33. Which of the following should be prioritized as the 42. . Govard Biloo presented the appearance and
core? arrangement of the ridges on a thumb in his
a. shoulder of the innermost recurve closer to the thesis entitled:
delta a. De externo Tactus Organo
b. shoulder of the innermost recurve farther b. Philosophical Transaction
from the delta c. Anatomia Humanis Corporis
c. rod rising as high as the shoulder d. None of these
d. rod which does not rise as high as the shoulder
43. . It is that part of a loop or whorl in which the
34. If the left thumb has 17 ridge counts, what is the core and delta appear which we are concerned in
classification of the right thumb with 17 ridge the classification process.
counts? a. Type lines
a. small b. Pattern Area
b. large c. Bifurcation
c. medium d. Delta
d. outer
44. It is a biometric Identification Methodology that
35. There are three (3) principles of Fingerprint uses digital imaging technology to obtain, store,
science. Which among the following is not and analyze fingerprint data.
included? a. AFIS
a. Principle of Individuality b. Automated Fingerprint Identification System
b. Principle of Permanency c. Digital Imaging System
c. Principle of Infallibility d. Both A & B
d. Principle of Uniqueness
45. It refers to the insertion on a fingerprint card the
36. The first forensic professional organization is results of the interpretation of all ten patterns.
a. DNA Represented by letters, symbols or numbers on
b. IAI the card required for each of the rolled prints.
c. FBI a. Blocking Out
d. NBI b. Ridge counting
c. Ridge tracing
37. There are ________ families of finger print d. None of these
a. Two 46. . If the individual has a bandage or cast of a
b. Three finger, thumb or hand, place the notation,
c. Eight “Cannot be Printed” or CP in the appropriate
d. Four finger block.
a. True
38. To help identify a subject who is an alien, the b. False
most vital information to be obtained at the c. Partially True
Bureau of Immigration and Deportation is… d. Partially false
a. Educational attainment of the alien
b. Residence of the alien 47. If the Ridge count of the Ring finger is 16, what
c. Occupation of the alien is the symbol for purposes of the Sub-Secondary
d. Port of entry of the alien Classification?
a. I
39. . To help identify a subject who is an alien, the b. O
most vital information to be obtained at the c. M
Bureau of Immigration and Deportation is… d. L
a. Educational attainment of the alien
13.The following are the essential parts of the 22. A photographic process of making enlarge image
camera EXCEPT: with the aid of microscope
A. Light Tight Box
B. Lens a. Macrophotography
C. Tripod b. Cinematography
D. Shutter c. Photomicrography
d. Pornography
14.The changes in direction of light are conclusive
whenever light process from one medium to another. 23. Which of the following lens opening that can give
This is known as the phenomenon of refraction. wider depth of field?
A. Reflection
B. Diffraction a. F-8
C. Transparent b. F-11
D. Refraction c. F-16
d. F 22
15.A British scientist who made the first miniature
cameras, the so-called “mouse trap” cameras. Note:
A. Joseph Nicephore Niepce
B. Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre The lower the f-number, the bigger the lens opening
C. Willian Henry Fox Talbot
D. Sir John Herschel The wider the aperture/lens opening, the less depth
of field you capture. The smaller the aperture, the
16. Objects in open space cast no shadow and deeper the depth of field.
visiblity of distant objects is already limited.
A. Dull Sunlight 24. A photograph of the crime scene is a factual
B. Bright Sunlight reproduction and accurate record of the crime scene
C. Cloudy bright sunlight because it captures time, space and ___.
D. Cloudy dull Sunlight
a. Person
17. a form of over lapping thin metal leaves arranged b. event
in a circle, it can be made to expand or contrast and c. thing
thus to admit into the camera greater and smaller d. crime scene
amount of light.
