MyFullPaper MadeWinduAntaraKesiman KuI14 - Template
MyFullPaper MadeWinduAntaraKesiman KuI14 - Template
MyFullPaper MadeWinduAntaraKesiman KuI14 - Template
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All content following this page was uploaded by Made Windu Antara Kesiman on 26 February 2016.
Made Windu Antara Kesiman, I Gede Mahendra Darmawiguna, Padma Nyoman Crisnapati,
Gede Sukra Ardipa, I Kadek Yostab Mariyantoni, Made Lanang Nugraha, Agus Nyoman
Reditya Ary Prasetya, I Made Adi Yoga Dewantara
Department of Informatics Engineering Education
Ganesha University of Education
Singaraja Bali Indonesia
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected]
This project aims at the development of augmented reality application for many balinese
artistic and cultural objects such as basic balinese dance movements, musical instruments
called Gamelan, collection of the traditional masks called Barong and Topeng, and some main
properties for the balinese cremation ceremony called Petulangan. Our augmented reality
application focuses on the preservation of balinese cultural heritages and on social media
promotion of the digital virtual version of those artistic and cultural objects for wide world
distribution. The augmented reality application consists of static and dynamic 3D balinese
artistic and cultural objects, the narrative description of each object (meaning, history,
function), the real recorded sound for musical instruments, and for each application is also
completed by the exclusive augmented reality book (AR Book), the printed real photo version
of all objects and the description which specifically serves as the marker for our augmented
reality application. Our findings show that the augmented reality application attracts peoples
of every ages to know closer and learn deeper many balinese artistic and cultural objects in
our collection. Augmented reality application help people to explore every detail in virtual
3D, their object of interest of their own cultural heritages.
Key words : augmented reality, balinese artistic and cultural object, android, AR Book
1 Introduction : The AR Book of balinese artistic and cultural objects
Balinese culture is formed from the influence of Hindu culture that is both animism and
dynamism since pre-Hindu era (pre-history). The result of this cultural development is the
various forms of art objects and artistic properties which can be seen in every balinese daily
activities as well as in many art performances like balinese musics and dances, and also in many
religious ceremonies held in Bali. This project aims at the development of augmented reality
book (AR Book) and application for those balinese artistic activities and cultural objects such as
basic balinese dance movements, musical instruments for balinese dances called Gamelan, the
collection of the traditional masks called Barong and Topeng, and one main property for the
balinese cremation ceremony (Ngaben) called Petulangan. This project focuses on the
preservation of balinese cultural heritages and on social media promotion of the digital virtual
version of those artistic and cultural objects for wide world distribution.
What is an AR Book ? The AR Book is the printed version book of the real photo of the object
(in this case, balinese artistic and cultural objects), that also contains short description (meaning,
history, function) about each object. Each real photo of the object on the AR Book will serve as
a marker, and will be detected to visualize the respective 3D object or 3D animation of an
augmented reality technology application, with a narrative and backsound audio related to the
object. AR Book serves simply as a cultural book, but also provides a collection of markers for
the AR Application. AR Book is a specific learning media to facilitate the learner to increase
their level of understanding and also to catch people’s interest by visualizing some 3D objects
on 2D printed cultural book, with the help of Android devices. The AR Book developed in this
project comes from five themes, and each consists of the printed real photo version of all
balinese artistic and cultural objects related to the specific theme, and it serves as the marker for
that specific theme of Android based augmented reality application. The next part of this paper
describes those five themes of the AR Book developed on this project, such as basic balinese
dance movements, musical instruments for balinese dances called Gamelan, the collection of
the traditional masks called Barong and Topeng, and one main property for the balinese
cremation ceremony (Ngaben) called Petulangan.
Barong is a pre historic artistic and cultural object of Hindu, symbolised by quadruped animal
or early humans who possess magical powers. The word barong symbolise a good animal.
Etymologically, the word barong is derived from Sanskrta b(h)arwang, that in Malay or
Indonesian language, it similars to bear, an animal with thick hairy black short tail. In Indonesia,
these animals live in Sumatra and Borneo, while in Bali bears hardly ever seen and encountered
[Sega00][Agus12]. Barong is normally performed as a dance by one or two dancers, Barong
Dance. But actually there are many types of barong. Some of them are rarely performed, or just
to be performed in certain region in Bali, so even the balineses do not know clearly how does it
look. The AR Book of Barong provides some informations and visualizations about unknwon
type of Barong exist in Bali. The AR Book of Barong (Fig. 2) shows and describes 7 different
Barong, such as Barong Ket, Barong Bangkal, Barong Macan, Barong Landung Lanang,
Barong Landung Istri, Barong Bruktuk, and Barong Blasblasan.
The art of mask presents together with the development of dance in Bali because it is closely
related and has existed since pre-Hindu era (pre-history). Tapel or Topeng is an artistic object as
a manifestation or expression of the concept of face. This kind of artwork are usually set up so
that it can be used to cover the human face. This ancient art is almost the same as the art found
in the regions of Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Irian Jaya, and other islands in the archipelago and can
be found in the community who are still adhered to animism and dynamism. It serves as a
repellent reinforcements, heal disease, etc. Topeng is normally performed as a dance by one or
two dancers, Topeng Dance. But actually there are so many types of Topeng. Some of them are
rarely performed, or just to be performed in certain performance with a specific story and
character, so even the balineses do not know clearly about the character represented by these
Topeng. The AR Book of Topeng provides some informations and visualizations about
unknwon character of Topeng exist in Bali.The AR Book of Topeng (Fig. 3) shows and
describes 55 differents Topeng.
