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‫كلية الهندسة المعلوماتية‬

‫السنة الخامسة‬

‫تخصصية ‪3‬‬
‫القسم العمل‬
‫المح ر‬
‫اضة ‪5‬‬
Syrian Arabi Republic

AL-Baath University

IT Faculty

English for Informatics 3

Ui-Ux through Figma
Lecture 5
Ux Laws & Rules


Eng. Anas Al-Tadmory

Dr. Eng. Ossama Naser

What Are UX Rules?
UX design rules and laws are the best practices and design principles that UX
designers consider while creating the user experience for any product or

For example, if you are into the SaaS space, you should follow the UX rule of
iterative process where you keep rolling out new features or updates based on
the customer feedback loop. Don’t fret, we’ll cover this in detail later.

So, now let’s explore the UX design basics for beginners and seasoned
designers: UX rules.

So, to create UX that converts, you can refer to this UX design guide for
beginners and experienced designers. It covers top 15 UX laws and rules
and UX design best practices in depth to build exceptional customer

15 UX Rules Every UX Designer

Should Follow (With Bonus)
Now that you know what UX rules and laws are, let’s discuss them in detail to
understand how each UX principle and law helps designers create seamless
experiences for users through and through.

Jakob’s Law of Consistency and Familiarity

Introduced by Jakob Nielsen in “Usability Heuristics for User Interface Design,”
this is one of the 10 heuristic principles that focuses on consistency and
familiarity when using websites. It is also known as the UX rule of familiarity.
For example, an external consistency is when a camera icon is clickable and
allows users to click a picture instead of performing a completely unrelated

Similarly, an element that resembles a button should be clickable.

Internal consistency means keeping the use of icons, symbols, emojis,

images, etc., consistent throughout your website/product.

If you design your product/website entirely different than what users are used
to, they may get confused and simply leave.

For example, the UI of Qualaroo’s surveys, a customer feedback tool, is

consistent across different channels and devices.
The other nine heuristic principles are:
• Show system/activity progress: Show users the progress of their
• Follow real-world conventions: Design keeping real-life elements in
mind that are familiar to users.
• Provide user control and freedom of activity: Allow users to navigate
• Error prevention: Avoid errors by helping users do things the right
• Let users recognize errors and help recover: Show errors in an
understandable way with their solutions.
• Prioritize recognition over recall memory: Create designs that focus
on recognition.
• Allow flexibility of use: This allows users to navigate how they want
• Follow minimalist but esthetic design: Keep the design simple yet
intuitive and exciting.
• Offer plenty of help and documentation: Guide users with issues and
the best practices to perform an action.
Key Takeaway:
• As much as you might want to create unique designs for your
website/product, completely reinventing the wheel may backfire.
Since users like to use websites/products that work similarly, you
should keep the elements simple and similar to others, so it’s not
challenging for them to use.
• Implement the principle of least astonishment in your
product/website design so users are not overwhelmed.

Refer to the 80/20 Rule

Popularly known as the Pareto principle, the 80-20 rule states that 20% of your
effort can get you 80% results.

In UX design language, it translates into the fact that 20% of design changes
can give you 80% of the results.
Key Takeaway:
• Don’t try to fix every minor problem individually. Identify the ones you
think have a more significant impact on your user experience, web
design, and UX. This way, you fix 20% of the issues causing 80% of
your problems. It’ll allow you to work efficiently.

Appeal to Customers’ Senses with Aesthetic Design

Known as the Aesthetic Usability Effect, this rule of UX states that people find
aesthetically pleasing designs more attractive, intuitive, and easy to use than
cluttered and unpleasant designs.

It’s the same when you apply this rule to digital products like websites, mobile
apps, and software.

Aesthetics are the first thing prospects notice in your products. For example,
look at the website of Sennep, a digital product studio. It has a clean and
simple UI that’s not cluttered or confusing.
You can leverage color psychology and interactive elements to design an
aesthetically pleasing website. You can choose the colors that represent a
positive impact and resonate with your brand image.

Key Takeaway:
• Usability alone doesn’t guarantee impeccable user experience; you
must also consider your product’s and website’s aesthetics. Adding
interactive and dynamic elements and leveraging color psychology
help you design engaging products.
• You shouldn’t favor one over the other. Try to find an equilibrium
between usability and aesthetics to create a flawless UX design.
Too Many Choices = Analysis Paralysis

Have you ever stood in front of a cereal aisle and couldn’t decide which brand or
flavor to buy?

Yes, that sums up Hick’s law of choice overload.

According to this phenomenon, the more choices a person has, the longer it
takes them to choose and sometimes even leads to analysis paralysis where
no choice is made.