A. Aperture 25. In police photography it can be use as
B. Diaphragm demonstration enlargements, individual photos,
C. Shutter projection slides, motion pictures during
D. Light tight box a. court proceedings
b. court exhibits
18. In taking photograph of evidence, what must be c. educational tour
done? d. crime prevention
A. Take photograph with measurements
B. Take photograph without measurements
C. Take photography without measurements, 26. ___ is a mechanical result of photography.
then with measurements a. camera
b. picture
D. Take photographs with measurements then
c. photograph
without measurements
d. film
49. Lenses with smaller aperture requires a slower 59. Primary colors when combined, produces ____
shutter speed and the depth of field is? color.
a. Wider a purple
b. Narrower B. black
c. Slower C. white
d. Fast D. gray
50. The process of converting the latent image into a 60. Fish-eye lens is a special type of camera having
visible and permanent image. a view angle of:
a. Chemical Process a. 60 degrees
b. Film b. .180 degree
c. Collodion Process c. 90 degrees
d. Calotype Process d. 360 degree
51. This refers to anyone/anything that can be 61. Digital Cameras at present has LCD which means
photographed. _____.
a. Photograph a. Lead Crystal
b. Subject b Low Color Device
c. View
d. Background c. Land Central Device
90. Also referred to as lateral spherical aberration, it 100. Which among the following chemical is
is a lens defects in which the rays enters the lens use as neutralizer?
obliquely. a. Boric Acid
a. Coma b. Acetic Acid
b. Chromatic Aberration c. Potassium Alum
c. Astigmatism d. A or B
d. Curvature of Field
91.Generally, a lens have only one focal length,
however, there is a lens with variable focal length
1. It refers to the actual curved path of the bullet
and it is known as:
during its flight from the gun muzzle to the
a. wide angle lens
b. telephoto lens
c. normal lens a. Velocity
d. zoom lens b. Trajectory
c. Muzzle energy
92.What type of camera that typically uses a mirror d. Penetration
and prism system that permits the photographer to
view through the lens what image to be captured? 2. It contains a compound at the base usually
a. double lens similar to barium nitrates, which is set on fire
b. compact camera when the bullet is projected. The flash of the
c. tri-lens smoke from the burning permits the light of the
d. single lens reflex bullet to be seen especially at night time.
a. Incendiary Bullets
93.What is also known as color dispersion a common
b. Tracer Bullets
problem which occurs when colors are incorrectly
refracted by the lens and the colors do not combine c. Explosive Bullets
as they should ? d. Armor Piercing Bullets
a. Chromatic
b. spherical 3. . It is equal to the height of the side of a land.
c. Geometrical a. Depth of Grooves
d. field curvature b. Twist
c. Rifling
94.. t is the distance at which a lens of a camera is d. land
focused with a given particular diaphragm opening
which will give the maximum depth of field. 4. It can be used in the close up examination of
a. hyperfocal distance tampered serial numbers.
b. subject distance
a. Gunsmith tool
c. focal distance
b. Taper Gauge
12. It is a specimen of writing executed deliberately 20. . It refers to any form of changes either by
with an attempt of changing its usual writing habits to addition or deletion to the original document which is not
hide his/her identity. a content of its original preparation.
A. Natural Writing A. Erasure
B. Hand lettering B. Alteration
C. Guided/Assisted Writing C. Mechanical Erasure
D. Disguised D. Chemical Erasure
13. To be able to make a positive identification of a 21. Is a light examination in which the source of
person, document examiner must be able to observe the illumination strikes the surface of the paper from the
________. back or at the bottom, usually designed in identification
A. Characteristics of his handwriting of water markings?
B. Writing position of the writer A. Direct Light
C. Manner on how the writer moves the pain B. Side Light
D. Distinguishing individual features of his C. Oblique Light
handwriting D. Transmitted Light
14. It is a name of a person which represent as an 22. It is a type of mal-alignment wherein a character
identification in a document and serves as an is printed above or below its correct position. A.
