Hadiji Benh 2023
Hadiji Benh 2023
Hadiji Benh 2023
We investigate the minimization problem
1 1
inf a(x)|∇u(x)|2 d x + b(x)|∇v(x)|2 d x − λ u(x)v(x) d x
u,v∈H01 () 2 2
||u|| L q =1,v L q =1
1 Introduction
B Rejeb Hadiji
[email protected]
Asma Benhamida
[email protected]
1 1
E λ (u, v) = a(x)|∇u(x)|2 d x + b(x)|∇v(x)|2 d x
2uq2 2v(x)q2
− u(x)v(x) d x,
uq vq
Note that positive minimizers u and v for (1) are non-trivial solutions of the Euler–
Lagrange equation associated to (1) namely:
⎧ ∗
⎪ − div(a(x)∇u) − λv = 1 u 2 −1 in ,
⎨ − div(b(x)∇v) − λu = v 2∗ −1
2 in ,
⎪ u 0, v 0 in ,
u=v=0 on ∂,
They proved that the existence of a solution depends on the first eigenvalue λ1h of
−div(h(x)∇ ·) in H01 (), on the behavior of the function h in the vicinity of its
minima, and on the geometry of the domain . In [12], Furtado and Souza generalized
problem (3), considering a non-homogeneous term |u|q−2 u. We refer also to [6, 14,
15] for more general weights which depend on u and x. There are other results in the
scalar case for this kind of problem, see the references [13–15].
In [1], the authors considered a critical and subcritical system with critical non-
linearity term u α−1 v β , where α > 1 and β > 1. The main difficulty faced when dealing
with this problem is the lack of compactness of the embedding (2). We overcame this
obstacle using the presence of linear perturbation terms λu and λv. In [7], the authors
considered an arbitrary system with l components, l 2, for the Yamabe equation on
a closed Riemannian manifold; see also [8].
A system with weights and with critical Sobolev exponent Page 3 of 22 54
Note that the shape of the domain can have a strong influence on the type of results
one can expect. See for example the seminal work of Coron [9].
Geometric and physical motivations, in particular in relation to the Yamabe problem,
can be found for example in [2, 11, 18–21].
In [21], the authors connect the Ginzburg–Landau functional used in the physics lit-
erature with the Yamabe functional known in mathematics. It is shown that, if properly
interpreted, both functionals upon minimization produce the same Ginzburg–Landau-
type equations used on critical phenomena.
In this paper, we consider the case where a and b are non-constant distinct weights.
We prove the existence of positive solutions (u, v) which depend, among others, on
the behavior of the weights a( · ) and b( · ) near their minima and the dimension of the
In order to state the problem and to announce our main results, we give some
Let us assume the existence of x0 in such that, in a neighborhood of x0 , a and b
behave like
where k, l > 0 and Ak , Bl are positive constants, θa (x) and θb (x) tend to 0 when x
tends to x0 .
The parameters k and l will play a critical role in the study of our problem. Indeed,
if N 4 the case (k, l) with k, l > 2 is treated through a classical procedure.
If 0 < k 2, 0 < l 2 the problem is more delicate, we have to assume that the
functions a and b satisfy the following additional conditions:
k Ak for a.e. x ∈ , (6)
|x − x0 |k
l Bl for a.e. x ∈ , (7)
|x − x0 |l
In order to highlight the difficulty, we consider the blow-up of u, v ∈ H01 () around
x = x0 , see [14, 15]. Depending on the parameters k, l and λ different situations occur
in the blow-up scale around the point where the weights reach their minimum. More
precisely, we consider the functions wε and z ε defined by
(N −2) x − x0 (N −2) x − x0
u(x) = ε− 2 wε , v(x) = ε− 2 z ε , ε > 0.
ε ε
54 Page 4 of 22 A. Benhamida, R. Hadiji
One has wε , z ε ∈ H01 (ε ) with ε = {ε−1 y, y ∈ } and wε L q (ε ) = z ε L q (ε ) =
u L q () = v L q () , thus
1 1
E λ (u, v) = a(εy + x0 )|∇wε (y)| dy +
b(εy + x0 )|∇z ε (y)|2 dy
2 ε 2 ε
− λε 2
wε (y)z ε (y) dy.
