2018 - Yanting Li
2018 - Yanting Li
2018 - Yanting Li
Keywords: A comparative study on electrosorptive rates was conducted to explore the affinity preference of Na+, K+,
Electrosorption Mg2+, Ca2+, Cd2+, Pb2+ and Cu2+ to activated carbon cloth electrodes of capacitive deionization (CDI) in
Heavy metal mono-component solutions. Results showed the electrosorptive kinetics of these metal ions followed the
Ionic hydrated radius Lagergren equation. For alkali and alkali-earth metal ions, the order of electrosorptive rates followed
K+ > Na+ > Ca2+ > Mg2+, which revealed an inversely proportional relationship with their ionic hydrated
Capacitive deionization
radii. The relationship between electrosorptive rates and ionic hydrated radii, however, did not hold for heavy
metal ions, and the order was Cu2+ > Pb2+ > Cd2+. The abnormal electrosorptive behaviors of Cu2+ and Pb2+
could be attributed to electrodeposition and formation of OH− complexes during electrosorption. Besides, Cu2+
and Pb2+ showed significantly low desorption efficiencies during the electrode regeneration processes, in-
dicating serious electrode fouling during the electrosorptive process. This work provides fundamental aspects on
individual removal of metal ions and the results can be beneficially used as a reference for treatment and
recovery of metal ions by CDI technology.
1. Introduction metal laden waters [4]. It has a simple structure using juxtaposed pairs
of charged electrodes and is highly energy-efficient using a low voltage
Metal pollution of fresh water resources by industrial discharges has (0.6–1.2 VDC) to attract ions from water by electrostatic force. After the
received significant worldwide concerns for the last few decades. Waste adsorption capacity is reached, the ions are desorbed into brine water
streams containing one or more toxic metals are often encountered in by removing the electric field and the regenerated electrodes are ready
metallurgical, tannery, chemical pharmaceutical, mining, battery to use for the next cycle [5]. Therefore, the adsorption cycles generate
manufacturing, fertilizers, and many other industries [1]. Since the an effluent with reduced concentrations of anions [6–9] and metal ca-
substantial build-up of toxic metals in food chains poses a high health tions [10–14] such as sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), calcium (Ca2+),
risk to human consumers, it is necessary to remove these metals from magnesium (Mg2+), and heavy metals such as lead (Pb2+), cadmium
the waste streams before discharging to the fresh water environment. (Cd2+) and copper (Cu2+), resulting in water deionization and pur-
There are many methods for metal removal, such as chemical pre- ification, while the desorption cycles produce a brine stream with
cipitation, membrane filtration, ion exchange, adsorption, etc. concentrated such ions, which offers easier recovery of these metals
However, some disadvantages of these methods make them unsuitable with other terminal processes (e.g. evaporation).
for all scenarios of industrial wastewater treatment [2]. For example, Although many studies have indicated that metal ions can be re-
conventional chemical precipitation is known to have poor perfor- moved by CDI and a variety of electrode materials have been proposed
mance in low strength heavy metal removal and its operation is de- to enhance CDI performances [15–17], the affinity preference of these
pendent on many factors such as pH and chemical doses. It is also costly metal ions to the electrodes remains obscure and literatures on CDI
and generates a lot of sludge that poses environmental disposal pro- research using multi-ionic solutions sometimes presents contradictory
blems [3]. In recent years, capacitive deionization (CDI) is studied as a results [18]. The first study reporting this obscurity was by Gabelich
cost-effective technology with no sludge production and could compete et al. [11], who observed the adsorption in molarity followed a trend of
with other commonly used alternatives (e.g., ion exchange, reverse Na+ > Ca2+ > Mg2+ > K+ in surface water with a low total organic
osmosis, electrodialysis, etc) for the treatment of various strengths of carbon (TOC) concentration while the trend changed to
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (H.L. Tang).
Received 12 April 2018; Received in revised form 9 October 2018; Accepted 29 October 2018
2214-7144/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Li et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 26 (2018) 257–263
Na+ > Mg2+ > Ca2+ > K+ in water with a high TOC. Results on 2.2. Metal ions and pretreatment of CDI cells
produced water treatment by Xu et al. [12] supported the former trend.
