The Impact of Job Discipline T

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Muhamad Ferdy Firmansyah1, Nanang Rusliana2, Ade Komaludin3, Muhamad Ridho4

Departement of Economics Development, Faculty of Economics, Siliwangi University
Department of Sharia Economics, Islamic Faculty, Siliwangi University
E-mail: [email protected]


Human resources are a very important factor in the office administration and records management in
company or government office. Performance in the archives and administration section is a unique
function that requires high motivation to function as a managerial support in terms of providing
archives, documents, and the production of manuscripts both in companies and in government. One
important factor in human resources in the archives and music section is the influence of job discipline
on performance. This study uses articles that identify the performance of administrative and archive
employees in private and government companies. The results of the meta-analysis conducted on 30
research articles obtained a summary effect (average effect size) of 0.860, which means that there is a
significant positive effect of increasing performance discipline on performance. Meanwhile, if the
research is conducted by dividing the participants into two sections, namely private employees and civil
servants, it is found that the summary effect value of private employees is greater than that of civil
servants (0.933 and 0.761, respectively), which means that disciplining work can have a greater impact
on performance in private company employees compared to government employees.
Keywords: Job Discipline, Job Performance, Private Employees, Public Employees, Records

The development of the business world will be realized if it is supported by qualified human resources.
In every organization at all scales, the existence of the human resource factor cannot be taken lightly
because the presence of quality human resources will push the company in a better direction (Sutrisno,
2017). In an organization, human resources play a very important role in achieving the success and goals
of the organization. These human resources support the organization with their work, talents, and
encouragement. Employees are a very valuable company asset that must be managed properly by the
company in order to make an optimal contribution and achieve company goals. Employees are a very
valuable company asset that must be managed properly by the company in order to make an optimal
contribution. One of the things that should be the company's main concern is the job satisfaction of its
employees, because employees who do not feel comfortable at work are not valued and cannot develop
all their potential, so they cannot automatically focus and concentrate fully on their work.
A person's willingness and skills are not effective enough to do something without a clear understanding
of what to do and how to do it. Performance is a real behavior that is displayed by everyone as work
performance produced by employees according to their role in the company. Employee performance is a
very important factor in the company's efforts to achieve its goals. One way that can be used to see the
company's development is by looking at performance. The target that becomes the object of
performance is skills—the ability of employees to carry out tasks or jobs that are evaluated objectively
using certain benchmarks and carried out periodically. From the results of the assessment, it can be seen
that the company's performance is reflected in the performance of employees; in other words,
performance is a concrete work result that can be observed and measured. The establishment of clear
work goals will cause employees to be more motivated to work in order to achieve higher performance.
With positive working conditions, the level of job satisfaction and creativity will be high (Sutrisno,
Performance is a management tool that will have an impact on employees in several aspects, including
opportunities for promotion or class, salary increases, bonuses, and remuneration, as well as a measure
of achievement to determine whether the employee's performance has met work goals. This will have an
impact on job satisfaction (related to remuneration, benefits, and career development opportunities) and
as a measure of work commitment. Performance has a variety of methods, which will greatly affect
other aspects of employees' lives. Performance that promotes the values of transparency and impartiality
(fairness) and has a positive correlation with the benefits received by its employees will encourage
employees to contribute optimally. This will encourage employees to have a positive work commitment.
Likewise with job satisfaction. Performance that promotes positive values such as transparency and
fairness will encourage employees to be satisfied at work. Whether that's because the benefits are
obtained fairly in accordance with their work performance or because the results of their performance
will be rewarded according to the achievement of their work goals, (Sutrisno, 2017).
Job Discipline
Job discipline is very important for the employee concerned as well as for the organization because job
discipline will affect employee productivity. Therefore, employees are the main driving force in the
organization. Good job discipline reflects the magnitude of a person's sense of responsibility towards the
tasks assigned to him. Discipline is something that is very important for organizational growth and is
especially used to motivate employees to be self-disciplined in carrying out work both individually and
as a group. Job discipline is useful for providing education to employees on complying with and liking
existing rules, procedures, and policies so as to produce good performance. Job discipline is very
important for the employee concerned as well as for the organization because job discipline will affect
employee productivity. Therefore, employees are the main driving force in the organization. Good job
