BCA Part – I, II and III Syllabus as approved by Adhoc Committee – 16.04.2022 Page 1
General Information for Students
1. The course of study of Bachelor of Computer Applications shall extend over a period of
three years. On satisfactory completion of the course and after passing the examinations
including the project and seminars, a candidate will be awarded the BCA.
2. The candidate must pass (10+2) at school level. The Candidate can come from any
stream with at least 45% marks in aggregate (40% marks in case of SC/ST and OBC
3. The term of regular course of study means that a candidate shall have attended 75% of
total number of lectures and course work (Tutorial) in each written paper and 75% of the
course work (Practical and Sessional) as per teaching and examination scheme in each
year. Further he/she shall have completed his/her project and seminar successfully. The
attendance requirement scheme be as per Ordinance of the University which is
reproduced below :-
O. 78-A (1): For all regular candidates in the faculties of Arts, Education and Social
Sciences, Science, Law, Commerce and Engineering the minimum attendance
requirement shall be that a candidate should have attended at least 75% of the lectures
delivered and the tutorials held taken together as well as 75% of the practicals and
session from date of her/his admission.
(ii) The NCC/NSS cadets sent out to parades and camps and such students who are
deputed by the University to take part in games, athletics or cultural activities
may for purposes of attendance be treated as present for the days of this
absence in connection with the aforesaid activities and that period shall be added
to their subject wise attendance.
4. For a pass, a candidate must obtain at least 36% marks in each theory paper and 40%
marks in each practical and sessional. Overall in aggregate a candidate must score 40%
5. (a) If a candidate fails in not more than three papers in first year examination and obtains
40% marks in aggregate, he/she shall be allowed to be a regular candidate in the
second year. For the purpose of this clause each theory paper and each practical shall
be counted as a separate paper.
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(b) If a candidate, fails in not more than three papers inclusive of first year and second
year he/she shall be allowed to be a regular candidate in the third year.
(c) If a candidate has cleared all the papers of first & second year, and has failed in not
more than three papers of third year he/she shall be eligible for supplementary
examination that will be held after declaration of result of third year.
(d) All those candidates who are unable to clear their back papers from first year &
second year with third year regular examination shall not be eligible for supplementary
examination. Such candidate will have to wait for a year & he/she will have to appear for
these back papers along with the regular examination of first & second years along with
all papers of third year respectively.
6. Ex – students:
(a) If a student fails in more than three papers of theory in the annual examination, but pass
in all the practicals, he/she shall be allowed to appear as ex-student only in theory
examination. The marks secured in the practicals and course work, laboratory
sessionals of the last year shall be carried over to the next examination.
(b) If a candidate fails in more than three papers of theory and practical at the annual
examination, then he/she shall appear as an ex-student at the next year examination in
all theory papers, practicals and sessionals.
7. The actual marks obtained in due paper examination will be considered for awarding
the division but name will not be included in the merit list.
8. Award of Division:
The division given below shall be awarded on the basis of the total marks obtained from
first to third year (all taken together) by the candidate for the degree of
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Bachelor of Computer Applications
Three Year Degree Course
Syllabus for Teaching and Examination Scheme for BCA
Note: The breakup of Theory and Laboratory examination shall be as follows:
CODE SUBJECT Hrs./Week Max. Marks
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CODE SUBJECT Hrs./Week Max. Marks
CODE SUBJECT Hrs./Week Max. Marks
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Set, Relation and Functions: Sets, Cartesian product of sets, relations, functions, binary operations.
Trigonometric Functions: Angles, trigonometric functions and trigonometric identities.
Cartesian system of rectangular coordinates: The number plane, distance formula area of a triangle,
section formulae, slopes of a line, locus and equation.
Straight line: To find equation of a straight line parallel to an axis: the point slope form, two point form,
intercept form, slope-intercept form, normal form, condition of concurrency for three straight lines,
analytical proof of geometric theorems.
Circle and family of circles: Standard form of equation of a circle, its general form, condition of
Determinants and Matrices: Properties and applications, definition and type of matrices, elementary
transformation of a matrix, inverse of a matrix, normal form of a matrix, orthogonal matrices.
