Investigation of Frequency-Stable Colossal Permittivity in Zno Ceramics Using Impedance Spectros
Investigation of Frequency-Stable Colossal Permittivity in Zno Ceramics Using Impedance Spectros
Investigation of Frequency-Stable Colossal Permittivity in Zno Ceramics Using Impedance Spectros
The most recent research and developments are driven by colossal permittivity (CP) materials due to their potential use in
modern microelectronics and high-energy density storage applications. Even though, to date, many CP materials have been
discovered, the task of developing them with the required high performance remains highly challenging. We present a tangible
example, polycrystalline ZnO ceramic, that presents a highly frequency-stable CP (> 104 ) as well as a low dielectric loss (~ 0.3)
over a broad temperature range from 278 to 433 K. Multifunctional polycrystalline ZnO nanoceramics are prepared through
one-pot hydrothermal route and sintered at 300 °C and 600 °C. The highly magnified scanning electron microscopic images
reveal excellent grain growth at high temperature. Temperature-dependent impedance spectroscopy is employed for pellet
sintered at (600 °C) to explore different conduction mechanisms at various temperature ranges. The distribution of relaxation
times (DRT) method is used to design the best equivalent circuit model for fitting impedance data. The non-Debye behavior
of real permittivity (2 ) is well explained by fitting with Cole–Cole formalism. The change in the conduction mechanism is
estimated around 343 K, and an adiabatic polaronic model is used to estimate activation energies of cations through different
electroactive regions. The correlate barrier hopping (CBH) model is applied to measure electrical trapping parameters (like
binding energy, hopping distance, barrier height, etc.) at various temperatures. Our finding presents a systematic approach
toward frequency-independent ZnO ceramics with a stable colossal permittivity which can potentially be applied to develop
energy storage devices.
Keywords ZnO ceramic · Structural analysis · Surface study · Optical study · Dielectric permittivity
1 Introduction been carried out on high dielectric materials (ε’ > 103 ) mostly
PbTiO3 , CaCu3 Ti4 O12 (CCTO), etc., but applications of
Temperature and frequency-stable colossal permittivity (CP) these materials are restricted to a specific temperature range
materials (ε’ ~ 1000) with low tangent loss have got much [2, 3]. In comparison with multilayer ceramic material, zinc
attention, because of their enormous demand in swiftly pro- oxide (ZnO) is considered the most functional ceramic mate-
gressing electronic industries [1]. The colossal permittivity rial for the manufacturing of electronic, photonic, and solar
(2 ) materials have great importance due to their basic aca- cell devices due to its attractive attributes. This comprises
demic physics and their practical applications in various high real permittivity, low tangent loss, wide energy gap (E g
electronic devices. In the last decade, many researches have ~ 3.37 eV), and outstanding mechanical stability [4]. Zinc
oxide belongs to the n-type semiconductor family (II-VI)
B Muhammad Rafi having some unique properties, such as piezoelectric, dielec-
[email protected]
tric, and optical, due to tetrahedrally bonded ions (Zn2+ –O2− )
B Muhammad Nadeem with hexagonal wurtzite structure [5].
[email protected]
ZnO has some substantial advantages over other oxides
1 Department of Physics, University of Wah, Wah Cantt, P.O. like natural abundance, inexpensive, easy to synthesis, and
Wah Cantt, Pakistan environment-friendly with excellent physical and chemical
2 Polymer Composite Group (PCG), Directorate of Science, stability. Many chemical approaches are used to prepare
P.O. Nilore, PINSTECH, Islamabad, Pakistan ZnO nanoceramics such as sol–gel [6], solvothermal [7],
3 Functional Materials Lab, Department of Physics, Air
University, PAF Complex E-9, Islamabad, Pakistan
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
microwave [8], co-precipitation [9], and hydrothermal [10]. proper explanation about the origin of observed real permit-
These chemical approaches have various synthesis param- tivity at both sides (low and high frequency) [21].