discipline reflects the magnitude of a person's sense of responsibility towards the tasks assigned to him.
Discipline is the most important operational function of human resource management because the better
the discipline of employees, the better the performance that can be achieved. Without good discipline, it
is difficult for organizations to achieve optimal results. Discipline is the main factor needed as a warning
tool for employees who do not want to change their attitude and behavior. So an employee is said to
have good discipline if he has a sense of responsibility for the tasks assigned to him. Discipline is the
attitude, behavior, and actions that are in accordance with company regulations, both written and
unwritten. The regulations in question include absenteeism, slow entry, and early return of employees.
So this is an employee's disciplinary attitude that needs to be addressed properly by management.
Discipline is the desire and awareness to comply with organizational rules and social norms. Therefore,
if discipline is an important means to achieve goals, then the development of discipline is a very
important part of management. Discipline is also said to be a means to train and educate people against
regulations so that there is compliance in an organization that runs in an orderly manner.
Many experts provide a definition of job discipline, and each expert explains it differently with their
own paradigm, approach, and perspective. According to Singodimedjo in Sutrisno (2017), job discipline
is a person's willingness to obey and comply with the regulatory norms that apply around him. Good job
discipline will accelerate the company's goals, while declining discipline will become a barrier and slow
down the achievement of company goals. According to Mangkunegara (2001), job discipline is the
implementation of management to reinforce organizational guidelines. Meanwhile, according to Sutrisno
(2016), "discipline shows a condition or attitude of respect that exists in employees towards company
regulations and accuracy".
According to Rivai (2014), job discipline is a tool used by managers to communicate with employees so
that they are willing to change a behavior, as well as an effort to increase one's awareness and
willingness to comply with all company regulations and applicable social norms. Employee discipline is
a person's behavior in accordance with the rules, existing work procedures, or attitude, behavior, and
actions that comply with the rules of the organization, both written and unwritten. (Sutrisno, 2009).
Another understanding of discipline is that of procedures that correct or punish violators of rules or
procedures. (Simamora, 2004).
Based on the above understanding, it can be concluded that job discipline is an orderly state in which a
person or group of people who are members of the organization wishes to obey and carry out company
regulations, both written and unwritten, based on awareness and conviction that there is a condition
between desire and reality, and it is hoped that employees will have a high discipline attitude at work so
that their productivity increases. Discipline is the desire and awareness to comply with organizational
rules and social norms. Therefore, discipline is an important means to achieve goals, so the development
of discipline is a very important part of management. Any management system's implementation
requires the discipline of all members of the organization.
Job Performance
Performance is generally understood as an output record, the result of a function of a work position or
all of its work activities in a certain period. In short, performance is defined as success in carrying out a
job. According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, performance is something that is achieved or shown.
Performance is essentially an achievement achieved by someone in carrying out their duties or work in
accordance with the standards and criteria set for the job. According to Mankunegara (2017),
performance is the result of the quality and quantity of work achieved by an employee in carrying out
his duties in accordance with the responsibilities given to him. Mankuprawira and Hebeis (2007) state
that performance is the result of certain planned work processes at the time and place of the employee
and the organization concerned. According to Hasibuan (2007), performance is the result of work
achieved by someone in carrying out the tasks assigned to him, which are based on skill, experience,
sincerity, and time. Performance in the organization is the answer to the success or failure of the
organizational goals that have been set. According to Fahmi (2017), performance is the result of the
quality and quantity of work achieved by an employee in carrying out his duties in accordance with the
responsibilities given to him.
This study focuses on examining the relationship between job discipline and performance among private
and public employees who occupy positions in the administrative and archive divisions. This study uses
a random effect model, which aims to find results that can generalize research within the population (not
just identify data findings alone). The requirements used in the random effect model are that the
heterogeneity information used is I2> 25%. In the meta-analysis research, the form of a contrast group is
used, which will show the relevance of the studies that have been carried out between job disciplines and
performance in a number of human resource management studies in Indonesia. The data used is in the
form of interval variation (differentiating in the maximum value and minimum value), so that the power
used is the result of research in standardized form. In this study, the correlation value (r) was used,
which was obtained dominantly through the Pearson correlation from each study, and if a simple
equation used a determinant correlation with a note that the Pearson correlation did not appear.
As for determining and estimating the sample mean/effect size (d) are standardized with equation (1):

