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Music 9 – Second Quarter

A.Y. 2022-2023


Time Frame: 8 meetings

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Introduction and Focus Questions

Have you ever thought why Classical period arts were known as
“Restrained Arts?” There was no “sad” music composed in this era and
have you ever asked why?

At that time, composers worked for royalty and aristocrats. They were paid
to write music for official events, church services, and plain old
entertainment. Composers had to write music that their patrons
(employers) would approve of. Later in the Classical period, society
changed. Middle-class people had more money and wanted
entertainment. Public concert halls were built, where people could go to
listen to music. Famous Classical composers like Haydn and Mozart worked
for patrons, but they also put on concerts in the new concert halls. By
1800s, composers could earn quite a bit of money from ticket sales at
concert halls. This gave them more freedom to write for the tastes of
concert goers instead of just pleasing their patrons.

In this module, you will revisit the European nations that contributed to the
development of the styles of music in the Classical period. The artists and
samples of their masterpieces will be discussed through the following
processes: watching, listening, reading, singing, imitating, creating,
performing, evaluating, analyzing critically, and applying. Their values
system will also be investigated to see how they are related to our own
beliefs. We shall keep in mind to answer the following questions: How are
these distinct musical characteristics and styles performed? and How are
these unique and distinct characteristics of the arts continue to contribute
to the cultural advancement of the rest of the world?

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Learning Targets:

I can ….

❖ describe musical elements of given classical period pieces;

❖ explain performance practice (setting, composition, role of

composers / performers, and audience) during Classical period;

❖ relate classical music to other art forms and its history within
the era;

❖ improvise appropriate accompaniment to selected music from

classical period;

❖ perform selected music from the classical period;

❖ evaluate music and music performances using guided rubrics.

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In the space provided before each item, write True if the statement is
correct and False if it is not.

_______ 1. Classical period was the beginning of emotionalism in music.

_______ 2. In Classical music vocal music was more important than
instrumental music.
_______ 3. Classical period music has no sense of order and is
_______ 4. Classical period artists earned their living mostly from the
ruling classes of monarchy.
_______ 5. French Revolutions / Napoleonic wars brought financial
troubles to Classical period musicians.
_______ 6. Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven were the important
composers of the Classical era.
_______ 7. Germany is the center of music making in the Classical era.
_______ 8. Classical period is known as the “Golden Age” of the Symphony.
_______ 9. Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven are considered as the “Fathers
of Symphony.”
_______ 10. Chamber music is also known as Symphonic music.

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I. Let’s Start ….

A. How will you spend each day of your life if you have all of these?

B. Listen to example of music from the Classical period and identify

its musical elements.


II. Here We Go ….

Lesson 1 Historical Background

The years of the Classical Period (1750-1810) saw many changes in the
world. The French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars changed the
face of Europe. The American Revolution and the signing of the U.S.
Constitution and Bill of Rights shaped the democracy of America. In
Europe, it was more and more possible for the public to enjoy and
participate in leisure activities. In the music world, the patronage

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system began to die out, and the Classical Period saw the first public
concerts where people paid admission to attend.
Classical Music

Instead of Ornate Baroque music with trills and sudden changes in

style, the music of the Classical Period was simple, balanced, and non-
emotional. It often reflects the sophistication of the ruling class. Music
had straightforward titles like “Symphony No.1” instead of flowery,
descriptive titles. This music was called absolute music, because it was
music for its own sake, not for dancing or special occasions. It was
performed in the recitals of concert hall.

The Symphony Orchestra

For the first time, instrumental music was more important than vocal
music. The modern symphony orchestra was born, with fuller sounding
strings, plus clarinets, bassoons, oboes, and flutes. Although trumpets
and horns were still valveless, they acquired the harmony role which
made the harpsichord obsolete in the orchestra. Trombones, tubas,
and the extensive percussion we use today were not yet introduced to
the orchestra setting. The most important composers of the period
LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN. Vienna was the musical center of Europe,
and most serious composers spent part of their lives there, including
Mozart, Haydn, and Beethoven.

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Brain Buster:

Including the name of the composer, make up titles for music, one list
for Baroque titles, and one list for Classical titles. You may use the
internet for research purposes.
Baroque Titles Classical Titles

1. ___________________________ 1. _______________________
2. ___________________________ 2. _______________________
3. ___________________________ 3. _______________________
4. __________________________ 4. _______________________
5. __________________________ 5. _______________________

Opera Music

In the Classical Period, the number and importance or operas declined

in comparison to instrumental music. Without a wealthy patron it was
difficult to fund an opera. Nevertheless, many operas were written and
were enjoyed mostly by the wealthier part of the society.

