Rule Against Bais Notes

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Rule Against Bias

Umashankar Dhakar
LLM Scholar, Apex University, Jaipur

Natural justice is an important element of our society. Natural justice provides a sense of security to
people. It is emerged to save people from injustice. Natural justice is based on natural laws. As natural
laws are not codified thus it is very difficult to define natural justice. Natural justice is a very subjective
term and can‘t be defined by particular set of words. It differs from case to case and mostly depended on
facts and circumstances of a particular case. Basically, it is based on the idea to save individuals from
injustice. Or in simpler words we can say that it is based on common sense. Or Natural justice is nothing
but the ‘Law of Reason’. As there is no specific definition of natural justice has been evolved, thus
different Hon’ble jurists have laid down some specific principles of natural law. Among different
principles, lots of jurists have relied upon two principles of natural justice. First is ‘Nemo Judex in
causa sua’ which means judge should be free from every type of biasness and he must not have any kind
of interest in a particular case. And the second principle is ‘Audi Alteram Partem’ which means a
person affected by a decision has a right to be heard. Although we have to keep in mind that natural justice
is strictly based upon facts, situation of a particular case. Thus it differs from case to case.

In this assignment, I am specifically dealing with the second limb of Natural Justice which is termed as
Rule against Biasness. The Doctrine of Rule against Biasness ensures the fair hearing and provides the
justice to common individual. In the administrative process, the Administrative officer must be impartial
and neutral while Administrative adjudication and must not be prejudice. If the judgment of Administrative
officers will be bias then it would be negation of rule of law and principle of natural justice. Further, there
are considerable case law and academic discussion on the appropriate test for establishing bias. The legal
Test has now become more settled. The Chapter will examine the controversies surrounding the nature of
test for bias and consider how the current test has been interpreted by the courts. The Issue of Rule against
Biasness can arise in two main contexts. The decision-maker might have some interest of pecuniary or
personal nature in the outcome of the proceedings. There is in addition problem where decision-maker is
interested in the result of an inquiry or investigation, not in any personal sense but because the institution
that is represented wish to attain a certain objective.

Rule Against Bias: Meaning and Concept

“Justice must be rooted in confidence; and confidence is destroyed when right minded
people go away thinking”.

- Lord Denning

IJCRT2201525 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) e665 © 2022 IJCRT | Volume 10, Issue 1 January 2022 | ISSN: 2320-2882
The term Bias means “Whether a judge has pre-determined the issue or has pre-conceived
the issue”. It is the pre-determination of the issue that makes the judgment bias. In Administrative
system the rule against biasness has also been extended and the administrative officer while administrative
adjudication must follow this principle.

Bias means an operative prejudice, whether conscious or unconscious, in relation to party or issue. Such
operative prejudice may be the result of a preconceived opinion or a predisposition or a predetermination
to decide a case in a particular manner, so much so that it does not leave the mind open. In other words,
“bias” may be generally defined as partiality or preference, which is founded on reason and is actuated by
self-interest –whether pecuniary or personal.1

It is in fact, a condition of mind, which sways judgment and renders the judge unable to exercise
impartiality in a particular case. Bias, is a condition of mind and therefore, it may not always be
possible to furnish actual proof of bias2. However, courts for this reason cannot say to be in the
crippled state. The rule against bias strikes against those factors, which may properly influence a judge in
arriving at a decision in any particular case. The requirement of this principle is that the judge must be
impartial and must decide the case objectively on the basis of evidence on record. The dictionary meaning
of the world ‘bias’ also suggests ‘anything which tends may be regarded as tending to cause such a person
to decide a case otherwise on evidence must be held to be biased’. In other words, a pre-disposition to
decide for or to against one party without regard to the merit of ‘bias. Therefore, if a person, for whatever
reason, cannot take an objective decision the on basis of evidence on record he shall said to be biased. A
person cannot take an objective decision on the basis of evidence on record he is said to be biased. A
person cannot take an objective decision in a case in which he has no interest, for, as a human psychology
tells us, very rarely can people take decisions against their own interests.3

This rule of disqualification is applied not only to avoid the possibility of a partial decision but also to
ensure public confidence in the impartiality of the administrative adjudicatory process because not only
must “no man be a judge in his own cause” but also justice should not only be done but should manifestly
and undoubtedly be seen to be done.”4

G.N. Nayak v. Goa University, (2002) 2 SCC 290
State of West Bengal v. Shivananda Pathak, AIR 1998 SC 2050, para 25
U.P.D. Kesari “Lectures on Administrative Law” 15 th Edition, 2005
Eckersely v. Mersy Docks and Harbour Board, (1894) 2 QB 667

The minimal requirement of natural justice is that the authority must be composed of impartial persons
acting fairly, without prejudice and bias.5

‘Bias’, in this context –“denotes a departure form the standard of even-handed justice which the law
requires form those who occupy judicial office, or those who are commonly regarded as holding quasi-
judicial office, such as an arbitrator. The reason for this is clearly that, having to adjudicate between two or
more parties, he must come to his adjudication with an independent mind, without any inclination or bias
towards one side or other in the dispute.”6

IJCRT2201525 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) e666 © 2022 IJCRT | Volume 10, Issue 1 January 2022 | ISSN: 2320-2882
It is usually stated that “Bias disqualified an individual from acting as a Judge”. This proposition floats
from two important principles as given below:


It means that judge should not be motivated either by pecuniary interest or by personal interest. And while
deciding the case he should act impartially which would lead to justice in true sense.
It means that if the justice is done perfectly on merit of case then it must inspire the confidence of public.
The foundation of justice must not only be pure but it must inspire the public confidence and creditability.

