01 Juanyary 2024 Page 8 Business Bazigar-1
01 Juanyary 2024 Page 8 Business Bazigar-1
01 Juanyary 2024 Page 8 Business Bazigar-1
in Pump Innovation
Indore: Pithampur:
Raj PEB Manufacturers Pvt. Ltd. Shaping
TalentSprint Indore, renowned as the Future of Pre-Engineered Buildings Madhya Pradesh, 10th
January 2024, Shakti
announces the the cleanest city in the
country and the industrial Pumps (India) Limited,
launch of the 6th capital of Madhya India's leading manufacturer
of energy-efficient pumps
cohort of its Women Pradesh, witnessed the
grandeur of the largest
and motors has received a
Engineers Program, Small and Medium-sized
patent for inventing " A SURFACE HELICAL PUMP
supported by Google Enterprises (SME) Patent Office, Government of India, has awarded
Summit, the Industrial Shakti Pumps this patent, fully adhering to the provi-
Engineering and sions set forth in the Patents Act of 1970. This patent
Manufacturing Expo, held is set to maintain its validity for duration of 20 years,
Page-7 at the Labhganga commencing from the date of filing. This is the 10th
Exhibition Center from pre-engineered buildings. manufacturing to on-site
Patent that the company has secured.
January 5 to January 8, With a state-of-the-art establishment, Raj PEB is This innovation tackles a prevalent issue in cen-
2023. The event featured manufacturing facility in a trusted partner for trifugal pumps by maintaining consistent water flow
the active participation of Indore, equipped with cut- diverse building projects. even when the RO membrane faces blockages. This
more than 300 compa- ting-edge automated Mr. Sumit Soni, a breakthrough design elevates efficiency, reduces
nies from various corners machines, laser-operated spokesperson for Raj maintenance costs by minimizing the need for fre-
Paytm Payments of the nation, highlighting CNC cutting units, and a
highly trained workforce,
PEB Manufacturers Pvt.
Ltd., expressed his
quent membrane changes, and presents an econom-
the city's prominence in
Bank enables the industrial landscape. the company ensures the enthusiasm for participat-
ically attractive solution for the RO industry. Its ener-
gy efficiency not only leads to cost savings but also
FASTag payments at A standout participant production of top-notch ing in the SME Summit contributes to reducing carbon footprint, aligning with
pre-engineered buildings. and the Industrial
Indore Airport park- in the expo was Raj PEB
Manufacturers Pvt. Ltd., a Over the years, Raj Engineering and
environmental sustainability goals. Overall, Shakti
Pumps' patented technology signifies a significant
ing leading Pre-Engineered PEB Manufacturers Pvt. Manufacturing Expo. He leap in fluid technology, offering specialized solutions
Building (PEB) manufac- Ltd. has built a reputation stated, "The expo provid- and reinforcing its status as an industry-leading inno-
turer based in Indore, for delivering high-quality ed us with an excellent vator.
India. The company and cost-effective pre- platform to showcase our Dinesh Patidar, Chairman of Shakti Pumps, high-
Google showcased its innovative fabricated buildings cater- cutting-edge products lights an important advantage of the new patented
announces 2nd products and services, ing to businesses of all
sizes. Headquartered in
and services. It allowed
us to connect with a
technology “Our pump's enhanced efficiency signifi-
cantly cuts down on energy consumption, directly
drawing attention to its
cohort of GNI commitment to quality, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, diverse audience and benefitting RO industries by bolstering their revenue
Startups Lab India cost-effectiveness, and the company proudly industry experts. The streams. This reduction in energy usage also stands
advanced manufacturing stands among the most positive response we as a testament to our commitment to environmental
capabilities. established PEB manu- received has reinforced sustainability, as it tangibly contributes to lowering
Raj PEB facturers in central India, our commitment to deliv- carbon footprint. Through our innovative technology,
Page-8 Manufacturers Pvt. Ltd. offering comprehensive ering quality and cost- we proudly support our nation's overarching objec-
has positioned itself as a PEB manufacturing serv- effective pre-engineered tives of achieving greater energy efficiency and fos-
trailblazer in the field of ices. From planning and building solutions. tering a greener, more sustainable future."
