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Lab 7 DSPBEE13

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Department of Electrical Engineering

Faculty Member: Sir Kaleem Ullah Dated: 11-03-2024

Course/Section: BEE 13-B Semester: 6th

EE-330 Digital Signal Processing

Lab7: Introduction to DSP Kit TMS 320C6713 DSK

Name Reg. No Viva / Analysis Modern Ethics Individual

Quiz / Lab of data Tool and and Team
Performa in Lab Usage Safety Work
nce Report

5 Marks 5 Marks 5 Marks 5 Marks 5 Marks





EE-330 Digital Signal Processing Page 1

The objective of this lab is to introduce the DSP Starter Kit C6713

 Getting started with DSP Kit

 Getting Started with Code Composer Studio
 Basic Code Compilation on DSP Kit
 Working with basic sinusoids on DSP Kit

Lab Instructions
 This lab activity comprises of three parts: Pre-lab, Lab Exercises, and Post-Lab Viva session.
 The lab report shall be uploaded on LMS three days before next scheduled lab. The Pre-lab tasks
should be completed before coming to the lab and hard copy of Pre-lab session should be
deposited with teacher/lab engineer at start of the lab for necessary evaluation. Alternatively, the
reports can be submitted in PDF format on LMS.
 The students should perform and demonstrate each lab task separately for step-wise evaluation
(please ensure that course instructor/lab engineer has signed each step after ascertaining its
functional verification)
 Only those tasks that completed during the allocated lab time will be credited to the students.
Students are however encouraged to practice on their own in spare time for enhancing their
Lab Report Instructions
All questions should be answered precisely to get maximum credit. Lab report must ensure following
 Lab objectives
 MATLAB codes
 Results (graphs/tables) duly commented and discussed
 Conclusion

EE-330 Digital Signal Processing Page 2

1 Pre Lab
1.1.1 Introduction
The hardware experiments in the DSP lab are carried out on the Texas Instruments TMS320C6713 DSP
Starter Kit (DSK), based on the TMS320C6713 floating point DSP running at 225 MHz. The basic clock
cycle instruction time is 1/(225 MHz)= 4.44 nanoseconds. During each clock cycle, up to eight
instructions can be carried out in parallel, achieving up to 8×225 = 1800 million instructions per second
(MIPS). The C6713 processor has 256KB of internal memory, and can potentially address 4GB of
external memory. The DSK board includes a 16MB SDRAM memory and a 512KB Flash ROM. It has an
on-board 16-bit audio stereo codec (the Texas Instruments AIC23B) that serves both as an A/D and a D/A
converter. There are four 3.5 mm audio jacks for microphone and stereo line input, and speaker and head-
phone outputs. The AIC23 codec can be programmed to sample audio inputs at the following sampling
fs = 8, 16, 24, 32, 44.1, 48, 96 kHz

The DSK also has four user-programmable DIP switches and four LEDs that can be used to control and
monitor programs running on the DSP. All features of the DSK are managed by the CCS, which is a
complete integrated development environment (IDE) that includes an optimizing C/C++ compiler,
assembler, linker, debugger, and program loader. The CCS communicates with the DSK via a USB
connection to a PC. In addition to facilitating all programming aspects of the C6713 DSP, the CCS can
also read signals stored on the DSP’s memory, or the SDRAM, and plot them in the time or frequency

1.1.2 TMS 320 C 6713 Digital Signal Processor

The TMS320C6713 (C6713) is based on the very long instruction word (VLIW) architecture, which is
very well suited for numerically intensive algorithms. The internal program memory is structured so that
a total of eight instructions can be fetched every cycle. For example, with a clock rate of 225 MHz, the
C6713 is capable of fetching eight 32 - bit instructions every 1/(225 MHz) or 4.44 ns. Features of the
C6713 include 264 kB of internal memory (8 kB as L1P and L1D Cache and 256 kB as L2 memory
shared between program and data space), eight functional or execution units composed of six ALUs and
two multiplier units, a 32 - bit address bus to address 4 GB (gigabytes), and two sets of 32 - bit general –
purpose registers. The C67xx processors (such as the C6701, C6711, and C6713) belong to the family of
the C6x floating - point processors; whereas the C62xx and C64xx belong to the family of the C6x fixed -
point processors. The C6713 is capable of both fixed and floating point processing.