Introduction & features of C, Structure of C program, Variables, Expressions, Identifiers, Keywords, Data
types, Constants, Operator and expression operator: Arithmetic, Logical, Relational, Conditional and Bit
wise operators, Precedence and associativity of operators, Type conversion in expression, Basic
input/output and Library functions, Single character input/output i.e. getch(), getchar(), getche(), putchar(),
Formatted input/output i.e. printf() and scanf(), Library functions - Concepts, Mathematical & character
If statement, If.....Else statement, Nesting of If....Else Statement, else if ladder, The ?: operator, goto
statement, Switch statement, Compound statement, Loop controls, for, while, do-while loops, break,
continue, goto statement, Arrays - Single and multi dimensional arrays, Array declaration and Initialization
of arrays, Strings - Declaration, Initialization, Functions.
The need and form of C functions, User defined and library function, Function arguments, Return values
and nesting of function, Recursion, Calling of functions, Array as function argument, Scope and life of
variables - local and global variable, Storage class specified - auto, extern, static, register.
Defining structure, Declaration of structure variable, Accessing structure members, Nested structures,
Array of structure, Structure assignment, Structure as function argument, Function that return structure,
Union, Pointers, Working with text files.
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Internet - Evolution, Concepts, Internet Vs Intranet, Growth of Internet, ISP, ISP in India, Types of
connectivity - Dial-up, Leased line, DSL, Broadband, RF, VSAT etc., Methods of sharing of Internet
connection, Use of proxy server. Internet Services – USENET, GOPHER, WAIS, ARCHIE and
WORLD WIDE WEB (WWW) - History, Working, Web browsers, its functions, URLs, Websites, Domain
names, Portals. Concept of search engines, Search engines types, Searching the Web, Web Servers,
TCP/IP and other main protocols used on the Web. E-Mail - Concepts, POP and Web based e-mail,
Merits, Address, Basics of sending & receiving, E-mail protocols, Mailing list, Free e-mail services, E-mail
servers and e-mail clients programs.
Concepts of Hypertext, HTML introduction, Features, Uses & versions using various HTML tags,
Elements of HTML syntax, Head & body sections, Inserting texts, Text alignment, Using images in pages,
Hyperlinks – Text and images, Bookmarks, Backgrounds and Color controls, Creating and using tables in
HTML, and Presentation, Use of font size & attributes, List types and its tags. Cascading Style sheets –
Defining and using simple CSS. Design tools for HTML, Overview of MS FrontPage, Macromedia Dream
Weaver and other popular HTML editors, Designing websites using MS FrontPage (using at least
FrontPage 2000) Use of Frames and Forms in web pages, Image editors, Issues in website creations &
Electronic Payment Systems - Introduction, Types of electronic payment systems, Digital token-based
electronic payment systems, Smart cards and electronic payment systems, Credit card-based electronic
payment systems, Risk and electronic payment systems. E-security – Security on the internet, Network
and website risks for e-business, Use of firewalls, Secure physical infrastructure.
Brief history of development of computers, Computer system concepts, Computer system characteristics,
Capabilities and limitations, Types of computers - Analog, Digital, Hybrid, General, Special Purpose,
Micro, Mini, Mainframe, Super, Generations of computers, Personal Computers (PCs) - IBM PCs,
characteristics, PC/PCXT/PCAT - Configurations, Pentium and newer PCs specifications and main
characteristics. Types of PCs - Desktop, Laptop, Notebook, Palmtop, Workstations etc. their
characteristics. Basic components of a computer system - Control unit, ALU, Input/Output functions and
characteristics, Memory - RAM, ROM, EPROM, PROM and other types of memory.
Keyboard, Mouse, Trackball, Joystick, Digitizing tablet, Scanners, Digital camera, MICR, OCR, OMR,
Bar-code reader, Voice recognition, Light pen, Touch screen, Monitors - Characteristics and types of
monitor - Digital, Analog, Size, Resolution, Refresh Rate, Interlaced / Non Interlaced, Dot Pitch, Video
Standard - VGA, SVGA, XGA etc., Printers - Daisy Wheel, Dot Matrix, Inkjet, Laser, Line Printer, Plotter,
Sound card and speakers, Storage fundamentals - Primary Vs Secondary data storage, and Retrieval
methods - Sequential, Direct and Index Sequential, Various Storage Devices - Magnetic Tape, Magnetic
Disks, Cartridge Tape, Hard Disk Drives, Floppy Disks (Winchester Disk), Optical Disks, CD, VCD, CD-R,
CD-RW, Zip Drive.
