Open Problems in Number Theory: Pradip Debnath
Open Problems in Number Theory: Pradip Debnath
Open Problems in Number Theory: Pradip Debnath
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1 author:
Pradip Debnath
Tezpur University
All content following this page was uploaded by Pradip Debnath on 27 May 2023.
Chapter 1
Advances in Number Theory and Applied Analysis Downloaded from
Pradip Debnath
Department of Applied Science and Humanities,
Assam University, Silchar, Cachar 788011, Assam, India
[email protected]
[email protected]
1. Introduction
2 P. Debnath
It is a well known result due to Euler that the infinite series p
over all primes diverges.
However, in 1919, Norwegian mathematician Viggo Brun proved
a remarkable theorem which states that the sum of reciprocals of all
the twin primes converges to a finite value known as Brun’s constant
which is approximately equal to 1.90216054. Formally, this theorem
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By R(s) and I(s), we denote the real and imaginary parts of the com-
plex variable s, respectively. In 1859, Riemann published a ground-
breaking article in which he obtained an analytic formula for the
number of primes up to a given limit by introducing the Riemann
zeta function as a function of the complex variable s, defined in the
complex half-plane R(s) > 1 in terms of the absolutely convergent
infinite series
1 1 1 1
ζ(s) = = s + s + s + ··· .
ns 1 2 3
6 P. Debnath
The zeros of the zeta function, i.e. the solutions ω ∈ C of the equa-
tion ζ(ω) = 0, play a pivotal role in the representation of this formula.
Advances in Number Theory and Applied Analysis Downloaded from
• Hardy, 1914: There are infinitely many zeros of the Riemann zeta
function on the critical line.
• Selberg, 1942: If N (ζ) denotes the number of zeros of ζ(s) on the
critical line 12 + iτ such that τ ∈ (0, T ), then N (ζ) > C 2π
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log( 2π )
for some constant C ∈ (0, 1).
Advances in Number Theory and Applied Analysis Downloaded from
B2k B2n+2−2k
− 22n (−1)k αn+1−k β k ,
(2k)!(2n + 2 − 2k)!
where B2k denotes the 2kth Bernoulli number. Berndt gave a com-
plete proof of this formula in 1977.
• Finding the exact order of the error term in the prime number the-
orem is one of the most famous and important problems in number
theory. In 1901, Koch showed that if the Riemann hypothesis were
true, then
π(x) = Li(x) + O( x ln x),
The numbers 6, 28, 496, 8128, . . . are perfect. However, all the per-
fect numbers discovered till date are even. A famous open question
is as follows:
• Are there odd perfect numbers?
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It is quite clear from the present discussion that one could make a
conjecture that there are infinitely many open problems in number
theory. In this section, we list out some other famous open problems:
for n > 1.
Thus, Fibonacci numbers form a sequence in which each number
is the sum of the two preceding ones. A prime number is said
to be Fibonacci prime if it appears in the Fibonacci sequence.
10 P. Debnath
• The Euler constant γ is defined as
γ = lim − ln n .
n→∞ k
It is an open problem whether the Euler constant γ is irrational
or rational. The question about γ being transcendental is also an
open problem.
• The set of Gaussian integers Z[i] is a unique factorization domain
(UFD). However, there exist m ∈ Z such that Z[m] is not a UFD.
Exactly nine negative integers have been discovered, known as
Heegner numbers, for which Z[m] is a UFD. These numbers are
−1, −2, −3, −7, −11, −19, −43, −67, −163.
It is still not established whether there are infinitely many positive
integers m so that Z[m] is a UFD.
• For the Riemann zeta function ζ(s), the value of ζ(3) is well known
as the Apéry constant and it is an irrational number. The question
about Apéry constant being transcendental is an open problem.
Further, the values of ζ(2k + 1), for all k ∈ N, being irrational or
transcendental also remains unsolved.
• Lothar Collatz in 1937 introduced an idea which is popularly
known as Collatz conjecture or 3n + 1 problem. Paul Erdös,
who offered USD 500 for its correct solution, stated about this
conjecture as follows: “Mathematics may not be ready for such
To state the problem formally, choose a positive integer a0 and
construct the sequence {an } as
⎨ n, if an is even,
an+1 = 2
3an + 1, if an is odd.
Open Problems in Number Theory 11
For this chapter, much information has been collected from Refs. 1–8
and the references therein.
The author acknowledges the constructive comments and sugges-
tions received from Prof. Bruce C. Berndt (University of Illinois,
USA), Prof. Thomas C. Brown (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
and Prof. Shigeru Kanemitsu (Kindai University, Japan) towards
improving this manuscript.