EE-330 Digital Signal Processing Page 3

Code Composer Studio (CCS) provides an integrated development environment (IDE) for real - time
digital signal processing applications based on the C programming language. It incorporates a C compiler,
an assembler, and a linker. It has graphical capabilities and supports real - time debugging. The C
compiler compiles a C source program with extension .c to produce an assembly source file with
extension .asm . The assembler assembles an .asm source file to produce a machine language object file
with extension .obj . The linker combines object files and object libraries as input to produce an
executable file with extension .out . This executable file represents a linked common object file format
(COFF), popular in Unix - based systems and adopted by several makers of digital signal processors [44] .
This executable file can be loaded and run directly on the digital signal processor.
A Code Composer Studio project comprises all of the files (or links to all of the files) required in order to
generate an executable file. A variety of options enabling files of different types to be added to or
removed from a project are provided. In addition, a Code Composer Studio project contains information
about exactly how files are to be used in order to generate an executable file. Compiler/linker options can
be specified. A number of debugging features are available, including setting breakpoints and watching
variables, viewing memory, registers, and mixed C and assembly code, graphing results, and monitoring
execution time. One can step through a program in different ways (step into, or over, or out). Real - time
analysis can be performed using CCS’ s real - time data exchange (RTDX) facility. This allows for data
exchange between the host PC and the target DSK as well as analysis in real - time without halting the

1.1.4 File Types

You will be working with a number of files with different extensions. They include:
1. file.c : C source program.
2. file.asm : assembly source program created by the user, by the C compiler,or by the linear optimizer.
3. file.sa : linear assembly source program. The linear optimizer uses file.sa as input to produce an
assembly program file.asm .
4. file.h : header support file.
5. file.lib : library file, such as the run - time support library file rts6700.lib .
6. file.cmd : linker command file that maps sections to memory.
7. file.obj : object file created by the assembler.
8. file.out : executable file created by the linker to be loaded and run on theC6713 or C6416 processor.

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9. file.cdb : configuration file when using DSP/BIOS.

1.2 Warmup
Connect the USB cable from the DSK6713 to the computer and then connect power to the DSK6713. If
this is the first time the DSK has been connected to the computer, you may see Windows install the
device driver software:

You can also check that the DSK is recognized by going into the Device Manager and looking for "SD
USB Based Debug Tools". You should see a "Spectrum Digital TMS320C6713 DSK" listed as a correctly
installed device. If not, then CCS v6 has probably not been installed correctly.

Now start CCS v6 by double-clicking on the desktop icon (or navigating through the start menu). You
may be prompted to select a workspace. If so, choose a directory that you would like to use as your
workspace and click "OK". If the TI Resource Explorer window comes up, just close it. Eventually, you
should get to the main CCS v6 window, which should look something like this

This is the "normal" edit view of CCS v6 where you will manage projects, build and debug your code,
and interact with the DSK. Since this is the first time we are using CCS v6, we must set up a "target
configuration" for the DSK6713.

Part 2: Setting up a DSK6713 Target Configuration

From the normal view of CCS v6, click on "Window->Show View->Target Configurations" to expose the
target configurations panel.

When you first use CCS v6, there won't be any target configurations. So we will set one up for the
DSK6713. Note that you only need to do this once. Right click on the "User Defined" folder in the target
configurations panel and select "New Configuration".

EE-330 Digital Signal Processing Page 5

You can name the new target configuration anything you want, but it is a good idea to pick something
descriptive. I've named the target configuration DSK6713.ccxml (the extension will be added
automatically) and stored it in the default shared location. Click "Finish".