The discrepancy was thought to be attributable to different water types Seven analytical grade salts (NaCl, KCl, CaCl2, MgCl2, PbCl2, CdCl2,
with various initial concentrations of metal ions in a competitive multi- and CuCl2) purchased from Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co.
ionic environment. The inconsistent uses of units for description of (Shanghai, China) were used to make stock mono-component solutions
adsorption (e.g., milligram salt per gram electrode (mg/g), millimole with distilled water. Each salt solution was made at an initial con-
ion per gram electrode (mmol/g), removal percentage (%), etc) further centration of 7.5 mM by direct dilution of the corresponding stock so-
added to this obscurity. For example, Li et al. [13] reported an order of lution. Prior to the electrosorptive experiment on each salt, a CDI cell
Fe3+ (0.62 mg FeCl3/g) > Ca2+ (0.55 mg CaCl2/g) > Mg2+ (0.52 mg was washed with distilled water to remove any impurities and was then
MgCl2/g) > Na+ (0.45 mg NaCl/g) in mono-component solutions while immersed in the target salt solution for at least 2 h while stirring. After
the order became Na+ > Mg2+ > Ca2+ > Fe3+ in unit of mmol/g. physical adsorption of the salt was completed, the cell was transferred
Besides, removal of certain heavy metals by CDI was complicated, and to a new target salt solution where the electrosorptive experiment was
an observed trend of Cr2+ > Pb2+ > Cd2+ in percentage removal by conducted. The pre-treatment procedures of each CDI cell reduced the
Huang et al. [14] was under the influence of physical adsorption, which physical adsorption influence of the target metal ion and all electro-
introduced uncertainties to the quantification of the sole electrosorp- sorptive experiments for different metal ions started with the same
tion amount. Because the existing results reporting the electrosorption concentration at 7.5 mM.
of metal ions in multi-ionic conditions are limited due to incomparable
experimental details from one research to another, there is a need to 2.3. The electrosorptive experiments
explore the affinity of different metal ions to CDI electrodes in mono-
component solutions with comparable settings. The electrosorptive experiments were carried out at room tem-
In this research, mono-component solutions of metal chloride (NaCl, perature in batch series depicted in Fig. 1. The system consisted of a
KCl, CaCl2, MgCl2, PbCl2, CdCl2, and CuCl2) were used for a series of beaker with 85 mL single-electrolyte solution, a CDI cell with virgin
batch CDI treatment. Electrosorption was started with the same initial ACC electrodes, a conductivity meter, a potentiostat as external power
mole concentrations of these metal ions in a non-competitive environ- supply, and a magnetic stirring plate with a stirrer for mixing. A voltage
ment using CDI apparatuses with virgin electrodes. The influence of of 1.2 V was consistently applied to the cell until desorption by short-
physical adsorption was reduced by equilibrating the CDI system with circuiting at equilibrium. Solution pH values before and after the
target salt solutions prior to each electrosorptive experiment. The ob- electrosorptive experiments were recorded. The pH values of the NaCl,
jective of this study was to obtain the electrosorptive rates of different KCl, CaCl2, MgCl2, and CdCl2 solutions were fluctuating around a base
metal ions so that the relative affinity of these metal ions to CDI elec- level close to neutral, while the starting pH values of the PbCl2 and
trodes could be compared. The study aids in gaining a better under- CuCl2 were 3.26 and 5.19, respectively, and a complete electrosorp-
standing of metal removal during the CDI process. tion/desorption cycle caused pH fluctuations around the two starting
levels. Conductivity data was continuously monitored at a 30-second
interval, and was converted to mole concentrations of the salt based on
2. Experimental calibration curves. The electrosorptive amount of metal ion per unit
mass of ACC (q in mmol/g) at any time was calculated as
2.1. Assembly of CDI cells
C0 − Ct
q= V
m (1)
Multiple CDI cells measured as 4 cm × 4 cm were assembled with
layers of titanium wire mesh (the current collector), 0.55 g virgin ac- where C0 (mM) and Ct (mM) are the concentrations of the metal ion at
tivated carbon cloth (ACC, the electrode), and 2-mm-thick rubber slices time zero and time t during the CDI treatment, respectively, m (g) is the
(the separator to prevent short-circuiting). The layers in the order mass of ACC, and V (L) is the volume of the solution.
shown in Fig. 1 were firmly pressed together with a cable tie. The The concentration of the metal ion after desorption (Cd) was also
electrode material was commercially available ACC from Chemviron measured, and the desorption efficiency (D) [20] was calculated as
UK (model no. Zorflex FM10), which had a specific surface area of
Cd − Ce
1000 m2/g and a thickness of 0.5 mm. The pore size distribution and D= × 100%
C0 − Ce (2)
surface chemistry of the ACC were described elsewhere [19]. The ACC
was cut into multiple 4 cm × 4 cm square-shaped pieces weighing ap- where Ce and Cd are the equilibrium concentrations (mM) of the metal
proximately 0.55 g for the CDI cells. ion after CDI electrosorption and desorption, respectively.
