SR 524 - China Space Collaboration Africa Implications Recommendations For Us
SR 524 - China Space Collaboration Africa Implications Recommendations For Us
SR 524 - China Space Collaboration Africa Implications Recommendations For Us
Background and Context:
China.............................................. 5
Background and Context:
Africa.............................................. 6
China’s Growing Role in the
African Space Sector................... 9
Africa-China Space Cooperation
in Earth Observation.................... 9
US Engagement in the African
Space Sector. . .............................. 13
Conclusion and
Recommendations. . ..................... 15
Ethiopia’s state-owned EBC broadcasts the launch of the nation’s first satellite, ETRSS-1, at the
Entoto Observatory near Addis Ababa on December 20, 2019. (Photo by Mulugeta Ayene/AP)
• Outer space is no longer the do- include government agencies, pri- • Although US actors—both pri-
main of a few powerful countries vate and quasi-private companies, vate and government—are en-
pursuing strategic and technolog- and academic institutions in both gaged in Africa’s space sector,
ical objectives. Today, more than China and African partner states. their activities are not coordinat-
20 African countries have space • Four cases illustrate how China ed with broader US foreign policy
programs entrusted with achieving supports the development of objectives.
an array of development, security, African capacities in satellite com- • The United States should relax re-
and governance goals. munications and Earth observa- strictions on international space
• China is increasingly supportive, tion. China has provided financing business development and access
offering space science and space and training, built satellites and to US satellite imagery while deep-
cooperation as an incentive for ground stations, and cooperated ening scientific collaboration with
African states to form closer ties on satellite navigation and climate regional institutions.
to Beijing. The actors involved monitoring.
NO. 524 | SEPTEMBER 2023
The views expressed in this report are those of the author(s) alone. They do not necessarily reflect the views
of the United States Institute of Peace. The boundaries shown on any maps in this report are approximate and
do not imply official endorsement or acceptance of the United States Institute of Peace. An online edition of
this and related reports can be found on our website (, together with additional information on
the subject.
(202) 457-1700
ISBN: 978-1-60127-922-4
2 S P E C I A L R E P O RT 524 U S I P.O RG
Demeke Mekonnen, deputy prime minister of Ethiopia, arrives for the launch of the nation’s first satellite, ETRSS-1,
at the Entoto Observatory near Addis Ababa on December 20, 2019. (Photo by Mulugeta Ayene/AP)
This report provides an overview and assessment of an important dimension of the “new nor-
mal” of global outer space affairs: the development of space programs by African countries
across the continent and the growing role China is playing in them. In the past, outer space
was primarily the domain of a few powerful countries and generally considered separate from
broader concerns of human security and development. In the new normal, outer space is a
dynamic arena in which most nations actively engage. Many national governments and major
international organizations agree that outer space development is essential to addressing their
most pressing challenges, including but not limited to climate change, poverty, terrorism, and
forced migration.
This means that outer space is a primary domain for both cooperation and competition, with a
much wider range of actors and institutions involved than is generally conveyed by mainstream
media and policy publications. China and other major space powers, such as Japan, Russia,
and the United Kingdom, as well as many private firms located throughout the world, provide
cost-competitive means for other governments to develop space technologies. Commercial, re-
search, and military actors in developing countries readily cooperate with each other and with a
range of overseas partners to address immediate security threats and longer-term vulnerabilities.
U S I P.O RG S P E C I A L R E P O RT 524 3
Space capacity is crucial for low- and middle-income countries to achieve an array of national
development goals. This has been recognized by the United Nations Development Programme,
the World Bank, and other major multilateral development organizations. African governments
have pursued both the development of their own space programs and international partner-
ships with established and emerging space actors. Robust national and intracontinental space
development is proceeding alongside deepening cooperation with diverse overseas partners,
including China. Space development is seldom pursued for its own sake. In most cases, African
governments want to acquire outer space capability in order to pursue other development and
governance objectives.
Although US federal agencies and universities are actively involved in research partnerships
with several African countries, space technology is not a focus of US foreign policy in Africa.
China, by contrast, makes space science and space cooperation one of the range of incen-
tives—including investment deals, medical assistance, cultural and educational exchanges, and
military assistance—it offers to African states to form closer ties to Beijing.
