Iso 20475-2018
Iso 20475-2018
Iso 20475-2018
First edition
Reference number
ISO 20475:2018(E)
© ISO 2018
ISO 20475:2018(E)
Contents Page
Foreword ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ iv
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. v
1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
4 Procedures for periodic inspections and tests ..................................................................................................................... 4
4. 1 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
5 .2 f
I dentificatio n o cylinders /b undles and p rep aratio n f o r ins p ectio ns and tes ts ............................. 5
5 .3 D ep res s urizatio n o f f mani o ld and individual cylinders ...................................................................................... 5
5 .4 f
D is as s emb ly o ............................................................................................................................................................ 6
the b undle
5 .6 f
I ns p ectio n o f the f
rame, mani o ld and valve co nditio n ........................................................................................ 6
5 .6.1 ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
5 .6.2 ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
5 .6.3 f ................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
M ani o lds
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation o f national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work o f preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters o f
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the di fferent approval criteria needed for the
di fferent types o f ISO documents should be noted. This document was dra fted in accordance with the
editorial rules o f the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www.iso . org/directives).
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some o f the elements o f this document may be the subject o f
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World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following
URL: www.iso . org/iso/foreword .html.
This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 58, Gas cylinders, Subcommittee SC 4,
Operational requirements for gas cylinders .
T he pri nc ip a l ai m o f a p erio d ic i n s p e c tion and te s ti ng pro ce du re i s that, at the comple tion o f the te s t,
the c yl i nder bu nd le s may b e rei ntro duce d i nto s er vice for a fur ther p erio d o f ti me .
Perio d ic i n s p e c tion and te s ti ng o f c yl i nder bu nd le s i s c arrie d out i n conj u nc tion with the re te s t p erio d
o f the c yl i nders with i n the bu nd le i n order to comp ly with nationa l a nd re giona l tra n s p or t regu lation s .
I f there a re any doub ts , i n s p e c tors shou ld con s u lt the bu nd le/c yl i nder's ma nu fac turer s o that the
manu fac tu rer's c u rrent re com mendation s are ta ken i nto accou nt.
written s o that it i s s u itable for the appl ication o f the U N M o del Re gu lation s [10] .
I n I nternationa l Sta nda rd s , weight i s e quiva lent to a force, expre s s e d i n New ton . H owever, i n com mon
p a rla nce (a s u s e d i n term s defi ne d i n th i s do c u ment) , the word “weight” conti nue s to b e us e d to me an
1 Scope
This document specifies the requirements for the periodic inspection and testing o f cylinder bundles
containing compressed, liquefied and dissolved gas.
NOTE Additional requirements for acetylene cylinder bundles are provided in Annex A .
This document also establishes general principles for the maintenance o f cylinder bundles.
This document is not applicable to acetylene bundles with solvent- free acetylene cylinders.
This document excludes the requirements for cylinder bundles when they are a part o f a battery vehicle.
For some specific applications, e.g. o ffshore, additional requirements can apply.
2 Normative references
The following documents are re ferred to in the text in such a way that some or all o f their content
constitutes requirements o f this document. For dated re ferences, only the edition cited applies. For
undated re ferences, the latest edition o f the re ferenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 10286, Gas cylinders — Terminology
ISO 10460, Gas cylinders — Welded carbon-steel gas cylinders — Periodic inspection and testing
ISO 10462, Gas cylinders — Acetylene cylinders — Periodic inspection and maintenance
ISO 10961, Gas cylinders — Cylinder bundles — Design, manufacture, testing and inspection
ISO 11372, Gas cylinders — Acetylene cylinders — Filling conditions and filling inspection
ISO 11623, Gas cylinders — Composite construction — Periodic inspection and testing
ISO 14113, Gas welding equipment — Rubber and plastics hose and hose assemblies for use with industrial
gases up to 450 bar (45 MPa)
ISO 15996, Gas cylinders — Residual pressure valves — Specification and type testing of cylinder valves
incorporating residual pressure devices
ISO 18119 1) ,Gas cylinders — Seamless steel and seamless aluminium-alloy gas cylinders and tubes —
Periodic inspection and testing
ISO 22434, Transportable gas cylinders — Inspection and maintenance of cylinder valves
ISO 25760, Gas cylinders — Operational procedures for the safe removal of valves from gas cylinders
1) To be published.
