International Journal - Namira Maharani Dalhas
International Journal - Namira Maharani Dalhas
International Journal - Namira Maharani Dalhas
Quarter life crisis is a phenomenon that is now quite well known and realized by individuals in
early adulthood. This study aims to determine the effect of psychological well-being and self-
efficacy on the quarter life crisis of early adult staff at Educational Institution X. The sample
in this study was 80 staff of early adult age at Educational Institution X with a sampling
technique using purposive sampling. The data collection method uses a psychological well-
being scale by Ryff (1995), a self-efficacy, and a quarter life crisis measurement tool by Hassler
(2009). The data analysis technique used is multiple regression technique. Based on the
research results, the significance coefficient for the self-efficacy variable is 0.000 with β = -
0.427 (or -42.7%). Meanwhile, it is also known that the significance coefficient value for the
psychological well-being variable is 0.000 with β = (0.415 or 41.5%). This shows that these
two variables jointly influence the quarter life crisis variable.
Keyword: psychological well-being, self-efficacy, quarter life crisis, adulthood
This time, the phenomenon of quarter-life crises is quite often heard (in line with the
developing era and the easy-assess of society to get information. Because of the easy-assess,
to get the information, many individuals - especially those who are in early adulthood-start to
realize and feel about that crisis. Those in that crisis generally try to adapt to the crises with
new responsibilities and roles. There are quite many people who find it difficult to adapt and
thus experience crises. The crises they feel often make them worried about their future and
easily desperate. Those are especially for individuals in the early adult stage. Quarter-life crises
are a phenomenon of emotional crises that take place when someone is in the process of
emerging adulthood (Martin, 2016). This phenomenon often happens for employees with or in
a stage of early adulthood in a certain institution X. Many of them in that institution know and
realize that they are in a crisis. This is when they are adapting to the new roles and
responsibilities they are running. These include the responsibility to be a new employee after
they graduate, marriage and having a new role as husband/wife, a new parent, and other
responsibilities they get in the stage of early adulthood. The employees often worry about the
future of familyhood, the careers, to balance them so they can make sure that everything runs
There are anxieties; anxiety about failures, and insecurity of one's capabilities, and the
employer starts to compare what they achieve and what other people achieve Hurlock (2002).
Assume that the tasks of those in the early stage are always the hopes of their close individuals
which comprise jobs, choosing a prospective husband or wife, financial independence, and
responsibilities. The capabilities to do the tasks for those who are at the early stage of adulthood
have impacts on the Capabilities to do the tasks when they are in the mid-stage of adulthood.
Those successes in education, Careers, and socializing, are socially admitted. Those will
determine prosperity in the future. Thus, these individuals in the early stage of adulthood will
have burdens and will be worried about the many developing tasks.
Emerging Adulthood, Arnett (2004) said is experienced by individuals aged between
18 to 29 years old. Arnett stated that the period was a critical period when individuals had to
prepare well to face the future because they were demanded to cope with bits of knowledge
and skills when they grew up as mature Individuals. This era was described by Arnett to exist
when individuals have already completed childhood and adolescence. On the other hand, they
are not yet prepared to have individual Capabilities and responsibilities as an adult who tries to
develop and get involved more in terms of education, jobs, social relations, love, and the view
of the world. For some people, this phase is considered difficult enough in that every individual
is indirectly forced to adapt to the new condition together with the consequences. So it is called
a crisis. Many of them become depressed because they are not satisfied with the achievements
they get and they feel stagnant and find it difficult to appreciate them. Jackson and Warren
(200) said that crises have negative impacts on their life, and one of them is stress or depression.
Stress piles can create many new problems. related to emotion and behaviors. For example,
there are problems of unclear future life, unseen achievements, love, and burdens of
responsibilities. However, this crisis is also a phase that forms the individuals to be mature
enough to behave, make decisions, and solve problems. It has an impact on the well-being of
each individual.