In this report, particular attention is given to the role of China’s space technology and coop-
eration between China and several African countries in the domains of counterterrorism and
natural disaster preparedness and monitoring. These are the primary domains for which African
governments are increasing space capabilities, so they constitute the greatest spheres of activ-
ity. The report presents four cases of cooperation which represent a range of wholly domestic
initiatives, partnerships with China, and collaboration with other overseas partners.
AfSA African Space Agency
AICTO Arab Information and Communication Technology Organization
AUC African Union Commission
BDS BeiDou Satellite
CALVT China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology
CASC China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation
CAST China Academy of Space Technology
CBERS-4 China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite 4
CGWIC China Great Wall Industry Corporation
CNSA China National Space Administration
CSLTCG China Satellite Launch and Tracking Control General
DSA Defence Space Administration
EO Earth observation
NASRDA National Space Research and Development Agency
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
ROSES NASA Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences
USAID United States Agency for International Development
4 S P E C I A L R E P O RT 524 U S I P.O RG
Awareness within US policymaking circles of the dynamism of space development is essen-
tial if the United States is to successfully pursue the following three policy priorities:
The outer space domain is central to achieving all three of these policy priorities, yet there
remains a pervasive perception within Washington that space activities are somehow separate
from development and security for countries in the Global South and that space capacity is
simply out of reach for them. As this report shows, this antiquated view means that key policy
opportunities for the United States to advance peace and cooperation abroad are likely be-
ing overlooked. With other major space actors such as China, Russia, Japan, India, the United
Kingdom, France, and Brazil building space partnerships across the globe, it is important for the
United States to revisit the role of space cooperation in its foreign policy.
The first and second sections of this report present, in turn, succinct accounts of the devel-
opment, capabilities, and structure of China’s space program and of the rapid recent growth in
space development in Africa. The third section examines African cooperation with China in the
context of Africa’s international cooperation on space and presents a list of two dozen bilateral
and multilateral partnerships between China and African countries. The following section de-
scribes Africa-China space cooperation in the area of Earth observation (EO) for development
and security. The fifth and final section surveys the current, limited extent of US space cooper-
ation with African partners and offers policy recommendations for expanding that cooperation
and competing more effectively with China in the space and development domains.
U S I P.O RG S P E C I A L R E P O RT 524 5
enterprises taking over its former functions: the CNSA took over responsibility for China’s obliga-
tions under international treaties (such as registering objects launched into space, rescuing and
returning foreign astronauts, and compensating others for damage caused by space objects);
and the China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASC) became the space pro-
gram’s main contractor for the design and manufacture of rockets, missiles, and launch systems.
CASC, despite being a de facto state-owned and state-run organization, operates much the
same as the space agencies of other major powers by working with private and quasi-private
contractors in its procurement and competitive bidding processes. A subsidiary of CASC, the
China Great Wall Industry Corporation (CGWIC), provides commercial space services to other
countries. Over the last 30 years, CGWIC has won contracts to build and launch satellites for
space programs around the world, in particular those with new and developing space programs.
CGWIC subcontracts with the China Academy of Space Technology (CAST), the China Academy
of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALVT), and the China Satellite Launch and Tracking Control
General (CSLTCG); these entities in turn subcontract with smaller component manufacturers to
complete orders. Each of these subcontractors is responsible for different aspects of satellite
design, development, construction, launch, and operation. Since 1990, Chinese rockets have
carried communications and earth observation satellites into space for private firms, universities,
and national space programs, many of which are based in African nations.
China pursues space cooperation with countries in Africa in an instrumental and context-
specific manner, emphasizing where it can contribute to China’s climate change and eco-
nomic development priority areas: energy, mining, construction, and telecommunications.
Intergovernmental, state-owned, university, and private sector actors from many countries are
all competitively engaged in this domain. Competition can occur with other foreign entities (such
as other national space programs or space service providers) and among Chinese entities (such
as service providers bidding for contracts).
6 S P E C I A L R E P O RT 524 U S I P.O RG
1 launch
2 launches
1 launch
1 launch
Nigeria 2 launches
7 launches
2 launches
2 launches
1 launch
South Africa
13 launches
1 launch
3 launches
U S I P.O RG S P E C I A L R E P O RT 524 7
This amount ($503 million) is small compared with the sums spent by those three regions, but it is
nearly double Africa’s budget for 2018, when it accounted for just 0.39 percent of the global total.