The rule against bias strikes against those factors which may improperly influence a judge against arriving
at a decision in a particular case. This rule is based on the premises that it is against the human psychology
to decide a case against his own interest. The basic objective of this rule is to ensure public confidence in
the impartiality of the administrative adjudicatory process, for as per Lord Hewart CJ, in R v.
Sussex7, justice should not only be done, but also manifestly and undoubtedly seen to be done.

Rule Against Bias: A Judicial Process

In the case of a judicial body, the independence and impartiality of a judge is an absolute condition. A judge
should not hear matter in which she is personally interested. The interest may be either pecuniary or
personal. The purpose behind this principle is that public confidence in the impartiality of a judicial body
must never weaken because that is its real strength. A single judge gave a decision in favor of petitioner
seeking promotion in his service. A Division Bench of High Court overruled that decision. Later, the same
Petitioner made a collateral petition seeking

N. K. Jayakumar, Administrative Law tests and Material, p43, PHL Learning Pvt. Ltd.
Beatson, Mathews,, Administrative Law Texts & Materials, P 321 7
[1923] All ER Rep 233)

enforcement of the earlier decision of the single Judge, to another Division Bench on which the same
judge who had decoded the matter as a single Judge Bench sat. The Division Bench held in favor of that
petitioner and ordered the payment of arrears. It was held that decision could not be sustained in view of
the fact that one of the judges who had decided in his favor earlier as a single judge Bench, sat on the
Division Bench. The judge was disqualified on the ground of bias7. Where one of the parties to a
proceeding before a tribunal is closely related to member of tribunal, such a member is disqualified for
continuing as member8. Where an advocate was elevated to the Bench, it was held that he should not hear a
case and grant interim injunction against the corporation and in favor of an employee whom he had
represented in the same matter before his elevation 9. The plea of bias can also be raised against the
appointment of a person as a commission of inquiry under the Commissions of Inquiry Act, 195210.

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Doctrine of Bias Extended to Administrative Actions

The principle of impartiality of a judge is extended even to administrative authorities that take decisions
affecting the rights or interest of persons. The fundamental principle of common law that no person should
be a judge in his own cause was laid down by Lord Coke in Bohman’s Case11. It was further
developed with a view to strengthening public confidence in administration of justice and in conformity
with the principle that justice should not only be done but also seen to be done. It is important to note here
that the disqualification on the ground of bias applies not only to quasi- judicial authorities but also to
administrative authorities as it was laid down by Supreme Court in A K Kraipak v. India 13.

It normally does not apply to those performing either legislative or administrative functions. Thus, a
governor may validly assent to a Bill indemnifying her against the legal consequences of her own conduct.
Similarly it would be impossible to say that the authority invested with the power of delegated legislation
is disqualified from legislating on a matter because it is interested in it. Since Legislative Decisions are
supposed to act in general and are not pertaining to individuals, person sitting as a legislator are not barred
on the ground of bias or prejudice. In fact policy bias is inevitable in a member of the legislature.
Similarly, it may not be apply where the exercise of discretion is involved in administrative decision
making. Such decisions can be challenged on the ground of unreasonableness, arbitrariness, mala fide
exercise of power or use of irrelevant factors or non-use of relevant factors. However, administrative
decision, which result in deprivation of

West Bengal v. Shivanand Pathak, (1998) 5 SCC 513
Kriti Deshmanker(Dr) V. India (1991) 1 SCC 104
PK Gosh V. JG Rajput (1995) 6 SCC 744
K. Vijay Bhasker Reddy V. Andhra Pradesh AIR 1996 AP 62
(1610) 8 Co Rep 1141. Wade and Philips, Constitutional and Administrative law pp 55 and 64, 1978
AIR 1970 SC 150

right or which adversely affect an interest, have to be in conformity with the principle of natural justice. 12

Bias is disqualifying factor in many administrative actions. For example, assessment of answer books in
educational examinations is not a quasi-judicial function; usually a person whose near relation is appearing
in examination is not allowed to undertake such work. A person who sits on a committee for selection of
candidate for jobs or admission to a course must not be candidate herself as was shown in A K Kraipak
case, or must not be interested in any candidate.

The Rule against Biasness will not apply where the authority has no personal interests the person
concerned. Therefore, where cases of malpractice and pilferage by consumers of electricity were decided
by the Electricity Board itself, the Supreme Court held that it is not a violation of the rule against bias. In
the same manner every kind of preference is not sufficient to vitiate an administrative action. If a
preference is rational and unaccompanied by considerations of personal interest, pecuniary or otherwise, it
would not vitiate a decision. Therefore, if a senior officer expresses appreciation of the work of junior in
the confidential report, it would not amount to bias.13

S. P Sathe, Administrative Law. P 193
JJR Upadhaya “Administartive Law” 7th Edition 2006

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Kinds of Bias
In the domain of Administrative adjudication, the concept of Bias can be sub-divided under the following

1. Pecuniary Bias
2. Personal Bias
3. Official or Departmental Bias
4. Subject Matter Bias
5. Judicial Obstinacy

1. Pecuniary Bias

Any financial interest howsoever small it may be is bound to vitiate the administrative action. The judicial
opinion is unanimous as to it.14The position on financial interest has been succinctly stated in Halsbury’s
Laws of England: “There is a presumption that any direct financial interest, however small, in the matter
in dispute disqualifications a person from adjudicating. Membership of a company, association or
organization which is financially interested may operate as a bar to adjudicating, as may be a bare liability
to costs where the decision itself will involve no pecuniary loss.”15

In Bonham’s Case16, Dr. Bonham, a Doctor of Cambridge university was fined by the College of
physicians for practicing in the city of London without the license of college. The Statute under which
College acted provides that the fine should go half to the College. Adjudicating upon the claim, Coke, C.J.
disallowed the claim as the College had a financial interest in its own judgment and was judge in its own

The best illustration is the House of Lords case of Dimes v. Grand Junction Canal17, in which the
facts were exceptional:

A public company brought a bill in equity against a land owner in a matter involving the interests of
a company which was heard by the vice-chancellor who granted relief to the company.

