Draft Rules-KPME Act
Draft Rules-KPME Act
Draft Rules-KPME Act
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1939) £ÀA.259
Part–IVA Bengaluru, Friday, February 9, 2018 (Magha 20, Shaka Varsha 193
1939) No.259
(2) The non-official members of the Authority of a district shall be nominated by the
Chairman in the manner specified below.
(a) The member representing Indian Medical Association shall be the nominee of the
Chapter of the Association having the largest membership in the district.
(b) The member representing another Association shall be the nominee of a registered
Association representing private medical establishments having the largest
membership in the district.
(c) The woman member of the authority relevant for purpose of grievance redressal only
shall be selected on recommendations of three-member committee consisting of
Deputy Commissioner of the district, Chief Executive Officer of the Zilla Panchayat
and Deputy Director of Women and Child Development Department.
(3) The term of each non-official member shall be two years and the incumbent shall not be
nominated again.
7C. Composition of Inspection Committee. –The inspection committee shall consist of two
medical professionals with minimum experience of ten years with one of them being in the
Government service and another being one of the two members representing the associations in the
8. Insertion of new Chapter-IV. – After rule 9 of the said rules, the following shall be
inserted, namely:-
9A. Minimum Standards in Interim Period. – Till such time the minimum standards are
prescribed by the State Government in accordance with the minimum standards as prescribed
under the Clinical establishment (Registration and Regulation) Act 2010 (Central Act 23 of 2010)
shall apply mutatis mutandis to the private medical establishments registered under the Act:
Provided that the existing establishments shall have a grace period of one year to comply
with the minimum standards as per this rule.
Provided further that the minimum standards in respect of infrastructure as per this rule
shall be optional for the existing establishments. The minimum standards in respect of other
aspects shall be mandatory with the grace period mentioned in the first proviso."
9. Insertion of new Chapters.- After the rule 11 of the said rules, the following shall be
inserted, namely:-
12. Expert Committee for classification, standards of infrastructure, staffing pattern
and staff qualification.- (1) The State Government shall constitute the Expert Committee for the
purpose of section 9 and 9A of the Act, standards of infrastructure, staffing pattern and staff
qualification shall have the consisting of the following members, namely:-
(i) The Commissioner, Health and Family Welfare - Ex-officio chairman
(ii) The Director, Health and Family Welfare: - Ex-officio member
(iii) The Director, Ayush Department - Ex-officio member
(iv) The Director, Medical Education - Ex-officio member
(v) One Representative of a tertiary care public health - Ex-officio member
(vi) One Representative of the State Government from Public - Non-official Member
Health Foundation of India
(vii) One Representative of the State Government from
National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and
- Non-official Member
Healthcare Service Providers
Provided that the operational guidelines for the display and secured access to the IT portal
shall be provided by the Department.
(2) Every private medical establishment shall update the schedule of charges displayed as per
sub-rule (1) at least one week before the date on which the revision is planned to be effective.”
18. Manner of making complaint. – (1) A complaint in respect of violation of any of the
provisions of the Patient Charter, Private Medical Establishment Charter, or these rules shall be
made online on the IT portal of the Department:
Provided that the application can be made by the patient or his near relative only.
(2) The complaint may also be made in physical form the office of the Chairman or Member-
Secretary of the Registration and Grievance Redressal Authority. It shall be obligatory for the office
to record the complaint in the IT portal in presence of the complainant, and provide a portal
generated acknowledgment at the same time.
10. Substitution of Form A, B and C.- For Form A, Form B and Form-C of the said rules,
the following shall be substituted, namely:-
(See sub-rule (1) of rule 6 and sub-rule (1) of rule 7)
Application for Registration of existing or eew medical Establishment1
(d) Photograph
Form C
(See sub-rule (1) of rule 16)
Establishment Details for Display to the Public
(1) Name of Establishment
(2) Address of Establishment
(3) GIS Coordinates
(4) Category of Establishment (See rule 3)21,-
(a) System of medicine
(b) Number of beds
(c) Details of specialties or super-specialties
(5) Details of Administrator or Manager,-
(a) Name
(b) Sex and Age
(c) Photograph
(d) Contact details: Mobile / email
(6) Contact details of the Establishment,-
(a) Email
(b) Phone
(7) Infrastructure,-
(a) Land Area
(b) Building Area (total built-up area)
(c) Floor plans22
(d) Front view photograph 23
10. Number of Patients and major treatments during the Year and Month (..........),-
(a) Outpatients
(b) Inpatients
(c) Major Surgeries
(d) Minor Surgeries
11. Date of last update
11. Insertion of Form D.- After Form-C so substituted, the following new Form shall be
inserted at the end, namely:-
"Form D
(See sub-rule (1) of rule 17)
Schedule of Charges4 for Display to the Public
(1) Name of the Establishment
(2) Registration Number
(3) Date of effect of the Schedule of Charges
Schedule of Charges 29
Foot Notes
1. Detailed application form and guidelines shall be available on the IT portal of the
2. Provide details of specialties or super-specialties and diagnostic facilities
3. Upload supporting document
4. Upload plan for each floor in A4 size
5. Upload photograph of front view of the building taken as per operational guidelines
6. Upload the occupancy certificate
7. Occupancy certificate is optional for existing establishments
8. Upload the fire safety certificate
9. Nature of fire safety requirement in respect of existing establishments to be notified
10. Detailed application form and guidelines shall be available on the IT portal of the
11. In case the establishment has already updated the information on the portal as under
proviso to sub-rule (1) of rule 6, the information for items at serial numbers 2 to 14 shall
be auto-populated based on the registration number entered at serial number 1. The
establishment may further update the information, if required, in the auto-populated
12. Upload certificate copy