Prediction Analysis Techniques of Data Mining: A Review
Prediction Analysis Techniques of Data Mining: A Review
Prediction Analysis Techniques of Data Mining: A Review
4.Dharavath Bhadru, 5.SHARMA NEERAJ
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Engineering,
Ellenki college of Engineering and Technonlogy, patelguda (vi), near BHEL ameenpur (m),
Sangareddy Dist. Telangana 502319
ABSTRACT: Data mining within the in geology. To discover new theories,
databases is called a technique from which information clustering can be used to classify
the extraction of necessary information can all documents available on Web. The
be done from the raw information. With the unsupervised data clustering classification
help of the prediction analysis technique method creates clusters and objects as these in
provided by the data mining the future different clusters are distinct and that are in
scenarios regarding to the current same cluster are very similar to each other. In
information can be predicted. The prediction data mining, cluster analysis is considered a
analysis is the combination of clustering and traditional topic which is applied for the
classification. In order to provide prediction knowledge discovery. The data objects are
analysis there are several techniques grouped as a set of disjoint classes which are
presented through many researchers. In this known as cluster [2]. Objects which are divided
review paper, various techniques proposed into separate classes are more different and
by various authors are analyzed to within a class objects have high resemblance to
understand latest trends in the prediction each other. In order to determine patterns and
analysis. predicting future outcomes and trends
KEYWORDS: Classification, Clustering, K- predictive analytics is the practice of extracting
means, SVM. from existing data sets. Future predictions are
1. INTRODUCTION not provided through prediction analysis. In the
Data mining is the patterns for analyzing future with an acceptable level of reliability
information and the process to extract the includes what-if scenarios and risk assessment
interesting knowledge. In data mining, various forecast is provided by the prediction analysis.
data mining tools available which are used to Future possibilities are completely predicted
analyze different types of data. For analyzing through the prediction analysis. In order to
the data information few applications which is better understand customers, products and
used by data mining are such as making partners and to identify potential risks and
decisions, analysis on market basket, production opportunities for company predictive models
control, and customer retention, scientific are used to analyze current data and historical
discovers and education systems [1]. Applied to facts applied to business. To make future
similar cluster and not same type of data is business forecasts including data mining,
referred to clustering in this approach.The statistical modeling and machine learning to
clusters are generated by analyzing similar help analysts it uses a number of techniques.
patterns of the input data. While categorizing From data Predictive analytics is an area of
genes with same functionality and in population statistics that deals with extracting information
gain insight into structures can be inherited in and used it for predicting trends and behavior
biology for deriving plant and animal patterns. Calculation of statistical probabilities
taxonomies. In city, similar houses and lands of future events online is the enhancements of
area can be identified by employing clustering predictive web analytics. Data modeling,
Qasem A., (2013) suggested that the data Ming, J, (2018) proposed multi-
analysis prediction [13] is considered as dimensionality and nonlinearity the
important subject for forecasting stock return. Characteristics of the technical and economic
The future data analysis can be predicted data of mining enterprises. Using technologies
through past investigation. The past historical of big data analysis and data mining the analysis
knowledge of experiments has been used by method of the technical and economic data is
stock market investors to predict better timing researched. Simplification of the fluctuation
to buy or sell stocks. There are different pattern and influencing factors of the mineral
available data mining techniques amongst products price are done. Using artificial neural
which, a decision tree classifier has been used network the prediction model of the mineral
by authors in this work. products price is established [17]. The
prediction model of the geological missing data
K.Rajalakshmi, (2015) presented study is established on the basis of techniques of geo
related to [14] medical fast growing field statistics and artificial neural network.
authors. In this field every single day, a large Regularity of geological data of group
amount of data has been generated and to boreholes and of geological data of all
handle this much of large amount of data is not boreholes the regularity is discussed and
an easy task. By the medical line prediction analyzed by using the model. The practicability
based systems, optimum results are produced of the prediction model is strong, and the
using medical data mining. The K-means prediction accuracy is high as shown in the
algorithm has been used to analyze different outcomes of the proposed approach through the
existing diseases. The cost effectiveness and authors. Due to the limitation of technical
human effects have been reduced using conditions and equipment conditions during the
proposed prediction system based data mining. process of mineral development there is a loss
of a lot of geological data that decreases
BalaSundar V, (2012) examined [15] real accuracy of the ore body shape and that of
and artificial datasets that have been used to reserves estimation in this study.
predict diagnosis of heart diseases with the help
of a K-mean clustering technique in order to Sakhare, A. V, (2017) proposed in data
check its accuracy. The clusters are partitioned mining paper shows a survey of road accident
into k number of clusters by clustering which is analysis methods an important role played in
the part of cluster analysis and each cluster has transportation is the system road accident
its observations with nearest mean. The first analysis. Using the different methods of data
step is random initialization of whole data, and mining this paper Road Accident Data Analysis
then a cluster k is assigned to each cluster. The is described. The study of K-mean algorithm is
proposed scheme of integration of clustering given in this paper. Clusters are created and
has been tested and its results show that the analyze them with the help of SOM [18]. It is
highest robustness, and accuracy rate can be used as an unsupervised learning method based
achieved using it. on neural network known as self organizing
method. Analysis accuracy is improved through
Daljit Kaur (2013) explained [16] that data this. Because no. of people death and injured for
that contains similar objects has been divided that improve the road transportation system is
using clustering. The data that contains similar needed in our daily life there are no. of accident
objects is clustered in same group and the increases and it is big problem to us. For finding
dissimilar objects are placed in different a no. of pattern to analysis the road accident
clusters. The proposed algorithm has been data which help to find prediction of accident
tested and results show that this algorithm is reasons and improve the accuracy of analysis
able to reduce efforts of numerical calculation compare to k-means clustering algorithm is
and complexity along with maintaining an known as the research self organization map
easiness of its implementation. The proposed (SOM).