Avatar Singh, Administrative Law, P 175, Universal Publication.
Timothy Endicott, Administrative Law, P 165.
(1610) 8 Co. Rep. 113 (b)
(1852) 3 HL Cas 759

On appeal, the order was confirmed by the Lord Chancellor, Lord Cottenham, who was a shareholder in
the company. The decree was impugned before House of Lords after Lord Cottenham had retired and the
House, presided over by another Lord Chancellor set aside the decree, with the observation:

IJCRT2201525 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) e669 © 2022 IJCRT | Volume 10, Issue 1 January 2022 | ISSN: 2320-2882
“No one can suppose that Lord Cottenham could be, in the remotest degree, influenced by the
interest he had in this concern; but it is of the last importance that the maxim that no man is to be
a judge in his cause should be held sacred… This they are not influenced by their personal
interest but to avoid appearance of labouring under such an influence.” In UK Judicial approach
is unanimous and decisive on the point that any financial interest, howsoever small it may be,
would vitiate administrative action.

In ‘R v. Hendon Rural District Council’, the court in England quashed the decision of the planning
commission, where one of the members was an estate agent who was acting for the applicant to whom
permission was granted18.

In ‘Jeejeebhoy vs. Astt. Collector,Thana’ the CJ reconstituted the bench ,when it was found that
one of the members of the bench was the member of the cooperative society for which the land has been
acquired19. In India also, the principle is followed that “any direct pecuniary interest, however small, in the
subject-matter of inquiry will disqualify an adjudicator. A direct pecuniary interest, howsoever small or
insignificant it may be, will disqualify a person form acting as a judge in a court. It is not necessary to prove
that there was actual bias or a real likelihood of bias in the circumstance of the case. A similar principle
applies to the adjudicatory proceedings as well. Thus, if a permit is granted by a regional transport authority
to one of its members, the court may not have any hesitation in canceling it on account of bias of the

(1933) 2K.B. 696
AIR 1965 SC 1096
Ashish Makhija, “Principles Of Natural Justice”

In Case of Annamalai v. State of Madras21, where Regional Transport Authority has granted a license
in favor of one of its own member. This decision was challenged before high Court on the ground that
there was pecuniary bias and the decision of giving license was struck down.

In Case of J. Mahapatra V. State of Orissa24, where court held that Every Board of Education in state
have text Board selection Committee and some of the member of TBSC were text book writer for 10th and
12th and this committee recommended certain texts book including his own text books. SC struck down this
decision on the grounds of pecuniary bias.

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2. Personal Bias

A number of circumstances may give rise to personal bias. Here a judge may be a relative, friend or
business associate of a party. He may have a personal grudge, enmity or grievance or professional rivalry
against such party. In view of these factors there is every likelihood that the judge may be biased towards
one party or prejudiced towards the other.22 Personal bias arises from a certain relationship equation
between the deciding authority and the parties, which incline him unfavorably or otherwise on the side of
one of the parties before him. Such equation may develop out of varied forms of personal or professional
hostility or friendship. However, no exhaustive list is possible.

Hon’ble Court’s decision in Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. V. State of Bihar23, serves as a
good illustration on the point. Here, the petitioners were granted a mining lease for 99 years in 1947. But
in 1955, government quashed the license. The petitioners brought an action against the minister passing
this order on the behalf of government, on the ground that, the petitioner in 1952 opposed the minister in
General election. Therefore, on the account of political rivalry, the minister

W.P 818 of 1952 24
1974 AIR 1572
Griffith and Street, Principles of Administrative Law(4th Edn.) p.156; de Smith, Judicial review of Administrative
Action (1995).
AIR 1960 SC 468

passed such an order, and hence the order was suffered from personal bias. Supreme Court found the
allegation to be true and thus quashed the said order.

Similarly, in Baidyanath Mohapatra v. State of Orissa24, the Supreme Court quashed the order of the
tribunal confirming premature retirement on the ground that the chairperson of the tribunal was also a
member of the review committee, which had recommended premature retirement.

Similarly in S. P. Kapoor v. State of H.P25., the Supreme Court quashed the selection list prepared by
an officer who himself was a candidate for promotion.

In Cottle v. Cottle26, where the chairman of the Bench was friend of the wife’s family, who had
instituted matrimonial proceedings against her husband and the wife had told the husband that the
chairman would decide the case in her favor, and the divisional court quash the orders.

In the leading case of AK Kraipak v. Union of India27, one N was candidate for selection to the Indian
Foreign Service and was also the member of the selection board. N did not sit on the board when his own

IJCRT2201525 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) e671 © 2022 IJCRT | Volume 10, Issue 1 January 2022 | ISSN: 2320-2882
name was considered. Name of N was recommended by the board and N was selected by the Public
Service Commission the candidate who was not selected, filed writ petition for quashing the selection of N
on the ground that the principal of natural justice was violated.