acknowledgement of the document signed. Horizontal Mal-alignment
A. Evidential Signature B. Vertical Mal-alignment
B. Model Signature C. Twisted Letters
C. Signature D. Off-its-Feet
D. Fingerprint
23. It is a type of conventional typewriter in which
15. A genuine signature used to prepare an imitated the characters is 12 inch horizontal.
or traced forgery is known as A. Pica (10)
A. Evidential Signature B. Elite
B. Forged Signature C. Typewriter
C. Model signature D. Betamax
D. Repeated Signature
24. A document completely written and signed by
16. A signature in a check is suspected to have been one person is known as____________.
forged. The signatory does not remember categorically A. Holograpic document
whether he had issued the check. The signature was B. Questioned document
compared with a genuine signature but both were in the C. Standard document
same in size and shape. What will be your conclusion D. None of the above
about the signature?
A. genuine; the signatory only forgot the issuance of the 25. What was done, when one retouches or goes
check back over a defective portion of a writing stroke? A.
B. genuine; both signatures are exactly the same in size retracing
and shape B. Pen pressure
A. Art writing 40. “The document examiner must decide within the
B. Writing limits of science” best means _____.
C. To write
D. Old writing a. The examiner must conduct examination immediately
b. The examiner must decide based from the
32. Which of the following is considered the earliest findings
material as to paper? c. The examiner must examine all specimens
d. The examiner must do fair examination
A. Vellum
B. Vegetable fiber 41. In typewriting probe the condition of a type face
C. Papyrus printing heavier on one side is:
D. Parchment
A. Irregular print
33. Paleographers study writings found on ancient C. Off its feet
documents made of papyrus, parchment, vellum, & wax- B. Guided face print
tablets. From what material is papyrus made of? D. None of these
43. When does official document becomes public 51. It is one of the most valuable tools of the
document? question document examiner which supplements any
visual examination of a document.
a. When a document was issued by an official and a. Magnifying glass
was notarized for legal purposes. b. Microscope
b. When a notarized document was issued by an official c. ESDA
of a government office. d. VSC
c. When a receipt was issued and was certified as true
copy. 52. Is a versatile tool that offers simple and effective
d. When a document is certified and notarized by a analysis throughout all stages of offset ink production
notary public. and printing
44. How charred or burned documents are wrapped b. Spectrophotometer
and packed? c. Microscope
d. Magnifying glass
a. In between leaves of notebook.
b. In rigid container between layers of cotton. 53. When a document was examined, it was found
c. In a glass with water out that it lacks authenticity, claimed by another person
d. None and not by the real author, the examiner classifies this
45. What do you call the writings found on a paper a. special
pad after the top sheet has been removed? b. traced
c. disguised
a. Disguised writing d. spurious
b. Questioned writing
c. Invisible writing 54. what is the element of writing that is regular,
d. Indented writing recurrent and visually pleasing?
a. rhythm
46. Used to make the examiner discover or see b. restrained
minute physical details of the writings in a document c. regulated
which would not be possible by merely using his naked d. genuine
55. what is a brandish stroke which is naturally added
A. Transmitted light examination by the author to the capital letters in order to make them
B. Infra-red light examination attractive and may become the writer's identity or special
C. Microscopic examination features?
D. Ultra-violet light examination a. peculiarities
b. knot
47. What technique should be applied in recording c. beard
the original appearance of a charred document that was d. spur
discovered at the crime scene?
