ATNS Product Brochure File Size 3mb
ATNS Product Brochure File Size 3mb
ATNS Product Brochure File Size 3mb
01 About ATNS & Centralised
Aeronautical Database (CAD)
Old vs New
03 CAD applications
CAD architecture
& Features 04
05 Benefits of CAD
Other services
offered by ATNS
07 Contact details
About ATNS
Air Traffic and Navigation Services SOC Limited
(ATNS) provides air traffic, navigation, training
and associated services within South Africa.
ATNS is responsible for approximately 10%
of the world’s airspace via Air Traffic Control
throughout South Africa and a large
part of Southern Indian and Atlantic Ocean.
Be the preferred supplier
of Air Traffic Management
solutions and associated
services to the African
Continent and selected
international markets.
Provide safe, expeditious
and efficient Air Traffic
Management solutions and
associated services.
As an ANSP, ATNS has the most up-to-date infrastructure, which allows us to monitor all
movements. Simultaneously, our relationships with users are such that we can collect
tariffs accurately and timeously, allowing you to compete in the marketplace, enable better
planning and adequately fund your operations.
Air Traffic Flow Management
Air Traffic Flow Management
Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM) is a service offered by ATNS to contribute to a safe, orderly and
expeditious flow of air traffic. ATFM aims to balance the expected traffic demand against the available
ATNS’s Central Airspace Management Unit is responsible for a number of services including Air Traffic Flow
Management (ATFM), Flexible Use of Airspace (FUA), Aeronautical Information Management (AIM), as well as
managing Airport Slot Coordination.
• Balances the traffic demand against the available capacity of any given airspace at any
given time.
• Allows for the available capacity of airspace sectors and routes to be accurately and properly managed.
• Contributes to the minimisation of congestion and smooth air traffic flow Air traffic flow and capacity
management has become a vital part of Air Traffic Management in exploiting the full capacity of the air
transport system without running the risk of infringing on the safety caused by overload situations.
Benefits of Air Traffic Flow Management
To ensure ATFM is functioning properly, ATNS’s Central Airspace Management Unit works in
conjunction with airlines and Airport Slot Coordination in planning traffic six months in advance,
which entails collaborative decision making involving stakeholders. Currently ATNS is the only ASP
on the Continent with such a service, and can provide this service to any Air Navigation Service
Provider (ANSP) or aviation company.
The ATNS Survey team has the infrastructure and equipment to conduct WGS-84 Aerodrome and Obstacle
Surveys that meet or exceed the minimum accuracy requirement in accordance with ICAO Standards and
recommended practices, taking into consideration customer requirements.
ATNS also provides consultations services, as well as raw data for proposed development that may interfere
with the safe air navigation service provision
Evaluations of proposed
or existing structures and Protection of navigational aids (Radar, ILS, VOR,
developments are conducted Communications etc) including the impact on the
in terms of: signal in space
By integrating high-tech survey techniques, from field surveys to software postprocessing, highly
comprehensive reports have been generated. These reports and data sets can also be tailor-made to suit
client requirements through the provision of a wide range of CAD and GIS formats.
Airspace Design
Airspace Design
The demand for navigable airspace is ever increasing. As the aviation industry grows, more aircraft use the
available airspace, and more routes are required but air traffic needs to be accommodated in a finite amount
of available airspace. Airspace design provides the solution by working to design more efficient routes that
maximise the available space safely and efficiently.
Within ATNS, our systems have grown to a point where we can effectively create more clearly defined routes
within available airspace. ATNS’s airspace design function plans towards the future, with the aim of creating
sustainable airspace management and ensuring safe and efficient air traffic management for decades to
We can provide other Air Navigation Services Providers (ANSPs) with an airspace design service, or with
assistance in reaching the required levels of competence to implement Performance-based Navigation (PBN).
In support of the ICAO PBN roadmap, ATNS is currently ahead of requirements and can provide conventional
as well as purely satellite-based navigation services to all aircraft that are appropriately equipped.
Airspace Design
ATNS offers, among others, the following airspace design services:
Educating the
region about Assisting with Aroviding
implementation and implementation of consultation
exploring options to PBN. services.
meet PBN demands.
It provides registered users with access to aeronautical information which is integrity and quality assured to
facilitate safety of air navigation.
About CAD
Part of our mandate has been to transition from the traditional paper product-centric AIS system to a data-
centric Centralised Aeronautical Information Management System (CAD), allows all systems to function
smoothly and in conjunction with one another.
In keeping with the ICAO AIS to AIM Roadmap, ATNS has acquired a system similar to the European AIS
Database (EAD) which is currently used by Eurocontrol and the European ATM community. In this way, we can
ensure that South Africa, and in time the whole of Africa, is aligned with global technologies and initiatives.
Centralised Aeronautical Database (CAD)
CAD applications
smart AIP PAMS Published AIP Management System Smart Charting CAD Basic
• AIP Production:
There are 3
Aeronautical information
databases within the
publication is fast and
CAD system that run
• Graphic Validation Tool: (where one fails, the
Allows users to view The CAA and ANSP other takes over):
information inserted into CAD contains a web enters data into the CAD
the CAD in a graphical application that gives which synchronises with 1. Training System
context. Navigational aids General Aviation and information contained 2. Disaster Recovery
and updated airspaces are other users the ability at the European 3. Production System
visible. Any errors can be to log in via Internet Aeronautical Database
corrected directly in the Explorer and extract data (EAD). Information that is
SDO. not previously available available in the EAD is then
in digital format. synchronised back to the
• SDO Slot Management: CAD and is made available
Manages the information for the use of CAAs
in the CAD through slots. In support of CAD,
there is an EAD service and ANSPs.