Let’s watch an example of Opera excerpt from the Classical Period

Instrumental Music

The concerto of the Baroque Period evolved into popular Classical

concerto. The soloist was featured as the rest of the orchestra

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provided accompaniment. All of the instruments of the orchestra had
concertos written for them. These works comprise the standard solo
literature for many instruments today.

An outgrowth of the Baroque concerto grosso was the Classical

symphony. The word symphony means “sounding together” and it
applies to the full orchestra all playing at the same time. The first
Classical symphonies were three movements (fast-slow-fast). Soon
after, composers started adding a movement in triple time signature
before the final movement, Hundreds of symphonies were written
and performed in public concerts. Haydn alone wrote 104

Note About Classical Music

When we think of “classical music” we often are referring to any

music played by an orchestra or any opera music. However, when
studying music history, the word “Classical” refers to the music
written from 1750-1810.

Fill in the Blanks

In the Classical Period, for the first time, _____________ music was
given more importance than the vocal music. A Classical piece for
solo instrument and orchestra is called a _____________________.
The word symphony means __________________________. The first
symphonies had three ____________________.
_____________ wrote 104 symphonies.

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Lesson 2 Classical Chamber Music
Key points:

1. The Classical era is considered the golden age of chamber music

(group of musicians in smaller number, usually for two to about
ten performers, with one player per part of instrument).
2. The string quarter (2 violins, 1 viola, 1 cello) was the most
important chamber music genre of the Classical era: duos, trios,
quintets, serenades, and divertimentos were also cultivated.
3. The form of a string quartet generally follows a standard four-
movement structure of fast-slow-moderate dance-fast.
4. Haydn’s string quartet is characterized by the use of folk elements,
are central to the literature of this medium.

A string quartet, the most influential chamber music in the classical period.

Style Traits of the Classical period composers in chamber music:

1. Franz Joseph Haydn – use of folksongs.
2. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – elegance of court dances.
3. Ludwig Van Beethoven – use of rousing and tensed speed in the
minuet part.
Because the string quartet was intended as salon music, to be enjoyed
by small group of cultured music lovers, composers did not need
expansive gestures here. They could present their most private

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thoughts, and indeed, the final string quartets of Haydn, Mozart, and
Beethoven contain some of their most profound expressions.

*What is a courtly minuet dance? Please watch .

III. Let’s Practice ….

Exercise A

Beginning at 16:40, listen and watch

and answer the following tables:

Tempo Rhythm Melody Texture Timbre

Chamber Music of the Classical period.

Answer the following questions:

1. What is a chamber music?


2. What was the favored and most influential chamber ensemble in the
Classical era, and what are its components?

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3. Name several other common chamber ensembles

4. Who are the popular composers of chamber music in the Classical

era and what are the styles or traits of their music?

5. In our current times, give examples of popular events or

entertainments that uses chamber music ensembles.

Lesson 3 Mozart and Chamber Music

Key points:

1. The Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a child

prodigy who started to write music at the age of 5.
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2. Although he lived only for 35 years, Mozart made a significant
contributions to nearly all musical genres, including symphony,
sonata, concerto, chamber music, sacred music, and various types
of opera.
3. Mozart’s music is notable for its lyrical melodies, colorful
orchestration, and dramatic content
4. One of Mozart’s best-known works is Eine Kleine Nacht Musik
(A Little Night of Music) a serenade for strings only.

Mozart is known among the Classical period composers for his

inexhaustible wealth of his elegant and songful melodies. In all his
instrumental music, Mozart infused a sense of Drama, with contrasts
of mood ranging from lively and playful, to solemn, and tragic. His
orchestration is richly colorful as well as his melodic lines. One of the
outstanding pianists of his time, Mozart wrote many works for his own
instrument. His symphonies are characterized by richness of
orchestration, a freedom in part writing, and a remarkable depth of
emotion. The exact number of his symphonies is difficult to

Eine Kleine Nacht Musik

Mozart’s elegance is reflected in Eine Kleine Nacht Musik, a serenade

for strings. This work was most likely written for a string quartet and
was meant for public entertainment, in outdoor performance as it fits
its character of serenade, which is shorter that a symphony or
concerto. The opening theme is described as ascending like a “rocket.”

Listen to Eine Kleine Nacht Musik

and answer the following tables.

