Eapp Cot 2024
Eapp Cot 2024
Eapp Cot 2024
Content Standard The learner understands the principles and uses of
surveys, experiments, and scientific observations.
Performance Standard The learner produces a well-written report for various
Learning competencies The learner:
Summarizes findings and executes the report through
narrative and visual/graphic forms
Learning Objectives At the end of the session, the students should be able
2. Each group will be given the same question to using teaching strategies
answer. that respond to their
3. Each group will write five (5) possible answers linguistic, cultural, socio-
within 10 seconds. economic and religious
4. The teacher will reveal the top five (5) answers backgrounds.
(that is according to a sample survey).
5. Their points will be according to the correct
answers that they have written.
Sample Question:
Name a food dogs love just as much as humans do.
Top 5 answers (according to a sample survey)
Steak (48)
Chicken (14)
Bread (13)
Hamburger (13)
Cheese (8)
C. Analysis In this part, the teacher will ask questions about the Indicator 3: Applied a range
activity: of teaching strategies to
Guide Questions: develop critical and creative
1. Have you thought about where did we get the thinking, as well as other
answers from the previous activity? higher-order thinking skills
2. What is the reason why we are doing surveys?
3. What is the importance of doing surveys?
4. What are the different types of non-prose texts
and what are their functions?
D. Abstraction The teacher will proceed with the lesson proper by Indicator 1: Applied
introducing what is non-prose text. knowledge of content within
and across curriculum
What is a non-prose text? teaching areas.
Non-prose texts consist of disconnected words and
numbers instead of the sentences and paragraphs. Indicator 2: Used a range of
teaching strategies that
The teacher will now proceed with the different types of enhance learner
non-prose texts and their functions. achievement in literacy and
1. Bar Graph numeracy skills.
2. Histogram
3. Pictograph Indicator 3: Applied a range
4. Line graph of teaching strategies to
5. Pie Graph develop critical and creative
6. Tables thinking, as well as other
higher-order thinking skills
After the different types of non-prose texts, the teacher
will now proceed on how to present survey results using Indicator 7: Established a
non-prose texts. learner-centered culture by
using teaching strategies
The teacher will give some situations and the class will that respond to their
be an interactive discussion. linguistic, cultural, socio-
economic and religious
Practical Research 2
Specific MELC:
Presents and interprets data
in tabular or graphical forms
E. Application Survey Says Indicator 9: Used strategies
for providing timely,
With the same group from the pre-activity, they will be accurate and constructive
given different tasks to do: feedback to improve learner
Directions: Given the following data, create a respective performance.
graph of each situation.
F. Assignment Conduct a survey and gather answers to the question: Indicator 7: Established a
Who helped you cope with the challenges brought by learner-centered culture by
the new normal in education? using teaching strategies
that respond to their
Then, present the result in any of the non-prose linguistic, cultural, socio-
materials discussed. Write your output in a one-whole economic and religious
sheet of paper. backgrounds.
Approved by:
C. Analysis
During Activity
Give students 3 pictures where they
will apply the concepts of moralist
F. Assignment
Approved by: