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A gents and E nemies by Chris Sims
illustration by Adam Paquette – Empty Room Studio
cartagraphy by Sean Macdonald

“Crown jewel and crown seat of

Aundair. Envy of Galifar, far and
wide. Fairhaven, city of white spires
and crystal waters, your name rings
as modest to all who behold you.”

Aundair is a land of rolling plains and forests. Its

people are earthy, idealistic, patriotic, and hungry
for knowledge. Respect for arcane magic runs deep
in them, and their nation produces some of the finest
arcanists on the continent. In the intellectual and
spiritual center of this diversity stands Fairhaven,
capital of Aundair.

TM & © 2009 Wizards of the Coast LLC. All rights reserved. September 20 09 | D u n g e o n 170
Explore Fairhaven

Fairhaven Lore Aundair lost Thaliost in 926 YK. Aundair’s citizens

responded with a passion, sacking Silver Flame tem-
Its ancient foundations set on a riverside, Fairhaven is the
cultural and symbolic heart of Aundair. Common Knowledge: Fairhaven has an orderly ples and killing priests. In Fairhaven, citizens looted
Population: 90,000; 20,000 in the nearby countryside. design, with brick- or stone-paved streets and stun- the Silver Flame Cathedral and lynched any clergy
Humans are populous within the city, followed in order of who failed to renounce the Flame. The ruler of Aun-
ning towers and minarets. Its grand style hints of
population by half-elves, gnomes, and elves. Other races
are far less numerous. something other than human thought, and its layout dair at the time, Regent Marlex, declared the religion
Government: Prince Aurad ir’Wynarn is the city’s governor. suggests careful planning. None can miss the pale anathema to the Crown. By the regent’s order, the
Nobles and other influential individuals who have towers of the city’s central fortress and royal palace, Silver Flame Cathedral of Fairhaven was closed but
interests within or near the city advise the governor when
Fairhold (Eberron Campaign Guide, page 69). Else- left standing as a reminder to Aundairians of what
called to do so. A network of bureaucrats, some of them
landless nobles, helps run the city. where about the city, other buildings, particularly they had lost to Thrane. As the Last War ground on,
Defense: Fairhaven maintains an extensive constabulary municipal ones, echo the style of these spires. Magic Marlex’s edict became tradition. The abandoned and
called the Fairhaven Watch, and it includes arcanists crumbling cathedral still stands today. Fairhaveners
as much as muscle shaped numerous buildings.
trained in Aundair and ex-soldiers. The Knights Arcane
maintains its garrison within Fairhold, with divisions From the uplands about 50 miles southwest of the avoid it and its long shadow.
including the royal Arcane Guard, Fairhaven Wands, city spills the Aundair River. The river is wide, slow, History DC 20: To those knowledgeable on city
Knights Phantom, and Sky Knights (dragonhawk riders). and deep by the time it reaches Fairhaven, and then it building, Fairhaven has the appearance of a young
Royal and noble armies have similar holds within or near
meanders northeasterly down the plains toward Sci- city. Old cities meander beyond their original layout,
the city. Also within Fairhold is the Tower of the Eyes
(Eberron® Campaign Guide, page 71) where the queen’s on’s Sound. Its position on the river makes Fairhaven becoming chaotic. Fairhaven has the geometric layout
intelligence agents work and train. Capable students from a trade gateway to western Khorvaire. Other cities in of a settlement that has yet to escape its reins.
numerous arcane schools and brave citizens willing to take Fairhaven started as a military installation and
the region are less hospitable, and the river becomes
up arms supplement these considerable defenses.
too shallow and treacherous for larger merchant became a trade port. The military leaders at the
Inns: Fairview Inn (Fairhold), University Place (Knowledge
Ward), Ghallanda House (Chalice Center), Hooked Inn vessels to fare beyond the city. As a mercantile hub, time planned it from the beginning and controlled
(Whiteroof ), Wayfinder’s Rest (Sunset Ward), Red Maple Fairhaven is also a place full of opportunities, legal its growth. Later, when the needs of the city called
(Wood Ward), Saint’s Hall (Sovereign Ward).
and otherwise. for new construction, such as the recent addition of
Taverns: Royal Vintners (Fairhold), Ghallanda House
Restaurant (Chalice Center), The Tipsy Nixie (Whiteroof ), Fairhaven offers much more than moneymaking Fairhaven’s three airship towers, those with a voice
University Place Alehouse (Knowledge Ward), Wayfinder’s prospects, however. It is a focus of adventure, learn- in the city made a way clear to build the necessary
Brewery and Spirits (Sunset Ward), Red Maple (Wood structures.
ing, and magic. Fey are common here, harkening
Ward), Row’s End Tavern (Wood Ward), The Ribald Rector
to the time when Aundair was a wilder place. The Fairhaven has also had its share of river floods in
(Knowledge Ward).
Supplies: Distant Exchange (Wood Ward), Dragonhawk University of Wynarn (Eberron Campaign Guide, page its history. Civic magewrights and their magic keep
Reagents (Knowledge Ward), Fairhaven Consortium 69) also brings a diverse population into the city the city dry now, even when the Aundair River rises
(Chalice Center), Haldran Books (Sovereign Ward), to flood fields near the city. In the past, however, the
from across Khorvaire. Major holds of several drag-
Riverside Supply (Whiteroof ), Wayfinder Foundation
Surplus (Sunset Ward). onmarked houses stand in or near the city, including waters washed away the old and made way for the
Temples: Hall of the Assembled Host (Sovereign Host; Cannith West. The Wayfinder Foundation has its new.
Sovereign Ward), Shrine of the Giver (Traveler; Chalice headquarters within the city, bringing in all sorts of History DC 25: When the majority of Tairnadal
Center), Dome of Light (Path of Light; Knowledge Ward).
venturesome folk. elves abandoned their colonies to goblins thousands
History DC 15: After a spy loyal to the Church of of years ago, a few clans of elves remained in Khor-
the Silver Flame divulged Aundairian battle plans, vaire. As mobile as their counterparts in Aerenal,