In the case of Jiwan K. Lohia v. Durga Dutt Lohia28, the apex court observed that with regard to the
bias the teat to be applied is not whether in fact the bias has affected the judgment, but whether a litigant
could reasonably apprehend that a bias attributable might have operated against him in the final decision.

AIR 1989 SC 2218
(1981) 4 SCC 716
(1939) 2 All ER 535:83 SJ 501
: AIR 1970 SC 150
AIR 1992, SC 188

Therefore the real test for likelihood of bias is whether a reasonable person in possession of relevant
information, would have thought that bias was likely and whether the authority concerned was likely to be
disposed to decide a matter in a particular manner.

3. Official or Departmental Bias

In administrative Adjudication, most of the dispute arises because of the interpretation of policy. When a
person breaks the rules and having dispute with the administrative officer, then the Administrative officer
would try to uphold the rules of administration because these rules have been made by the same
administrative officer, which is called as Official or Departmental Biasness.

Under English Law

The most important impersonal kind of bias is official bias. The Committee on Minister’s Power, 1932
stated in report that while considering the assignment of judicial function to a minister, the parliament
should keep clearly in view the maxim that no man is to be judge in a cause in which he has an interest 29.
The English law is that if an objector seeks to impugn a Minister’s action for bias because she has initiated
the project under consideration, the courts will not countenance it, unless the objector shows that the
minister has acted in bad faith or for an improper purpose. Mere Interest of ministers in a scheme would
not disqualify her on the ground of Bias30.

IJCRT2201525 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) e672 © 2022 IJCRT | Volume 10, Issue 1 January 2022 | ISSN: 2320-2882

Under American Law

The question of departmental bias is one of the most difficult questions on American Administrative law
too. An Administrative Agency is responsible for accomplishment of the policy embodied in a legislative
scheme. For example, complaints for unfair trade are brought by the Federal Trade Commission. This
Commission, however also afford the opportunity for hearing before a decision is rendered.

It therefore leads to the merger of function of both, the prosecutor and judge in such agency. The
Administrative Procedure Act 1946 provides for internal separation of functions. Where an

Report on Committee on Minister’s Power, 1932
Franklin V. Minister of Town and country Planning, (1948) AC 87

administrative agency is required to give a hearing before any final decision is taken, it appoint a panel of
hearing examiners who enjoy a fair amount of independence from other wings of agency. Good salaries are
offered to them in order to attract person of good caliber for such jobs. These examiners hold hearing and
give initial decision31.

Indian Approach
The problem of departmental bias is something, which is inherent in the administrative process, and if it is
not effectively checked, it may negate the very concept of fairness in the administrative proceeding.

In Gullapalli Nageswara Rao v. APSRTC35, the order of the government, nationalizing road transport
was challenged in this case. One of the grounds for challenge was that the Secretary of the Transport
Department who gave the hearing was biased, being the person who initiated the scheme and also being
the head of the department whose responsibility it was to execute it. The court quashed the order on the
ground that, under the circumstances, the Secretary was biased, and hence no fair hearing could be
expected. Thereafter, the act was amended and the function of hearing the objection was given over to the
minister concerned. The decision of the Government was again challenged by G. Nageshwara Rao on the
ground of departmental bias because the minister head of the department concerned which initiated the
scheme and was also ultimately responsible for its execution. However, on this occasion the Supreme
Court the challenge on the ground that the minister was not a part of the department in the same manner as
the secretary was. The reasoning of the Court is not very convenient perhaps because, observed earlier
departmental bias is something, which is inherent in the administrative process.

In the U.S.A and in England the problem of departmental bias has been solved, the sum extent, with the
institution of hearing officers and inspectors. The problem of departmental bias arises in different context-
when the functions of judge and prosecutor are combined in the same department.
IJCRT2201525 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) e673 © 2022 IJCRT | Volume 10, Issue 1 January 2022 | ISSN: 2320-2882

Schwartz, Introduction to American Administrative Law, pp 92-93
AIR 1959 SC 1376

It is not uncommon to find that the same department which initiates a matter also decides it, therefore, at
times, departmental fraternity and loyalty militates against the concept of fair hearing. This problem came
up before the Supreme Court in Hari v. Dy. Commr. Of Police32, In this case, an internment order was
challenged on the ground that since the police department which initiated the proceedings and the
department which heard and decided the case were the same, the element of departmental bias vitiated
administrative action. The Court rejected the challenge on the ground that so long as the two functions
(initiation and decision) were discharged by two separate officers, though they were affiliated to the same
department, there was no bias. The decision of the Court may be correct in the idle perspective but it may
not always prove wise in practice. It may be suggested that the technique of internal separation which is
being followed in America and England can be profitably used in India if a certain amount of confidence is
to be developed in the minds of the People in administrative decision making37.

In Krishna Bus Service v. State of Haryana33, the Supreme Court quashed the notification of the
government, which had conferred powers of a Deputy Superintendent of Police on the General Manager,
Haryana Roadways in matters of inspection of vehicles on the ground of departmental bias. The facts of
this case were that some private bus operators had alleged that the General Manager of Haryana Roadways
who was the rival in business in the State could not be expected to discharge his duties in a fair and
reasonable manner and would be too lenient in inspecting the vehicles belonging to his own department.
The reason for quashing the notification according to the Supreme Court was the conflict between the duty
and the interest of the department and the consequential erosion of public confidence in administrative

AIR 1956 SC 559
Supra note 5 pg.
(1985) 3 SCC 711

IJCRT2201525 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) e674 © 2022 IJCRT | Volume 10, Issue 1 January 2022 | ISSN: 2320-2882
4. Subject Matter Bias

It includes situations where the deciding officer is directly or indirectly in the subject matter of the case.
Here again mere involvement would not vitiate the administrative action unless there is a real likelihood of
bias. In R v. Deal Justices Exparte Curling the magistrate was not declared disqualified to try a
case of cruelty to an animal on the ground that he was a member of the royal society for the prevention of
cruelty to animals as this did not prove a real likelihood of bias35.