56. How do you call the ruled or imaginary line in
A. Microphotography which the letter rests?
B. Infrared photography a. stationed
C. Ultraviolet photography b. formed
D. The golden rule in crime scene investigation c. actual
d. baseline
48. Any document that has been darkened and brittle
through exposure to fire or excessive heat. 57. . During the entrance test in UP, an examinee
a. Paper document tends to remove her pens from teh answer sheet every
b. Charred document time the watcher looks at her. this is referring
c. Destroyed document to________
d. Burned document a. pen pressure
b. pen lift
49. 128. When did the Americans introduced the ball c. pen stop
point pen in the Philippines? d. pen emphasis
85. The appearance of paper when viewed by 96. It is a deviation showing free connecting and
transmitted light, which discloses the formation and terminal strokes made by the momentum of the hand.
texture of the sheet. a. Tremor c. Genuine tremor
a. Lock-through of paper c. Cross b. Tremors of fraud d. Deterioration
b. Watermarks d. Sidelight marks 97. A type face ordinarily spaced 10 characters to the
horizontal inch.
86. Writing in which are for most part joined a. Pica c. Proportional spacing machine
together. b. Elite d. Adding machine
a. Natural writing c. Cursive
writing 98. An act of setting two or more items to weigh their
b. Disguised writing d. System of identifying characteristics.
writing a. Comparison c. Conclusion
b. Collation d. Examination
87. Visible record in the writing stroke of the basis
movement and manner of holding the writing
instrument. 99. An identifying typewriter characteristic which can
a. Line quality c. Baseline be eliminated by cleaning the machine or replacing the
17. The _______ nervous system works to restore things 26. This component is a motor that pulls or drives the
to normal when the conditions of stress have been chart paper under the recording pen simultaneously at
removed. It is the dominant branch when the condition the rate of 6 or 12 inches per minute.
is normal and the subject is calm, contented and relaxed a. Keymograph
a. Sympathetic b. Cardiosphymograph
b. Parasymphatetic c. Pneumography
c. Central d. galvanograph
d. autonomic
27. What is the duration of the pre-test interview?
a. 12-30 minutes
18. What chemical is released by the brain during b. 10-30 minutes
situations of stress, shock and fear that will excite most c. 20-30 minutes
of his physiological responses and will give an increase d. 10-20 minutes
in heart rate and a rise in blood pressure
a. Epinephrine 28. Which of the following is the purpose of the pre-test
b. Norepinephrine interview?
c. Oxytocin a. To determine whether the subject has any medical or
d. endorphine psychiatric condition or has used drugs that will prevent
the testing.
b. To explain to the subject the purpose of the
19. This chemical is released by the brain to restore examination.
things to normal when the conditions of stress have been c. to prepare or condition the subject for the actual test
removed. d. all of the above
a. Epinephrine
b. Norepinephrine 30. These are questions which have no bearing to the
c. Oxytocin case under investigation
d. endorphine a. Relevant questions
b. Irrelevant questions
c. Control questions
20. This machine records the tiny voice modulations of d. Weak relevant questions
the subject which is inaudible to the normal hearer.
a. Eye tracker 31. These are questions pertaining to the issue under
b. Nystagmys investigation. They must be unambiguous, unequivocal
c. Spectrography and understandable to the subject
d. Psychological stress evaluator a. Relevant questions
b. Irrelevant questions
c. Control questions
21. In this test, HYOSCINE HYDROBROMIDE is given d. Weak relevant questions
hypodermically in repeated doses until a state of delirium
is induced 32. These are questions which are unrelated to the
a. Truth serum matter under investigation but are of similar nature
b. Narcoanalysis/narco synthesis although less serious as compared to those relevant
c. Intoxication questions under investigation.
d. hypnosis a. Relevant questions
b. Irrelevant questions
c. Control questions
22. Psychiatric sodium amytal or sodium penthotal is
d. Weak relevant questions
administered to the subject. When the effects appear ,
questioning starts It is claimed that the drug causes
33. This test consists of a series of relevant and
depression of the inhibitory mechanism of the brain and
irrelevant questioned asked in a planned order
the subjects talk freely.