eters (like sintering temperature, pressure, reaction time, Latest data published by Maru et al. [19] show low
surfactant, etc.) which are mandatory to control the growth dielectric permittivity due to incorporation of TiO2 in ZnO
and shape of nanostructures [11]. The hydrothermal method structure. Due to the formation of the conductive networks
is considered the most preferred, suitable, and direct method at the interface of ZnO and TiO2 (having similar ZnO and
that can produce the desired shape of nanostructures with TiO2 contents) across the composite. Similar trends at room
good morphological control [12]. It is a widely used tech- temperature are also reported by Tkachenkov et al. [22],
nique for the mass-scale production of nanomaterials involv- showing Co-, Cu-, Ni-doped ZnO nano-objects. Reduced
ing growth of nanoparticles by employing high-pressure and real permittivity ranging from (2 ~ 20–70) with significantly
temperature conditions in an aqueous solution. Li et al. [13] low tangent loss is reported for different nanosheets whose
prepared undoped high-pressure-treated ZnO ceramics by thickness varies between 18 and 34 nm. Various contribu-
conventional sintering. Similarly, S. Ibadat et al. [14] reported tions to the resistive and capacitive characteristics of ceramic
high dielectric constant at low frequency (~ 102 Hz) for ZnO- materials can be convoluted using impedance spectroscopy.
sintered microstructures at high temperature. In these studies, Charge transport mechanism in polycrystalline materials is
the realistic high permittivity 2 of ZnO is associated with typically influenced by physical parameters like grain bound-
porosity, Maxwell–Wagner (MW) polarization, and hetero- ary, grain resistance/capacitance, and electrode interface.
geneities present in the system [15]. Detailed understanding of functionality of electroceramic
Achieving high dielectric constant with low tangent loss materials is essential to deconvolute these contributions.
in a single crystal is an extremely challenging task. This In the present research, we report temperature- and
increases the demand of high dielectric materials which are frequency-stable giant dielectric constant for ZnO material
easy to prepare. In contrast with complex high permittivity with low tangent loss. The dielectric characteristics of a
materials, ZnO is easy to fabricate. ZnO has got consider- material originate from the shape of microstructures and the
able attraction due to its versatile nature in supercapacitors, nature of dipoles. The two major constituents that account
resistive switches, and piezotronics [16]. Various kinds of for a high dielectric constant are grains and grain bound-
ZnO structures, ceramics, and films are reported relatively aries. Various dielectric relaxation processes are present in
having low permittivity (< 1500 at 102 Hz) through vari- various frequency ranges. Interfacial polarization plays a
ous temperature ranges [17]. The dielectric characteristics key role in colossal permittivity at the low-frequency side.
of ceramic materials are greatly influenced by geometrical For central frequency range (102 –105 ), interfacial polariza-
morphology, amount of porosity, and the grain bound- tion is relaxed and reached toward the plateau region (ε’
aries. Porous ceramics with controlled porosity can have becomes fixed with frequency) for each temperature range.
a low-frequency dielectric constant of about ~ 106 . In a Comprehensive structural, electrical, and optical studies are
recent article, Ndayishimiye et al. [18] reported polydimethyl carried out using X-Ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron
siloxane composites prepared using cold sintering. In cold microscopy (SEM), impedance spectroscopy (IS), and dif-
sintering, ZnO structures at high-frequency value of dielec- fuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS). Temperature-sensitive
tric constant (2 ~ 140 at 105 Hz) belong to dense isotropic dielectric parameters like dielectric constant, tangent loss,
grains and charges are accumulated at grain boundaries. complex impedance spectra, dielectric relaxation, modulus,
Consequently, the origin of the high dielectric permittivity and the ac conductivity in the applied frequency range are
is credited to an extrinsic mechanism, e.g., the barrier layer analyzed. To the best of our knowledge, very few studies are
capacitances (BLC), likely at twin boundaries [19]. Some available about colossal dielectric studies of frequency-stable
discussions are present about grain boundaries where non- ZnO ceramic materials in a temperature range of 278–433 K
linear current–voltage behavior of CCTO and barrier layer with the change of conduction mechanism around 343 K.