A new panel should appear where you set some options for this DSK6713.ccxml target configuration. In
the connection pull down menu, select "Spectrum Digital DSK-EVM-eZdsp onboard USB Emulator". In
the device selector, select "DSK6713"

Click "Save".

Now expand the "User Defined" target configurations folder by clicking on the little triangle next to the
folder. You should see the new DSK6713.ccxml target configuration in there. Right click on it and select
"Launch Selected Configuration". You should see some USB enumeration as CCS v6 talks with the DSK
and then you should see something like this window.

EE-330 Digital Signal Processing Page 6

If you get an error, then either CCS v6 wasn't installed correctly or you haven't set up the target
configuration correctly.

Now click on "Run->Connect Target" (or press Ctrl+Alt+C). You should then see a window something
like this The message "GEL StartUp Complete" in the Console means that CCS v6 is successfully talking
with the DSK.

1.2.2 Sine Wave Generation Using Eight Points with DIP Switch Control (
sine8_LED )
This example generates a sinusoidal analog output waveform using a table – lookup method. More
importantly, it illustrates some of the features of CCS for editing source files, building a project,
accessing the code generation tools, and running a program on the C6713 processor. The C source file
sine8_LED.c listed in Figure 1.2 is included in the folder sine8_LED .

1.2.3 Program Description

The operation of program sine8_LED.c is as follows. An array, sine_table , of eight 16 - bit signed
integers is declared and initialized to contain eight samples of exactly one cycle of a sinusoid. The value
of sine_table[i] is equal to
1000sin(2πi/8) for i 1, 2, 3, . . . , 7
Within function main() , calls to functions comm_poll() , DSK6713_LED_init() , and
DSK6713_DIP_init() initialize the DSK, the AIC23 codec onboard the DSK, and the two multichannel
buffered serial ports (McBSPs) on the C6713 processor. Function comm_poll() is defined in the file
c6713dskinit.c , and functions DSK6713_LED_init() and DSK6713_DIP_init() are supplied in the board
support library (BSL) file dsk6713bsl.lib .

The program statement while(1) within the function main() creates an infinite loop. Within that loop, the
state of DIP switch #0 is tested and if it is pressed down, LED #0 is switched on and a sample from the
lookup table is output. If DIP switch #0 is not pressed down then LED #0 is switched off. As long as DIP
switch #0 is pressed down, sample values read from the array sine_table will be output and a sinusoidal
analog output waveform will be generated via the left - hand channel of the AIC23 codec and the LINE
OUT and HEADPHONE sockets. Each time a sample value is read from the array sine_table , multiplied
by the value of the variable gain , and written to the codec, the index, loopindex , into the array is
incremented and when its value exceeds the allowable range for the array( LOOPLENGTH - 1 ), it is
reset to zero.

EE-330 Digital Signal Processing Page 7

//sine8_LED.c sine generation with DIP switch control
#include "dsk6713_aic23.h" //codec support
Uint32 fs = DSK6713_AIC23_FREQ_8KHZ; //set sampling rate
#define DSK6713_AIC23_INPUT_MIC 0x0015
#define DSK6713_AIC23_INPUT_LINE 0x0011
Uint16 inputsource=DSK6713_AIC23_INPUT_MIC; //select input
#define LOOPLENGTH 8
short loopindex = 0; //table index
short gain = 10; //gain factor
short sine_table[LOOPLENGTH]=
{0,707,1000,707,0,-707,-1000,-707}; //sine values
void main()
comm_poll(); //init DSK,codec,McBSP
DSK6713_LED_init(); //init LED from BSL
DSK6713_DIP_init(); //init DIP from BSL
while(1) //infinite loop
if(DSK6713_DIP_get(0)==0) //if DIP #0 pressed
DSK6713_LED_on(); //turn LED #0 ON
output_left_sample(sine_table[loopindex++]*gain); //output
if (loopindex >= LOOPLENGTH) loopindex = 0; //reset index
else DSK6713_LED_off(0); //else turn LED #0 OFF
} //end of while(1)
} //end of main

FIGURE 1.2. Sine wave generation program using eight points with DIP switch control ( sine8_LED.c ).