Vivo Y28
India launches a single-
at India's
window portal for med-
ical devices management
move to streamline the
clinical investigations,
and testing of medical devices, the
SME panies from various corners of
India during the event held
from January 5 to January 8,
Design and Build:
With a svelte 8.09 mm thick-
Performance and Battery:
Powered by a MediaTek
Summit in
Centre has launched the National 2023. ness and a sleek 2.5D flat Dimensity 6020 chipset, the Y28
Single Window System (NSWS). One of the major high- frame, the Y28 5G combines 5G offers efficient performance.
In a notice dated January 1, Rajeev lights of this summit was the aesthetics with durability. It It houses a robust 5,000mAh
Raghuvanshi, drugs controller general launch of the Vivo Y28 5G, boasts IP54 dust and water battery, supported by 15W Fast
of India, said the NSWS has been marking another significant resistance, providing protection Charge technology, ensuring
established as a “genuine single-win- addition to Vivo's Y Series against water splashes and dust extended usage without fre-
dow system, which acts as a one-stop Portfolio. Positioned as the ingress. quent recharging.
shop for all the approvals required by most affordable 5G smart-
the investor and facilitates ease of phone in the Y-series line- Display: Software:
doing business”. Business Standard up, the Vivo Y28 5G was The smartphone features a Running on FunTouch OS
has a copy of the document. unveiled with great enthusiasm 6.56 HD+ high-brightness dis-
The NSWS portal, distinct from the Indore: 13 based on the latest Android
at the Expo. play with a commendable 90Hz 13 platform, the smartphone
existing SUGAM and cdscomdonline Indore recognized as the refresh rate, promising a visual-
portals, has been developed by Tata cleanest city in the nation and Vivo Y28 5G: ly immersive experience.
promises a smooth and user-
friendly experience.
Consultancy Services (TCS). It facili- the industrial hub of Madhya Affordable and Feature-
tates applications for the certificate of Pradesh, recently played host to Packed The smartphone is set Camera Capabilities: The Vivo Y28 5G's launch at
the Industrial Engineering and
registration and licences to manufac- the grand Industrial Engineering to redefine the budget-friendly
ture or import medical devices for vari- The Vivo Y28 5G boasts an Manufacturing Expo in Indore
and Manufacturing Expo, the 5G segment, offering impres- advanced 50MP main rear cam-
ous purposes, including clinical investi- largest SME Summit in the reflects the city's growing promi-
sive features at an attractive era, ensuring sharp and vibrant
gations, tests, evaluations, demonstra- country. The Labhganga price point. It comes in two cap- nence as a hub for technological
tions, and training. The existing portals images. For selfie enthusiasts, it advancements and business
Exhibition Center witnessed the tivating color options - Glitter comes equipped with a 16MP
will be disabled by January 15, the convergence of over 300 com- Aqua and Crystal Purple. collaborations.
notice stated. front camera.
Finance Minister Nirmala
Sitharaman had previously announced
the creation of an investment clearance India needs to take on China Russian crude oil cargoes head away
from India amid payment issues
on supply chain: Mahindra
cell (ICC) during her Budget speech on
February 1, 2020. The proposed ICC,
now developed as the NSWS, enables
investors to identify, apply, track, and
Anumber of vessels
hauling crude from
obtain the necessary approvals before
starting any business operations in
China’s supply chain domi-
nance. That is the great
Russia that had been
idling off India are now
headed away from the
India, eliminating the need for investors become a challenger to opportunity of 2024. That
China’s supply chain is what will fuel the lift- country eastwards, amid
to visit multiple IT platforms and author-
dominance, which is a off,” he said, adding, all concerns over oil pay-
ities, the Central Drugs Standard
great opportunity for the signs point to the Indian ments to Moscow that spurred a slump in arrivals last
Control Organisation (CDSCO) notice
country in 2024, economy achieving the month. Five ships all carrying Sokol oil from Russia’s Far
Mahindra Group chair- mythical “lift-off”. East-the NS Commander, Sakhalin Island, Krymsk,
India’s demand for medical devices
man Anand Mahindra said The opportunity for Nellis, and Liteyny Prospect-are moving toward the
is projected to reach $50 billion by
in his new year address on India’s manufacturing to Malacca Strait at 7 to 10 knots, according to vessel-track-
2030. Currently, the country produces
social media. achieve a quantum leap “is within ing data. A sixth also holding Sokol-the NS Century-is still
approximately $7.6 billion worth of med-
Investments would flow into our grasp or ours to lose”, he said, close to Sri Lanka. “China seems to have stepped in to
ical devices, exporting roughly $3.4 bil-
India in “unprecedented” volumes, urging to seize it with both hands as save the idling Sokol cargoes,” said Viktor Katona, lead
lion. The annual demand for medical
and in the long run, the country’s growth in manufacturing and exports crude analyst at data intelligence provider Kpler. India’s
devices in India is estimated at around
capacity for disruptive innovation will will enhance the consumption story oil imports from Russia-a vital outlet for Moscow amid the
$12 billion, with imports accounting for
lead to a rise in its economy, and set in motion a virtuous cycle war in Ukraine-fell in December to their lowest since
close to $7.6 billion, or over 60 per cent,
Mahindra said in a post on X on that could endure for years. January 2023, with local refiners not receiving a single
of the domestic requirement.