a. General question test
a. Truth serum
b. Peak of tension test
b. Narcoanalysis/narco synthesis
c. Guilt complex test
c. Intoxication
d. None of these
d. hypnosis
34. In cases where the subject is overly responsive, this
23. How many recording pens in a cardiosphygmograph?
test is given which consists of a test pertaining to a
a. 1
purely fictitious incident of a similar nature to the one
b. 2
under query. It is designed to compare the
c. 3
responsiveness on it with those that appeared on the
d. 4
actual test record wherein questions are those which
pertains to that which is under investigation. This test is
24. What is the size of the recording pen of a
designed for diagnostic purpose to aid in the post
examination interrogation of a lying subject.
a. 5
a. Control question test
b. 6
b. Directed lie test
c. 7
c. Guilty knowledge test
d. 8
d. Guilt Complex Test
57. When the person is under the influence of physical 66. . It is the act of lying or making verifiably false
exertion or emotional stimuli, the sympathetic will statements on material matter under oath or affirmation
dominate and over-rid the parasympathetic, thus there in a court of law or in any of various sworn statements
will be changes in the heart rate, blood pressure, in writing.
respiratory pattern, psycho galvanic reflexes, time of a. Perjury
response to question, and voice tracing. b. Bluffing
a. True c. Dissembling
b. Partially True d. Misleading
c. False
d. Partially False 67. Which of the following is not a standard qualification
of a polygraph examiner?
58. In lie detector, the time interval between the words a. He must be free of prejudice
uttered by the examiner and the answer of the subject b. He is an impartial seeker of truth
is recorded. c. He must be a policeman
a. True d. He must be of good moral character
b. False
c. Doubtful 68. The examination room must be equipped with
d. I do not Know paintings, decorations or other ornaments.
a. True
59. When the subject is asked with reference to his b. False
name, address, civil status, nationality, ect., which has c. Partially True
no relation to the subject matter of the investigation, the d. Partially False
tendency is to delay the answer.
a. True 69. Permanent physical illness such as mental
b. Partially True derangement, certain heart condition and addiction to
c. Doubtful narcotic drugs are definite causes that makes a person
d. False unfit for a polygraph test.
a. True
60. When the person is under stress as when he is lying, b. False
the micro tremor in the voice utterance is moderately c. Partially True
and completely suppressed. d. Partially False
a. True
b. False 70. Questions formulated must be short, simple and
c. Partially True multiple choice type.
d. Doubtful a. True
b. False
61. The Latin maxim which means that in wine there is c. Partially True
truth. d. Partially false
a. In Vino San Miguel
b. In Vino Matador 71. These are questions which are unrelated to the
c. InVino Veritos matter under investigation but of similar nature although
d. In Vino Veritas less serious as compared to those relevant questions
under investigation.
62. It is also called Prevarication. A type of deception in a. Relevant Question
the form of untruthful statements with the intention to b. Irrelevant Question
deceive, often with the intention to maintain a secret of c. Control Question
73. . Which among the forgoing is not a part in the 80. It refers to the composite records of pneumograph,
conduct of a polygraph examination? galvanograph, and cardiosphygmograph tracings
a. Pre-test Interview recorded from series of question.
b. Instrumental Test
c. Post-Test Interview a. Polygrams
d. Psychological Test
b. Chart
d. Reaction
78. A test usually administered as part of the standard
test to draw a better conclusion. 85. An inhibition of a previous activity of an organism as
a result of stimulation.
a. Relevant Question
a. Response
b. Supplementary
b. Reaction
c. Control
c. Stimuli
d. Irrelevant
d. Fear
a. Response
b. Deception 93. He is known as the first man who used the word
d. Fear A. Francis Galton
B. Isaac Newton
87. This component drives the chart paper under the C. Thomas Jefferson
recording pen simultaneously at the rate of 6 to 12 D. Henry Fox Talbot
inches per minute.
a. Cardiosphygmograph
94. Ordeal is a term of varying meaning closely related
b. Kymograph in the Medieval Latin “Dei Indicum” which means –
c. Stimuli A. Divine intervention
d. Fear B. Miraculous decision
88. A part of the galvanograph attached to the left C. God’s hand
fingers of the subject.
