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Transmission Towers and Conductors May 2022

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Transmission towers
and conductors
This fact sheet provides general information about
the proposed Western Renewables Link overhead
transmission towers and conductors (wires).

Information about underground construction of

the Western Renewables Link is available in the
Underground Construction Summary on the
project website, Resources page.

Western Renewables Link

Bulgana Waubra Terminal Station New Terminal Station New Sydenham

Terminal Station Minor works at existing to the north of Ballarat Terminal Station
Minor works at existing Waubra Terminal Station Receives 220kV voltage and New 500kV terminal station
Bulgana Terminal Station steps it up to 500kV voltage adjacent to the existing
Sydenham terminal station

New 220kV New 500kV

transmission lines transmission lines




































New overhead double circuit 220kV From there, a new overhead double circuit
transmission line between the existing 500kV transmission line connecting to a
Bulgana Terminal Station, connecting to the new terminal station at Sydenham.
existing Waubra Terminal Station and a new
terminal station to the north of Ballarat. For illustrative purposes only

2 WRLV2 – 31.05.2022
Suspension towers

What are transmission What will the Western What are strain towers?
towers? Renewables Link towers Strain towers are generally used where the

Transmission towers are used to support the look like? transmission line changes direction beyond
10 degrees. These towers need to pull on the
overhead conductors (wires) at the required wires and are designed to take the tension
height above the ground to meet regulations The towers proposed for the project are
load (or strain) of the wires. Generally, strain
and safety requirements. double circuit steel lattice towers. They are
towers are larger at the base and heavier
called ‘double circuit’ towers because each
compared to suspension towers. The insulators
tower supports two independent electrical
and wires are strung horizontally on the
circuits, one on each side of the tower.
What are conductors? crossarms on strain towers with some hanging
insulators to help hold the conductors in place.
The galvanised steel lattice structure is a
Transmission conductors, commonly referred to common tower type used elsewhere in Victoria
as ‘power lines’ or ‘wires’, are the metal cables and the national network. This type of structure
that carry high voltage electricity over long is proposed due to the large power transfer
distances. and redundancy requirements of the project.
The proposed transmission line will have both
suspension and strain towers.

What are suspension

Suspension towers are used where the
transmission towers are in a straight line or
have a very small deviation angle (up to
10 degrees). The insulators and wires are
strung vertically from the crossarms. Although
designed to withstand high wind speeds,
suspension towers hold up the wires but
don’t pull them to change the transmission
line direction, therefore these towers have a
smaller base and are lighter in weight and
appearance relative to strain towers.

Strain tower

Double circuit steel lattice transmission tower features

Ground wires / OPGW



Conductor bundle

Circuit one Circuit two

Tower lattice structure


For illustrative purposes only

The conductor bundles (wires) are hung on

each side of the crossarms. Insulators are
used to attach the wires to the towers. These
provide insulation between the high voltage info
electricity flowing through the wires and the
(earthed) metal towers.

• Circuit - the unbroken conductive path for the flow of electricity between substations.
Transmission line circuits in Australia have 3 phases per circuit.

• Conductor – the metal wires that are suspended from the towers along which electricity

• Conductor bundle (Phase) – two or more conductors grouped together to efficiently

increase power transmission for high voltage transmission lines.

• Double circuit – arrangement in which the conductors (wires) make two different circuits.

• Ground (or earth) wire – safety control that directs electricity to the earth by creating
the shortest and easiest path in the event of a fault or lightning strike. Ground wires may
incorporate a fiber optic core to provide communication between substations. These
modified ground wires are commonly known as optical ground wires (OPGW).

• Insulator – a block of ceramic, glass or polymer that does not conduct electricity.

How many wires will there be on each tower?

220kV 500kV

Number of circuits 2 2

Number of phases/conductor bundles 3 3

per circuit

Number of wires per phase/conductor 2 4


Number of ground wires 2 2

Total number of wires 14 26

(2 circuits of 3 phases each, with 2 wires per (2 circuits of 3 phases each, with 4 wires
phase, plus 2 ground wires / OPGW) per phase, plus 2 ground wires / OPGW)

Cross arm and insulator arrangement



Conductor bundle

For illustrative purposes only

Conductor bundle 500kV


For illustrative purposes only

Transmission tower height and easement

Height (metres)








22kV Distribution Pole 220kV Tower 500kV Tower

Average height 10m Height ranges Height ranges
from 40 to 60m from 60 to 80m
Easement ranges Easement ranges
from 40 to 60m from 70 to 100m

For illustrative purposes only

How high will the towers be?