In the domain of Administrative Adjudication, Policy Consideration plays very important role. The
Adjudicator decides the matter by taking consideration of policy and he would have become bias regarding
policy because he himself has created the policy. Policy Bias in Administration cannot be absolutely
wiped out rather it can only be minimized.

In Case of Kandala Rao V. Andra Pradesh Transport Corporation 36, In this case the policy bias
reflected that in this case the Transport Ministry conveyed a meeting on the Nationalization of certain
routes and meeting passed a resolution to clear the scheme. Once the scheme was cleared, the ministry of
transport invited objections against the scheme and objection was to be made heard by the very minister.
The petitioner agreed before court that Minister foreclosed his mind as the feasibility of the policy before
inviting the objections. The court negated the contention of petitioner on the ground that mere clearing of
the scheme in the meeting would not lead to an influence that the minister concerned had foreclosed his
mind, the court characterized this meeting as a departmental routine. Moreover A minister does not identify
himself with the scheme or policy to such an extent as would not lead to an inference that his decision is
motivated by Policy Bias.

If Administer Adjudicator decides matter but before pronouncing the decision, he takes
advice/consultation with other officer and if that person gives some different opinion and he relied on his
opinion. It means that the administrative adjudicator acts under dictation and it can be termed as policy bias.

(1881) 45 LT 439
Supra note 5 pg
AIR 1959 SC 308

In the Case of Mahadayal Premchandra v. CTO37, In this case the CTO has assessed the petitioner
for tax liability and came to conclusion that he is not subject to tax. Before issuing this order, he consulted
with Asst. Commissioner of Tax and the Asst. Commissioner advised him that this particular assesses is
subject to tax. On the basis of his opinion, The Commercial Tax Officer ruled that assesses was liable to tax.
IJCRT2201525 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) e675 © 2022 IJCRT | Volume 10, Issue 1 January 2022 | ISSN: 2320-2882
Supreme Court struck down the order of the Commercial Tax Officer on the ground that he acted under

T. Govindaraja Mudaliar V. State of T.N38, the government decided in principle to nationalize road
transport and appointed a committee to frame the scheme. The Home Secretary was made a member of
this committee. Later on, the scheme of nationalization was finalized, published and objections were heard
by the Home Secretary. It was contended that the hearing was vitiated by the rule against bias because the
Secretary had already made up his mind on the question of nationalization, as he was a member of the
committee, which took this policy decision. The court rejected the challenge on the ground that the
Secretary as a member of the committee did not finally determine any issue as to foreclose his mind. He
simply helped the government in framing the scheme.

AIR 1958 SC 667
AIR 1973 SC 974

5. Judicial Obstinacy

The word Obstinacy implies unreasonable and unwavering persistence and the deciding officer would not
take ‘no’ for an answer. This new category of bias was discovered in a situation where a judge of the
Calcutta High Court upheld his own judgment while sitting in appeal against his own judgment. Of course
a direct violation of the rule that no judge can sit in appeal against his own judgment is not possible,
therefore, this rule can only be violated indirectly. In this case in a fresh writ petition the judge validated
his own order in an earlier writ petition which had been overruled by the Division Bench. What applies to
judicial process can be applied to administrative process as well.39

In State of W. B. v. Shivanand Pathak40, a writ of mandamus was sought by the petitioner directing
the Government to promote him. A single judge allowed the petition ordering the authorities to promote the
petitioner ‘forthwith’. But the order was set aside by the Division Bench. After two years, a fresh petition
was filed for payment of salary and other benefits in the terms of the judgment of the single judge. It was
dismissed by the single judge. The order was challenged in appeal which was heard by a Division Bench to
which one member was a Judge who had allowed the earlier petition. The appeal was allowed and certain
reliefs were granted. The state approached the Supreme Court.

Allowing the appeal and setting aside the order the Apex court described the case of a new form of bias
(judicial obstinacy). It said that if judgment of a judge is set aside by the superior court, the judge must
submit to the judgment. He cannot rewrite overruled judgment in the same or in collateral proceedings.
The judgment of the higher court binds not only to the parties to the proceedings but also to the judge who

IJCRT2201525 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) e676 © 2022 IJCRT | Volume 10, Issue 1 January 2022 | ISSN: 2320-2882
rendered it and All judicial functionaries have necessarily to have an unflinching character to decide a case
with an unbiased mind.
Judicial proceedings are held in open court to ensure transparency.

AGAINSTBIAS.html, Visited on 2/12/2017.
(1998) 5 SCC 513: AIR 1995 SC 2050.

Tests of Bias

“Nothing is to be done which creates even a suspicion that there has been an improper
interference with the course of justice”

-Lord Hewart C.J

Real Likelihood of Bias/ Reasonable Suspicion of Bias

Bias may arise due to pecuniary interest or personal interest. Pecuniary Interest, however small, must
disqualify a judge from being a member of a tribunal. Personal bias may arise out of blood relations or
marital relations, or friendship or hostility41. The existence of bias is a question of fact and is to be proved
in each case. The standard of proof is not detriment but mere likelihood of detriment. Actual detriment
may be required to be proved where mala fides or abuse of power is alleged.