Monday. Talking about the past year, Sokol cargo due to payment issues, according to Kpler.
However, the draft New Drugs,
He also wished the startup sec- Mahindra said it was a year charac- The US and its allies have imposed sanctions on entities
Medical Devices and Cosmetics Bill,
tor, which is the force behind disrup- terized by conflict, climate change deemed to have breached the $60-a-barrel cap on
2023, expected to be tabled in
tive innovation, “more power”. and a sluggish post-Covid recovery. Russian crude exports, which came into effect late in
Parliament soon, has triggered opposi-
“Globally, the world needs India to The year ended with the world cry- 2022. Last month, a senior Treasury official said enforce-
tion from medical device makers,
become a reliable challenger to ing out for renewal, he said. ment would be ramped up.
patient interest groups, and hospitals.
They are advocating for a separate Bill
for medical devices, distinct from drugs.
In a statement dated December 12
Bottom Story
from medical device manufacturers’
lobby groups, patient advocacy groups,
hospital industry bodies, and others,
Malini Aisola, co-convenor of the All
BDR Pharma launches oral solution for prostate cancer in India
India Drug Action Network (AIDAN),
noted: “There are no clearly defined
norms for conducting clinical investiga-
Tuesday launched
on prostate cancer, BDENZA
ORAL SOLUTION brings a mix
an oral solution in 32mg/mL of benefits to make things better
tions, particularly for high-risk devices designed for the management of for patients. It gives a strong
that go into the body of a patient or have prostate cancer. According to a 160mg dose in just one small
higher potential to cause harm, leading press statement, BDENZA will 5ml serving, so there’s less has-
to some very poor study designs and be available at Rs. 27,000 for sle associated with lots of pills.
insufficient or dubious data. There is 150mL. Unlike fixed-dose tablets, doc-
complete lack of transparency in the “This innovative formulation tors can adjust the dosage to fit
way the regulatory mechanism and marks a significant step forward each patient better.
expert committees provide recommen- in providing an effective dosage This oral solution is gentle
dations and undertake assessments of form, with lesser side effects in on the stomach, avoiding issues
the studies, and the data which is the comparison to existing oral like nausea. Plus, it is sugar-free
basis for granting approval.” dosage forms of Enzalutamide. and tastes good, making it easi-
The NSWS portal, distinct from the The Dose reduction owing to tol- million new cases diagnosed majority of the population suffer- er for patients, especially those
existing SUGAM and cdscomdonline erability of the product by globally each year and an esti- ing from prostate cancer is geri- with taste changes or dietary
portals, has been developed by Tata patients is a big advantage of mated 375,000 deaths, accord- atric population, certain aspects limits, to stick with the treatment.
Consultancy Services (TCS). It facili- this oral solution, as dose regi- ing to the WHO. Earlier it was like taking high dosage medica- In a nutshell, BDENZA ORAL
tates applications for the certificate of men can be adjusted based on the 8th most common cancer in tion are difficult. SOLUTION is a simpler, more
registration and licences to manufac- the volume of consumption. This males in the 1990s, but now it Recognizing the significant patient-friendly way to tackle
ture or import medical devices for vari- flexibility is absent in existing moved to 3rd place by 2015 in challenge faced by Geriatric prostate cancer. It can help
ous purposes, including clinical investi- oral dosage forms of India. In India, a total of 37,416 patients/ Old patients BDR improving the patient compli-
gations, tests, evaluations, demonstra- Enzalutamide,” the company cases of prostate cancer were Pharmaceuticals introduced ance to a great extent,” Dr.
tions, and training. The existing portals said in a statement. reported in 2016. It was project- affordable alternative medica- Aravind Badiger Director,
will be disabled by January 15, the Prostate cancer is a growing ed to increase to over 47,000 tion formulation, it claimed. Technical Formulation said in a
notice stated. concern, with an estimated 1.2 cases by 2025. Considering “Changing how we treat statement.
