Binomial Distribution Ku SP 22
Binomial Distribution Ku SP 22
Binomial Distribution Ku SP 22
x – times n – x times
Suppose there are
n = number of trials
Every Morning has two choices ….
x = number success
n – x = number of failure Continue your Sleep with Dreaming…
p = probability of success OR Wake up and chase your Dreams
q = 1 – p = probability of
Since P( S ) = p and P ( F ) = q p + q = 1
by multiplication law of probability for independent event we know
(p p p p p …p ) (q q q q ….. q )
10. Fire will hit or not on the target.
11. A true-false questions can be answered in only two ways, true or false
12. In a basketball game, a team either wins or loses
Q-1 The probability that a patient recover from a delicate heart is 0.90. What is the probability that
exactly five of the next 7 will patients having this operation survive? *(0.124)
Q-2 A multiple choice test contains 25 questions each with four answers. Assume a student just
guesses on each question.
i. what is the probability that the student answers more than 20 questions correctly?
ii. What is the probability the student answers less than 5 questions correctly?
Q-3 Let the chance that Ricky Ponting scores a fifty in one-day match is 0.75. Which is derived from
the previous records? If he plays a series of 5 one day matches what is the probability that scores
i. Exactly one fifty ii. Exactly two fifties iii. three fifties
iv. at least 2 fifties *(0.98) iv Atmost 4 - fifties
Q-4 Find the probability of getting exactly 4 girls in 10 births. (Assume that male and female births
are equally likely and that the birth of any child die not affects the probability of the gender of
any other children.) *(0.25)
Q-6 A lot of TV sets contains 5-percent of defective set what should be the number(n) of T.V. sets in a
random sample so that the probability of finding at least one defective set in it , is greater than
0.75 ( n = 28 )
Q7 An insurance salesman sells policies to 5 men, all of identical age and in good health. According to
the actuarial tables, the probability that a man of this particular age will be alive 30 years hence is
2/3. find the probability that in 30 years
i. All men ii. At least 3 men iii. Only two men iv. at most one man will be alive
Q9 If 60% of the voters in a large district prefer candidate A, what is the probability that in a sample
of 12 voters exactly 7 will prefer A? *(0.227)
Q 10 doctor knows 15% of all her patients are late for their appointments. Given five randomly
selected patients, what is the approximate probability that exactly three of them are late for their
Q 11 Eggs are packed in boxes of 12. The probability that each egg is broken is 0.35.Find the probability
in a random box of eggs: there are 4 broken eggs
Q 12 As shown in the accompanying diagram, a circular target with a radius of 9 inches has a bull's-eye
that has a radius of 3 inches. If five arrows randomly hit the target, what is the probability that at
least four hit the bull's-eye?
Q 13 At a certain intersection, the light for at airport traffic signal is red for 15 seconds, yellow for 5
seconds, and green for 30 seconds. Find the probability that out of the next eight airport traffic
signal cars that arrive randomly at the light, exactly three will be stopped by a red light.
Q 14 An oil tanker is making a trip from Iraq’s offshore southern oil terminals to Europe. The value of
the tanker and oil is $80 million. The probability distribution for damage (X) to the oil tanker is
shown below: What is the expected damage pay out for an insurer?
Q 15 A sales representative for a tire manufacturer claims that the company’s steel-belted radials last
at least 35,000 miles. A tire dealer decides to check that claim by testing eight of the tires. If 75 %
or more of the eight tries he tests last at least 35,000 miles, he will purchase tires from the sales
representative. If in fact, 90% of the steel belted radials produced by the manufacturer at least
35,000 miles, what is the probability that the tire dealer will purchase tires from the sales
1.I am the best 2. I can Do it 3. God is always with me 4. I am a winner 5. Today is my day