Cafeína AIS
Cafeína AIS
Cafeína AIS
What is it?
Following ingestion, caffeine is rapidly absorbed and transported to all body tissues and organs where it exerts a large variety of effects.
The mechanisms underpinning these effects may vary between individuals and include both positive and negative responses. Evidence of the
use of caffeine to enhance sports performance has been developed over more than a century of scientific testing, with robust evidence2 now
confirming the following:
> Small caffeine doses (e.g. 2-3 mg/kg (~200 mg)) are effective at improving performance, irrespective of whether the caffeine is ingested before
and during (in the case of endurance tasks) exercise.
> The major benefits of this dose of caffeine on exercise capacity and performance appear to be achieved by central nervous system effects,
specifically those involving antagonism of adenosine receptors. These effects reduce the perception of fatigue and allow optimal pacing and
skill/work outcomes to be maintained for a longer period.
> In addition, caffeine increases the mobilisation of fats from adipose tissue and at the muscle cell, can change to muscle contractility. While
these effects exist, they are less likely to explain the magnitude of performance changes observed in the current literature.
> Individuals vary in their response to caffeine intake. Although caffeine may enhance sports performance in most, some individuals are non-
responders and others may respond negatively to caffeine ingestions.
> Athletes should be made aware of the potential of these effects and practitioners should be encouraged to trial its use with athletes before
use in major competitions.
Caffeine was removed from the World Anti-Doping Agency Prohibited List in 2004, allowing athletes who compete in WADA sanctioned sports
to consume caffeine within their usual diets or for specific purposes of performance. This change was based on the recognition that caffeine
enhanced performance at doses consistent with everyday use, and that monitoring caffeine intake via urinary caffeine concentration was not
reliable. WADA continues to test urinary caffeine concentrations within its Monitoring Program to investigate patterns of misuse.
Pure or highly concentrated caffeine can be potentially lethal and hence pose an acute risks to consumers.
Table 1: Caffeine content of common foods, drinks and therapeutic products (Australia)
Some carbohydrate-containing sports foods, such as sports drinks, gels and bars contain small amounts of caffeine – typically, 20-100 mg per serve
(see Table 2). Two other supplement categories also typically contain a source of caffeine: Fat loss products and Pre-workout supplements. Table 2
provides examples of products available in Australia, which fall under the jurisdiction of Therapeutic Goods Administration. Concerns regarding these
supplement categories include the lack of information on the caffeine dose provided by a typical serve of these products and the potential for large
caffeine doses.
Table 2: Caffeine content of common sports foods and supplements (Australia)
AC = Anhydrous (Pure) Caffeine, * values taken from2, †values taken from product label
How and when do I use it?
Over the last 15 years a large number of studies have refined our understanding of caffeine’s performance enhancing effects. If there is a
dose–response relationship between caffeine intake and exercise performance (i.e. the bigger the dose, the better the performance outcome),
the plateau seems to occur at a dose of ~3 mg/kg or ~200 mg. This offers athletes (both male and female) the opportunity to consume caffeine
for performance benefits at doses that are less likely to cause side effects such as increases in heart rate, impairments or alterations of fine motor
control and technique, and anxiety or over-arousal), well within normal population caffeine use patterns, and from the caffeine doses provided
by a range of well accepted foods and sports foods.
It appears that a variety of protocols of caffeine intake that can enhance performance. These include the consumption of caffeine before the
exercise bout, spread throughout exercise, or late in exercise as fatigue is beginning to occur. Different protocols may achieve optimal performance
outcomes even in the same sport or individual. Suitable or optimal protocols may be dictated by the specific characteristics of the event, the
practical considerations of consuming a caffeine-containing product, and the individual characteristics/preferences of the athlete. Athletes
intending to use caffeine to enhance sports performance should work with their high performance team providers to develop a protocol(s) and
trial these in training or less important events to determine the protocol(s) which best suit their individual needs.