Each time the function output_left_sample() , defined in source file C6713dskinit.c , is called to output a
sample value, it waits until the codec, initialized by the function comm_poll() to output samples at a rate
of 8 kHz, is ready for the next sample. In this way, once DIP switch #0 has been pressed down it will be
tested at a rate of 8 kHz. The sampling rate at which the codec operates is set by the program statement
Uint32 fs = DSK6713_AIC23_FREQ_8KHZ;

One cycle of the sinusoidal analog output waveform corresponds to eight output samples and hence the
frequency of the sinusoidal analog output waveform is equal to the codec sampling rate (8 kHz) divided
by eight, that is, 1 kHz.

1.3 Lab Task 1

1.3.1 Creating a Project
This project will require following files: the main source code (sine8_LED.c), a linker command file
(C6713.cmd), c6713dskinit.c, c6713dskinit.h and an ASM file containing the necessary interrupt vectors
(vectors_poll.asm). You can download these files from lms now and add them to the project in a later

EE-330 Digital Signal Processing Page 8

Part 2: Create the CCS v6 project container

These steps assume that you have correctly installed and configured CCS v6. You should be able to
connect to the DSK and see something like the following window before proceeding.

Click on "File->New->CCS Project". If this is the first time using CCS v6, you may have to click "File-
>New->Other" and then select CCS project. The following window should appear and set values
according to figure.

This is where you name and configure your project. Here we named the project "sine8_LED", told CCS

EE-330 Digital Signal Processing Page 9

to use the default location (you may want a different location), set the device variant to DSK6713 and told
CCS how to connect to it (this is very important). We've also opened the advanced settings and told CCS
to use our C6713.cmd linker command file (if you miss this step, you can always replace the linker
command file later).”C6713.cmd” should be available on the path C:\ti\Support\C6713dsk.cmd .Under
project templates and examples, select "Empty Project" and then click "Finish".

This is what it should look like after you've set up the project container.

You might have some other panels visible, but the Project Explorer panel should show the sin8_LED
project as "Active" and should show the C6713.cmd file.

Part 3: Add source code to your project

So far, we just have an empty project container with no code. Now you can copy or move sin8_LED.c
from LMS a, vectors_poll.asm and c6713dskinit.c from (c:\ti\Support) into your project directory using
Project->add files option.Here is what CCS v6 should look like after it recognizes that you moved the two
source files into the project directory.

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Part 4: Tell CCS v6 where to find the necessary header files and libraries

If we try to build the project now, we will get some errors because (among other things) CCS v6 doesn't
know how to find the CSL and BSL header files and libraries. We'll first tell CCS v6 where to find the
header files. Click on "Project->Properties". Drill down to "Build / C6000 Compiler / Include Options" in
the left sidebar:

This is where we will configure CCS v6 to find the appropriate header files. Note that we can add

EE-330 Digital Signal Processing Page 11

directories to the #include search path here by pressing the button with the green plus sign add following




We now need to tell CCS v6 to include the CSL and BSL library files in the project. Drill down to
"Build / C6000 Linker / File Search Path" in the left sidebar:

Note that we can include library files directly in the project by pressing the button with the green plus

Press the button with the green plus sign to add the CSL library
Usually, the CSL library is in C:\ti\C6xCSL\lib_3x\csl6713.lib. Click "OK".

Press the button with the green plus sign to add the BSL library
Usually, the BSL library is in C:\ti\DSK67 13\c6000\dsk6713\lib\dsk6713bsl.lib. Click "OK".