Then, as we can see the three last terms have different weights and the exponents
k = 2 and l = 2 are critical for our problem.
Let us finally point out that the lower dimension N = 3 and the exponents k < 2,
l < 2 could also be interesting for this problem, but it is not yet fully understood. For
dimension 3 in the scalar case we refer to [5, 10].
The rest of the paper is organized in the following way: in Sect. 2 we state our
main result. In Sect. 3 we give a sufficient condition for the existence of minimizers.
We give precise estimates of the energy in Sect. 4. In Sect. 5 we discuss the sign of
minimizers. Section 6 contains some non-existence results.
2 Main results
In this section, we will prove the existence of a solution to problem (1). For this we
S = inf ∇u2L 2 ,
u∈H01 ()
u L q =1
which corresponds to the best constant for the Sobolev embedding H01 () into L q ().
We assume that a(x0 ) = b(x0 ), and we denote by γ0 this value.
We are now ready to state the main result of this paper.
A system with weights and with critical Sobolev exponent Page 5 of 22 54
Theorem 2.1 Assume that a, b ∈ H 1 () ∩ C() satisfy (4) and (5), respec-
tively. Let λa1 , respectively λb1 , be the first eigenvalue of −div(a(x)∇ ·), respectively
−div(b(x)∇ ·), on with zero Dirichlet boundary condition. Let λ̃1 = min{λa1 , λb1 }.
We have:
(1) If N 4, k > 2 and l > 2, then Q λ is achieved for every λ ∈ (0, λa1 ) ∩ (0, λb1 ).
(2) If N 5, k = 2 and l = 2, then there exists a constant γ (N ) = (N −2)N (N +2)
8(N −1)
(A2 + B2 ) such that Q λ is achieved for every λ ∈ (γ (N ), λ̃1 ).
(3) If N 5, k = 2 and l > 2, respectively k > 2 and l = 2, then there exists a con-
stant γ̃ (N ) = N (N8(N
−2)(N +2)
−1) such that Q λ is achieved for every λ ∈ (γ̃ (N )A2 , λ̃1 ),
respectively λ ∈ (γ̃ (N )B2 , λ̃1 ).
(4) If N = 4, k = 2 and l > 2, respectively k > 2 and l = 2, then there exists
a minimizing solution of Q λ for every λ ∈ ( A2 , λ̃1 ), respectively for every λ ∈
( B2 , λ̃1 ), where A2 and B2 are some constants.
We now proceed with the proof of Theorem 2.1 as follows: First we show that
0 Q λ < γ0 S and then we prove that this implies that the infimum Q λ is achieved.
Proposition 3.1 Let ϕ1a , respectively ϕ1b , be the first eigenfunction of −div(a(x)∇ ·),
respectively −div(b(x)∇ ·), associated to the first eigenvalue λa1 , respectively λb1 . We
(i) Assume that 0 < λ < λ̃1 , then
Q λ 0.
ϕ1a L q ϕ1b L q 1− q2
(ii) For λ || max(λa1 , λb1 ), one has
ϕ1 ϕ1 d x
a b
Q λ 0.
Proof (i). Let 0 < λ < λ̃1 (), and let u and v be such that u L q = v L q = 1.
By the definitions of λa1 , λb1 and λ̃1 () one has
λ̃1 λ̃1
E λ (u, v) u2L 2 + v2L 2 − λ uv d x.
2 2
E λ (u, v) u2L 2 + v2L 2 − 2u L 2 v L 2 .
54 Page 6 of 22 A. Benhamida, R. Hadiji
λ̃1 2
E λ (u, v) u L 2 − v L 2 0.
Consequently, Q λ 0.
(ii). We have
ϕ1a ϕb
Q λ Eλ , b1 ,
ϕ1 L q ϕ1 L q
− q1
Using the embedding of L q into L 2, there exists a positive constant C1 = || 2
such that
1 1 λ
Qλ λa C12 ϕ1a 2L q + λb1 C12 ϕ1b 2L q − a ϕ1a ϕ1b d x.
