Life Notes by Bassem Halaseh
Life Notes by Bassem Halaseh
Life Notes by Bassem Halaseh
1. When all else fails, decorate your problem with sparkles. It looks easier to solve that way, and it's just good for a laugh.
2. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.
3. What people often fail to understand are even the people who appear to be the strongest, also need someone to lean on
4. Be honest about where you are at so that you can get to where you want to be.
5. The longer you wait for something, the more you appreciate it when you get, because anything worth having is definitely
worth waiting for.
6. Do not expect to please everyone you meet in this life, just try your best to please your heart first.
7. Doing what you like is freedom, liking what you do is happiness.
8. Keep your heart free from hate, your mind from worry. Live simply. Expect little, Give much.
9. While you live, Love. While you breathe, sing. While you walk, Dance. While you work, shine. While you sleep, Dream.
10. You know my name, not my story. You've heard what I've done, but not what I've been through.
11. Be careful of who you pick as a friend, most people pretend to listen, but are only gathering information to judge you with.
12. Those who live passionately, teach us how to love. Those who love passionately, teach us how to live.
13. When you reach to the top don't forget that you start from below.
14. Never change what you feel based on what others think about you.
15. Sometimes you have to forget what's gone, appreciate what still remains, and look forward to what's coming next.
16. Being defeated is often only a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.
17. Just because I miss you, doesn't mean I want you back in my life.
18. Everyone faces challenges in life. It's a matter of how you learn to overcome them and using them to your advantage.
19. Never give up one thing if you think you can fight for it. Remember it's difficult to wait but it's more difficult when you
20. Everyone has someone in their life that keeps them looking forward to another day.
21. You and your rumours have two things in common: you’re both fake and you both get around.
22. Childhood is like being drunk. Everyone remembers what you did, except you.
23. Too many people are living for compliments, instead of accomplishments.
24. Those Who Waste Their Time Cannot Complain When Time Decides To Waste Them.
25. I'd rather stay quiet than explain my problems to people who don't care.
26. At the end of the day memories are all that matter, money fades, people change... but memories will live on forever.
27. Smile like you've never cried, fight like you've never lost, love like you've never been hurt, and live like you'll die
28. Love makes you want to take more, but it also teaches you to give more.
29. It's funny how people judge other people's mistakes while they also do the same thing.
30. Express yourself and don't mind about what other people say, because in the end it is you, not them.
31. Life is too short to waste 1 single second with someone who doesn't appreciate and value you.
32. People like to make small problems look big, when all they need is to make big problems look small.
33. The best revenge is not karma. There are Prayer, Forgiveness, & SMILE.
34. It's a funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it.
35. Life has many different chapters for us. One bad chapter doesn’t mean it’s the end of the book.
36. If someone sticks by your side through your worst times, they're the ones that deserve to be with you through your best
37. If Ur not thankful for what u GOT, u won't be thankful for what u GET.
38. A mistake is only a mistake if you don't learn anything from it, once you learned something from it, it becomes a lesson.
39. Everything has a solution.
40. You don't have to define love with your mouth, your heart will do that for you.
41. You know you're in love when you laugh for no reason, smile for a reason and love for all the reasons.
42. Life isn't about how great it is. Life is about how great you can make it.
43. You can't live your past. It's gone. You can live now though. It's here. We all have problems. Some of us have the strength to
get over them. While others choose to whine about them, in a puddle of their own drool.
44. Smile. Let everyone know that today you're a lot stronger than you were yesterday.
45. Don't depend a lot on anyone's advice. Because no one is so experienced than u about Ur life. U are the only one going to
live & lead ur life
46. No matter where you stand in life, what you do or say. There will always be someone who will hate somewhere.
47. LIVE to satisfy, LOVE without condition, LAUGH uncontrollably, and DREAM wildly. Pursue happiness with hope for a
brighter tomorrow & NEVER GIVE UP!
48. SORRY works when a mistake is made, but SORRY doesn't work when trust is broken, so in life, make mistakes but never
break TRUST.
49. The best feeling in the world is waking up from a terrible dream and realizing that it didn't actually happen.
50. The best feeling comes when you realize that you are perfectly happy without the things once you thought you needed the
51. Don’t be bad just because people around you are.
52. When one thing doesn't work out it's only so that another thing will.
53. One of the best feelings is discovering that you still deserve to be appreciated by someone regardless of how others made
you feel unworthy.
54. Always take comfort in knowing that you are independent enough, that you don't need to rely on anyone else for your own
55. The smallest acts of kindness make the biggest differences in someone's life.
56. Do not seek to have events happen as you want them to, but instead want them to happen as they do happen, and your life
will go well.
57. Something is so awkward to say but so easy to text.
58. Life is beautiful and tragic and you'll never make it out alive unless you stop living in the past and start living in the
59. When you can no longer CHANGE the situation you are in... REMOVE yourself from that situation!
60. Tough times don't last but tough people do, screw your past, don't let it screw you.
61. People are all different. You have to appreciate everyone, but you don't have to like everyone.
62. The fear of letting go is more suffering than the pain of letting go itself.
63. It's better to go back to square one and start all over again than to keep heading in the wrong direction.
64. You can choose to let it define you, confine you, refine you, outshine you, OR you can choose to move on and leave it behind
65. Pretending to be happy when you're in pain, is just an example of how strong u are.
66. Never do anything you can’t stand for. Remember: once it’s been done, there’s no turning back. Life has no rewind, learn to
play it right.
67. Learn to share your love with others, but keep part of this love for yourself.
68. Age is whatever you think it is. You are as old as you think you are.
69. Everyone’s life is hard, but it’s how YOU see it, what YOU make of it, and what U do about it, that makes it seem just a little
bit better, or not
70. Don't look for someone to "complete" you, you're already whole. Look for someone to compliment you for the rest of your
71. Don't be sad when people hurt you, it's the nature's law that, "the tree that bears the sweetest fruit gets the maximum
number of stones."
72. It's not about how many times you tell someone that you love them, it’s about how many times you prove that u do.
73. Don't stress over what could've been. If it should've been, odds are it would've been.
74. Learn to distance yourself from someone when necessary. It's hard to wait when you feel that it's never going to work out
in the end.
75. Never chase. A person who appreciates you will never leave you.
76. Life is living and learning and realizing that hitting a brick wall sometimes is for your own good
77. Enjoy every second of your life before it becomes too late, even today's newspaper will become tomorrow's waste paper.
78. People cheat and lie because they know it’s easier to get forgiveness than to get permission.
79. Kill the stress before it kills you. Reach the goal before it kicks you. Help everyone before someone helps you. Live your life
before life leaves you.
80. If a window of opportunity shows, don't pull down the shade.
81. When life is sweet, say thank you and celebrate. And when life is bitter, say thank you and grow.
82. Treat someone like an enemy, and they will become your enemy. Treat them like a Friend, and they will become your
83. You have to believe in yourself when no one else does. That's what makes you a winner.
84. True friends are like a fairytale. They've been there since once upon a time and will be there until forever after.
85. It’s easy to believe someone when they're telling you exactly what you want to hear.
86. Never lose sleep over something that isn't worth staying awake for.
87. Simply learn that life is a book. Every day is a new page. Every month is a new chapter, and every year is a new series!
88. You've got to deal with the things people do. Not everyone in life is going to stay true.
89. Even though I've stopped liking you, every time someone mentions your name, my head turns right towards them.
90. Forgive all who have offended you, not for them, but for yourself.
91. Just because you can’t see the air doesn't mean you stop breathing. And just because you can’t see God doesn't mean you
stop believing.
92. Kill them with success and bury them with a smile.
93. Love is rare, life is strange. Nothing lasts and people change.
94. The most dangerous lies are the lies that you believe about yourself.
95. Good friends are those who let you be yourself, but still correct your mistakes and help you to be a better you.
96. Whenever you feel weak, remember those who make you strong and whenever you start to doubt yourself, remember those
who believe in you.
97. The worst enemy is the illusion that there will be more time tomorrow than today. Work on Ur dreams each day. Time
passed will be gone forever
98. Most of the problems in life come because of two reasons. First, we act without thinking. Second, we keep thinking without
99. Best feeling in the world is when you put a smile on a person you really care about.
100. Run towards your dreams. You'll never achieve them standing in place while you're thinking about them.
101. Maybe if you stopped complaining for a second, you will realize that some people have it so much worse than you do.
102. Never be sad for missing whatever you expected, but be happy since God made you to realize that those expectations aren't
worth your life.
103. Two of the hardest tests in life: The patience to wait for the right moment and the courage to accept that you've waited for
104. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.
105. Sometimes life leaves us two final choices: "Yes or No", "Now or Never", & "Take it or leave it."
106. Some people spend their time trying to find someone to sleep with, instead of finding someone worth waking up to.
107. Don’t ever change yourself to impress someone, because they should be impressed that you don't change to please others.
108. The best people in this world are the ones that can give without remembering and receive without forgetting.
109. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.
110. It's sad how people talk about you, when the only thing they actually know about you is your name.
111. LIFE and TIME are the two great teachers: LIFE teaches us the use of time and TIME teaches us the value of life.
112. Nothing dries sooner than tears. Life can never promise us to be always happy, but life gets better after you accept things
you can’t change
113. Time is your most precious gift, you only have a set amount of it. Time is your life. That is why the greatest gift you can
give someone is
114. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. -
115. Sometimes people don't say what they truly feel. It's because they either don't want to say it, or they don't know how to
express it
116. Life doesn't get easier, you just get stronger.
117. Actions prove who someone is, words just prove who they want to be.
118. Every time you can`t find a reason to keep on living, remember there are people who would give anything to be in your
119. Life is not about how big your problem is, it’s about how smart you deal with it.
120. Cherish those you have in your life because you never know when they won't be there anymore.
121. Life is just like a sea, we are moving without end. Nothing remains with us, what remain are just memories of people who
touched our lives.
122. When you stop chasing the wrong things, you give the right things a chance to catch you.
123. To be beautiful means to be you. You don't need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.
124. People who hate you are just your confused admirers. They can't figure out the reason why everyone loves you.
125. Insults are the last resort of insecure people with a crumbling position trying to appear confident.
126. Holding a grudge is letting someone live rent-free in your head.
127. A True Friend is someone who accepts your past, supports your present, and encourages your future.
128. If you worry about what might be, and wonder what might have been, you will ignore what is.
129. Sometimes it's not the pain that makes you suffer, it's your own negative thought that makes things seem worst.
130. Life is like a taxi ride. You can go wherever you want & do whatever you want to do, but when the ride is over you're going
to have to pay up.
131. Don't look so hard at my past, I don't live there anymore.
132. Life is too ironic. It takes sadness to know what happiness is, noise to appreciate silence & absence to value presence.
133. And maybe it’s not life that sucks. Maybe it's just the people you let in your life that suck.
134. True friends are like four-leaf-clovers, lucky to have, hard to find.
135. Don't over stress or bother yourself of tomorrow. If there is life, there is hope and when there is hope, the future seems
136. You have to be better to have more friends, but you just have to be you to have true friends.
137. Never quit smiling. Never quit fighting .Never quit laughing. Never hate. Never give up. Life is great, no matter how hard it
may seem at times
138. Just keep in mind that there are still billions of people left in the world that could make you even happier.
139. The struggle you're in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow.
140. Happiness is a daily decision. You don’t find it in the absence of problems. You find it despite the problems.
141. People are going to want you, need you, take you, hate you, play you, rate you, save you or break you. But all that only
makes you stronger.
142. Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define
143. What matters most is not reward, praise or pride. What matters most is that at the end of the day, you tried.
144. Be happy, not because everything is good, but because you can see the good side of everything.
145. You can let your smile change people, but don't let people change your smile.
146. Too many people undervalue what they are, and overvalue what they're not.
147. Some people don’t understand how blessed they truly are. Be thankful for what you have rather than focusing on what you
don’t have.
148. The worst regret we can have in life is not for the wrong things we did, but for the thousands of right things we did for the
wrong one.
149. The life and love we create is the life and love we live.
150. Don't expect a drama free life. Haters are just mad because you're doing better than them.
151. Where you're going is much more important than where you've been.
152. If you've always cared what others think of you, you haven't lived your own life yet.
153. Life is not about how big your problem is, it’s about how smart you deal with it.
154. Enjoy life today, yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come.
155. NO & YES are two short words which need a long thought. Most of the things we miss in life are because of saying NO too
early & YES too late
156. You can always like anyone but there'll always be someone that is enough for you to forget the rest.
157. The truth is the truth, even if no one believes it. A lie is a lie, even if everyone believes it.
158. Things change but some feelings stay the same.
159. Don't follow the advice of people who won't have to deal with the consequences.
160. Start everyday with a new hope, leave bad memories behind and have faith for a better tomorrow.
161. Smile today. Don't let your problems or enemies steal your joy.
162. If you don't know your own worth and value... then don't expect someone else to calculate it for you.
163. In life, you`re going to be left out, talked about, lied to, and used.. but you have to decide who`s worth your tears and who`s
164. True friends are like diamonds... precious and rare... fake friends are like autumn leaves you can find them everywhere.
165. Failure is a part of life. If you don't fail, you don't learn, if you don't learn, you don't change.
166. Life is too short to spend time with people who suck the happiness out of you.
167. The only think that makes it part of your life is that you keep thinking about it
168. Live in the present. Launch yourself on every wave. Find eternity in each moment.
169. Smile is like a sim card and life is like mobile, when you insert the sim card of a smile, a beautiful day is activated.
170. You can't lose what you never had, you can't keep what's not yours & you can't hold on to something that doesn't want to
171. Before you speak, listen. Before u write, think. Before u spend, earn. Before Ur prays, forgive. Before u quit, try and before
you die, LIVE!
172. An act of kindness, however small, is always a good investment.
173. Insecurity will always rent the space it occupies, but confidence will own the building.
174. You don't need to know everything in life, just the things that make you happy.
175. The one, who angers you, controls you. Don’t give anyone that power, especially the one who does it intentionally.
176. Never be afraid to let go. Because you may never know what greater things might replace the ones you have lost.
177. Sometimes We Fail to Understand the Feelings of very Close People in our Life. Because a Book held Near to Eyes is very
difficult to read.
178. Just because someone hurt you yesterday, doesn't mean you should start living life today in constant fear of being hurt
179. In order to succeed u must fail, in order to love u must love yourself & in order to live Ur life, must shed all negative
aspects of Ur life.
180. Life is short & temporary. Don’t waste it with your stress just because you can't get what you want.
181. Life gets harder as time passes, so try and take it slow, because you would give anything to go back and make the right
182. Before you ask someone why they hate you, ask yourself why you even really care.
183. When things in your life don't add up, then maybe it’s time to start subtracting people, places & things.
184. The only thing that stands between a person and what they want in life is the will to try it and the faith to believe it is
185. Happiness comes when we stop complaining about the troubles we have and offer thanks for all the troubles we don't have.
186. Always enjoy life while it’s good, and never be in a rush to grow up. You never know when the good times are just going to
go out the door.
187. Goodbyes aren't forever, hello's never last, and it’s the space that's in between where the future becomes the past.
188. Too many small mistakes will make it one big mistake.
198. Don't just look, observe. Don't just swallow, taste. Don't just sleep, dream. Don't just think, feel. Don't just exist, live.
199. You can't stop the feeling you have for someone. You can't lie to yourself either. Your heart knows the truth all too well.
200. We never lose friends. We just discover who our real friends are.
201. Being strong doesn't always mean you can handle what's thrown at you. It just means you're prepared to ignore whatever it
is that hurts you.
202. When someone comes into your life, God send them for a reason, either to learn from them or to be with them till the end.
203. A negative mind produces a negative life. Think about what you're thinking about. Learn to stay positive no matter what.
204. Life isn't always friendly. Learn to smile and see it from the right angle. You'll see your life isn't that hard.
205. Love is a test. You don't have to study but you have to be patient to get it right. In the end, it's worth a passing grade.
206. If you speak up, be ready to back it up, otherwise just shut up.
207. The truth hurts only once but a lie hurts every time you remember it.
208. I don't fear death, I just fear dying after a useless life.
209. A best friend is there when you have nothing & more importantly when you feel like nothing.
210. You can’t Lead Life. Life Leads You. Wherever Life takes You. Do your Best and Be Good. Life is Good!
211. Many people spend their life trying to make it better, unfortunately they forget to live it.
212. Life has no rehearsals, only performances.
213. If you don't know your own worth and value, do not expect someone else to calculate it for you.
214. Happiness is an attitude. You either make yourselve miserable, or happy and strong.
215. When people walk out of your life, let them. You might miss them, but remember that you are not the one that gave up.
216. The beauty of life is, while we can't undo what is done...but we can see it , understand it, learn from it and change.
217. God won't ask what you did to help yourself but will ask what you did to help others.
218. Anger is the condition where the tongue works faster than the mind. So hold it, before you regret the words you say.
219. Don't cry over the past, its gone. Don't stress about the future, it hasn't arrived. Live in the present and make it beautiful.
220. It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.
221. People break up all the time, mainly for the wrong reasons. They let the smallest things tear apart.
222. People get the meaning of your words not on what you say but on how you say it.
223. Life is like a coin. You can spend it any way you wish, but you only spend it once.
224. Sometimes the best way to get someone’s attention is to stop giving them yours.
225. People continuously criticize what they don't understand.
226. Everything will get worse before it gets better. But when they do, remember who put you down and who helped you up.
227. When two people really care about each other. They will always look for a way to make it work,no matter how hard it is.