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Need, Types of Software - System software, Application software, System software - Operating System,
Utility program, Programming languages, Assemblers, Compilers and Interpreter, Operating Systems -
Functions, Types - Batch, Single, Multiprogramming, Multiprocessing, Programming languages- Machine,
Assembly, High Level, 4GL, their merits and demerits, Application Software – Word processing,
Spreadsheet, Presentation Graphics, Database Management Software, Characteristics, Uses and
examples and area of applications of each of them, Virus working principles, Types of viruses, Virus
detection and prevention, Viruses on network.
Analog and digital signals, Modulations - Amplitude Modulation (AM), Frequency Modulation (FM), Phase
Modulation (PM), Communication process, Direction of transmission flow - Simplex, Half Duplex, Full
Duplex, Communication software, Communication protocols, Communication channels - Twisted, Coaxial,
Fiber Optic, Serial and parallel communication, Modem - Working and characteristics, Types of
connections - Dialup, Leased Lines, ISDN, Types of Network - LAN, WAN, MAN etc., Topologies of LAN -
Ring, Bus, Star, Mesh and Tree topologies, Components of LAN - Media, NIC, NOS, Bridges, HUB,
Routers, Repeater and Gateways, Use of communication in daily life.
Introduction, History & Versions of DOS. DOS basics - Physical structure of disk, Drive name, FAT, File &
directory structure and naming rules, Booting process, DOS system files, DOS commands. Internal - DIR,
SORT, FDISK, BACKUP, EDIT, MODE, ATTRIB, HELP, SYS etc. Executable V/s Non-executable files in
Logic Gates, AND, OR, NOT GATES and their truth tables, NOR, NAND & XOR gates, Boolean algebra,
Basic Boolean Laws, De Morgan's theorem, MAP Simplification, Minimization techniques, K -Map, Sum of
Product & Product of Sum.
Data types and number systems, Binary number system, Octal & Hexa-decimal number system, 1‟s & 2's
complement, Binary fixed - Point representation, Arithmetic operation on binary numbers, Overflow &
Underflow, Floating point representation, Codes, ASCII, EBCDIC codes, Gray code, Excess-3 & BCD,
Error detection & correcting codes .
Combinational & sequential circuits, Half adder & full adder, Full subtractor, Flip-flops - RS, D, JK & T
Flip-flops, Shift registers, RAM and ROM, Multiplexer, Demultiplexer, Encoder, Decoder, Idea about
arithmetic circuits, Program control, Instruction Sequencing I/O Interface, Properties of simple I/O devices
and their controller, Isolated versus Memory-mapped I/O, Modes of data transfer, Synchronous &
Asynchronous data transfer, Handshaking, Asynchronous serial transfer, I/O processor.
Auxiliary memory, Magnetic drum, Disk & tape, Semi-conductor memories, Memory hierarchy,
Associative memory, Virtual memory, Address space & memory Space, Address mapping, Page table,
Page replacement, Cache memory, Hit ratio, Mapping techniques, Writing into cache
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The multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies, Definition, Scope and importance. Need for public
Natural Resources
a) Forest resources: Use and over-exploration, deforestation, mining and their effects on forest and tribal
b) Water resources: Use and over-utilization of surface and ground water, floods, drought, conflicts over
water, benefits and problems.
c) Mineral resources: Use and exploitation, environmental effects of extracting and using minerals
d) Food resources: World food problem, changes caused by agriculture and overgrazing, effects of
modern agriculture, fertilizer-pesticide problems.
e) Energy resources: Growing energy needs, renewable and non-renewable energy sources, use of
alternate energy source.
f).Land resource: Land as a resource, land degradation, soil erosion and desertification.
a) Forest ecosystem
b) Desert ecosystem
c) Aquatic ecosystem (Ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, estuaries)
Biodiversity and its conservation: Introduction, Definition - Genetic, species and Ecosystem diversity.
Value of biodiversity - Consumptive use, Productive use, Social, ethical, aesthetic and opinion values.
Biodiversity at global, national and local levels, Threats to biodiversity - Habitat loss, Poaching of wildlife,
Man-wildlife conflicts. Important endangered and endemic species of India.
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2. Design a HTML document which show the use of following text formatting tag:
center, sup, em, ins, sub, font, h1 to h6.
15. Demonstrate how to use the „frame‟ attribute (with values like: box, void, above, below, hside,
vside, lhs, rhs) and border attribute to control the borders around the table.