2ϕ1a 2L q 1 2ϕ1b 2L q ϕ1 L q ϕ1b L q
1− q2 λ
Q λ || max(λa1 , λb1 ) − ϕ1a ϕ1b d x.
ϕ1a L q ϕ1b L q
Lemma 3.2 Let 0 < λ < λ̃1 . If Q λ < γ0 S, then the infimum in (1) is achieved.
Proof Let {Un } ⊂ (H01 ())2 be a minimizing sequence for (1) that is,
A system with weights and with critical Sobolev exponent Page 7 of 22 54
as n → ∞. The sequence {Un } is bounded in (H01 ())2 . Indeed, from (9), we have
1 1
a(x)|∇u n | d x +
b(x)|∇vn | d x = λ
u n vn d x + Q λ + o(1).
2 2
a(x)|∇u n |2 d x + b(x)|∇vn |2 d x λu n q vn L q + Q λ + o(1).
2 L q−1
Consequently, we have
By (8) and using the definition of S and the fact that min a(x) = γ0 > 0 and
min b(x) = γ0 > 0, we have
1 1
a(x)|∇u n | d x + 2
b(x)|∇vn | d x 2
2γ0 S.
2 2
By (9), we have
a(x)|∇u n |2 d x + b(x)|∇vn |2 d x − λ u n vn d x = Q λ + o(1),
54 Page 8 of 22 A. Benhamida, R. Hadiji
which gives
λ uv d x γ0 S − Q λ > 0
and so u ≡ 0 and v ≡ 0.
Again using (9) we obtain
a(x)|∇u| d x +
a(x)|∇wn | d x +2
b(x)|∇v| d x + b(x)|∇z n | d x
2 2
− λ u n vn d x = Q λ + o(1). (10)
On the other hand, as {wn } and {z n } are bounded in L q () and wn → 0 for a.e. x
in , z n → 0 for a.e. x in , then we can use the Brezis–Lieb lemma, see [4],
q q q
u + wn L q = u L q + wn L q + o(1),
q q q
v + z n L q = v L q + z n L q + o(1).
q q q q
1 = u L q + wn L q + o(1), 1 = v L q + z n L q + o(1).
And so,
2 u2L q + v2L q + a(x)|∇wn |2 d x + b(x)|∇z n |2 d x .
γ0 S
Qλ Qλ Qλ
Qλ u2L q + v2L q + a(x)|∇wn |2 d x + b(x)|∇z n |2 d x . (12)
2 2 2γ0 S
A system with weights and with critical Sobolev exponent Page 9 of 22 54
a(x)|∇u| d x + a(x)|∇wn |2 d x
+ b(x)|∇v| d x + b(x)|∇z n | d x − λ uv d x
2 2
Qλ Qλ Qλ
u L q +
v L q +
a(x)|∇wn | d x + b(x)|∇z n |2 d x .
2 2 2γ0 S
a(x)|∇u| d x +
b(x)|∇v| d x − λ
uv d x
Qλ Qλ
u2L q + v2L q
2 2
Qλ 1
+ − a(x)|∇wn |2 d x + b(x)|∇z n |2 d x .
2γ0 S 2
u v
2E λ ,
u L q v L q
1 1
− 1 a(x)|∇u|2 d x + − 1 b(x)|∇v|2 d x
u2L q v2L q
+ Q λ u2L q + Q λ u2L q + λ uv d x − λ d x.
u L q v L q
54 Page 10 of 22 A. Benhamida, R. Hadiji
u v
2E λ ,
u L q v L q
|∇u|2 uv
u L q − 1 Q λ − a(x)
d x − 2λ dx
u2L q u L q v L q
|∇v|2 uv
+ v L q − 1 Q λ − b(x)
d x − 2λ dx
v2L q u L q v L q
uv uv
+ λ uv d x − λ d x + 2λ uq2 − 1 dx
u v u L q v L q
L q L q
+ 2λ v2L q − 1 d x + 2Q λ .