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Explore Fairhaven

some of these elves migrated north to put distance Thaliost, Aundair’s earliest city. Fairhaven served as Characters
between them and the power centers of the Dhakaani one of the harbors of the “river elves” in those days.
The following characters play a large role in
goblins. Over time, their nomadic ways took them Numerous half-elves of Fairhaven and western Scion’s
amazing distances and their culture changed. Sar- Sound still bear the traditions and fiery spirit of these
lonan immigrants met these elves in Khorvaire and elf ancestors. Queen Aurala ir’Wynarn
absorbed them, which led to the half-elves of modern The river elves are still fine riders. Many believe
An imposing woman with diplomatic skill unmatched
Khorvaire. that the horses of Aundair might have descended
among her peers, the Queen of Aundair is agile with
Among these elves were those who plied the waters from those the migrant Tairnadal elves brought with
the intricacies of ruling her land. She bends just
around Scion’s Sound and the Aundair River when them. Some claim that the elves also influenced the
enough to keep her vassals loyal while keeping a firm
humans and other half-elves came and established dueling and singing traditions of Aundair.
grasp on royal power. With public edicts and pri-
vate discourse, she supports the ambitions of others
enough to keep them content and, perhaps, lead them
into underestimating her. When she makes mistakes,
such as her mishandling of Cyran refugees, she does
her best to turn the tide back in her favor. Aurala
advocates for peace, but such ideals are secondary to
her ambition to rule all Khorvaire with the crown of
Galifar on her head.
Queen’s Gambit: Aurala is a masterful politician,
and she is no warrior. She relies on the Royal Eyes
and other agents to help her with the dirty and bloody
work of maintaining Aundair. To keep tabs on her
warlords and to circumvent any possible leak from
within official channels, she uses independent opera-
tives. An autonomous team might serve the queen
and her loyalists in all sorts of ways, including against
other nations. Thrane suffers Aurala’s secret opposi-
tion at every turn, but Aurala encourages any action
likely to weaken others among the Five Nations.