1. Write a program to show the use of arithmetic operations and library functions in evaluating
2. Write a program to show the use of input output statement.
3. Write a program to show the use of if – else statement.
4. Write a program to show the use of switch statement.
5. Write a program to show the use of one dimensional and multi dimensional arrays.
6. Write a program to show the use of while statement.
7. Write a program to show the use of do while statement.
8. Write a program to show the use of for statement.
9. Write a program to show the use of functions.
10. Write a program to show the use of recursion.
11. Write a program to define and use a structure.
12. Write a program to manipulate strings.
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5. What is mail merge? How to use this facility? Describe it step by step.
6. Create a Student Table (Rno, Name, Fname, Class, Address, Phone and insert 5 records in it).
7. To study various charts and their implementations using a mark sheet of 10 students.
8. Create a salary statement of an organization of 10 employees using if condition ( S.no. , Name,
Designation, Basic, DA, HRA, Total, Net Salary)
9. What is a pivot table? How to create and use a pivot table?
10. Create a power point presentation to present your institution detail, create at least 7 slides with
different animation effect.
11. Create a power point presentation on “Destination India” using images from clipart.
12. Create a power point presentation on “Youth Icon of India” and show the following:
a. Custom animation
b. Compare and merge presentations
c. Slide design
d. Cascade
1. Verify various logic gates: NOT, AND, OR, NAND, NOR, XOR AND XNOR.
2. Verify various Boolean Laws.
3. Verify NAND gate as Universal Gate.
4. Verify NOR gate as Universal Gate.
5. Realize Half – Adder and Half-Subtractor Circuit.
6. Realize Full – Adder and Full-Subtractor Circuit.
7. Realize BCD to seven segment decoder.
8. Realize RS flip flops using NAND and NOR gates.
9. Realize D flip flops using NOR and NAND gates.
10. Realize JK flip flop using gates.
11. Realize JK flip flop using IC.
12. Realize 3 bit ripple up counter.
13. Realize 3 bit ripple down counter.
14. Realize mod-5 counter.
15. Realize mod-10 counter.
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Definitions, Functions and types of operating system, System components, Operating system services,
System calls, System programs, System structure.
Process concepts, Process state & process control block, Process scheduling, Scheduling criteria,
Scheduling algorithms, Multiple-processor scheduling, Real-time scheduling, Threads, Threads in Linux.
Logical versus Physical address space, Swapping, Contiguous allocating, Paging, Segmentation, Virtual
memory, Demand paging, Performance of demand paging, Page replacement, Page replacement
algorithms, Memory management in Linux.
Disk scheduling, Disk management, Swap space management, Disk reliability, Stable storage
implementation, File concepts directory structure, Protection, File system in Linux.
Elementary data structures: Arrays and records, Stacks - Definition, Implementation, Operations on stack,
Application of stacks, Evaluation of arithmetic expression and recursion, Prefix fix and post fix notations,
Evaluation of post fix expression using stacks.
Linked lists: Singly linked list, Ordered list, Inserting and deleting element from ordered lists, Circularly
linked list, Doubly linked list, Application of linked list - Implementations stack and queue using linked
Trees: Concepts and terminology, Binary tree, Linear and linked representation of binary tree, Operation
on a tree, Tree traversal, Inorder, Preorder and post order traversal.
Graphs: Representation, Adjacency matrix, Graph traversal, Breadth first search and Depth first search
Searching and Sorting: Sequential searching, Binary searching, Hashing, Hashing methods, Internal and
external sorting, Selection, Insertion, Bubble and quick sort algorithms.
Principles of OOP, Data hiding, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Overloading. C++: token,
Keywords, Basic, User defined and derived data types, Variables, Dynamic initialization of variables,
Reference variables, Operators, Control structures.
Functions, Function overloading, Classes and objects, Friendly functions, Constructors and Destructors -
Operator, Overloading, Rules of overloading operators.
Inheritance - Single, Multilevel, Multiple, Hierarchical, Hybrid inheritance, Pointers, Virtual functions,
Polymorphism and working with files, Templates, Naming space.
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Objects and interfaces, Overloaded methods, State method, Constructors, References, Class inheritance,
Null, Thin and super variable, Encapsulation, Access modifiers, Interfaces, Packages, Strings and
characters, Files and streams, Sequential access files, Random access files.