The height of the towers will vary based on Transmission towers and their associated
engineering and other requirements. The footings and wires are designed to meet the
proposed 220kV towers between Bulgana requirements of AS/NZS 7000:2016 Overhead
and the new terminal station to the north of Line Design, which outlines the engineering
Ballarat will be between 40 and 60m high and requirements for the structural integrity
the 500kV towers between the new terminal of the towers. The height of each tower is
station to the north of Ballarat and the designed to ensure that minimum electrical
expanded terminal station at Sydenham will safety distances are achieved between each
be between 60 and 80m high. wire, each wire and the ground, and each
wire and any objects that may traverse the
The height of transmission towers is governed ground underneath. Further factors including
by the Electricity Safety (General) Regulations agricultural land use and equipment heights,
2019. Regulations for transmission tower design visual and landscape considerations, or native
and maintenance requirements have improved vegetation can also influence tower heights
since the initial construction of transmission provided all minimum safety clearances are
towers in Victoria to respond to learnings from maintained.
natural disasters, fire and other unplanned
events. Transmission towers are fitted with
an approved anti-climbing device at
approximately 3m above the ground, and
safety signage is placed on all towers.

How far above the ground will the What are ground wires?
conductors (wires) be?
The height of the conductors above the The typical minimum distances from the Ground wires are installed above the
ground will vary depending on a number of conductors to the ground proposed for the conductors (wires) to provide protection from
factors including the height of the towers, how project are: faults and lightning. When lightning strikes the
far apart the towers are, terrain and where in ground wire, the power in the strike is directed
the span between towers the measurement • For the 220kV section - 9.2m to ground safely into the ground through the ground wire
is taken. In each span between towers, the traversable by vehicles, such as an access and towers. One or more of the ground wires
conductors will typically be closest to the track or through a farm paddock. may have a fiber optic core within the cable to
ground in the middle of the span due to the provide communications between substations.
sag in conductors between the towers and will • For the 500kV section - 15m to ground
be highest above the ground closest to the traversable by vehicles, such as an access
towers which support the conductors. track or through a farm paddock.

The Electricity Safety (General) Regulations Closer to the towers, the distance from the
2019 govern the minimum distances above the conductors to the ground will be higher,
ground (clearance) the conductors must be. ranging between approximately 29 to 37m in
These clearances allow for thermal expansion, both the 220kV and 500kV sections.
the required electrical safety separation and
sufficient height for vehicles and equipment to The minimum clearances proposed for
work beneath the transmission line. Electric and the project are greater than the minimum
magnetic field levels are also considered when distances required by the regulations in
designing the tower and conductor heights. some areas to improve land use and farming
opportunities within the easement. Any
increase in tower heights is however being
balanced against other impacts, such as visual
and landscape impacts.

Minimum height clearances are typically used

as the basis for activities permitted in the
easement, however easement terms will be
discussed with each landholder individually.

Information about activities permitted within

the easement is available in the Landholder
Guide on the project website, Resources page.

Minimum conductor height clearances

Height ranges
from 60 to 80m

Height ranges
from 40 to 60m



15m minimum
9.2m minimum clearance

220kV Tower 500kV Tower

Easement ranges from 40 to 60m Easement ranges from 70 to 100m

For illustrative purposes only

Typical transmission tower span

60–80m height

22kV 500kV Span generally within 450 to 550m 500kV
Distribution Tower Tower
For illustrative purposes only

How far apart will the How are tower locations

towers be? determined?
The spacing or span length between each The tower locations are selected by
transmission tower is determined by the adopting the same criteria used for route
height from the ground that the transmission selection, considering tower design spacing
conductors (wires) need to be in the middle of requirements, avoiding and minimising impacts
the span. The typical span between towers is to land use, avoiding culturally sensitive
generally within 450 to 550m for both 220kV locations and habitat for threatened species,
and 500kV transmission lines. This may vary visual impact and considering terrain and
where the transmission line changes direction geotechnical conditions.
beyond 10 degrees. Shorter or longer span
distances are possible over sensitive areas or Micro-siting, the process of determining
to avoid impacts. Longer spans require taller an exact location for each transmission
towers to provide safe ground clearances tower, is being undertaken in consultation
and wider easements to allow for sway of the with landholders, engineers and technical
transmission lines. specialists.

What size will the tower base and footings be?
220kV 500kV
The width of the base of the 220kV lattice The width of the base of the 500kV lattice Four concrete pile footings (or foundations) are
towers proposed for the project will range towers proposed for the project will range required for each transmission tower, which will
from approximately 8 to 14m (9m typical). from approximately 10 to 17m (16m typical). range from approximately 1.5 to 3m in diameter
(1.8m typical) and will range from 4.5 to 25m
deep (9m typical depth).

The tower base and footing size will vary for

different tower locations and soil conditions.