u L q v L q
u v
2E λ ,
u L q v L q
(u L q v L q − 1) + 2(u2L q − 1) + 2(v2L q − 1)
λ uv d x + 2Q λ .
u L q v L q
u v
2E λ , 2Q λ .
u L v L q
A system with weights and with critical Sobolev exponent Page 11 of 22 54
N −2
|∇u x0 ,ε (x)|2 d x = K 1 + O ε 2 ,
q N −2
|u x0 ,ε (x)| d x
= K2 + O ε 2 , (13)
N −2
K3ε + O ε 2 , if N 5,
|u x0 ,ε (x)| d x = ω4
2 ε|log ε| + o(ε| log ε|), if N = 4,
where K 1 and K 2 are positive constants with K2 = S, w4 is a the area of S 3 and
K 3 = R N (1+|x|12 ) N −2 d x.
We know by [16], the following estimates:
N −2
ε 2
a(x)|∇u x0 ,ε (x)|2 d x
⎧ N −2
⎪ a(x0 )K 1
⎪ +O ε 2 if N 4 and N − 2 < k,
⎨ a(x0 )K 1 + Ck ε k2 + oε k2
⎪ 2
if N 4 and N − 2 > k,
2 2
⎪ a(x0 )K 1 + (N −2)2 ω N (A N −2 +M) ε N 4−2 |log ε| + o ε N 2−2 |log ε|
⎪ if N > 4 and k = N − 2,
⎪ 2
⎩ a(x0 )K 1
2 + A2 ω4 ε|log ε| + o(ε|log ε|) if N = 4 and k = 2
N −2
ε 2 b(x)|∇u x0 ,ε (x)|2 d x
⎧ N −2
⎪ b(x0 )K 1
⎪ +O ε 2 if N 4 and N − 2 < l,
⎨ b(x0 )K 1 + Dl ε 2l + oε 2l
⎪ 2
if N 4 and N − 2 > l,
2 2
N −2 N −2 (16)
+ (N −2) ω N4(B N −2 +M) ε 2 | log ε| + o ε 2 | log ε|
b(x0 )K 1
⎪ if N > 4 and l = N − 2,
⎪ 2
⎩ b(x0 )K 1
2 + B2 ω4 ε|log ε| + o(ε|log ε|) if N = 4 and l = 2,
54 Page 12 of 22 A. Benhamida, R. Hadiji
N −2
|y|2 dy N
K 1 = (N − 2) 2
dy, K 2 = ,
R N (1 + |y| ) R N (1 + |y| )
2 N 2 N
|y|k+2 |y|l+2
Ck = (N − 2)2 Ak dy, D k = (N − 2)2
B k dy,
R N (1 + |y| ) R N (1 + |y| )
2 N 2 N
A system with weights and with critical Sobolev exponent Page 13 of 22 54
Thus Q λ
⎪ a(x0 )+b(x0 ) N 5,
⎪ S−λ K K3
ε + o(ε) if
⎪ 2
k > 2, l > 2,
⎪ a(x0 )+b(x0 ) D2 K 3 N 5,
⎪ S − λ − 2KC2
− 2K ε + o(ε) if
⎪ 2 3 K2 k = 2, l = 2,
⎪ a(x0 )+b(x0 ) N = 4,
⎪ S−λ K ω4
ε|log ε| + o(ε|log ε|) if
⎪ 2
k > 2, l > 2,
⎪ a(x0 )+b(x0 ) N = 4,
⎪ S− Kω4
(λ − (A2 + B2 ))ε|log ε| + o(ε|log ε|) if
⎪ 2
k = 2, l = 2,
⎪ a(x0 )+b(x0 ) C2 K 3 N 5,
⎪ S − λ − 2K ε + o(ε) if
⎨ 2 3 K2 k = 2, l > 2,
⎪ a(x0 )+b(x0 ) D2 K 3 N 5,
⎪ S − λ − 2K ε + o(ε) if
⎪ 2 3 K2 k > 2, l = 2,
⎪ a(x )+b(x )
⎪ N = 4,
⎪ 0 0
S− Kω4
[λ − B2 ]ε|log ε| + o(ε|log ε|) if
⎪ 2
k > 2, l = 2,
⎪ a(x0 )+b(x0 ) N = 4,
⎪ S− Kω4
[λ − A2 ]ε|log ε| + o(ε|log ε|) if
⎪ 2
k = 2, l > 2,
⎪ N = 4,
⎪ a(x0 )+b(x 0)
S− Kω4 k k
[λ − B2 ]ε|log ε| + CKk2 ε 2 + o(ε|log ε|) + o(ε 2 ) if
⎪ 2
k < 2, l = 2,
⎪ a(x0 )+b(x0 ) N = 4,
⎪ S− Kω4
[λ − A2 ]ε|log ε| + KDk 2l l
ε + o(ε 2 ) + o(ε|log ε|) if
⎩ 2 2 2 k = 2, l < 2,
Combining Lemma 3.2 and Proposition 4.1 we conclude that the infimum in (1) is
achieved. This leads to the conclusion of Theorem 2.1.