Performance benefits have been observed following caffeine administered in capsules, coffee, sports and energy drinks, gum, gels, bars and
dissolvable mouth strips. Mouth rinsing with caffeine or aerosol caffeine administration appear less likely to produce an ergogenic effect. In addition,
studies now show that benefits from caffeine occur soon after intake and are not reliant on the achievement of peak blood caffeine concentrations
which typically occur around 60mins.
There is doubt about the value of withdrawing from caffeine use prior to using it for competition to “heighten” the subsequent effect on performance.
Observations of a greater performance improvement following a period of caffeine abstinence may be an artefact – caffeine withdrawal may
impair general well-being and performance and the apparent increase in benefits when caffeine is reintroduce is partly explained by the reversal
of these negative effects. Well-designed studies show that there is no difference in the performance response to caffeine between non-users
and users of caffeine, and that withdrawing athletes from caffeine does not increase the net improvement in performance achieved with caffeine
While most studies of caffeine and performance have been undertaken in laboratories, (fewer investigations on elite athletes using field/real-life
sports conditions), there is sound evidence that caffeine is likely to enhance the performance of a range of sports, including:
> Endurance sports (> 60 min)
> Brief sustained high-intensity sports (1-60 min)
> Team and intermittent sports – work rates
> Team and intermittent sports – skills and concentration
> Single efforts involving strength or power
In summary, athletes are able to ingest performance-enhancing doses (~200 mg) of caffeine from common foods/beverages. Athletes who want
to use caffeine to enhance sports performance should develop supplementation protocols that use the lowest effective caffeine dose.
Caffeine can affect sleep onset and quality, even at low levels of intake. This may interfere with the athlete’s ability to recover between training
sessions, or multi-day competitions. Given the half-life of caffeine is ~5 hours (i.e. about half the drug remains in your blood after this period),
consideration should be given to the timing of caffeine intake relative to the need for sleep.
Small to moderate doses of caffeine have minimal effects on urine losses or the overall hydration in people who are habitual caffeine users.
In addition, caffeine-containing drinks such as tea, coffee and cola drinks provide a significant source of fluid in the everyday diets of many people.
The effects of caffeine vary markedly between individuals. Each athlete should make decisions about caffeine use based on experience of their own
responsiveness and reactions, including side-effects. It remains unclear whether genetic differences related to caffeine metabolism or adenosine
receptor density explain the contrasting performance effects3.
1. McLellan, T., J. Caldwell, and H. Lieberman. (2016). A review of caffeine’s effects on cognitive function, physical and occupational performance.
Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 71, 294-312.
2. Desbrow, B., et al. (2018). Caffeine content of pre-workout supplements commonly used by Australian consumers. Drug Test Anal, 11(3), 523-529.
3. Pickering, C. and J. Grgic. (2019). Caffeine and Exercise: What Next? Sports Med, 49(7), 1007-1030.
The Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) Supplement Framework is an initiative of the Australian High Performance Sport System. The AIS
acknowledges the support of members of the National Institute Network (NIN) and National Sporting Organisations (NSO) and their staff in
delivering content expertise. This information is intended to help athletes, coaches and scientists make evidence-based decisions about
the use of supplements and sports foods. Before engaging in supplement use, we recommend that each individual refer to the specific
supplement policies of their sporting organisation, sports institute or parent body, and seek appropriate professional advice from an
accredited sports dietitian (
Athletes should be aware that the use of supplements may have doping implications. Athletes are reminded that they are responsible for
all substances that enter their body under the ‘strict liability’ rules of the World Anti-Doping Code. Some supplements are riskier than others.
The Sport Integrity Australia (SIA) app is a useful resource to help mitigate the risk of inadvertent doping by helping to identify supplements
that have been batch-tested. The SIA App provides a list of more than 11,000 batch-tested products. We recommend that all athletes
consult the educational resources of SIA regarding the risks associated with supplements and sports foods.. While batch-tested products
have the lowest risk of a product containing prohibited substances, they cannot offer you a guarantee that they are not contaminated