Hydrotesting Procedure

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HYDROSTATIC TESTING PROCEDURE TEST PACKAGE NO, PLANT PIPING and PIPELINES pRoJeoT MLE ‘Sontractit + purpose This procedure describes C.AT. company ejtem for conducting hytosat testing of piping systems in actoranco th ntmal Company Procedures and Paicy ‘The ile is to ensure that festa testing is compte safely preventing je, flalies and property damage This shall be accomplished by Ensuring hat procedures ae develpd which are spect o each hydostte pressure test by the expense sngineetng gun. [Ensuring that al he necessary safety requirements fo each est ae inched inthe procedure and Implemented during te tarot pressure test. ‘© Ensuring tal eac procedures submited and approved by Saual Aramco, ‘© Ensuring tat tne approve pro:edu Is avallabe on se a a tines drag hysrosttic pressure testing. 2 score ‘This procedure fs ony apiicalo to the hykosate pressure tsing of tho pling eystam and or prebscated Pipe spoofs identid Inthe procedure. Hysrosate pressure tsing shall be congloted na secrdance wth Bie folowing IFC Hyostat Tes Dagrams. [IST of DIAGRAMS and LINE NUMBERS 9 REFERENCES ‘The folowing documents are referenced in bis procedure and are applicable othe hydrostatic pressure testing {obe completed aurng his propel. © ASME BSt.1 Power Piping (¢ ASME BS1.8 Process Piping '¢ ASME BS1.4Piptine Transporation Systoms for Liquid Hyérocarbons and Other Liquids (¢ ASME B31.8 Gas Tansmissior and Distbution Ping Systoms 4 RESPONSIBILITIES Before esting, CA. shal assign responsibly fer the folowing ‘© Responsible Engineer Nae 10 No Construction Manager nae 10. No, © 2c Manager na 10.No “6 Hydrostatic Test Coordinator nae 10.Ne. ‘© Solely Coorinter Naw 10 Wo. ‘© QC Piping Inspector Nae LN © QC Welding inspector awe 10. No 5 SAFETY REQUIREMENTS inorder fo avid te pote fer nr fatale ado property damage, hytestae pressure testing shall be dlosely meniored by CAT. company esigned Hydestaic Test Coorinator and Safely Coordinator indeated fh Secton 4 above. To help ensue the completion of cafe hysstaic pressure teaig, the Hysosaic Test Coornatr aoa Safty Coorinatr shal ensure complete compance by all Involved patios ‘i the Saul Aramco approved hytosai tos procedure. The Hosts Tes Ccosnaor and Safety Cooranatr are eegontl for mantorng te hyocati tang rm a star ough ts completion “ane if nood befor sopping the etn the cantons atthe at change auth inal occ woud bo unsao, Teddln, a parson valved nthe testing aces shall be monitored for cemplanee with this proces and ‘overall ane working provices. Ae'aminmum, te folowing peor practoes shall be sok 1» Conducting pressure esting wihout a Cont approved procedure / tet package ae ‘Sing or woking on equpmer. wile fs undor peste, to sop tak Pressure Tesing wih improper 2 missing test equpment, suchas tetng without a rele valve. Pressure testing wih an acaguatly sod rele va, Pressure testing without presire gauges. ‘Orting o changing cops tho preasure tot sequence, Feling to conauct alow ressu ghiness ts 0 check flak pir to condi senah lst Feaiing to venta fem th system pir tthe tet Using oa insta of water a te tet medium. Condusing pressure testing wi 2 meta temperature below Int wich the impel requvements canna be Inatby he malar. ‘Sytem not acoqustely supers to witstand he weight cf water during testing. Pressure gauges or ole valos nt calratd and tagged, Pressure increased fo apy tobe contol “Temporary tes ping net desiged fr et possi. No blond valve proved on testing or tst mani Feature to pressure test he test oupment HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE TESTING PROCEDURE Porto the wing his host test procedure and when applicable the ftlwing istrict documento; Le Design Daia Sheets, inspection Reports and Safely Istucton Sheets were reviowed 7 HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS REVIEWED ISSUANCE of HYDROSTATIC TESTING PROCEDURE ‘The Cient approved hyostat pressure testing procedure shal bo provide oa concerned persone! a least 2 dys pert osng ae challbe aval at ab eo prt osbng 9 NOTIFICATION of TESTING CAT. shal nly Cent we en shall noy th Represeiaives fom oer response and Inorested Parties or othe execution of major Wysrstate posse tet 10 TESTMEDIUN \Wiater sal be the presse ts! madum fr al piping eyteme andor prefabrcaed pipe spool assembles, Cent sat inate n wing ary changes tne above, 11 PERMITS. ‘The aporopiaie wock permit shat be cbisined fom the prcponent and avaable atthe se wher the hyrostae tesing is tobe conducted 12 AccESS ‘Access lo the locaton where hytostatis pressure testing is Doing condicte shal ba rested and the ares shall be Kept fee of people vio are not drecy resporable forthe testng. In aden, the area shal be Darieaded an signs posts sound the tst area naling others that hyirostaicpressur tsing lang Bce_ Atoal personel sabe fod when requires ep prevent acess by raubeed pearl t> the test ste 18 “ ‘TEMPORARY SUPPORTS For above ground instalation, te piping sytem shal be aa}zodto determin ho need for ational supports ding the hyastace esse tes. -Aadtional suppers re a a Indleate locatons of emporary sports Le. Line No’s and Eleva: ine TEST OGRA ‘Te hyrostat test agra shal be generated by the responce engnesing group. The name ofthe Indl ealged tn respansbity is eats in secon 4 shove. The agra shal conan fe Song Fydrosate Test Pressure Strength Stac Head Presaxe PS Test Sequence Ou