Part 5: Tell CCS what to use for stack and heap sizes

You could now compile the project, but you would get some warnings about not explicitly setting the
stack and heap sizes (CCS v6 will just go with some default values). We would like to get rid of these
warnings. To do this, drill down to "Build / C6000 Linker / Basic Options" in the left sidebar and put in

EE-330 Digital Signal Processing Page 12

values of 0x400 for stack size and 0x400 for heap size

Part 6: Tell CCS to use a "far" memory model

There is still one more thing to fix before CCS v6 will cleanly compile the project. Drill down to "Build /
C6000 Compiler / Advanced Options / Runtime Model Options" in the left sidebar and set the "Constant
access model" and "Data access model" both to "Far":

Part 7: Tell CCS we are using a 6713 chip

While the project will compile with the current settings, the compiler will not use instructions optimized
for the TMS320C6713 chip unless we tell it to do so. Drill down to "Build / C6000 Compiler / Processor
Options" in the left sidebar and set the "Target processor version" to "6713" (no quotes):

EE-330 Digital Signal Processing Page 13

Now click "OK".

Part 8 define Chip symbol that is CHIP_6713 in our case

Drill down to "Build / C6000 Compiler / Advance options/predefined symbols" and press the button with
the green plus sign add type in CHIP_6713 and press OK as show in figure below

Part 9: Build and run the project

If you've followed all of the steps above, you should be able to build the project without errors or
warnings. Click on the hammer button or "Project->Build All". You should see something like this:

EE-330 Digital Signal Processing Page 14

Now click the green bug icon (this launches the debugger). This will cause the executable output of the
build to be loaded onto the DSK and put the instruction pointer of the DSP at the start of your code. You
may be asked to terminate an existing debug session. If so, click "Yes". You may also see some USB
enumeration as CCS connects with the DSK. After a few seconds, you should see something like this
upon entering the debugger:

In the Debug window, press the Run/Resume button. Try it. You can halt the code anytime by pressing
the Suspend button (looks like pause). When the DSP is running, you should hear music. When the DSP
is halted, you should not hear music.

1.4 LAB Task 2

1.4.1 Changing the Frequency of the Generated Sinusoid
There are several different ways in which the frequency of the sinusoid generated by program sine8_LED.c can be
1. Change the AIC23 codec sampling frequency from 8 kHz to 16 kHz by changing the line that reads
Uint32 fs = DSK6713_AIC23_FREQ_8KHZ; to read Uint32 fs = DSK6713_AIC23_FREQ_16KHZ;
Rebuild (use incremental build) the project, load and run the new executable file, and verify that the frequency of the
generated sinusoid is 2 kHz. The frequencies supported by the AIC23 codec are 8, 16, 24, 32, 44.1, 48,and
96 kHz.

2. Change the number of samples stored in the lookup table to four. By changing the lines that read
#define LOOPLENGTH 8

EE-330 Digital Signal Processing Page 15

short sine_table[LOOPLENGTH]={0,707,1000,707,0, - 707,0, - 1000,- 707};
to read
#define LOOPLENGTH 4
short sine_table[LOOPLENGTH]={0,1000,0, - 1000};
Verify that the frequency of the sinusoid generated is 2 kHz (assuming an 8-kHz sampling
frequency).Remember that the sinusoid is no longer generated if the DIP switch #0 is not pressed down.
//sine8_LED.c sine generation with DIP switch control

