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Daet, Camarines Norte



A. Vision : MABINI COLLEGES shall cultivate a CULTURE OF EXCELLENCE in education

B. Mission : Mabini Colleges shall provide quality instruction, research, and extension service programs at all educational levels as its
monumental contribution to national and global growth and development producing God-fearing, nation-loving, earth-caring,
abiding, productive, and locally and globally competitive persons.

C. Department/Program : College of Business Administration and Accountancy/

Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

D. Course Code : AE11


F. Course Description : Managerial Economics concentrates on the application of the tools of economic analysis in business management decision-
making. It focuses on three areas: theory of the firm, market structure and pricing and role of government in the business
The first part will focus on the concept of profit and wealth maximization as well as alternative objectives of the firm. The
part will deal on price determination and characteristics of the different markets, e.g. pure competition, monopoly, oligopoly,
will discuss various pricing practices. Finally, the third part will introduce government intervention and regulation in the market
economy. Cases and problem exercises will be used to complement lectures to enable students apply the concepts and tools of
economic analysis introduced in class.
G. Credit Unit : 3 units

H. Pre-Requisite : NONE

I. Number of Hours : 54 hours or 18 weeks

J. Schedule : TTH 1:00-2:30PM FS 1:00-2:30PM FS 10:00-11:30AM FS 8:30-10:00AM

K. Consultation Hours : MW 5:30-7:00PM TTH 5:30-7:00PM

L. Program Intended Learning Outcome:

Graduates of the Accountancy Program should be able to:

1. Acquire competencies, discipline, and technical training as business professionals, and gain employment opportunities and/or become successful
2. Provide professional services in the broad spectrum of accounting;
3. Make a positive contribution for the continuous improvement of the accountancy profession through research and studies;
4. Demonstrate proficiency in organizational communication for effective human relations;
5. Apply effective leadership in the management of professional and business practice and value the importance of continuing business educational
6. Participate actively in activities involving community welfare, environment protection, economic, and spiritual development.

Specific professions/careers/occupations:
The field of accounting offers stimulating and challenging work that is constantly evolving. The BSA program seeks to prepare the student for an
accountancy career, the specific job sample job opportunities are the following;
a. Entry-levels jobs
1. Public practice: Junior Analyst, Consulting staff
2. Commerce and Industry; Cost Analyst, Investment Analyst, Accountancy Staff, Tax Accounting Staff Financial Analyst, Budget Analyst,
Credit Analyst, Cost Accountant
3. Government: State Accounting Examiner, NBI Agent, Treasury Agent, State Accounting, LGU Accountant, Revenue Officer, Audit
Examiner, Budget Officer, Financial Services Specialist
4. Education: Junior Accounting Instructor
b. Middle-level positions
1. Public Practice: Senior Consulting Manager/Financial Advisory Manager
2. Commerce and industry: Controller/Comptroller, Senior Information System Auditor, Senior Loan Officer, Senior Budget Officer
3. Government: State Accountant V, Director III, and Director IV, Government Accountancy and Audit, Financial Services Manager, Audit
Services Manager, Senior Auditor
4. Education: Senior Faculty, Accounting Department Chair
c. Advanced Positions
1. Public Practice: Partner, Senior Partner, Senior Consultant/Financial Advisor
2. Commerce and Industry: Finance Director/ Chief Financial Officer, Chief Information Officer
3. Government: National Treasurer, Vice President for Finance/CFO (for GOCCs), Commissioner, Associate Commissioner, (COA, BIR,
4. Education: Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dean.

M. Course Intended Learning Outcomes :

At the end of the semester, the students can:

1. Identify the fundamentals, concepts, and importance of future managers to the economy;

2. Differentiate various terminologies discussed in this course;

3. Answer the problems encounter using learned knowledge in this subject;

4. Develop a case study with analytic mind setting and competencies;

5. Show confidence in public speaking and social relations;

6. Display readiness in the application of concepts of managerial economics;

7. Perform tasks that utilize one strength and develop one’s weaknesses to the fulfillment of one's business goals and objectives; and

8. Manage to apply the concepts in real-life situations.

N. Learning Plan

Teaching and Allocation

Intended Learning
Content Textbooks/References Learning Activities Assessment Tasks Resource Materials Time
At the end of the
orientation, the students