𝑋̅1 − 𝑋̅2 (𝑛1 − 1)𝑆12 + (𝑛1 − 1)𝑆12

𝑑= ,𝑆 =√
𝑆𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛 (𝑛1 − 1)(𝑛2 − 1)

The equations and formulas used can find the standard error, namely d(SEd), namely by equation (2):
𝑛1 + 𝑛2 𝑑2
𝑆𝐸𝑑 = √𝑉𝑑 , 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑉𝑑 = +
𝑛1 𝑛2 2(𝑛1 + 𝑛2 )
Studies and mechanisms according to Borenstein, Hedges, Higgins, and Rothstein (2009) show that
results can occur which is called slight bias. To minimize possible bias, the equation can be expanded to
make changes to g using equation (3) and equation (4) as follows:
𝑔 = 𝐽 𝑥 𝑑, 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝐽 = 1 −
4𝑑𝑓 − 1
𝑑𝑓 = 𝑑𝑒𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑑𝑜𝑚 (𝑛1 + 𝑛2 − 2)

𝑆𝐸𝑔 = √𝑉𝑔 , 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑉𝑔 = 𝐽 𝑥 𝑉𝑑

Furthermore, to carry out an analysis of the meta analysis using JASP software and OpenMEE software.
The data entered as 𝑔 is the effect size and the data for 𝑆𝐸𝑔 can produce a forest plot which shows the
value interval and standard error of each study used in this study. In addition, JASP and OpenMEE
provide calculations to determine heterogeneity and publication bias through funnel plots.
There are many factors that can influence performance improvement through job discipline in the office.
One of the biggest factors that can be examined is the difference in the characteristics of the jobs
received by private employees compared to public employees who are in government. In the data
collection results obtained, there were as many as 30 articles that discuss and provide results of the
correlation between job discipline and performance, with a minimum of more than 15 respondents. The
results of the summary of research data, effect size, and correlation are shown in the following table:
Tabel 1. Summary of Research Data, Effect Size and Correlation
No. Study Participants Zr Var(Zr) SC Measure N r
1 Puspitasari et al. (2022) Private Employees 1.235 0.034 Standardized 32 0.844
2 Cholisoh et al. (2019) Private Employees 0.918 0.022 Standardized 48 0.725
3 Negara (2017) Public Employees 1.030 0.004 Standardized 287 0.774
4 Tambuwun et al. (2021) Private Employees 1.249 0.027 Standardized 40 0.848
5 Fitriani (2018) Private Employees 1.058 0.021 Standardized 50 0.785
6 Meilany & Ibrahim (2015) Private Employees 1.297 0.016 Standardized 67 0.861
7 Novita (2018) Public Employees 0.672 0.091 Standardized 14 0.586
8 Darmawan & Sukaja (2017) Private Employees 1.301 0.021 Standardized 50 0.862
9 Septiasari (2017) Public Employees 0.552 0.025 Standardized 43 0.502
10 Hajrina et al. (2016) Private Employees 0.711 0.059 Standardized 20 0.611
11 Pramularso (2017) Private Employees 0.548 0.021 Standardized 50 0.499
12 Utami (2022) Public Employees 0.717 0.024 Standardized 44 0.615
13 Harahap & Nasution (2022) Public Employees 0.387 0.021 Standardized 50 0.369
14 Nurmayanti (2020) Private Employees 0.984 0.031 Standardized 35 0.755
15 Sinaga & Hutapea (2021) Private Employees 0.607 0.021 Standardized 50 0.542
16 Lidia (2019) Public Employees 1.274 0.031 Standardized 35 0.855
17 Sunarsi et al. (2021) Public Employees 0.620 0.019 Standardized 57 0.551
18 Nuriani (2020) Private Employees 0.499 0.037 Standardized 30 0.461
19 Arifin (2014) Private Employees 0.856 0.012 Standardized 85 0.694
20 Novtyani et al. (2019) Public Employees 0.585 0.006 Standardized 177 0.526
21 Ernawati (2016) Public Employees 0.966 0.037 Standardized 30 0.747
22 Sazly & Winna (2019) Public Employees 0.765 0.037 Standardized 30 0.644
23 Sutrisno & Sunarsi (2019) Private Employees 0.807 0.012 Standardized 85 0.668
24 Sunarsi et al. (2020) Public Employees 0.775 0.011 Standardized 96 0.650
25 Putri (2018) Private Employees 1.282 0.020 Standardized 53 0.857
26 Wiguna (2020) Private Employees 0.829 0.012 Standardized 86 0.680
27 Maulana (2020) Private Employees 0.850 0.016 Standardized 65 0.691
28 Ramdhan (2021) Private Employees 0.782 0.014 Standardized 75 0.654
29 Nasir et al. (2020) Public Employees 0.982 0.024 Standardized 45 0.754
30 Wau et al. (2021) Public Employees 0.545 0.037 Standardized 30 0.497