So, the more features you offer to the customers, the more time it takes to
decide, and the complexity increases. And eventually, it leads to a decrease in
performance and usability.

This law was introduced by psychologists Ray Hyman and William Edmund
Hick. They studied the correlation between the number of stimuli and
individuals’ reaction time.

So, even if you have good intentions in offering multiple choices to your
customers, it will only increase their cognitive burden.
You must be incredibly attentive to this law when designing for E-Commerce
since too many choices will risk analysis paralysis and cost you conversions.
So, keep the choices to a few and relevant to increase your conversion rate.
Key Takeaway:
• Keep the choices to a minimum but relevant.

• Simplify complex tasks by breaking them down into small steps.

• Reduce the navigation options to keep the menu simple and
For example, here the brand has categorized its products into a few but
relevant categories to help customers choose.

Zeigarnik Effect to Kick in the Goal-Gradient Effect

The Zeigarnik effect, another rule of UX, claims that people remember
incomplete or interrupted tasks better than completed tasks. If a task is
incomplete, they would think about it during other tasks and will only achieve
satisfaction once they complete it.
This phenomenon was first noticed by a Russian psychologist Bluma
Zeigarnik. He observed that a waiter in a restaurant remembered unpaid
orders more clearly than the paid ones.

As soon as the orders were paid, he couldn’t recall the details of the orders as
he did before when they were unpaid.

As a UX designer, you can use this effect in designing to motivate users to

complete tasks on your website or product.

This UX design law ties in nicely with the goal-gradient effect, which states
that people feel highly motivated when they are about to achieve a goal.

For example, this is how ProProfs Project shows progress to users for each
Due to this, they are more likely to complete a task faster and not abandon it
in the middle.

Users focus more on how close they are to their goal than how far they have
come. That’s why it’s a great idea to add a progress bar to show users how
much they have yet to accomplish to reach their goal.

For example, YouTube shows how much a video has been played, so if users
leave it in the middle, they can continue watching it later.
Key Takeaway:
• You can use gamification to use Zeigarnik and the goal-gradient
effect while designing the UI and add elements like a progress bar or
a progress circle so users can see their progress.
• If you use the two UX laws together, the users will remember the
incomplete tasks and feel motivated to complete them.

Ikea Effect to Increase Your Product’s Perceived Value

Most of us have taken on the adventure of Do-It-Yourself and went to Ikea to
assemble the products.

As much effort as it might be to make that table stand on its leg, it’s nothing
compared to the satisfaction you get from the fruit of your labor – That
wobbly table created by YOUR hands.

For you now, it’s not a product you just bought but something you contributed
to creating, so it holds more value.

That’s what the IKEA effect is.

When you allow users to put just a little effort into achieving something with
your website/product, customize the product, and make them feel they are in
control, they instantly perceive it as more valuable.

For example, when you lead users while they complete their profile or any
small task that requires little effort but offers a high perceived contribution
Key Takeaway:
• Allowing customers to execute simple tasks such as creating a
profile, sending an email, etc., will allow them to engage with your
product and see it as more valuable.

Preach KISS Principle

One of the most popular UI/UX design principles and rules is KISS; Keep it
simple stupid.

This UX law states that it’s best to keep any product or website’s UI and UX
design simple so users can easily use it and complete their goals.

Apart from being user-friendly, simple designs are faster and cheaper to build
and are easy to maintain.

For example, Slack offers an excellent UX, from its simple onboarding process
to its fun UX elements. For example, the app sends affirmations such
as “great day at work” while loading. Such small details add to the personality
of the tool.
Key Takeaway:
• Don’t complicate your products’ UX journey and UI; offer a seamless

Prioritize Recognition over Recall

Did you also score good marks in MCQ type exams compared to written

That’s because our brain has a stronger recognition power than recalling.

When you see answer options in MCQ style, you can immediately recognize
the correct answer. On the other hand, you need to recall information to
answer in exams where you need to write a lot.

As a UX designer, you can use this phenomenon to create designs that help
users instantly recognize how to use a feature or perform a task than to make
them recall everything.

You can use pictures, images, and other rich media since it helps users
recognize things faster.

A great example of recognition over recall is search engines’ past searches.

When you type something in the search bar you had searched in the past, it
will come in the suggestions.

It’s something that eCommerce websites also use in their interface. If you
search for something on Amazon’s search bar, it will show your previous
searches so you can continue shopping for the items you checked out.
Key Takeaway:
• Go beyond the limitations of human memory and make it easier for
users to continue a task they left or help them recognize how to use
features easily using this phenomenon.
Doherty Threshold: Computer Response Time
Be honest – how long do you wait for your computer to respond after clicking
something on your computer? Probably like a second, right?