Prince Adal ir’Wynarn,

First Warlord
Aurala’s younger brother Adal is the Royal Minister
of Magic, First Warlord of Aundair, and an arcanist
A - Farhold (Eberron Campaign Guide, page 69) of considerable might. He is also ambitious. He main-
B - University of Wynarn (Eberron Campaign Guide, page 69) tains his home within Arcanix, where he oversees the

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Explore Fairhaven

Thaliost. Adal also has double agents who work for

Fairhaven in Your him and his sister.
Forgotten Realms
Campaign Fairhaven
Fairhaven is the center of Aundair, and, due to many
Prince Aurad ir’Wynarn,
Since the Forgotten Realms setting focuses on medi-
of the topics covered by this article, it fits well with
High Chancellor
eval fantasy, Fairhaven can work as suggested above.
any D&D setting that cleaves close to the game’s core Unlike Adal, Prince Aurad, the queen’s youngest
It could be Crimmor in Amn, or central Baldur’s Gate
conceits. If you need a river or coastal city, Fairhaven brother, devotes himself to the crown. Like Aurala,
within the old walls. It could be Suzail of Cormyr, with
can serve you well. Alternatively, you can use the map Aurad is a politician rather than a warrior. He serves
King Foril and his court replacing Aurala and hers.
as a plan for an adventure site. as Aurala’s chief advisor, leader of her diplomatic
Darromar of Tethyr is another royal city for which
If you wish to do so, removing the Eberron ele- corps, and governor of Fairhaven. Aurad’s morals
Fairhaven could serve. Scornubel in Elturgard is a pos-
ments is simple. Queen Aurala’s ambitions can be to place him above intrigue and outside the grasp of
sibility, as is Gheldaneth of High Imaskar. Fairhaven
unite other states with hers with as little bloodshed as corruption. The queen can rely upon him to render
also makes a good analog for Everlund of Laruar,
possible. Her advisors can have aims similar to what advice that holds at its foundation the best interests of
which is a river city centered on the Bell Market that
they have now. The lightning rail station can disap- Aundair and its ruler. Aurad prefers peace, however,
has five gates and spokelike streets. It could instead
pear, and the airship towers can become centers for and this colors his counsel. He counts himself and
be Silverymoon, a magical and cultural center in the
the Knights Arcane or other military interests. You Aundair lucky that his sister believes that the crown
same region. As an adventure site, Fairhaven could be
can rename the dragonmarked house facilities to of Galifar must be acquired through strategies better
Wheloon, Old Valaen, or another ruined city such as
suit your campaign, using the general information than outright warfare.
those in Dambrath. The contents of this article can
and hooks as you wish. Perhaps Cannith West is an Fair Governance: When it comes to taking care
then guide you in creating encounters and locales in
independent arcane school and arcanist guild, and of the city’s problems, the queen can overrule Prince
the city.
the House Jorasco citadel is the center for an order of Aurad’s decisions, but she seldom involves herself in
healers. Other factions and NPCs can fall in line with such matters. Player characters who help Fairhaven
your campaign. For instance, the Adarans can become maintain its peace and prosperity can count on great
Shou in a Forgotten Realms® conversion. rewards from Aurad’s even hand. Conspirators, crimi-
nals, and cultists abound in Aundair’s capital, and
PCs can come to Aurad’s attention by opposing such
Arcane Congress and Ministry of Magic. He returns from Thrane to gain popular support and cow other illicit activity or by being caught participating in it.
to Fairhaven at regular intervals to speak with his nations into submission. If Aurala and her trouble-
sister and to oversee magical matters important to some heirs disappear during the upheaval, all the Lord Darro ir’Lien,
the military. Although he is discontent with allowing better. Second Warlord
Lord Darro too much influence in either area, he sees Arcane Plots: Adal’s agents keep watch for any Lord Darro is a bold warrior who has augmented
Darro as a capable but misguided warmonger rather arcane item, power, or ritual that might advance his martial skill with considerable arcane power. He
than a rival. Adal believes unhappy chance placed Adal’s ambitions. He keeps strong ties to the leads Aundair’s Knights Arcane and is captain among
the crown on Aurala’s brow, and that he should have Wayfinder Foundation for this purpose. Through the order’s elite Knights Phantom, dragoons who
it and, eventually, the crown of Galifar. Through go-betweens, he hires agents to test his theories and ride steeds conjured with the Phantom Steed ritual.
a great arcane attack, he plans to retake Thaliost to operate against Thrane—especially in and around Darro’s ambition to retake a section of the Eldeen

