FABM 1 Notes

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ACCOUNTING  Is an information system

“Accounting is the process of IDENTIFYING, Accounting is recognized and characterized as

RECORDING, and COMMUNICATING economic a storehouse of information. As a service
events of an organization to interested users.” function, it collects processes and
(Weygandt, J. et. al) communicates financial information of any
IDENTIFYING – this involves selecting
economic events that are relevant to a
particular business transaction The economic
events of an organization are referred to as
transactions Financial Accounting is primarily concerned
with the recognition, measurement and
RECORDING – this involves keeping a
communication of economic activities.
chronological diary of events that are
measured in pesos. The diary referred to in Examples of these financial reports include:
the definition are the journals and ledgers
which will be discussed in future chapters. • the balance sheet (statement of
financial condition)
COMMUNICATING – occurs through the • income statement (the profit and
preparation and distribution of financial and loss statement)
other accounting reports. • statement of cash flows

Management accounting emphasizes the

preparation and analysis of accounting
information within the organization. It
 It is a service activity involves financial analysis, budgeting and
forecasting, cost analysis, evaluation of
Accounting is a service activity as it provides
business decisions, and similar areas.
assistance to decision makers by providing
them financial reports. Government accounting is the process of
recording, analyzing, classifying, summarizing,
 A process
communicating and interpreting financial
It is a process as it performs the specific task information about the government in
of collecting, processing and communicating aggregate and in detail reflecting transactions
financial information. and other economic events involving the
receipt, spending, transfer, usability and
 Is both an art and discipline disposition of assets and liabilities.
Accounting is both an art and a discipline, the Auditing
word ‘art’ refers to the way something is
performed. And because it follows certain • External auditing refers to the examination
standards and professional ethics, it is also a of financial statements by an independent
discipline. CPA with the purpose of expressing an
opinion as to fairness of presentation and
 Deals with financial information and compliance with the generally accepted
transactions accounting principles (GAAP).
Accounting records financial transactions and • Internal auditing deals with determining the
data, classifies these and finalizes their results operational efficiency of the company
given for a specified period of time, as needed regarding the protection of the company’s
by their users.
assets, accuracy and reliability of the the employ of the company or look for other
accounting data, and adherence to certain employment opportunities.
management policies.
Owners Information need: profit or income
Tax accounting helps clients follow rules set for the period, resources or assets of the
by tax authorities. It includes tax planning and business, liabilities of the business
preparation of tax returns.
Decisions supported: considerations regarding
Cost Accounting is sometimes considered as a additional investment, expanding the
subset of management accounting, cost business, borrowing funds to support any
accounting refers to the recording, expansion plans.
presentation, and analysis of manufacturing
External users are individuals and
Accounting Education, this branch of
organizations outside a company who want
accounting deals with developing future
financial information about the company.
accountants by creating relevant accounting
These users are not directly involved in
curriculum. Accounting professionals can
managing and operating the business. The
become faculty members of educational
two most common types of external users are
potential investors and creditors.
Accounting research focuses on the search for
Creditors: for determining the credit
new knowledge on the effects of economic
worthiness of an organization. Terms of credit
events on the process of summarizing,
are set by creditors according to the
analyzing, verifying, and reporting
assessment of their customers' financial
standardized financial information, and on the
health. Creditors include suppliers as well as
effects of reported information on economic
lenders of finance such as banks. Tax
Authorities (BIR): for determining the
credibility of the tax returns filed on behalf of

INTERNAL USERS of accounting information Investors: for analyzing the feasibility of

