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Statement number 35
Issue date 17 June 2022
MR H S TIWANA Write to us at Box 3 BX1 1LT
49 CROYLAND ROAD Call us on 0345 300 0000
Visit us online
Sort Code 30-93-60
Account Number 67152760
IBAN GB25 LOYD 3093 6067 1527 60

CLASSIC 19 May 2022 to 17 June 2022

Your Account

Date of previous statement 18 May 2022

Balance on 19 May 2022 £1,368.94
Money in £2,879.50
Money out £3,715.46
Balance on 17 Jun 2022 £532.98
Arranged overdraft interest £0.00
You should review your account regularly to check whether it
remains appropriate for your circumstances.

Fees Explained

Club Lloyds Account Holders – The Club Lloyds maintaining the account fee will be shown in the transactions overleaf as ‘'Club Lloyds fee’. If you are eligible to have
this Maintaining the account fee waived, you will also see a transaction described as ‘'Club Lloyds waived’. This does not apply to non-Club Lloyds customers.
Other services - There are fees for other services you have asked for. You can find more details in your account conditions or at

Lloyds Bank plc, 25 Gresham Street, London, EC2V 7HN.

Things you need to know
Getting in touch

J Write to us: Lloyds Bank,

PO Box 1, BX1 1LT Q Visit us in branch K Go online: f Call: 0345 300 0000
7am-11pm, 7 days a week

Ways to manage your account About the fees we charge if you use your card abroad
Keep track of what's going in and coming out of your account at any time using: Personal Debit and Cashpoint® Card Charges - If you use your card to withdraw
• Internet Banking – View and manage your accounts online - 24 hours a day, 7 cash or make a payment in a currency other than pounds, the amount is converted
days a week. Register at to pounds on the day it is processed by Visa using the Visa Payment Scheme
• Mobile Banking – Manage your account on the go with your mobile phone or exchange rate on the day. You can find the exchange rate by calling
tablet - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Download our app from Google Play or 0345 300 0000 (+44 1733 347 007 from overseas). If your account is held in the
the App Store. Channel Islands or Isle of Man, call 0345 744 9900 (+44 1539 736626 from
overseas). If you call before the transaction is processed the rate provided will be
• Telephone Banking – Our automated service is available 24/7, or you can talk
an indication only.
to us between 7am and 11pm, 7 days a week. Not all services are available 24
hours a day, 7 days a week. We will charge you a foreign currency transaction fee of 2.99% of the value of the
• Text Alerts – We can also send you mobile alerts. Alerts can help you manage transaction. This is a fee for the currency conversion. You can find more
your money and avoid charges. They remind you when you need to pay cleared information on our website about the exchange rates that apply to your
funds into your account. They can also help you avoid going into an transaction to help you compare them with other card issuers' rates.
unarranged overdraft or having payments refused. Unless you’ve opted out, If you use your debit card or your Cashpoint® card to withdraw cash in a currency
you’ll automatically receive alerts provided we have an up to date mobile other than pounds (at a cash machine or over the counter) we will also charge a
number for you. Find out more at foreign currency cash fee of £1.50. Where you elect to allow the cash machine
Overdrafts - choosing the right way to borrow operator/financial service provider to make the conversion to pounds we will only
charge a foreign cash fee of £1.50. The provider of the foreign currency may make
An arranged overdraft can help out when you need to borrow in the short term. For
a separate charge for conversion. We won't charge a foreign currency cash fee or a
example to pay an unexpected bill. But if you use it often and don’t reduce your
foreign cash fee if you withdraw euro within the EEA or UK.
balance, it can turn into an expensive way to borrow. Our cost calculator, which you
can find online at, tells you how much an arranged Where you use your debit card to make a purchase or other transaction (not cash
overdraft costs. You should consider if an arranged overdraft facility is the most withdrawal) in a currency other than pounds, whether in person, or by internet or
suitable option for you to borrow money. If you need to borrow money for a longer phone, we will also charge a £0.50 foreign currency purchase fee. The foreign
time, there may be other options better suited to your needs. For more information currency purchase fee does not apply to the Premier and Platinum debit cards; and
visit or call us to talk through your options. will not be charged if your payment is made in euro within the EEA or UK.

