Lec 21

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Drilling and Blasting Technology

Prof. Kaushik Dey

Department of Mining Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Lecture – 21
Explosives properties- 1

Let me introduce all of you to the Drilling and lecture number 21 of Drilling and
Blasting Technology NPTEL online certification course. In this lecture we will study
about the Explosive Properties.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:34)

And, but prior to that like every class what we do? We retrospect the previous lecture
and in last few classes we are being introduced to the explosives and explosive
accessories and we were trying to understand the need of evolving these different
explosive accessories. And, at this point we are in a position to understand the different
important properties of explosive and it is accessories. And, we should know how these
properties are influencing the performance of those explosives and their accessories.
(Refer Slide Time: 01:11)

So, this is very important. So, our learning objective for today’s class is to understand
different influential physical explosive properties, to understand the testing and
measurement procedure of these properties, to understand different influential chemical
explosive properties, and to understand the testing and measuring procedure of these

Basically, we have classified these properties into 2: groups physical properties and
chemical properties. Most of the time we will mostly on the physical properties and we
measure those things, chemical properties are not within the purview of the mining
engineers generally, chemical chemist and chemical engineers are take care of those
properties. Basically, we are more a custom with the physical explosive properties and
we will discuss more on the physical explosive properties only.
(Refer Slide Time: 02:04)

But, like every class let us observe this video. This video is basically giving you the idea
about the use of explosive for the demolition of the building, this video is available in the
YouTube; there are n number of other similar videos are available in the YouTube, but
by observing this videos it is easier for you to understand how this explosive can be used
for demolish the buildings.

So, buildings may be placed in the close proximity of the other nearby buildings. And,
the challenges are that you should not damage those existing buildings. Neither you will
allow the fly of the building broken pieces to a longer distance so, that it can hit someone
and some accident may occur.
(Refer Slide Time: 02:56)

So, that is why the demolition of the building is very important and it is a very artistic

(Refer Slide Time: 03:10)

In the last video you have seen the demolition was not in a proper manner, that is why
the toppling of the building block occur, but the last video this video was showing you a
very good example of the blasting of the demolition building.
(Refer Slide Time: 03:29)

So, let us understand what are the important properties are there which we should know
for the explosive and it is accessories?

(Refer Slide Time: 03:33)

The first important property is density, next the velocity of detonation, next the strength
of the explosive, then the sensitivity of the explosive, thermal stability of the explosive,
waterproofness, gallery test and incendivity test etcetera n number of other tests are
possible with the explosive and it is accessories.
So, in this class we will mainly concentrate on the density and velocity of detonation. We
will understand how they are influencing the performance of an explosive.

(Refer Slide Time: 04:25)

You know density of specific gravity is basically dictates the mass in unit volume. So,
density of explosive is important, because mainly of 3 reasons. First the explosive with
specific gravity less than one is not allowed to use in watery holes, because it will float
on the water. So, if we try to place the explosive below the hole; that means, in the
bottom of the hole, that is not possible if the hole is filled with water may it may be rain
water it may be ground water. So, in those cases we should use some explosive whose
specific gravity is more than one.

Second is density of explosive basically directly dictates the charge concentration inside
the hole; that means, if the density of explosive is more than per meter of drill length, if
we are placing the explosive with the increase in the density the charge quantity is
becoming more. Second is the third is that the direct energy transfer from the explosive
to the rock depends on the density of the explosive. We will come all this points
gradually, but let us see this picture, you can see in this picture this is a common method
of measuring the explosive specific gravity or density.

So, this is the container. In this container, we fill the container with the full of explosive
then we find out the weight of the container in a weigh machine. In from the very
beginning we know the empty weight of the container, now with the measuring the
weight, we can understand what is the net weight of the explosive? Placed inside the
container and we know the container volume so, from that we can easily find out we can
easily find out what is the density or specific gravity of the explosive?.

(Refer Slide Time: 06:39)

(Refer Slide Time: 06:44)

Now, density that is the basically dictates the quantity of the charge per kg of explosive
column can be expressed in this equation, which basically lc gives us the linear charge
concentration; linear charge concentration, which is basically a measure of our blast
So, the moment we are increasing the diameter this is the diameter of the hole and this is
the density of explosive. So, the moment we increase the diameter of the hole or we
increase the density of the explosive the linear charge concentration will increase. So,
suppose we are having we are having some explosive placed at this position to blast this
portion of rock mass, then if we are increasing the density of the explosive the charge
quantity placed at this will be increased, then the charge per unit volume of rock mass
unit volume of rock mass will be increased.

So, if we are using more dens explosive material, then our charge concentration is more
and our unit volume per charge requirement is also becoming more. So, basically the
charge concentration requirement depends on the strength of this rock mass; strength of
this rock mass, if the strength is more in those case we should use high density explosive.
So, that our charge concentration will be more for the for that stronger rock mass.