Understand the Vision and Vision, Mission, Goals, Mabini Colleges Inc. Sharing of Orientation Powerpoint Presentations
Mission of Mabini Colleges and Objectives of Handbook expectations from
Mabini Colleges the teacher and Copy of approved syllabus Week 1
Mabini Colleges Inc. Hand
Identify and comply with Syllabus for Approved Course Syllabus Lecture Notes/ Generalization of Book
the policies of AE11 to Managerial Economics Discussion the expectations of
maximize learning (AE11) the students Google meet app/ Google
Forms and sheets
At the end of the rating Part 1
period, the students can:

Define managerial Introduction: Economics, Taxation And Lecture Class Participation Powerpoint Presentation
economics, its principles, its Fundamentals of Agrarian Reform Revised Notes/Discussion Week 2 & 3
concepts, and its Managerial Economics Edition 2014 by Carlos (Synchronous/ Online Activities Textbooks and references
importance; Manapat and Fernando Asynchronous) (Assignment,
Pedrosa Seatwork) Modules/Handouts
Understand the nature of
managerial economics Short Quizzes Google meet app/ Google
(Face-to-Face) Forms and sheets
Part 2

Understand the concept Demand and Supply Introductory to Lecture Class Participation Powerpoint Presentation Week 4 & 5
demand, together with its Analysis Microeconomics by Notes/Discussion
laws Cristonal Pagoso, (Synchronous/ Online Activities Textbooks and references
Rosemary Dinio, and Asynchronous) (Assignment,
Able to understand how George Villasis Seatwork) Modules/Handouts
demand and supply works,
and how it can be helpful to Short Quizzes Google meet app/ Google
us. (Face-to-Face) Forms and sheets


At the end of the rating Part 3

period, the students can:

Understand the principles Demand Forecasting Introductory to Lecture Class Participation Powerpoint Presentation Week 6 & 7
of demand forecasting and and Elasticities Macroeconomics by Notes/Discussion
know its determinants Cristonal Pagoso, (Synchronous/ Online Activities Textbooks and references
Rosemary Dinio, and Asynchronous) (Assignment,
Know the basic concepts George Villasis Seatwork) Google meet app/ Google
about elasticity, properly Forms and sheets
identify its types and be Short Quizzes
able to differentiate all; and (Face-to-Face)

Explain the importance of

elasticity, its types,
concepts, and uses, and its
significance to pricing
Understand the production Part 4
theory, and be able to
differentiate isocost and Production and Cost Economics, Taxation, And Lecture Class Participation Powerpoint Presentation Week 8 & 9
isoquant; Analysis Agrarian Reform Revised Notes/Discussion
Edition 2014 by Carlos (Synchronous/ Online Activities Textbooks and references
Discuss how producer Manapat and Fernando Asynchronous) (Assignment,
behaves and the principles Pedrosa Seatwork) Google meet app/ Google
behind it. Forms and sheets
Short Quizzes
Understand definition of (Face-to-Face)
cost; differentiate variable
to fixed cost; know different
cost formula; and

Discuss cost’s importance

and how it affects market

Know the concept of market Market Structure

structures; able to identity
and differentiate the types
of market structures; and

Differentiate types of
market structures and
explained why economists
take a look at the degree of
competition in the market
and how competition
influences market behavior
affects the way the market
will function in the long run.


At the end of the semester, Part 5

the students can:

Able to understand the National Income Introductory to Lecture Facilitations and

economy as a whole and Accounting Macroeconomics by Notes/Discussion Discussion Power point Presentation Week 10 & 11
how it works; and Cristonal Pagoso, (Synchronous/
Rosemary Dinio, and Asynchronous) Online Activities Textbooks and references
Knowledge on gross George Villasis (Assignment,
domestic product and gross Seatwork) Google meet app/ Google
national product. Forms and sheets

Able to explain the Consumption, Introductory to Lecture Facilitations and Power point Presentation
relationship of consumption Savings, Investment & Macroeconomics by Notes/Discussion Discussion
spending and income, Government Cristonal Pagoso, (Synchronous/ Textbooks and references Week 12
recognized the factors that Spending Function Rosemary Dinio, and Asynchronous) Online Activities
influence it; George Villasis (Assignment, Google meet app/ Google
Seatwork) Forms and sheets
Knowledge to explain and
defined investment function,
recognized its determinants;

Discuss the government

functions, differentiate
inflationary to deflationary
gaps, and understand the
multiplier concept.