Transmission tower base and footings

220kV Tower 500kV Tower

Base width ranges from 8 to 14m (9m typical) Base width ranges from 10 to 17m (16m typical)
Width of outer edges of footings ranges Width of outer edges of footings ranges
from 10 to 17m (12m typical) from 12 to 20m (18m typical)

For illustrative purposes only

Transmission tower footings

ranges from
1.5 to 3m
(1.8m typical)
ranges from
4.5 to 25m
(9m typical)

For illustrative purposes only

Other tower types
Alternative overhead structures are being Single circuit steel lattice towers are being Monopoles, tubular steel towers, are also
considered in response to the Environment considered as an option in some areas and being considered as an option in some areas.
Effects Statement scoping requirements. may be required near Melton aerodrome for A monopole in the double circuit 500kV section
aviation safety because they are shorter. A of the project would be approximately 70 to
single circuit steel lattice tower supports one 75m high, with a base diameter of 3 to 4m.
circuit per tower, therefore two single circuit Two monopoles would be required side by side
towers would be located side by side, with a for heavy strain where the transmission line
required separation distance of approximately changes direction significantly.
40m (centre to centre), to provide the double
circuit transmission line required for the project.
A single circuit transmission tower in the 500kV
section would be approximately 50m high, with
a base footprint ranging from approximately
10 to 14m. The easement for a section of single
circuit lattice towers in the project may be up
to 100m wide.

Single circuit steel lattice tower height and easement

Height (metres)







10-14m 500kV
Height approximately 50m
Required separation approximately 40m
Easement up to 100m

For illustrative purposes only

Single circuit transmission towers Monopole

Transmission tower information summary

220kV transmission line 500kV transmission line

Tower type Double circuit lattice towers, suspension Double circuit lattice towers, suspension
towers and strain towers as required. towers and strain towers as required.

Tower height 40 to 60m 60 to 80m

Minimum clearance from conductors (wires) 9.2m to ground traversable by vehicles, 15m to ground traversable by vehicles, such
to ground such as an access track or through a as an access track or through a
farm paddock. farm paddock.

Tower spacing Generally within 450 to 550m Generally within 450 to 550m

Tower footprint at base Base width ranges from 8m to 14m Base width ranges from 10m to 17m
(9m typical) (16m typical)
Foundation width ranges from 10m to 17m Foundation width ranges from 12m to 20m
(12m typical) (18m typical)

Tower footing dimensions Diameter ranges from 1.5m to 3m Diameter ranges from 1.5m to 3m
(1.8m typical) (1.8m typical)
Depth ranges from 4.5m to 25m Depth ranges from 4.5m to 25m
(9m typical) (9m typical)

Number of wires per tower 14 wires (2 circuits of 3 phases each, 26 wires (2 circuits of 3 phases each,
with 2 wires per phase, plus 2 ground with 4 wires per phase, plus 2 ground
wires / OPGW) wires / OPGW)

Easement width 40 to 60m 70 to 100m

Underground construction More information

Based on preliminary findings, overhead Further information about the construction
construction is considered most appropriate process for the project and the proposed
for the full length of the project. Further work terminal stations to the north of Ballarat and
on partial underground construction options in Sydenham will be published separately
is being undertaken to evaluate feasibility and once available.
the effectiveness of underground construction
to mitigate impacts in areas where the
potential for high impact is identified.

Information about underground construction of

the Western Renewables Link is available in the
Underground Construction Summary on the
project website, Resources page.

Western Renewables Link Other sources of
information information
desktop www.westernrenewableslink.com.au Australian Energy Infrastructure Commissioner
phone 1300 360 795
envelope [email protected] (www.aeic.gov.au) including information about
how to make a complaint, best industry
Ballarat PO Box practice and resources for landholders.
PO Box 638, Ballarat VIC 3353
Australian Energy Market Operator
(www.aemo.com.au) including information on
Information straight the Regulatory Investment Test for Transmission
(RIT-T) process for this project.
to your inbox
Energy and Water Ombudsman Victoria
Sign up for information straight to
your inbox at the project website (www.ewov.com.au) including information
www.westernrenewableslink.com.au. about complaints and dispute resolution.

Energy Safe Victoria

Complaints (www.esv.vic.gov.au) including information
about the safe design and operation
If you have a query, a compliment or of high voltage transmission networks
a complaint, you can let us know by in Victoria.
using the online enquiry form on
www.westernrenewableslink.com.au. Environment Effects Statement Process
Or you can let us know by: in Victoria

phone 1300 360 795 (www.planning.vic.gov.au/environment-

envelope [email protected] assessment/what-is-the-ees-process-in-
envelope PO Box 638, Ballarat VIC 3353 victoria) including information about the
environment assessment process managed

Feedback Essential Services Commission

(www.esc.vic.gov.au) including information
You can provide feedback on this
about the regulation of transmission licenses
document via our website
in Victoria and the Electricity Transmission
Company Land Access Statement of
or by calling 1300 360 795 or by
emailing [email protected]

Need an interpreter?
If English is not your first language
or you need an interpreter, please
call 13 14 50.

The information in this document is for reference only – it is not designed to be, nor should it be regarded, as
professional or legal advice. You should seek appropriate independent professional and/or legal advice where
appropriate and before making any decisions based on material in this document. The information is an overview
(in summary form) and does not purport to be complete. This document, and the information in this document, will
not form the basis of any contract or commitment. AusNet Services does not guarantee or warrant the accuracy,
completeness, or currency of the information provided and AusNet Services, its directors, officers, employees,
agents and advisers disclaim all liability and responsibility (including for negligence) for any direct or indirect loss
or damage which may be suffered by any recipient through use or reliance on anything contained in or omitted
from this document.

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