Worksheet (Responses)

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Email Address Name Email

11/1/2023 12:25:26 vatsal.saxena@adypuVatsal Saxena vatsalsaxena12@gma

12/15/2023 12:58:31 [email protected] Sonu Yadav [email protected]
12/15/2023 13:01:56 shinde35sanil@gmailSanil shinde shinde35sanil@gmail
12/15/2023 13:08:39 gutalomkar01@gmailOmkar Santosh Gutalgutalomkar01@gmail
12/15/2023 13:10:35 girija.bhojane@adypuGirija Bhojane girija.bhojane@adypu
12/15/2023 13:11:54 akshaydorge3456@gm Akshay Dorage akshaydorge3456@gm
12/15/2023 13:23:29 [email protected] Suraj Sunil surajraut212003@gma
12/15/2023 13:41:52 akshaydorge3456@gm Akshay Dorage akshaydorge3456@gm
12/15/2023 13:42:34 kunaladhikari491@gmKunal arun adhikari kunaladhikari491@gm
12/15/2023 13:43:59 rohanchavhan1023@g Rohan Chavhan rohanchavhan1023@g
12/15/2023 13:48:18 [email protected] Prasad Mohan Raut [email protected]
12/15/2023 13:52:44 [email protected] Prasad Mohan Raut [email protected]
12/15/2023 14:13:16 bhaveshppatil2003@gBhavesh Patil bhaveshppatil2003@g
12/15/2023 14:14:11 samipatel12345678@Sami patel samipatel888@gmail
12/15/2023 14:19:23 sauravdhokchaule17 Saurav annasaheb dhsauravdhokchaule17
12/15/2023 14:55:14 surajkale16749@gmaiSuraj Sanjay Kale surajkale16749@gmai
12/15/2023 15:08:30 rohitbagade935@gmaRohit Bagade rohitbagade935@gma
12/15/2023 15:17:24 jsomu00007@gmail. Somnath Maruti Jadhjsomu00007@gmail.
12/15/2023 16:11:06 kashinathpatil252@g Kashinath Patil kashinathpatil252@g
12/15/2023 18:15:52 prathameshawari7@gPrathamesh P. awari prathameshawari7@g
12/15/2023 18:18:17 shubhamdhavane24@ Shubham Dhavane shubhamdhavane24@
12/15/2023 21:23:27 jadhavshreyas002@gShreyash Suresh Jadjadhavshreyas002@g
12/15/2023 21:51:58 shubham.shrey@adypShubham Shrey shubham.shrey@adyp
12/15/2023 22:46:56 saurabhborude2550@Saurabh Borude saurabhborude2550@
12/15/2023 23:06:11 annu220703@gmail. Anmol Girase annu220703@gmail.
12/16/2023 1:03:24 ashutosh.mane@adypAshutosh Mane ashy.mane.007@gmai
12/16/2023 9:20:34 [email protected] Tejas Khandu Bote [email protected]
12/16/2023 10:28:08 [email protected] Naresh Chakole omchakole24@gmail.
12/16/2023 11:03:57 pranayvpatil12@gmaiPranay Patil pranayvpatil12@gmai
12/16/2023 12:23:28 [email protected] Shahabuddin [email protected]
12/16/2023 13:28:50 [email protected] Roshis Devkota Roshis.devkota@adyp
12/16/2023 14:06:29 mohammad.talha@ady Mohammad Talha Anw mohammad.talha@ady
12/16/2023 14:07:24 [email protected] Kumar [email protected]
12/16/2023 14:08:08 abhishek.hundalekar Abhishek Hundalekar abhishek.hundalekar
12/16/2023 14:38:11 shanu77393@gmail. Shanu shanu.pratap@adypu.
12/16/2023 14:54:40 princykshirsagar@gmPrincy Kshirsagar princykshirsagar@gm
12/16/2023 14:57:44 pranay.navghare@ady Pranay Navghare pranay.navghare@ady
12/16/2023 14:59:39 samudrala.siddu@adyRohan siddu Samudrasamudrala.siddu@ady
12/16/2023 15:10:54 [email protected] Kumar Dey rohitchamp742002@g
12/16/2023 15:17:19 deepak.bhalekar@adyDeepak Sandipan Bhadeepakbhalekar2000
12/16/2023 15:46:52 gouresh.vernekar@adGouresh vernekar gouresh.vernekar@ad
12/16/2023 16:07:17 pranav.mhaske@dypic Pranav Mhaske pranavmhaske03@gm
12/16/2023 16:16:11 [email protected] Mahi Rana [email protected]
12/16/2023 16:39:18 aaryaa.deshmukh@ad Aaryaa Deshmukh aaryaa.deshmukh@ad
12/16/2023 17:20:36 jadhavtanishq7@gmaiTanishq Jadhav jadhavtanishq7@gmai
12/16/2023 18:15:12 [email protected] vijay patil [email protected]
12/16/2023 18:23:52 sohesh.yadav@adypu. Sohesh Yadav yadavsohesh20@gmai
12/16/2023 18:43:08 balgopal.gaurav@adyBalgopal gourav balgopal.gaurav@ady
12/16/2023 19:33:38 gugalenayanesh@gma Nayanesh Gugale gugalenayanesh@gma
12/16/2023 19:54:59 abhishek.hundalekar Abhishek Hundalekarabhishek.hundalekar
12/16/2023 20:20:11 [email protected] Bhosle ruchit.bhosle@adypu.
