Factsheet Klimawandel 1.1 EN Web
Factsheet Klimawandel 1.1 EN Web
Factsheet Klimawandel 1.1 EN Web
Climate change:
causes, consequences
and possible actions
Version 1.1
Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina e. V.
German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina,
Jägerberg 1, 06108 Halle (Saale), Germany
Dr. Christian Anton, Johannes Mengel, Dr. Elke Witt
German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina
Contact: [email protected]
Peschel Communications GmbH, Freiburg
Erfurth Kluger Infografik GbR, Berlin
Cover image
Klötzner Company, Hamburg
Recommended citation
German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina (2021):
Climate change: causes, consequences and possible actions. Halle (Saale).
Editorial deadline
October 2021
Contributors................................................................................................................... 29
References...................................................................................................................... 30
The atmospheric concentration of CO2 is higher today than ever before in the
last 800,000 years............................................................................................................ 6
The concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere has risen continuously over the
last 60 years..................................................................................................................... 7
The global temperature has risen by 1.2 °C. In Germany, it has already gotten
2 °C warmer..................................................................................................................... 8
(0.2, 1.0)
(74, 91) greenhouse
absorbed by gases
the atmosphere
82 21
(70, 85) (15, 25)
latent palpable
heat heat
185 25
(179, 189) (22, 26)
directed at reflected by
the surface the surface
What causes climate change? The atmosphere is heated up when increased concentrations of greenhouse gases
capture some of the sun’s energy that is otherwise reflected back into space. The increased concentrations of
greenhouse gases cause this reflection to take place at higher atmospheric altitudes, where it is colder. This means
that less thermal radiation is released back into space. The excess energy is registered as a temperature increase
on the Earth’s surface and in the lower atmosphere. The numbers in brackets indicate the range of measurement
Source: Wild et al. (2014), Loeb et al. (J. Clim. 2009), Trenberth et al. (BAMS 2009)
Source: Loeb et al. 2009, Trenberth et al. 2009, Wild et al. 2015.
6 Causes of climate change
core sample data
direct measurements 2020
The CO₂ content remained
below this value for hun-
340 dreds of thousands of years
300 1958
800,000 years 700,000 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 today
During the last 800,000 years, the CO₂ content of the atmosphere was never as high as it is today.
Source: Lüthi et al. (Nature 2008), Keeling et al. (Scripps CO₂ Program Data)
Direct measurements of the atmosphere’s CO₂ content began on the island of Mauna Loa in 1958.
The continuous rise is only interrupted by growing seasons in the Northern Hemisphere. Every year,
this results in a periodical drop in CO₂ concentrations in the atmosphere.
Source: NOAA (2020), Keeling et al. (2001)
Temperature rises as a consequence of climate change occur faster over land than over the ocean.
Consequently, the average temperature over Germany since 1880 has risen by 2 degrees. The curves
illustrate the long-term trend.
in 100
previous reconstructions
newer reconstructions
measurement data
The Earth’s climate has changed significantly during the course of the Holocene. But the changes we are
currently experiencing are occurring more quickly than they would naturally.
Source: Bova et al. (2021), Shakun et al. (Nature 2012), Marcott et al. (Science 2013), NASA GISTEMP
Source: Shakun et al. - 2012; Marcott et al. - 2013; Bova et al. - 2021.; NASA GISTEMP
10 Causes of climate change
changes in
40 Gt land use
30 Gt natural gas
20 Gt oil
10 Gt
1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2019
The overwhelming portion of carbon dioxide which is emitted annually through human activities comes
from the combustion of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas.
1 e.g. deforestation, drainage of wetlands
2 e.g. cement production and gas flaring
Source: Global Carbon Project (2020)
• Overwhelmingly, the climate change we are witnessing now has been caused by humans.
• The observed warming of our climate system, in particular as it has been occurring since the
1950s, cannot be explained without taking into consideration the increase in greenhouse gases
in the atmosphere.
• The sun’s fluctuations within this time frame have only had a very small impact.
40.2 Gt
in total
Only a portion of the carbon dioxide remains in the atmosphere. The ocean and terrestrial ecosystems (such
as forests) also absorb carbon dioxide. Without these sinks, climate change would be even more extreme.
Discrepancies in totals between sources and sinks occur due to rounding.
Source: Global Carbon Budget (2020)
Extreme weather events are becoming more common and more intense.................... 13
The sea level is rising and the ocean is becoming warmer and more acidic.................. 14
14 +50%
12 +40%
10 +30%
8 +20%
6 +10%
4 0
2 –10%
0 –20%
1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2010
Source: Robine et al. - 2008; Deutscher Wetterdienst; Lehmann et al. - 2015; Watts et al - 2020; World Desaster Report - 2020
14 Consequences of climate change
+20 cm
>20 cm
sea level data 2020
satellite measurements
+15 cm
+10 cm
+5 cm
Sea level data and satellite measurements show that the sea level has risen by approximately
20 centimetres since 1900.
Source: Dangendorf et al. (2019)
2010 2020
The surface area at the North Pole which is covered by ice in summer has been continuously receding
for decades.
Source: NSIDC
Source: Spehn & Körner – 2017; IPCC – 2019 ; Pritchard – 2019; Slater et al. – 2021; NSIDC; NASA 2021.
16 Consequences of climate change
deciduous trees
coniferous trees
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
Each year, 10,000 selected trees are evaluated for the forest status report. The past years’ drought makes
trees more susceptible to pests and has led to an extreme spike in death, particularly of spruces, but also
of oak and pine trees.