Although no African country has yet demonstrated capability in human spaceflight, nor do any
currently plan to do so, many African countries have used space technologies to address various
challenges across different domains.
More than 20 African countries now have space programs, fueling an industry that generated
$19.49 billion in 2022 and is expected to generate over $22.64 billion by 2026.5 As of May 2023,
15 African countries had launched a total of 55 satellites (see figure 1). Their satellites empha-
size socioeconomic development functions, including EO (25), communications (15), technology
demonstration (14), education (2), agriculture (1), and military surveillance (1). Three of these satel-
lites were built through regional collaboration involving a number of countries on the continent.
As of early 2023, at least 11 additional countries had begun developing their first satellite. They
include Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, Djibouti, Democratic Republic of the
Congo, Gabon, Senegal, Tanzania, Togo, and Zambia.
In addition to individual countries’ programs, the African Union Commission (AUC) continues to
pursue a continental space program following its enactment of the African Space Policy in 2016
and approval of the African Space Strategy. In “Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want,” a “blueprint
and master plan for transforming Africa,” the African Union has identified space technologies as
a critical tool that “can boost Africa’s economic growth and development and lead to the rapid
transformation of the continent.”6 The commission set up the African Space Agency (AfSA) in
Egypt with an initial budget of $10 million.7 Promoting collaboration among African countries is
the goal of one of AfSA’s first initiatives, which is designed to implement a data-sharing policy
and reduce redundancies and duplication of projects.
While many bilateral relationships exist between African and non-African countries, pan-Afri-
can collaboration on space projects has been less common. A notable exception is the African
Resource Management Satellite Constellation initiative between Algeria, Kenya, Nigeria, and
South Africa, which seeks to create a shared and affordable EO satellite constellation to provide
data to support environmental monitoring and resource management across the continent. In
addition, the Regional African Satellite Communication Organization is made up of 45 countries
and provides telecommunication services, direct TV broadcast services, and internet access in
rural areas of Africa through a communications satellite launched in 2010.
Algeria, Egypt, and South Africa have demonstrated local satellite manufacturing capabilities.
Given the availability of a lower-cost skilled workforce, several other countries plan to develop
these capacities to create globally competitive satellite manufacturing hubs on the continent. Of
the 58 African satellites launched thus far, 19 were manufactured locally (this includes cases of inter-
national collaboration at local institutions), while foreign institutions manufactured the remaining 39.
8 S P E C I A L R E P O RT 524 U S I P.O RG
China’s Growing Role in the
African Space Sector
One of the continent’s most important bilateral partners for imports of civilian space technolo-
gies and services is China, which has found receptive partners among African countries inter-
ested in reducing costs, building capacity, and fostering technology transfer. China launched
Nigeria’s first two communications satellites (the first in 2007 and the second in 2011), Algeria’s
first communications satellite (in 2017), and the first satellites for Ethiopia and Sudan (both in
2019). Each of these contracts was won through a competitive bidding process. China’s firms
do not always win. For example, Ghana contracted with the Kyushu Institute of Technology and
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency to launch its first satellite in 2017. Russia’s space agency
launched a satellite for Angola that same year, and Japan launched satellites for Rwanda and
Egypt in 2019. As of October 2021, 23 of continental Africa’s 54 countries had bilateral space
partnerships with China.
Thus far, only five African-owned satellites have been funded by foreign entities. ETRSS-1,
owned by Ethiopia, was funded by China and was launched in 2019. Three other satellites
have been partly funded by China—ET-SMART-RSS, owned by Ethiopia; EgyptSat-2, owned by
Egypt; and AlSat-1N, owned by Algeria—and Japan partly funded 1KUNS-PF, a satellite owned
by Kenya. In addition to those five, Nigeria’s communications satellite NigComSat-1 was financed
with loans from China, while Angola’s communications satellite AngoSat-1 was financed with
loans from Russia.8 The table in the appendix (see page 18) summarizes China’s bilateral and
multilateral partnerships with African countries.