There was, in the past, divergence of opinion among judges in England, on test for disqualifying bias.
Some Judges laid down and applied tests of real likelihood of bias while other judges of employed the test
of reasonable suspicion of bias, the former imposing a heavier burden of proof on the person making the
allegation. The real likelihood of bias explained that the test for disqualifying is whether the facts, as
assessed by the Court, give rise to real likelihood of bias. Likelihood was given the meaning of possibility
rather than probability. The test thus means “at least substantial possibility of bias”. Until recently,
it was for the Court to decide by their own evolution whether such likelihood existed in the circumstances
of the case. The test was given somewhat broader content and it was held, that whether there was real
likelihood of bias depended not upon what actually was done but upon what might appear to be done. It
was said that the court would judge the matter as reasonable man would judge any matter in the conduct of
his own business42.

R V. Rand (1886) LR 1 QB 230
Nagendra Kumar, Administrative Law, 2004

IJCRT2201525 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) e677 © 2022 IJCRT | Volume 10, Issue 1 January 2022 | ISSN: 2320-2882
According to de Smith, the test of real likelihood of bias, which has been employed in a number of
leading cases in magisterial and liquor licensing law, is based on the reasonable apprehension of the
reasonable manfully apprised of the facts, that justice must be rooted in confidence and the confidence is
destroyed when right-minded people go away thinking that judge was biased. Distinguishing from
reasonable suspicion test, he explains that real likelihood test focuses on the court’s own evaluation of the
probabilities. It is because of the maxim that “justice should not only to be done but should seen to be
done”. The test thus boils down to the reasonable suspicion test. The reasonable suspicion test explains
that justice must be seen to be done, and that “no person should adjudicate in anyway if it might
reasonably be thought that he ought not to act because of some personal interest”43.

However, in order to challenge administrative action successfully on the ground of personal bias, it is
essential to prove that there is a “reasonable suspicion of bias”. The reasonable suspicion of bias”
test loos mainly to outward appearance, and ‘the real likelihood” test focus on the court’s
own evaluation of possibilities; but in practice the test have much in common with one
another and in the vast majority of cases they will lead to some result. In this area of bias, the real
question is not whether a person was biased. It is difficult to prove the state of mind of a person. Therefore,
what the courts see is whether there is reasonable ground for believing that the deciding officer was likely
to have been biased. Wade and Forsyth say that in many cases, both tests lead to the same result, “since
‘likelihood’ is given the ‘meaning of possibility rather than probability. For, “if there was no real
possibility of bias, no reasonable person would suspect it”.

Test of Biasness under English Law

There has been considerable confusion concerning the test for determining bias in cases other than those
concerning pecuniary interest. Two tests were espoused by the court, that of “Real likelihood of Bias”
and that of “Reasonable suspicion of bias”44.

Judicial Review of Administrative Action, 1995 pp 525-27
H Rawlings, “The test for the Nemo Judex Rule, (1980) P.L. 122

In 19th century cases the former test held sway: if there was no pecuniary interest the court inquired whether
there was a real likelihood of Bias45. However in McCarthy46, Lord Hewart C.J said that a reasonable
suspicion of bias was sufficient to quash the determination. The tide appeared to be shifting back to the
higher test for in two prominent cases the court expressly adopted that criteria and disapproved of Lord
Hewart C.J’s formulation47. Certainly was not however to last for in Lannon Case Lord Denning
M.R., rescued Lord Hewart’s reasonable suspicion test 48. The root of confusion was that Lord Denning

IJCRT2201525 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) e678 © 2022 IJCRT | Volume 10, Issue 1 January 2022 | ISSN: 2320-2882
M.R. began by approving Lord Hewart test and ended by talking of real likelihood and contented that “In
this test the court itself upon appraising the facts and circumstances of the case. If the court comes into
conclusion that there is real likelihood of bias then the decision would be struck down by the court”.

In India, from the very beginning, the emphasis remained on the dictum that, “justice not only be done
but appear to be done”. The test is not whether, in fact, bias has affected the judgment, but whether litigant
could reasonably apprehend that bias attributed to a member of the tribunal. Bias manifests itself variously
and may effect a decision in a variety of ways. No uniform cut and dried formula can be laid down to
determine real likelihood of bias. Each is to be determined on the basis of its facts and circumstances.

In Charanjit Singh v. Harinder Sharma54, the court held that there is a real likelihood of bias when in
a small place there is relationship between selectees and member of the selection committee. A few cases
in this connection may be noted by way of illustration.

R v. Suderland JJ (1901) 2 K.B. 357 CA
(1924) 1 KB 256 KBD at 259
R V. Cambrone JJ (1995) 1 QB 41 QBD
Metropolitan Properties Ltd. V. Lannon (1969) 1 QB 577 CA
AIR 2002 SC 2397

In the Case of Manak lal v. Prem Chand In order to decide a complaint for professional misconduct
filled by Dr. Prem Chand against Manak Lal, an advocate of Rajasthan High Court, the High Court
appointed a tribunal consisting of a senior advocate, once Advocate-General of Rajasthan, as Chairman.
The decision of tribunal was challenged on the ground of personal bias arising from the fact that the
Chairman had represented Dr. Prem Chand in an earlier case. The Supreme Court has to quash the action
holding that the chairman had no personal contact with his client and did not remember that he appeared on
his behalf, and that, therefore, there seemed to be no ‘real likelihood of bias’. However, the high
professional standards led the court to quash the action in the final analysis on the ground that the justice
should not only be done but must appear to have been done.

