Accuracy and Precision of Laboratory Glassware

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UFAZ-L0-Chemistry 2nd Semester


Accuracy and Precision of Laboratory Glassware

The purpose of this experiment is to practice using various types of volume measuring apparatus, focusing on their uses,
accuracy and precision.

Graduated cylinders, beakers, pipettes, burets and volumetric flasks are five kinds of glassware often used to measure out
specific volumes. Each of these devices has a different application and different accuracy and precision. We are going to
study these applications, the accuracy and the precision of the devices.
Beakers are used primarily for crudely measuring out large volumes of liquids, mixing reagents and carrying out chemical
reactions. The graduated markings on a beaker are only approximate, so a beaker should never be used for accurate volume
measurements. Graduated cylinders are specifically designed to measure out liquid volumes. Their tall narrow design makes
for a more precise reading of the liquid level. If more precision is needed, volumetric flasks, volumetric and graduated
pipettes, burets can be used.

Beaker Buret Graduated cylinder Pipette Volumetric flask

Volume measuring apparatus can generally be divided into two main types based on how they measure volumes:
• those that are manufactured to contain certain volumes (marked with TC or In)
• those that are manufactured to deliver certain volumes (marked with TD or Ex)

If a piece of glassware is manufactured to contain liquids, the volume of the liquid inside will be the amount indicated by
the markings on the outside of the glassware.
If a piece of glassware is manufactured to deliver a specific volume of liquid, the amount indicated on the glassware is
correct only once the liquid is dispensed into another container.

Accuracy, Precision, and Significant Figures

Accuracy and precision are two important factors to consider when taking data measurements.
ACCURACY refers to how close a measurement is to the “true” or “actual” value. If an instrument gives values that are
very close to the true value, we say that it is ACCURATE.
Example: A graduated cylinder upon measuring the same sample three times gave 566 mL, 584 mL, and 541 mL.
The average of these three values is 563.7 mL. If the true value was 563.688 mL, we would say that the average
was accurate, but the individual measurements were neither accurate nor precise.

This is an important question since we face this problem in this experiment. THE SOLUTION TO THIS PROBLEM IS TO
ACCURACY IS GREATER. In this case, that method is to measure the mass of the sample and convert it to volume using
Example: if the mass of water in a graduated cylinder is 1.485 g and the density of the water at the water sample’s
temperature is 0.9984 g/mL, then the volume of the water in the graduated cylinder is 1.487 mL. This calculation
is shown below:

Thus, in this experiment we will use the volume determined from the mass of water to be the “true” or “actual” value.
The assumed volume from the measuring device will be the “observed” value.

Quantitative measure of accuracy is called percent error.

The formula for the percent error is:

The smaller the percent error the more accurate the apparatus. In general, a percent error that is less than 5% is considered
to be good.

PRECISION refers to how close several measurements of the same quantity are to each other. If an instrument upon
repeated measurements gives values that are very close to each other, we say that the instrument is PRECISE.
Example: If the measurements in the above example were 563 mL, 564 mL, and 564 mL (average = 563.7 mL) and
the true value was 563.688 mL then the measurements are both precise and accurate. The last case is, of course, the
Precision can be quantitatively estimated as the standard deviation for the replicate measurements.
The formula for the standard deviation is:

In the above formula: s is the standard deviation, xi is a data point, 𝑥̅ is the arithmetic mean or average value, and n is the
number of data points.
Basically, standard deviation is a measure of how much a group of measurements deviate from the mean (average value) of
those measurements. So, the lower the standard deviation, the more precise the apparatus.

Accuracy and precision are visualized in the following figure.

SIGNIFICANT FIGURES - The significant figures (also called significant digits) of a number are those digits that carry
meaning contributing to its precision.
Example: Look at the following table. Notice that the five measurements agree in the first three digits but differ
only at the fourth digit. We can say that the fourth digit is uncertain.

1 1.233
2 1.235
3 1.231
4 1.230
5 1.236
Average 1.233

All the digits known with certainty (three in this case) plus the first uncertain one are called significant figures (or digits).
The more significant figures we have in a measurement, the more precise the measurement.

Rules for determining the number of significant figures:

1. Disregard all initial zeros.
2. Disregard all final zeros unless they follow a decimal point.
3. All remaining digits including zeros between nonzero digits are significant.