capacitance, where TEM measurements shows that grain
boundaries play key role on electrical properties. We have
already published the temperature- and frequency-dependent 2 Experimental Section
impedance spectroscopy about ZnO nanoparticles prepared
via novel composite hydroxide-mediated approach. Here One-pot hydrothermal process is employed here for the syn-
large dielectric permittivity arises from Maxwell– Wagner thesis of ZnO nanoparticles. Analytical-grade 99% pure (Zn
relaxation occurring at the interfaces of grains (Gs) and grain (NO3 )2 .6H2 O & NaOH) (Sigma-Aldrich) are thoroughly
boundaries (GBs) [20]. mixed and transferred to autoclave and heat-treated in an
Generally the realistic high dielectric constant of ZnO oven for 180 °C for 24 h. Resultant white precipitates are
corresponds to Maxwell–Wagner polarization effects but the filtered and washed repeatedly. After drying precipitates at
60 °C in the oven, it is ground using mortar and pestle to make
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Table 1 Comparison of
presented method against other Methodology Sintering Crystallite size 2 tan δ E g (eV) References
established methods temperature (nm)
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Table 2 Structural parameters: a comparison of ZnO-sintered samples on the alignment of dipoles under applied electric field. In
at different temperatures nature, electroceramics are electrically inhomogeneous due
Parameters ZnO-300 ZnO-600 to the presence of different electroactive regions. Interfacial
polarization plays an important role in tuning the dielectric
Lattice parameters ab 3.26 3.24 characteristics of materials, while at low frequencies (f < 102
(Å) Hz) grain boundaries effect is more dominant than grains
c (Å) 5.22 5.20 [26]. Figure 3a, b demonstrates the frequency dependence
c/a 1.60 1.60 of dielectric permittivity (2 ) and tan loss for the ZnO-600
V (Å3 ) 48.26 47.61 sample, where temperature varies from 278 K to 433 K. It
Average micro-strain (%) (ε) 0.33 0.21 is clearly seen that in all temperature ranges dielectric per-
Average dislocation density (δ) 0.29 0.13 mittivity becomes frequency independent within frequency
(%) range (1–105 Hz); this plateau region shifts with the rise of
D Average (nm) D(nm) 22 32 temperature (> 278 K) up to 105 Hz. In the upcoming section,
Rietveld reliability Rp 11.2 9.2 Cole–Cole formalism is tried to understand multi-dispersive
parameters Rwp 13.9 9.0 relaxation present in this plateau region. The subject mate-
Re 12.2 10.0
rial shows giant dielectric behavior in all temperature ranges,
which improves significantly with the rise of temperature and
χ2 3.60 1.87
exhibits a colossal response [4].
The sample ZnO-600 generally shows different relaxation
behaviors at different frequency ranges. Moreover, the dielec-
nanoparticles is close to 22 ± 0.2 nm. The crystallite size
tric properties of ZnO-600 show frequency-independent
increased significantly as sintering temperatures increased
behaviors over a very broad temperature-frequency range,
(600 °C), and is estimated as 32 ± 0.4 nm [28].
which makes this material the most suitable candidate for
energy storage devices [35]. At frequency (~ 102 Hz), ε’ is
3.2 SEM Study maximum and then slightly decreases with increasing fre-
quency to 105 Hz. High dielectric behavior is mainly due
Surface morphology and grain growth of different sintered to interfacial polarization occurring at low-frequency region
samples are investigated using FESEM. Figure 2a and b [28]. For the intermediate frequency range (102 –105 Hz),
shows extremely dense semi spherical [33] nanostructures extrinsic effect is more dominant which is caused by grain
with a wide, inhomogeneous distribution of crystallite sizes boundaries, interfacial polarization, and voids, respectively
[14]. All of these micrographs are taken from the sin- [36]. Real permittivity estimated at low frequency is around
tered powder of ZnO samples. In comparison with the (ε’ ~ 3.4 × 105 ) and decreases to (ε’ ~ 8.82 × 103 ) at 102
ZnO-300 sample, high-temperature-sintered ZnO-600 dra- Hz. The grain boundary effect is more effective below 102
matically introduces voids and grain development due to Hz, so interfacial polarization is accountable for tuning the
the diffusion of smaller crystallites into relatively larger dielectric value in this frequency range. For the intermedi-
ZnO crystallites. Morphological analysis supports structural ate frequency range, interfacial polarization is relaxed and
studies, which reveals that ZnO-600 sample shows good reaches toward the plateau region (ε’ becomes fixed with
crystallinity with improved structural parameters as shown frequency) for each temperature range [1]. Drop in dielec-
in Table 2, so this sample is chosen for further electrical tric (ε’) at high frequency is caused due to slow response of
studies [34]. Inset of Fig. 2a, b shows the distribution of dipoles, as these dipoles are unable to follow rapidly varying
crystallite size using Image J software which estimates crys- AC field [10].
tallite size (D) between 35 and 60 nm. Moreover, Fig. 2c, Figure 3a (inset) shows activation energy (E a ~ 0.32 eV)
d shows electron-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), a compo- calculated from peak frequency (τ 1/2πfmax ) for each tem-
sitional comparison of sintered samples. Elemental spectra perature range using Arrhenius relation [24, 37]
confirm purity of the sample, having zinc and oxygen atoms
belonging to ZnO matrix; no foreign element is detected
within the detection limit. The lower inset of Fig. 2c, d shows τ τo exp − (2)
the atomic and weight percentage of each element.