So, let us have one example calculation here, if the explosive available to use in a blast
hole of 125 mm diameter and we are having the option to use blasting gelatin with
specific gravity of 1.6, and ammonium nitrate fuel oil mixture with a specific gravity of
0.85. In those case if we calculate using this formula, we will find out the charge
concentration per meter in case of blasting gelatin will become 19.63 kg per meter, for in
case of ANFO it is 10.43 kg per meter. So, you can find out it like this pi into 125
divided by 4000 sorry let me clear this pi into 0.125 by 2 whole square into 1.6 into
1000, to convert it into the kg per meter cube. So, we can find out this is the 19.63 kg per
meter. Similarly, in that case it is coming 10.43 kg per meter.

So, this shows the blasting gelatin is showing almost double charge concentration over
and so on. So, in case of a very strong rock mass, if the rock mass strength is high and it
demands it demands more charge concentration increased concentration. In that case we
should go for blasting gelatin not for the ANFO, but for the weak rock mass we should
go for ANFO instead of choosing the blasting gelatin.
(Refer Slide Time: 11:24)

The third point which we are discussing that is the transfer of energy from the explosive
to the rock, you know in a blast hole if we are considering this is a blast hole and we are
placing our explosive column on this. The moment we provides some initiation in this
explosive column, the first the shock is extracted from the explosive.

So, this shock basically propagates in a form of wave up propagates in a form of wave in
a similar manner, if you drop a stone on the in the water of a pond the waves are
propagating in all direction. Similarly, the moment you detonate the explosive the shock
waves are generated and the shock waves propagate in all direction similar manner. And,
this propagation is similar to the propagation of sound wave and that propagation you
know it is in compression dilation manner. So, this is in compression then, again in
dilation, again in compression, again in dilation. So, it is moving in compression and
dilation manner and by that way the shock waves travel from the explosive to the all

So, what will happen in the interface? In this interface the shock waves are generated
from the explosive, the next adjacent medium is rock. And, how the shock will propagate
from the explosive to the rock? That depends on the simple wave propagation law; that
means, any interface any interface if some wave is coming. And in interface what will
happen? The some portion of the wave will be reflected and some will be reflect
reflected back. So, the wave propagation follows the Snell’s rule of wave propagation
and similar way here the wave generated from the explosive, some portion of that will be
transferred to the rock, some portion will be reflected back.

Now, how much portion of the shock energy in terms of the wave will transfer to the
rock that will depend on the impedance of the shock and impedance of the energy;
impedance of the energy and impedance of the rock? What is impedance? Impedance is
basically the value, which can be obtained by multiplying the density and the wave
velocity of that medium.

So, wave velocity of that medium in case of explosive is called VOD Velocity Of
Detonation. In case of rock it is called seismic wave velocity or P-wave velocity which
can be considered as the Cp. So, explosive impedance is the density is the value obtained
from the multiplying the density of explosive and multiplying the VOD of explosive.
And, the rock impedance will be the value, you can obtain multiplying the density of the
rock mass and the wave velocity of the rock mass.

Now, the maximum energy will be transferred from the explosive to the rock, the
maximum energy will be transferred from the explosive to the rock. If this impedance of
the explosive and the impedance of the rock is coming closer to each other; that means, if
these are equal then the 100 percent energy will be transfer from the explosive to the
rock, but rarely you can have the equal impedance you may have a have an impedance
closer to one. Basically our requirement is that as the rock part, we do not have any
control on that. It is in the in situ of the earth, rock is in the in situ of the earth and as it is
obtained there we have to take care of that, but we are having the option we can change
our explosive or we can change the property of the explosive.

So, that we can match the explosive with the rock and that can be obtained only by
changing these 2. So, our objective is that we can choose the explosive in such a manner.
So, that the explosive impedance should come closer to the rock impedance, but
practically there are some problems. The first problem is that in general the rock density
is very high. You have seen in the first lecture where we have described our mother
earth. How it is constitute and you have found the density of the earth is increasing
towards the core of the earth? And it is less in the surface, then also though we are
excavating our rock close to the surface, then also on an average the earth surface is
having a density more than 2 or specific gravity more than 2 density more than 2 ton per
meter cube or 2 gram per cc.

So, that is why the density of the rock is in general higher, than the density of explosive
the density of explosive which we are using now a days having a range between the 0.85
to 1.6 or 1.7 something like that. So, that is why the density of the explosive is more or
less than the density of the rock. Sometimes in sandstone or limestone in those cases we
are having rock density in and around 2.5. In case of a chromite etcetera which are very
strong rock, very heavy rock, in those cases the density may go up to 7 also 7 ton per
meter cube. So, these are very high density material in those cases we have found our
impedance matching is becoming difficult.

Let us see the next slide, then we will understand then we will understand how the
density is basically influencing the influencing the impedance? So, for example,
explosive available to use in a blast hole of diameter 125 mm as we have got in the last
problem are and we are using the same blasting gelatin of specific gravity 1.6, and
ammonium nitrate fuel oil of specific gravity 0.85. Now, if the blasting is being carried
out in a limestone mine some rock specific gravity of 2.4 and which is having a seismic
wave velocity of 5400 meter per second. Then, we can understand the impedance ratio;
that means, the explosive impedance and rock impedance ratio will become 0.72 for the
blasting gelatin and 0.2, if you express it in percentage 72 percent for blasting gelatin 20
percent for the ANFO.