In Case of State of U.P. v. Mohd Nooh50, In this case, a Dy. S.P. was appointed to conduct a
departmental enquiry against a police constable. In order to contradict the testimony of a witness, the
presiding officer offer himself as witness. The Supreme Court quashed the administrative on the ground
that when presiding officer himself becomes a witness, there is certainly a ‘real likelihood of bias’ against
the constable.

IJCRT2201525 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) e679 © 2022 IJCRT | Volume 10, Issue 1 January 2022 | ISSN: 2320-2882
A.K. Kraipak v. Union of India51
The reasonable likelihood test was applied by Supreme Court. The fact of this case and main objection
taken by the court to the selection made by the selection committee for promotions of state officers to All
India Cadre for forest services have been dealt with elaborately in Ch 4. Naquishbund who was the acting
chief conservator of forest, was an ex-officio member of the selection committee and was himself selected
for All India Services. The court conceded that he didn’t participate in the deliberation the committee
when his name was considered. However, the courts view the very fact that he was a member of the
selection committee must have had its impact on decision of the selection board.

AIR 1957 SC 425
AIR 1958 SC 86
AIR 1970 SC 150

The Court observed that “The real question is not whether he was biased. It is difficult to prove the
state of mind of a person. Therefore, what we have to see whether there is reasonable ground for
believing that he was likely to have been biased…a mere suspicion of bias is not sufficient.
There must be reasonable likelihood of bias. The court held that there was in this case reasonable
likelihood that Naquishbund’s presence would influence the Selection Board in his favor and against his
rivals. Therefore, the selections were quashed. SC also made the following observations: -

1. The dividing line between an administrative power and quasi-judicial power is quite thin and is being
gradually obliterated. Whether a power is Administrative or quasi-judicial, one has to look into –
• the nature of power conferred
• the person on whom it is conferred
• the framework of the law conferring that power
• The manner in which that power is expected to be exercised.
2. The principles of natural justice also apply to administrative proceedings.
3. The concept of natural justice is to prevent miscarriage of justice and it entails – (i) No one shall be a
judge of his own cause.
(ii) No decision shall be given against a party without affording him a reasonable hearing.
(iii) The quasi-judicial enquiries should be held in good faith and not arbitrarily or unreasonably.

J. Mohapatra and Co. v. State of Orissa52 In this case, the State of Orissa has constituted an
Assessment Committee in order to recommend and select books of various Authors and publishers for
various school subjects. Some of the persons whose books were in the selection list were members of
Assessment Committee.

AIR 1984 SC 1572
IJCRT2201525 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) e680 © 2022 IJCRT | Volume 10, Issue 1 January 2022 | ISSN: 2320-2882
The meeting of the Committee was held. In this meeting when the books were being assessed an individual
member would withdraw when his book was taken for consideration.

However, that member participated in deliberations when books of other member were considered. The
result was that the books of other members were considered. The result was that the books of members of
Assessment Committee were accorded approval. The action of the Government was challenged on the
ground of bias. Quashing the action, the Supreme Court held that when some members whose books were
in the list for selection were members of Assessment Committee, there were every likelihood of bias,
Actual bias is not material, but the possibility of such bias in all such cases. Therefore, the Court concluded
that withdrawal of persons is not sufficient because the element of quid pro quo with other members cannot
be eliminated. It may be pointed out that the doctrine of necessity does not apply in this case53.

Real Danger test

The test of real danger was evolved by House of Lords in the case of R v. Gough54 where it has been
held that the same test should be applied in all cases of apparent bias, whether concerned with justices,
tribunals, jurors, arbitrators and coroners. In term of the degree of bias the test should be whether there was
a real danger of bias on the part of the relevant member of the tribunal, etc. in the sense that he might
unfairly regard with favor or disfavor the case of party under consideration by him. In terms of the
perspective from which bias should be viewed, it was not necessary, said Lord Goff, to formulate the test
in terms of reasonable man, because the court personified the reasonable man, and because the court had to
ascertain the relevant circumstances evidence that might not available to the ordinary observer. This test
was criticized by the courts in other common law jurisdiction, because it emphasized the court’s view of the
facts and gave inadequate attention to the public perception of the incident being challenged55.

Supra note 3 pg
(1993) A.C. 646 HL
Web v. R (1994) 181 CLR 41

The House of Lords indicated that it might review the test in Gough. The court of Appeal undertook such a
view and its approach with some modification, was confirmed in Porter Case56. This view was
precipitated by continuing uncertainty over the correctness of test and its compatibility with the criterion
used by the court which considered whether there was an objective risk of bias in the light of
circumstances identified by the court57.

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The test adopted in Porter was whether having regarded to the relevant circumstances as ascertained by the
court, the fair minded and informed observer, having considered the facts, would conclude that there was a
real possibility that the tribunal was biased. Courts have applied this test in the Davidson Case58 it was
held that risk of apparent bias arose where a judge was called upon to rule judicially on the effect of
legislation that he has drafted or promoted during the parliamentary process.