U S I P.O RG S P E C I A L R E P O RT 524 9
expenditures; other times, they are administered entirely by the civilian national space agency; and
in still other cases, they are part of special international projects. As with China’s approach to space
development in general, China’s space expenditures in African countries integrate development
with counterterrorism and peace and security applications and are part of much broader contexts
of domestic programs and diverse international partnerships. Several examples are discussed be-
low. The first illustrates the role of Chinese finance in Nigeria’s satellite development. The second
highlights China’s role in ground station development in Ethiopia. The third surveys China’s multi-
lateral cooperation on satellite navigation and positioning. The fourth looks at China’s multilateral
cooperation on climate monitoring and disaster management.
a. Space in Africa, “Institutions from 45 African Countries Are Implementing Earth Observation Projects through GMES & Africa,” July 16, 2019,
b. The 18 countries are Algeria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, the Central African Republic, Chad, the Democratic Republic of the Congo,
Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Morocco, São Tomé e Principe, South Africa, Tanzania, Tunisia, and Zambia. Capacitree is
supported by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, the Japan International Cooperation Agency, the Caribbean Community,
the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization, and the Inter-American Development Bank; for more information, see Instituto Nacional de
Pesquisa Espacial, “Projetos e Pesquisas: Capacitree,” For a broader overview of Africa’s
multilateral space cooperation, see Julie Michelle Klinger, “China, Africa, and the Rest: Recent Trends in Space Science, Technology, and Satel-
lite Development,” Working Paper no. 2020/38, China Africa Research Initiative, Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International
Studies, May 2020.
10 S P E C I A L R E P O RT 524 U S I P.O RG
Nigerian scientists and engineers traveled to China to receive training and participate in satellite
design and construction. In anticipation of the launch of Nigeria’s—and Africa’s—first communi-
cations satellite, NigComSat-1, a private spin-off from the country’s National Space Research and
Development Agency (NASRDA) was incorporated in 2006 to provide fixed satellite services
to much of Africa and Italy (parts of which, thanks to their geographical location, can get the
signal). In 2018, in exchange for a share in NigComSat, China’s Export-Import Bank and CGWIC
agreed to fully finance a $550 million project for two additional communications satellites
for Nigeria.
China also is indirectly involved in the counterterrorism and military aspects of Nigeria’s satellite
development.9 Nigeria’s Defense Space Administration (DSA) was established in 2014 to develop
and manage Nigeria’s military space technologies, support military operations both within and
outside the country, and assist security agencies responsible for internal security. DSA provides
space and cyberspace capabilities for the Nigerian military and law enforcement agencies and
had an operating budget of $7 million in 2019, $5.48 million in 2020, and $11.45 million in 2021.10
Using satellites developed in partnership with UK entities and launched from Russia, NASRDA has
contributed satellite imagery to a number of international partners. It produced data and satellite
images of southwest Mali during the conflicts in 2012—including a topographic map provided to
West African peacekeeping troops with geographical knowledge of the crisis zone—and con-
ducted image mapping and terrain analysis of the Dargol area of Niger Republic, the site of a
2013 Nigerian Air Force jet crash.11 Current satellite technology is useful to general terrain recon-
naissance, but it is not of a fine enough resolution to assist in near real-time tactical operations.
China’s emphasis on satellite communications technologies, contracts, and businesses in the
context of Nigeria is consistent with broader moves to expand the telecommunications footprint
on the continent.
U S I P.O RG S P E C I A L R E P O RT 524 11
The Ethiopian Multi-Satellite Ground Receiving Station was the second satellite ground sta-
tion built in Ethiopia. The high-resolution data comes from five different EO satellites: the China-
Brazil Earth Resources Satellite 4 (CBERS-4); China’s high-definition EO Gaofen 1, Gaofen-3, and
Gaofen-5 remote sensing satellites; and the SuperView-1, which is operated by Beijing Space
View Technology.13 The station also receives data from both ETRSS-1 and ET-SMART-RSS. The
data is useful for agriculture, forestry, land use management, urban mapping, natural resource
monitoring, disaster monitoring, and mining.
These examples illustrate how cooperation among public, private, and academic institutions
in China and an African partner state can generate multiple agreements to enable data transfer
and expand the scope and impact of infrastructure construction.
12 S P E C I A L R E P O RT 524 U S I P.O RG
area regularly feature in policy and media discussions, both in general and in relation to space
technologies.14 Plans to develop a constellation of 20 EO satellites and receiving stations for each
of Africa’s five regions to provide full data coverage over the entire continent are underway.