228. Best friends have conversations impossibIe to understand by other people.
229. Don't turn to God only when you need something. Turn to him often, then he'll already be there when you're in need.
230. 3 common lies from guys: I'm sorry, I love you, I won't hurt u. 3 common lies from girls: I'm fine, I'm not mad at u, I don't
love you.
231. When guys get jealous it's kinda cute. When girls get jealous World war III is about to start.
232. If a girl is silent, it's dangerous. They're either: about to blow up, need a hug, falling apart, crying inside, or all of the above.
233. A best friend isn't someone who's just always there for you. It's someone who understands you a bit more than you
understand yourself.
234. Best relationship? When you can act like lovers and bestfriends at the same time.
235. So many girls fall in love with the wrong guy, simply because the wrong guy usually says all the right things.
236. Smile like you've never cried, fight like you've never lost,love like you've never been hurt, and live like you'll die tomorrow.
237. Love has 4 letters, but so does Hate ; Friends has 7 letter, but so does Enemies; Truth has 5 letters, but so does Lying.
238. Dear Girls: You can Shred up to 5 Lbs per week using this one old trick without diet or exercise! You'll love it - spon
239. A relationship with God is the most important relationship you can have.
240. God has perfect timing; never early, never late. It takes a little patience and faith, but it's worth the wait.
241. Strangers can become bestfriends just as easy as bestfriends can become strangers.
242. Distance means nothing when someone means everything.
243. No one has the right to judge you. They might have heard your stories, but they didn’t feel what you were going through.
244. The worst feeling is when someone makes you feel special, then suddenly leaves you hanging& you have to act like you
don’t care at all.
245. I hate liars, hypocrites, & people who take advantage of people who care about them.
246. Dear Bestfriend, please stay in my life forever because you're one of the best things to ever happen to me. Love, me.
247. We live in a world where losing your iPhone is more dramatic than losing your virginity.
248. Life is meaningless only if we allow it to be. Each of us has the power to give life meaning.
249. Sometimes it's not the person you miss, it's the feeling you had when you were with them.
250. Never give up on something that you can't go a day without thinking about.
251. Keep smiling, and one day life will get tired of upsetting you.
252. Everyone deserves a relationship without Terms & Conditions. No people to get in the way. No inconvenient situations.
253. A smile can mean a thousand words, but it can also hide a thousand problems.
254. Life is too precious to worry about stupid things. Have fun. Fall in love. Regret nothing & don't let people bring you down.
255. Respect people's relationships. So many fish in the sea, don't try and mess with the one that's already been caught.
256. Who cares what people say, Be yourself.
257. Silence is pure. it draws people together because only those who are comfortable with each other can sit without saying a
258. Never judge a person by his present status because time has the great power to change a useless coal into a valuable
259. Relationships are like a book, it takes a few seconds to burn but it takes years to write it.
260. While you're busy looking for the perfect person,you probably miss the imperfect person who could make you perfectly
261. A girl can be your best friend, wife, worst enemy, or worst nightmare. It just depends on how you treat her.
262. When someone comes into your life, God sent them for a reason. Either to learn from them, or to be with them until the end.
263. You know you are on top when people try to bring you down to their level.
264. Never idealize others.They will never live up to your expectations.
265. Silence is the best sound ever, Nothing is said.Everything is understood.
266. Those memories that you randomly remember and then can’t stop smiling.
267. Treat yourself the way you wanted to be treated by others. Love yourself and you will be loved.
268. Life is better when you're happy,but it is at its best when other people are happy because of you.
269. Friends are like flowers. Some of them are fake & some of them are real.
270. You can't stay mad at someone who makes you laugh.
271. Don't waste your time looking back on what you've lost. Move on, because life is not meant to be traveled backwards.
272. Laughter is timeless. Imagination has no age. And dreams are forever.
273. Be yourself. People may or may not like you, but it's important that you stay true to who you are.
274. If someone really loves you, they wouldn't let you slip away no matter how hard the situation is.
275. You shouldn't worry about someone who doesn't worry about you.
276. Life is full of decisions. Make one wrong one, and it can affect you for the rest of your life.
277. You can't have a better tomorrow if you're still thinking about yesterday.
278. People always have the right to judge you without knowing who you really are. But u also have the right to decide not to
279. When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, remember that God has given you a thousand reasons to smile.
280. Life is short and temporary. Don't waste it with your stress just because you can't get what you want.
281. We fear rejection, want attention crave affection and dream of prefection.
282. It's nice to look back in your past when you see it as a lesson, not as something to regret.
283. Judge nothing, you will be happy. Forgive everything, you will be happier. Love everything, you will be happiest.
284. Words are the only weightless thing in this world that can actually make you feel heavy!
285. Let your dreams be bigger than your fears and your actions be louder than your words.
286. You know life is worth the struggle when you look back and realize what you have now is way better than what you had
287. Life is short, LIVE IT. Love is rare, GRAB IT. Anger is bad, DUMP IT. Fear is awful, FACE IT. Memories are sweet, CHERISH
288. Sometimes people are the strongest, when they have no one to hold them up.
289. Honesty is a very expensive gift, don't expect it from cheap people.
290. Be careful what you do & say to people, because you never know what they're going through.
291. Life is never fair until you understand that everyone is different and special in their own way.
292. When you really connect with a person's inner self, any physical imperfections disappear, become irrelevant.
293. We have the rest of our lives to figure out where we will end up, but hopefully, in the end, it's somewhere near you.
294. Life's real failure is when you do not realize how close you were to success when you gave up.
295. Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain.
296. Challenges makes life interesting, however, overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.
297. Life is meaningless only if we allow it to be. Each of us has the power to give life meaning.
298. Sometimes people write the things that they can’t say.
299. Life is not about what I've done, should have done or what I could have done. It's about what I can do and what I will do.
300. Sometimes we expect more from others because we should be willing to do that much for them.
301. Life is about change, sometimes it's painful, sometimes it's beautiful, but most of the time it's both.
302. If twitter was a job, I would be employee of the year.
303. Every woman deserves a man who respects her & every man deserves a woman who appreciates his effort.
304. Never chase love, affection or attention. If it isn't given freely by another person, it isn't worth having.
305. Don't waste your time thinking about what might have been. The past is gone & can't be changed. Make the future what you
want it to be.
306. I hide all my problems behind my smile. Behind my smile is a world of pain. You think you know me, but you have no idea.
307. Today is today. Tomorrow is tomorrow. Solve the problem today and make preparations for tomorrow.
308. Sleep is my drug, My bed is my dealer,and my alarm clock is the police.
309. You can't litter negativity everywhere and then wonder why your life is coming up trash.
310. A break up is like a broken mirror. It is better to leave it broken than hurt yourself to fix it.
311. Being there for people, because you know what it's like to have no one there for you.
312. Take a look in a mirror and remind yourself to be happy because you deserve to be.
313. Life is like a game, you can play it safe and be good, or you can take a chance and be great.
314. Every end has a start. Every start has a decision. Every decision has a reason. And every reason has a meaning.
315. If you truly love someone then the only thing you want for them is to be happy even if it's not with you.
316. Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.
317. Life is too precious to worry about stupid things. Have fun and fall in love. Regret nothing and don’t let people bring you
318. When two people really care about each other, they will always look for a way to make it work, no matter how hard it is.
319. No matter how hard it is, know that the pain will pass & when it passes, u'll become stronger, happier, more sensitive &
320. People will hurt u, talk about u & hurt ur feelings. At the end, you'll see who's not worth a second of ur time & discover ur
true friends.
321. Fake people are the worst people. They always appear to be happy, when inside they're so jealous & We'll never know what
other people think of us until we hear them talk about us behind our back.
322. Silence is the way to avoid many problems and Smile is the way to get through many problems.
323. If we hate someone, we tell it without fear. If we love someone, we fear to tell. Strange but very true.!
324. As we grow up, we realize it become less important to have more friends and more important to have real ones.
325. Sometimes we just have to smile. Not because we are happy, but because we need to find an escape from the pain we are in.
326. The best relationship is when we can act like lovers but also like best friends.
327. Life's not always fair, but we must believe that everything we go through now will pay off in the long run.
328. #10YearsAgo - Life was a bit easier.#10YearsAgo we had Bob Hope, Steve Jobs, and Johnny Cash. Now we have no hope, no
jobs, and no cash.
329. God may be silent, but He's working behind the scenes, working things out for your good.
330. Happiness keeps you sweet. Trials keep you strong. Sorrows keep you human. Failures keep you humble. And God, keeps
you going.
331. A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.
332. It's funny how you can tell when someone likes someone else, but you can't tell when someone likes you.
333. Live every moment, love every day, because before you know it, precious time slips away.
334. Don’t point out other peoples flaws, because you're not perfect; you have to look in the mirror, before you can look out the
335. Haters hate, because they hate seeing you do better.
336. You can't please everyone. Ever. So live your life your way. How you want to. Other people's opinions aren't needed.
337. Before you ask someone why they hate you, ask yourself why you even care.
338. In school, you need to learn your lesson first before they give you a test. But in real life, the test is given first, then the
339. When you have freetime you get bored and wish you were busy. When you're busy, you get frustrated and wish you had
more freetime.
340. Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness. Laugh when you can, apologize when you should & let go of what you can't
341. Lying is done with words.. and also with silence.
342. The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.
343. Be a friend to yourself and others will be so too.
344. Life has many chapters. Don't get caught up on one chapter, move on to the next and see if any doors open.
345. Kindness is more than deeds. It is an attitude, an expression, a look, a touch. It is anything that lifts another person.
346. Associate yourself with people of good quality, for it is better to be alone than in bad company.
347. When some things go wrong, take a moment & be thankful for the many more things that are still going right.
348. Be infinitely patient. You know that everything will happen at the right time, at just the right place, with just the right
349. No matter how dirty your past is, your future is still spotless.
350. It’s not hard to find someone who tells you that they love you. It’s hard to find someone that actually means it.
351. Do not underestimate yourself. Remember, without your presence, someone else's life won't be complete.
352. Just because a door opens doesn't always mean that you should walk through it.
353. Even if you fall hard, you just have to stand up. Not for anybody else, but for yourself.
354. Don't judge me until you know me, don't underestimate me until you challenge me and don't talk about me until you've
talked to me.
355. God has perfect timing; never early, never late. It takes a little patience and faith, but it's worth the wait.
356. Every struggle in your life has shaped you into the person you are today. Be thankful for the hard times; they can only make
you stronger.
357. A good relationship can make you stronger. A bad relationship can make you wiser for next time.
358. Sometimes, the best answer to an issue is silence; what's the point of admitting or denying it when you are being judged at
the first place.
359. A good friend is like a wonderful book, the inside is even better than the cover!
360. The best thing in life is finding someone who knows all your flaws, mistakes, & weaknesses, & still thinks you're completely
361. God doesn't give the things we want, but the things we need. God doesn't give the people we want, but the people we need.
Have faith!
362. Being called weird is like being called Limited Edition. Meaning you're something people don't see that often. Remember
363. Sometimes, you end up losing yourself trying to hold onto someone who doesn't care about losing you.
364. No one has the right to judge you. They might have heard your stories, but they didn’t feel what you were going through.
365. True confidence leaves no room for jealousy. When you know you are great, you have no need to hate.
366. The best makeup is Smile. The best jewelry is Modesty. The best clothing is Confidence.
367. Never give up, not because you still have tomorrow to try, but because you may not have tomorrow to try.
368. Life always offers you a second chance. Its called tomorrow.
369. Count your life by smiles, not tears. Count your age by friends, not years.
370. Everybody deserves second chances, but not for the same mistakes.
371. Mistakes are painful, but as time goes by, it becomes a collection of experiences called Lessons.
372. Don't let something that doesn't matter cause you to lose something that does.
373. Never underestimate the pain of a person,because in all honesty, everyone is struggling.Just some people are better at
hiding it than others
374. When a girl is silent, she’s either over-thinking, tired of waiting, falling apart, crying inside, or all of the above.
375. God has no Phone, but I talk to him. He has no Facebook, but he is still my friend. He does not have a Twitter, but I still
follow him.
376. If you're important to them, they will always find a way to make time for you. No excuses, no lies and no broken promises.
377. If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
378. Smile. Why? Because it makes you attractive. It changes your mood. It relieves stress. And it helps you stay positive.
379. Don't worry about what others think. People are always negative, don't let it bother you.
380. People always leave. Don't worry, you get used to it and most importantly, learn to deal with it.
381. No need for revenge. Those who hurt you will eventually screw themselves up. And if you're lucky, God will let you watch.
382. Sometimes you forgive people simply because you still want them in your life.
383. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone :)
384. Don't be a host waiting for happiness to visit you from time to time, when you can be a visitor to happiness as much as you
385. If you care about what others think of you, then you will always be their slave.
386. Failures are a part of life. If you don’t fall, you don’t learn. If you don’t learn, you’ll never change.
387. People fear what they don’t understand and hate what they cannot conquer.
388. Life isn't hard, you're just too weak. But i'm sure that you can be stronger & harder if you want.
389. Every day is a new beginning. Treat it that way. Stay away from what might have been, and look at what can be.
390. When you quit fearing pain, when you learn to love the pain, you will lose all fear of everything.
391. If you love someone, you better prove it. Because love is not noun to be defined, but a verb to be acted.
392. Always remember that, no matter how useless you feel, you're someone's reason to smile.
393. The 3 C's of life: CHOICE, CHANCE, CHANGE. You must make the CHOICE to take the CHANCE if you want anything to
394. The difference in winning & losing is most often, not quitting.
395. F.R.I.E.N.D.S: (F)ight for you. (R)espect you. (I)nvolve you. (E)ncourage you. (N)eed you. (D)eserve you. (S)ave you.
396. If someone wants to be a part of your life, they will be there. Don't bother saving a spot for someone who won't make an
effort to stay.
397. When you truly care for someone, their mistakes never change your feelings because it's the mind that gets angry but the
heart still cares.
398. When Words Fail.Action Speaks.When Action Fails.Eyes Speak.When Eyes Fail.. Tears Speak. And When Everything Else
Fails. Silence Speaks.
399. In life you will meet two kinds of people. Ones who build you up, and ones who wear you down. But in the end, you will
thank them both.
400. Being single doesn't mean you know nothing about love, IT'S WISER to be alone than with the wrong person!
401. Life has so many great options but you don't have to pick what seems to be the best. Just pick what makes you happy and it
will be the best.
402. Life is too short to worry about what others say or think about you. Have fun and give them something to talk about.
403. You don't need anybody that does not need you. Focus on those who truly appreciate you & get rid of those who don't.
404. Haters don't really hate you. They hate themselves because you're a reflection of what they wish to be.
405. Before you talk, listen. Before you react, think. Before you criticize, wait. Before you pray, forgive. Before you quit, try.
406. Better to remain silent & be thought a fool that to speak & remove all doubt.
407. There's a big difference between who we want, who we settle for, and who we're meant for.
408. Patience with others is love. Patience with self is hope. Patience with God is faith.
409. Be amazing. Be good. Be pretty. Be strong. Be smart. Be cool. But the most important thing is, Be yourself.
410. Single is not a status... It is a word that best describes a person who is strong enough to live and enjoy life without
depending on others.
411. In life, you're going to be left out, talked about, lied to, and used but you have to decide who's worth your tears and who's
412. Before you ask someone why they hate you, ask yourself why you even care.
413. We change for two reasons. Either, we learn enough that we want to or we've been hurt enough to have to.
414. SMILE, It will make you look better. PRAY, it will keep you strong. LOVE, it will make you enjoy life.
415. It’s better to have nobody, than to have someone who is half there, or doesn’t want to be there.
416. Life is beautiful when you open your heart, mind, & eyes.
417. If someone truly wants you. Nothing will keep them away, they will do everything they can to be with you.
418. Don't be afraid of change. You maybe losing something good, but you'll probably end up gaining something better.
419. Stop leaving & you will arrive. Stop searching & you will see. Stop running away & you will be found.
420. Be yourself, it's the only way of being beautiful.
421. Be selective about how you let into your life. Be even more selective on who you let stay.
422. I fall, I rise, I make mistakes, I live, I learn, I've been hurt but I'm alive. I'm human, I'm not perfect but I'm thankful.
423. Being lonely isn't the worst feeling. The worst feeling is being forgotten by someone you will never forget.
424. Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect, it simply means that you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections.
425. Don't waste time greiving over past mistakes. Learn from them and move on.
426. The struggle you're in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow.
427. 24 DecFavoriteRetweetReply
428. »
429. Life is beautiful and tragic and you'll never make it out alive unless you stop living in the past and start living in the
430. People without visions, hopes, dreams, ambition, or desire to win will go out of their WAY to kill yours.
431. Don't let something that doesn't matter cause you to lose something that does.
432. If things always went according to a plan, then life would not be interesting.
433. Telling the truth and making someone's cry is better than telling a lie and making someone smile.
434. Don't call the world dirty just because you forgot to clean your glasses.
435. Nobody has a perfect life. Everybody has their own problems. Some people just know how to deal with it in a perfect way.
436. Forget what hurt you in the past. But never forget what it taught you.
437. There are two reasons why people don't talk about something. Either it doesn't mean anything, or it means everything.
438. Every struggle in your life has shaped you into the person you are today. Be thankful for the hard times; they can only make
you stronger.
439. find the good in everyday. It's usually the little things that we overlook that we should be the most grateful for.
440. Some people are like clouds. When they disappear, it's a brighter day.
441. The truth doesn't cost anything, but a lie could cost you everything.
442. Dream what you want to dream, go where you want to go, be what you want to be. Because you only have one life and one
chance to do it all.
443. Life isn't a matter of win or lose, it's about how to act when you fail and how to react when you succeed.
444. Live without pretending, Love without depending, Listen without defending, Speak without offending.
445. Your best lawyer is your good proven actions and not your good talking tongue.
446. When life looks you in the eyes and tells you, "You can't.", God is holding your hand telling you, "You CAN."
447. Mistakes are sometimes the best memories.
448. Sometimes, you have to get knocked down lower than you have ever been to stand back up taller than you ever were.
449. Sometimes the people we've known for a short amount of time have the biggest impact on our lives, even more than those
we've known forever.
450. Be grateful today, appreciate every opportunity instead of waiting on the opportunity you wanted.
451. Don’t expect too much. It’s always better to feel surprised than to feel disappointed.
452. If someone is strong enough to bring you down, you better show them your strong enough to get up.
453. Don't cry over the past, it's gone. Don't stress about the future, it hasn't arrived. Live in the present and make it beautiful.
454. Don't chase people. Be you, do your own thing and work hard. The right people who belong in your life will come to you,
and stay.
455. Don't waste your time looking back at what you lost. Move on. Remember life is not meant to be traveled backwards.
456. Never expect. Never assume. Never ask. And never demand. Just let it be. If it's meant to be, it will happen
457. A hater is just someone who wishes they could be you, so thank them for their admiration and move on.
458. I found the way to use the power within to alter my life, and others around me I can show u how, follow me for more daily
459. Do you remember when we were young and prays came true, when did they stop, or did we stop believing, revisit all that
we have forgotten now.
460. it makes me proud to have been born in Jordan my only wish was to have enjoyed it more, I have missed out on too much
now it’s too late
461. What’s Love got to do with it Soon I will get over it and get back to work Discovering my inner powers of the past years
that took me where ever I wanted follow me Down under
462. The ones who feel the need to impress you are the ones who are already impressed by you.
463. If you study to pass the exam, you might pass the exam, but if you study to learn, you will pass the exam.
464. Never lose sleep over something that isn't worth staying awake for.
465. Never jump to conclusions without finding out what's going on.
466. To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.
467. When a friend does something wrong, don't forget all the things they did right.
468. More people would learn from their mistakes if they weren't so busy denying them.
469. You don't just stop loving someone. You either always will, or you never did in the first place.
470. People are going to hate you, shake you, rate you and break you. How strong you stand is what makes you.
471. Usually we forgive someone simply because we don't want to lose them, even though they don't deserve our forgiveness.
472. People don't change, they just become a clearer version of who they really are.
473. Second chances doesn't always mean a happy ending, Sometimes, it's just another shot to end things better.
474. I fall, I rise, I make mistakes, I live, I learn, I've been hurt but I'm alive. I'm human, I'm not perfect but I'm thankful.
475. Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.
476. Life doesn't always turn out how you plan it sometimes, just sometimes, it turns out better.
477. The stupid person neither forgive nor forget, the naive forgive and forget, the wise forgive but do not forget.
478. God gives you pain to make you learn how to be strong. Stay positive, never give up, and always be grateful.
479. Life is like art. You have to work hard to keep it simple and still have meaning.
480. Work your hardest. Think your smartest. Dream your biggest. Be your greatest. Love you fullest. Smile your brightest!
481. Girls want a lot of things from one guy & guys want one thing from a lot of girls.
482. Best friends are the people in your life that makes you laugh a little louder, smile a little brighter, live a little better.
483. I’d rather live my life knowing that I’m not perfect, than spending my whole life pretending to be.
484. The only people worthy to be in your life are the ones that help you through hard times, and laugh with you after the hard
times pass.
485. Everyone has a story. Everyone has gone through something that has changed them.
486. sometimes you have to stop thinking so much, and just go where your heart takes you.
487. Be thankful for what you have, you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever
have enough.
488. Good times become good memories and bad times become good lessons.
489. Knowing is better than wondering, waking is better than sleeping, and even the biggest failure beats the hell out of never
490. That awkward moment when you have to make up an excuse not to hang out with someone because you'd rather chill at
491. Being nice to someone you hate doesn't mean you're fake. It means you're mature enough to tolerate your hate towards
492. If you care about what other people think, you will never live.
493. Good people see the bad things in themselves, bad people see the bad things only in others.
494. Don't make a permanently decision for your temporary emotion.
495. You can't live your life for other people. You've got to do what's right for you, even if it hurts some people you love.
496. Life is full of secret and lies, so when you get screwed over, don't act surprised.
497. Life is like a taxi ride. You can go wherever you want, but when the ride is over you`re gonna have to pay up.
498. Life is a math equation. In order to gain the most, you have to know how to convert the negatives into positives!
499. People may hate you for being different & not living by society's standards, but deep down, they wish they had the courage
to do the same.
500. Your greatest strength is knowing all your weaknesses.
501. Don't judge yourself based on how other people treat you, judge yourself based on what you're worth.
502. When you're wrong, admit it. Being right is never as important as being fair.
503. Trust, respect, loyalty, and communication; 4 essential parts of a successful relationship.
504. Don't make a decision based solely on popularity, just because other people are doing it doesn't mean it's the best choice.
505. Stop listening to people who say you can't; never tell yourself you're not capable.
506. You can never truely understand someones pain until you're the one who feels it.
507. People don't change just by saying "I'm sorry". People change by knowing exactly why they should be sorry.
508. Respect people's feelings. Even if it doesn't mean anything to you, it could mean everything to them.
509. Forget the past that made you cry and focus on the present that completes your smile :)
510. Actions will always speak louder than words. Forget what you heard, reconize what you see.
511. That awkward moment when you hand someone your phone to show them one picture & then they start scrolling through
the rest without asking.
512. Be happy, not because everything is good, but because you can see the good side of everything
513. Forgiveness is a key to opening 1 door & looking forward to the future. Forgetting is another key to lock doors behind u to
forget the past
514. Smiling is good for the heart, Laughing is good for the soul and Loving will keep you living, laughing, & smiling.
515. When you feel like life has knocked you around and pushed you down to your knees, you're in the perfect position: PRAY.
516. Happy moments, praise God. Difficult moments, seek God. Quiet moments, worship God. Painful moments, trust God. Every
moment, thank God.
517. If someone wants to be a part of your life, they will be there. Don't bother saving a spot for someone who won't make an
effort to stay.
518. The best thing in life is finding someone who knows all your flaws, mistakes, & weaknesses, & still thinks you're completely
519. Your relationship with God is more important than anything because you know for sure that's a relationship that will last
520. Life is like Adidas and Nike, "Nothing is impossible" so "Just Do It".
521. Life is too short to give another minute to anyone or anything that doesn't make you happy.
522. The day you were born you began a learning process that will continue for the rest of your life.
523. The way I see it: the more people hate me, the less people I have to please
524. Choose wisely your time to educate and your time to be silent. Life provides many opportunities to be tolerant.
In Search of a Reason for Living
This is an essay about life, a book about you. Its purpose is to send you on a journey
through your heart, mind, and soul. If you take the journey you will find in yourself the
reason for living. If you care at all about life and people and yourself, you will take the
If you are a humanist, a sceptic, simply do not know what to believe, or are just looking
for a reason to live, please read my book, it represents an objective, rational, reasoned,
search for a reason for living.
We begin our journey.
Who Am I
The day you were born you began a learning process that will continue for the rest of
your life. You were, from the beginning, moulded by your surroundings, parents,
relatives, playmates, by all the general attitudes, ideas, and beliefs you came in contact
with. Each new year of life added to your past, changing the way you viewed every new
day, influencing how you reacted to everything from the simplest daily routines to
complex events touching you, your family, and the world you lived in.
As you grew older you interacted with people from different backgrounds with differing
ideas about life. Faced with new ideas, you may have defended your beliefs, or you may
have completely abandoned your past. However, like most people, you probably belong to
that vast river of humanity which lives each moment in the easiest, most pleasant way
possible. If so, you were and are more or less able to blend ideas, feelings, philosophies,
desires, and realities to justify what you want to do.
Along with the majority of people, you were and are good at sending questions and ideas
about the meaning of life and death, as well as thoughts and feelings about what is good
and right, deep into the cloudy regions of your mind. Whether we realize it or not, most of
us are voluntary prisoners of our minds, unwilling to question who we are and what we
believe, happy to simply roll along through life. Most of us will live from birth to death in
a world we have fashioned from our past to suit our present. Few of us will ever stand
free from our present beliefs and daily lives to ask what is life about? Who am I? What
should I do? What will I do? If there is meaning to life, and a reason for living, these
questions must be answered.
If there is a true meaning to life, nothing that you do, say, or think will change that truth.
What good is it to live your life believing what you are doing is right if your beliefs are
false and what you are doing is wrong? It is an understanding of life that we seek, a search
for something in life worth living for.
If you are to find the meaning of life you must be willing to recognize it if and when you
see it. To do so requires you to open your mind and accept whatever you discover, even if
it is totally opposite to your experiences, beliefs, and wishes. Since our discussion deal
with the purpose of life, if what we are saying is true, your willingness to understand is a
willingness to grasp the very reason for your living. If the answers you find are different
from those you have moulded for yourself, you must decide whether to continue on the
path you are on, or go another way on a new path toward a new destination.
Each of us is born, we live lives of various lengths, and then we die. We have a separate
nature which is our own and which sets us apart from every other person who lives or
has ever lived. We share similar characteristics, but each of us is unique. You are you.
What makes us unique is the fact that we perpetually make choices between alternatives.
Our choices seem to be far more than mechanical selections based on some complex
biological decision making scheme. Rather, your choice seems to be based not only on
what you believe will happen if you make a certain choice, but also on what you "want" to
You engage in what we will call “rational thought”, whereby you think about many things,
including the concepts of right and wrong.
You eventually reach a point where that certain quality of being which is unique to you
takes over, and you make your choices.
Even though human beings have instinctive feelings for self-preservation, self-
satisfaction, etc., you can choose to do the opposite, to go against what your instincts,
personality, and emotions tell you to do. You can think about what you are going to do,
and can choose to do what you believe is right and good even if it places you in grave
danger. Similarly, you can choose to do what you believe is wrong and evil even if you
would instinctively do otherwise.
Your decision is your decision, a product of your singular existence and being.
Able to engage in rational thought, and to choose freely among various courses of action
based on those thoughts, you are in a very real sense what you choose to be.
There is a risk that as you read our notes you may think that we are suggesting that there
is no "reason to live".
That is not what we are saying at all! In fact we are saying the opposite, we have abundant
hope that if you search your heart, mind, and soul, you will find in yourself the reason for
If you do not continue to exist in some form after death, what good are all the
experiences, decisions, triumphs, defeats, all the moments of your life?
If you do not survive the grave, if you return to the state of being that preceded your
birth, then I suggest to you that nothing in fact does matter.
While over the ages men and women have sought to perpetuate themselves through their
children, their place in history, their role in society, and through intricate philosophical
webs of existentialism and other essays on physical man's importance, the fact of physical
death remains.
If each generation's death means the end of those individuals, then we are all faced with
an endless cycle of creation and destruction, the meaning of which, if any, is beyond
If there is anything in life we can count on occurring without fail, it is physical death.
The successful bank president, the champion athlete, the housewife, the famous, the
unknown, every human being, you, die.
While all acknowledge the certainty of their eventual demise, few think about death until
they are faced with it.
The very nature of human life denies death and shrouds it in the cloak of future events,
events that are not yet real and do not need to be dealt with in the present.
The fact that you are moving steadily toward your death is most likely, and literally, to be
the last thing on your mind.
Observing the inevitable death of every creature that inhabits the earth, we may have a
recurrent feeling that death is the end.
On the other hand, it is virtually inconceivable to us that all we are, all we have been, all
we will be, will be rendered void in that moment of death.
It goes against human nature to visualize the effective destruction of our past, present,
and future, which accompanies death without existence beyond death.
Yet if each human being does cease to exist, then all human beings are, or in the case of
generations yet unborn will be, waiting their turn to cease existing.
If each and every human being ceases to be, then the feeling of continuity that pervades
the human race is false (please remember we do not believe that life is in fact destroyed
by physical death).
In their arguments for humanism, existentialism, etc., philosophers have spent lifetimes
trying to construct a difference between the apparent continuity of humankind, and the
periodic death of individual humans.
Most of us think of our ancestors as a link to the past, and our children as a link to the
future, however if we do not survive the grave each generation dies an isolated death that
mocks any assertion that humankind has a continuing existence apart from its individual
If each person's death results in their no longer existing, then no manner of historical
recording, social progression, or other remembrance in the minds of those whose time to
die is yet to come, can in any way affect, preserve, or make any difference whatsoever to
those who no longer are. No one will survive to remember.
If each of us ceases to be, then your life has no meaning and your choices make no
This is a very difficult conclusion to accept, it goes against our intuitive feelings about
human life, and against our assumptions that individual physical lives have meaning and
However if we are little more than doomed animals, our intuitive feeling of meaning and
value would not be surprising.
From the very beginning, to assure survival of any species, evolution would certainly have
instilled in living creatures the feeling that there is a reason for them to exist, a reason for
them to crawl out of the ocean and build cities. If there is no life after death, and our lives
are in fact consumed by "nothing", it is no wonder that our genetic heritage argues so
strongly against that possibility.
Think about it for awhile. If each person's consciousness is the product of their physical
brain, then individual physical consciousness exists only during that person’s physical life
on earth.
If each of our physical lives proceeds from birth to death, then the consequence of each
person's death necessarily follows their death. Who can be affected by that death?
Certainly those who survive may be affected, but here is the "problem", the death cannot
be of any consequence to the purely physical human being who no longer exists.
The moment before the death of a human being it can be said that their impending death
affects them, but the very moment after the person dies, he or she is no longer around to
be affected!
Cause and effect, action and consequence, occur in a fixed order, the former always
"preceding" the latter.
Let us assume, for example, that a comet hits the Earth and all life is annihilated.
It is very hard to accept, but if consciousness, our mind, is nothing more than a physical
phenomenon, if there is no non-physical life after death, the most logical conclusion is
that the complete annihilation of humankind is of absolutely no consequence to
humankind! While the words may sound bizarre and counter intuitive, in fact they are
not. The moment after the total destruction of humankind there is no humankind left to
be affected. Indeed, there is no humankind around that is conscious of the fact that the
comet struck the earth!
The same logic applies to the history of individuals not visited by a catastrophic event. If
you believe that each human being is nothing more than an individual physical entity, and
therefore that there is no life after death, then at the time of their death each human being
experiences the identical individual annihilation that all humankind would experience
together if the earth was "destroyed" by a comet.
If a human being named Bill dies at 12:00 noon, and there is no life after death, at 12:01
Bill is not "around" to be affected by his death. After 12:00 noon you could search the
entire universe for Bill and you would not find him.
If there is no life after death, the very moment after the event known as Bill's death, Bill
no longer exists, and Bill cannot be affected by anything, including his death.
The logic goes even further.
If you do not believe that human consciousness continues to exist after physical death,
then death not only annihilates each individual's present and future, but also annihilates
their past. Most people would agree that for an object to have a present and a future the
object must exist. Many would make the distinction that while an object cannot have a
present and a future if it does not exist, it somehow can have a past. It is clear that the
present and future of an object are bound to the existence of the object, but so to is the
object's past.
The problem lies in the use of the words past, present, and future both to describe that
which is part of an object (a "past" that belongs to the object, like a person’s memories
that “belong” to the living individual from birth to death), and to describe the existence of
the person from a third party's view (a “past” which is a chronological description of a
life, like a photo album containing pictures of an individual who has died).
It is a misconception to equate the fact that there is a "history" of all beings or objects that
is set in the "past", with the statement that a being or object that no longer exists has a
The first idea simply says that the being or object existed over a finite period that is
apparent to those who currently exist.
The second idea is different, there is a “history” set in the past that is the sum of all
lifetimes, but a person who no longer exists has no “past” that is unique to and dependent
on their existence. A person who has died has no physical past, present, or future for the
simple reason that the person no longer exists.
Admittedly, our conclusions about physical death are totally opposite to our "common
sense" understanding of life.
There are many arguments that purport to counter this logic, including assertions that a
person's life before physical death has “existential” meaning in and of itself.
Yet all of the humanistic arguments are based on the biophysics of existence before
physical death.
They are set in the time before death, within the causal sequence of events that precede
We believe that none of the arguments adequately address the period after death
(perhaps with the possible exception suggested by modern physics that is discussed
below), and therefore none answer the question of how a person who no longer exists can
have a present, or a future, or a past?
If death is the end of your existence, should you be frightened by the certainty of your
If indeed you cease to exist, you need not fear death, for after your death you will feel
neither pain, nor pleasure, nor peace, nor torment.
There is nothing to fear, for there will be no one to experience anything negative.