Information can be moved
from one slot to another desk which caters for
with ease. All information operational queries and
a Frequentis service Architecture
goes through various
checks before being desk, handling all
committed into the CAD. technical queries.
Features and
Information sharing is no longer
confined to specific systems and can be
defined to other aviation subsystems
using the appropriate exchange model.
A database of validated Statistic
data) through a direct network
Data (aerodromes, NAV-aids
connection or through an internet-
and routes).
based interface.
Worldwide data maintenance via Slot
CAD is the definition of data providers
Management with standardised AIXM-
and users.
based Data Exchange.
• Providers: Data Originators,
Air Navigation Service Providers
and State Civil Aviation Authorities
Flight procedures o APVI/II
include: o BAROVNAV
Performance-based Navigation (PBN) defines performance requirements for aircraft navigating on an ATS route, terminal procedure
or in a designated airspace. It is ICAO’s effort and objective to redefine the regional differences of various Area Navigation (RNAV) and
Required Navigation Performance (RNP) specifications into a globally harmonised set of PBN applications.
Working in conjunction with airspace design, flight procedure design allows ATNS to consider the technological capabilities of each
individual aircraft, the prevalence of satellite-based navigation aids versus ground-based navigation aids and additional factors to
increase the scope of safe navigation and implementation of PBN.
This allows ATNS to offer consultation services to other Air Navigation Services Providers (ANSPs) for flight procedure design and
cartography services, facilitating the implementation of PBN in line with the ICAO PBN Roadmap.
Features of flight procedure
design include:
Standard Arrival Route (STAR) and Standard Instrument Departure (SID) Procedure design
The ATNS Aviation Training Academy (ATA) is a unique organisation in terms of the training on offer. Not only do we provide Air
Traffic Services and Engineering Training to our staff members, but also provide a wide range of aviation-related and safety-
related courses throughout the continent and into selected markets. The ATNS ATA is a fully accredited training organisation
offering courses registered on the National Qualifications Framework.
As true testament to our maintenance of the highest training and quality standards the ATNS ATA has been awarded IATA’s
Worldwide Top Regional Training Partner for five consecutive years as well as being designated an ICAO Regional Training Centre
of Excellence (RTCE). In 2016 the Academy was recognised as a Premier Circle Member by IATA. In 2017 ATNS ATA received
prestigious recognition from IATA for its contribution towards the development of Aviation Personnel.
Over and above the ATNS ATA being an IATA Regional Training Partner (RTP) for the AFI region, it is also an IATA Authorised
Training Centre (ATC) and a TRAINAIR PLUS full member. The Academy is accredited by the Transport Education Training
Authority and the South African Qualifications Authority. The quality of products delivered at the ATA are done within the ambit of
ISO 9001:2008 compliance.
The ATNS ATA utilises computer-based training, radar simulators, engineering laboratories as well as 3D aerodrome simulators
to the highest industry and safety standards.
We employ renowned training instructors and coaches both internationally and nationally to give our students and partners the
best in both technical knowledge and practical expertise across a range of fields.
The ATNS ATA is a vibrant meeting place for global aviation students. As one of the leading aviation academies, the ATNS ATA is
committed to producing graduates of the highest calibre.
Staying at selected, approved guest lodges is a convenient way to be close to the Academy campus and a great way to meet fellow
students. The ATNS ATA uses an array of accommodation facilities through partnering with local guest lodges.
Transport for students staying at our approved guest lodges to and from the ATNS ATA is provided.
ATNS Aviation Training Academy (ATA)
Training partnerships
ATNS ATA partners with organisations to provide access to the best available skills, knowledge and assessments. ATNS ATA can
assist with:
• Customised courses;
• Defining and developing succession plans;
• Evaluation of existing corporate programmes;
• Manpower requirements;
• Performance management;
• Recruitment and selection of new personnel; and
• Training needs assessments.
International students
To ensure our international students have a training and study experience worth remembering our visiting students are
encouraged to ensure they have valid visas.
Visa requirements
Requirements for visitor’s visas differ from country to country and the requirements are subject to change. You can find all the
information you need, including whether you require a visa to travel to South Africa by visiting
The ATNS ATA offers a full range of courses in Air Traffic Services, Engineering and related training.
Air Traffic Services Training comprises regulatory courses for anyone required to be accredited by Civil Aviation Authorities, non-
regulated courses and Management and Development courses.
The ATA has a dedicated Course Development Unit that is capacitated to develop or tailor your course to your specifications.
Courses are developed in accordance with the ICAO TRAINAIR Plus methodology.
Our Engineering courses cover a variety of system concepts and specialised equipment related to Communication, Navigation
and Surveillance (CNS) and information technology.
ATSEP Surveillance:
Human Factors & Safety
Management for ATSEP
Very Small Aperture Terminal
4 Communication Equipment (VSAT)
ATSEP Communication system:
Voice & Data
Additional courses and diplomas IATA
The ATA is an approved IATA Regional Training Partner and authorised training center providing IATA management-related courses.
There is a total of four courses to be completed per IATA Diploma – one prerequisite course which is a required course and three other
elective courses. Within the respective IATA Diploma outline, participants have a maximum period of three years to complete
the Diploma.
Management Development
On-the-job Training Instructor 2 Programme 1
In accordance with aviation legislation and Civil Aviation Authority requirements, ATNS ATA offers three Government Safety Inspector
courses on behalf of ICAO, providing safety inspectors across the region with the requisite knowledge to complete all related activities:
2 Air Worthiness
3 Personnel Licensing
ATNS ATA training model is unique, and we source the best local and international expertise for each module which means our training
offering is always up-to-date, relevant and of the highest possible standard.