Check if your account is still right for you We will not make a charge for the withdrawal of cash in pounds within the UK,
however, the owner of a non-Lloyds Bank cash machine may. Other charges apply,
Your banking needs can change over time so it’s important to check your account is
please see the banking charges guide for details.
still right for you by visiting to see our latest
current accounts. Keeping your data safe
Our interest rates We promise to keep your personal information safe and only use in the way you’ve
asked. See our privacy notice at or call us for a copy on
If we pay interest on your balance, your current interest rate is shown on the front of
0345 602 1997.
this statement. To find out what the interest rates are on our other accounts, visit Alternatively ask us in branch. We’re here for you if something isn’t right
We want to make sure you’re happy with the products and service we offer. But if
JProtecting yourself from fraud something goes wrong, let us know and we’ll do everything we can to put things
right. If you’re still not happy, you can ask the Financial Ombudsman Service to look
• Check your statements regularly - If something doesn’t look right or you at your concerns, for free.
spot a transaction on your statement you didn’t make, call us straight away
on 0800 917 7017 or +44 207 4812614 if outside the UK. We may not be The Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)
able to refund a payment on some types of account if you tell us more than The deposits you hold with us are covered by the Financial
13 months after the date it happened. Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). Every year we’ll
• Keep your statements in a safe place - If you want to throw them away, you send you an information sheet which tells you the types of
should do it in a secure way, like shredding them – please don’t just put them deposits covered and the protection offered by the FSCS.
in the bin. For more information visit
• Helping you stay protected - We’ll do all we can to help you avoid fraud. Visit We send statements and other communications from time to time for legal for ways to protect yourself and information on reasons or to let you know about changes to your accounts or services.
the latest scams.
When you call us your call may be monitored or recorded in case we need to check
• If your card, cheque book or PIN is lost or stolen - Call us straight away on
we have carried out your instructions correctly and to help improve our quality of
0800 096 9779 or +44 1702 278 270 if outside the UK – lines are open
• The freeze card feature in our Mobile Banking app lets you quickly freeze and
unfreeze different types of transaction on your cards whenever you need to.
Find out more at

If your vision is impaired – please contact us for an alternative

format such as large print, Braille or audio CD.
If your hearing or speech is impaired – you can contact us using the Relay UK Service or via Textphone on 0345 300 2281 (lines are open 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week). SignVideo services are also available if you're Deaf and use British Sign Language at
Lloyds Bank plc. Registered Office: 25 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7HN. Registered in England and Wales no. 2065 Lloyds Bank plc is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and
regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority under registration number 119278.
Statement No. 35 Sort Code 30-93-60
17 June 2022 Account Number 67152760
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Your Transactions
Date Pmnt Details Money Out (£) Money In (£) Balance (£)
19 May 22 DEB WM MORRISONS STORE CD 1022 1.64 1,367.30
19 May 22 DEB TESCO STORES 4812 CD 1022 1.65 1,365.65
20 May 22 FPO MISS S KAUR HOME BILLS MONEY 20MAY22 1,300.00 65.65
20 May 22 DEB WM MORRISONS STORE CD 1022 2.60 63.05
23 May 22 DEB WM MORRISONS STORE CD 1022 22MAY22 39.70 23.35
23 May 22 DD ANGLIAN WATER 03640537 164224222 79.00 55.65 OD
23 May 22 RETURNED DD 79.00 23.35
23 May 22 FPI KAUR SUKHDEV N/A FP22143O13623454 100.00 123.35
23 May 22 FPI KAUR SUKHDEV N/A FP22143O13631634 50.00 173.35
25 May 22 DD PETERBOROUGHCC 04223422 0000504564414 143.00 30.35
25 May 22 FPI KAUR SUKHDEV N/A FP22145O16097287 150.00 180.35
25 May 22 FPI PETERBOROUGH CARS CARD 557.00 737.35
27 May 22 FPI ROBERT FORBES ROB - TAXI 10.00 747.35
27 May 22 DEB FARMFOODS 687 CD 1022 7.21 740.14
27 May 22 DEB EURO CAR PARTS P CD 1022 3.18 736.96
27 May 22 DEB WM MORRISONS STORE CD 1022 7.11 729.85
27 May 22 DEB SUPERDRUG STORES P CD 1022 23.08 706.77
30 May 22 DEB WM MORRISONS STORE CD 1022 29MAY22 25.00 681.77
30 May 22 DEB APCOA PARKING UK CD 1022 5.00 676.77
30 May 22 DEB SAINSBURYS S/MKTS CD 1022 15.47 661.30
01 Jun 22 DEB STARBUCKS PETERBOR CD 1022 3.55 657.75
06 Jun 22 DEB TESCO STORES 6111 CD 1022 02JUN22 3.30 654.45
06 Jun 22 DEB KFC CD 1022 02JUN22 17.48 636.97
06 Jun 22 FPI LUKE MC CLUSKEY 220604180307269379 100.00 736.97
06 Jun 22 DEB MCDONALD S CD 1022 04JUN22 7.47 729.50
06 Jun 22 FPI LUKE MC CLUSKEY 220605023459039385 150.00 879.50
06 Jun 22 DEB WM MORRISONS STORE CD 1022 05JUN22 15.00 864.50
06 Jun 22 DEB STEVENAGE SERVICES CD 1022 3.54 860.96
06 Jun 22 DEB APCOA PARKING UK CD 1022 5.00 855.96
07 Jun 22 DEB STARBUCKS PETERBOR CD 1022 5.40 850.56
08 Jun 22 DD ANGLIAN WATER 01669483 164224222 79.00 771.56
(Continued on next page)