#include "dsk6713_aic23.h" //codec support

Uint32 fs = DSK6713_AIC23_FREQ_32KHZ; //set sampling rate
#define DSK6713_AIC23_INPUT_MIC 0x0015
#define DSK6713_AIC23_INPUT_LINE 0x0011
Uint16 inputsource=DSK6713_AIC23_INPUT_MIC;//select input
#define LOOPLENGTH 8
short loopindex = 0; //table index
short gain = 10; //gain factor
short sine_table[LOOPLENGTH]={0,707,1000,707,0, - 707,0, - 1000}; //sine values

void main()
comm_poll(); //init DSK,codec,McBSP
DSK6713_LED_init(); //init LED from BSL
DSK6713_DIP_init(); //init DIP from BSL
while(1) //infinite loop
if(DSK6713_DIP_get(0)==0) //=0 if DIP switch #0 pressed
DSK6713_LED_on(); //turn LED #0 ON
output_left_sample(sine_table[loopindex++]*gain); //output sample
if (loopindex >= LOOPLENGTH) loopindex = 0; //reset table index
else DSK6713_LED_off(0); //turn LED off if not pressed
} //end of while(1) infinite loop
} //end of main

A different DIP switch can be used to control whether or not a sinusoid is generated by changing the
value of the parameter passed to the functions DSK6713_DIP_get(), DSK6713_LED_on(), and
DSK6713_ LED_off() . Suitable values are 0, 1, 2, and 3. Two sliders can readily be used, one to change
the gain and the other to change the frequency. A different signal frequency can be generated, by
changing the incremental changes applied to the value of loopindex within the C program (e.g., stepping
through every two points in the table). When you exit CCS after you build a project, all changes made to
the project can be saved.