Porter v. Magill (1982) 5 E.H.R.R. 169 at 179-180
Pullar v. U.K (1996) 22 EHRR 391 at 402-403
Davidson v. Scottish Minister(No.2) (2004) HRLR 34 HL

Rule Against Bias: Exceptions

Doctrine of Necessity
Bias would not disqualify an officer from taking an action if no other person is competent to act in his
place. This exception is based on the doctrine which it would otherwise not countenance on the touchstone
of judicial propriety. The doctrine of necessity makes it imperative for the authority to decide and
considerations of judicial propriety must yield. It can be invoked in cases of bias where there is no authority
to decide the issue. If the doctrine of necessity is not allowed full play in certain unavoidable situations, it
would impede the course of justice itself and the defaulting party would benefit from it. If the choice is
between either to allow a biased person to act or to stifle the action altogether, the choice must fall in favor
of the former as it is the only way to promote decision-making. Therefore, the Court held that bias would
not vitiate the action of the Speaker in impeachment proceedings and the action of the Chief Election
Commissioner in election matters. In the USA, the disqualification arising out of bias arises from the due
process clause of the American Constitution. Therefore, an administrative action can be challenged in
India and England. Recent trends in the judicial behavior of the American Supreme Court also indicate
that where the administrative authority prejudged the issue, the action will be vitiated. However, the term
‘bias’ must be confined to its proper place. If bias arising out of preconceived notions means the total
absence of preconceptions in the mind of the judge, then no one has ever had a fair trial, and no one ever
will. Therefore, unless the strength of the preconceived notions is such that it has the capacity of
foreclosing the mind of the judge, administrative action would not be vitiated. Where bias is apparent but
the same person who is likely to be biased has to decide, because of the statutory requirement or the
exclusiveness of a competent authority to decide, the courts allow such person to decide. In Ashok
Kumar Yadav v. Haryana59, which has been discussed above, the court held that a member of public
service commission could not entirely disassociate himself from the process of selection just because a few
candidates were related to him. He should disassociate himself with the selection of the persons who are

IJCRT2201525 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) e682 © 2022 IJCRT | Volume 10, Issue 1 January 2022 | ISSN: 2320-2882
related to him, but need not disassociate with the selection of other candidates. Though his being on a
selection committee could create a likelihood

AIR 1987 SC 454

of bias in favor of his relation yet, since the public service commission is a constitutional authority, such a
member cannot be entirely excluded from its work.

In Institute of Chartered Accountants v. DL Ratna60, the court did conclude that the president and
vice-president of Institute need not be required to sit on a disciplinary committee as well as the governing
council. The Court therefore, asks the government to get the law amended so that they were not obliged to
sit on both the bodies. Here, the Doctrine of Necessity could have been invoked to save the infirmity caused
by bias. In order to successfully invoke the doctrine of Necessity, it’s essential to show that despite of bias,
the person objected to has to decide that matter because no one else could decide it.

The element of bias causes a serious problem in the contempt of court cases. In Vinay Chandra Mishra,
In re61, the Court held that in case of facie curiae contempt (contempt in the face of the Court) the rule
against bias does not apply and the judge before whom contempt is committed can punish the contemner
on the spot. However, in order to bring an element of fairness in contempt cases the Allahabad High Court
has made a rule that the judge will place the matter before the Chief Justice who will allot it to any judge
for hearing because it is contempt not of the judge but of the Court.

Parliament has made statutory exceptions to the rule against bias, allowing justices to sit who have some
interest in the subject matter of the actions. In Shaw Case62, section 258 of the Public Health Act 1872,
which enabled a justice of peace to sit even though a member of a local authority, was held not to protect
him where he acted in a prosecutorial and Adjudicatory Capacity.

AIR 1987 SC 71
(1995) 2 SCC 584
Shaw (1882) 9 QBD 394
IJCRT2201525 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) e683 © 2022 IJCRT | Volume 10, Issue 1 January 2022 | ISSN: 2320-2882
Justice should be delivered by person divesting bias. The decision given by an authority should not be
influenced by any external factors which favors the decision maker. A should always remember that he has
a bigger role to play in upholding the belief of common man towards justice. Bias will divest the faith of
common from the justice mechanism of a country. Reasonable apprehension in the mind of reasonable
man is necessary. Such reasonable apprehension should be based on cogent material. Moreover normally a
court will not uphold an allegation of bias against a person holding high constitutional status, such as
election commissioner. Again there must be reasonable evidence to satisfy that there was real likelihood of
bias. Vague suspicion of whimsical, capricious and unreasonable people should not be made the standard to
regulate normal human conduct.

While deriving the conclusion I would like to sum up my topic with further mention judgment. In Rt. J. P.
Linhan Inc., a very illuminating Judgment was given by J. Jerom Frank, a brief excerpt from which
reads: “Democracy must, reads: “Democracy must, indeed, fail unless our Courts try cases
fairly, and there can be no fair trial before a Judge lacking in impartiality and
disinterestedness. If, however, ‘bias’ and ‘partiality’ be define to mean the total absence
of preconceptions in the mind of Judge, then no one has ever had a fair trial and no one
ever will.’
So, it is important that there should be no bias or encouragement to bias by any judicial, quasijudicial and
administrative body but certain PRECONCEPTIONS in the mind of judge are essential.


1. U.P.D. Kesari “Lectures on Administrative Law”, 15 th Edition 2005
2. N. K. Jayakumar, Administrative Law tests and Material, Lexis Nexis, 2007
3. Beatson, Mathews,, Administrative Law Texts & Materials, 3 rd edition,2005
4. Wade and Philips, Constitutional and Administrative law, 1978
5. S. P Sathe, Administrative Law, 7th edition, Butterworth’s Wadhwa, 2004
6. Avatar Singh, Administrative Law, Universal Publication, 2010

External Links
1.,-esse-debet- THERULE-AGAINST-
BIAS.html, Visited on 2/12/2017

Reasrch Paper
1. H Rawlings, “The test for the Nemo Judex Rule, (1980)

IJCRT2201525 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) e684

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