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Explore Fairhaven

Reaches is well known, and he intends to reclaim Castellan Adele Fulirno and within the University of Wynarn. He has seen
Aundairian territory and harden the nation’s troops Those who seek an audience with the queen or any signs that the Blood of Vol has an established cult in
for the inevitable resurgence of war. He splits his time important royal advisors must first meet with Castel- Fairhaven. Whisper Rock has piqued his interest,
in Fairhaven between currying the queen’s favor and lan Fulirno. The castellan once acted as an agent for although he suspects the site hides great evil. As a
that of Prince Adal. the Royal Eyes of Aundair, but she tired of leaving Wayfinder sponsor and investor, he pays close atten-
Eyes in the Woodlands: Through sympathetic the country she loved behind. A serious and polite tion to events that involve Aerenal, Valenar, Xen’drik,
intermediaries, Lord Darro hires willing mercenaries woman, Fulirno knows the queen well and knows drow, or giants. He’s a likely patron or companion for
and patriots to enter the Eldeen Reaches. Those who when to send matters before Aurala or others in the those who support Aereni interests, but he’s an enemy
take these missions might spy on fortifications and court. to any who oppose the same.
military targets, disrupt trade, foment dissent, destroy Political Nexus: Castellan Fulirno is loyal to
key resources, or even assassinate leaders. Lord Darro Queen Aurala, but she plays a duplicitous game. Each
maintains deniability, taking only the most successful warlord believes her to be an ally, and she pretends Player characters might have to deal with one or more
agents into his inner circle. to have a secret, stormy, on-and-off relationship with of the following factions while in Fairhaven.
each. In truth, she and Aurad work to keep the war-
lords off balance. Through numerous avenues that
1 - Adaran Enclave
Royal Family Kalashtar make up a tiny minority in Fairhaven, and
include the castellan, PCs might become double or
Prince Consort Sasik d’Vadalis, whom the queen’s most of them live in the Adaran enclave in the city’s
triple agents loyal to the queen. The castellan might
supporters claim she married for love, lives in Fairhold Knowledge Ward. Within the enclave, the Adarans
instead employ the characters to help keep up appear-
with the queen and two of her children. One of these share their traditions and offer whatever help they
ances to the warlords. If Fulirno can be counted on
children is Crown Prince Wrogar, who is a proper can to their fellow citizens. Citizens in the city con-
for any one thing, it is that Aurala and Aurad know
young man and stands to inherit the throne. The other sider the kalashtar and other Adarans to be valued
everything the castellan learns.
is Princess Corrine, a rebellious teenager who abuses neighbors. The Dome of Light, a shrine to the Path
her authority upon occasion. Sasik keeps a low profile Ubeth Gratios of Light, offers facilities for meditation, psionic train-
so that no one can use his actions against the queen. ing, and even magical healing. Adarans, kalashtar
A wealthy human wine merchant and known rake,
Prince Jurian, Aurala and Sasik’s middle child, has and otherwise, also go to the university as teachers
Ubeth specializes in exotic drinks from southern
a libertine reputation. He is currently living abroad in and students. Partially because of this population,
lands, including Aerenal and Xen’drik. He’s also
self-imposed exile for breaking his mother’s decree Fairhaven is an Aundairian center for martial arts.
not all he seems. Ubeth is Jabreki Osluuhn, an elf
against honor dueling. In truth, the prince is a top Fair Inspiration: Wherever the kalashtar gather,
master of disguise and operative for the Order of
agent for the Royal Eyes, and he shares Aurala’s the Dreaming Dark can be expected to have eyes.
Vigilant Sentinels—elite agents of the Sibling Kings
penchant for encouraging others’ misjudgment and Fairhaven is no different. New to the court of Fairhold
of his homeland. Although he frequents the Aereni
underestimation. are Riedran Ambassador Sharaktavi, an Inspired
Embassy in Fairhaven, ostensibly to secure his ship-
Prince Aurad also lives in Fairhold with his wife, diplomat, and her entourage. With them, inside the
ments, he is independent and answers to no one
Wrenya, and five children. Adal has no spouse and Riedran embassy, the Dreaming Dark has gained a
no legitimate children, although he has had numerous foothold in Aundair. Sharaktavi has stirred darker
Elven Interests: Other than his Aerenal connec-
paramours. dreams in Queen Aurala by suggesting that Aundair
tions, Ubeth has contacts among the river elves, in the
Wayfinder Foundation, among Fairhaven’s criminals,