Figure 3b shows frequency dependence of tanδ at vari-
3.3 Dielectric Analysis ous temperatures. At low-frequency region, tan delta shows
relaxation peak that corresponds to variation in ε’; with the
The dielectric constant (2 ) measures the energy storage rise of frequency this peak gradually decreases to lowest
capacity of dielectric materials while polarization is based value (tanδ ~ 0.3) as shown in Table 3. The tangent loss
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Fig. 2 FESEM micrographs of (a) ZnO-300 (b) ZnO-600 and (c, d) represent EDS spectra with atomic and weight %age
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Fig. 4 a–c Cole–Cole nonlinear curve fitting of real permittivity (278–433 K). d Arrhenius plot for dielectric relaxation
peak at high frequency (> 105 Hz) is originated due to Equation 4 denotes real part of the Cole–Cole expression:
the relaxation process caused by Zn+2 –Vo dipoles present
at grains [14]. Due to grain growth relaxation peak shifts
toward high-frequency side. Figure 3b (inset) shows acti-
vation energy E a ~ 0.36 eV calculated from peak position 1 + (ωτ )cos βπ
using Arrhenius method as already discussed. S. Cole and H. ε ε∞ +(εs −ε ∞ ) 2
1 + 2(ωτ )β cos βπ
2 + (ωτ )
Cole proposed an empirical formula, to understand nature of
dielectric relaxation over a wide range of frequencies [38].
Figure 4 shows temperature-dependent nonlinear curve fit-
ting of Cole–Cole equation for non-Debye type relaxation Table 4 shows Cole–Cole study directed multi-dispersive
behavior present in real permittivity; this formulation is relaxation and showed a deviation from Debye relaxation
applied over the frequency-independent region 102 –105 Hz. process. As distribution factor (β) has value less than 1
Mathematical definition of the complex dielectric constant which implies that distribution of relaxation has broader peak
(ε*) by Cole–Cole equation is as follows [39]: than Debye peak. The fitted distribution factor (β) values at
various temperatures lie within 0.77 to 0.9 indicating that
εs − ε∞ ZnO-600 has wider relaxation peak [39]. It is found that fitted
ε∗ ε∞ + (3) relaxation time (τ ) at different temperatures follows Arrhe-
1 + (iωτ )β
nius law Eq. 2. Figure 4d shows plot Ln (τ ) vs 1/T, where
solid lines are fitted lines using relation Eq. 2. From slope
where ε∞ is the limiting value of the dielectric constant at of fitted lines, we estimate activation energies (E a ) of dielec-
high frequencies, εs is the static dielectric constant, τ is the tric relaxations which vary from 0.29 eV to 0.7 eV, where
relax time, and β is the constant whose values lie 0 to 1. conduction mechanism changes around 343 K [10] (Fig. 5).
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
Fig. 5 a–d Complex impedance plots (Z" vs. Z’) of ZnO-600 are shown for various temperature ranges tested
3.4 Impedance Study RG + RGB ) of the material is given by the intersection of the
curve at the low-frequency side. Figure 5a–c shows high-
Complex impedance study is used to explain the electroactive frequency arc passing through origin which confirms there
regions and electrical properties of polycrystalline materials is no contribution of any contact resistance. With the rise of
[14, 40]. Figure 6a–d illustrates complex impedance plane temperature, high-frequency arc shows small shifts above the
plots for ZnO-600 sample comprising of experimental and origin due to high relaxation frequencies above measurement
fitted data which are explained on the basis of the best equiv- limit which is more easily resolved using DRT formalism will
alent circuit model as proposed by distribution of relaxation be explained in the equation 6.