Research conducted by Rahayu and Ajimat (2018) stated that the effect of job discipline on employee
performance at the Secretariat of the Deputy for Tourism Destination Development has a correlation
coefficient value of r = 0.245 with a weak level of relationship. Meanwhile, according to Wulandari and
Alamanda (2012), job discipline has a very strong and positive influence, with a coefficient of
determination of 0.728. Meanwhile, research (Jannah et al., 2014) conducted at the Cimahi City
Revenue Service Office shows that the effect of job discipline on employee performance is at its
smallest stage, namely 01.3%, but when combined with other factors, the total effect will be greater,
such as compensation and career development.
According to Nurjaya et al. (2021), job discipline in Bogor City Forestry and Plantation Service
employees should be maintained so that employees are more motivated to work, where the variables of
job discipline and employee performance have a strong relationship with a correlation value of 0.638.
This is in line with the research of Kristianti et al. (2021), where job discipline has a significant effect on
employee performance with a correlation of 0.653. However, it is different from the research conducted
by Fatimah (2016), where job discipline has a sufficient (moderate) influence on the performance of
employees of the Bhyangkara Kediri Hospital with a correlation value of 0.575.
Table 2. Model Result
No. Studies Estimate Lower Bound Upper Bound Std. Error p-Val
1 Puspitasari et. al. (2022) 1.235 0.871 1.599 0.186 < 0.001
2 Cholisoh et. al. (2019) 1.057 0.749 1.365 0.157 < 0.001
3 Negara (2017) 1.033 0.929 1.136 0.053 < 0.001
4 Tambuwun et. al (2021) 1.060 0.944 1.176 0.059 < 0.001
5 Fitriani (2018) 1.054 0.960 1.147 0.048 < 0.001
6 Meilany & Ibrahim (2015) 1.104 0.990 1.218 0.058 < 0.001
7 Novita (2018) 1.092 0.972 1.211 0.061 < 0.001
8 Darmawan & Sukaja (2017) 1.117 0.999 1.235 0.060 < 0.001
9 Septiasari (2017) 1.059 0.907 1.210 0.077 < 0.001
10 Hajrina et. al. (2016) 1.037 0.889 1.185 0.075 < 0.001
11 Pramularso (2017) 0.985 0.825 1.145 0.082 < 0.001
12 Utami (2022) 0.962 0.808 1.115 0.078 < 0.001
13 Harahap & Nasution (2022) 0.912 0.745 1.079 0.085 < 0.001
14 Nurmayanti (2020) 0.917 0.761 1.074 0.080 < 0.001
15 Sinaga & Hutapea (2021) 0.895 0.743 1.048 0.078 < 0.001
16 Lidia (2019) 0.918 0.770 1.006 0.076 < 0.001
17 Sunarsi et. al. (2021) 0.899 0.754 1.043 0.074 < 0.001
18 Nuriani (2020) 0.879 0.736 1.021 0.073 < 0.001
19 Arifin (2014) 0.878 0.745 1.010 0.068 < 0.001
20 Novtyani et. al. (2019) 0.859 0.727 0.991 0.067 < 0.001
21 Ernawati (2016) 0.863 0.736 0.991 0.065 < 0.001
22 Sazly & Winna (2019) 0.859 0.736 0.983 0.063 < 0.001
23 Sutrisno & Dunarsi (2019) 0.857 0.740 0.973 0.059 < 0.001
24 Sunarsi et. al. (2020) 0.853 0.742 0.963 0.056 < 0.001
25 Putri (2018) 0.871 0.760 0.981 0.056 < 0.001
26 Wiguna (2020) 0.869 0.764 0.974 0.054 < 0.001
27 Maulana (2020) 0.686 0.767 0.969 0.052 < 0.001
28 Ramdhan (2021) 0.865 0.767 0.962 0.050 < 0.001
29 Nasir et. al. (2020) 0.869 0.774 0.963 0.048 < 0.001
30 Wau et. al. (2021) 0.860 0.766 0.953 0.048 < 0.001