Data structures, Linked lists, Stacks, Queues, Trees, Dynamic memory allocation. Exception handling,
Throwing, Catching and re-throwing and exception, Exceptions and inheritance.
CPU Organization: Data bus and address bus, ALU, Instruction formats, Addressing modes - Direct,
Indirect, Immediate, Indexed and Relative. Addressing formats - one, two and three addresses.
Microprocessor: Organization of 8085 microprocessor, Instruction set of 8085, Mnemonics and operation
codes of data transfer group, Arithmetic group, Logic group, Branches group and stack, I/O and machine
control group, Assembly language, Assembler, Simple programs in assembly language.
Purpose of the database system, Data abstraction, Data model, Data independence, Data definition
language, Data manipulation language, Database manager, Database administrator, Database users,
Overall structure.
ER Models, Entities, Mapping constrains, keys, E-R diagram, Reduction E-R diagrams to tables,
Generation, Aggregation, Design of an E-R data base scheme.
Oracle RDBMS, Architecture, Kernel, System Global Area (SGA), Database writer, Log writer, Process
monitor, Archiver, Database files, Control files, Redo log files, Oracle utilities.
SQL: Commands and data types, Data definition language commands, Data manipulation commands,
Data query language commands, Transaction language control commands, Data control language
Joins, Equi-joins, Non-equi-joins, Self joins, Other joins, Aggregate functions, Math functions, String
functions, Group by clause, Data function and concepts of null values, Sub-queries, Views.
PL/SQL, Basics of PL/SQL, Data types, Control structures, Database access with PL/SQL, Database
connections, transaction management, Database locking, Cursor management.
Introduction to .NET, .NET Framework features & architecture, CLR, Common type system, MSIL,
Assemblies and class libraries. Introduction to visual studio, Project basics, types of project in .Net, IDE of
VB.NET- Menu bar, Toolbar, Solution Explorer, Toolbox, Properties Window, Form Designer, Output
Window, Object Browser.
The environment: Editor tab, Format tab, General tab, Docking tab. Visual development & event drive
programming - Methods and events.
The VB.NET Language - Variables - Declaring variables, Data Type of variables, Forcing variables
declarations, Scope & lifetime of a variable, Constants, Arrays, Types of array, Control array, Collections,
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Subroutines, Functions, Passing variable, Number of Argument, Optional Argument, Returning value from
function, Control flow statements: Conditional statement, Loop statement. Msgbox & Inputbox.
Working with Forms: Loading, showing and hiding forms, controlling One form within another.
GUI Programming with Windows Form: Textbox, Label, Button, List box, Combo box, Checkbox, Picture
Box, Radio Button, Panel, scroll bar, Timer, List View, Tree View, toolbar, Status Bar. There Properties,
Methods and events. Open File Dilog, Save File Dialog, Font Dialog, Color Dialog, Print Dialog. Link
Designing menues: Context Menu, Access & shortcut keys.
Database programming with ADO.NET – Overview of ADO, from ADO to ADO.NET, Accessing Data
using Server Explorer. Creating Connection, Command, Data Adapter and Data Set with OLEDB and
SQLDB. Display Data on data bound controls, display data on data grid.
Generate Reports Using Crystal Report Viewer
2. Using the above form, display the result on text box 3 when any changes made on text box 1 and text
box 2.
3. Design a simple Text Editor in VB.NET to implement find and replace operation.
6. Design MDI (Multiple Document Interface) Form in VB.NET that consists of menu bar and tool bar.
7. Create a basic text editor that enables user to open the selected text file on text box.
Hint. Use Open File Dialog control.
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10. Design a form using text box and horizontal scroll bar. Change the background colour of the text box
as the horizontal scroll bar is scrolled.
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1. Create three overloaded function named area for calculating area of circle, triangle, with two
arguments, triangle with three arguments.
2. Write a program that swaps two nos using call by reference.
3. Create a matrix class with following functions.
4. Create matrix dynamically.
5. Print matrix.
6. Addition.
7. Multiplication
8. Check matrix is unit matrix or not.
9. Create employee class with four constructors including copy constructor.
10. Write a program that clearly shows use of static member and static function.
11. create string class with following
12. Function that creates string dynamically.
13. Three overloads constructors.
14. Functions to join, copy, compare two strings.
15. Overload following operators for matrix class.
– (unary minus).