Security issues are inextricably intertwined with climate-related issues. Space technologies
are important in measuring, assessing, and addressing these intertwined challenges, and African
governments and institutions pursue multiple partnerships to mount responses to emergent
issues. These institutions build their own international partnerships with continental and over-
seas counterparts, which include entities in China.
Two examples help to further contextualize China’s role in this domain: one that directly involves
China and one that does not. In the first example, South-South scientific networks provided the
basis to expand and formalize cooperation among universities and international organizations.
The China Academy of Science, working with the United Nations Environment Programme, built
a network of Chinese and African climate scientists to focus on monitoring and resilience, with a
particular focus on agriculture.15 This network was launched at a 2017 conference held in Nairobi
that was organized by a social scientist from China, Zhang Linxiu, who had built networks earlier
as a 2014 fellow in the World Academy of Sciences.16 The network launched in Nairobi played a
key role in drawing up a scientific cooperation plan that was announced at the 2018 Forum on
China-Africa Cooperation.17
In the second example, the government of Angola has been cooperating with a wide range of
actors to expand climate, development, and security projects. Angola’s involvement with China
does not preclude cooperation with entities from other countries, and vice versa. For example,
to address droughts that have affected at least 1.3 million people in Angola, the country’s gov-
ernment has pursued international partnerships to build a satellite data mining system to monitor
droughts and improve water management.18 China is not directly involved in this project, which
is being implemented in partnership with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab
Space Enabled Research Group and experts from institutions such as the International Space
University in France; the University Space Engineering Consortium, which includes representa-
tives from Germany, Lithuania, Turkey, and Italy; and the University of Tokyo. However, although
China has not participated in this project, it has been in contact with key Angolan actors. For
instance, the Angolan Space Agency has received delegations from CGWIC, and the Ministry of
Defense has received counterparts from China.
U S I P.O RG S P E C I A L R E P O RT 524 13
partnerships with several African countries. For example, researchers from Cornell University
began in 2021 to develop the first high-resolution carbon monitoring system for East Africa that
combines “bottom-up” ecological modelling with “top-down” satellite data, thanks to a three-
year, $1 million grant from NASA.19 NASA is also funding a project—implemented by researchers
from the University of Buffalo—to map species and ecosystems at the southwestern edge of
South Africa. The continent is also encompassed by the SERVIR program, a major space-relat-
ed development initiative supported by NASA and the United States Agency for International
Development (USAID). Established in 2004, SERVIR works with regional organizations around
the world to “help developing countries use information provided by Earth observing satellites
and geospatial technologies . . . to manage challenges of food security, water resources, land use
change, and disasters.”20 In 2008, the SERVIR Eastern and Southern Africa hub was established
in partnership with the Kenya-based Regional Centre for Mapping Resources for Development,
while the West Africa hub was established in 2016 in partnership with the Agrometeorology,
Hydrology and Meteorology Regional Center in Niger. The objective of the hubs is to improve
the capabilities of regional institutions to apply geospatial analysis to strengthen the region’s
resilience to the impacts of climate change and to ensure sustainable land management and
reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. In 2019, NASA Research Opportunities in Space and
Earth Sciences (ROSES) provided additional funding for 20 projects across SERVIR global hubs
totaling $13.7 million; eight of these projects are implemented through West Africa and Eastern
and Southern Africa hubs.21
But while US actors—both private and government—are thus actively engaged in Africa’s
space sector, that support for space technology development is not coordinated with broader
US foreign policy objectives. Consequently, opportunities created by investments in multilateral
scientific research collaboration, which can build strong networks between US and African insti-
tutions and researchers, are often not capitalized on by US foreign policy in order to strengthen
bilateral and multilateral ties. This is a missed opportunity, particularly as a significant share of
the $8.5 billion in foreign aid that the United States sent to 47 African countries in 2020 could
potentially be better integrated with space technologies to enhance aid impact and efficacy.22
It should be noted that space technology development in several African countries already
supports national and regional development across the broad categories that US foreign aid
addresses—succinctly described by George Ingram as “humanitarian assistance for life-saving
relief from natural and manmade disasters; development assistance that promotes the economic,
social, and political development of countries and communities; and security assistance, which
helps strengthen the military and security forces in countries allied with the United States.”23
China, by contrast, combines space science and cooperation in Africa with investment deals,
medical assistance, cultural and educational exchange, arms deals, and military assistance.