12/16/2023 20:27:13 ritul.dhanwade@adypu Ritul Dhanwade ritul.dhanwade@adypu
12/16/2023 22:01:46 [email protected] Tulshiram Chaharshbari534@gmail.
12/16/2023 22:35:01 anushkapansare2@gm Pansare Anushka Naanushkapansare2@gm
12/16/2023 22:35:14 anushshinde12@gmaiAnush Shinde anushshinde12@gmai
12/16/2023 22:39:56 [email protected] Afraz Ansa [email protected]
12/16/2023 23:09:42 amar.manjarathkar@dAmar Manjarathkar amar.manjarathkar@d
12/17/2023 11:37:19 [email protected] sak abhinav ta
[email protected].
12/17/2023 17:18:44 pramod.gogawale@ad Pramod Gogawale pramod.gogawale@ad
12/17/2023 19:37:07 Adhiraj Rajan Patil [email protected]
12/18/2023 14:59:52 abhiwalzade08@gmaiAbhishek Balasaheb abhiwalzade08@gmai
12/18/2023 18:12:24 [email protected] javeri sakshi.javeri@adypu.
12/18/2023 20:19:59 [email protected] Singh shreya.singh@adypu.
12/18/2023 20:51:38 vaaishnavi.sharma@aVaishnavi sharma vaishnavi.sharma@ad
12/19/2023 0:28:03 [email protected] Raut surajraut212003@gma
12/19/2023 0:30:19 chaitanyadeo2002@gChaitanya Rajesh Deochaitanyadeo2002@g
12/19/2023 12:19:55 [email protected] Dange omkar.dange@sunsto
12/19/2023 12:20:41 kadamshrinath7777@Shrinath Kadam kadamshrinath7777@
12/19/2023 12:23:19 akshadamane0703@g Akshada Bansilal Ma akshadamane0703@g
12/19/2023 12:26:43 maroofsay1808@gmai Sayyed Maroof Masoomaroofsay1808@gmai
12/19/2023 12:29:16 kadamsanket1115@gm Sanket Kadam kadamsanket1115@gm
12/19/2023 12:31:15 [email protected] Rahi Umalkar [email protected]
12/19/2023 13:04:52 [email protected] Vinay Dias [email protected]
12/19/2023 13:27:43 Pawankumar Chandrapawanpachode786@g
12/19/2023 13:39:59 [email protected] Shinde akshay42241@gmail.
12/19/2023 13:40:45 [email protected] ware shivamvware@gmail.