Define unemployment and Unemployment, Introductory to Lecture Student Power point Presentation
employment; identify the Labor and Inflation Macroeconomics by Notes/Discussion Facilitations and Week 13 - 14
types of unemployment and Cristonal Pagoso, (Synchronous/ Discussion Textbooks and references
know how the government Rosemary Dinio, and Asynchronous)
is dealing it; George Villasis Online Activities Google meet app/ Google
(Assignment, Forms and sheets
Understand definition of Seatwork)
labor; identify the groups in
labor market; identify
theories of wage
determination and
differentiate the two-major
school of thought; and

Know the concept of

inflation; identify the effects
and types of inflation;
distinguish different ways to
measure prices; and identify
the solutions to inflation


At the end of the rating

period, the students can: Monetary and Fiscal Introductory to Discussion Facilitations and Power point Presentation Week 15
Policies Macroeconomics by (Synchronous/ Discussion
Able to understand money Cristonal Pagoso, Asynchronous) Google meet app/ Google
and its importance; identify Rosemary Dinio, and Forms and sheets
money demand and supply, George Villasis
define quantity theory of
money; and differentiate
different monetary policies
and tools

Able to understand fiscal

policy definition and its
contribution to economy;
Identify the importance of
trade policy to an economy;
and know different
problems with globalization

Able to prepare a movie Movie: Moneyball Prepare a Movie Reaction Consultation in movie Facilitations and Google meet app/ Google Week 16
reaction and critique paper (2011) and Critique Paper reaction and critique Discussion Forms and sheets
about managerial economics paper making
Exercise and think as future Rice Tariffication law: Strategic Management Discussion Facilitations and Power point Presentation Week 17-18
manager. Case Analysis Made Simple by Felina C. (Synchronous/ Discussion
Young Asynchronous) Google meet app/ Google
Forms and sheets
Case study analysis and



O. Suggested Readings/References :

Economics, Taxation and Agrarian Reform Revised Edition 2014 by Carlos Manapat and Fernando Pedrosa

Introductory To Microeconomics by Cristonal Pagoso, Rosemary Dinio, and George Villasis

Introductory To Macroeconomics by Cristonal Pagoso, Rosemary Dinio, and George Villasis

Manual for Economics With Work Exercises by Elsa Silon, Ramon Bernardo, Melani Quilloy

Strategic Management Made Simple by Felina C. Young

P. Course Policies :

The students are expected to comply with the course policies:

A. Attendance
i. Students reporting to class 15 minutes after the beginning of the period shall be considered late. Habitual tardiness shall be
ground for disciplinary action.
ii. Students should attend classes regularly and punctually. Beyond 20% absence, at any time during the semester, she/he gets an
FA (Failure due to absences)
B. Class Participation
i. Every student should participate during class discussion
ii. Recitation or class participation shall be merited with corresponding grades
C. Examination, Written Outputs, and Projects
i. The academic year is divided into four periods namely prelim, midterm, pre-final, and final period
ii. Each student must take the major examination and must comply with the academic policy of the institution regarding
examination regulations
iii. Project shall be determined by the subject teacher with a weighted percentage of 10% (other output)
D. Behavior
i. Every student must adhere to the student handbook and failure to observe the proper behavior will be subject to disciplinary
actions as mentioned in the student handbook
E. Grading System:
i. The prelim, midterm, pre-final and final periods shall have a weighted percentage as follows:
Prelim 20%
Midterm 20%
Pre-Final 30%
Finals 20%
Other output 10%
TOTAL 100%

ii. Each rating period, the student will be graded based on:
Major Examination 30%
Seatwork, Homework, Quizzes 30%
Recitation/Class Participation/Attendance 40%
& Behavior
TOTAL 100%

iii. Retention policy must be observed by students, especially with programs with special retention policies.
Prepared by:
Faculty, CBAA

Received by:
Dean, CBAA

Noted by:

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