EE-330 Digital Signal Processing Page 16

The lab on Introduction to DSP Kit TMS 320C6713 DSK successfully demonstrated sine
wave generation and frequency modification. By adjusting the provided code, we changed the
frequency of the generated sinusoid from 8 kHz to 16 kHz. This practical exercise enhances our
understanding of digital signal processing concepts and lays the groundwork for more complex
signal manipulation tasks in the future.
1. R. Chassaing , DSP Applications Using C and the TMS320C6x DSK , Wiley , Hoboken, NJ , 2002 .
2. R. Chassaing , Digital Signal Processing Laboratory Experiments Using C and the TMS320C31 DSK , Wiley , Hoboken, NJ , 1999 .
3. R. Chassaing , Digital Signal Processing with C and the TMS320C30 , Wiley , Hoboken NJ , 1992 .
4. R. Chassaing and D. W. Horning , Digital Signal Processing with the TMS320C25 , Wiley , Hoboken NJ , 1990 .
5. N. Kehtarnavaz and M. Keramat , DSP System Design Using the TMS320C6000 , Prentice Hall , Upper Saddle River, NJ , 2001 .
6. N. Kehtarnavaz and B. Simsek , C 6x - Based Digital Signal Processing , Prentice Hall , Upper Saddle River, NJ , 2000 .
7. N. Dahnoun , DSP Implementation Using the TMS320C6x Processors , Prentice Hall , Upper Saddle River, NJ , 2000 .
8. Steven A. Tretter , Communication System Design Using DSP Algorithms With Laboratory Experiments for the TMS320C6701 and
TMS320C6711 , Kluwer Academic , New York , 2003 .
9. J. H. McClellan , R. W. Schafer , and M. A. Yoder , DSP First: A Multimedia Approach , Prentice Hall , Upper Saddle River, NJ ,
1998 .
10. C. Marven and G. Ewers , A Simple Approach to Digital Signal Processing , Wiley , Hoboken NJ , 1996 .
11. J. Chen and H. V. Sorensen , A Digital Signal Processing Laboratory Using the TMS320C30 , Prentice Hall , Upper Saddle River, NJ
, 1997 .
12. S. A. Tretter , Communication System Design Using DSP Algorithms , Plenum Press , New York , 1995 .
13. A. Bateman and W. Yates , Digital Signal Processing Design , Computer Science Press , New York , 1991 .
14. Y. Dote , Servo Motor and Motion Control Using Digital Signal Processors , Prentice Hall , Upper Saddle River, NJ , 1990 .
15. J. Eyre , The newest breed trade off speed, energy consumption, and cost to vie for an ever bigger piece of the action, IEEE Spectrum
, June 2001 .
16. J. M. Rabaey , Ed., VLSI design and implementation fuels the signal - processing revolution, IEEE Signal Processing , Jan. 1998 .
17. P. Lapsley , J. Bier , A. Shoham , and E. Lee , DSP Processor Fundamentals: Architectures and Features , Berkeley Design
Technology , Berkeley, CA , 1996 .
18. R. M. Piedra and A. Fritsh , Digital signal processing comes of age, IEEE Spectrum , May 1996 .
19. R. Chassaing , The need for a laboratory component in DSP education: a personal glimpse, Digital Signal Processing , Jan. 1993 .
20. R. Chassaing , W. Anakwa , and A. Richardson , Real - time digital signal processing in education , Proceedings of the 1993
International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) , Apr. 1993 .
21. S. H. Leibson , DSP development software, EDN Magazine , Nov. 8, 1990 . 22. D. W. Horning , An undergraduate digital signal
processing laboratory , Proceedings of the 1987 ASEE Annual Conference , June 1987 .
23. TMS320C6000 Programmer ’ s Guide , SPRU198G, Texas Instruments, Dallas, TX, 2002 .
24. TMS320C6211 Fixed - Point Digital Signal Processor – TMS320C6711 Floating – Point Digital Signal Processor , SPRS073C,
Texas Instruments, Dallas, TX, 2000 .
25. TMS320C6000 CPU and Instruction Set Reference Guide , SPRU189F, Texas Instruments, Dallas, TX, 2000 .
26. TMS320C6000 Assembly Language Tools User ’ s Guide , SPRU186K, Texas Instruments,
Dallas, TX, 2002 .
27. TMS320C6000 Peripherals Reference Guide , SPRU190D, Texas Instruments, Dallas, TX, 2001 .
28. TMS320C6000 Optimizing C Compiler User ’ s Guide , SPRU187K, Texas Instruments, Dallas, TX, 2002 .
29. TMS320C6000 Technical Brief , SPRU197D, Texas Instruments, Dallas, TX, 1999 .
30. TMS320C64x Technical Overview , SPRU395, Texas Instruments, Dallas, TX, 2000 .
31. TMS320C6x Peripheral Support Library Programmer ’ s Reference , SPRU273B, Texas Instruments, Dallas, TX, 1998 .
32. Code Composer Studio User ’ s Guide , SPRU328B, Texas Instruments, Dallas, TX, 2000 .
33. Code Composer Studio Getting Started Guide , SPRU509, Texas Instruments, Dallas, TX, 2001 .
34. TMS320C6000 Code Composer Studio Tutorial , SPRU301C, Texas Instruments, Dallas, TX, 2000 .
35. TLC320AD535C/I Data Manual Dual Channel Voice/Data Codec , SLAS202A, Texas Instruments, Dallas, TX, 1999 .
36. TMS320C6713 Floating - Point Digital Signal Processor , SPRS186L, 2005 .
37. TMS320C6414T, TMS320C6415T, TMS320C6416T Fixed - Point Digital Signal Processors (Rev. J) , SPRS226J, 2006 .
38. TLV320AIC23 Stereo Audio Codec, 8 - to 96 - kHz, with Integrated Headphone Amplifier Data Manual, SLWS106G, 2003
39. TMS320C6000 DSP Phase - Locked Loop (PLL) Controller Peripheral Reference Guide, SPRU233.
40. Migrating from TMS320C6211/C6711 to TMS320C6713 , SPRA851.
41. How to Begin Development Today with the TMS320C6713 Floating - Point DSP , SPRA809.
42. TMS320C6000 DSP/BIOS User ’ s Guide, SPRU423, 2002 .
43. TMS320C6000 Optimizing C Compiler Tutorial, SPRU425A, 2002 .
44. G. R. Gircys , Understanding and Using COFF , O ’ Reilly & Associates , Newton, MA , 1988 .

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