On the other hand, if
you choose a candidate who is a good fit but lacks some of the necessary technical abilities, invest in her
training. In the long term, it will pay off. You can always train someone to perform a specific task;
however, soft skills such as dependability and adaptability are significantly more difficult to teach.

Satisfaction at Work

One advantage of selecting the best applicant for the position is his capacity to operate independently. A
self-motivated or self-managed employee is a drain on management, the team, and the company. The
company as a whole Furthermore, if the chosen applicant is not the proper fit for the job, she may resign,

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requiring you to restart the procedure. Appropriately chosen candidates have higher levels of overall job
satisfaction and motivation.

Avoidance of Issues

Employees who are ineffective spend money. It takes a lot of time, effort, and money to turn a mediocre or
terrible employee into a dazzling star. A tough employee can often be improved with no amount of
training, coaching, encouragement, reinforcement, or even discipline. As a result, relying on your well-
developed hiring procedure to minimise future issues is even more critical.

Recruitment & Selection process and organizational development:

The recruitment and selection process is an important aspect of an employer's overall resourcing plans, as it
finds and secures the people required for a company to be viable and successful in the short to medium
term (Elwood & James, 1996). In fact, the primary goal of recruitment is to build a pool of highly qualified
applicants to allow for the selection of high-quality applicants for the company by attracting a larger
number of employees to work with within the company, whereas the primary goal of selection is to find the
best candidate to fill various positions within the company (Gamage, 2014).

According to the literature, there is a beneficial relationship between staff selection and organisational
development (Gamage et al, 2014). There is a strong link between recruiting and selection and total
business development, for example.

The second step in the manpower planning and acquisition process is selection. It is the process of selecting
the best candidate for the job based on the organization's needs. Large companies' selection processes can
be lengthy, and manufacturing organizations’ selection processes are much more extensive. Selection
processes vary per industry, based on the mission and competitiveness of the industry. Every selection
procedure has two outcomes: selected and not selected. Those who are selected will be placed, while those
who are not will be dismissed.

Selection, according to Neeraj (2012), is the process of selecting persons with necessary qualifications to
fill positions in a company. It entails much more than simply selecting the most qualified individual. "It's a
unique situation." "Aim for a happy medium between what the applicants can and wants to do and what the
company expects." Employee selection is critical for three reasons: performance, cost, and legal duties
(Neeraj 2012).

Picking persons with necessary qualifications, aligning job criteria with candidate profiles, and using a
variety of methods and strategies to locate the most suited candidate who is most likely to succeed on the
job are all essentials and prerequisites for selection.

Employee Suggestions

Employee referral refers to a circumstance in which a current employee of a company suggests an external
prospect for employment. Employees who refer candidates to their organisations can be confident in the
candidate's moral and physical abilities to perform the job because the candidate's success is dependent on
his own success and vice versa.

Employee referral programmes vary; in some circumstances, referred workers receive preferential
treatment in the hiring process, while in others, existing employees receive considerable cash incentives for
bringing a friend to be recruited. Stephen and his colleagues (2013). Even though referred and non-referred

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workers appear identical on most observable parameters, Stephen et al. (2013) found that there are some
substantial behavioural differences between them.

Agencies that recruit/select candidates:

A recruitment agency is a company that hires out the job of recruiting and hiring personnel for a company
in exchange for a fee. Usually, the agency will accept. The responsibility for advertising the post, receiving
applications, and performing the first round of interviews before presenting a short list of prospects to the
employers. Only if the agency is armed with precise job descriptions as described in the organization's job
specifications will it be successful in finding the correct candidate (Florea, 2014).

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Using Recruitment Agencies:

Florea (2014) argued that the benefits and drawbacks of using recruitment agencies to a company are the
same as those of using external recruitment sources. The benefits of using recruitment agencies to a
company include qualified personnel, a wider range of candidates, fresh talent, competitive spirit among
candidates, and less chance of favouritism. The drawbacks of using recruitment agencies to a company
include dissatisfaction among existing staff, a lengthy and costly process, the risk of making the wrong
choice, and an increase in l it’s also worth noting that employing a recruitment agency allows management
to focus on their responsibilities and increase productivity.


According to the findings, an organization's strength or weakness is determined by the caliber of its
personnel, and a good recruitment plan allows a business to choose suitable and qualified employees who
can improve performance. The employment of a recruiting agency and internal employee recommendations
in the recruitment/selection process allows a business to hire committed and productive personnel, whereas
recruitment through the influence of the host community causes inefficiencies. The study proposes the
following in light of the research findings. Organizations can utilise employment agencies to help with
recruiting and selection, but they must be transparent about the job description and responsibilities in order
to find the best candidates. It was also suggested that businesses pursue hiring through active and dedicated
employee referrals.


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