Furthermore, it is common practice for Chinese counterparts involved in one initiative to be con-
sulted or involved in facilitating new initiatives in other areas, a practice that has been credited
with expediting the deepening of ties and partnerships. China has also demonstrated strategic
flexibility: space cooperation in Nigeria is accompanied by Chinese investment in telecom-
munications, while cooperation in Tunisia has been part of a comprehensive infrastructure
construction package.
14 S P E C I A L R E P O RT 524 U S I P.O RG
Conclusion and Recommendations
Going forward, US policymakers should be mindful of China’s diverse practices and consider
taking a more integrated approach to promoting research that enhances international collabo-
ration and supports the specific science and technology development goals of African partner
states. Supporting space science and technology development in Africa also means supporting
broader human development and security goals.
Adopting and implementing a more integrated approach is likely to be a long-term process,
but the United States has several immediate opportunities to expand cooperation with African
countries and to better engage in productive competition with China in the space and devel-
opment domains. The following three recommendations are provided to help the US formu-
late effective and innovative policy to broaden avenues of peaceful cooperation; to accurately
identify and effectively mitigate threats to peace and stability within and emerging from the
context of continental Africa, and to build or rebuild alliances essential to international coopera-
tion in an era characterized by China’s significant and growing role in international relations and
global affairs.
The first recommendation is to expand high-resolution data and imagery transfer for sus-
tainable development and remove restrictions on the types of US satellite imagery avail-
able to bring the United States into line with widely accepted international norms. The
United States can leverage its long history of Landsat imagery transfer to build partnerships.
The US-driven Landsat program (a series of EO satellite missions jointly managed by NASA and
the US Geological Survey) was revolutionary when it was launched in the late 20th century. It
made satellite imagery available to the world, which greatly enhanced global scientific research
and national development policy and practice around the world. However, there is a need for
images of higher resolution and greater frequency to support planning, governance, and secu-
rity efforts—and this need cannot be met by Landsat imagery. Other sources, such as Europe’s
Sentinel-2, offer greater resolution and frequency, and the European Commission has made this
imagery freely available to African institutions.
While African countries are pursuing the development of their own high-resolution EO sat-
ellites, the US EO satellite fleet has a wealth of high-resolution and high-frequency satellite
data that could be made freely available to African governments and researchers to address
their immediate needs. This would have three benefits for the United States. First, it would
strengthen US diplomatic relations with African governments by providing a public good of
immediate utility. Second, it would differentiate US foreign policy from Russian and Chinese
foreign policy, which have strict limits on satellite data sharing. Third and not least, it would im-
mediately support the development goals of African governments, civil society organizations,
and research institutions.
A second recommendation is to introduce legislation that removes restrictions on interna-
tional space business development. Given the robust growth of the African commercial space
sector, more attention should be given to market-based approaches that prioritize projects im-
plemented through African commercial entities. Well-designed commercialization plans would
U S I P.O RG S P E C I A L R E P O RT 524 15
generate the profits to guarantee program continuity and sustainability. This approach would
support the most dynamic aspects of Africa’s burgeoning commercial space sector and open a
promising area for further cooperation.
A number of private sector satellite imagery providers in the United States have not been
able to do business overseas because of US legal prohibitions. A rule passed in May 2020 by
the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) on licensing of private remote
sensing space systems that allows US operators to sell satellite imagery in foreign markets no
matter the resolution is a move in the right direction.24 This rule presents an immediate-term
market-based solution that enables African institutions to purchase high-resolution imagery on
an ad hoc basis to address emergent challenges. Although this is not a substitute for a compre-
hensive and accessible data-sharing regime as suggested above, it provides a stopgap meas-
ure for African institutions and greater business opportunities for US companies.
The third recommendation is to deepen scientific and educational collaboration with re-
gional institutions to support continental integration and long-term US-Africa cooperation.
The US government, through NASA and NOAA, should explore collaboration and partnership
with the AUC in the launch of the African Space Agency, specifically through continent-wide
programs that enhance data sharing, capacity development, and access to new technologies.