If it’s more than that, you blame the computer for being slow. That’s what
happened with websites too.

In 1982, the experts at IBM, Walter J. Doherty and Arvind J. Thadani,

conducted research to find out users’ threshold for computer response time.

They figured that the response time shouldn’t be longer than 400
So, according to this UX principle, you need to keep the response time at least
under 10 seconds while designing the UX of your website. According
to research by Jakob Neilson, it’s the limit for users to keep attention on any
Key Takeaway:
• If your process is time-consuming, add a loading widget so that users
know the task is in progress and nothing is wrong.

Consider Fitts’ Law

Fitts’ law suggests that the smaller the target and the bigger the distance, the
longer it will take to get to it.

For example, if a button is too small on a mobile screen and the distance is
longer from where users generally grab their phone, it will take longer for
users to perform a task.

Another example of this UX design rule for web design is Twitter. It placed its
new tweet button right at the bottom of the screen, so it’s very easily
accessible to the users.

All the E-Commerce brands place the CTA buttons at the bottom of the screen
because it’s the closest to users’ thumbs.
It lets the users press the button quickly and with more ease than, say, a
button on the upper left corner of the screen.

Key Takeaway:
• Analyze your product or website to understand how users will access
it. If you are designing for a mobile application, place buttons where
they are easily accessible and at a size that’s easy to click. If you are
designing for a website, then place the buttons where users can
notice them.

Miller’s Law of 7 (±2)

George A. Miller, a cognitive psychologist, introduced the term “The Magical
Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two.” This law states that humans can only
retain 7 items (±2) at any time in their short-term memory.

It means that the human brain has a limited capacity to retain short-term
memory or process data.

So, what’s the lesson for UX designers?

Keeping this UX design principle in mind, designers can create UI with only
essential information and not add chunks that will distract customers.

Key Takeaway:
• Present content on the website in small groups, so it’s easily
scannable and doesn’t require much time and attention from the

Peak-End Rule of Experience

We generally look at the user experience as a holistic experience. But this
peak-end UX principle puts a microscopic view on the UX
This term was coined by the Nobel Prize-winning economist and
psychologist Daniel Kahneman and his colleagues. It focuses on how
customers feel at the peak and end of their experience.

Every experience has a peak and end, irrespective of its nature (good or bad

Key Takeaway:
• Try to offer an excellent experience at high-impact points in the
customer journey and ensure that the experience ends positively.
These points can be customers’ first visit on your website, first
purchase, onboarding, etc.

Design with Serial Position Effect

Ever noticed that you somehow remember the first and the last thing you read
on a page, and the rest just blurs?

It’s known as the serial position effect or primary and recency bias. It states
that users only recall the primary and recent things from a list of data.
This effect also comes into play when you are conducting surveys, which we
have covered in detail in our article about the types of survey errors you might
be making and how to avoid them.
For example, respondents are prone to choose the last option they see in a
survey due to the recency bias. You can shuffle the options as you show the
survey to different participants to avoid this error.

Similarly with websites, customers may forget or ignore crucial information

and touchpoints such as CTAs as they scroll down the landing pages.

For this, companies add the crucial elements at the button of the screen
which are static so they are always in the focus of customers.

Key Takeaway:
• Keeping these biases in mind, you should take a page from the book
of companies and add elements like home button and profile buttons
in the left and right corners and boost visitor retention.

For example Instagram has placed crucial elements at the bottom with the
home and profile buttons in the corners.

Weber’s Law: The Difference Threshold

Weber’s law of just noticeable differences states that the stimulus intensity
can be changed even with minimum changes to enhance the user experience.

In UX design, it means that users tend to dislike drastic changes to the design
and UI.

It has become one of the user experience basics for designers. You don’t
need to overhaul your product/website design to bring positive changes; small
noticeable changes that enhance the customer experience are enough.

Users may feel overwhelmed if you make drastic changes, so it’s better to
stick with small but significant updates.

Key Takeaway:
• Do not redesign a product/website until it’s necessary to do so. Start
with small changes and see if they work
Von Restorff Effect: Isolate Elements to Highlight
Another rudimentary aspect of UX design is the Von Restorff effect introduced
by German psychiatrist and pediatrician Hedwig von Restorff in 1933.

In one of her studies, she found that participants only remembered the item
that was different from other same products in the group.

The isolation of the product from other similar products made it memorable
for the participants.

So, in essence, consider this effect as one of the UX design standards and
create elements that stand out from their surroundings.

Key Takeaway:
• Make your CTAs stand out on the website page. The same goes for
specific product features that you want to highlight

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