are those individuals inside a company who investing in a company. Investors want to
plan, organize, and run the business. make sure they can earn a reasonable return
on their investment before they commit any
Internal users (Primary Users) of accounting
financial resources to a company.
information include the following:
Customers: for assessing the financial position
Management Information need:
of its suppliers which is necessary for them to
income/earnings for the period, sales,
maintain a stable source of supply in the long
available cash, production cost
Decisions supported: analyze the
Regulatory Authorities (SEC, DOLE): for
organization's performance and position and
ensuring that a company's disclosure of
take appropriate measures to improve the
accounting information is in accordance with
company results. sufficiency of cash to pay
the rules and regulations set in order to
dividends to stockholders; pricing decisions
protect the interests of the stakeholders who
Employees Information need: profit for the rely on such information in forming their
period, salaries paid to employees Decisions decisions.
supported: job security, consider staying in
Advantages of a partnership:
Internal users of accounting information are
those who are involved in planning, organizing • Higher capital because two or more
and running the business. They need more persons will contribute to the
detailed information on a timely basis in order common fund.
to support their decisions. Examples of these • It is easy to operate like a sole/single
internal users are managers, employees and proprietorship
Disadvantages of a partnership:
The external users of accounting information
are those individuals or organizations outside • The profits are divided among the
a company who are interested in its financial partners.
information. Examples of these external users • A partner can be held liable for the
are potential investors, suppliers and acts of the other partners.
government agencies. • In a lawsuit, the personal properties
of the partners can be held beyond
their contributions and may be used
FORMS OF BUSINESS ORGANIZATION to answer for any liability of the
Sole/single Proprietorship partnership.

• A form of business is owned by one person; Corporations

the simplest, and the most common form of • A corporation is a business organized
business organization.
as a separate legal entity (artificial
Advantages of sole/single proprietorship: person) under the transferable shares
of stocks
• The owner keeps all the profits.
• Emphasize that it is the law
• The owner makes all the decisions.
• It is easy to form and operate (Corporation Code of the Philippines)
that creates a corporation.
Disadvantages of sole/single proprietorship: • The corporation begins its existence
from the date the Articles of
 The life of the business is limited to
Incorporation is approved by the
the life of the owner. Once the owner
Securities and Exchange Commission
dies, the business will cease to
operate under the name of the
• The SEC (Securities and Exchange
Commission) is the government
 The amount of capital is limited only
agency primarily tasked to regulate
by the wealth of the proprietor.
private corporations in the
Partnerships Philippines.
• The owners are called stockholders or
• A form of business owned by two or
more persons. The details of the
• The voting rights of a shareholder is
arrangement between the partners
generally based on the percentage of
are outlined in a written document
called articles of partnership.
• The management of the business is
• Profits are divided among partners
delegated by the shareholders to the
based on their agreed sharing.
Board of Directors.
• The owner is called a partner.
Advantages of a corporation: TYPES OF BUSINESS

• Can easily raise additional funds by Service Business

selling shares of stocks to the public.
This type of business offers professional skills,
• Shareholders are not personally liable
advice and consultations.
for the debts of the corporation. The
extent of their liability is limited to Examples: barber shops and beauty parlors,
their equity (ownership) in the repair shops, banks, accounting and law firm
Merchandising Business
Disadvantages of a corporation:
This type of business buys at wholesale and
• It is relatively complicated to set up. later sells the products at retail. They make a
• Subject to several legal restrictions as profit by selling the merchandise or products
listed in the Corporation Code of the at prices that are higher than their purchase
Philippines. costs. This type of business is also known as
"buy and sell".
Examples are: book stores, sari-sari stores,
• A cooperative is a duly registered
hardware stores
association of persons with a common
bond of interest, voluntarily joining Manufacturing Business
together to achieve their social,
economic and cultural needs. This type of business buys raw materials and
• The owners are called members who uses them in making a new product, therefore
contribute equitably to the capital of combining raw materials, labor and expenses
the cooperative. into a product for sale later on.
• The members are expected to Examples are: shoe manufacturing businesses,
patronize their products and services. car manufacturing plants
• The word ‘cooperative’ appears in the
name of the entity.
• This form of business organization is ACCOUNTING CONCEPTS AND PRINCIPLES
regulated by the Cooperative
Development Authority (CDA). Business entity principle – a business
enterprise is separate and distinct from its
Advantages of a cooperative: owner or investor.
• Enjoys certain tax exemption privilege Examples:
• Promotes the concept of sharing
resource • If the owner has a barber shop, the
cash of the barber shop should be
Disadvantages of a Cooperative: reported separately from personal
• Limited distribution of surplus cash.
• Requires continuous education • The owner had a business meeting
programs for members. with a prospective client. The
• The members have active and direct expenses that come with that
participation in the business of the meeting should be part of the
cooperative. company’s expenses. If the owner
paid for gas for his personal use, it
should not be included as part of the when paid. Cash basis is not the generally
company’s expenses. accepted principle today.