16. Write a program to implement hybrid inheritance.
17. Implement link list in c + + with following functions.
18. Create liked-list.
19. Insertion after and before a particular node.
20. Delete a particular node.
21. Print
22. Reverse linked-list.
23. Implement stack and make PUSH and POP function of STACK.
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C++ Vs JAVA, JAVA and Internet and WWW, JAVA support systems, JAVA environment.
JAVA program structure, Tokens, Statements, JAVA virtual machine, Constant & variables, Data types,
Declaration of variables, Scope of variables, Symbolic constants, Type casting.
Operators: Arithmetic, Relational, Logical Assignments, Increment and Decrement, Conditional, Bitwise,
Special, Expressions & its evaluation.
If statement, if…else… statement, Nesting of if…else… statements, else…if ladder, Switch? Operators,
Loops – While, Do, For, Jumps in loops, Labelled loops.
Defining a class, Adding variables and methods, Creating objects, Accessing class members,
Constructors, Methods overloading, Static members, Nesting of methods.
Inheritance: Extending a class, Overriding methods, Final variables and methods, Final classes, Finalize
methods, Abstract methods and classes, Visibility control.
Arrays: One Dimensional & Two Dimensional, Strings, Vectors, Wrapper classes, Defining interface
Extending interface, Implementing interface, Accessing interface variable, System packages, Using
system package, Adding a class to a package, Hiding classes.
Creating threads, Extending the threads class, Stopping and blocking a thread, Life cycle of a thread,
Using thread methods, Thread exceptions, Thread priority, Synchronization, Implementing the runnable
Local and Remote Applets v/s Applications, Writing applets, Applets life cycle, Creating an executable
applet, Designing a web page, Applet tag, Adding tpplet to HTML file, Running the applet, Passing
Parameters to applets, Aligning the display, HTML tags & applets, Getting input from the user.
Multimedia: Needs and areas of use, Development platforms for multimedia – DOS, Windows, Linux.
Identifying multimedia elements – Text, Images, Sound, Animation and Video, Making simple multimedia
with PowerPoint. Text – Concepts of plain & formatted text, RTF & HTML texts, using common text
preparation tools, Conversion to and from of various text formats, using standard software, Object linking
and embedding concept, Basics of font design, overview of some fonts editing and designing tools,
Understanding & using various text effects.
Images – Importance of graphics in multimedia, Vector and Raster graphics, Image capturing methods –
Scanner, Digital camera etc. Various attributes of images – Size, Color, Depth etc, Various image file
format – BMP, DIB, EPS, CIF, PEX, PIC, JPG, TGA, PNG and TIF format – their features and limitations,
Graphic file formats conversions, Pprocessing images with common software tools such as Photoshop,
Paint Shop pro, Corel draw etc.
Sound: Sound and its attributes, Mono v/s Stereo sound, Sound channels, Sound and its effect in
multimedia, Analog v/s Digital sound, Basics of digital sounds - Sampling, Frequency, Sound depth,
Channels, Sound on PC, Sound standards on PC, Capturing and editing sound on PC, Overview and
using some sound recording, Editing software. Overview of various sound file formats on PC – WAV,
MP3, MP4, Ogg Verbose etc.
Animation: Basics of animation, Principle and use of animation in multimedia, Effect of resolutions, Ppixel
depth, Images size on quality and storage. Overview of 2-D and 3-D animation techniques and software -
Animation pro, 3D studio & Paint Shop pro animator.
Animation on the Web – Features and limitations, Creating simple animations for the Web using GIF
Animator and Flash.
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Video: Basics of Video – Analog and digital video, How to use video on PC. Introduction to graphics
accelerator cards, DirectX introduction to AV/DV and IEEE1394 cards , Digitization of analog video to
digital video, Interlacing and non-interlacing, Brief note on various video standards – NTSC, PAL,
SECAM, HDTV, Introduction to video capturing media & instrument – Videodisk, DVCAM, Camcorder,
Introduction to digital video compression techniques and various file formats – AVI, MPEG, MOVE Real
Multimedia on the Web: Bandwidth relationship, Broadband technologies, Text in the web – Dynamic and
embedded font technology, Audio on the Web – Real Audio and MP3/MP4, Audio support in HTML,
Graphics – HTML safe color palate, Interlaced V/s Non interlaced model, Graphics support in HTML,
Image Map, Video on the Web – Streaming video, Real Video, MPEG and SMIL, Virtual Reality on the
Principles of Data Communication: General features and tasks of a communication system, The need for
modulation, Theory of amplitude modulation, General principles of frequency modulation and phase
modulation, Evolution of computer networks, Elements of LAN, WAN, MAN
Networking Architecture: ISO-OSI, IBM SNA architecture, Their functions and implementation. Concepts
of circuit switching, Packet switching and network switching. Introduction to serial communication
standards and parallel communication interfacing.