Lloyds Bank plc, 25 Gresham Street, London, EC2V 7HN.

Statement No. 35 Sort Code 30-93-60
17 June 2022 Account Number 67152760
Page 4 of 9

Date Pmnt Details Money Out (£) Money In (£) Balance (£)
08 Jun 22 FPI PETERBOROUGH CARS CARD 913.00 1,684.56
08 Jun 22 FPO S KAUR HOUSE RENT MONEY 08JUN22 16:35 700.00 984.56
09 Jun 22 DEB FARMFOODS 687 CD 1022 5.84 978.72
09 Jun 22 DEB WM MORRISONS STORE CD 1022 8.49 970.23
09 Jun 22 DEB NATIONAL LOTTERY I CD 1022 20.00 950.23
09 Jun 22 DEB TK MAXX CD 1022 48.97 901.26
10 Jun 22 DEB APCOA - HAL - SS T CD 1022 8.50 892.76
13 Jun 22 DEB APCOA PARKING UK CD 1022 20.00 872.76
14 Jun 22 DEB FARMFOODS 687 CD 1022 14.80 857.96
15 Jun 22 FPI PETERBOROUGH CARS CARD 660.50 1,518.46
15 Jun 22 DEB GATWICK DROP OFF CD 1022 5.00 1,513.46
15 Jun 22 DEB Vesta Vodafone Top CD 1022 10.00 1,503.46
16 Jun 22 FPI WHALEY A R 62 THORPE ROAD 110.00 1,613.46
16 Jun 22 FPO MISS S KAUR HOME BILLS MONEY 16JUN22 1,000.00 613.46
17 Jun 22 DEB WILKO RETAIL LIMIT CD 1022 2.20 611.26
17 Jun 22 DEB APCOA LUTON AIRPOR CD 1022 5.00 606.26
17 Jun 22 DEB TIM HORTONS CD 1022 7.08 599.18
17 Jun 22 DEB NEXT RETAIL LTD CD 1022 22.10 577.08
17 Jun 22 DEB SPORTSDIRECT 177 CD 1022 44.10 532.98
17 Jun 22 STATEMENT CLOSING BALANCE 3,715.46 2,879.50 532.98
Payment types:
DEB - Debit Card FPO - Faster Payment DD - Direct Debit FPI - Faster Payment
Transaction Details
The "Details" column in your statement shows the date that a Debit Card payment has come into or out of your account only if that
happened on a weekend or a Bank Holiday.

Lloyds Bank plc, 25 Gresham Street, London, EC2V 7HN.