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Explore Fairhaven

might have allies in Riedra if war erupts anew among positions of power, whether mercantile, religious, or members perpetuate the urban legend that the cathe-
the Five Nations. political. Seekers who serve the Cult of Life some- dral is haunted and looted. This could backfire if any
The Riedrans have yet to work directly against the times meet to practice the rites of their religion and hero types take the danger seriously and decide to
kalashtar, since little would be gained. Prince Aurad trade secrets. Only the most powerful Seekers know investigate or remove the threat.
has heard the basics of both sides of the Sarlonan con- the truth at the center of their religion, and many of
flict—the Adarans are criminals and terrorists, and them possess dark powers that allow them to steal life 3 - River Elves
the Riedrans are oppressive autocrats. Given the rep- energy or kill from the shadows. Half-elves common in the Whiteroof Ward add local
utation of the kalashtar in Fairhaven and the queen’s Blood Web: Torven “the Ageless” d’Medani is a color to Fairhaven and points east into Scion’s Sound.
favor for the Riedran ambassador, the governor has half-elf vampire lord, the leader of the Cult of Life in Dressed flamboyantly in loose clothing reminiscent
no wish to take sides in such foreign concerns. Fairhaven, and one of the cult’s principles in Khor- of Valenar elf dress, these quixotic, itinerant people
vaire. Although House Medani’s authorities believe are fishers, ferry folk, shippers, and even pirates on
Cannith West he is dead, he maintains power and influence over the Aundair River. Such “river elves,” as they are
Jorlanna d’Cannith (Eberron Campaign Guide, page a few choice house scions in the Fairhaven enclave called, are rumored to descend from Fairhaven’s earli-
211) is considered a citizen of Fairhaven although the and elsewhere. He also has a network of sinister con- est inhabitants, and they keep contact among diverse
main Cannith compound stands outside Fairhaven’s nections among influential persons in Fairhaven, clans up and down the waterways around the sound.
sturdy walls (Eberron Campaign Guide, page 210). Arcanix, and wider Aundair, Karrnath, and Thrane. River elves are vibrant and independent, and they are
Members of this Cannith branch receive training in The PCs might follow any of these strands to the savvy and bold in business and other interpersonal
social skills, and as a result of their diplomatic abili- Cult of Life and, possibly, to Torven’s lair. He has dealings. The half-elves also look to the protection of
ties, the house has a good reputation in Fairhaven, established his lair in ancient catacombs under the their kind, and they have a reputation for duping the
Aundair, and the Eldeen Reaches. Much to Zorlan Sovereign Ward. unwary.
d’Cannith’s vexation, Jorlanna and her branch have a River Running: No better guide than a river elf
better relationship to the Twelve in Korth than Can- 2 - Dark Dagger Gang can be had for the environs of the Aundair River all
nith East does. Strongest among the criminal gangs of Fairhaven, the the way to Scion’s Sound. Anyone who needs to move
Amorous Tinkering: Jorlanna’s colorful indiscre- Dark Dagger Gang operates out of the abandoned something in or out of Fairhaven without the notice
tions are far from over. She has many friends in other Silver Flame cathedral on the southern side of the of the authorities can turn to the river elves. Some
houses, which is a fact her enemies would like to Sovereign Ward within eyeshot of the university. Aundairians consider the half-elves, who have down-
change. They could do so if they found out about her Kreelo, a changeling who is the most wanted person river dealings in Thrane and Karrnath, a little too
romance with a young scion of House Orien, Kkressd in Fairhaven if not Aundair, leads this band of smug- liberal and worldly. This tolerance works two ways.
d’Orien. Whether Kkressd’s feelings are true or he is glers, extortionists, and cutthroats. PCs might run afoul of river elf buccaneers or thwart
manipulating the matriarch remains to be seen. He Numerous Knives: The Dark Dagger Gang has smugglers in Thrane’s employ, but they might as easily
might be more than he seems. its filthy fingers in all sorts of black-market trade, work with the half-elves to root out river monsters or
which can involve any PC interested in trading in gather intelligence in Thaliost or Korth.
Cult of Life illegal goods. Characters might run into Dark Dagger
A widespread sect of the Blood of Vol, the Cult of Life members shaking down merchants, running a kid-
operates in secret within Fairhaven. Its members are napping outfit, or any other sort of illicit activity.
skilled and ruthless individuals who work to take Without drawing attention to the place itself, the gang