There is nothing to look forward to, for there will be no one to experience anything
The only way you can visualize what is usually called a "nihilistic" death is to picture
yourself after death as being in the same state you were in before birth (of course you
were not really in any state at all).
Philosophers often speak of the void that would follow physical death without life after
death as the abyss, the unknown, the approaching void, etc.
All of these suggest that we are on a journey to a "place" which lies at the end of our
physical lifetimes.
If on our death we cease to exist, this idea that we are traveling to our ultimate destiny is
We are not traveling to an abyss, the void, or the unknown, for these words suggest that
we are moving toward something.
I recognize the seeming absurdity of the language, yet if on our death we cease to exist,
then "nothing" totally consumes us.
This is the heart of the problem, we cannot in any way whatsoever understand or
visualize "nothing".
When we think about “nothing", we turn it into “something” that can be thought about.
The only way we can answer the question "what is nothing?" is to answer it by not asking
it, for if we ask the question we destroy the answer.
What about the fact that modern physics suggests that the physical existence of each
human being somehow persists in space-time in the form of an individual's "worldline”.
Worldlines contain every sequential event in a human being's life from birth to death.
Classical interpretations often say that a human being is his or her entire worldline, but
they do not really explain what is meant by this.
They almost universally conclude that each event in a human being's life exists as an
event in space-time, so that if we could observe the point on a worldline that is the tenth
birthday of someone who is now eleven years old, we would see that person experiencing
their tenth birthday.
We would not see a "copy", or a "repeat", of the particular day, we would see the person's
tenth birthday as it is occurring, period!
The interpretations tell us that each individual exists as discrete human consciousness in
the billions of events located at every point along that individual's worldline.
Some physicists describe the physical reality of multiple events along a single worldline
by saying that there are many "now's", others say there are billions of approximate
"isomorphs" of "me", many claim there are billions of other worlds in which various
versions of "me" coexist, etc.
It seems reasonable to conclude that modern physics tells us that literally billions of
discrete, very real, versions of each of us occupy space-time.
If you do not have a single physical existence located somewhere on your worldline, your
life has no meaning and your choices make no difference to “you”, simply because there is
no single physical "you" that exists after physical death.
While we believe that Einstein and Minkowski’s theorems about spacetime are right, we
do not believe that the current interpretations of the theories explain what the math
actually tells us about our physical consciousness.
We believe that Einstein’s relativity accommodates our intuitive feelings that we can’t go
backward or forward in time by requiring human beings to pass through, to sequentially
experience, each event on their worldlines.
We think that modern relativitistic and quantum physics provide a mechanism whereby
human beings do not exist, exist, do not exist at each point on their worldline.
From what we know, whether there is no single “you” in spacetime, or there is a single
“you” that moves along your worldline from past to present, we conclude that science
does not offer a current model that incorporates a permanent, single, physical, human
However, we must make it absolutely clear that no one understands the fundamental
nature of spacetime and of quantum physics, so we cannot say with any certainty at all
that human beings do not have some kind of permanent "individual" physical existence or
"identity" which is yet to be discovered.
So there is another possibility, that the intuitive feeling human beings have that their
physical past cannot change or be lost is based on some real, yet unknown, physical
model of our universe.
For example, virtually everyone is certain that if they are eleven years old now they have
already experienced their tenth year of life, nothing can take from them the past
experience of being ten years old.
The intuitive feeling is very strong that our physical life makes a positive or negative
contribution to human existence, and that our physical life is a permanent part of the
physical universe.
Perhaps there is some single physical consciousness that incorporates all of the events
along our worldline, and that preserves our physical past, present, and future.
We cannot rule out this possibility, if for no other reason than the fact that it is
theoretically impossible to prove a negative.
Indeed the very fact that human beings exist in our universe argues strongly for
existential meaning and purpose.
The possibility that we have a permanent physical consciousness seems to require the
existence of a physical consciousness that is not bound to events on a worldline.
Yet it seems intuitively true that if consciousness of past events can be lost when
memories fade in old age or are damaged when we suffer brain injuries or strokes, then
physical consciousness has not incorporated those past events into a permanent singular
In fact, every night between dreams we lose touch with our memories as we sleep.
Einstein only briefly addressed physical (not non-physical) existence when he said “An
individual who should survive his physical death is also beyond my comprehension, ….”
While I can visualize and accept a “non-physical consciousness” that survives physical
death, I am unable to have any confidence in the existence of a singular “physical
consciousness” that survives the physical death of a human being.
I may be wrong. Almost every philosopher and scientist, in fact almost all of the billions of
human beings who live on this earth, believe that physical life has existential meaning and
I can say that after many, many years of thought I am convinced that any attempt to
construct a model of permanent physical consciousness does more damage to the
centuries of accumulated scientific knowledge, than does the acceptance of the possibility
that a permanent non-physical consciousness may exist.
However, I may be wrong, intuition may be telling us that physical life does in fact have
existential meaning which has not yet been explained, or at least not satisfactorily
explained, by science.
A moment's comment on those who believe they may be able to physically perpetuate
themselves through cryogenics, cloning, etc.
Our universe will eventually return to a state of uniformly high entropy, so that the
cosmos will become a hostile environment in which physical life cannot be sustained.
Book Mark
While a physical end to all biologic creatures may seem absurdly far away, your great,
great, great (to the 100th. power), grand-clone would find it frightfully real when the time
came for the physical demise of the collective consciousness of all who came before, a
distant time from now which like all imaginable time is but a second in eternity.
What should our response be to all of this? We strongly believe that there is absolutely no
reason not to live for the possibility that life has meaning and value. We think we are right
about the transitory nature of physical consciousness, but we may be wrong. If our
conclusions are wrong, perhaps we do in fact have a physical consciousness that survives
physical death. If we are wrong, we may have a perpetual physical existence that gives
meaning and value to our physical lives, even if there is no non-physical life after death.
Perhaps the billions of human beings, including virtually every philosopher and scientist,
are right and our physical lives have existential meaning and purpose without an
existence after death. We will not pursue these possibilities, however you should
recognize that they exist.
If we are right, if our physical consciousness does not survive physical death, our death
may mark the end of our existence. Yet if our physical consciousness dies, it is still quite
possible that we will not face a "nihilistic" death. Perhaps we have a non-physical
consciousness that survives physical death, and that gives meaning and value to our lives.
We will consider this possibility in more detail as we continue our search for a reason for
Beyond the human desire for meaning in life, we would suggest that the logical
consequences of what philosophers call a nihilistic death, "require" the search for
alternatives to nihilism. Those who believe that the nihilistic void is approaching are, by
the very nature of their humanity, required to search for something to believe in other
than the void. While it appears to be impossible to scientifically prove that life has
meaning and value, it is equally impossible to prove that life has no meaning and value.
No matter what the person who concludes that life is meaningless believes to be true now
or at any other particular time in their life, the possibility always exists that he or she may
eventually find true meaning and value in their life.
There is no reason to be a "nihilist", no reason to believe that life has no meaning and
purpose. If nihilism is correct, if life does end at death, it makes no difference whatsoever
if we believe it is correct, or not. If we believe nihilism is correct, and it is correct, that
does not alter the void that would follow death. If we believe nihilism is not correct, and it
is correct, that does not alter the void that would follow death. If we do not believe
anything at all about nihilism, and it is correct, that does not alter the void that would
follow death. Yet if nihilism is not correct, belief and/or faith in that which offers a reason
for living may well be essential to our existence. If because we believe nihilism is correct
we accept the void, and we are wrong, then we have doomed ourselves. If you believe that
the humanistic belief that there is no life after death may lead to the nihilistic conclusion
that the "void" will consume past, present, and future, then to escape the quicksand of
nihilistic time you must search for alternatives that provide a reason for living. We
believe that there is a non-physical life after death which gives human beings a
permanent consciousness, those who do not agree with our conclusions must, as human
beings, seek some alternative form of existential meaning and purpose in their lives.
It is very important to recognize that nihilism can never lead to suicide, for nihilism tells
us that if we do in fact live in a nihilistic world, nothing that happens in our lives, no
matter how "badly" we may feel about it at the time, has any "real" consequence at all. It
tells us that what we perceive to be the very worst events in our lives are no better, or
worse, than any other events. I am absolutely convinced that the philosophical neutrality
that nihilism demands, means that nihilism never suggests or supports suicide as an
option for any human being.
Furthermore, since it is absolutely, undeniably, true that we do not know and understand
the fundamental nature of our existence, we may in fact not live in a nihilistic world. It is
absolutely, undeniably, true that since nihilism may be wrong, there can never be any
reason to terminate our life, risk the negative consequences, and abandon the possible
positive consequences of living a meaningful life. Our conclusions may be right, we may
have a permanent non-physical consciousness which gives meaning to life, or we may be
wrong, and life may have a permanent existential meaning without a life after death, in
either case suicide destroys the possibility of finding the meaning and purpose that may
in fact exist in each and every human being's life. We are a small part of the whole. Unless
the answer is revealed to us by the whole, we can never know during our physical lives
what really happens when our physical life ends. Life may have physical or non-physical
meaning and value right now that we do not, and perhaps cannot during our physical
lives, recognize and understand.
There is no reason at all to reject the possibility that each of us has some kind of
permanent physical or non-physical consciousness. There is no reason at all to reject the
possibility that each of our lives has existential meaning and purpose even if there is no
life after death. There is absolutely no logical reason whatsoever to reject the possibility
that nihilism may be false! There is no reason whatsoever not to search for an alternative
to nihilism, to explore the possibility of a permanent physical or non-physical
consciousness, to seek existential meaning and purpose in our lives, to search for a reason
for living. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever not to live for the possibility,
however remote you may believe it to be, that life has meaning and value. [Again, if you
find yourself distressed or depressed by our conclusions.
Is That All There Is?
If it is true that your total existence ends with physical death, does that mean that your
life is meaningless? As we have said, our answer is probably (but not “certainly”) yes.
Therefore, is it true that your life has no meaning? The answer is no. If we are somehow
more than our physical bodies, if we can exist beyond and apart from those bodies, then
perhaps each of us survives physical death and continues to exist, in some manner and
form, beyond the grave. If you are, or you become through living, a unique individual who
possesses the ability to engage in rational thought and exercise freedom of choice,
perhaps you have an existence beyond your physical mind and body.
Since the dawn of recorded history people have thought and written about existence
beyond physical death. Some have suggested that extra sensory perception,
premonitions, unexplained knowledge of past events, etc., are part of the world beyond
death. Perhaps the unique being which each of us is, the present existence that makes
your choices and your life yours alone, exists now and after your death in a realm beyond
the physical. Perhaps each of us continues to exist in a manner and fashion infinitely
beyond our ability to imagine, let alone comprehend, perhaps not.
A great number of people have spent vast amounts of time and effort studying all manner
of phenomena outside everyday experiences. Many, most, or even all "inexplicable"
events may be explained by future generations of scientists. Yet I have little difficulty
accepting that there are events which are in fact controlled by forces beyond our present
knowledge. If they are true phenomena, and not products of the mind, their very
existence strongly suggests that there is a world which is quite real lying somewhere
beyond normal human perception.
There is no present answer to the questions posed by what many perceive to be
“metaphysical” events. Our discussion deals with what the meaning and purpose of life is.
As we continue you will see that whether or not anyone has witnessed supernatural
phenomena originating from a world beyond the grave is not an essential, or perhaps
even an important, one. You will see that even if no one ever had any contact in this world
with a world beyond the grave, it would not mean that such a world does not exist. You
will see that we don't need to look for metaphysical events in our lives to understand
what life is all about. At this point we ask that you keep an open mind about life after
death. For now, please accept the possibility, however remote you may feel it is, that in
some manner and fashion we continue to exist after our physical death.
The Search For Truth
If a scientist, philosopher, or anyone else tells you something is true, and in fact it is not
true, it is not true. To say something is true does not make it true. Even though you are
told something is true, if it is not true it is simply not true. On the other hand, if something
is true it is true, even if you are told or believe that it is not.
If something is true or false, it is true or false whether we believe it to be true or false, or
have not thought about its truth at all. If we believe a lamp is on a table, whether we have
any evidence it is or not, and it is in fact on the table, then what we believe to be true is
true. If we cannot determine whether or not the lamp is on the table that does not change
the actual position of the lamp. Even though without evidence we cannot prove a lamp is
on a table, if it is on the table it is there and our belief is true.
Just because we cannot prove something is true does not in any way mean it is not true.
Because we cannot prove, or disprove, we continue to exist after the death of our bodies
does not mean that we do not continue to exist, or that we do. If we continue to exist after
our physical death, then we continue to exist, and if we do not, then we do not.
Science is based on observation, formulation of theories, and more observation. To
observe necessarily requires the ability to perceive - to sense, feel, smell, touch, taste, see,
hear. Early humans used all their senses to explore the world around them. When human
senses proved inadequate, they devised better and better tools and instruments to extend
their range. Microscopes and telescopes to expand vision, stethoscopes and amplifiers to
increase hearing, plus thousands of other sensitive devices to enhance the senses.
The catalog of devices used to expand our human senses is enormous and growing by the
minute, yet all the instruments of humankind can do no more than extend the reach of
humans into the universe of which they and their instruments are a part. We know of
three spatial dimensions, height, width, depth, and a fourth dimension, time. Is there a
fifth, a sixth, a seventh, an eighth dimension? No one knows, for if they exist they appear
to be separate and beyond human ability to sense, measure, and thus scientifically prove.
Does that mean those dimensions do not exist, the answer is no. If a fifth dimension
exists, it exists. If a fifth dimension does not exist, it does not exist. This is true regardless
whether we can, or never can, observe that dimension and, of course, is true for any sixth
dimension, seventh dimension, eighth dimension, etc. It is important to realize that no
matter how many dimensions are eventually observed, one or more additional
dimensions may or may not exist beyond human ability to observe.
Many of you are saying to yourselves it is one thing to say that a dimension beyond
human ability to observe may exist, but an entirely different thing to say that one
probably does. You are right. Most of you will go on to say it is highly improbable, maybe
less than one chance in a trillion, that even one more dimension exists beyond the
observable number of dimensions, however many that may eventually prove to be. If you
think that, you are wrong. To be able to statistically predict the likelihood of an event
happening we must first observe to see how often the event occurs during a given period
of time. If we cannot observe the event when it occurs, we cannot determine how often it
happens (or does not happen) and we cannot predict the likelihood of the event.
One problem with recognizing the limitations of statistical analysis and science is
understanding the difference between not observing an event where the event watched
for can be observed, and not observing an event where the event cannot be observed
because it is beyond human ability to sense. The first, not observing an event which could
be seen, leads to the valid conclusion that the event is unlikely to occur. The second, not
observing an event which is beyond human ability to perceive, cannot lead to any
conclusion at all about the reality of that event. Yet it appears to be human nature to
assume that things which have never been observed do not exist, or at best are highly
unlikely to exist.
If something exists beyond human perception it will never be observed during our
physical lifetimes. If you cannot measure something because it is beyond human
perception you cannot prove it exists, on the other hand you cannot prove that it does not
exist. More importantly, you cannot say that it is likely or unlikely that it exists! You
simply cannot say anything objective at all about that which is beyond human ability to
It is very, very important to realize that it is absolutely impossible to say that it is either
likely or unlikely something exists beyond human observation. We simply cannot
determine in any way the probability that something exists, or does not exist, beyond our
observable universe. To understand the significance of this often overlooked statement is
to understand that we have no idea what, if anything, lies beyond our human boundaries.
Because we cannot know what lies beyond our perception or how it might affect our
physical reality, we can never prove that anything is absolutely "true", or absolutely
“false”. A moments thought should bring the realization that this absolute limit of
statistics and science renders all "scientific proof", as well as subjective feelings, that
nothing exists beyond our perception into "philosophic arguments". Despite what science
might claim to have "proven", and despite what we might "feel", about what lies beyond
our ability to observe, we cannot say anything objective about that which is beyond
human perception. No one, not you nor I nor the smartest person on earth can say that it
is likely, or not likely, that a "world" or "worlds" exist beyond the physical world in which
we live. From an objective standpoint anything, or nothing, may exist beyond human
Before leaving our discussion of truth, we should note the apparently absolute limit
where the question "how" becomes the question "why". Let's jump ahead 10,000 years,
and assume that a “theory of everything” has been found that describes the behavior of all
forces and elements according to a set of fairly simple laws. If and when such a theory is
"proved" we may in fact have succeeded in explaining the past, present, and future
behavior of all observed matter and energy. However the ultimate questions will remain.
Why were the unified forces that control energy and matter created? Why do they exist?
Who or what is the source of such primordial forces if they are the most fundamental of
forces? These questions will still be unanswered, and it is not hard to see, will remain
Science will have succeeded in fully describing the forces seen in nature, and their effects
on matter and energy. The question "how" nature works will, for the most part, have been
answered. But an explanation of the creation, the existence, the source of the forces, the
answer to "why" such forces exist, will be missing. The ultimate question "Why?" most
clearly defines the limit of science and human beings.
This leads us to one more unanswered question. At the time this note was written it was
generally accepted that all of space-time was created at or near a point in time popularly
known as the "big bang". Scientists tell us that everything in the universe was created out
of a tiny speck of matter.