Pratap Group Unveils Corsis Technologies'
Cutting-Edge Manufacturing Facility in Pithampur
Pithampur: boasting a production capacity
exceeding 6.5 million fiber kilo-
Pratap Digital meters, contributing significantly
60% of consumers Communications Pvt. Ltd., a pio-
neering force in optical fiber
to improved communication net-
realised AI’s transforma- cable manufacturing in India,
has inaugurated a state-of-the-
Aligned with the Indian
government's "Digital India"
tive powers: Cheil India art manufacturing unit under program, Corsis Technologies'
According to an official release, Corsis Technologies in initiative holds the potential to
Cheil India revealed a new survey men- Pithampur (Madhya Pradesh). fortify the country's telecom
tioning that AI can be a serious busi- The unveiling ceremony, held on infrastructure, ensuring afford-
ness. The report ‘AI and I – What Indian Thursday, January 11, 2024, able internet connectivity for all.
consumers feel about and expect from was graced by the esteemed
presence of Central Jal Shakti This undertaking is anticipated
AI in 2024’, is expected to be a quanti- to enhance access to educa-
tative online survey, administered to Minister Shri Gajendra Singh
Shekhawat. This initiative is tion, health, and public servic-
about 1000+ respondents across differ- es, fostering employment
ent age groups, examines the attitude poised to revolutionize the opti-
cal fiber cable sector, reinforcing opportunities across India.
of people towards AI. “Unlike other
India's digital infrastructure and The inauguration of Corsis
recent trends that dominated tech head-
setting a new benchmark in the an individual of Indian origin. Shri Devendra Singh Technologies' cutting-edge
lines, AI has become mainstream and is
here to stay. Its appeal cuts across age field. Pratap Group's initiative signi- Shekhawat, CMD of Corsis manufacturing unit signifies not
groups and gender with each coterie With the inauguration of fies a concrete step towards a Technologies, shared insights only a pivotal moment in the
having their own views on it,” Lim Seob this cutting-edge manufacturing self-reliant India. Devendra Ji on the inauguration, stating, company's journey but also a
Chung, MD, Cheil India, explained. unit, Pratap Group aims to dou- and his team are realizing the "Our new unit in India is poised significant stride towards fortify-
Data privacy is expected to be the ble its capacity in the optical dreams of Group Founder Shri to fortify our position in optical ing India's digital infrastructure
biggest bottleneck in AI adoption, with fiber cable sector, propelling Pratap singh Shekhawat. This fiber cable manufacturing. It is on the global stage. This strate-
about 64% of respondents mentioning communication networks to plant, larger than anticipated, designed not only to meet the gic move will not only double
that if they start using AI, all their data unprecedented heights. reflects the company's commit- escalating connectivity production capacity but also
will be exposed to AI companies. About Union Jal Shakti Minister ment not only to technological demands of India but also to elevate the optical fiber cable
70% are worried about those compa- Shri Gajendra Singh advancement but also to gener- enhance our global presence. manufacturing process,
nies misusing the data they share, as Shekhawat, while inaugurating ating new employment opportu- With a cutting-edge R&D center emphasizing skill and eco-
per insights from the report. “This report the facility, expressed, "The opti- nities for the youth. The compa- focused on innovation, we con- friendliness. The unit is poised
can give brands an understanding of cal fiber cable industry is an ny's endeavors extend beyond sistently deliver high-quality to create new employment
how open consumers are to adopting emerging sector eyed not only optical fiber cables, with signifi- products tailored to customer opportunities, contributing to
different AI technologies, and what by our nation but by the entire cant work on manufacturing needs. With over 18,000 skilled the economic growth not only in
could the key talking points be, as and world. It is a matter of pride that Lithium batteries, contributing to employees, we have automated Madhya Pradesh but through-
when they keep adopting these new this industry was pioneered by India's technological progress." machines for manufacturing, out India.