After one complete electrosorption/desorption cycle of each target
metal ion, the used ACC electrodes were removed from the CDI cell and
the microstructure of the electrode surface was examined by field
emission scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
t 1 1
= + t
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of reactor setup and CDI configuration. q k2 qe2 qe (4)
Y. Li et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 26 (2018) 257–263
Table 1
R2 values of Lagergren equation and pseudo-second-order equation obtained by
least-squares fitting to the experimental data for each metal ion.
Ion R2 of Lagergren equation R2 of pseudo-second-order equation
The use of a single CDI cell for tests of multiple metal ions was found
limited due to the carryover of metal ions from the previous run. Fig. 2 Fig. 2. Electrosorption of K+ in mono-component solutions during the initial
shows the electrosorptive kinetics of K+ using a same CDI cell in two use of a CDI cell with virgin activated carbon electrodes and the use of the CDI
cell after one complete electrosorption/desorption cycle of Pb2+: (a) electro-
scenarios: (1) the use of virgin electrodes for the electrosorption of K+
sorptive amount; (b) electrosorptive kinetics.
and (2) the use of the same electrodes for the electrosorption of K+ after
one complete electrosorption/desorption cycle of Pb2+. The initial use
of the CDI cell reported electrosorption of K+ with a Lagergren rate significant change in electrosorptive kinetics [30]. To address any
constant of 0.1232 min−1. However, after one complete electrosorp- possible discrepancy among the CDI cells during the assembly process,
tion/desorption cycle of Pb2+, the CDI cell reported much slower the electrosorptive kinetics of metal ions were compared against the
electrosorption of K+ with a Lagergren rate constant of 0.0859 min−1. Na+ and a normalization process was presented in Eq. (5) as follows:
The 30% reduction on the electrosorptive rate constant of K+ was at- The Lagergren rate constant of the target ion was divided by that of the
tributed to inorganic fouling of the ACC electrodes by formation of lead reference ion
hydroxide complexes on the electrodes [25]. The phenomenon reduced km
the effective surface area for ion electrosorption. Similar observations Normalized electrosorptive rate =
kref (5)
were reported by Mossad and Zou [26], who found when ferric ion was
added, the salt removal efficiency started to decline. The results in- where km and kref are the Lagargren rate constants of the target metal
dicate if a single CDI cell is used for the tests of multiple metal ions, the ion and reference metal ion, respectively, using a same CDI cell. The
influence from the carryover of other metal ions would make the ratios representing the normalized electrosorptive rate for each metal
electrosorptive results difficult to reproduce and thus invalidate any ion were compared and discussed in the following section.
comparisons. Acid treatment is known capable of controlling the ac-
cumulation of inorganic salts retained on the electrode surface. Con- 3.3. Comparative study of the normalized electrosorptive rates
sidering the externally introduced H+ ions may become another vari-
able, the electrosorption could otherwise be affected by competition 3.3.1. Electrosorption of alkali metal ions
between the externally introduced H+ and the metal ion [27,28], ir- Comparison of two monovalent alkali metal ions is illustrated in
reversibile portion of fouling, and potential change of functional groups Fig. 3a. K+ showed faster electrosorption as evidenced by a higher
on the electrode surface [29]. Lagergren rate constant (0.0897 min−1) than that of Na+
Multiple CDI cells made with the same mass of virgin ACC elec- (0.0742 min−1). The normalized electrosorptive rate of K+ was 1.21.
trodes allowed each set of electrosorptive experiment using its own The trend of K+ > Na+ was opposite to those of Gabelich et al. [11]
apparatus so as to avoid errors due to the carryover of miscellaneous and Xu et al. [12] whose results were obtained from multi-ionic solu-
metals from the used electrodes. Na+ is known to have no noticeable tions with different initial molar concentrations of metal ions. Since the
effect on long term operation of CDI process [26]. In the present study, present experiment started with the same initial molar concentrations
Na+ was used as the reference ion, and each CDI cell was used to obtain in a mono-component system, the phenomenon could be attributed to
the electrosorptive kinetics for the reference ion and the target ion. It the difference in their ionic hydrated radii. It is known that for two ions
has been noted that a tiny difference in spacer width would lead to a with the same charge, the one with larger ionic hydrated radius was
Y. Li et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 26 (2018) 257–263
Fig. 3. Electrosorptive kinetics of (a) K+, (b) Mg2+, (c) Ca2+, (d) Cd2+, (e) Pb2+, and (f) Cu2+ in mono-component solutions.