Here is the problem. Entropy is a measure of disorder. If you pour cream into your coffee,
the cream will never remove itself to make the coffee black again. This is because the
entropy (disorder) of the system (the coffee with cream) tends to increase over time. As a
rule, systems tend to become more disordered over time.
The universe we live in is a place of amazingly low entropy, if that was not true we would
not be alive. Every star, planet, rock, tree, living creature, every human being, everything
in the universe that is more ordered than the diffuse interstellar gas clouds that surround
us, is an example of a system with low entropy. For our universe to have the extremely
low entropy it has, required at the "starting point" of the big bang the selection of a single
low entropy universe from a virtually infinite number of possible high entropy universes.
Roger Penrose, a noted British mathematician who along with Stephen Hawking
established how singularities form in black holes, concludes that: "There is a certain
sense in which I would say the universe has a purpose. It's not there just somehow by
chance. Some people take the view that the universe is simply there and it runs along…
and we happen by accident to find ourselves in this thing. I don't think that's a very
fruitful or helpful way of looking at the universe, I think that there is something much
deeper about it, about its existence, which we have very little inkling of at the moment.”
To be more exact, in his book "The Emperor's New Mind", Penrose calculated that the
universe we live in required the selection of one out of 10 raised to the 10th power raised
to the 123rd power of all possible universes! This is a deceptively large number, which in
fact cannot be written. If you tried to write it out by writing the number "1" on a piece of
paper, you would have to write a 0 on every single atom in the universe just to approach
the number of zeros that follow the one, even then you would not be close to writing out
the entire number. If this interpretation of modern cosmology is as solid as it seems, it
means that the chance that our universe was created at random is as close to impossible
as we can get!
Many find comfort in believing that even if science has not yet discovered them, every
physical event from creation onward evolved according to a set of absolute physical laws.
The mathematically precise physical structure of the universe, the tiny place we have in
the incredible vastness of space, the biologic characteristics we share with animals, etc.,
all may be interpreted as evidence of a purely mechanistic process that governs our lives.
Yet if we consider the complexity of that which we observe, and if we are honest with
ourselves, we cannot escape the intuitive feeling that there is an "order" in the chaos that
cannot be explained by science.
Even if the odds against the random selection of our low entropy universe out of all
possible universes are not quite as impossible as they seem, we simply cannot ignore the
intuitive feeling that the odds are almost infinitely against the random creation and
existence of everything around us. Think about this for awhile. No matter how strongly
we may feel that life is the result of physical processes only, if we are objective we must
admit that it intuitively seems impossible that a random physical process could create the
almost infinitely complex, yet extremely well ordered, low entropy, universe in which we
live. Anyone who takes the time to try to visualize billions of stars bursting out of a
pinhead faces a mystery which, at the very least, leaves us with the possibility that the
observable physical universe is not "all there is".
What all this tells us is that we have no real idea at all what the true nature of our life is,
or what the possibilities are for our continued existence after death.
We have discussed the fact that we can never be certain anything is true. We have
considered the limitations on human understanding which make all human assertions of
fact simply statements of belief. Does all this mean that what we believe to be true but
cannot prove is any less true? Again, the answer is no. If something is true it is true
whether or not you prove, believe in, or have even thought about, its truth.
Literally billions of ideas and beliefs can be suggested to be true. We can propose
assumptions which will send us off in any direction we might wish to go. Every day we
see people who are certain of the absolute truth of their beliefs, never realizing they have
talked themselves into accepting as absolutely true that which is, and must be, based on
their assumptions. We can argue that we are descendants of Martians, that inanimate
objects talk to each other, etc., etc., etc. Since we cannot know whether or not something
or someone exists beyond our perception, we cannot know if the wildest of ideas may in
fact be true somewhere outside our current existence. Yet even though "anything" may be
true, we must not allow ourselves to apply logical arguments to first "prove", and then
"disprove", fundamental beliefs about the nature and meaning of life. What we want is for
you to put aside your assumptions and beliefs; take a journey into your heart, mind, and
soul; and then decide what you want to believe is true.
What is true is true. What then is the difference in believing something to be true, and
proving something is true, if indeed the belief is true? The difference is not in the truth of
the matter, for the belief itself is either true or not regardless of any belief as to its truth.
Rather the difference lies in the realization that what appears absolutely true may not be
true. That realization, and the humility that should accompany it, emphasizes the
importance of reviewing your beliefs. If we cannot prove anything, how do we determine
what is true? If the best we can do is believe something is true, what good is that? The
answer lies in what we just said, if what we believe to be true is true, then proof is not
necessary for that truth.
We have been talking as though we start with the belief that everything we seek to prove
is untrue, and then go from there. The fact is that we have built into our existence a set of
assumptions that certain things are true, assumptions we base our strongest beliefs on.
For example, though nothing can be proven beyond doubt, few would argue the world
they live in does not actually exist, or a ball thrown into the air will not fall back to earth,
or people do not grow older. Few doubt or question the solid reality of any of the events
that make up everyday life, from the proposition the sun will rise to the reality of
everyday tasks associated with living.
All you are, all you have been, everything about your life contributes to your belief in the
truth of millions upon millions of things. Your life, and your perception of it, is an
incredibly intricate web of observations, feelings, and experiences, all parts of your
existence, none divisible, all making you, you. Perhaps humans have some inexplicable
intuition that gives them insight into what is actually true, perhaps not. The fact is that all
anyone can do is to use all the abilities they have to determine what is true. All you can do
is to think, and analyze, and test, and rethink, until you believe something is true.
In many cases the scientific method serves us well when we search for the "truth". This is
particularly so when we sort through results of objective tests to analyze which drug is
most effective, what car is best, etc. In other cases logic proves inadequate and "feelings"
seem to be a better guide. Philosophy and religion are not suited to scientific inquiry.
Because they deal with that which is beyond human perception, philosophical and
religious beliefs must come from within each individual, and must be based on all that
makes an individual a unique human being. Such beliefs grow when experiences of life
combine with that illusive quality that makes each of us the singular person we are.
How much, if any, of the process of determining fundamental beliefs is guided by insight,
and how much is a product of heredity and environment, is a question without answer. I
have seen many people paralyzed by the fear that what they believed to be true might be
false. Over the years I have come to believe that if anyone puts a sincere effort into
determining what is true, and what is good, they will succeed. Even though they will
never be able to "prove" anything, what they find themselves believing to be true and
good will be, perhaps even if not perfectly correct, what actually is true and good. There
is, of course, no proof for such a belief, yet for me it is fundamentally true.
I am not suggesting that someone who has determined his or her answer to a question
before searching for it will ever find the true answer. Those who want to prove their
point, even if it is only to themselves, will inevitably mould everything to fit their answer.
With varying degrees of discomfort, they will reach their previous conclusion every time.
What I am saying is that I am convinced that those who search their hearts, minds, and
souls to understand life will find themselves believing certain things to be true and right.
Perhaps these more or less inherent beliefs are simply products of human existence and
thought. Perhaps, however, they are insights into profound fundamental truths.
What about the times when you feel strongly that something is or might be true, but are
uncertain of those feelings because, to some degree, your beliefs lie outside human
perception or experience? Beyond mere "belief" is something called "faith". When our
beliefs are strong we may choose to have faith in their truth. What then is "faith"? In part
faith is having an intense conviction what you believe to be true is in fact true, but it is
more than that. Real faith in the truth of something is a product of your total being. It is
not only what you believe to be true, but what you want to be true. Faith is a total
commitment by you to believe that what you think should be true is true, that what you
think should be right and good is in fact right and good.
You cannot have faith in something or someone simply because there is nothing better to
believe in. Faith cannot be based on negative choices, but must be based on a real, strong,
sometimes total, desire that what you believe should be true actually is true. You must
want what you have faith in to be true. Since nothing can be fully proved or disproved
unless truth has been somehow revealed, that which people have faith in is, for them, that
which is true.
The End May Be Just The Beginning
What is worth having faith in? Earlier we said if your existence ends with the death of
your body it is virtually inconceivable to us that life has any meaning at all. We may be
wrong, but we believe that your existence has meaning only if you continue to exist in
some form or fashion after the death of your body. We believe that if there is to be any
reason and purpose to your life you must prove or believe or have faith in an existence
beyond the grave. Since it looks like no one can prove they continue to exist after death,
the question is whether or not you choose to believe you do. Yet existence beyond the
grave lies so far beyond human perception and observation, beyond human
comprehension and understanding, that human feelings about such existence are
inadequate to base fundamental beliefs on.
Then is this a matter you should have faith in? Your answer to that question, if it is to be
more than a casual one which will not last, must be based on what you believe life is "all
about", not only after death but also right now. If you are to have faith in a life after death
you need to believe people are more than biologic creatures. To be worth having faith in,
to be worth wanting, life beyond the grave must be more than just existing through time.
It must offer a hope of something worth living for, of "goodness", perhaps of joy.
We can imagine many different things about life beyond the grave. We may believe in a
metaphysical extension of life, somehow self-perpetuating and dependent only on a
communion of some sort of mental energy unique to human beings. We may believe in
reincarnation, whereby forms change but human beings never die. There is no limit to
what we may believe life after death will be like. As we have said, no one can prove us
wrong, or right.
Speculation about the "physical" nature of life after death can be nothing more than
guesses, and offers little help in making a decision whether or not we would want to live
in such a world. If we are more than our physical selves it would seem that there must be
more to look forward to in a life after death than the "physical" aspects of that life. We
need to find out if there is something beyond the physical that every human can have
faith in if they want to be more than worthless travelers in time.
If we survive the grave does it not seem intuitively likely that the most positive aspects of
our life on earth will also be positive features of the world after death? In looking for a
reason to believe in an extension of life beyond the grave that is worth living for, and thus
worth having faith in, you must look at this world and this life. Life on earth is the only
basis we have on which to project what a world beyond the grave might be like. You must
find the most positive aspects of this life, you must find in this life a reason to believe life
has meaning and purpose. Perhaps you will find “good” in this world that gives you a
reason to believe, or have faith, there is a life after death filled with "joy". To help you
choose what to believe about life, now and beyond the grave, we need to explore our
present lives. In the rest of these notes, we will be considering whether there is "good" in
this life that makes it worth having faith in a life after death.
If we do continue to exist after our physical deaths, then each moment of our lives, both
before and after death, may have meaning and purpose. If we survive death then each of
us has been, is, and will continue to be a unique being. What then is the meaning and
purpose of life? What should, or must, you do? What choices do you have right now?
Many philosophers, psychiatrists, and others, argue persuasively that self-satisfaction is
the most important human goal. A society made up of individuals who maximize their
own well being is a society at its best. They conclude that when each of us reaches our
own point of maximum pleasure, all of us benefit. What constitutes the maximization of
pleasure is a hotly debated question, answered in countless, totally different ways. Ideas
range from doing anything that makes you feel "good", to espousing intense dedication to
such diverse things as political causes, meditation, or simply the pursuit of pleasure.
Many suggest the free market works well in selecting what is worthwhile in life, with
various methods of providing pleasure coming and going as demand identifies, supplies,
and satisfies needs. Others argue the best society is made up of family groups that seek to
maximize the family's happiness. Some extend the group to include friends and even
strangers, but often exclude those outside the group's geographic and social spheres.
Volume after volume after volume has been written describing what various people
believe life is all about. Multitudes of people have dedicated large parts of their lives to
convincing others of the truth of their ideas and the wisdom of following their examples.
Instead of closely examining and eliminating one at a time what I believe to be the
fallacies and follies of humankind, I will suggest to you what many believe life is all about.
If you choose to know and understand what is said, I believe you will discover what is
true and gives meaning and purpose to life. We are about to look for something in life
worth living for, something to have faith in.
What many suggest is worth living for is love. Not what we often call love, but that which
is the most profound of human experiences.
The love we are talking about is far more, incredibly more, than that which we normally
call love. Love is the most positive of human experiences. It is the deepest, most profound,
of human relationships. It is the giving of all you have to give to someone else.
What is love? Love is beyond definition, it cannot be described in words. No effort to
describe love can in any way answer what love is. Love is beyond human ability to
analyze and evaluate. Yet each of us has, as a part of our very being, an understanding of
love. The love we are talking about is basic, profound, a fundamental part of our
existence. In each and every one of our hearts and minds, and I believe souls, we know
and understand what love is.
Love is so deeply a part of human beings, so far beyond definition and description, so
elusive to those who halfheartedly seek it, that you will know and understand love only if
you engage in a very personal search of heart and mind and soul which leads to the very
essence of your being. To understand life it is necessary to understand love. No one can
make you understand love, you alone must be willing to take the inward journey. I will
repeatedly urge you to do so, for nothing can take the place of that understanding.
Most of us think we already know what love is, when in fact few do. Sometime during our
lives the majority of us will believe we have found true love, even though we have not.
Many of us will go to our graves believing we have loved, when we never loved at all.
For most people, their understanding of love is hidden deep within. Each time they
glimpse love and feel it trying to surface, they push it back to its resting place. Few are
willing to search for the love that may be found inside them, few are willing to let their
knowledge of love surface. I believe each and every person who truly wants to know and
understand love, and who is willing to search and search and search their heart, mind,
and soul, will know and understand love.
The search is difficult, it is perhaps the most difficult task you will ever face. If you search
your heart, mind, and soul you will find yourself surrounded by multitudes of conflicting
feelings, questions, doubts, etc. These will draw your attention away from your search,
and may make it seem futile and worthless. If you try to deal with each distraction as it
appears, you will end up floundering from side to side, without direction, your goal
appearing on the horizon yet never getting closer.
Before answering the many questions love poses, before satisfying your doubts, you
should complete your search. Search your heart, mind, and soul, your being, to know and
understand love. Set aside all questions, doubts, and fears, put all your energy and
thought into your search. First understand love, then ask and answer questions about it.
It is very hard to stay on track. Your search will take you through and among daily
experiences and deep memories filled with the emptiness, cruelty, and physical pleasures
of a world where love is seldom seen. The cold glance of strangers on the street, the
reality of poverty in the shadow of enormous wealth, watching people get sick and die a
seemingly final death. Thoughts of food, drink, luxury, sex, all the physical pleasures you
could be enjoying. All these pull at your attention and cause your mind to drift. Your focus
is blurred as first one thing and then another interrupts your search.
Even when you think you have broken through the fog and are running toward your goal,
a tiny diversion, a moment’s pause, and you are flung back into that strange and cloudy
state of doubts, not knowing where, if anywhere, you are. Back in the haze, you may find
yourself believing you reached your goal when you did not. This feeling of success can be
strong, and the rush of living may make it seem even more real since little time is
available to stop and think about who you are, where you have been, and where you are
going. What can happen is that you can make yourself believe you understand love, when
in fact all you have seen is false illusions of love. You may wrongly conclude that love is
really not that special at all.
To allow yourself to stop short of your goal, to allow yourself to believe you understand
love when you do not, is to condemn yourself to the deep darkness shared by all who live
without love. A darkness few recognize, a blackness the depth of which can be
appreciated only by those who find love. Only those who finish their search will know and
understand love.
Completing the search requires a willingness to start. It is far easier to live your life
following whatever sort of daily routine you have, over the years, consciously and
subconsciously constructed for yourself, a routine designed to make you feel good about
your life. For most of us this means mixing with our daily activities that bring us self-
satisfaction and physical pleasure, just enough "good" deeds to give us the illusory feeling
that we are "good" people. For better or worse you nurture an image of yourself you have
been developing since childhood. An image that dictates what is expected of you and rules
how you act, making your life a repeating cycle of yesterdays.
Even if you do not feel good about your life, you are usually more comfortable not
straying too far from the familiar. It is easier to live a "normal" life than to question and
search and change. Yet if you want to know and understand love you must give the search
your all, without fear of, or resistance to, the changes it may bring in your life. You need to
search and search until you know what it means to love, what it would be like to live in a
world where each and every person loves every other person.
This is more than a mental exercise. If after your search you believe love is what all
people should give each other, then you have perhaps not only found what gives life
meaning and purpose right now, but also found that which makes it worth having faith in
life beyond the grave. At this point I am not suggesting that you embrace without
question the ideas of eternity and the goodness of love. I am saying you will find it
virtually, or perhaps totally, impossible to decide whether or not to believe that love is
worth living for, if you do not know and understand what love is. Only when you are
willing to search your heart, mind, soul, your very being, to know love, will you
understand the decision to love or not to love. Only then can you make your choice.
In the remaining pages of this book we will give some examples of love, discuss what
those who love do, and talk in general about love. Yet nothing we say will bring you an
understanding of love, only your search can do that. Your search will begin whenever you
want it to, and will end whenever you want it to. This book is useful only if you take the
hours, days, months, or years, whatever it takes, to complete your search. If you stop
when you find that half-hearted, fleeting, shallow thing most people call "love", your
efforts will have been futile and worthless. You will have failed to find what love really is.
It is very easy to stop short of understanding love. The idea of pure, real love, is so alien to
our experiences, so foreign to the world we live in, we subconsciously, and even
consciously, reject it as a non-existent fantasy. Yet it does exist. Because we seldom, if
ever, witness such love does not mean it is less than real. Because the experiences of our
past and the realities of our daily existence attack love does not mean it is a fantasy. Our
doubts and fears, desires and temptations, weaknesses and longing to "live", cannot
change the fact that pure, true, real, love exists, and that people can love one another.