Data communication concepts: Types of signals encoding and decoding techniques, Signal bandwidth
requirements, Signal formats used in LAN. Switching and broadcast techniques, Modulation, Multiplexing,
Switching, Network protocols.
Error detection and correcting codes: Hamming codes, Parity generation and detection, Single error
detection and correction, Ddouble correction codes. CRC Transmission media, Twisted pair, Coaxial
cable, Optical fibre.
Form Validation: Client side validation, Server side validation, Validation Controls: Required field
comparison range. Calendar control, Ad rotator control, Internet Explorer control. State management-
View state, Session state, Application state.
Architecture of ADO.NET, Connected and disconnected database, Create connection using ADO.NET
Object model, Connection class, Command class, Data adapter class, Dataset class. Display data on
data bound controls and data grid. Database accessing on web applications: Data binding concept with
web, Creating data grid, Inding standard web server controls. Display data on web form using data bound
Writing datasets to XML, Reading datasets with XML. Web services: Introduction, Remote method call
using XML, SOAP, Web service description language, Building & consuming a web service, Web
application deployment.
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Overview of C#, C# and .NET, Similarities & differences from JAVA, Structure of C# program. Language
features: Type system, Boxing and unboxing, Fflow controls, Classes, Interfaces, Serialization,
Delegates, Reflection.
System Concept: Definition, Characteristics, Elements of system, Physical and abstract system, Open
and closed system, Man-made information systems.
System Development Life Cycle: Various phases of system development, Considerations for system
planning and control for system success.
System Planning: Base for planning a system, Dimensions of planning.
Initial Investigation: Determining users requirements and analysis, Fact finding process and techniques.
Feasibility study: Determination of feasibility study, Technical, Operational & economic Feasibilities,
System performance constraints and identification of system objectives, Feasibility report.
Cost/Benefit Analysis: Data analysis cost and benefit analysis of a new system. Categories determination
and system proposal.
Tools of Structured Analysis: Logical and physical models, Context, Diagram, Data dictionary, Data
diagram, Form driven methodology, IPO and HIPO charts, Gantt charts, System model, Pseudo codes,
Flow charts - System flow chart, Run flow charts etc., Decision tree, Decision tables, Data validation,
Input/ Output and Form Design: Input and output form design methodologies, Menu, Screen design,
Layout consideration.
Concept of Motivation
Types of Motivation
People Skills
General Awareness
Memory and Retention Techniques
Mind Mapping
Reading Skills
Listening Skills
Revision Techniques
Examination Skills
Fluency Enhancement
Removal of barriers to communication
Group Discussion
Role Play
Voice Modulation Management
BCA Part – I, II and III Syllabus as approved by Adhoc Committee – 16.04.2022 Page 19
Principles of Communication
Art of effective Public Speaking
Written Communication Skills
Principles of Effective Writing
Reading Habit Development
Oral Presentation Skills
Techniques of Presentation
Methods of preparing Presentation
Removal of stage fear
Tools of Presentation (Transparencies, Slides & Audio-Visual Tools)
1. Design a web form using HTML controls and change the controls properties.
2. Design a form to create account in website using following fields:
First name
BCA Part – I, II and III Syllabus as approved by Adhoc Committee – 16.04.2022 Page 20
Last name
Confirm Password
Mobile Number
Security Question
Terms and condition
5. Write a program to retrieve data from one web form and display it to another web form.
6. Design a web form using calendar control and display the monthly events (holidays).
7. Design a web form using adrotator control and display advertisements on form.
8. Design a web form using navigation Controls.
9. Design a web form using file upload control.
a. Write the code to save the file in to the Uploads folder.
b. Write the code to display the information of uploaded file.
Name of file
Type of file
Size of file
10. Design a web form using Image Map and redirect form using following:
Post Back Url
11. Design a web form using following controls:
Wizard control.
Panel Control
Multi view Control
12. Create a XML file and display its data on web form.
13. Create a database college and create following tables:
14. Create a program to connect the web form to Database College.
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