Rao 2018
Rao 2018
Rao 2018
An International
Research Journal
( Dou b l e B li n d Re fe r e e d & Re vi e we d I n te r n a ti on a l J ou r n a l )
Teaching is a noble profession by which children are trained at primary level and secondary
level and students are trained in colleges and universities at a higher level. Learning is a process
by which students learn so many things to grow physically, mentally and morally. Teachers use
various methods, approaches, strategies and techniques to teach their students at every level.
When it comes to a second or a foreign language, particularly English, there are certain
methods, approaches and techniques followed by teachers in English language classrooms.
There are various teaching methods and approaches designed by constant evaluation and
observations. Prominent among them are Grammar Translation, Method, Direct Method, Audio-
Lingual Method and Communicative Language Teaching Approach (CLT) and also there are
various techniques and strategies implemented by teachers to make English language learning
flexible and attractive. Though teachers employ these methods, approaches and techniques in EL
classrooms, still there is a gap between teacher and learner. Over the years, there was a demand
for unifying approach to language teaching. The Eclectic approach is the solution and it is a
method that integrates various approaches and methodologies in English language teaching.
This approach depends on the aims of the lesson and the abilities of the learners. This research
paper explores the advantages and disadvantages of the Eclectic approach in the teaching of
English as a foreign language and also the popularity of this approach in ELT in the21st century
is also discussed in a comprehensive way. This paper also examines various aspects of Eclectic
approach and how they are useful for teachers in English language classrooms.
Though it is considered the best approach in ELT and other subjects, the Eclectic Approach has
disadvantages too. The following are the disadvantages of the Eclectic Approach:
If this Eclectic Approach has adopted as a safe strategy that protects one against ideological
undercurrents in language teaching methods, it does not allow teachers to reconsider their
professional practices. It means the Eclectic Approach discourages the teachers to reflect
upon their teaching.
This approach is criticized severely because it offers no guidance regarding the principles by
which various methods and techniques can be opted and used.
Reliance upon a single theory of teaching in eclecticism is criticized because the use of a
limited number of techniques can become mechanic. As a result, the students cannot get