If you love someone who is hungry, you will give them food; someone who is thirsty, you
will give them water; someone who is cold, you will give them your coat. If you love
someone who is sick, you will care for them until they are well; someone who is in prison,
you will visit them; someone without a home, you will take them home with you. These
are all acts and deeds those who love do for the people they love. Yet love is far more than
the doing of any particular act or deed. While those who love people will do the things we
just mentioned, simply doing "good deeds" is not the same as loving. Many who do not
love do "good deeds". Many who say they love, and perhaps even believe they love, if they
love at all, do so only halfheartedly and from moment to moment.
It is hard to say that someone who feeds a person when they are hungry and then leaves
them to find their own shelter really loves that person. It is hard to call love the giving of
money to an orphanage, when children's cries for attention and companionship go
unanswered. It is difficult to understand how someone can say they love a person when
they make that person feel they need to applaud their donor for every gift they receive.
Love is far more than acts, deeds, words, or feelings. To love someone, really love
someone, is to give them all you have to give, true, deep, pure, indefinable, indescribable
love. It is giving to others the love that you will find and understand if you complete your
search of heart, mind, and soul.
We said we seldom, maybe never, see true love. You may have witnessed, or been part of,
one of those rare occasions when people truly love other people. When a mother gently
hugs her baby and love flows between them, when two people’s eyes meet and they
exchange soft smiles that flow from the love in their hearts, when someone gives all they
have to help someone in need. These are moments of true love, moments we choose to
give one another. What we are talking about is love - true, pure, real, love.
If you love, you will help a stranger who needs help, even if it puts you in danger. If you
love, you will think first about the needs of those you love, and only then think about your
own needs. If you love, you will do what you can, all you can, for everyone you meet.
Those who really understand love know in their heart, mind, and soul that love is the
greatest thing in life one human being can give another. If you truly love someone you are
giving them your very best. We have reached an awkward point in trying to use language
to describe a state of being which affects the totality of human existence. How can we
adequately describe how a person who truly loves thinks, feels, and acts? We can't. Only
you can search within yourself to know and understand love. Unless you have completed
your search of your heart, mind, and soul and know and understand love, you will not
understand what I am saying, or what anyone else is saying, when we tell you about the
love we find in our heart, mind, and soul. So how can you understand what we are saying
when we say love is the best part of human life?
Regardless of human inability to describe love, you and I and everyone else can look
inward to know and understand love. And when you, or I, or anyone else, completes their
search and knows and understands love, we know and understand that love is indeed the
most positive element of human existence. We know that the very best each of us can do
is to love. We may find it difficult to talk about love with someone who has not yet
finished their search, however once a person understands love they join all others who
have completed their search in a communion of knowledge which makes communication
of ideas about love easy, and makes what is said clear.
If you have trouble visualizing love, it may be helpful for you to travel in your mind to a
world where pure love is freely given by every human being to every other human being.
Do not let the fact that such a world does not exist around you discourage you. We may
never choose to fill our world with pure love. Yet because each of us can choose love, such
a world is possible! Let yourself feel in your heart, mind, and soul the love such a world
would be filled with.
Visualize in your heart, mind, and soul a place where you love every person, and where
every person loves you. Feel the joy of love flowing from you to every person, and from
every person to you. No war, or even anger, no prisons. No loneliness, no hunger, no
poverty. Instead that world would be an incredible place filled with peaceful joys of love
not only shared by, but in fact chosen by, all who live there.
It may take minutes, or it may take years, for you to enter that world in your imagination
and feel the glowing warmth and peace. Now is the time to start your trip. If visions of a
place filled with love do not come to you today, try again tomorrow, or next week. Keep
letting your heart, mind, and soul drift off to a world of pure love. Love every person you
meet in that world and let them love you in return.
At this point you should sit back and think about what is being said, for in these few pages
we have jumped from looking for something worth living for, to the suggestion that you
search yourself for an understanding of love, to the idea that all people should love one
another. If you have not searched your heart, mind, soul, your very being, and do not yet
understood love, what we are saying may seem interesting but not profound. I wish I
could think of words and logical arguments that would make true, pure, real, love, crystal
clear to you, but I can't. We are simply not talking about the kind of understanding that
comes from reasoned analysis. I could fill these pages with elegant prose and poetry
describing love, yet not one word would have the power or effect that even a fleeting
inward glimpse of love has.
Your Best Is Good Enough
The following will be very difficult to read and accept if you have not completed your
search of your heart, mind, and soul. As you read please do not reject what is said.
Complete your search, know and understand true, pure, real, love, before you make your
choices. Take all the time you need, days, weeks, months, years, to search your heart,
mind, and soul to know and understand love. Search your very being, until you know and
understand what it means to love everyone with true, pure, real, love.
If you understand love you know loving does not require you to mechanically follow a set
pattern of "right" actions. You know instead that if you love you will do the best you can
in every situation, even if you cannot determine what the real solution is. If you love you
do your best, and doing your best is something you can always do. Doing your best simply
requires that which you are capable of, no more.
This does not mean loving is any easier because you do not have to know what the
"correct" answer is. On the contrary, to say love requires you to do your best is to say that
love requires of you all you have to give. Love requires everything you can give, your total
effort. By requiring only that which you are capable of giving, it is always your choice
whether you love or don't love. If you understand love you know it is your choice and
your choice alone, to love or not to love. It is a profound responsibility to be able, every
moment of your life, to love or not to love.
If you love another human being you are giving that human being your very best. If you
love every human being you are doing the very best you can do for each of them.
Similarly, if they love you they are doing the very best they can for you. It is not hard to
see that a world where each and every person loves each and every other person would
be the best possible world. Since each of us can love if and when we want to love, a world
filled with love is very much a possibility. Pure love is so rare a quantity in daily life it
may seem almost impossible that, if they are willing to, people can love all other people.
Yet they can. We can bring about a world filled with love, a world that is worth living for.
Few of us seriously expect to see a day on earth when all people love one another. There
are too many people for whom physical pleasure is more desirable than love. Only the
most optimistic hold hope for a world filled with love. So what is the next best world? If
you understand love you know you can love people even if they do not love you. You can
always choose to love, and if love is the best you can do, does it not seem true that you
should love even if you are not loved? Does it not seem true that you should always
choose love?
If life ends with physical death, perhaps the proper response to hate would not be love,
but would be some form of resistance to hate that minimizes its influence on others. Yet
that cannot be, for we have already said we believe that if existence ends with physical
death nothing we do really matters at all, so any response, or no response, would be
equally acceptable. But what if life continues after death, would it matter what we do
when faced with hate?
If life exists beyond the grave, and if love is the best part of life in this world, does it not
seem intuitively likely that if life after death is to be good it will be an existence filled with
love? Of course we are dealing with questions beyond human ability to answer, we are in
fact in the murky area where intellect, insight, and intuition blend with belief and faith.
There is no way at all we can say anything concrete about what life after death may or
may not be like. Yet there exists a "feeling" that at least a portion of whatever lies beyond
the grave, if anything, possesses the positive characteristics of life in this world. If we
come to believe the most positive aspect of life is love, then it somehow seems intuitively
true that if those who choose to love on earth enter a life after death, it will be a life that is
filled with love.
So what is our answer? Who should you love? If loving is good, the question really
becomes is there anyone you should not love? If you understand love you know you can
always love someone even if the person you love hates you. When you hate those who
hate you, you are doing the same wrong to them they are doing to you. The natural
reaction is to hate those who hate you, but if you understand love you should, after deep
thought and consideration, reach the conclusion that since you never have to hate, you
should always love (in other writings available on our website we discuss if we should
love someone who has totally rejected love).
What if the person who hates you continues to hate you, and does all kinds of evil to you
and to others without sign of remorse? Again, if you understand love you know you can
always love another person even if that person hates you. If we agree that the best we can
do in this life, and in a life after death if one exists, is to love each other, the answer seems
clear. If it is your choice to love or not, you should choose to love every moment of your
earthly life. That means you should love even if you are not loved, even if you are hated.
If love is worth living for in this life, it is worth living for in whatever life may follow
death. If it is possible that we continue to exist after death, it would seem that we should
love now with the hope that when we die we will pass into a life where love will not only
continue, but will be shared by all who join us there.
Loving someone does not mean you should support the wrongs they do. Many people
who love others and try to help them out of problems like gambling, drinking, casual sex,
etc., find themselves defending the other person and slipping into their way of life. There
is a fine line between being with people and loving and helping them, and, in an attempt
to reach them, accepting at least part of their way of life. If at all times you keep in your
heart, mind, and soul what it means to truly love, you will have no trouble knowing where
that line is.
If you choose to love, you will constantly have to decide what you should do in particular
situations. The natural tendency is to take a middle of the road position that seems to be
positive toward everyone involved without being too negative toward yourself. You then
declare that your decision is based on love, and all seems well. Loving is not that easy,
every single decision about love must be made from your heart, mind, and soul.
If you want to love you must search your very being for the answers love requires, and
you must be willing to accept without change the answers you find. You are driving home
from work, heading for a birthday party your spouse and friends have been planning for
you. Traffic is heavy on the freeway. You see a man hitchhiking, he seems unsure of his
footing, as you get closer you can tell he is drunk. If you stop you are sure to be late for
your party, anyway, there are lots of cars one of which is bound to pick him up, and he
doesn't look like he will stagger into the roadway.
You think, "he may be pretending to be drunk so he can rob somebody, a policeman is
bound to drive by, I can call one as soon as I get home". Time to decide what to do. You
want to drive on by him and not have to decide, but you know you have to stop or not
stop. You stop your car, help the man into the passenger seat, he mumbles the town he is
going to and then passes out. When you reach the right exit, you get off and try to rouse
your passenger. He gets sick and throws up, you stop to let him get some air and to clean
out the car.
You're forty minutes late for your party and there isn't a phone in sight. You think about
leaving him at a gas station, but you help him back in the car and go on. He sees a bar,
yells for you to stop, and curses you when you don't. You arrive in his hometown, but he
is too drunk to remember where he lives. You find a motel, get the hitchhiker a room, and
pay the desk clerk to look in on him to see he is all right and to bring him breakfast the
next morning. You buy him some clean clothes and put them in the room.
You call home and your spouse slams the phone down. Finally you arrive home three
hours late, your guests have gone, your spouse and kids are mad, you are hungry and
cold. You think about all the hassle you went through; the party you missed, your party;
the drunk hitchhiker cursing you. You think, I hope I never get into another situation like
this one, but if I do, I'll do it all over again. If you have not completed your search you may
not understand the love given the hitchhiker. If you have, you know that if you choose
love you would do the same things the driver did.
If you love someone, whether they are your child or a stranger, you will do the very best
you can for them. If you love someone you will do the best you can, every moment of your
life, even if it means that you do not have enough to meet your own needs. You will have
compassion for every human being who does not have enough to eat, and you will invite
them to eat with you. You will care for those who are sick until they get well. If you meet
someone who is homeless, you will find shelter for them. You will spend time with those
who are lonely, and you will listen to their problems. You will help them not because it
makes you feel good, but because you love them. You will give them the love that is in
your heart, mind, and soul.
Sit back, and think and think and think about loving people with true, pure, real, love.
Take all the time you need to feel and experience the love inside you that you can give to
all people. Complete your search of your heart, mind, and soul and know and understand
You choose love, that means everything is all right, right? In a very real sense the answer
to that question is yes, for you everything is all right. Everything being all right does not,
however, mean that your life on earth will be physically better. Probably it will get much
worse, for those who choose not to love will be doubly hard on those who do. If you love
someone you will not hit them when they strike you. You will give them food, and drink,
and shelter even if they hate you and even if you end up not having enough for yourself. If
you love them you will help them when they are sick, even if they have cheated you and
cursed your stupidity. You will love them no matter what they do to you, with the
knowledge that you are doing what all human beings can and should do.
What if the choice comes whether to kill someone, or be killed by them? I cannot see how
someone could choose to intentionally kill someone they love. Let me simply say it seems
to me that if you continue to exist after death, and if it is true that if you love someone you
will never kill them, then you have nothing to fear if because you love you die and enter
an existence filled with love.
You never "have" to commit any violent act against another, it is always your choice to do
so or not. If love requires rejection of all violence against another human being, as I
believe it does, those who understand love should understand it is worth enduring pain in
this life if accepting such pain leads to love, both now and in whatever existence follows
death. Death followed by a joyful eternal life of love, day after day, year after year,
millions of years after millions of years, forever and ever and ever and ever, seems far
superior to a pleasant life followed by a loveless eternity. We need to remember that no
matter how hard we try to avoid our inevitable deaths, the fact is that we live lives that
are no more than single grains among the infinite sands of time.
If love is right, even one decision not to love is wrong. When you complete your search
perhaps you may not agree with us that you will never inflict physical harm on someone
you love. The answer you find to this question, and other questions less dramatic but as
hard or harder to answer, is to be found in your knowledge and understanding of love.
After you have completed your search, and know and understand love, you will have to
decide for yourself whether or not our answer to the question about killing, as well as our
answers to the many other difficult questions, are based on love, or not. We believe they
are, but perhaps they are not.
We believe that after you complete your search of heart, mind, and soul you will know
and understand that if anything is true, it is true that every moment of their lives each
and every human being can and should love each and every other human being. There is
no question in my heart, mind, and soul, that every person should love every other
person. Indeed, if every person chose to love every other person as they would have those
people love them, if every person chose to love every other person as himself or herself,
then each of us would do the very best that we could do for every human being in the
world. There would be nothing more that we should do for each other, nothing more that
we could do.
One essential warning, when faced with a hard question the normal human response is
toward self-interest, with elaborate arguments to justify the answer and make it seem to
be the result of love. The answer dictated by love is often (for some people almost
always) very, very, hard to accept. Yet I am convinced that if you choose love you will
accept the toughest of answers, and will find peace and hope in your decisions. At all
times you must be absolutely certain that your answers are based on the knowledge and
understanding of love you find in your heart, mind, and soul. You must be certain that you
always choose true, pure, real, love.
Each moment of hate is a moment when you could have chosen love. If love is best, what
could possibly be better than choosing to love every moment of your earthly life?
We have said you can choose to love any time you want to. This is true no matter what
you have done in the past, and only requires that you want to love now. If you decide to
love, what can you do about your past? The only thing that can be done is that you can be
forgiven for having not loved. If you understand love, you know that if you love someone
you will forgive them the wrongs they have done to you. Think carefully about love and
forgiveness, and you will understand that if you love someone you will always and
repeatedly and truly forgive them for having not loved you. If you love someone you will
forgive them for everything they do to you and to other people.
The murderer who admits his wrong and seeks forgiveness is perhaps better off than the
cheat who denies he has done anything wrong and rejects any thoughts about needing
forgiveness. If we have all done wrong, and if those who love forgive, should we not quit
trying to keep score of each person's wrongs and forgive them? If you love people, you
will forgive them. No matter how many times they may ask you to forgive them, if they
seek your forgiveness and you love them, you will forgive them.
If you have completed your search and know and understand love, you also know and
understand that if someone is your enemy and hates you, you can and should love them. If
you love those people who hate you, and who do not want forgiveness, you will love them
and do good to them, with the hope that they will choose to love you and seek
forgiveness. You can and should love both those who love you and seek forgiveness, and
those who hate you and do not seek forgiveness. To love those who hate you and who
laugh at your forgiveness is perhaps the greatest test of your desire to love.
Men, Women, & Love
If you listen to people talking about love between men and women, you will quickly find
that the love they describe may have only a slight, or even no, resemblance to the love you
found when you searched your heart, mind, and soul. Many men and women sincerely
believe love is a physical attraction between the sexes that somehow magically appears,
must be cultivated by keeping the partner interested, and sometimes simply fades away.
From the rush of adrenaline and the pounding heart which accompanies puppy love, to
the passionate emotions of the "perfect" affair, most of humankind accepts, and in fact
welcomes, the pleasant feelings of sexual thoughts and deeds.
All manner of sexual experiences are accepted without question. From the "innocent"
enjoyment of a beauty contest, to the pleasures of casual sex, to unbelievable perversions,
people enjoy whatever degree of sexual excitement their background and their "morals"
will allow. Each of these indulgences is justified by some form of argument about sex
being only natural, and feeling good being all right.
Even those whose ideas about love and marriage are more traditional are often lulled into
what, for lack of a better description, may be called romantic love. The intense emotions
that accompany any relationship, plus the pressures of society, combine to push people
into playing stereotypical roles of dating. Men and women do the best they can to be
interesting to each other, to make each other have a good time, and particularly not to
rock the romantic boat. A general fear of being unpopular, of losing favor with another
person, of being an oddball, runs through most people's minds.
When a man and a woman fall into playing "the game of love" they lose their identity as
people who can truly love each other. Even though they may think what they are feeling is
love for one another, it is more often infatuation with the romantic atmosphere and the
idealized images of themselves they have created. The question is asked with increasing
frequency, can a man and a woman really love each other for the rest of their lives?
Think a few minutes about the love you found when you searched your heart, mind, and
soul. Then think about giving that love to another person, and in return being loved by
them. If you truly understand love, you will understand that true love can exist between
any two people, and that true love between a man and a woman can exist. The love you
find in your heart, mind, and soul is far more than physical attraction, or magical
moments. It is the ultimate, joyful relationship between two people, where each person
cares as much for the other person as for himself or herself. If you understand love, you
know it is the deepest commitment one human being can give another.