Fig. 3: AR Book of Topeng
One example of very popular Balinese music instrument is Gamelan Gong Kebyar. In
accordance with the name given to this instrument, Kebyar means fast, sudden and loud, Gong
Kebyar produces loud and dynamic music for many balinese dances [Arya77]. Gamelan Gong
Kebyar is usually performed together with so many balinese dances and ceremonies. Gamelan
Gong Kebyar is a set of 19 differents instruments. A complete Gong Kebyar consists of 2 ugal,
4 pemade, 4 kantilan, 2 penyacah, 2 jublag, 2 jegogan, 1 rebab, 1 trompong, 1 riyong, 2
kendang, 2 cengceng, 1 kajar, 2 gong, 1 kempli, 1 kempur, 1 bebende, 1-3 suling, and 1 kemong
[Remb85]. The AR Book of Gamelan (Fig. 4) shows and describes those 19 differents music
Fig. 4: AR Book of Gamelan
In Bali, the cremation ceremony (Pitra Yadnya Ngaben) is really important for a balinese
family. In performing the ceremony of Ngaben, the balinese people made Petulangan in
addition to the offerings as the primary means. The word Petulangan derived from the word
tulang, it means bone (from the bodies to be consecrated). Petulangan means a tool or place for
the bone of the bodies in cremation [Kale97]. Petulangan is generally in form of an animal. The
AR Book of Petulangan shows and describes 10 types of Petulangan such as Petulangan
Lembu (Cow), Petulangan Singa (Lion), Petulangan Naga Kaang (Dragon), Petulangan
Gedarba (Bear), Petulangan Gajah Mina (Elephant), Petulangan Singa Kaang (Lion),
Petulangan Menjangan, Petulangan Macan (Harimau) (Tiger), Petulangan Sudang-sudangan
(Fish), and Petulangan Tabla. The AR Book of Petulangan (Fig. 5) shows and describes those
10 differents Petulangan.
Fig. 5: AR Book of Petulangan
The augmented reality application consists of static and or dynamic 3D balinese artistic and cultural
objects, the narrative description of each object (meaning, history, function), the real recorded sound
for musical instruments, and for each application is also completed by the exclusive augmented reality
book (AR Book), the printed real photo version of all objects and the description which specifically
serves as the marker for our augmented reality application. Android-based augmented reality
application was developed by using Unity3D with additional Vuforia libraries. Vuforia Library is a
development of the QCAR (Qualcomm Augmented Reality) to display Augmented Reality in
Android. We use Vuforia marker to detect patterns and also to display a model as well as access
information in the form of sound. Interaction diagram that occurs between user and the augmented
reality application can be seen in Figure 6. Users will interact directly with the android smartphone
that is equipped with augmented reality applications. The AR Book helps user to make an active
interaction with AR Application on Android. When the camera of the smartphone is directed to the
AR book which is equipped with markers, it will display a 3-dimensional object or animation along
with voice narration according to the marker.
Fig. 6: Interaction Diagram between AR Application, AR Book, and User
The functional model of AR Book Application is described by a flowchart diagram. Figure 7 shows
the flowchart diagram of AR Book Application. As shown in Figure 7, user is directing the
application based on the android camera device to the marker that has been prepared on the book. The
camera will capture an image on the real world and sending it directly into the computer. Computer
software (augmented reality applications using the library vuforia) will match the captured image to
the markers that are already stored. If appropriate it will display a 3D object, but if it does not then it
will go back to search the marker.
Figure 8 shows the input/output process of AR Book Application as the modul design of the
application. Modul of 3D object provides all 3D image and animation of the art object collection,
designed and drawn exactly as the related real art object that can be seen on the AR Book. Modul of
library marker provides the collection of object marker based on the real photo picture printed on the
AR Book. With the audio files, it combined into a single modul augmented reality.
Our findings show that the augmented reality application attracts peoples of every ages to know
closer and learn deeper about many balinese artistic and cultural objects in our collection (see
Fig. 10). Some of those objects are now very rare presented in live or it is difficult to find in
some regions in Bali. Augmented reality application help people to explore every detail in
virtual 3D, their object of interest of their own cultural heritages. The young generation now can
learn and know more about the balinese ancien art and culture. For futur development, the
markerless augmented reality application will be built to support an easier way of wide world
[Arya77] Aryasa B.A., I W. M. 1977. Perkembangan Seni Karawitan Bali. Denpasar : Proyek
Sasana Budaya Bali.
[Asti10] ASTI, Team Survey. 2010. “Gerak dasar tari Bali”. Yayasan Bali Galang. Tersedia
pada dasar tari/ga-gam-gong-kebyar.html
(accessed on 27 November 2012).
[Kale97] Kaler, IGusti Ketut. 1997. Ngaben. Denpasar : Yayasan Dharma Naradha.
[Sega00] Segara, N.Y. , 2000. "Barong and Rangda Know", Surabaya, Paramita. Barong dance
attracted full attention of tourists to Bali.