Basic information about the protection of your eligible deposits

Eligible deposits in Lloyds Bank plc are protected by: The Financial Services Compensation Scheme ("FSCS")
Limit of protection: £85,000 per depositor per bank. The following trading names are part of your bank: Lloyds Bank, Mayfair
Private Banking, Lloyds Bank Private Banking and Scottish Widows Bank. Some savings accounts under
the Charities Aid Foundation brand name are also deposits with Lloyds Bank plc.
If you have more eligible deposits at the same bank: All your eligible deposits at the same bank are "aggregated" and the total is subject to the limit of £85,000
If you have a joint account with other person(s): The limit of £85,000 applies to each depositor separately
Reimbursement period in case of bank's failure: 20 working days
Currency of Reimbursement: Pound sterling (GBP, £)
To contact Lloyds Bank plc for enquiries relating to You can visit one of our branches, call us, go online or write to us at: 25 Gresham Street, London, EC2V 7HN
your account:
To contact the FSCS for further information on Financial Services Compensation Scheme, 10th Floor Beaufort House, 15 St Botolph Street, London, EC3A
compensation: 7QU Tel: 0800 678 1100 or 020 7741 4100 Email: [email protected]
More information:
Additional Information
Scheme responsible for the protection of your eligible deposit - Your Limit of protection for joint accounts - In the case of joint accounts, the
eligible deposit is covered by a statutory Deposit Guarantee Scheme. If limit of £85,000 applies to each depositor. However, eligible deposits in an
insolvency of your bank should occur, your eligible deposits would be repaid account to which two or more persons are entitled as members of a business
up to £85,000 by the Deposit Guarantee Scheme. partnership, association or grouping of a similar nature, without legal
General limit of protection - If a covered deposit is unavailable because a personality, are aggregated and treated as if made by a single depositor for
bank is unable to meet its financial obligations, depositors are repaid by a the purpose of calculating the limit of £85,000.
Deposit Guarantee Scheme. This repayment covers a maximum of £85,000 Reimbursement - The responsible Deposit Guarantee Scheme is the
per bank. This means that all eligible deposits at the same bank are added up Financial Services Compensation Scheme, 10th Floor, Beaufort House, 15 St
in order to determine the coverage level. If, for instance a depositor holds a Botolph Street, London, EC3A 7QU, Tel: 0800 678 1100 or 020 7741 4100,
savings account with £80,000 and a current account with £20,000, he or she Email: [email protected]. It will repay your eligible deposits (up to £85,000)
will only be repaid £85,000. within 20 working days until 31 December 2018; within 15 working days from 1
This method will also be applied if a bank operates under different trading January 2019 until 31 December 2020; within 10 working days from 1 January
names. Lloyds Bank plc also trades under those trading names detailed above. 2021 to 31 December 2023; and within 7 working days from 1 January 2024
This means that all eligible deposits with one or more of these trading names onwards, save where specific exceptions apply.
are in total covered up to £85,000. Where the FSCS cannot make the repayable amount available within 7
In some cases eligible deposits which are categorised as "temporary high working days, it will, from 1 June 2016 until 31 December 2023, ensure that
balances" are protected above £85,000 for six months after the amount has you have access to an appropriate amount of your covered deposits to cover
been credited or from the moment when such eligible deposits become the cost of living (in the case of a depositor which is an individual) or to cover
legally transferable. These are eligible deposits connected with certain events necessary business expenses or operating costs (in the case of a depositor
including: which is not an individual or a large company) within 5 working days of a
a. Certain transactions relating to the depositor's current or prospective only request.
or main residence or dwelling; If you have not been repaid within these deadlines, you should contact the
b. A death, or the depositor's marriage or civil partnership, divorce, Deposit Guarantee Scheme since the time to claim reimbursement may be
retirement, dismissal, redundancy or invalidity; barred after a certain time limit. Further information can be obtained under
c. The payment to the depositor of insurance benefits or compensation for
criminal injuries or wrongful conviction. Other important information - In general, all retail depositors and
More information can be obtained under businesses are covered by Deposit Guarantee Schemes. Exceptions for certain
deposits are stated on the website of the responsible Deposit Guarantee
Scheme. Your bank will also inform you of any exclusions from protection
which may apply. If deposits are eligible, the bank shall also confirm this on the
statement of account.
A deposit is excluded from protection if:
1. The holder and any beneficial owner of the deposit have never been identified in accordance with money laundering requirements. For further information, contact
your bank.
2. The deposit arises out of transactions in connection with which there has been a criminal conviction for money laundering.
3. It is a deposit made by a depositor which is one of the following: credit institution, financial institution, investment firm, insurance undertaking, reinsurance
undertaking, collective investment undertaking, pension or retirement fund , public authority, other than a small local authority.
4. It is a deposit of a credit union to which the credit union itself is entitled.
5. It is a deposit which can only be proven by a financial instrument (unless it is a savings product which is evidenced by a certificate of deposit made out to a named
person and which existed in the UK, Gibraltar or a Member State of the EU on 2 July 2014).
6. It is a deposit of a collective investment scheme which qualifies as a small company.
7. It is a deposit of an overseas financial services institution which qualifies as a small company.
8. It is a deposit of certain regulated firms (investment firms, insurance undertakings and reinsurance undertakings) which qualify as a small business or a small
company - refer to the FSCS for further information on this category.
9. It is not held by an establishment of a bank, building society or credit union in the UK or, in the case of a bank or building society incorporated in the UK, it is not held
by an establishment in Gibraltar.
For further information about exclusions, refer to the FSCS website at
Deposits by personal pension schemes, stakeholder pension schemes and occupational pension schemes of micro, small and medium sized enterprises are not
As listed in Part I of Schedule 2 to the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Regulated Activities) Order 2001, read with Part 2 of that Schedule.
Under the Companies Act 1985 or Companies Act 2006.
See footnote 3.
See footnote 3.
Statement of Fees


Account provider Lloyds Bank plc

Write to us at Box 3 BX1 1LT
Call us on 0345 300 0000
Visit us online
Account identification Sort Code 30-93-60
Account Number 67152760
IBAN GB25 LOYD 3093 6067 1527 60
Period From 19 June 2021 to 16 June 2022
Date 17 June 2022

• This document provides you with an overview of all the fees for services linked to your payment account
during the period shown above.