Y. Li et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 26 (2018) 257–263
Fig. 4. SEM images of (a) virgin activated carbon cloth (ACC) electrode, (b) ACC electrode after initial CDI desorption of Cd2+, (c) ACC electrode after initial CDI
desorption of Cu2+, and (d) ACC electrode after initial CDI desorption of Pb2+.
sequence of normalized electrosorptive rates for alkali and alkali-earth cathode was observed by Liu et al. [27] at a voltage of 1.5 V. Because
metal ions was as follows: K+ (1.21) > Na+ (1.00) > Ca2+ the standard reduction potential of Pb2+ was higher than that of Cu2+,
(0.66) > Mg2+ (0.58). This was partially contradictory with literatures the electrodeposition effect of Pb2+ could be smaller than that of Cu2+.
reporting both mass and percentage removals in competitive multi- Moreover, in addition to the EDL charging, oxygen could be reduced to
ionic solutions [11,12,33], but largely agreed with electrosorptive be- OH− at the cathode [39], which might facilitate the formation of hy-
haviors in unit of mmol/g in single-electrolyte solutions [13]. drolyzed lead complexes on the electrode [25] and reduce the acces-
sible pores for ion storage. On the other hand, the ACC electrode ma-
3.3.3. Electrosorption of heavy metal ions terial had been quantified with 0.4 meq/g lactonic groups, 0.2 meq/g
Fig. 3d–f show the electrosorptive kinetics of Cd2+, Pb2+ and Cu2+ phenolic groups, and 0.1 meq/g total basic groups [19]. The pH value at
in reference to Na+, respectively. All normalized electrosorptive rates the point of zero charge (pH-PZC) was 6.80. For the heavy metal so-
of these heavy metal ions were less than 1, indicating slower electro- lutions that started with a lower pH than pH-PZC, the surface charge of
sorption compared to the monovalent Na+. The order of the normalized ACC electrodes and the degree of protonation of the functional groups
electrosorptive rates followed Cu2+ (0.72) > Pb2+ (0.62) > Cd2+ were affected, suggesting heavy metals being adsorbed by chelation
(0.59). Because the trend of ionic hydrated radii for the three metal ions instead of EDL capacitors-based electrosorption [40].
was Pb2+ (401 pm) < Cu2+ (419 pm) < Cd2+ (426 pm), an inversely It has been noted that the solutions became more acidic after elec-
proportional relationship between electrosorptive rates and ionic hy- trosorption of the three heavy metal ions, and electrodeposition of Cu
drated radii did not hold for these heavy metal ions. The result was also was observed on the cathode. Huang et al. [14] discussed smaller sta-
partially contrary to the affinity order of Pb2+ > Cu2+ > Cd2+ during bility constant (pKa) values for stronger metal ligands to OH− and
a competitive physical adsorption [34]. It is commonly believed that lower OH− stability. Although the pH conditions affect the OH−
the chemical interaction between the metal ions and the surface func- complex formation, such concentrations of OH− complexes were not
tional groups of adsorbent is the major sorption mechanism during quantified in this study. The present research agreed with Huang et al.
physical adsorption [35]. The electrosorption mechanisms of these [14] on the discovery of slower electrosorption of Cd2+ than Pb2+.
heavy metal ions, on the other hand, could be more complex, which are Since Cd2+ had been reported to demonstrate less physical adsorption
discussed as follows. in mono-component solutions [41], the slower kinetics of both elec-
Cu2+ showed faster electrosorption than other tested heavy metal trosorption and physical adsorption for Cd2+ could be attributed to its
ions. The mechanism of enhanced Cu2+ removal by CDI was two-fold: larger ionic hydrated radius (426 pm). It was proposed that EDL char-
(1) electrosorption via formation of EDL upon an applied voltage. ging was the predominant mechanism for Cd2+ removal by CDI. The
Increased Cu2+ removal was observed with application of a voltage as effect of OH− complex formation, however, might be insignificant,
low as 0.3 V compared to that of an open circuit [36,37]; and (2) because the pKa1 of Cd2+ (10.08) is higher than that of Pb2+ (7.71).