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Explore Fairhaven

Plots Aundairian Crown. Her youngest twins, Alais and Sites

Helais, serve as the queen’s ambassadors to Breland
Where people live and work, some seek goals that Several notable sites might provide the PCs with
in Sharn.
come at the expense of others. Fairhaven is no interesting tasks to accomplish.
Fiends in Fairhaven: The truth is that the
ir’Lantar family has been in league with rakshasas 4 - Chalice Center
Greenkeepers for generations. They owe numerous triumphs to
This district is a major center of travel and shipping
their affiliation with the Lords of Dust. All the adults
The Greenkeeper Guild maintains a stable of gar- in Fairhaven. The House Orien lightning rail station
know of the family’s true history, and the children are
deners and animal handlers who keep the city’s stands just outside its northern gate. A House Lyran-
raised to be decorous in appearance but cruel. Helais,
numerous parks and street beds clean, healthy, and dar airship tower, one of three similar towers in the
one of the Royal Eyes of Aundair who regularly
safe. In doing so, they also help maintain Fairhaven’s city, marks the ward’s southern side. Both dragon-
returns to Fairhaven, is a guise used by two rakshasas,
status as one of the most beautiful and tidy cities in all marked houses maintain their enclaves in Chalice
Zathara and Nethatar. The ir’Lantirs are willing to go
Khorvaire. House Vadalis sanctions the guild, some Center.
to any length to protect their secret, and their public
of whose members use primal magic. Prominent Democracy: Chalice Center is among the most
actions are rarely suspicious.
members work on the grounds in Fairhold, although cosmopolitan in Aundair, and one of its well-known
the queen’s personal retainers handle similar duties citizen philosophers is Thothar Ostren. Thothar advo-
Precocious Princess
within the fortress. cates for peaceful revolution—the overturning of the
Prince Aurad’s adolescent daughter Austasia has
Roots of Ash: The Ashbound have infiltrated the crown in favor of populism. Although the Royal Eyes
taken it into her head that she can become a great
Green Keepers extensively, although these radicals keep tabs on him and have questioned him on occa-
explorer. Princess Corrine, rascal that she is, has
do not control the guild. Disguised as simple if skilled sion, Thothar is too popular in intellectual circles and
encouraged Austasia to run away to pursue her
guild members, the Ashbound spy and cause prob- too peace-minded to silence. Thothar and his patrons
dreams, despite the latter’s youth and incomplete
lems when and where they can. Rather than acting might sponsor progressive PCs, and the man is a great
training. Austasia, who has shown promise, might be
too directly, these spies use scapegoats and pass infor- source of information within the city. However, those
hero material one day.
mation to strike teams that come to Fairhaven only for who intend harm to the Aundairian Crown could use
Royal Runaway: Austasia, possibly along
specific missions. Dealings with the Ashbound in or Thothar for unwholesome ends.
with Corrine, leaves Fairhold, disguises herself,
near the city might lead the PCs to those within the
and attempts to travel to Sharn. The royal family 5 - Distant Exchange
Greenkeeper Guild.
dispatches trusted agents, perhaps the PCs, to
Near the city center, at the base of an airship tower
Lineage of Dust recover the girl. If a foreign power or disreputable
and beyond the customs houses of Chalice Center
organization were to “acquire” the wayward lady,
The half-elf ir’Lantar family has enjoyed success and Whiteroof, stands the huge bazaar known as Dis-
repercussions could be dire. Nationalistic loyalties
within Aundair since before Galifar was sundered. tant Exchange. Local law decrees that nothing native
being what they are, the characters might instead
Extensive holdings outside Fairhaven, as well as its to Aundair can be sold within Distant Exchange.
be looking for the princess for Thrane or Karrnath.
manor and grounds within, attest to this success. People visit here to purchase foreign goods and
Adventure could ensue if the PCs just happen to meet
Family history has it that ir’Lantar ancestors lived rarities, as well as to meet unusual folk such as drag-
Austasia during or after her trip. They could even be
here when the foundations of Fairhaven were being onborn from Q’barra.
implicated as kidnappers if they aren’t careful.
set. Countess Tensyn ir’Lantar, a well-known sorcerer, Information Exchange: Close to the embassies
has encouraged all her children into service to the near Fairhold and several minority districts, Distant