© ISO 2018 – All rights reserved 1
ISO 20475:2018(E)
gas cylinder
transportable pressure receptacle o f a water capacity not exceeding 150 l
Note 1 to entry: In ISO/TC 58 standards, the term “gas cylinder” is frequently used for clarification.
[SOURCE: ISO 10286:2015, 201]
cylinder valve
valve that is fitted into a cylinder and to which a manifold (3.11) is connected in a bundle (3.5)
component with no gas shut-o ff capability that serves as a method for connecting a bundle's manifold
c y l i n d e r fi t t i n g
(3.11) to its individual cylinders when cylinder valves (3.8) are not fitted to the cylinders
piping system for connecting pressure receptacle(s) valves or cylinder fittings (3.9 ) to the main valve(s)
(3.4) or the main connection(s) (3.12)
[SOURCE: ISO 10286:2015, 265]
main connection
means o f making a gas connection to a bundle (3.5)
[SOURCE: ISO 10286:2015, 266, modified — “battery vehicle/MEGC” has been deleted.]
<general> weight o f the pressure receptacle when empty, including accessories fitted as presented
for filling
Note 2 to entry: In East Asia, service pressure is o ften used to indicate a similar condition, usually at 35 °C.
[SOURCE: ISO 10286:2015, 736, modified — “gas cylinder” has been replaced by “bundle”.]
competent person
person who has acquired through training, qualifications or experience, or a combination o f these, the
knowledge and skills enabling that person to per form a specified task
EXAMPLE The specified tasks can include periodic inspection, testing, welding, etc.
pressure to which a cylinder (3.7 ) is filled at the time o f filling
fi l l i n g p r e s s u r e
Note 1 to entry: It varies according to the gas temperature in the cylinder, which is dependent on the charging
parameters and the ambient conditions. It is normally higher than the working pressure (3.16 ) (because o f the
heat o f compression) and always less than the test pressure (3.15).
[SOURCE: ISO 10286:2015, 734]
inspection body
independent inspection and testing body approved by the competent authority (3.20)
[SOURCE: ISO 10286:2015, 621]
competent authority
any body or authority designated or otherwise recognized as such for any purpose in each country by
its government
Note 1 to entry: “Competent body” is not to be used; UN Model Regulations [10] only use “competent authority”
and “ inspection body” (3.19 ).
[SOURCE: ISO 10286:2015, 620]
d) cylinder periodic inspection and testing in accordance with ISO 10460, ISO 10462, ISO 11623 or
ISO 18119;
e) inspection o f the frame, mani fold, fittings and valve condition;
f ) bundle reassembly and testing.
5 . 2 I d e n ti fi c a ti o n o f c yl i n d e r s / b u n d l e s a n d p re p a ra ti o n f
o r i n s p e c ti o n s a n d te s ts
Upon receipt o f the bundle for inspection, the gas content within the bundle shall be identified.
Be fore any work is carried out, the relevant cylinder data and ownership shall be identified and the
bundle type approval made available to the inspection body, i f necessary.
Cylinders and any pressure-retaining devices, e.g. valves, fittings, hoses, pigtails or piping, shall be
depressurized to atmospheric pressure and emptied in a sa fe, controlled manner be fore carrying out
any inspection or test work on the individual cylinders.
Particular attention shall be given to cylinders containing flammable, oxidizing, corrosive or toxic gases
to eliminate risks at the internal inspection stage, e.g. by purging the cylinders and associated fittings
prior to devalving and removal from the bundle.
A positive check shall be per formed prior to the removal o f pressure-retaining devices to ensure these
devices are isolated from all pressure sources. This check shall be per formed as described in ISO 25760.
Residual pressure valves and non-return valves shall be sa fely overridden to ensure that the cylinders
are fully depressurized in accordance with the requirements o f ISO 15996.
Main or cylinder valves that are found to be inoperative or blocked shall be depressurized in accordance
with the requirements o f ISO 25760. In the case o f cylinders disassembled from bundles and not
equipped with cylinder valves, the cylinder fittings shall be checked to determine whether the gas is
able to pass freely from the cylinders, e.g. using the device shown in ISO 25760.
f f f
property damage.