electrodeposition of Cu2+ via electrochemical reactions. Although there The SEM images shown in Fig. 4 further confirm that the ACC elec-
were no evident redox reactions in the voltage range of 0-0.9 V [38], trodes were less influenced by Cd2+ (Fig. 4b) compared to the heavily
the present study used a cell voltage of 1.2 V, and Cu2+ could be re- influenced electrodes by Pb2+ and Cu2+ (Fig. 4c and d)
duced to cuprous oxide (Cu2O) or/and copper metal by electrodeposi-
tion [36]. 3.3.4. Relationship between the normalized electrosorptive rates and ionic
The mechanism for the removal of Pb2+ by CDI was more complex, hydrated radii
as evidenced by the relatively poor R2 value (0.8873) of Lagergren Transport of anions and cations to their respective electrode is by
equation (Fig. 3e). Reduction of Pb2+ and deposition on the surface of convection, diffusion, and electromigration [3]. Since there is evidence
Y. Li et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 26 (2018) 257–263
Fig. 5. Comparison of tested metal ions regarding their normalized electrosorptive rates and ionic hydrated radii.
Table 3 undermined, which affected their continuous uses. The results indicate
Desorption performance of metal ions after one electrosorption cycle of CDI that the CDI electrodes are susceptible to serious inorganic fouling by
with virgin activated carbon electrodes. Cu2+ and Pb2+ during the CDI treatment. Frequent acid washes are
Ion Desorption efficiency Duration of desorption [h] needed to ensure long-term operational efficiency in practical en-
gineering applications.
Na 100% 0.5
K+ 100% 0.5
4. Conclusions
Mg2+ 94% 1.0
Ca2+ 91% 1.0
Cd2+ 94% 2.0 The electrosorptive behaviors of Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Cd2+, Pb2+
Cu2+ 62% 3.0 and Cu2+ in mono-component solutions during the CDI treatment were
Pb2+ 24% 5.0 investigated. It was found that the electrosorptive kinetics of all tested
metal ions followed the Lagergren equation. By comparing the nor-
malized electrosorptive rates of tested ions in reference to Na+, the
that counterions also played an important role in an individual ion’s
study revealed an affinity preference order of
sorption [11], the present research used chloride as the only external
K+ > Na+ > Ca2+ > Mg2+ for alkali and alkali-earth metals and
anion and thus, it can be deduced that the differences in observation of
Cu2+ > Pb2+ > Cd2+ for heavy metals during the CDI treatment. It
electrosorptive rates solely depend on the affinity of cations to the CDI
was deduced that the ionic hydrated radii generally dictated the affinity
electrode. Comparison of all tested metal ions regarding their normal-
preference of tested ions except Cu2+ and Pb2+. The abnormal elec-
ized electrosorptive rates and ionic hydrated radii is presented in Fig. 5.
trosorptive behaviors of Cu2+ and Pb2+ were attributed to the complex
It was found that except the abnormal behaviors of Cu2+ and Pb2+ due
mechanisms occurring during electrosorption, such as electrodeposition
to their complex mechanisms during electrosorption, all other metal
and OH− complexes formation beside EDL charging. Moreover, Cu2+
ions followed a trend of inversely proportional relationship. It was
and Pb2+ showed significantly low desorption efficiency during elec-
deduced that the ionic hydrated radii generally dictated the removal
trode regeneration, which implied serious fouling potential during the
phenomena of metal ions in mono-component solutions, which was in
CDI treatment. This work provides fundamental aspects on individual
some aspects similar to the ion exchange and membrane separation
removal of metal ions, and the findings can be beneficially used as a
processes [11,42].
reference for the treatment of industrial effluents by CDI.
Table 3 shows the desorption performance of CDI electrodes after The authors acknowledge the start-up fund provided by College of
one electrosorption cycle of metal ions. It was found that the alkali Natural Sciences and Mathematics at Indiana University of
metal ions including Na+ and K+ had no noticeable effect on electrode Pennsylvania to support this research.
regeneration, since the electrosorbed ions could be 100% desorbed by
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