As has been extensively documented and critiqued in academic research on development fail-
ures in Africa, much of the funding allocated to projects in Africa goes to US-based institutions,
and project goals are not always aligned with African needs or priorities. Directly collaborating
with the AUC and the African Space Agency could catalyze the needed paradigm shift away
from fragmented and short-term space projects and toward a policy of comprehensive space
cooperation directly supporting and empowering African institutions to achieve development
and security objectives.
The US lags far behind China in the funding of educational scholarships. Since the 1960s,
China’s government has provided scholarships to students from African countries to complete
undergraduate and graduate education in China. These comprehensive programs have cov-
ered transportation, housing, medical, and living expenses principally (though not exclusively)
for science and engineering students and their families to relocate to China for the duration of
the program of study. In 2018, President Xi Jinping announced that an additional 50,000 scholar-
ships and 50,000 training opportunities would be awarded to African students and researchers
over the following three years, increasing the number of students enrolled in both educational
and training programs by more than half.25 Each year, between 400,000 and 500,000 interna-
tional students study in China, with over 80,000 coming from African countries.26 This creates
an important legacy of human capital development and diplomatic engagement between China
and African partner states that is now several generations old. Although the United States of-
fers less in the way of support and opportunities to African students, it remains an appealing
educational destination, and an expansion of educational opportunities for students from Africa
would surely be welcomed. If that expansion included scholarships for Africans studying space-
related subjects, it would generate new and extensive networks of collaboration in space science
and technology.
16 S P E C I A L R E P O RT 524 U S I P.O RG
• • •
Space technology development is the new normal for the majority of the world’s countries, in-
cluding the countries of Africa. It is, therefore, both a critical domain of geopolitical and commer-
cial competition and fertile ground for many different types of collaboration. With the exception
of a relatively small number of projects, the US government has largely ignored the development
of space programs in Africa. Given the importance of space technology in multiple domains, this
oversight may be undermining broader shared diplomatic, economic, and security objectives.
Updating US foreign policy toward African countries to emphasize space collaboration could
help address the continuity problem faced by aid projects, nongovernmental organizations, and
international institutions implementing development and security projects across Africa.
U S I P.O RG S P E C I A L R E P O RT 524 17
One of the continent’s most important bilateral partners for imports of civilian space technologies and services is
China, which has found receptive partners among African countries interested in reducing costs, building capacity,
and fostering technology transfer. The following table summarizes China’s bilateral and multilateral partnerships with
African countries.
Botswana’s Ministry of
Space Star Technology Co., Ltd. is building
Environment, Natural
Botswana n.d. 0 the Botswana Meteorological Satellite
Resources Conservation and
Transportable Ground System (BMTGS).
Tourism (MENT)
National Satellite
Democratic Republic Contracted with CAST to build and launch
Telecommunications 1991 0
of the Congo CongoSat-1 in 2012.
Network (Renatelsate)
18 S P E C I A L R E P O RT 524 U S I P.O RG
Bilateral partnerships (continued)
Mauritius 2019 1 None found.
Council (MRIC)
U S I P.O RG S P E C I A L R E P O RT 524 19
Bilateral partnerships (continued)
Zimbabwe National
Zimbabwe Geospatial and Space 2018 1 None found.
Multilateral partnerships
Arab Satellite
Broadcasts the Arabic-language edition of the
Arab League Communications 1976 13
China Global Television Network.
Organization (ArabSat)
Source: This table is an updated version of the table in Julie Michelle Klinger, “China, Africa, and the Rest: Recent Trends in Space Science, Tech-
nology, and Satellite Development,” Working Paper no. 2020/38, China Africa Research Initiative, Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced
International Studies, May 2020.
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1. See, for example, Julie M. Klinger, “China, India, and Outer Space: Cooperation and Competition in the Global Commons,” in
Routledge Handbook on China-India Relations, ed. K. Bajpai, M. C. Miller, and B. Chong (London: Routledge, 2020), 517–530.
2. This section of the report is adapted from Julie Michelle Klinger, “China, Africa, and the Rest: Recent Trends in Space Science,
Technology, and Satellite Development,” Working Paper 2020/38, China-Africa Research Institute, Johns Hopkins School of
Advanced International Studies, May 2020,
3. For further reading, see C. P. Freeman, “An Uncommon Approach to the Global Commons: Interpreting China’s Divergent Positions
on Maritime and Outer Space Governance,” China Quarterly, no. 241 (2020): 1–21; G. Huadong, “Steps to the Digital Silk Road,”
Nature, no. 554 (2020): 25–27; Julie Michelle Klinger, “China, Africa, and the Rest.”