If a man loves a woman, and a woman a man, when they look in each other's eyes they are
not filled with lust, they are filled with love for each other. When their hands touch they
are not filled with desire, they are filled with deep feelings of love. When they are with
each other they know their love will not fade but will truly last their lifetimes. If they
decide they want to spend the rest of their lives together as husband and wife, then they
may choose to marry, and perhaps have a family.
Some readers will throw their hands up and exclaim what simplistic mishmash this is, life
is nowhere near as easy as that, nor are human relationships that simple. Those who
understand love know that what I am describing is far from simplistic. If you truly
understand love, you will understand that the love I am describing is the basis of the
deepest and most profound relationship two people can have. What makes these
sentences sound naive and childish is the tendency of all of us to equate the word love
with what we have been told love is. Novels, movies, poets, television, rock stars, friends,
parents, teachers, have told us love is some sort of fragile entity which comes and goes
with adversity and changes in the weather.
To people who only understand love in so limited and weak a form, the idea of deep and
permanent love shared by two people seems a romantic absurdity. It is little wonder they
find it almost impossible to believe true love can exist between a husband and a wife.
What I am saying is that if two people truly love each other, they are not attracted to each
other by desire for physical pleasure, they are brought together by love. When they are
with each other, they have real, true, deep, love, in their hearts.
What about the intense, “passionate” love we sometimes see between people, which may
drive one human being to heady, irrational, and "total" commitment to another human
being, even to the point of deeply hurting friends, children, or spouses? I do not suggest
the intensity of passionate "love" does not bring to its participants incredible pleasure,
pleasure beyond the physical, pleasure which would perhaps be the goal of all humankind
were it not for that which must be lost in gaining it. For even though I have tried and tried
and tried and tried to imagine the coexistence of what we might call passionate love with
that which we have called true love, it seems to me they cannot exist together in one
human being. A person who chooses to give passionate love to another person, cannot
also choose to give true love to all people. Passionate love overwhelms true love, it
demands that people do that which they would not do if they loved all people.
The love you will find when you search your heart, mind, and soul, love every person can
give every other person, may not bring with it the emotional high passion offers, yet it is
an all consuming love which becomes part of a person's very being. Though it may lack
the emotional fever that accompanies passionate romance, the transformation that occurs
when a human being chooses to love all people gives that person love which does not
appear and disappear, brighten and fade. It is love that is with them and comforts them
every moment of their lives. A love that does not focus its energy on one or two people,
but rather a love that spreads out from a person and grows and strengthens as it radiates
into the world. That love, whether it is called ideal or pure or true, or just called love, is
more intense than any love I can imagine.
Indeed, while it is true that the love between two people who love all people is clearly
different to the explosive passion of two lovers for whom the rest of the world does not
exist, I believe it is in fact far more intense and beautiful and joyous. Only a man or a
woman who gives real, pure, true love to all people can give real, pure, true love to each
individual person. The person for whom love must be a passionate emotional experience
shared by a few does not understand and cannot give to anyone the all-consuming love
which lies within them. They have locked fellow human beings out of their hearts, minds,
and souls and thus have lost the love that, if it is given to anyone, must be given to all.
What about the millions upon millions of people who most would conclude do not "lust"
for each other, but who look at each other as being physically attractive, and who may
"flirt" with each other? When the vast majority of people look at each other, at least to
some extent they see each other as more or less physically attractive, as having a more or
less pleasant personality, as being more or less desirable to be with, etc. Far beyond the
question of sexual attraction, most human beings will tell you that they get along better
with people who exhibit “compatible” personality traits. Indeed, most people have a
group of "friends" they enjoy being with. It seems that people like to be around people
who make them "feel good". Is there anything wrong with that?
If when you look at someone you are looking for something in them that makes you feel
good, whether that may be "innocent" sexual attractiveness or delightful conversation or
something else, you are not giving them the love that is in your heart, mind, and soul. If
you love someone, when you look at them you do not have thoughts about their physical
appearance. If you love someone, you do not think about what their personality is like. If
you love someone, you do not think about whether or not you want to be around them
and be their friend. If you love someone, you do not have thoughts about whether or not
they make you "feel good". If you love someone, when you look at them you have love for
them in your heart, mind, and soul.
If you give someone true, pure, real, love, you will love them, and you will not think of
them as someone you do or do not want to be around. You will love all people, including
those who other people consider to be ugly or dull or stupid or inferior. When you look at
them you will not see someone who is sexually attractive or vivacious or funny or
popular, you will see someone you love. When you look at them you will not see someone
who is ugly or dull or stupid or inferior, or anything else, you will see someone you love. If
you give to everyone, the true, pure, real, love that is in your heart, mind, and soul, they
will be more than your friends, they will be your family who you love.
If you understand love you know that if anything in life is worth living for, it is for people
to love, really and truly love, people. Yet if death is the end, what use is it to love anyone?
We believe that if death is indeed the end of your existence, then love and hate and you
and I and life are all transient puffs of smoke in an ultimately inanimate eternity. Even
love will succumb to death, making its apparent beauty no more lasting than a winter's
We really do not know, and will not know, what lies in store for us beyond the grave until
the inevitable moment of death arrives. If life and love end at the grave we will never
know the answer for we will no longer exist, and the question will die with us. Of course,
as we have said, such an end would be the ultimate in painlessness. If you no longer are,
you no longer are, period. The void that follows death without a life after death is a
complete and total void. There would be no one to experience joy, there would be no one
to experience pain.
We have said there is absolutely no way we can prove life continues beyond the grave,
but we have also said there is absolutely no way we can prove it does not. We discussed
the possibility of life having meaning without life after death. We said that we cannot be
certain that life does not have meaning and purpose even if there is no life after death.
While we cannot be certain we are right, we explained why we believe that life has
meaning only if there is a non-physical life after death. We concluded that whether we are
right or not, there is absolutely no reason not to live for the possibility that life has
meaning and purpose, and for the possibility that we may eventually find true meaning
and value in our life.
If we are right, we simply cannot know what life after death may or may not be like. Yet,
as we have already noted, the "feeling" persists that life beyond the grave should possess
the positive aspects of life in this world. If the most positive aspect of life is love, then a
life after death that is filled with love seems to be worth believing in. If we continue to
exist after death, we may indeed find ourselves in a "world" where people love people.
If love is worth living for, and if the only realistic alternative is nihilistic death, then it
seems that you, and I, and everyone else, should love each other and live for the
possibility that we will continue to exist after death in an existence filled with love. Yet
choosing love because the alternative may be a meaningless death is not a good enough
reason. Love must be chosen by those who in their heart, mind, and soul truly want to
love, or their choice will be a shallow one that will not last. Those who choose to love
must do so because they want to love.
If we want to love, we believe that we must have faith that we continue to exist after our
physical death. Can we have faith in a random existence after death that has no guidance,
might there be more? If we are to accept that human beings may continue to exist after
the death of their bodies we need to consider what, if any, external force or presence may
"guide" or "control" such existence. We are way past the limits of human comprehension,
at the point where belief must turn into faith. The more modern science has discovered,
the more it seems that some form of "logical", "rational", process occurs in nature,
replacing random events with "planned" sequences.
Such "logical" progression of nature may be the result of an incredible computer like
property whereby nature is equipped with some sort of "artificial intelligence", perhaps
so, perhaps not. Yet we have already said that the odds that the universe was created at
random appear to be as close to zero as can possibly be imagined. Perhaps the universe is
not "controlled" or "guided" by some deterministic process. Perhaps the universe is
"controlled" or "guided” by someone. [Please read the next section in its entirety before
reaching conclusions about what it says.]
Throughout human history there has existed in the majority of people a belief in some
power, existence, a logical presence beyond human existence, a God (or gods). During at
least the past few thousand years there has appeared in many cultures a belief in a God
who is good, a God who wants human beings to do that which is good. Those who have
completed their search of their heart, mind, and soul, know and understand love. Those
who have completed their search know and understand in their heart, mind, and soul that
it is good for people to love each other. Many believe that a God exists who gave us the
love that is in our heart, mind, and souls. Many believe that a God exists who wants
people to do that which is good, to love each other.
This belief in a God who wants people to love each other has its roots in intuitive feelings
of humankind, in messages of prophets, and for those who believe in Jesus, in the word of
God. There will always be arguments that the messages are messages made up by the
messengers, yet from all that we have discussed, from all that those who have completed
their search know and understand about love, it seems that if God does exist the message
from him would be for us to love one another, precisely what many tell us it is.
There is, I believe, in most of us a feeling that God does exist. That feeling may be insight,
or it may be the result of a collective deep seeded desperation in human beings to be
more than doomed animals. We will not know until our death, the definitive answer
forever prohibited us by the limits imposed by our being no more than a part of that
which we seek to explore. We are left at the point where faith must take over if we are to
believe in the existence of God.
Perhaps the "logical" selections that appear to take place in nature cannot be explained by
physical processes, but rather represent actions taken by some indescribable presence,
God, perhaps not. If our intuitive feelings and the calculations that support them are
correct, then the complex low entropy universe in which we live cannot be the result of
random chance. If we are honest with ourselves, the only possible answer we can
construct from objective observations based on current scientific knowledge as to why
the low entropy universe in which we live exists, is that it was designed and created to be
as it is. If a Creator does not exist then the logical conclusion is that the low entropy
universe in which we live would not exist, and we could not exist.
Some people who believe that God does not exist, believe that human beings can do good
even in a universe where there is no God. Is it possible that they are right? If human
beings want to do good, can they do good if God does not exist?
We concluded that no scientific theory provides us with a singular physical consciousness
which continues to exist after physical death, so that a single physical "me" continues to
exist after my death. We said that, even though we cannot prove anything and may in fact
be wrong, we believe that if we do not have a singular physical or non-physical
consciousness that continues to exist after physical death, then those who believe in
nihilism are correct, and some type of "nihilistic" void awaits all of us. It may be a true
void, like the void that preceded our birth, or it may be a very strange void where billions
of "me" merely co-exist. Whatever physical form it might take, it would seem to be a
"meaningless" void.
If physical death does annihilate our physical past, present, and future, then our life has
meaning and purpose and value only if after our physical death our consciousness
continues to exist in a non-physical life. We cannot prove that we continue, or do not
continue, to exist after our physical death. Your physical life may have some existential
meaning without a life after death, or there may be no life after death and your life may
have no meaning and value. Yet if there is a life after death, then you will continue to
experience a non-physical existence after your physical death, and your life does in fact
have meaning and value.
If God exists and gives each of us a non-physical life after death, then our life both before
and after physical death has meaning and value. We believe that if God, in some manner
beyond human comprehension, grants existence to human beings, even after the death of
our bodies, then and only then life becomes more than a brief, isolated event. Then, and
only then, life and love have meaning and purpose, we can do that which is good, and life
is worth living. Without God, the "good" we do would be meaningless.
Is it possible that even if God does not exist, there may be a non-physical “life” after death
which gives meaning and value to our life? The intuitive answer seems to be no. I cannot
imagine a human spirit that survives death if there is no presence beyond life other than
human spirits, if there is no Spirit greater than the human soul. I do not believe that the
only non-physical presence in the universe can be the human soul. I intuitively believe
that if there is no Spirit greater than the human spirit, then there is no human soul, and
we do in fact cease to exist on our death.
If there is no non-physical Spirit greater than the human soul, if there is no God, it makes
no sense to conclude that a physical being born into our physical world has at birth, or
somehow develops, a non-physical soul. I can see no possible way that a physical human
being, who is a tiny part of an unimaginably huge universe, can survive physical death if
there is no Spirit, no God, to grant that "physical being", in some manner and fashion
beyond our understanding, a non-physical soul and life. It somehow seems intuitively
true that without God there would be no reason to believe that we possess a
"consciousness" that continues to exist beyond the death of our bodies, no reason to have
hope that after our death we may live forever in a non-physical world. Even though it
cannot be proven, it seems intuitively clear that if God does not exist then there is no life
after death.
Similarly, it seems intuitively clear that if God does not exist there is no "heaven" where
there is a life after death that is good. It is intuitively impossible for me to imagine the
existence of a life after death in a heaven where there is no Spirit greater than the human
soul, where God is not present. I cannot imagine a heaven filled with perfect love that is
"created" or "sustained" by imperfect human souls, who during their physical lives
repeatedly fail to choose love. I cannot imagine a heaven filled with real, true, pure, love
without the presence in heaven of One who loves with perfect love, without the presence
of One who is good. It would seem that only God, the One who is good, could forgive
human sins so that heaven would be filled with love. Without the presence of God who
loves with perfect love, I cannot envision a heaven where human beings share real, true,
pure, love. I cannot "prove" anything to be true, yet it seems intuitively clear that if God
does not exist, there is no heaven.
I simply do not believe that there is a life after death in a heaven filled with love if God,
the One who is good, the One who loves with perfect love, does not exist. It seems
intuitively true to me that without God each of us ceases to exist on the day of our death,
annihilating our past, present, and future. It somehow seems intuitively true that without
God, good and love and life are empty ideas that live and die with each human being.
We may "believe" that God exists, yet rather than belief, is the existence of God something
we should have "faith in"? As we have said, having faith something is true is far more than
believing it is true. We can say that those who have faith accept as true what they choose
to believe is true, at least until proven beyond doubt to be untrue. Yet if you realize what
it means to say that nothing can be totally proved or disproved, then what you choose to
have faith in is in fact what you choose to accept as true for the rest of your life. What you
have faith in is not simply what you believe to be true, but rather what you choose to
believe is true because in your heart, mind, and soul, you want it to be true. You decide
what you will have faith in, what you want to be true if anything at all is true. Having faith
that something is true does not make it true, if it is not true, it is not true. Yet if what you
have faith in is in fact true, it is true, period.
Why should you have faith God exists? If the message we conveyed to you about God was
that he wants wars or sacrifices or other manner of destruction, then there would be little
reason to have faith in him. But the message was and is that God who gave us love wants
every human being to do that which is good. The message was and is that God wants
every human being to love every other human being.
In our heart, mind, and soul we know and understand love. In our heart, mind, and soul
we know and understand that it is "good" for each of us to love each other. If you have not
completed your search of your heart, mind, and soul, if you do not yet understand that it
is good to love each other, if you do not yet understand that we can and should do that
which is good, then you will find it very difficult to find a reason to have faith in the
existence of God. But if you have searched your heart, mind, soul, your very being, and
know and understand love, you should find it worth having faith that a God exists who
wants all people to do that which is good, a God who wants all people to love each other.
For if God exists he exists, period.
Perhaps God has "revealed" to all or some of us that he exists. Yet even if God has not
"revealed" this to you, he has given you the choice to have faith or not to have faith that he
exists. Why should you have faith that God exists? Should we have faith that God exists
because if God exists, God is good? I believe the answer to that question is that if we want
good to exist and have meaning, if we want to do that which is good, we should have faith
that the Supreme Being, God, exists.
I believe that if love among people is good and meaningful and has purpose, it is good and
meaningful and has purpose only if God exists and only because of God. It should be clear
to all who want to do that which is good that they should have faith that God exists, and
that they should love God, the One who is good. If God makes it good for us to love each
other in this life and in a world after death, and thus makes life worth living, then his
existence alone gives us hope. [Our conclusions are strengthened by our belief that if
there is no life after death then our physical lives do not have meaning and value - we
may be wrong - you may want to reread Chapter 2 - Who Will You Be When You No
Longer Are - which discusses the possibility of existential meaning without life after
It is right to have faith in God and to love God, the One who is good. It is right to have faith
in God and to love God, for without him love would be no more than one of many
emotions that die with those who embrace them. Without God each of us would cease to
exist, making all the love we gave and received during our lifetimes empty and totally
useless. Without God love would be destroyed by physical death and life would have
absolutely no meaning or purpose. Without God there would be no reason for living.
You should love God with the greatest love you can give. You should love God with all
your heart, all your mind, all your soul, all your strength, for God alone makes it
meaningful and right and good for us to love him and to love each other. You should love
God with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul, all your strength, for God alone gives
us hope that if we love him and love each other we will live forever in a joyous
communion of love. If you love God with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul, all
your strength, you have chosen to do that which you can do, you can do no more, you
should do no less. If you love God with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul, all your
strength, you will do what God wants you to do, you will love your neighbor as yourself.
Some two thousand years before the writing of these notes, a man named Jesus said to all
who would listen that God gave these commandments to all people, "You shall love the
Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with
all your strength." "You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other
commandment greater than these."
When asked who is my "neighbor", Jesus replied, "A man was on his way from Jerusalem
down to Jericho when he fell into the hands of robbers, who stripped him, beat him, and
went away leaving him half dead. It so happened that a priest was going down by the
same road; but when he saw him, he went past on the other side. So too a Levite came to
the place, and when he saw him he went past on the other side. But a Samaritan who was
making the journey came upon him, and when he saw him he took pity on him. He went
to him and bandaged his wounds, bathing them with oil and wine. Then he lifted him on
his own animal, brought him to an inn, and took care of him there. The next day he took
out two silver pieces and gave them to the innkeeper, and said, take care of him; and if
you spend any more, I will repay you on my way back. Which of these three do you think
was neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of the robbers?" The questioner
answered, "the one who showed him kindness." Jesus said, "go and do likewise."
