2012 Suthar - The Galactic Habitable Zone in Elliptical Galaxies
2012 Suthar - The Galactic Habitable Zone in Elliptical Galaxies
2012 Suthar - The Galactic Habitable Zone in Elliptical Galaxies
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Abstract: The concept of a Galactic Habitable Zone (GHZ) was introduced for the Milky Way galaxy a
decade ago as an extension of the earlier concept of the Circumstellar Habitable Zone. In this work, we
consider the extension of the concept of a GHZ to other types of galaxies by considering two elliptical
galaxies as examples, M87 and M32. We argue that the defining feature of the GHZ is the probability of
planet formation which has been assumed to depend on the metallicity. We have compared the metallicity
distribution of nearby stars with the metallicity of stars with planets to document the correlation between
metallicity and planet formation and to provide a comparison to other galaxies. Metallicity distribution,
based on the [Fe/H] ratio to solar, of nearby stars peaks at [Fe/H] & − 0.2 dex, whereas the metallicity
distribution of extrasolar planet host stars peaks at [Fe/H] & + 0.4 dex. We compare the metallicity
distribution of extrasolar planet host stars with the metallicity distribution of the outer star clusters of M87
and M32. The metallicity distribution of stars in the outer regions of M87 peaks at [Fe/H] & − 0.2 dex and
extends to [Fe/H] & + 0.4 dex, which seems favourable for planet formation. The metallicity distribution of
stars in the outer regions of M32 peaks at [Fe/H] & − 0.2 dex and extends to a much lower [Fe/H]. Both
elliptical galaxies met the criteria of a GHZ. In general, many galaxies should support habitable zones.
Received 7 September 2011, accepted 16 January 2012, first published online 16 February 2012
Keywords: Galaxies, Milky Way, M32, M87, Metallicity, Extrasolar Planets, Planet Formation.
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158 F. Suthar and C. P. McKay
Fig. 1. The metallicity distribution of stars is shown. The triangles represent the metallicity distribution of nearby stars, x’s represent the metallicity
distribution of extrasolar planets hosts stars, squares represent metallicity distribution of M87, and diamonds represent metallicity distribution
of M32.
content of refractory elements. Thus, we expect that the many easily measured absorption lines in the spectra of Sun-
correlation between stellar metallicity and the presence of like stars, and therefore, the term ‘metallicity’ of a star is often
planets will extend to Earth-sized planets as well. expressed in terms of its iron abundance ratio to hydrogen,
With the caveats mentioned above, we believe that the [Fe/H]. The ratio [Fe/H] is defined as
discovery of many planets around nearby stars allows us to [Fe/H] ; log10 (Fe/H)star − log10 (Fe/H)sun ,
statistically relate planet formation to stellar metallicity and
provides a basis for extrapolating the possibility of planet where the bracket denotes the number density abundance of
formation to other regions of our galaxy and to other galaxies. elements enclosed. The units are in dex, 1/10 of a factor
In this paper, we compare the metallicity distribution of the of 10 and [Fe/H] = 0 corresponds to our Sun. Positive values of
nearby stars with the metallicity distribution of the nearby stars [Fe/H] indicate higher than solar values, and negative values
with planets to show the correlation between metallicity and indicate lower than solar values. Following this approach, we
planet formation. We then compare these two distributions to use [Fe/H] as an indicator of metallicity.
the metallicity of the outer stars in two elliptical galaxies, M87 We have obtained [Fe/H] values of 100 nearby stars that are
and M32. uniformly distributed in the torus 6–9 kpc from the galactic
centre (Ibukiyama and Arimoto 2002, Ibukiyama 2004) and
[Fe/H] values of 100 stars with planets using the VizieR
Nearby stars and extrasolar planet host stars
database service at the Centre de Données Astronomiques de
The key factor in defining the GHZ is the probability of planet Strasbourg (vizier.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/VizieR). For additional
formation determined by the observation of stellar metallicity. information on candidate objects, such as distance and
Stellar metallicity is an indication of the total concentration of apparent dimensions, we used NASA/IPAC (National
elements heavier than He. Unlike stellar mass, radius and Aeronautics and Space Administration/Infrared Processing
temperature, metallicity depends directly on the history of the and Analysis Center) Extragalactic Database (NED) (http://
material that goes into forming a star. Heavy elements are ned.ipac.caltech.edu).
produced in stellar interiors and in supernovae. They are then Figure 1 shows the distribution of [Fe/H] of the nearby stars,
distributed by events such as solar winds, supernovae, polar and for stars that have planets. The results have been
jets, planetary nebula and star formation. Thus, the concen- normalized so that the highest value of each distribution is
tration of metals in stars depends on generations of prior stars. roughly similar. Several important points emerge from this
First generation stars would have low metallicity, whereas comparison. First, the distribution of [Fe/H] of nearby stars
stars that form from material that has been through many peaks at the metallicity slightly less than solar, −0.2 dex.
generations of previous stars would have a high metallicity. Although the [Fe/H] of extrasolar planet host stars peaks at a
Metallicity is important for planet formation because in the [Fe/H] value well above the solar value, +0.4 dex, thus, the Sun
hot protoplanetary disc surrounding a star, the formation of maybe a typical star, but it is not a typical planet-hosting star
protoplanetary bodies (small planetesimals) depends exclu- (Ramírez et al. 2010). It may be that we are lucky to be here.
sively on high atomic weight elements since the protoplanetary We can use the [Fe/H] distribution of stars with planets to gage
masses are too small to retain hydrogen or helium. Earth-like the habitability of other galaxies for which [Fe/H] distribution
planets are composed virtually entirely of compounds that are are known.
high in atomic number, Z (silicates) or bound to a high Z atom
(H2O). Thus, it is reasonable that the metallicity should
Elliptical galaxies
correlate with planet formation.
Gonzalez et al. (2001) have noted that the cosmic abundance Elliptical galaxies are of interest here because they represent a
of the elements heavier than boron scale with iron, which has completely different morphology than the Milky Way. For our
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The galactic habitable zone in elliptical galaxies 159
Fig. 2. Forte et al. (2007) present the metallicity of M87 where the
data are selected from elliptical galactocentric radii between 10 and
15 kpc. The inner region from this radius is affected by the galaxy halo
brightness, while, further out in the galactocentric radius, the
background level increases and the effective areal coverage of the
image decreases.
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160 F. Suthar and C. P. McKay
timescale is much shorter. The earliest indication of life on layers of elliptical galaxies, M87 and M32. From this
Earth may be the carbon isotope record at 3.8 Gyr ago comparison, we conclude that the stars in these elliptical
(Schidlowski 1988; Mojzsis et al. 1996), and clear evidence of galaxies are likely to have planetary systems and could be
microbial life is present at 3.4 Gyr ago (e.g. Tice & Lowe 2004). expected to have the same percentage of Earth-like habitable
Thus, the origin of life occurred within 100–500 Myr after the planets as those in the neighbourhood of the Sun.
formation of Earth, at *3.9 Gyr ago. Moreover, in a review of
this question, Lazcano & Miller (1994) suggested that, ‘in spite
of the many uncertainties involved in the estimates of time for
life to arise and evolve to cyanobacteria, we see no compelling
reason to assume that this process, from the beginning of the We thank David Willson and Heather D. Smith for useful
primitive soup to cyanobacteria, took more than 10 million discussions. We thank two anonymous reviewers for their
years’. However, Orgel (1998) criticized this statement on the comments, which greatly improved the paper.
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