Based on the results of the data processing carried out, the correlation coefficient value of job discipline
on employee performance is 0.852, which means that it has a strong level of relationship because this
value is in the interval 0.80–1.000 (Sasongko & Abidin, 2022). Meanwhile, the results of the tests
carried out by Zaini (2021) found that there was a very strong correlation between the job discipline
variables and the performance variables, with a correlation value of 0.636. And according to Yusuf &
Rahma (2020), because job discipline affects employee performance, it is the obligation of every
element of the organization to comply with the rules that apply within the organization and be ready to
face the consequences of sanctions in accordance with applicable regulations.

According to Rudi et al. (2020), the job discipline variable has a strong correlation with the Pearson
correlation, which was obtained at 0.817, and the value is close to 1. Likewise with research conducted
by Eliyah and Tamam (2019) with the research object of public elementary school teachers in
Haurgeulis District, Indramayu Regency, where the variable teacher discipline has a positive
relationship with teacher performance variables with a correlation of 0.324. Meanwhile, in Murti &
Purwoto's research (2021), what has been done by employees and their implications for employee
performance at PT. Denso Indonesia can be concluded that the job discipline. As for the results of the
model as a whole from the sample articles shown in the following table,
Table 2. Model Results
Estimate Lower Bound Upper Bound Std. Error p-Value
0.860 0.766 0.953 0.048 < 0.001

From the table above, it was found that the estimation result was 0.860, for the lower bound it
was 0.766, and for the upper bound it was 0.953. The results above also show the value of standard
deviation: the error is 0.048 and the p-value is 0.001. From the table, it is found that the p-value of
0.001, which shows the relationship between job disciplines and job performance, has a significant
effect. The combined effect size value is 0.860, which has a strong influence category. So it was found
that the job-discipline relationship has a significant effect on job performance when there is a strong
relationship. This combined correlation can indicate that job discipline greatly influences job
performance and really needs to be considered for companies to be able to improve company
Table 3. Heterogeneity
tau^2 Q(df=29) Het. p-Value I^2
0.046 104.755 < 0.001 73.316

The table above is used to explain the heterogeneity component of the study. From the calculation
results, it is found that the value of tau2 is 0.046, the value of Q (df = 29) is 104.755, the value of Het is
0.001, the p-value is 0.001, and the I2 value is 73.316. From the table, it is found that the variance of the
data used in the study is diverse, with an I2 value of more than 50, which is 73,316. So that the studies
used are very heterogeneous.

