Microbiology POL Charts

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/\ 30 years old truck driver is brought to OPD by his relatives for the
co111plaints of severe wasting of muscles, prolonged profuse watery

diarrhea anct cough since 1 month. lie gave the past history of influenza like

illness a few 111onths ago. The patient was admitted and investigated. The

blood picture showed 2000 WBC/cu1nm and a a low CD4 count (200

cclls/cun1111). The serological tests are provided to you for identification.


1. Identify the tests provided.

2. Record your observation and interpret the tests.

3. How do you report?

,'J.. Comment on the blood smear report?

5. Mention the n1odes of transmission.

6. What is the significance of this occupation?

7. List the standard/universal precautions to be taken in this case.

8. Enun1eratc opportunistic infections and n1alignancies in AIDS

A. 40 years old man with history of fever with chiJls & rigors for more

Lhan 10 dt.1ys duration attended medical OPD. On examination, the

patient was pale and splenomegaly. You are provided with peripheral

blood smear stained by Leish1nan stain.


1. What is your observation c1nd the causative agent?

2. What is your provisional clinical diagnosis?

3. Mention the definitive host and intermediate host?

,1,_ Mention the di ffcrcnt species of the causc1tive agent?

5. List two prophylactic mec1sures?


A five yea r old girl was bro ugh t to Ped

iatic OPD with C/o fever, upper
respiratory symptoms and pain in the
throat. She gave the history of
repeated sor e thr oat every now and
then. She developed difficulty in
breating, easy fatiguability. The doctor
ord ere d for investigations one of
the m was a serol'ogical tes t & it is displaye

, Question:

1. Wh at is the serological tes t done?

2. What is the significant titer?

3. What is the provisional clinical diagnos

4. Which organism is responsible for this
dise ase?
5. Wh at is the oth er non suppurative
complication or late sequelae of
this organism infection?

6. Does this condition need prophylaxis?
If so wh at is it?
A 30 year old sexually active male attend ed the medical OPD with fever,

headac he and altered sensor ium. On exami nation patien t was febrile, neck

rigidity+ve and was disorie nted. A clinical sampl e was collected and sent to

the 1nicrobiology labora tory. You are provid ed with Gram stain, wet mount

slide and cultur e tube.


1. Comm ent on the Gram stain smear.

2. Identify the cultur e media and descri be the growth.

3. What is the identification of the organism?

4. Mention the diseas es caused by it.

5. Do you recom mend any other investigation for this patien t? If yes,

why or what is its relevance?

A 45 years old n1ale ca1ne with complaints of right sided
facial pain with
nasal blockage for one month. His medical history revea
led that he had
uncontrolled diabetes for 4 1nonths. On examination, there
was a facial
swelling over right cheek; mild degree proptosis seen, paran
asal sinus view
radiograph showed haziness of the fight maxillary sinus with
destruction of
sinus wall. Nasal crust was collected and sent to Microbiol
ogy for fungal
KOH and culture.


1. Comment on the wet mount.

2. Identify the culture medium and what is the pH of

the culture
medium? Describe the growth on it.

3. What is the provisional diagnosis?

4. What are the predisposing factors of this condition?

5. What is the drug of choice?

of frequent
A ]·1 ve<1r old m,1le sought medical advice with complaints

rwssagc of scanty stool containing blood and mucus with
crc1mps and tenesmus. On examination, patient was febrile with
the lab for
in lower abdomen. Stool sample was collected and sent to
ed smear,
culture and sensitivity. You are provided with Gram stain

cul tu red plc1tes and bioche1nical reactions.

Ques tions :

1. Comn1ent on Grc1n1 staining.

2. Describe the colony characters and biochemical reactions.

3. Identify the organism based on your observation.

1·. \,Vhc1t are the complications of this condition?

~- I low 'Nill you confi rm the identification of this organ


6. I I ovv it differ s from amoe bic dysentery'?

7. VVhich is the 111ost comr non species in lndi,1·1


/\11 cHiull ma1e agcci 0 yccffS soughl medical advice for the complrtints of

hc,1eic-1ehe, malaise, lassitude, anorexia, thick coated tongue & fever of 15

ciclys duration. On exa111ination, the patient was febrile with thick coated

tongue and hepato-splecnomegaly. Blood was sent to microbiology lab to

carry out the serological test and it is provided to you.


·1. Whal test to be carried out? What type of lest is it?

2. \,\That is your probable clinical ciiagnosis?