Source: BMEL 2021
Source: IPBES – 2019; BMEL - 2020; IPCC - 2018 Sonderbericht 1,5°C; CBD
Consequences of climate change 17
1985–1991 1992–1998 1999–2005 2006–2012 ~2030 ~2050
Between 1985 and 2012, the proportion of damaged corals has risen to about 25%. The reason for coral
bleaching and subsequent death is climate warming. By 2050, nearly all coral reefs could be affected.
Source: Heron et al. 2016
Source: Jones et al. - 2004; Heron et al. - 2017; IPCC – 2018, 2019; IPBES – 2019; Hughes et al. – 2020.
18 Consequences of climate change
no drought
The map illustrates the proportion of global grassland which was afflicted by drought in the period
between 2004 and 2018.
Source: Chakraborty & Newton – 2011; Elliot et al – 2014; Rosenzweig et al. – 2014; Grace et al. – 2015; FAO - 2018.
Consequences of climate change 19
- undernutrition
- salmonella and other
forms of food poisoning
Food supply - mould infestation
and security
- Chikungunya
Rising sea level - dengue fever
- meningitis
- hantaviral infection
Spread of - Lyme disease
disease and - Malaria
ecology - Rift Valley fever
- West Nile fever
- Zika
of Atlantic
Geological and ecological systems around the globe are losing their equilibrium as a result of climate change.
Some of these changes have a reinforcing effect on climate change, making it accelerate to the point that it can
no longer be stopped.
After Lenton et al. (Nature 2019)
Source: Heron et al. - 2017; Caesar et al. - 2018; Lenton et al. - 2019; Steffen et al. - 2019.
Consequences of climate change 21
1. Global warming leads to soil thaw. 2. The released carbon intensifies the
This allows stored carbon to escape. greenhouse effect as CO₂ in the atmosphere.
released CO₂
The existing carbon sinks such as soils, forests and oceans must be safeguarded........ 27
40 Gt
10 Gt
0 Gt
1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050
If the global rise in temperature is to be kept to a maximum of 2 degrees, a total of only about 1050 billion
tonnes (gigatonnes) of CO₂ can still be emitted. Limiting global warming to just 1.5 degrees would mean
restricting the total amount of emissions to less than 300 gigatonnes of CO₂. The longer we wait to reduce
emissions, the quicker and more radical later climate protection measures will need to be.
Data: IPCC SR15 (2018).
Source: Edenhofer & Jakob – 2019; Die CO2-Uhr des MCC: https://www.mcc-berlin.net/forschung/co2-budget.html; IPCC 2018.
24 Measures to counteract climate change
40 Gt
in line with 2°goal:
35 Gt 2° goal 10–15 Gt CO₂e
30 Gt
25 Gt
in line with 1.5° goal:
1.5° goal 23–27 Gt CO₂e
20 Gt
Based on emissions projections from countries around the world, it is clear that the intended emissions reduc-
tions are completely insufficient for achieving the targets laid out in the Paris Agreement. Limiting climate change
to 2 °C would require cutting down the already intended CO₂ emissions reductions by a further 10–15 gigatonnes
by 2030. To limit it to 1.5 °C would mean a further reduction of 23–27 gigatonnes.
Source: Carbon Action Tracker (Sept. 2020)
30% 30% 9% 7% 4%
0€ <15 € <34 € <100 € <200 €
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Proportions of CO₂ emissions from energy utilisation
A carbon price serves as an effective tool for creating incentives to minimise emissions. However, this only
works if the price is set high enough. The price for the vast majority of emissions is set at zero, or it is much
too low to actually provide an incentive to control emissions. The data refer to 42 OECD and G20 countries
responsible for 80% of global emissions.
After UNEP Emissions Gap Report (2018)
+40 Gt
+30 Gt combustion
of fossil fuels
+20 Gt
CO₂ sources
+10 Gt changes in
land use
–10 Gt
CO₂ sinks terrestrial
–20 Gt ecosystems
–30 Gt atmosphere
–40 Gt
Only a portion of the carbon dioxide remains in the atmosphere. The ocean and terrestrial ecosystems (such
as forests) also absorb carbon dioxide. Without these sinks, climate change would be even more extreme. It is
unclear where a small portion of emissions – about 4% – remains. This is illustrated by the discrepancy visible
between sources and sinks. Source: Global Carbon Budget (2020)
8 GT
6 Gt Eastern
4 Gt Middle East
and Africa
2 Gt Latin
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
In many countries, for instance those in Asia, emissions have skyrocketed in the last years. However, many goods
produced there are consumed in western countries. The emissions from the production of goods in one country
which are consumed in another raise the issue of just distribution of the remaining CO₂ budget.
Source: Edenhofer et al. (2019)
Prof. Dr. Antje Boetius, Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven
Prof. Dr. Ottmar Edenhofer, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Prof. Dr. Sabine Gabrysch, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research & Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Prof. Dr. Nicolas Gruber, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
Prof. Dr. Gerald Haug, German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina
Prof. Dr. Daniel Klingenfeld, Federal Environment Agency, Dessau
Prof. Dr. Stefan Rahmstorf, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Prof. Dr. Markus Reichstein, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Jena
Prof. Dr. Thomas Stocker, University of Bern
Prof. Dr. Ricarda Winkelmann, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
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Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina e. V.
– German National Academy of Sciences –
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The Leopoldina originated in 1652 as a classical scholarly society and now has
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appointed as the German National Academy of Sciences and, in this capacity,
was invested with two major objectives: representing the German scientific
community internationally, and providing policymakers and the public with
science-based advice.