Going concern principle – business is Example:

expected to continue indefinitely.
• When a barber finishes performing his
Example: When preparing financial services he should record it as
statements, you should assume that the entity revenue.
will continue indefinitely. • When the barber shop receives an
Time period principle – financial statements electricity bill, it should record it as an
are to be divided into specific time intervals. expense even if it is unpaid.

Examples: Matching principle – cost should be matched

with the revenue generated.
• Philippine companies are required to
report financial statements annually. Example: When you provide tutorial services
• The salary expenses from January to to a customer and there is a transportation
December 2015 should only be cost incurred related to the tutorial services, it
reported in 2015. should be recorded as an expense for that
Monetary unit principle – amounts are stated
into a single monetary unit Disclosure principle – all relevant and
material information should be reported.
Example: Jollibee should report financial
statements in pesos even if they have a store Example: The company should report all
in the United States. relevant information.

Objectivity principle – financial statements Conservatism principle – also known as

must be presented with supporting evidence. prudence. In case of doubt, assets and income
should not be overstated while liabilities and
Example: When the customer paid Jollibee for expenses should not be understated.
their order, Jollibee should have a copy of the
receipt to represent as evidence Example: In case of doubt, expenses should
be recorded at a higher amount. Revenue
Cost principle – accounts should be recorded should be recorded at a lower amount.
initially at cost.
Materiality principle – in case of assets that
Example: are immaterial to make a difference in the
financial statements, the company should
• When Jollibee buys a cash register, it
instead record it as an expense.
should record the cash register at its
price when they bought it. Example: A school purchased an eraser with
• When a company purchases a laptop, an estimated useful life of three years. Since
it should be recorded at the price it an eraser is immaterial relative to assets, it
was purchased. should be recorded as an expense
Accrual Accounting Principle – revenue
should be recognized when earned regardless
of collection and expenses should be TYPES OF MAJOR ACCOUNTS
recognized when incurred regardless of Assets are the resources owned and
payment. On the other hand, the cash basis controlled by the firm.
principle in which revenue is recorded when
collected and expenses should be recorded
Liabilities are obligations of the firm arising that are intended to be sold
from past events which are to be settled in immediately
the future.
Non-current Assets are assets that cannot be
Equity or Owner’s Equity are the owner’s realized (collected, sold, used up) one year
claims in the business. It is the residual after year-end date.
interest in the assets of the enterprise after
deducting all its liabilities.
• Property, Plant and Equipment are
Income is the increase in economic benefits
long-lived assets which have been
during the accounting period in the form of
acquired for use in operations.
inflows of cash or other assets or decreases of
• Long term Investments are the
liabilities that result in increase in equity.
investments made by the company
Income includes revenue and gains.
for long-term purposes
Expenses are decreases in economic benefits • Intangible Assets are assets without a
during the accounting period in the form of physical substance. Examples include
outflows of assets or incidences of liabilities franchise and copyright.
that result in decreases in equity.

Tangible Assets are physical assets such as

ASSETS cash, supplies, and furniture and fixtures.

Current Assets are assets that can be realized Intangible Assets are non-physical assets such
(collected, sold, used up) one year after year- as patents and trademarks
end date.

• Examples:
• Cash is money on hand, or in banks,
and other items considered as  are the debts and obligations of the
medium of exchange in business company to another entity.
• Accounts Receivable are amounts due Current.Liabilities that fall due (paid,
from customers arising from credit recognized as revenue) within one year after
sales or credit services. year-end date.
• Receivable are amounts due from
clients supported by promissory
notes. Non-current Assets are liabilities that do not
• Inventories are assets held for resale fall due (paid, recognized as revenue) within
• Supplies are items purchased by an one year after year-end date.
enterprise which are unused as of the Examples include Notes Payable, Loans
reporting date. Payable, Mortgage Payable, etc.
• Prepaid Expenses are expenses paid in
advance. They are assets at the time
of payment and become expenses
through the passage of time
• Accrued Income is revenue earned
but not yet collected
• Short term investments are the
investments made by the company

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