TestPressure __Pst Incremental Pressure __ PSI Test Duration Hours Mintes Test Temperature Mnknam 1c - Test Manitold Arengement TPH, Pst Rolet Vahe Sze /Set Pressure Sie y ‘Set Pressure Psi Location of Gauges Tag Nos 7 Ranges Location of Tet Limite “ine Nombre and Bavaone Location of Lonest Raed Comgonent Location of Ar Vanis Location of Bind Flanges and lation Vales Location of Chock Vaies Test Meu Chemical Adcives : PS! Teiness Ps! | 45 HYDROSTATIC TEST PACKAGE ‘CAT shall assembio 2 hyresas est package. The hyesai lst package wile assembles 4nd rerewed by the CAT QC sarsconl in sion, the competed package shall be made avalble to Cent focreviow and apgroval minum of 24 how proto hydostate pressure testing Th hyeosaic sl package sha contain (nest according) when appeable the folening minimum decane ‘TABLE of CONTENTS Tanta Frees Oosumeritan Fors Tot Proce ots Tos Osan ix of Apoiste Orne PRO Dramas Ieoneis Orv Insane Rubs Sa Sa Pretest Puneh Us [Garston Cover Pressure Gaunee ape eae ET Pas epi UP PonetasTesig P ‘ier Presa vate Tt neal lesness/ ang REST Fal Pog Fura 16 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS [NDT Clearance: At NDT stl te conmed by CAT 2s being compleie an accepted pro fo pressure testing Punchisting: Prior to hycostatifsting, te system o be test shal be in inspected and pretest punching shat be completed Flushing and Cleaning: Anew ping system shalbe cleaned pico lasting acti ‘The appropriate testing equip shale sed dung alhyérostatc pressure astng, ‘The olowing ‘equipment shel be used a a inimum, Relief Valve: Rei valv') shall bo tats and idealiled wih ata ncaling eer! ruber, the sot pressure ‘and he date of cabraton. The elt va shall be sto releve tS above Ie reed tet press ir. Gauges: A minimum of two serrate an rable pressure gauges shal be employed, The gauges sha have ‘ben carat within 30 days ofthe tea and te range sha be such thal he maxim tet pressure win 3040 8 porcent of the fl ange. One gauze eal be eealed in et piping suon thal canbe reac bythe pump ‘operator and th other shat balecated nthe system under tes When frgereytam are 2b aetd Cent nay Selemine the need er addons gasses, ‘Bleed Valve: bleed vale shale employed which i realy access should immediate depressuizaton& come requled, Isolation Valve: An isolation va shal be placed between th presaue testing manfld andthe eytem being tesid. The fcation vale shall rod fr te mani le pressure when the cozed poston, Test Manlfolé: Before emplojng the pressure test manifold in te acta! aysem pressure tet, shall be separately pressure tested to a! ast 1.2 tines th sytem teat pressure, bu nat les the dscharge Pressire of the pump used for the presi testing, Each lest manflol shat bo nied wi own unique nunbet Vents: Vents Sal be provsedat al igh pins he piping system and shal be open cur fling Draine: Drain shal be provid al kw pont in th ping sytem leoltion: Pad blinds or spestacte binds may be use to late test sections. They shal be the same class rating 3 the system omy be febiceted based on sppropraieeaculions. 17 TESTIMPLEMENTATION, Filing: Fig shat be done cn the upstream side of check vale in the system, The fest madi shall be Inte atthe loves pant a system lo minimize entspment ofa When filing at Ie owes pln snot ‘brat, the Clon shal be const © Alli shal pamited to esespe tough the open vents ding the ling process Pressurizing: The pressure so during tesing shal be sic conled. The presire shal be graduay Incteased to allow tne formate sbah, and tie for Ispecten personnel conduct pelmnry checks for leaks For“Sength Test the flowing arate spp, For tang fst esing @ lg a8 the medium the pessute shal be ncreaee gradual SO% othe tat pressre has boon reached |¢ Conduct sua nspéctin for lak a S035 of tes presse, _Ater completing visual inspect at 60% of st pressure, the pressure shal be gradual neeased in steps ot | not more than one-fih th sang tat posse with atleast 10 mito has ot each stop fo perm ret Inspection forleaks and weaknesses. Conlin unl the requied stength et pressure is achieved ‘Aller the sength fest prossu Ie reschad and before commencing a vel inspection of tho eytem, the ' ‘solaton vale Beveen the trporry test manld and the piping Wider pressure hal bs cloeed athe es ump dsconnecod ‘During the Test: eaks are eu at nytine ding the prestue let the system shal be dopresurand before ‘8 works done lo tn he lego apa a weakness, including the ighening of ba ‘Test Duration: Test rations shall not be loss than those requ by the apple Cet standard, but nn ‘cate shal the duration bo less an 30 mites After the Test: Afr hycrostic tstng has bean successtuly completed and approved by the Owner's Inspector, te following ates shal be completed. Draining: Relaso ofthe test id shall be dono onthe downsteam side of chock vahies, Al vents shal be ‘pened before drsning top folate drainage and ta prevent formation ofa vacuum, No test us sal romain irom spas Dicposal of Test Fuld: Afr esting the tat uid shal be ceposed of in eccordance wih ae dete by the ‘Owner Test Vents and Orns: Vents and rains used only fr press testing purposes shal be plugged, seal welded Reunstatement of System: Allmporary Hors instal for esting purposes (9, manifolds vali, tnd, space, cuppa shall be removes. Hyérostatic Test Documentaton: Resuls of Test shat be documented on a Test Report feral agreed Dbebveen CAT. and Gert. 48 REMARKS

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