a(x0 )+b(x0 )
Remark 4.2 We do not know if we can go strictly below 2 S in the case where
N 4, k < 2 and l < 2.
The inequality
54 Page 14 of 22 A. Benhamida, R. Hadiji
(u(x)v(x) − |u(x)v(x)|) d x 0. (17)
Combining (17) and (18) we obtain that uv − |uv| = 0 and hence |uv| = uv.
Finally for all x ∈ , u(x)v(x) 0.
(ii). From Lemma 3.2 we know there exists a minimum (u, v). By Proposition 5.1 (i)
we know that |uv| = uv.
On the other hand, we have
1 1
F(|u n |, |vn |) = a(x)|∇u n |2 d x + b(x)|∇vn |2 d x − λ |u n vn | d x = F(u n , vn ).
2 2
Then if we have (u n , vn ) are solutions of (1) then (|u n |, |vn |) are also minimizing
Thus, when dealing with (1), one can assume without loss of generality that u 0
and v 0.
Remark 5.2 Since u and v are minimizers for (1) we obtain Lagrange multipliers
1 , 2 ∈ R such that the Euler–Lagrange equation formula associated to (1) is
⎪ 2∗ −1
⎪−div(a(x)∇u) − λv = 1 u
⎪ in ,
⎪ ∗
⎪−div(b(x)∇v) − λu = 2 v 2 −1
⎨ in ,
u2∗ = u2∗ = 1, (19)
⎪ u 0, v 0 in ,
⎩u = v = 0 on ∂,
1 +1
such that 2 = Q λ 0 according to Proposition 3.1.
6 Non-existence results
In this section, we assume that a, b satisfy (4) and (5) with k > 2, l > 2 and (6), (7)
if k 2, l 2. we obtain in these cases a few non-existence results. We define
A system with weights and with critical Sobolev exponent Page 15 of 22 54
1 ã(x)|∇u|2 + b̃(x)|∇v|2 d x
φa,b (u, v) ..= .
4 u(x)v(x) d x
N −2
−div(a(x)∇u(x))∇u(x) · (x − x0 ) d x = − a(x)|∇u(x)|2 d x
− ∇a(x) · (x − x0 )|∇u(x)|2 d x
1 ∂u
− a(x) ((x − x0 ) · n) dσ (x)
2 ∂ ∂ν
54 Page 16 of 22 A. Benhamida, R. Hadiji
N −2 N −2
On the other hand, multiplying equations in (19) by 2 u and 2 v, respectively,
integrating and summing the obtained results, we get
N −2 N −2 N −2
a(x)|∇u(x)|2 d x = λ v(x)u(x) d x + 1 (25)
2 2 2
N −2 N −2 N −2
b(x)|∇v(x)|2 d x = λ u(x)v(x) d x + 2 . (26)
2 2 2
A system with weights and with critical Sobolev exponent Page 17 of 22 54
Now let us prove Theorem 6.1. Assume that λ ω(a, b) and let be strictly
starshaped domain with respect to x0 then
It follows that
1 ∇a(x) · (x − x0 )|∇u(x)|2 + ∇b(x) · (x − x0 )|∇v(x)|2 d x
λ> inf
4 (u,v)∈(H01 ())2 \{0} u(x)v(x) d x
which is a contradiction.