Rules for calculations with significant figures:

Addition or Subtraction:
The result should have the same number of decimal places as the number used with the fewest decimal places.
Multiplication or Division:
The result should have the same number of significant figures as the factor with the least number of significant figures.
In most calculations you will need to round off numbers to obtain the correct number of significant figures.

Reading volumes in graduated cylinders, volumetric flasks, pipettes and burets:

When water is measured in a narrow glass container the top of the

water does not form a straight line. It forms a curved line called a
Portion of a 100mL Graduated Cylinder
MENISCUS. To read the volume correctly, adjust the apparatus so
that the bottom of the meniscus is at eye level and record the volume
at the bottom of the meniscus.

The general rule of recording the volume is: you can estimate one
more digit past the smallest division on the measuring device. If you
look at a 100mL graduated cylinder, for example, the smallest
graduation is one milliliter (1mL). That means when you read the 36,5 mL
volume, you can estimate to the tenths place (0.1mL).

Techniques on the use of a buret and a pipette

Using a buret

1. Rinse the buret two or three times with the liquid you wish to use. Do this by adding a small amount of liquid into the
buret, turning the buret horizontally and rotating it so that the liquid contacts the entire inside surface of the buret. Let
the liquid drain through the stopcock into a waste container.

2. Clamp the buret in a buret clamp attached to a ring stand.

3. Pour a small amount of the liquid into the buret. Place a waste container under the buret tip and open the stopcock
slowly. The buret tip should fill with the liquid, leaving no air bubbles. Stop the flow a couple of times (by closing the
stopcock) to ensure that there are no air bubbles in the tip or stopcock. If air is present, tap the tip lightly while water is

4. Fill the buret with the liquid you wish to deliver. It is not necessary to adjust the level of the liquid to exactly 0.00 ml,
or any other number for that matter. A piece of paper placed behind the buret may make it easier to read. Be careful as
the numbers on a buret are opposite to those on a graduated cylinder. Read the volume. Record this as “Volume Initial”.

5. Place a receiving vessel under the buret tip and slowly allow the liquid to drain into it.

6. When the appropriate amount of liquid has been delivered, close the stopcock and touch the buret to the side of the
vessel to remove any partial drops.

7. Read the volume of liquid remaining in the buret. Record this as “Volume Final”.

8. Calculate the volume of liquid delivered by subtracting the “Volume Initial” from the “Volume Final”
(Volume observed = Volume final – Volume initial).

9. Drain the buret of any excess liquid and rinse it with water to clean it.

Portion of a 50mL buret

V = 24.16 – 9.63 = 14.53

Using a pipette

1. Rinse the pipette two or three times with the liquid you wish to transfer. Do this by drawing a small amount of liquid
into the pipette, turning the pipette horizontally and rotating it so that the liquid contacts the entire inside surface of the
pipette. Let the liquid drain into a waste container.

2. Make sure there is enough liquid in your beaker to completely fill the pipette.

3. Never pipette a reagent directly from a reagent bottle.

4. Carefully place the attachment of the three-way bulb over the mouth of the pipette.

5. Squeeze the air valve (A) and the bulb simultaneously to empty the bulb of air.

6. Place the tip of the pipette below the liquid's surface in the beaker. Gradually squeeze the suction valve (S) to draw the
liquid into the pipette.

7. If the level of the liquid is not high enough, squeeze the air valve (A) and the bulb again to expel the air from the bulb.

8. Draw up more liquid by squeezing the suction valve (S).

9. When the liquid is at the specified volume, stop squeezing the suction valve (S).

10. Do not remove the bulb from the pipette.

11. Do not allow liquid to enter the pipette bulb.

12. Touch the tip of the pipette to the inside of the beaker to remove the drop hanging from the tip.

13. To transfer the liquid to a receiving vessel, press the empty valve (E). Remember to touch the tip of the pipette to the
inside wall of the receiving vessel. There will be a small amount of liquid in the tip. Most pipettes are calibrated to
account for this liquid.

14. Rinse the pipette with water to clean it.


Part I: Density of water at room temperature

1. Fill a 250mL beaker with at least 150mL of distilled water. Use a thermometer to determine the temperature of the
water. Record the temperature of the water.