This research is a quantitative study. The operational definition of quarter-life crisis
variables is the individual misgivings to make decisions, desperation feelings, negative
judgments, being trapped in a difficult situation, anxiety, depression, and worry about
interpersonal relationships (Robbins & Wilner, 2001). Meanwhile, the operational definition of
psychological well-being variables is self-acceptance, positive relationship with others,
autonomy, environment management, the purpose of life, and self-development (Ryff, 1389).
The last, the definition of self-efficacy variables is self-confidence in an uncertain and stressful
situation, the confidence in handling problems and obstacles, the ability to achieve the expected
target, the confidence in the ability to increase motivation, cognitive Skills and establish the
actions to achieve a certain result (Bandura 1977).
The statistical analytical method used is a double linear regression technique. This is a
regression technique that involves more than one independent variable. Double-linear
regression analyses aim at knowing which direction and how big the effect of the Independent
Variable is on a dependent variable (Ghozali, 2018) if the probability result shows a significant
value smaller than 0.05 < 0.05, the independent variable is believed to have roles to the
dependent variable. Data analyses are wholly done using the application IBM SPSS Statistic
Data for Windows 22.0. Samples of the research are all employees in the early adulthood stage
in Institution X as many as 80 employees. The technique to get the sample uses purposive
sampling which is taking - sample technique by determining certain criteria. (Sugiono, 2008).
Data-taking method uses a scale of psychological well-being by Ryff (1995). self-efficacy scale
and a measurement tool for quarter-life crises by Hassler (2009). The reliability test used in
this research is Coefficient Cronbach Alpha. The questionnaire is said to be valid or reliable if
the score of Cronbach Alpha is bigger than 0,60 (Hartono, 2011).
The calculation result of the mean age of respondents is known and found that there are
differences in psychological well-being, self-efficacy, and quarter-life crises among the
research respondents. The result and category based on age can be seen in Table 2.
On the basis of the normality test to the variable of quarter-life crises stated in Table 3,
it shows that p is counted as 0,200, the variable of psychological well-being shows p as 0,016
and the variable of self-efficacy shows p as 0,200. Data distribution is said to be normal if the
significant value is bigger than 0,05 (p > 0,05). It means that the variables of quarter-life crises
and self-efficacy are normally distributed (symmetrical) while the variables of psychological
well-being are not normally distributed (asymmetrical). The test result of linearity shows
linear-connected data, with the result of linearity p < 0.05. referring to the linearity model which
is appropriate to apply and the result also shows the result of deviation from linearity p>0,05
which means that the data can be said linearly connected.
Variable Sig.
Psychological Well-Being .016
Self-Efficacy .200
Quarter Life Crisis .200
The hypothetical test is also carried out using the double regression method. The result
analyses of dimension regression of Quarter life-crises stated in the table indicate that the
variables of psychological well-being and self-efficacy concurrently affect Quarter life crises.
The result of double-regression analysis assumes that the process of value F = 23.193 with
significance level 0,0000 (p>0.05), value R Square 0.376 (37°). This means that psychological
well-being and self-efficacy impact as much as 371% and the rest 63% are affected by other
factors outside the research. The result of the study also indicates that psychological well-being
is in the moderate category. Meanwhile, self-efficacy in the high category affects the quarter-
life crises of the employees in early adulthood in the institution "X".
F Sig. R R Square
23.193 0.000 0.613 0.376
In Table 5, we know that the significance coefficient For Self-efficacy variables is 0.000
with B =-0.427 (or-42.7%). Meanwhile, it is known that the significance coefficient value of
variable psychological well-being is 0.000 with B = (0,415 or 41,5%). This shows that both
variables jointly impact quarter-life crises. The result of the study proves that psychological
well-being and self-efficacy have impacts on quarter 21-25 years resulting in life crises since
this study on the psychological employees' aged well-being with moderate category and self-
efficacy with high category and quarter-life crises with moderate category. On the employees
aged between 26-30 years, it results in psychological well-being with moderate Category and
self-efficacy with moderate category quarter-life crisis with very high category.
Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
(Constant) 40.571 23.039 1.761 .082
1.483 .323 .415 4.597 .000
Self-Efficacy -1.372 .290 -.427 -4.730 .000
the goals will experience a crisis. According to Walshe (2018), the Crises of individuals in early
adulthood have emotional intelligence, self-esteem, and low self-efficacy.
Given impacts, both variables are not the main factors in quarter-life crises. This can be
seen in Table 4 stating that the value of R square is 0.376 (37°). It can be said that both variables
Impact quarter-life crises as much as 37% and 63% of it are the other factors. Another factor
from the quarter-life crisis happening with individuals at the early adulthood level is caused by
family pressure, problems with the peer-friends, feeling insecurity about the future, being
disappointed with self-capabilities, frustration with the relations with others, or work pressures.
Factors such as culture or social norms in the society also can cause individuals a quarter life
crisis. For example, close relatives and close friends can affect an individual perception of
facing problems and how to solve their problems. The more demands they have, the more they
start to feel the emotion and negative perceptions about themselves. However, there are positive
dimension they have, but they do not realize the impacts of creativity and bothering social
functions (Fitri, 2019).
Another factor forming quarter-life crises is self-awareness (Auzoult & Massart, 2014)
(Martanian, 2020). The research by Auzoult & Massart (2014) stated that individuals with a
lack of self-awareness like capabilities to comprehend, accept, and manage all self-potential,
will not be able to control all emotions which can benefit them to make good relationships with
other people.
Ideally, growing up Individuals should have been independent. Compared to those who
still depend on their parents (Arnett, 2014), one of the ways to make them independent is their
separation from their parents and they live separately (Arnett, 2014). Yet the study result shows
that 92% of subjects still live with their parents rather than live alone or with friends (Blieszner
& Roberto, 2012). The phenomenon found in Institution X is that the employees aged 21-25
years still live with their parents, and they are not married yet. Meanwhile, employees aged 26-
30 have already been married and lived separately with their parents but they have a bigger
responsibility than those who are still with their parents.
According to the scale calculation result, the empirical mean in Table 2 categorizes
quarter-life crisis based on the age divisions, the employees in Institution X with early
adulthood category with the age of 26-30 years have higher or very high category compared to
those with the age of 21-25 who are immoderate category. This is supported by research
conducted by Pinggolio (2015) that stress caused by expectations not in line with the reality of
the jobs and relations has been found as a factor that contributes to quarter-life crises in early
Received: 22 January 2024 113
Revised: 2 February 2024
Final Accepted 12 February 2024
Copyright © authors 2024 DOI:
e-ISSN: 2348-6848
International Journal of Research p-ISSN: 2348-795X
(IJR) Vol. 11 Issue 02
February 2024
adulthood. In the field, practically the married employees who are already parents and have
worked quite long in the institution '' X" are considered the employees with early adulthood
aged between 26-30 years. As a result, the employees aged between 26-30 have a higher
category of quarter-life crisis compared to those aged between 21-25.
Based on the research result, it can be concluded that both variables that are
psychological well-being and self-efficacy have impacts on quarter-life crises. Yet both
variables are not the main factors that cause quarter-life crisis. Other factors which lead to
quarter-life crises are external factors such as parents' expectations and social standards.
The employees in the early adulthood category aged 26-30 have higher quarter-life
crises than those aged 21-25 years. This result is supported by the condition of the employees
aged 26-30 who have been married and have children. Thus, in line with the growing ages, the
worries or anxieties related to life goals, careers, and responsibilities are increasing. In this
case, it can cause an increase of quarter-life crisis.
This study has described the results of the research from three variables and the
interrelation among them. The next researcher may be able to analyze quarter-life crises with
other factors such as external factors. He/she is also able to analyze more or elaborate on how
big the internet factors and external factors affect the quarter-life crisis. Besides, the researcher
can accommodate using more samples. Hence, the study can represent the observed population.
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