time (detailed discussion is presented in the next section) Table 5 indicates the value of capacitance increases with
[41]. At each temperature range, there are two semicircular the decrease in resistance of grain RG and grain boundaries
arcs: high-frequency arc represents grains and low-frequency RGB in operational temperature range. Both depressed semi-
arc represents grain boundaries. The total resistance (RT circular arcs having centers lie below the real Z’- axis and
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
Fig. 6 Temperature-dependent distribution of relaxation time (DRT) on ZnO Ceramic at a 278 K to 373 K and b 398 K to 433 K
Fig. 7 Bod plots for a (Z") vs. log (f)) and b (M") vs. log (f)) formalisms
can be seen in the impedance spectrum showing semicon- In ceramics on the basis of resistance, grains are con-
ducting behavior with non-Debye type relaxation follows the sidered as electronically or ionically conducting in applied
Cole–Cole formalism. There are two relaxation mechanisms temperature range in this system while grain boundaries
associated with two semi-circular arcs having various relax- (GBs) usually behave as a barrier to charge carriers mobility.
ations with different time constants (τ RC), where C is The resistive behavior of grain boundaries can be under-
the capacitance and R is the resistance associated with the stood by the depletion of space charge layers produced by
respective phases, which is also confirmed in the modulus the repulsion of charges in the grain boundary regions [42].
plot (Fig. 7). Table 5 shows a decrease in the diameter of semicircular
arcs (corresponding to reduction in RG and RGB) with the
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
rise of temperature; this implies the presence of a thermally Figure 5a is evident in DRT analysis which corresponds
triggered conduction mechanism in grain and grain bound- to two equivalent circuits that respond to two main relaxation
aries. Generally in most of the oxides, resistance of grain peaks present as shown in 278–373 K. While Fig. 5b shows
boundaries is higher than grains due to uneven distribution DRT study of 398–423 K, third relaxation at high frequency
of oxygen atoms and bond linkage which plays as the car- endorses series resistance R1 in the equivalent circuit (is stand
rier’s traps and generates a barrier layer. Additionally, the for the displacement of high-frequency arc from origin as
capacitance of grain boundaries (10–10 F to 10–8 F) is higher shown in Table 5).
than the grains (~ 10–12 F). Figure 7a shows the plots of Z" plotted against the log f for
The deviation from ideal behavior of capacitance is set- sample ZnO-600 at various temperatures. These spectra can
tled by the constant phase element (CPE). Z-view computer be used to examine the characteristic of the sample’s most
software is used to best fit experimental data as shown in resistive phase. Here with the rise of temperature, peaks shift
Fig. 5a–d, the electrical components R1 (CPE1 ) and R2 (CPE2 ) gradually toward higher frequency side. The higher values
both are coupled in parallel to best fit the high- and low- of frequency at upper temperatures range are evident for the
frequency arcs, while Rs Ohmic resistance is used in temperature-dependent carrier mobility in grains and at grain
Fig. 5d to fit temperature range (398–433 K). The fitting of borders. This implies that charges may hop between the con-
impedance plane plots of R1 RG , R2 RGB , CPE1 , CPE2 , fined locations (Zn+2 –O−2 ) responsible for the conductivity.
ng, and ngb is within 2–3% fitting error. Impedance plots show Grain growth creates more defect free grain interiors, related
two clear semicircular arcs in the applied temperature range to dipoles (Zn+2 –Vo ) relaxation at high-frequency side [45].
278–373 K, and with further rise in temperature (398–433 K) In the present system, two distinct relaxations occurred
both arcs diffuse to single one, and an applied equivalent cir- here: the larger intense peak created at lower frequency side
cuit model applied in each temperature set is shown in inset is credited to the relaxation process linked with the grain
of Fig. 5d. The arrow points toward increase in the frequency, boundaries (GBs) and the second peak is connected with
and the corresponding equivalent circuits that try to adapt the the grains (Gs). Figure 7a shows, at 2 kHz, a larger peak
observed data are shown in inset of Fig. 5a–d. The CPE can which is credited to the relaxation process at grain bound-
be convoluted into capacitive/resistive elements using for- aries, while the second shoulder emerged around 200 kHz
mula (C R(1−n)/n CPE1/n ) where “n” is a measurement of corresponds to the relaxation process at grains. Decrease in
divergence from ideal behavior whose values lie within (0 Z peak intensities of spectra along with the shift of peaks
< n < 1), where 0 implies pure resistive and 1 implies pure toward high-frequency side with the improvement in tem-
capacitive behavior [43]. perature shows the increase in dipoles created due to thermal
Distribution of relaxation times (DRT) is an effective tool activation [14]. Above 343 K, two peaks merge to single one
used for deconvolution of impedance spectroscopic data. due to growth of space charge polarization as shown in inset
This analysis predicts the most accurate equivalent circuit of Fig. 7a. The Arrhenius expression (Eq. 2) is used to esti-
models, in order to analyze impedance data in time domain mate activation energy (E a ) of charge carriers through the
[41]. The significance of this method is to resolve different material which is estimated by using peak frequency being
relaxations present in electroactive regions by transforming 0.36 eV (± 0.01) [46].