3. When do you want to collect the blood for this test?

'1. Ilow do you report and mention the factors which influence the


S. How do you detect the carriers'?

6. Mention the prophylactic measures.


Pus swab is taken fron1 gluteal abscess and plated or:i blood agar and Mac-

Conkey's agar incubated at 37°C for 24 hours. The growth was subjected to

gran1 stain & biochen1ical tests. You are provided with Gram stained smear,

cultured plates and biochemical tests for identification.


1. Comn1ent on the gram staining.

2. Describe the colony characters and biochemical reactions.

3. Identify the organism and comment on antibiotic susceptibility

' pattern.

4. What are the lesions caused?

5. Why it is causing problem to the clinicians?

6. How do you detect· the carriers?

A 35-ye ar old male sustai ned burns injury. After 3 days, the patien
woun d
developed fever, pain in the opera ted site & discha rge from it. The
tory for
swab / exuda tes was collected & sent to microbiology labora
processing. You are provi ded with Gram staine d smear , cultur ed

biochemical reacti ons and antibiotic sensitivity test.


1. Comm ent on the gram staining.

2. Describe the colon y chara cters and biochemical reactions.

3. What is the causa tive agent?

4. List four bacte ria causin g post-o perati ve woun d infection?

5. How do you inves tigate the hospital acqui red infection?

ds / contro l measu res.
- ntive metho
6. Menti on two preve
7. List four unive rsal/s tanda rd preca utions to be followed in

/\ 25 years old n1alc attended STD clinic with the complaints of papular

rashes, n1ucous patches jn the oropharynx & condylomata t the

n1ucocutaneous junctions. He gave the past history of sexual exposure. A

serological test was carried out & provided to you.


1. Narr1e the serological test & what type of test is it?

2. Write the observation and interpretation.

3. What is your probable clinical diagnosis?

4. Name two specific tests to confirm the diagnosis.

5. List four bacterial STDs.

6. Mention the merits of this test over VDRL test.

7. What are the modifications of VDRL?:

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1U. A young, newly married lady aged 20 years attended medical

OPD with
fever chills & rigors associated \Vith severe burning micturition
, dysuria,
c-1nd b<lck pain. On examination, the patient was febrile and had
in the loin. Urine ScHnple was collected and sent to the labor
atory for
culture and sensitivity. You are provided with Grain stain
ed smear,
cu1tured plates and biochemicc:11 reactions. On hanging drop
the bacilli were found to be motile.


1. Cornn1ent on Lhe gran1 staining.

2. Describe the colony characters, bioche1nical reactions and antib

susceptibility pattern.

3. identify the organis1n based on your observation.

'l. Describe the n1cthod of collection of urine.


S. \Nhc1t is significant bacteriuria?

6. List four c1usativc agents of UT!.



/\ 30 ycc-1r old n1ale sought medical advice with complaints of pain in the

right car with associated discharge. On examination tenderness was

present in the right ear, with associated perforation in the tymphanic

membrane. The clinical san1ple was collected and sent to the lab.


1. Identify the culture n1ediun1 and describe the growth?

'2.. Describe the n1icroscopic 1norphology?

3. What is the clinical diagnosis?

1. \t\lhat are the other species of this organism'?

S. What are the other infections caused by this organisn1?

A young male aged 22 vcars with sym ptom
s of enlarged liver , ictcrus, raised

scru m biliru bin and transaminase levels was

adm itted in the hosp ital. He gave

a histo ry of sharing needles with his friends

for IV drug injec tion. The patie nt's

bloo d sample was subjected to serologic

al test & you are prov ided with a

serological test.


1. Iden tify the lest?

2. Wha t is the etiol ogic al agent?

3. Wha t are the othe r serological markers?

:1. Men tion the prop hyla ctic measures.

5. \Nha t is the com plica tion of this infec tion?

6. List the orga nism s tran smit ted by bloo

1. 1 \4
I\ '10 years old lady attended mediec1l OPD with fever and
cough of 4 days
duration. The cough was procluclivc with Lliick, bloody
phlegm. On
cxaminc1tion, the patie nt was febrile ;-rnd had decreased breath
sounds and
crackles in the right lower, posterior field of the lung. Sputum
sc1mple was
collected and sent lo the laboratory for culture and sensitivity.
You are
provided with Gram stained smear, cultured plates and
reactions. On hanging drop preparation the bc1cilli were found
to be non-

Ques tion:

1. Comment on the gram staining.

2. Describe the colony characters, biochemical reactions and antib

susceptibility pattern.

3. Identify the organism based 811 your observation.

'1. Mention the diseases caused by it.

5. List four causative agents of' pneumonia.

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