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Exercise B
Tempo Rhythm Melody Texture Timbre


Answer the following questions:

1. What does Eine Kleine Nacht Musik literally means?


2. To what exact size of ensemble was it written for?


3. How will you describe the movements of the notes in the opening
theme? _______________________________________________

4. Describe the scenario where the music was intended to be

performed? ____________________________________________

5. What is meant by prodigy?


6. Describe what Mozart’s music is notable for. _________________


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Haydn and the Symphony

Lesson 4

Key points:

1. The Austrian composer Franz Joseph Haydn worked under the

patronage system of the Ezterhazy court.
2. Haydn was regarded as the “Father of Symphony,” having
composed 144 of it and is always remembered for his contributions
to the development of Classical instrumental music, especially the
symphony and the string quartet.
3. One of Haydn’s best-known symphonies, No. 94, the “Surprise
Symphony,” was part of a set of twelve commissioned for a London
concert series.

Integration of folksongs and dances are the characteristics of Haydn’s

music. Before long, Haydn attracted the notice of the music-loving
aristocracy of Vienna. He was 29 years old when he entered the
services of the Esterhazys, a family of enormously wealthy Hungarian
princes famous for their patronage of the arts. He remained with this
family for almost 30 years. By the time Haydn reached the middle
age, his music brought him much fame (and wealth!). He made two
visits to England where he conducted his works with phenomenal
success. He died being revered by his countrymen and acknowledged
throughout Europe for being a prolific composer.

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Esterhazy Palace where Haydn worked for almost 30 years

Lesson 5 Beethoven and the Symphony in Transition

Key Points:
1. The Viennese master Ludwig Van Beethoven was a transitional
figure from the Classical to Romantic periods.
2. Beethoven’s 9 symphonies are monumental works intended for
the concert hall; the Fifth Symphony, his best-known composition,
is built on a four-note patter of short-short-short-long (knock).

(Early Part of His Life)

Beethoven (1770-1827) was born in Bonn, Germany. His family
situation was not a happy one. His father was an alcoholic and Ludwig,
at an early age was forced to support his mother and two younger
brothers by teaching piano. Beethoven’s talent as a pianist took the
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music-loving aristocracy by storm. He functioned under a modified
form of patronage system meaning, although he was not attached to
the court of a prince, the music-loving Vienna helped him in various
ways-by paying him handsomely for private lessons or presenting him
with gifts. He was also helped by the emergence of the middle-class
public and the growth of concert life and music publishing.

(Middle Part of His Life)

Beethoven began losing his hearing that made him very insecure and
suspicious of the people around him. He hid his incapacity to hear to
the people around him and his actions were very different and people
thought that he was mad, often irritable. Beethoven fell in

love to Therese Malfatti, her parents objected and married her to a

noble businessman.

(Latter Part of His Life)

Total Deafness set-in that made Beethoven very depressed. He was
never married and thought of his only nephew Karl (the only child of
the three Beethoven brothers, thus the only Beethoven of the next
generation) to be his heir after a long legal court battle on custody of
the child (Karl’s father died and his mother was irresponsible) with
whom he was also having psychological and emotional trouble with.
Beethoven - after winning custody of Karl -- forbade him to see his
mother. The boy frequently disobeyed him, running away to be with
her. On one occasion Beethoven called the police to have him forcibly
returned. The whole Vienna mourned when he died.

Beethoven Monument in Vienna

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Let’s Find out the style of the Piano music of Beethoven. Listen to
Lesson 6 Sonata Pathetique (Adagio) and
answer the following tables.

Tempo Rhythm Melody Texture Timbre

Values Integration:
Beethoven’s rise to fame was not an easy one. He
experienced a lot of emotional difficulties throughout
the three stages of his life but he did not let those
setbacks to stop him from being one of the best
composers of his time. He left overwhelming amount
of music that continues to inspire us up to this time. What
Benedictine Hallmark is exhibited in this kind of attitude?

Exercise C

To show your familiarity of the music of the Classical period’s two

most important composers, list down the similarities and differences
in their styles. Give 5 answers for each item. Please refer to and
when answering.

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Mozart Beethoven

Process Questions:

1. What was your impression on the music of Mozart?


2. What was your impression on the music of Beethoven?


3. In what ways can you promote the music of the Classical

period to be used as a way for cultural advancement of the

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4. Name examples of events where we can promote the use of
the music of the Classical period to make the activity more
meaningful and engaging.

Lesson 7 Exercise D
Music of the Classical period – Answer the following questions:

1. List for comparison the number of symphonies written by

each composer below.