2. Use the Table 1 to determine the density of water at the specific temperature measured in Step 1. Record your density.

Table 1. Density of distilled water at different temperatures

Temperature (°C) Density (g/mL)

18 0.9986
19 0.9984
20 0.9982
21 0.9980
22 0.9978
23 0.9975
24 0.9973
25 0.9970
26 0.9968
27 0.9965
28 0.9962
29 0.9959
30 0.9957
31 0.9953
32 0.9950
33 0.9947
34 0.9944
35 0.9940

Part II: Measuring volume using laboratory glassware marked with TC or In

1. Take one of the pieces of glassware listed in the Table 2. Ensure that it is dry and determine its empty mass using an
analytical balance. Make sure all of the doors of the balance are closed, as air currents in the lab can affect the balance.
Record its mass. Remove the glassware from the balance.

Table 2. Laboratory glassware manufactured to contain specific volumes (TC or In)

Type of glassware Volume of water to add

150mL beaker 50mL

100mL graduated cylinder 50mL
50mL volumetric flask* 50mL
10mL graduated cylinder 10mL

* can only measure a single

2. From the 250mL beaker, transfer a little less than the volume of water listed for the glassware in the Table 2. Use a
plastic disposable pipette to add the water drop-wise until the bottom of the meniscus is on the line that corresponds to
the volume listed in the Table 2. If too much water was added, remove the extra water using the plastic disposable
pipette. Wipe down the outside and bottom of the glassware in case any water was spilled during the transfer.

3. Using the same balance as before, record the mass of the glassware + the added water.

4. Pour the water from the glassware back into the 250mL beaker and repeat the steps two more times with the same piece
of glassware. You should have a total of three trials.

5. Calculate the mass of the water for each trial by subtracting the mass of the empty glassware from the mass of the
glassware + water (mass water = mass glassware + water – mass glassware).

6. Convert the mass of water to the volume of water for each trial, using the density of water from Part I above
(volume water = mass water / density water).

7. Calculate the average volume of water of three trials, the percent error and the standard deviation for the glassware.
Consider the observed value to be the volume reading on the glassware and the “true” value to the average volume
value determined from the mass and density.

8. Repeat the process (three trials each) with each piece of glassware listed in the Table 2.

Part III: Measuring volume using laboratory glassware marked with TD or Ex

1. Take a dry 50mL beaker and determine the mass of the dry, empty container. (Since the buret and pipette are made to
deliver a specific volume, the liquid must be transferred to another container to determine the mass of the water).

2. Take one of the pieces of glassware listed in the Table 3. Apply the methods and techniques on the use of burets and
pipettes described above to deliver the indicated volume to the 50mL beaker.

Table 3. Laboratory glassware manufactured to deliver specific volumes (TD or Ex)

Type of glassware Volume of water to dispense

50mL buret 10mL

10mL volumetric pipette* 10mL
* can only measure a single

3. Using the same balance as before, record the mass of the 50mL beaker + the added water.

4. Return the water to the 250mL beaker and wipe out the 50mL beaker with a paper towel until dry. Repeat the steps two
more times with the same piece of glassware. You should have a total of three trials.

5. Calculate the mass of the water for each trial by subtracting the mass of the empty beaker from the mass of the beaker
+ water (mass water = mass beaker + water – mass beaker).
6. Convert the mass of water to volume of water for each trial, using the density of water from Part 2 above
(volume water = mass water / density water).

7. Calculate the average volume of water of three trials, the percent error and the standard deviation for the glassware.
Consider the observed value to be the volume reading on the glassware and the “true” value to the average volume
value determined from the mass and density.

8. Repeat the process (three trials each) with each piece of glassware listed in the Table 3.

In your lab notebook, create the following Data Table for each piece of glassware used. Be sure to label and title each table
so you can easily identify the information contained in each one.

Data Table

Trial 1 2 3

Mass of empty glassware (grams)

Mass of glassware + water (grams)

Mass of water (grams)

Density of water (grams/mL)

Volume of water (mL)

Average volume (mL)

Next create a Summary Table that summarizes the percent error and standard deviation for each piece of glassware. List
the glassware in order of the smallest percent error to the largest percent error.

Summary Table

Rank based on % error Glassware % Error Standard deviation

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