the data from frequency (f ) domain to time (τ ) domain. The Figure 7b shows dependence of frequencies on modulus
main goal of DRT analysis is to estimate γln(τ ) at the applied (M") at given temperature range, and only one broad peak
temperature range. The experimental data Z exp measured at exists which corresponds to the grains. Contact contributions
given frequencies are “fitted” against a model Z DRT , which can be ruled out based on the very low modulus values at
is expressed in Eq. 5 as under [44]. low frequencies. With increasing temperature, the position
of the M" peak shifts to the high-frequency side. The value
∞ of M"(0.039) shows maximum at 1.4 × 106 Hz, which tends
g(τ )
Z DRT ( f ) R∞ + dτ (5) to decreases gradually at high-frequency range (> 107 Hz).
0 1 + iωτ
Corresponding activation energy (Ea ) derived from peak fre-
quency is 0.3 eV (± 0.02) [35].
where R∞ is the ohmic resistance and g(τ ) is a suitable func- The electrical conduction process is investigated in depth
tion that describes the time relaxation characteristics of the by employing (i) small polaron hopping (SPH) and (ii)
system being studied. To accommodate the frequency data Mott’s variable range hopping (M-VRH). Using polaronic
usually collected on a logarithmic scale, Eq. 5 can be rewrit- model, temperature dependence of resistance of material
ten as: (RG , RGBs, and through the material RT ) is expressed using
relation R/T Ao exp (E a /KT), where Ao , K, and E a are the
∞ γ (lnτ ) pre-exponential factor, Boltzmann constant, and activation
Z DRT ( f ) R∞ + dlnτ (6) energy, respectively. Figure 8a shows experimental data that
−∞ 1 + iωτ
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
Fig. 9 a Z’ plotted against log (f), b average normalize change with temperature
best fitted to the adiabatic SPH model, and the corresponding Figure 9a shows variation in real part Z of impedance with
activation energies obtained above 343 K are 0.66 ± 0.01 eV, the rise of frequency at various temperature ranges. Each tem-
0.68 ± 0.02 eV, and 0.7 ± 0.02 eV for the conduction at perature plot follows a frequency-independent region where
Gs, GBs, and through the bulk, respectively. Change in lin- impedance gradually decreases with the rise of frequency. At
ear behavior tells change in conduction mechanism observed high frequency, (Z’) appears to merge for all plots, demon-
below 343 K where activation energy of carrier is about 0.3 strating the possible release of the space charges. There are
± 0.01 eV [35]. two main causes of decrease in real impedance (Z’) value
Figure 8b illustrates charge transport through electroac- with increase in temperature: the first one is the increase in
tive region at low temperature (278 K) is explained on the the kinetics of the charge carriers and the second is decrease
basis of M-VRH. Hopping length is estimated using rela- in the density of the trapped charges. Figure 9b shows average
tion ln(R/Ro ) (T /T o )1/4 where T o is the temperature factor normalized change (ANC) with temperature, where ANC is
and is given by T o 18α 3 /K B N(E F ). Here N(E F ), 1/α, and expressed as (Z’/f )/Z’o [47]. Here Z’ is based on Z l -
K are the density of states, confinement length, and Boltz- Z h , where Z l and Z h are the respective values of imagi-
mann constant, respectively. The confinement length 1/α nary impedance Z’ at lowest (f l ) and highest (f h ) frequencies,
measured from the above-mentioned equations is 0.2 Å. Hop- respectively. The ANC expression may divide into two por-
ping length decreases with the rise of temperature which is tions: the first one is low temperature side which is less than
in good agreement with the earlier reported results [39]. In 343 K (where ANC has a temperature independent region
comparison with M-VRH model, the SPH model governed recorded up to 1.0 × 10−7 Hz−1 ). This region is followed by
the conduction as best fitted in whole temperature range due a second or frequency-dependent region where a sudden drop
to its better reliability factor [45]. starts 343 K which pointed out change in conduction mecha-
nism as already discussed. Characteristic decrease in average
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
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