Script YISF Apdet Sikit
Script YISF Apdet Sikit
Script YISF Apdet Sikit
SLIDE 1 (Regan)
Good evening
The honorable judges and the participants of Youth International Science Fair 2024
Thank you for the time to present our research result today
SLIDE 2 (Aklil)
Indonesia is an archipelagic country whose people have different characteristics in each
region. Every inch of nature in Indonesia has its own uniqueness. One of them is the
uniqueness of the Kampung Pasir. Kampung Pasir or Sand Village is famous for people who
always involve sand in their daily lives such as: sleeping, chatting with family and so on. In
the current era of globalization, people have begun to abandon culture and replace it with
foreign culture, and it's very vulnerable for Indonesian culture.
SLIDE 6 (Syahreza)
This is our research procedure
For the first, we identified and explore potential and problems, then we Collecting data by
interviews, observations, and documentation. After that we design and validate the website.
Then we trial the website and also analyze the procedure. And for the final step is
dissemination and implementation
SLIDE 7 (Saddam)
Data collecting method that we used are,
1. Study of literature
Literature study is a technique where researchers will read scientific journals and books
related to the potential of Kampung Pasir. This was done to further deepen the knowledge of
2. Interview
The interview technique that the we uses is a structured interview technique. Where this
technique is carried out if the researcher really knows the information about the selected
research object.
3. Observation
The observation technique that the we uses is the participant observation technique, where in
this observation the researcher will observe the behavior of the research subjects
4. Documentation
Documentation is a technique where researchers will collect data from research objects, by
taking pictures, this is done in order to support research. Documentation was carried out to
provide a real picture of the condition of Kampung Pasir
SLIDE 8 (Saddam)
We are using analysis technique from Miles and Huberman,
First, we are doing data reduction. This step has done to summarize, choose the main things,
focus on the important things and look for patterns in the data by removing unnecessary
things. Then we display data out in the form of short descriptions, charts, relationships
between categories, flowcharts, etc. After that, we make a conclusions. The conclusions
drawn are verified, tested for correctness, robustness and suitability. So that the validity of
the conclusions produced in this research can be recognized as true and can be justified
SLIDE 9 (Regan)
Observation results show that 58.33% of Kampung Pasir tourism is suitable as a tourist
attraction based on local and digital wisdom. This percentage was obtained from community
variables, physical condition, internet accessibility and accommodation. Community
variables include friendliness, social welfare, local culture, and profession. Physical or nature
condition variables include availability of sand, environmental sanitation such as clean water,
residential buildings, and weather and climate. Internet accessibility variables include
network speed in Kampung Pasir village, network diversification, communication towers and
telephone networks. Accommodation includes lodging for tourists, access roads,
transportation and restaurants.
Results of content trials, there are 5 age categories with 5 year intervals for research
respondents. These results show that the percentage of WINGSIR effectiveness are different
each age group. In the 10 – 15 year age group the percentage is 90%. For the 16 – 20 year age
group, the percentage is 100%. In the age range 21 – 25 years the percentage is 89%. From
the results, respondents aged 26 - 30 years had a percentage of 91%. For the age group 31 –
35 years the percentage is 100%.
SLIDE 10 (Saddam)
The results of interviews with respondents showed that 64% of the community agreed and
supported local wisdom-based tourism, because tourism is embedded in their culture.
Furthermore, from the results of interviews with respondents regarding digital tourism, 29%
of the public agreed and supported it, because people are still unfamiliar with technology and
SLIDE 11 (Syahreza)
Development of Kampung Pasir tourism are using collaboration. Collaboration that we will
do are connecting with government, accomodation service, website developer, and Village
Owned Business Enterprises. There are 5 sector in this collaboration, there are
1. District Government
as a regulator and provider of transportation facilities as well as giving directions to tourists
who want to visit
2. Village Government
plays a role in organizing tourism activities in Kampung Pasir and organizing the
management of Kampung Pasir tourism by the village community
3. Accommodation Provider
acts as a party that provides accommodation and restaurants for tourists who want to visit
4. Website developer
as a controller regarding the development or maintenance of the WINGSIR website as well
as repairing the website if there is damage
5. Village Owned Business Enterprises / BUMDES
Playing a role as a tourist attraction manager includes finance, cleanliness, security and so on.
SLIDE 12 (Aklil)
The potential tourism of Kampung Pasir based on local wisdom are assessed through 4
indicators of sustainable tourism development.
1. From Attractions aspect, tourists want visit because of the culture in Kampung Pasir which
is still maintained, such as spring water on the beach, and the presence of sand in every
2. Good amenities are available in the form of digital facilities such as internet signals,
network speed. Amenities in the form of inadequate physical facilities such as
accommodation and restaurants.
3. Accessibility in Kampung Pasir is quite adequate, such as a main road connected to the
district road, but several roads within the village are still sandy roads whose access is quite
difficult for vehicles to pass.
4. Ansilari or institutions in Kampung Pasir are still not well organized. So for its aspect,
Kampung Pasir is not qualified
SLIDE 13 (Regan)
Conclusions from our research are
The "WINGSIR" website is developed on an ongoing basis and combines digital activities
with physical activities in the field. Content analysis and website development are carried out
using the SWOT method.
Based on the results of content testing, respondents gave a percentage of answers in the range
of 89-100% regarding the effectiveness of WINGSIR as media for promoting Kampung Pasir
Madura tourism.
Then recommendation from our research are,
For future researchers, the researcher hopes to develop the tourism potential in Kampung
Pasir through community empowerment
Meanwhile, for village and district governments, it is hoped that they can further support
tourism potential through the provision of various natural and cultural tourism facilities.
Apart from that, there is a need for synergy with the people of East Legung village, so that
people are more concerned about the tourism potential in Kampung Pasir
SLIDE 14 (Saddam)
That’s all from our explanation
Thank you for nice 0 your attention
“There is no secret key to success, success is the result of hard work, preparation and learning
from failure” Mark Twain