• It also informs you about any interest you may have paid or earned during this time.

• Information on individual transactions and account balance can be found on your account statements.

Summary of fees and interest

Total fees paid (total package of services fees and total fees paid) £0.00

Total interest paid interest not applicable

Total interest earned interest not applicable

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Lloyds Bank plc, 25 Gresham Street, London, EC2V 7HN.
Detailed statement of fees paid on the account
Service Fee
Number of Number of
Service times the Unit fee times the fee Total
service was charged
was used

General account services

Includes a package of
services consisting of:
Maintaining the account
CLASSIC fee not charged
Payments (excluding cards)
Refusing payment due to fee not charged
lack of funds
Direct debit fee not charged
Standing order fee not charged
Sending money within the
Faster payments fee not charged
CHAPS £30.00 £0.00
Foreign currency payments in fee not charged
Foreign currency payments £9.50 £0.00
excluding euro
Sending money outside the
Payments in euro fee not charged
Payments in any other £9.50 £0.00
Correspondent Bank Fee £12.00 £0.00
Zone 1 (USA, Canada and
Europe (non-EEA))
Correspondent Bank Fee £20.00 £0.00
Zone 2 (Rest of the World)
Receiving money from
outside the UK
Payments in euro from within fee not charged
the UK or EEA
Payments in any other £2.00 £0.00
currency equal to or less than
Payments in any other £7.00 £0.00
currency over £100
Payment received via SEPA fee not charged
Credit Transfers

Page 7 of 9
Lloyds Bank plc, 25 Gresham Street, London, EC2V 7HN.
Service Fee
Number of Number of
Service times the Unit fee times the fee Total
service was charged
was used

Cards and cash

Cash withdrawal of pounds fee not charged
in the UK
Cash withdrawal of foreign
currency outside the UK
Foreign currency transaction 2.99% £0.00
fee % of the amount
Withdrawal in euro within the fee not charged
Withdrawal in any currency £1.50 £0.00
(excluding euro within the
Debit Card payment in fee not charged
Debit card payment in a
foreign currency
Foreign currency transaction 2.99% £0.00
fee % of the amount paid
Payment in euro within the fee not charged
Payment in a foreign £0.50 £0.00
currency (excluding euro
within the EEA)
Other services
Cancelling a cheque
Lost/stolen cheque fee not charged
Other cheques fee not charged
Duplicate statement £5.00 £0.00
Total fees paid £0.00

Detail of interest paid on the account

Interest rate Interest
19/06/2021 - 16/06/2022
Total interest paid interest not applicable

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Lloyds Bank plc, 25 Gresham Street, London, EC2V 7HN.
Detail of interest earned on the account
Interest rate Interest
Total interest earned interest not applicable

Additional information

Information about your statement of fees

This statement of fees gives you an overview of the fees and charges you have paid on your Lloyds
current account during the period shown above. It also tells you how much interest you may have earned
or paid during that time. If you have changed from an account that pays interest to one that doesn’t, your
final interest payment won’t show on your Statement of Fees for either account. You can check your final
interest payment on your monthly statement for the account that paid interest. You may want to use this
information to consider if this account is still right for you.
To help you to decide, you can view and compare our other products online. You can also see the results
from an independent survey carried out every 6 months. Customers of each of the 16 largest personal
current account providers are asked if they would recommend their provider to friends and family. The
results can be viewed at
If you decide to switch to a different current account, the Current Account Switch Service (CASS) offers a
secure way to switch accounts in 7 days.
How can we help you?
No matter what current account you have, we have several features to help you manage your money.
You can access Internet and mobile banking 24 hours a day 7 days a week. By making use of internet
banking you can track your money, make payments and transfers and see your statements. We can also
send you mobile alerts. Alerts help you manage your money and avoid charges. They remind you when
you need to pay cleared funds into your account. They can also help you avoid going into an unarranged
overdraft. Unless you’ve opted out, you’ll automatically receive alerts provided we have an up to date
mobile number for you. To find out more information visit
You may have heard of Open Banking. Through Open Banking it is now possible to see all of your
accounts in one place. It works with internet or mobile banking. If you have accounts with more than one
bank, this could help make it easier to manage your money.

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Lloyds Bank plc, 25 Gresham Street, London, EC2V 7HN.

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