Airlaw 2
Airlaw 2
Airlaw 2
4. Where a runway has a displaced threshold and the whole of the runway is used for take-off,
which of the following can be used to indicate the centre of the runway from the end to the
displaced threshold?
a) Approach lighting (such that it does not dazzle the pilot taking off)
b) Red centre line lighting
c) Green/yellow alternating taxiway lights
d) Unidirectional green lights
8. What is the name of the part of an aerodrome used for the positioning of aircraft for the
embarkation/disembarkation of passengers?
a) Apron
b) Ramp
c) Stands
d) Parking Bays
10. Within the Annex to the ICAO convention that specifies dimensions of aerodromes are
codes for different runways. Which is the minimum width of a runway with runway
code 4?
a) 35 metres
b) 45 metres
c) 50 metres
d) 40 metres
11. The organization responsible for the licensing aerodromes of in Nigeria is;
a) Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority
b) Nigerian Airspace Management
c) Nigerian Airports Authority
d) Nigerian Police
15. Given the airport diagram below, assume the tower advises you that right traffic is in use
for landing on Runway 21. In calm wind conditions the magnetic heading on base leg
would be approximately?
a) 2100
b) 1200
c) 3000
d) 0300.
16. After landing at a tower-controlled airport, when should you contact ground control?
a) Prior to turning off the runway.
b) After reaching a taxi strip that leads directly to the parking area.
c) After leaving the runway and crossing the runway holding lines
d) When the tower instructs you to do so.
17. Which part of the AIP contains a brief description of the service(s) responsible for
search and rescue?
a) SAR
b) AD
c) GEN
d) ENR
18. Which part of the AIP contains information about holding, approach and departure
a) GEN
b) ENR
c) MAP
d) AD
19. All details dealing with filing of flight plans are shown in the:
a) Notams
b) Aeronautical Information Publication
c) Nig.CARs
d) Aeronautical Information Circulars
23. Under which conditions may an aircraft on a straight-in-VOR approach continue its
descent below the OCA?
a) When the aircraft is in visual contact with the ground and with the runway lights
in sight
b) When the aircraft has the control tower in sight
c) When the aircraft is in contact with the ground but not with the runway in sight
d) When it seems possible to land
24. What basic assumption is made with regard to the capability of the aeroplane when
discussing departure procedures?
a) That it can comply with the noise abatement requirements
b) That the procedure is capable of being flown by the average pilot
c) That all engines are working
d) That the initial part of the procedure will be flown with the flaps and lift
enhancers operating
25. An instrument approach is made up of segments. How many of them are there?
a) 4
b) 5
c) 3
d) 6
26. Which of the following correctly defines the five segments of an instrument approach
a) En-route, Initial, Immediate, Final, Missed Approach
b) Arrival, Initial, Intermediate, Final, Missed Approach
c) Arrival, Initial, Intermediate, Final, Terminal
d) En-route, Initial, Secondary, Final, Terminating
27. What is the name of the phase of an instrument approach in which the aircraft is aligned
with the runway and descent commenced?
a) Final
b) Initial
c) Intermediate
d) Arrival
28. On an instrument approach, part of the procedure enables the aircraft to return inbound
from outbound tracks flown being reciprocal. This called:
a) base turn
b) procedure turn
c) reverse procedure
d) racetrack
29. Which of the following is not one of the five approach procedure segments?
a) Initial
b) Missed Approach
c) Terminal
d) Intermediate
31. What will be your action if you cannot comply with a standard holding pattern?
a) Follow the radio communication failure procedure.
b) A non-standard holding pattern is permitted.
c) It is permitted to deviate from the prescribed holding pattern at pilot's discretion.
d) Inform the ATC immediately and request a revised clearance.
32. In relation to the three entry sectors, the entry into the holding pattern shall be according
a) Course.
b) Heading.
c) Bearing.
d) Track.
33. At what point in a flight is the QNH communicated to the pilot by ATC?
a. On engine start
b. In the taxi clearance
c. In the ATC clearance
d. With the take-off clearance
34. At what moment during the approach should the reported airfield altimeter setting be set?
a) When passing the transition altitude
b) When passing the transition level
c) Within the transition layer
d) When passing 3000 FT AMSL or 1000 FT AGL
36. If adequate QNH altimeter setting reports to enable the pilot to determine the lowest
flight level which will ensure terrain clearance cannot be provided owing to the scarcity
of reporting station. Then, if the highest terrain en route is 10,000 feet, the permanent
lowest safe west bound IFR flight level is:
a) FL 110
b) FL 120
c) FL 130
d) FL 150
38. What is the Annex of the Chicago Convention that covers Security?
a) Annex 14
b) Annex 15
c) Annex 16
d) Annex 17
39. Operators are to ensure that procedures are detailed for carriage of:
a) deportees and people under lawful custody
b) deportees,people under lawful custody and inadmissibles
c) only people under lawful custody
d) only deportees and inadmissibles
40 The aircraft commander, when he has reasonable grounds to believe that a person has
committed or is about to commit, on board the aircraft, an offence against penal law:
a. may deliver such person to the competent authorities
b. may request such person to disembark
c. may require the assistance of passengers to restrain such person
d. may not require or authorise the assistance of other crew members
41. What is the Annex of the Chicago Convention that covers SAR?
a) Annex 10
b) Annex 12
c) Annex 14
d) Annex 16
42. With regard to search and rescue of aircraft (SAR), each state is required to:
a) Maintain an efficient SAR service capable of responding within 1 hour
b) Comply fully with the standards and recommended practices of annex 12 to the
Chicago Convention
c) Maintain and fully staff a rescue co-ordination centre (RCC)
d) Co-operate with adjacent states for the purpose of SAR
43. What does the SAR signal “X” on the ground mean?
a) We need help
b) We are OK.
c) We need medical assistance
d) We have gone away.
47. An aircraft wheels gets stuck in the mud whilst taxiing to the runway for take-off and
sustains damage. Is this:
a) an incident
b) an accident
c) a serious incident
d) a normal operating hazard