Who is your neighbor? With the possible exception of those who have totally rejected God
(discussed in Appendix C to the complete version of LifeNotes), every person who loves
you, every person who hates you, every enemy, every stranger, people of every continent,
people of every race, every single human being in the entire world, everyone, is your
neighbor. Jesus said that all who "keep the commandments" will live forever, continuing
to exist after physical death in a state of never-ending joy.
Who was, and/or is, Jesus? Many people differ in who they believe Jesus to be. Many
believe Jesus is the Son of God. There are many, many different beliefs as to what it means
to say Jesus is God's son. Some believe Jesus was God incarnate. Other people believe
Jesus was a prophet, given knowledge by God of the nature and meaning of life. Still
others believe Jesus was a wise man with great insight into human existence.
Many people believe that Jesus and God are One, and that you must accept Jesus as God
before you can know God and love God. In the Christian Bible in the Gospel of John we are
told that Jesus said, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father
except through me. .."; Luke says that Jesus said "Whoever is not with me is against me,
and whoever does not gather with me scatters."; Matthew tells us that Jesus said
"Everyone therefore who acknowledges me before others, I also will acknowledge before
my Father in heaven; but whoever denies me before others, I also will deny before my
Father in heaven."; and John tells us Jesus said; "The Father and I are One.".
I believe that even if you have not decided who you believe Jesus is, you can and should
love God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, with all your strength,
and love your neighbor as yourself, and that out of that love you will choose to believe,
and have faith in, what your heart, mind, and soul leads you to believe or have faith about
Jesus. You must answer for yourself the question of who Jesus was, and is. You may
choose to believe, and have faith in, what your heart, mind, and soul leads you to believe
about Jesus.
Whoever you have faith or believe Jesus to have been, and to be, his message about life
remains the same: "On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets",
"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all
your mind, and with all your strength.", "You shall love your neighbor as yourself.",
"There is no other commandment greater than these.", "... do this, and you will live."
There is nothing else that we can and should do. It is your choice to love as God would
have you love, or not, period.
When you complete your search it will be clear to you what God means when he tells you
that you can and should love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul,
with all your mind, with all your strength. When you complete your search it will also be
clear to you what God means when he tells you that you can and should love your
neighbor "as yourself". To say that you can and should love your neighbor "as yourself" is
not the same as saying that you can and should love your neighbor "as you love yourself".
To say that you should love your neighbor "as yourself" does not mean that you should
"love yourself". If you love your neighbor "as yourself", and both you and your neighbor
are thirsty, you will not drink the only cup of water that you have because you "love
yourself". Rather, you will give the cup of water to your neighbor because you love your
neighbor "as yourself".
When you complete your search and know and understand the love that God has given
you, you will know and understand that you can and should love your neighbor "as
yourself", as if he or she was in your place, as if he or she was "you". You will know and
understand that you should give your neighbor the food that you would give yourself, the
water that you would drink, the shelter that you would provide for yourself, the clothing
that you would wear, etc. You should care for your neighbor when they are sick as you
would care for yourself.
You should do to your neighbor what you would have them do to you. You should give
your neighbor the food, water, shelter, and clothing that you would have them give to you.
You should care for them when they are sick as you would have them care for you if you
were sick. You should visit them when they are in prison as you would have them visit
you if you were in prison. You should give your neighbor real, true, pure, love. You should
give your neighbor the love that God has given us. You should love your neighbor "as
What about traditional religious beliefs, Christian theology and doctrine, baptism,
sainthood, communion, all the beliefs and observances generations have cherished. What
role do they play in our discussion of love? If you understand love, the answer is clear
that if you love God and your neighbor you will in every instance do the best you can to
do what is right. That is all you can do.
Certainly loving God means you will help your neighbors when they are in need of help.
Perhaps you will decide loving God requires you to make many changes in your religious
beliefs, perhaps not. When you choose to love God and your neighbor, every choice you
make will be made out of love. It is the choice to love God as he would have you love him,
and out of that love to love people as he would have you love them, that is the one
important choice, all other choices will be governed by that one profound decision. To
love God and our neighbor as God would have us love is the complete answer to all our
Even though many believe that God has already spoken to us, and that we have not
listened, why does God not speak directly to each and every one of us and tell us that he
exists? Perhaps God has not revealed to us that he exists in a manner that no one could
question, and has instead caused the observable physical universe to appear to follow
deterministic laws, because he does not want us to know with absolute certainty that he
does exist. Perhaps if we knew for an absolute fact that God exists, we would not choose
to do God's will because we choose to love God and our neighbors, rather we would
choose to do God's will to avoid loveless punishment. Perhaps God has not revealed to us
that he exists so that we may have the free will choice to have faith that God exists, and
the free will choice to love God and our neighbors, or not.
Why does God give us a choice to love or not to love? Why would God not create all of us
in such a way that we must love as God would have us love? Perhaps the answer is that if
evil did not exist, then not only would human beings not have a choice to do that which is
bad, they would not have a choice to do that which is good. Perhaps if during our life on
earth we did not have the free will choice to do that which is good or not, then we simply
could not choose to love. Perhaps to do good during our physical lives we must have the
choice, because it is our choice to do that which is good or do that which is evil that
determines whether we love or do not love.
We have completed a full circle back to the question, what is the meaning and purpose of
life, yet it has become the question, should we believe God exists and have faith in him
and love him? We have suggested that the reason we should have faith in and love God is
because if God exists, God is good, he gives meaning and purpose to life and love, and he
wants us to love him and to love each other. A "why not" argument can be made that if
God does not exist nihilists are probably right and death is the end, but since God might
exist we should do what he would want us to do or we might end up tortured in some
form of eternal loveless punishment. That play it safe logic sounds good in theory, yet it
leaves us with a feeling that those who love to avoid punishment don't really love at all. If
we are to have faith in God, and love as he would have us love, we must choose to love
him because we want to love as he would have us love, not because we want to avoid the
consequences of not loving.
After you have searched your heart, mind, and soul and know and understand love, you
must choose whether or not to believe that there is nothing in the world better than
people loving other people. If you agree love is worth living for, and if love has meaning
only if God exists, then you must choose whether or not to live for the one hope for
human beings, that God exists. You should not have faith in God because you want to
avoid a loveless, eternal punishment. You should have faith in God and love God, because
God is good. You should have faith in God and love God because you want to do that which
is good, you want to love God and your neighbor.
If we love as God would have us love, what will happen to us after our physical death?
Think about the real, true, pure, love you found when you searched your heart, mind, and
soul, and you will know and understand what love in heaven would be like. I have
absolute faith that if God exists, and if there is a heaven, then if we choose to do God's will,
we will live forever in heaven in the presence of God, the One alone who is good. After one
moment in heaven, we will know that every single moment of our existence, our entire
being, will be filled with real, true, pure love, forever. All the illness, pain, and sorrow we
experienced during our life on earth will vanish completely. In an instant, memories of
even the worst that happened to us before our death will be overwhelmed by the love
that surrounds us, and will "disappear" forever. We will exist in the presence of real, true,
pure, perfect love, forever. We will exist in the presence of God.
After many, many years of thought and discussion, I believe that there are many difficult
questions which have answers that are unclear, uncertain, or unknown; that there are
many thoughts and ideas that language cannot adequately express; that there is
knowledge beyond human ability to know; that we cannot "prove" anything unless truth
is revealed to us; etc. After completing my search of my heart, my mind, and my soul, I
believe that we do not need to answer all the difficult questions, express in words all that
we intuitively feel, know what we cannot know, "prove" what is beyond human ability to
prove, etc.
I have faith that I can and should "love the Lord my God with all my heart, with all my
soul, with all my mind, with all my strength" and "love my neighbor as myself". I have
faith that if I choose to love as God would have me love, I will make the best choices I am
capable of making. I have faith that if each moment of each day I love as God would have
me love, when I die I will have done all I could do, all I should do, and I will live forever in
a heaven filled with joyful love.
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, with all
your strength. Love your neighbor as yourself.
You will make your choice.
A Fanatic Life or a Normal Life
What will our life be like if we love God and our neighbors as God would have us love?
This is a very, very, difficult question. It is clear that if we love God and our neighbors we
will give food to a starving child, water to a thirsty stranger, shelter to someone who is
homeless and cold. This intuitive truth is strong and basic. Is it always good to give a
drink of water to a thirsty neighbor? There may be situations where we must choose to
give water to one of two neighbors based on which neighbor must have the water
immediately to live. There may be times when we are physically prevented from giving
water to a thirsty neighbor, or when there may be other negative consequences of doing
so. Yet it is clear that the basic, fundamental, statement "we should give water to a thirsty
neighbor" is always true.
So where does all that we have said leave us? Does it leave us with pragmatic, situation
ethics, where that which is "good" is determined by individual circumstances? It does not.
Perhaps God will forgive us if we love God and our neighbor with a lesser love, yet that
does not change the fact that you can and should "love the Lord your God with all your
heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, with all your strength" and "love your
neighbor as yourself", nothing more, nothing less, period.
If I love a neighbor who is hungry and thirsty what will I do? The answer is that I will give
them food and water. No matter how hard I have tried to find another answer, if I love my
neighbor and my neighbor is hungry and thirsty, I cannot imagine not giving them food
and water. If you know and understand the love that God has given us, you know and
understand that there is no other answer. This alone tells me that if we love our neighbor
as God would have us love, we will not live a "normal life", we will live a "fanatic life".
So what will we do if we live a "fanatic life"? If you love your neighbor as yourself, you will
go from neighbor to neighbor, communicating God's word to them by word and deed so
that each and every one knows and understands that they can and should choose to do
that which is good, that they can and should choose to do God’s will. If you love your
neighbor as yourself, how can you do anything less than the best you can so that each and
every one of your neighbors knows and understands that they can choose to do God's
will, and live a joyous life forever in heaven?
Even though you may agree with what we have just said, you need to recognize that it is
incredibly difficult to live a "fanatic life". It is relatively easy to accept that living a
"normal life" filled with love for our family and friends is far better than living a life filled
with selfish physical and emotional pleasure. It is not as easy to accept that a "normal life"
is not the life that we should live, that it is not the "good life". It is extremely difficult to
accept that we should live a life filled with "fanatic" and total acceptance of that which
God would have us do.
This brings us to a very difficult question, if you "love the Lord your God with all your
heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, with all your strength" and "love your
neighbor as yourself", and you live in a world where some people do not choose to do
God's will, will you ever do that which you would not do in a world where every person
does God's will?
God has given each and every one of us the choice of giving food to our hungry neighbor
or not. God has given each and every one of us the choice of doing physical harm to our
neighbor or not. No matter what anyone else may choose to do, each of us has the choice
to give food to a hungry neighbor or not, and each of us has the choice to do physical
harm to a neighbor or not. I strongly believe that God would never have a neighbor
choose not to give food to a hungry neighbor. I strongly believe that God would never
have a neighbor choose to do physical harm to another neighbor. I simply do not believe
that it is ever God's will that any of us choose not to give food to our hungry neighbor, or
that any of us choose to do physical harm to our neighbor.
If your neighbor has plenty to eat yet is thirsty, and your neighbor refuses to share their
food, it is not God’s will that you say to your neighbor “share your food and then I will
give water to you”. It is God’s will that you love your neighbor as yourself and give them a
drink of water if they are thirsty. If your neighbor is doing physical harm to their
neighbor, it is not God’s will that you say to your neighbor “do not do physical harm to
your neighbor and then I will not do physical harm to you”. It is God’s will that you love
your neighbor as yourself and not do physical harm to them.
If we can kill one neighbor and prevent them from killing two other neighbors, it is not
God’s will that two people be killed, it is not God’s will that one person be killed. It is
God’s will that no one is killed. If we do physical harm to reduce the physical harm done
by another person, there is one more person in the world who is doing physical harm, not
one less. I am unwilling to conclude that God would have any of us do physical harm to
our neighbor when each and every one of us has the choice to do physical harm or not to
do physical harm, to kill or not to kill. [If you do not agree with one or more of the
conclusions we reach, you may want to read our comments and notes on our website,
which discuss some of our views on complex questions and difficult topics, and perhaps
read our other versions which contain some additional text (may not remain available).]
It is God’s will that each and every moment of our lives each and every one of us do God’s
will, nothing less, nothing more, period. My hope is that if we live a “fanatic life”, we will
have done God’s will on earth, and after our physical death we will live a joyous life in
heaven, nothing could be better.
What if I am wrong about God wanting us to live a “fanatic life”? I understand that if I am
wrong, the consequences of choosing to live a “fanatic life”, where we do no physical
harm to protect others, may be horrendous. As the probable consequences of choosing to
live a “fanatic life” unfold you may witness horrific events including the torture and death
of adults, children, and infants. I strongly believe that we can and should live a “fanatic
life”, yet I do not believe that during my lifetime on earth I will ever be able to say in good
conscience that I am certain that I am right.
The collective wisdom of generations of human beings who want to do that which is good,
is that God would have us live a "normal life". The vast majority of people, almost every
person in the world, believe that we should do the best that we can to maximize the
positive physical aspects of our lives on earth, while minimizing the negative. Perhaps the
billions of people, including virtually every theologian and philosopher, who believe that
we can and should love God and family and friends with a more complex love are right.
Most view life after death as a separate existence from life on earth, where those people
who made physical life on earth as “good” as it can be will live a joyous life in heaven.
A “normal life” most would consider to be a “good life” is a life where each individual has
strong spiritual beliefs and faith which they gladly share with other people. Such a normal
life may include a strong family unit, a loving spouse and kids, and close relationships
with relatives. The parents have jobs they enjoy, that provide sufficient income for the
family's comfort, and that give them plenty of time at home. Family members and
extended family enjoy talking, playing games, helping with homework, working around
the house, eating out, going to movies, etc. The adults and kids participate in sports and
hobbies, and take family vacations each year.
A “good” normal life includes volunteer work at hospitals, soup kitchens, homeless
shelters, etc., and generous donations to charitable organizations. The family accepts
protection provided by police, military, and other government agencies using social
programs, diplomacy, and the minimum force necessary to prevent one person from
doing physical harm to another person. People who live such a “normal life” have a
pleasant, happy, positive attitude toward all their “neighbors” – including family, friends,
and strangers.
This is a “normal life” that most people would call a "good life". Indeed, almost everyone
believes that this is the life that God would have us live. It is a life that focuses primary
love and attention on family and self, and secondary love and attention on friends, while
at the same time providing what each individual considers to be their fair share of love,
care, and help to those outside what is commonly known as their extended family.
Is this kind of "normal life" the life God would have us live, or not? I return to the
question, if I love a neighbor who is hungry and thirsty what will I do? The answer is that
I will give my neighbor food and water. My conclusion remains the same, I strongly
believe that God would have us live a “fanatic life”. Yet I may be wrong.
Even though I strongly believe that each and every one of us can and should live a “fanatic
life”, I intuitively believe that very, very, very, very, very few will choose to live such a life.
Almost everyone who chooses to love God and their neighbor will choose to love God and
their neighbor with a “lesser love” than God would have them choose. Almost everyone
who chooses to love God and their neighbor will choose to marry and have a family, to
have a successful career, to support government use of minimal physical force to
minimize physical harm, etc. They will buy a nice house and car, participate in sports, and
go on vacations. They will make generous charitable donations and volunteer to help
those in need, yet they will not spend all of their time communicating God’s word to
neighbors, nor will they spend all of their money feeding, clothing, and caring for them.
Almost everyone who chooses to love God and their neighbor will choose to live a
“normal life” that maximizes the positive physical aspects of their life on earth, without
causing what they consider to be unacceptable negative consequences for their neighbors
We live in a world where people choose to do evil. If we do not use minimal physical force
to prevent physical harm, there will almost certainly be people who inflict excruciating
pain and almost unimaginable tortures on our neighbors. If we do nothing to physically
stop them, there will almost certainly be parents who savagely beat infants, mass
murderers who kill innocent children, and brutal political leaders who commit genocide.
If we do nothing to stop those who choose to do evil there will almost certainly be more
wars, slavery, rape, and murder. If we choose to live a “fanatic life” we will most likely live
a lifetime surrounded by horrors. Almost every human being who wants to love God and
their neighbor chooses to love their neighbor with a “lesser love”, and accepts physical
violence that they believe will “minimize” physical harm to their neighbors.
Perhaps we are wrong about God wanting us to live a fanatic life, perhaps God wants you
to live a “normal life” which minimizes the negative and maximizes the positive. Perhaps
we are wrong and there is existential meaning and value in living a “normal life” even if
there is no life after death. Perhaps if we choose to live a “fanatic life” we will not be
choosing to do that which is good. If you, like almost every single human being in the
world, including the author, are not willing to accept the physical consequences of living a
“fanatic life”, then live a “normal life” like the “normal life” we described. If you are
unwilling to live a “fanatic life”, love God with as much of your heart, your soul, your
mind, and your strength as you are willing to love him with, and love your neighbors as
much as yourself as you are willing to love them, with the hope that God will forgive you.
You must be absolutely certain that you complete your search of your heart, mind, and
soul, and know and understand the true, pure, real, love that God has given us. You must
be absolutely certain that you complete your search of your heart, mind, and soul, and
know and understand God’s will, what God would have you do. You must decide for
yourself what you will do. You will make your choice.