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al @ 0) © a) @) ¢ 4) O cy Exercise 1D z factors agh , even even Zz In* | even, even dutn by Z Suppo B= e v where — pid ZL with no Lammon factors and 4 #0, p= 3a Bisa facto of pi < 3 ism factw of p (as 3 is prime) ps 3k, keL & We 3e x g) = 3k SD is a factor of 4° Bis im fact Ag SDS tommon fae aud - Contradiction. “= 1 is irvectional, Some sen ad as Oboe , with 3 replacesh 4 Ss. (t) Suppne Hot fo =, where p.y eZ with wo tymmn fates ond 4 $0, 2 pe by =2 Gq) use & prime fact (see belo) © 2 is mw fret of pt oo 2 ism facto ot p | OY works den Hat pee oe a peak KEL a4. & is a fucte of 4 : Wat mot a fecty of 4. i Ake =] (3¢,*] OY = Bot ism tautow ty (as it is mot a fact of 3) dis o favre of 4 This tonttadiots He fact that pq, Wave to common factors. 5 TG is ivrictioned. Suppore hot J6~ r where poe TZ with no Common dectors, L med 4 FO, 2 pe ty = 2 (447) i Lis m Sct of pt 5 2 is a factr of p pa ak, ker = A= 2!) Jf 2 Det iL SL Ww a fart of ye 22 is a fact fk ake, eZ 5 AL = Iq ay” L KD is factor of gt L Die a factor of This tantradicts the fact thet p anol 4 a2 opfine, 3 ty Suppose be t y where A, bE Z with no Common fectoss, wd b #0. w= bp Sp a factor of a Sp a from of a [as pis prime) i a= pk ke , op Reve phe tt Spe & tac of ff sp bm foot of b Sh and b Ieowe pas Common fore 2 Lon trediction * rf iy ination. Suppoe (a= pig eZ vith no common farms, 4 #0 -. ae =I Since pipe Z, 2. x is rational, towed hag thet is Weetiowal, Be must he ivvetionat as &) bh) 9, 3° (x | 2ven , odd ab | Jame as OS | Suppor log, = fs pqez ah = 5 ahs st - 5 (s¥) 25 tm faut of 3f 5 is me factor of 3, whith is a Contradiction. 2 loss is inetional. & Suppoe. lay 6 = 4 p4eZ, 440 3 iy factor of 4h Bis a forty of 4 hich & a Contradiction, © leq gis ivvational, Jt Suppae loyqit= pyeZ 4 #2 Ad =i 4p ot = iz (24) = 3(4- 12%") 3 is 6 fate of AP 1 Bis a fact of 4 2 Contradiction Le lag 4 12 is iyvational Ot Supe B+ B= E , pqed we ¢ Coprione qf2 geaferg= B 4 ake = Fig @ = pt-54* y fe Pde aq? As psy? 12gh & Z, -. fe is vetional . This contradicts fle fad thot Jo is inational (proved iw Qt) A Y24 1 is iwational, ag Suppose treet ae Abe LZ such thet Jae b= 4S 3(at 4b) = 14S 3 is a focry & Ss , as at bed This is ® contradiction There ue no integers a. and bb Suh that Sat (b= OS™ Q4) Suppae °G Lis a factr of 9? 2 is a fect of 4 This Lavtradicts that p and 4 cer Caprime f L f his imutional. Qa Suppae wi-3 1 dive nyt. hw 3ctk | keL n= Ak 43 = aak+t) +l AW iS add on is odd ~weddtl, £62 LAL ALE eke AL + 40- Ak 22 QQ + 2 -Dk =| 2 2(eeh-k\ =) 2 is 1 fect of | which is & Conttodiction lw =3 will never be divsible by Mt. Albenectvely, K Died proof Y let n be ony integer nN will either be even ov odd | QO If on is euen, Hen n= 2k, ke Lt -3 = AR = aU) disor potter "ventinder ay -3 is pol 7 by 4. (2) ig wis odd, Hon meee) ke. a Apt edeey—3 = Ak oak HACK Ee k-I) +2 < n*-3 ty aot divisible by N in artley tose au Suppose tone of ® or & is ivrttional = Both of a and I are retinue. het a= 5 be D Pa ns€L 4st ath = Pit ar ¥ prtar and ys EZ 2 ab eQ | tna Hod ath is ieritional Vath is iemtional, ten ot feast one of & ov b is wrstionl, Pal het ne Z nis either even ov odd Ole nm is even, then n=2k , keT. vs oe DUE nis odd, then n= deel, KELL. iw s Aker 4er) = A(wteky at =O wl @ shows tat atl squse® muanbevs ore Ah He form An ov Ane) Amid is never & Squore umber fo ony néL. Assume & anal b are odd. Os Qkel , b=2ker, kde T. LW th = Akt ede a att + ate a A(RHRA CHO +2 OPEB is wat ef He Soon An or And LGW is moto Squove number. 2 Sapp oh a dante vost of Pl). A Pa) =o ond P(e) <0. x x Pl) = le FP aT “! 2 nx woe a Pud= Va syt art al 1 = ot 2% wet i+ wo bad Ageia! 20 ay oh a 9 nl Ag =O Bat POY = VFO 2 a=O is not A roby Unradiction, £ Pla) =O does wot we day double yools, J P4 Pla) =x? +pxeq spy to Suppme A is a triple tot of Plu) =o. = Pla) =0, P!(A)=0 and P"(4) =O. Pil)= 3x4 ep pix) = ba nat parg =o uy) Bar +p eo ww) bk =o (3) Ak =0 Sab a= 0 inte (2): po = Lentradicfion 2 PO)=0 en not have ny triple roots. Ps. Assume a is rational anc Tb is inttional. Suppor afb = ¢ PEEL with no common frets, 4 #0, rk Sine 4 is temel, 4> 3, 4562, S¢0 2 +— ryt gt St . The a2 - te which is rationed as p's ung eZ ‘ Cintradution , Alb is jyrational Suppose there are only finely ity primes: Pr Pay Psy a Po Consider N= pi pate tl. Then N wust be composite Las it i mot of the fmm py) . Let py be a prime fect of N. When N is divided by pr, it (aves a Vemainder of, 50” py ix net « factor of N. A lantradie tion, There ave infil meng. primes

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