4. All dollar amounts in this report are in US dollars.
5. Space in Africa, “African Space and Satellite Industry Now Valued at USD 19.49 Billion,” August 17, 2022,
6. “Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want,” African Union,
7. Space in Africa, “32nd Ordinary Session of the African Union Commission Endorsed Egypt to Host the African Space Agency,”
February 11, 2019,
8. Space in Africa, African Space Industry Annual Report, 2019 Edition (Lagos, Nigeria: Space in Africa, June 2019),
9. We characterize the involvement as indirect because the NigComSat-1R satellite, which was built in China, has many civilian appli-
cations in addition to its use in military counterinsurgency and anti-smuggling operations in Nigeria. For further reference, see S.
Oyewole, “The Quest for Space Capabilities and Military Security in Africa,” South African Journal of International Affairs 27, no. 2
(2020): 147–172; and A. Froehlich, N. Ringas, and J. Wilson, “How Space Can Support African Civil Societies: Security, Peace, and
Development through Efficient Governance Supported by Space Applications,” Acta Astronautica, no. 195 (2022): 532–539.
10. Data for 2020 and 2021 from author interviews in Algeria, Nigeria, South Africa, and Washington, DC. Data for 2019 data from
Space in Africa, “African Space Industry Now Generating over USD 7 Billion Annually, to Exceed USD 10 billion by 2024,” June 11,
11. Space in Africa, “How Much Has NASRDA Contributed to Nigeria’s Economic Growth and Development?,” June 24, 2019, https:
12. Space in Africa, “Ethiopia’s First Satellite, ETRSS-1, Has Been Operating in Orbit for 17 Months,” May 30, 2021,
13. Mustapha Iderawumi, “Ethiopia Launches a New Multi-Satellite Ground Station,” Space in Africa, May 15, 2021,
14. See, for example, United Nations Environment Programme, “China-Africa Environmental Cooperation Centre,”
/regions/africa/regional-initiatives/china-africa-environmental-cooperation-centre; Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s
Republic of China, “Declaration on China-Africa Cooperation on Combatting Climate Change,” December 2, 2021,
.cn/mfa_eng/wjdt_665385/2649_665393/202112/t20211203_10461772.html; and “China-backed Satellite Boosts Ethiopia’s Efforts
in Building Climate Resilience,” Xinhua, May 3, 2021, China has a high
level of greenhouse gas emissions, but also leads the world in renewable energy infrastructure construction.
15. United Nation Environment Programme, “African and Chinese Scientists Agree to Cooperate on Climate Change,” September 10,
16. “African, Chinese Researchers Reach Accord,” World Academy of Sciences Young Scientists’ Action Network, September 25, 2017,
17. David Cyranoski, “China to Train African Scientists as Part of $60-billion Development Plan,” Nature, October 2, 2018,
18. Space in Africa, “GGPEN Launches Project to Monitor Drought Using Satellite in Angola,” November 13, 2019,
19. Ying Sun et al., “A High-Resolution Carbon Monitoring System for East Africa: Unifying Top-Down Atmospheric Inversion and
Bottom-Up Next-Generation Vegetation-Soil Models and Observations,” Funded Research, NASA Carbon Cycle & Ecosystems,
U S I P.O RG S P E C I A L R E P O RT 524 21
20. NASA, “SERVIR,” accessed August 30, 2023,
21. Space in Africa, “NASA Announces Funding for Eight New Projects under SERVIR Africa Hubs,” November 3, 2019,
22. See the “Bureau for Africa” page on USAID’s website,
23. George Ingram, “What Every American Should Know about US Foreign Aid,” Brookings Institution, October 15, 2019, www.brookings
24. “Licensing of Private Remote Sensing Space Systems,” Federal Register, May 20, 2020,
25. Jevans Nyabiage, “Scholarship Offers Driving China’s Soft-Power Play in Africa,” South China Morning Post, September 28, 2019,
26. Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China, Statistical Report on International Students in China for 2018, Ministry of
Education, April 18, 2019,
22 S P E C I A L R E P O RT 524 U S I P.O RG
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