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Explore Fairhaven

Exchange is also a trading place for information. 7 - Wayfinder Foundation Relic Raiders: Items and valuables from the
More than one merchant is loyal to a foreign inter- Headquarters trophy room have gone missing. No one can find any
est, and agents can talk within the exchange under Lord Boroman ir’Dayne had this four-story build- sign of breaking and entering. Are the thieves work-
the guise of doing business. Further, some minorities ing constructed as the major center for the Wayfarer ing within the foundation building or coming from
within Fairhaven use Distant Exchange as a meeting Foundation. It houses a museum, also known infor- outside? Perhaps a creature in the trophy room isn’t
place. Those who know the right person to ask can mally as the “trophy room,” on the first two floors. a stuffed model after all? Then again, maybe the
learn obscure news of distant lands here. Occasion- Upper floors house offices, lecture halls, and meeting trustees have set up an elaborate hoax to test potential
ally the intrigue seething under the market’s alien rooms, including the Conclave Chamber where the recruits or existing members.
atmosphere breaks out in violence for one reason or foundation’s most prominent members and stewards,
another. About the Author
the trustees, meet. On these floors, explorers and No one knows what Chris Sims actually is. He dwells in dark
members of the foundation can arrange or invest in places and works words. His flesh is nearly as hard as granite,
6 - House Jorasco Citadel expeditions, as well as trade in relics and monster car- and he is immune to petrification. He has Contributed to
Just north of Distant Exchange, House Jorasco main- titles such as Dungeon Master’s Guide, Monster Manual, Monster
casses. Either sort of object might find its way into the Manual 2, and Eberron Campaign Guide, plus he has worked on
tains its Fairhaven citadel. Within the walls and tower permanent collection in the trophy room. D&D Insider articles too numerous to mention. He lairs with
is a hospital, an extensive herb garden, a medicinal Lordly Wasting: Lord Boroman ir’Dayne is his wife in the Seattle exurb of Covington, where he keeps his
and potion dispensary, and a center of medical learn- dying. While on an expedition to Xen’drik, the affable treasure.
ing. Field medics make themselves available for and capable halfling contracted a wasting curse.
hire within the enclave, but the most potent healers The curse is slowly destroying the lord’s body. Boro-
choose to remain inside the enclave as much as pos- man uses his vast wealth to find countermeasures
sible. Among the latter is Haneela d’Jorasco, who has and delay the inevitable, but he is weakened enough
been known to bring back the dead. that he must use a cane to make his daily walk to
The Grasping of Healing Hands: House Jorasco and from his manor to the foundation headquarters.
treads risky political ground within the Fairhaven Boroman might employ the PCs to travel to any site
citadel by engaging in research into healing herbs, in which a cure might be located, including back to
reagents, and techniques from the Eldeen Reaches. the mysterious Xen’drik ruins in which the lord con-
Those who come into possession of medicinal secrets tracted the curse.
from the Reaches can find a buyer in House Jorasco. Mislaid Trust: Clandestine organizations of all
For such treasures, house employees take some risks. sorts have reason to infiltrate the Wayfinder Founda-
They’re also willing to use the unpopularity of Reach- tion. A spy, especially among the trustees, could gain
ers against any who claim the house has taken or a vast array of valuable knowledge and resources. A
acquired goods unfairly. double-dealing trustee might also plot to help Boro-
man ir’Dayne into the grave and seize leadership of
the foundation. The PCs might be caught in one of
these plots, especially if they succeed at finding help
for Boroman’s curse.

September 20 09 | D u n g e o n 170

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