Haydn _____ Mozart _____ Beethoven _____

2. Why did Mozart write fewer symphonies than Haydn?


3. Among the symphonies of Beethoven which are the most

popular ones? ____________________________________

4. What European country can be associated with the three

Classical period composers? _________________________

5. Why was Franz Joseph Haydn regarded as the “Father of

Symphony?” _____________________________________

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6. What values can we learn from the life of Mozart?

7. What values can we learn from the life of Haydn?


8. What values can we learn from the life of Beethoven?


9. Who among the three composers thrived the Patronage

System and who was his patron?

10. Describe the opening theme of Beethoven’s Symphony No.5

in c minor.

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IV. Let’s Apply ….

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Lesson 8
Performance Task:
Creative presentation of original
lyrics for a popular Classical Period tune.

The local government unit of Rizal will conduct a song writing contest on
taking care of the environment, adapting the tune of Beethoven’s Ode to
Joy (S). You are all acclaimed performers (R) and your group is tasked to
compose lyrics for the theme of Beethoven’s music (G). Your lyrics should
be about taking care of the environment and your performance should not
be less than two (2) minutes (P). Representatives from the Municipality of
Rizal, Businessmen, and some Professional Performers will be present to
watch your performance (A). You will be rated according to a rubric with
100 points (S):

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Criteria Indicators
4 3 2 1
Excellent Very Good Good Needs
Pitch Accuracy and All pitches accurate Most pitches are Most pitches are Few pitches are
Intonation and excellent tuning. accurate and with accurate and with 3 accurate and with more
Ability to sing in tune only 1-2 errors in errors in tuning than 3 errors in tuning.
Rhythmic Accuracy All words with With 1-2 errors in the With 3 errors in the With more than 3 errors
Syllabication of the words in accurate rhythm rhythmic rhythmic in the rhythmic
accordance to the given note syllabication of the syllabication of the syllabication of the
words. words. words.
Mastery of Song With more than 3 With 1-2 members With 3 members With more than 3
Familiarity of what is being errors in the rhythmic committing errors committing errors members committing
performed syllabication of the either in tune or the either in tune or the errors either in tune or
words. words of the song. words of the song. the words of the song.
Volume of Voice All members could 1-2 members could 3 members could not More than 3 members
Ability to sing audibly be heard and singing not be heard and not be heard and not could not be heard and
properly. singing properly singing properly. were not singing
Showmanship, Effort, All members were 1-2 members were 3 members were not More than 3 members
and Creativity creative, with props not creative / without creative / without were not creative /
To creatively go beyond that helps enhance props and with very props and with few without props and with
what is expected to their performance. few movements that movements that are many movements that
enhance the Movements were are inappropriate to inappropriate to their are inappropriate to
performance appropriate to their their presentations presentations their presentations

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Post Test

Directions: Supply the answer for each statement by writing your answer in
the space provided before each item.

____________ 1. Describe the style of music in the Classical period.

____________ 2. What type of music was given more importance in the
Classical period?
____________ 3. Who demands the style of music what will be composed
by the Classical period musicians?
____________ 4. Where do most of the Classical period musicians
were employed?
____________ 5. Identify the other sources of jobs of the Classical period
composers aside from being employed by the ruling
____________ 6. Who were the prominent composers of the Classical
____________ 7. What European country is associated with Haydn,
Mozart, and Beethoven?
____________ 8. What do you call the group of smaller group of
musicians that were very popular in the Classical era?
____________ 9. He is known as the “Father of Symphony.”
____________ 10. Define Symphony.

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How did this module help you in understanding the music of the
Classical period? Please assess how confident you are now by
checking one of the boxes below.

I am less confident
I am confident

I am very confident

In this section, your task is to apply what you have learned, for our
cultural advancement and for your own global competitiveness.
Congratulations, job well done!


The Classical Period

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Music Appreciation
by Roger Kamien

Music Appreciation
by Robert Hickock

700 years of Classical

Treasures (Audio CD, LRC)

Joyful Joyful We Adore

by L.V. Beethoven

Experiencing the World of MAPEH 9

by Muyot, Zamora, et. al.

Power Up with MAPEH 9

by Abon, Ulanday, et. al.

The Understanding of Music

by Charles Hoffner

The Enjoyment of Music

by Kristine Forney and Joseph Machilis

Teacher Made Tests and Rubrics

Prepared by:

Mr. John V. Crisostomo

JHS Music Teacher
All for the Glory of God Alone!

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