Then problem (19) does not admit solutions. Consequently, we obtain the desired
We end this section, using the techniques of [16] and give some estimates of ω(a, b).
Proposition 6.3 (1) Assume a, b ∈ C 1 () and there exists z 0 ∈ such that ã(z 0 ) +
b̃(z 0 ) < 0, then ω(a, b) = −∞.
(2) Assume a, respectively b ∈ H 1 () ∩ C(), satisfies (4), respectively (5).
(2.i) If k > 2, l > 2 and a, b ∈ C 1 (), then ω(a, b) = 0.
(2.ii) If k = 2, l > 2 or k > 2, l = 2, and a, b satisfy moreover (6) and (7) with
ã(x) 0, b̃(x) 0 for a.e. x ∈ , then
N2 A2
min A2 , l Bl (diam )l−2 ω(a, b) λ1 (diam )2 (29)
16 2
N2 B2
min k Ak (diam )k−2, B2 ω(a, b) λ1 (diam )2 . (30)
16 2
(2.iii) If 0 < k 2, 0 < l 2, a, b satisfy conditions (6) and (7), respectively, then
min k Ak (diam )k−2, l Bl (diam )l−2 ω(a, b).
54 Page 18 of 22 A. Benhamida, R. Hadiji
Applying the Dominated Convergence Theorem, we obtain the desired result when j
goes to infinity.
Now we will prove (2.i). Using (4), (5) and since a, b ∈ C 1 () in a neighborhood
V of x1 , we can write
From (33), we get the existence of r such that 0 < r < 1 and
|θa (x)| |x − x0 |k and |θb (x)| |x − x0 |l, for all x ∈ B(x0 , 2r ) ⊂ V . (34)
A system with weights and with critical Sobolev exponent Page 19 of 22 54
B(0,2r ) |y|
k ∇ϕ(y) dy
B(0,2r ) |y| dy
k Ak C
0 ω(a, b) +
B(0,2r ) ϕ
2 (y) dy
4 j k−2 j k−1 B(0,2r ) ϕ (y) dy
|u(x)| |v(x)|
2 2d x 2 2 dx
1 N l N
φa,b (u, v) A2 + Bl (diam )l−2 .
2 2 u(x)v(x) d x 4 2 u(x)v(x) d x
ω(a, b) min A2 , l Bl (diam )l−2 .
ω(a, b) min k Ak (diam )k−2, B2 .
Now we prove the right-hand of the inequality in (29) and (30). Let ψ j (x) =
ϕ1 ( j(x − x0 )) for j ∈ N large enough, where ϕ1 is a positive eigenfunction corre-
sponding to the first eigenvalue λ1 of the operator − in H01 ().
54 Page 20 of 22 A. Benhamida, R. Hadiji
We have
x0 + 1j ∇θa (x) · (x − x0 ) + ∇θb (x) · (x − x0 ) |∇ψ j (x)|2 d x
+ .
x0 + 1j ψ j (x) d x
4 2
2 |∇ϕ (y)|2 dy
|y| dy
A2 1 C
0 ω(a, b) +
ϕ1 (y) dy j ϕ1 (y)2 dy
2 2
2 |∇ϕ (y)|2 dy
A2 1
0 ω(a, b) ,
2 ϕ
1 (y) 2 dy
0 ω(a, b) λ1 (diam )2 .
0 ω(a, b) λ1 (diam )2 .
Let us now prove (2.iii). Since a and b satisfy (6) and (7), respectively, for all
(u, v) ∈ E \ {0}, we have
A system with weights and with critical Sobolev exponent Page 21 of 22 54
|u| |v|
2 2 dx 2 2 dx
k N l N
φa,b (u, v) Ak (diam )k−2 + Bl (diam )l−2 .
4 2 uv d x 4 2 uv d x
ω(a, b) min k Ak (diam )k−2, l Bl (diam )l−2 .
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