technologies,” Sourav Ray, chief strate-
Bottom Story
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The co-operation between SIPCOT
MTI-SIPO brings together
yet to look inwards with flight frequencies Gurugram:
Singapore agencies like the Centre for impact. The alternative for travellers based fintech player
Liveable Cities and JTC Corporation as will not be Lakshadweep just yet as One MobiKwik Systems Ltd
knowledge partners for SIPCOT, the the infrastructure at the Indian archi- has revised its initial public
developer of industrial spaces in Tamil pelago is far from the standards of offer (IPO) size in its latest wherein not less than 75%
Nadu. Maldives, but the new breed of Draft Red Herring of the issue will be available
“After last year’s visit to Singapore Indians brimming with confidence Prospectus (DRHP) filed for allocation on a propor-
and the signing of the MoU, we have and money are more than willing to with capital markets regula- tionate basis to qualified
been closely working with SIPO. The hullabaloo of several high- make a statement. tor SEBI (Securities institutional buyers. At
Conversations have been going on ranking officials and senior ministers Exchange Board of India) least15% of the issue will
between us. We keep learning from of Maldives taking unsavoury pot- India out as the company cut down be available for allocation to
models of parks from several countries, shots at India created an uproar on Indians prefer Maldives for its the issue size to 700 crore non-institutional investors.
such as Vietnam and Singapore, and social media, which consequently secluded resorts, visa-free travel from 1,900 crore earlier. Also, around 10% of the
trying to figure out how to arrive at our triggered holiday cancellations by and a short flight. Maldives has been The IPO, with a face issue will be allocated to
framework. We hope to conclude this in Indians. At least one Online Travel seemingly trying to attract more value of 2, is entirely a fresh retail individual bidders. Of
the next one year,” he said during a ses- Agency (OTA), EaseMyTrip, decided Europeans who tend to spend more. issue of equity shares, with the total funds raised via
sion at the TNGIM. to stop bookings to Maldives. India While the notion might be true, the no offer-for-sale compo- primary proceeds, 70 crore
It is gathered that Singapore com- was the largest source of tourists for volumes which India provides can nent. Mobikwik also aims to will go towards capital
panies have developed expertise in Maldives in 2023, followed by only be replaced by the Chinese for raise 140 crore via a pre- expenditure, 250 crore
these areas, which can be leveraged for Russia. Even as the Maldivian gov- whom it is a much longer flight, mak- IPO placement. The issue towards boosting financial
mutual benefit through our cooperation ernment tries damage control, the ing the travel cost higher than is being made through the services business; 135
with Tamil Nadu and Indian companies. largest source market deciding to Indians. book-building process, crore will be spent on pay-
snub the country will have a large ment business.
Bottom Story
Interim Flikely
inance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman talked about the outcome of Lok Sabha elections that are
to be held in May 2024. “Prime Minister (Narendra) Modi is coming back and coming back
with a good majority,” she said in an assurance to the investor community, which prefers continuity in
Budget policies of countries where they invest. She was delivering a keynote speech at the inaugural of India
Global Forum’s annual meet in Dubai. The same day, S&P Global Ratings raised India’s gross domes-
tic product (GDP) growth forecast for FY24 from 6% to 6.4% saying robust domestic demand is offset-
ting headwinds from inflation and weak exports. Quarterly GDP estimates released by Ministry of
Statistics and Programme Implementation three days later supported the view-GDP rose 7.6% in July-
September, much higher than all forecasts, including RBI’s 6.5%, though the bi-monthly monetary pol-
icy statement of RBI on December 8 forecast 7% GDP growth in FY24. Promising economic indicators
and the ruling party’s confidence that it will return to power amid sluggish global economy can influence
interim Budget for FY25. The stronger its belief in winning next general elections, the lesser the
chances of the interim Budget becoming an all out exercise to woo voters. Similarly, the stronger the
economic outlook, the lesser the chances of government ignoring fiscal discipline while preparing rev-
enue and expenditure estimates for FY25. At least that is what conventional wisdom suggests.
Bottom Story
Owner, Printer and Publisher Shishir Somani, Printed Publication Pankaj Printers and Packaging. LUN-22 Sector-F Industrial Area. Sanwar Road. Indore
Publication 209 Swadesh Bhavan Press Complex, A.B. Road Indore (MP), Editor Shishir Somani. (Jurisdiction area Indore only)