D. God’s favor
a. Finger electrode plate
95. When the subject is highly nervous, what should the
b. Diacritic notch examiner do?
c. Rubber convoluted tube A. Reschedule the examination
d. Kymograph B. Prolong the period of the pre-test interview
89. It records the subject’s skin resistance to a small C. Call for a doctor or request for an ambulance
amount of electricity.
D. Do not continue with the pre-test and ask the subject
a. Cardiosphygmograph for his available date for reschedule
b. Sphygmomanometer
a. To thank the subject C. you are informed of your rights against self
incrimination and your right to a counsel
b. To obtain confession
D. facts of the case must be prepared prior to the
c. To make the subject calm questioning of the subject to monitor response
d. To explain polygraph test procedures
92. He developed the systolic blood pressure method for 98. 7. In polygraph test, after the subject affirms that he
detecting deception. is involved in a crime the examiner should report it to
a. William Marston
A. Investigator
b. Harold Burtt
99. What is the most important thing to consider in a 6. The following can affect the presence of powder
polygraph result? residues, except,
A. the competence of the examiner a. Humidity
b. Parrafin
B. the knowledge of the examiner
C. Direction of firing
C. the training of the examiner
D. Wind velocity
D. the experience of the examiners
a. Lung’s reagent
b. Detrothylamide reagent 11. How many percent is the carbon composition of black
c. Chemical reagent
a. 15
d. None of the above
b. 10
c. 75
4. Balistite, axite and ambertite are example of?
d. 100
A. Smokeless powder
B. Blackpowder
12. How many percent is the sulfur composition of black
c. nitrate sulfate
d. All of the above
a. 15
b. 10
5. Smokeless powder was improves by adding another
substance with is so called?
b. Testes
c. Testoseterone
d. Vagina 27. Al2O2 is a chemical composition of?
a. Alumina
b. Lime
20. It is a condition especially to very young men
that there is a presence of semen without c. Silica
spermatozoa. d. Soda
a. Aspermia
b. UTI
29. This refers to analysis of glass in which it is done 36. If in the application of benzidine test to the blood it
through the determination of its pattern and gives blue color in phenolphalein test it give what color?
composition. a. Red
a. X-ray diffraction Analysis b. Blue
b. Spectographic Analysis c. pink
c. Physical activities. d. Black
d. None of the above
37. Phenolphtalein test is also know as?
60. ___ was the 1st poison for which the analytical test called a 68. A complete study of a dead body, undertaken by a
Marsh test was developed by british chemist James Marsh trained physician.
a. Autopsy
a. Arsenic
b. Embalming
b. Atropine c. Medical examination
c. Acetic Acid d. Post-mortem examination
d. acetone 69. Painful spasm of the vagina during sexual act.
a. Dyspareunia
61. A german Swiss physician/alchemist who 1st stress the b. Sexual Anesthesia
c. Vaginismus
chemical nature of poison and its experimentation. He d. Old Age
introduced the dose concept.
70. After death, the metabolic process inside the body
b.Paracelsus ceases, heat is no longer produced and the body slowly
c.Hippocrates loses its temperature.
a. Algor mortis
b. Rigor mortis
c. Cadaveric spasm
62. A posion found in a rugby and has been described as a d. Suspended animation
colorless and inflammable liquid that burns with smoky flame
71. Transient loss of consciousness with temporary
a. Toulene cassation of the vital functions of the body.
b.Quinine a. Death
b. Coma
c. Suspended animation
d. Picrotoxin d. Rigor mortis
65. A branch of science that treats of the form and quantity of 75. Death occurs when there is deep irreversible coma,
medicine to be administered within a certain period absence of electrical brain activity and complete
cessation of all the vital functions without possibility of
a. toxicology
b. serology a. Cardio-respiratory Death
c. biology b. Somatic Death
c. Brain death
d. Posology
d. Molecular Death