WA R N I N G — F a i l i n g to o l l o w I S O 2 5 76 0 r e q u i r e m e n t s c a n c a u s e l o s s o l i e , i n j u r y a n d /o r
Provided the requirements described in this clause have been met, the mani fold and cylinders may be
depressurized sa fely and the corresponding valves may be removed.
5.6.3 Manifolds
Whenever the mani fold is intended to be reused, it shall be visually inspected for damage, fire traces
and local material abrasion. The mani fold shall be clean and degreased depending on the type o f gas and
its purity. When repairs are necessary, they shall be carried out by a competent person in accordance
with a written procedure that meets the requirements o f ISO 10961.
I f a mani fold is reused, it shall be subjected to a pressure test and leak checked in accordance with the
requirements o f ISO 10961 or the original design specification. I f a new mani fold is used, it does not
have to be retested at time o f periodic inspection provided it was pressure tested a fter manu facturing.
5 . 6 . 4 Va l ve s a n d fi tti n g s
Valves that are to be reused in the bundle shall be inspected and maintained in accordance with the
requirements o f ISO 22434.
I f new valves are fitted, they shall con form to the type approval o f the bundle.
I f a valve is replaced, the new valve shall be compatible with both the gas and the test pressure o f the
bundle. The main valve shall not protrude from the frame.
Fittings shall be inspected for de fects, e.g. thread damage. I f the fitting fails this inspection, it shall be
repaired or replaced.
7 Documentation
Records o f the components used to assemble a bundle and o f the history o f how and where the bundle
was assembled and tested shall be maintained for every retested and reassembled bundle.
The bundle documentation prepared in accordance with ISO 10961 shall be modified to include the
data o f any new cylinders or other components incorporated into the bundle.
Annex A
Additional requirements for the periodic inspection and testing of
acetylene bundles
A.1 General
Tooling and personal protective equipment used when working on acetylene bundles shall be non-
sparking to avoid accidental ignition. The work area where inspections on the devalved cylinder take
place shall be explosion-proo f. Requirements for explosion protection shall be applied for the be fore-
mentioned working area.
The cylinder inspector shall always assume the cylinder contains acetylene until it is confirmed that
the cylinder is empty.
A.3.2 Manifold
The mani fold shall be tested for strength and leaks by hydraulically applying a pressure o f 300 bar. All
other inspections, e.g. visual inspection, shall be made in accordance with 5.6.3.
The pressure test o f the mani fold shall be carried out while it is disconnected from the cylinders.
A.3.3 Flexible hoses
The reuse o f flexible hoses shall depend on the retest period o f the bundle. Flexible hoses should not be
used for more than 10 years.
When an existing hose is reused or replaced by a new one a fter the periodic inspection, the electrical
resistance between the connecting ends shall be ≤10 6 Ω in accordance with ISO 14113.
A.3.4 Flame arrestors
Flame arrestors shall be tested for strength and leaks by hydraulically applying a pressure o f 300 bar.
Flashback arrestors intended for reuse shall be visually inspected for signs o f damage or decomposition
(presence o f soot) in accordance with the manu facturer’s recommendations.
I f damage or evidence o f decomposition is present, the flashback arrestor(s) shall be replaced. A
flashback arrestor shall only be cleaned or overhauled by the manu facturer.
A.3.5 Solvent
Care shall be taken to ensure that acetylene cylinders with di fferent solvents [acetone or
dimethyl formamide (DMF)] or porous materials are not included (mixed) in the same bundle. Be fore
putting the acetylene cylinders back in the frame, the solvent level shall be checked and, i f necessary,
replenished in accordance with ISO 11372.
[2] ISO 11755, Gas cylinders — Cylinder bundles for compressed and liquefied gases (excluding
acetylene) — Inspection at time of filling
[3] ISO 13088, Gas cylinders — Acetylene cylinder bundles — Filling conditions and filling inspection
[4] ISO 13769, Gas cylinders — Stamp marking
[5 ] ISO 16148, Gas cylinders — Refillable seamless steel gas cylinders and tubes — Acoustic emission
examination (AT) and follow-up ultrasonic examination (UT) for periodic inspection and testing
[6] ISO 1763 8, Non-destructive testing of welds — Magnetic particle testing
[7 ] ISO 23278, Non-destructive testing of welds — Magnetic particle testing — Acceptance levels
ICS 23.020.35
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