Techmodule 1
Techmodule 1
Techmodule 1
Module in
This course covers the principles and theories of technopreneurship. It introduces
the process, challenges, risks and rewards of starting a new business and its impact to
innovation and economic development. It aims to equip students with analytical
frameworks and tools by which they will able to generate venture ideas and learn the
process to launch a startup company. Specifically, it covers business planning, business
model generation, product design, and financial, legal, and marketing aspects of starting
a new business. This is mentor-guided course which enables the students to pitch their
startup ideas and present their feasible IT business plan to external audiences. This is a
3-unit course for third year students that will be taken for 18 weeks or 54 hours.
There are seven (7) units with accompanying lessons in every unit to be discussed in
this course as listed below:
Learning Outcomes:
In the world of globalization, technology is created a huge impact and influence in the
society where people has become dependent. It is certainty that through technology
people are interested in developing simple products for innovation. There are several
innovations and inventions that made the world of technology and entrepreneurship
more exciting and interesting because of its collaborative outcome to establish a
competitive advantage in the business industry to become economically stable within a
local and global perspective.
Technopreneurship is simply the merging of technology and entrepreneur
skills. Technopreneurship is a new breed of entrepreneurship that involves the
collaboration of people who are intelligent, determined, creative, technology savvy and
passionate in dealing with risk and functions as a team.
Technology + Entrepreneurship = Technopreneurship
4. Take Big Risks. Dealing with competition will basically improve the way
technopreneurs think outside of their box. They have to take risks as not all idea
or product are meant to be successful in the business world.
But, let us take a look at the differences between entrepreneur and a technopreneur.
Entrepreneur Technopreneur
•Likes to compete •Likes to innovate
•Is a self-starter •Is part of a team
•Is able to do many •Is able to do many
things at once things at once, but
chooses to delegate
•Is creative, and has •Is innovative and has a
dreams and goals greater vision
•Likes to work for him •Likes to be the one to
or herself and be in control innovation and
control be part of an evolution
•Is motivated by a •Is motivated by a
strong desire to strong vision and his
achieve passion to innovate
and attain financial
•Focuses his/her •Takes failure in stride
attention on the and knows it will lead
chances of success to success if corrected
rather than the it will lead to success
possibility of failure
Scaling and Harvesting
Opportunity Analysis
This phase refers to establishing demand and competitive analysis of the market.
An entrepreneur should have a clear vision by making a thorough study of the market
potentials to create strategies and desirable objectives for the growth of an organization.
Business Planning
The entrepreneur should have a written business plan that composed of the
organization’ s future goals, how to achieve those goals and the time-frame within which
these goals are to be achieved. Business planning usually includes marketing strategy,
financial and operating viewpoint.
Gathering Resources
Entrepreneurial resources include sources of financing such as lines of credit and
investment capital, technology, networks of contacts and publicity. A business ought to
have four types of resources that includes physical resources, intellectual, human and
financial resources.
Implementation is a process of execution about what has been planned and
utilizing the numerous resources for the success of the business.
Scaling and Harvesting
Scaling is a process where the organization will encounter challenges. The
organization will experience painful point for rapid growth for stability and continuity of
the business operations. On the other hand, Harvesting is a process where the
organization will reap what they sow in dealing with the challenges they had
encountered throughout the process of the business.