The next identification is in the form of a forest plot, which describes the heterogeneity of the
correlational study. From the results of the initial forest plot, it was found that the average estimated
value of a number of sample articles was 0.860, with a p-value level of 0.0001. This means that the
research sample has a high level of difference, so it can be explained that there is a significant
correlation between job discipline variables and the performance of both private and public employees.
A total of 12 articles found the estimated value was higher than the average, while 18 other articles had
an estimated value below the average.

Figure 1. Initial Forest Plot

Seeing the differences between the conditions of private employees and public employees can
give us an idea about the effect of job discipline on performance in two different conditions of the
workforce structure. The results of the comparative modeling of the conditions of employees and public
employees can be seen in the following table:

Table 1. Model Result by Participants

Studies Estimate Lower Bound Upper Bound Std. Error p-Val
Subgroup Private Employees 0.933 0.812 1.054 0.062 < 0.001
Subgroup Public Employees 0.761 0.617 0.905 0.074 < 0.001
Overall 0.860 0.766 0.953 0.048 < 0.001

From the above results, it was found that the estimated value for private employees was 0.933,
while for public employees it was 0.761. The lower bound and upper bound bond values owned by
private employees are 0.812 and 1.054, while those of public employees are 0.617 and 0.905,
respectively. Each of the estimates uses a p-value of 0.001. The results above also show the standard
errors are 0.062 and 0.074 for private employees and public employees, respectively. From the results
above, it was found that private employees have a more significant relationship than public employees in
the case of the relationship between job discipline and performance. It can be recognized from practice
in the field that job discipline has a greater influence on performance in the managerial structure of
private companies than in government because job discipline is often used to support the performance of
private employees themselves. In contrast to public employees, who tend to be rigid with the
bureaucracy, changes to regulations and job discipline that are carried out do not have a significant
impact on encouraging performance in government. The data in graphical form for a comparison of
estimates of private employees with public employees is shown in the image below.

Figure 2. Initial Forest Plot Based on Participant Category

Figure 2. Funnel Plot

Job discipline must be owned by every employee in an organization, and it is a widespread

culture among employees. This is a reference for achieving sustainable common goals. By ensuring
compliance with applicable regulations, responsibility will grow for every employee in the office
environment. The implementation of discipline based on awareness and conviction will create a
harmonious relationship between desire and reality. To create these harmonious conditions, harmony
must first be realized in the work environment that supports the fulfillment of employee rights and
obligations. This can have an impact on the loyalty and obedience of a person or group to regulations,
both in the office environment and on an individual employee's internal awareness. This obedience will
be reflected in the form of behavior and actions. This proves that employee discipline in administrative
and records divisions have an influence on performance. According to Mangkunegara and Octorent
(2015), job discipline can be measured by the following indicators: 1) On time coming to work; 2) On
time going home; 3) Compliance with applicable regulations

This study shows that there is a significant influence of job discipline on the performance of
public and private employees who are in charge of administrative and archival work. The job discipline
shown by employees at public and private employers can improve performance. This is because every
employee who understands the discipline and rules that accompany it can be more careful to increase
high-performance productivity, which will lead to increased performance. Therefore, the company is
expected to be able to pay attention to every rule in the administration and archives that can support
performance. Employees who have high work commitment will also have high performance. In addition
to job satisfaction and work commitment, things that can improve performance are job discipline and job
discipline will put pressure on employees to enforce the rules, but the formation of this discipline will
increase the performance of employees in the company. By sorting out the data on private employees
and public employees who are in the administration and archive work section, it is found that private
employees are more affected by stronger job discipline compared to government employees. In this way,
the company's management structure, which oversees the administration and archives division, is better
able to create job discipline to improve performance compared to administrative and archive job
discipline rules established by government offices.

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