12/19/2023 14:15:06 [email protected] Diliprao [email protected]
12/19/2023 15:16:57 kirandevasi1208@gma Kiran devasi kirandevasi1208@gma
12/19/2023 16:21:04 ahmadshahbaz1223@ Shahbaz Ahmad [email protected]
12/19/2023 19:48:58 mohitraj702455@gmai Mohit Raj mohitraj702455@gmai
12/20/2023 2:07:50 hrushiborse2204@gmRushi Borse hrushiborse2204@gm
12/20/2023 8:49:43 [email protected] BharatKumar [email protected]
12/20/2023 8:51:27 [email protected] sawant [email protected]
12/20/2023 9:39:39 yash9822843680@gm Yash bahirat yash9822843680@gm
12/20/2023 10:10:53 deeprajsonawane70@Deepraj Sonawane deeprajsonawane70@
12/20/2023 21:38:12 deveshsutar7@gmail Devesh Balasaheb Sudeveshsutar7@gmail
12/21/2023 2:22:06 [email protected] Ankit Asit Ray [email protected]
12/21/2023 12:24:36 mayurgosavi961@gma Mayur Sandip Gosavimayurgosavi961@gma
Mobile Number Alternate Mobile numEmail ID Program
8266969908 9411391825 Btech cse
8208251574 7719950156
9359485874 9359485874 Be
9373831167 9373831167 BE ENTC Job Expo 2
7385126379 7770073637 Biomedical Engineeri
9021578527 9970178527 -
9766996490 9766996490 Job
9021578527 9970178527 BE
8104994740 Na BE
8459027431 NA BE
+91 8208695326 +91 79722 27417 BE ENTC job Expo 20
+91 8208695326 +91 79722 27417 BE
7666143994 7719039232 BE
9658676245 9579599829 Be
8767016442 8767016442 Engineering
9689916151 9689916151 BE Computer Enginee
8262804750 9561098988 BE
7558460811 7558460811 BE
8600515635 7058145601 BE
9307656875 9307656875 Traning & placement
9588473042 9588473042 BE
9503581738 7972842214 BE
9708184294 9708184294 CSE
8550901114 8550901114 BE
9067665584 123 Any Program
+917387280669 09766833239 BTech RA
8625868540 9630329393 Be
7498380476 7498380476 No
8177841070 9096515201 B.E
7559213563 7559213564 B.Tech
9272695636 9272695636 B.Tech Mechanical En
9322306988 9322306988 Mechanical engineeri
7288831586 8789968998 B.Tech CSE
+918766425067 +918766425067 B Tech CE
+917739381160 9040908323 Computer engi
7067525165 7067525165 BTech
8080588520 9699617405 B.Tech
+919121923415 +919699617405 B.Tech computer engi
6202022251 9508777481 B-TECH Computer Eng
9607194278 9607194278
8792025209 8792025209 computer scien
7758073756 9689685806 B. E
9168509094 9168509094
9881539671 9881239671 BTech
8421316623 - BE(ADYPSOE)
8830429440 +917720937755 B.Tech
7972804038 7972804038 B.Tech Engineering
9348580684 9348580684 B- tech mechanical
9146821456 9146821456 Bachelor of Engineeri
+918766425067 +918766425067 B Tech CE
7045560589 7045560589 B.Tech
9145181236 9511834117 B Tech Computer scie
8530004780 853000478 Mca
7588556549 7588556549 TE engineering
9325591696 9325591696 TE - Engineering
9960578741 9960798885 Btech
8669759680 7821807726
8668288320 9422276317 B. Tech CE
9579533872 7385418472 Mechanical Engineeri
9272695636 9272695636 B-Tech
9021964068 9021964068 BE e&tc
9307924062 7397884646 BTech.CS
8956075669 9708184294 B.Tech
8789728551 9939461444 Btech
9766996490 9766996490 Artificial Intelligence
8329689624 8329689624 Artificial Intelligence
9975202000 9975202000 Management
9153937777 9577711133 Engineering
7038476170 7038476170 BE
9284479607 77096 96121 BE
9145549352 9145549352 Batchelor of engineer
7020187150 7020187150 ?
9518919952 NA MCA
8390290817 7972405503 Mca
+919923870279 8805512255 BE
8788112546 9850002056 BE(CS)
7397873825 7798791295 BE- Comp
7058840070 7058840070 Engineering
+919075567232 9699716987 Engineering
9341702455 9341702455 B tech CSE
9172420224 9172420224 Job Expo
7738393020 9324083020 Mechanical
9820521805 9820521805 Be Mechanical engine
8390447472 9822843680 BE
8788474986 9834905176 Job Expo
8605498237 9970327647 BE
7977308063 7977308063 Computer science
9766453054 9766453054 Job Expo
Specialization Current Address 10th Marks (Percenta
Cse Pune 99
I am a Full Stack Web Developer
Leadership quality
Data Science
Automobile Engineering
Automobile Engineering
Data Science
Company engineering
Computer engineering
Mechanical Engineering
AI and Data Science
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
3d printing
Automobile Engineering
Cloud technology and information security
Artificial Intelligence
Computer science engineering
Computer Science
Computer science engineering
Computer Engineering
Food technology
Mechanical - Machine Design
Mechanical MD
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
Cloud technology and information security
Computer Application
Computer Engineering
Robotics and Automation
Computer Engineering
3D printing
Mechatronics and Robotics
Electronics and telecommunication
Artificial intelligence
Computer Engineering (Artificial Intelligence)
Data Science
Data Science
Training and Development
Computer Engineering
Computer engineering
Computer Engineering
Computer science engineering
Full stack devlopment
Full stack development
Computer science and engineering
Computer science engineering
Not yet
Computer engineering
Cyber security
Handle any situation
Electric vehicles
Computer Engineering
Full Stack Web Development
Automobile Engineering
Backend developer and cybersecurity
12th Marks (PercentaDiploma Marks (PerceGraduation Percentage
99 99 99

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