Because, the blasting gelatin is having the higher density and also the higher velocity of
detonation whereas, ANFO is having low specific gravity as well as the low velocity of
detonation. So, that is why the energy transferred from the ANFO to the rock mass will
be around 20 percent much lesser than the energy generated on detonation which in, but
on the other hand in case of blasting gelatin it is becoming 72 percent so, which is much
better utilization of the energy.

So, basically this specific gravity dictates a lot on the energy transfer condition from the
explosive to the rock mass. So, that is why the specific gravity or density of the
explosive material is very important, if you are considering about the energy utilization
of the explosive or the transfer of the energy from the explosive to the rock. So, that is
why this density often becoming a has a predominant role on the property performance
of the explosive while you are carrying out the blasting.

(Refer Slide Time: 20:39)

Similarly, the second parameter which is very important is the velocity of detonation;
that means the propagation wave propagation velocity seismic wave propagation velocity
inside the explosive material. So, velocity of detonation is another important explosive
properties, it is the speed at which the shock wave travels through the explosive medium
is called velocity of detonation. So, the shock wave velocity in the rock and shock wave
velocity in the explosive both are more or less similar both appear are passing through
those medium, but when the it is passing through the medium, that time it is speed is
considered as the velocity of detonation.

So, from the previous problem it is clear to us that the VOD is basically dictates the
transfer of the shock wave from the explosive to the rock. And, thus we always want the
explosive should have a higher VOD. So, that we can have a better energy utilization in
case of blasting, but VOD may not be always available very high because specially in
Indian mining condition it has been found that most of the nitrate with best explosive,
which are generating more VOD or ban here.

So, the commercial explosive available are ammonium nitrate based and that is why their
VOD are relatively less ok. So, that is our present problem that is why the energy
utilizations are also very limited. However, explosives are classified in 2 groups
depending on the VOD where this is already told you while we have discuss the
explosive that time. The low explosive is called those explosives which are having
subsonic VOD and high explosives are those explosives which are having supersonic
VOD. So, that is why the VOD is one very important parameters for the explosive as the,
explosive property.

(Refer Slide Time: 23:10)

How we can measure the velocity of I think there is some problem in the slide please
correct it, this is the velocity of detonation. So, this is the velocity of detonation. So,
velocity of detonation of an explosive may be measured using different method. So, in
this class we will discuss more most common two method; one is the D’Autriche
Method, which can be applicable in the laboratory condition.

And, let us see, what is D’Autriche Method? D’Autriche Method is applicable for a
column of short column of explosive or for the detonating fuses. And, you can see the
experimental setup, where a column of explosives is kept. Initiation to the column is
given from this side and the explosive column is tied with to with a detonating fuse at
this point and that this point. So, this explosive and this detonating fuse are tied at this
point and a middle portion of the detonating fuse is kept or tied on a led plate. And, the
middle point of the detonating fuse is mark at this position.

Now, the moment initiation is given to the explosive. The initiation first reaches at this
point the moment initiation reaches at this point that time that detonating fuse of this
point got the initiation. Now, the initiation is carrying through the explosive column
towards this site and also the initiation carries from the detonating fuse whose VOD is
known to us from this site. The moment the initiation reaches at this point that time the
this detonating fuse receive the initiation and the initiation starts detonation of the
detonating fuse started from this side towards this direction. So, in both the cases that
detonating fuses are having the initiation and the initiation propagation directions are
mouth to mouth to each other. And, this is the point, where both the initiations are
meeting each other and as both the initiations are meeting each other it gives an
impression on the led plate.

Now, from this we are having a known point this one which is the middle point of the
detonating fuse, we are having a known point mark point at this one on the led plate
which is the meeting point of the both the initiation on the detonating fuse. Now, from
here we are having one known length that is L distance between the middle point and the
mark on the plate, and one known distance from that is the distance apart of the tying of
the detonating fuse on the explosive column. By, knowing this two we can determine the
VOD of this explosive or detonating fuse whose VOD is not known to us.

If we are having the no knowledge about the day VOD of the detonating fuse. In those
case this formula can be used to find out the VOD of the unknown explosive as the
distance of the time part of the detonating fuse in the explosive, the VOD of the
detonating fuse and dividing the twice of the length of the distance between the mark on
the plate and the midpoint of the detonating fuse. So, from there we can identify we can
calculate the VOD of the explosive column, but there are some problems, but there are
some problems of the about the D’Autriche Method.
(Refer Slide Time: 27:56)

The, first problem is that it is not applicable for the measurement of the VOD of the
explosive inside the blast hole. Neither, it provides us the VOD continuously for a long
cylindrical charge. So, this VOD which is obtained from the D’Autriche Method is
basically the average VOD of the explosive placed between the 2 tying of the detonating
fuse. The second problem is that, in the blast hole VOD can be measured by different
other methods, which is not described in the which is not possible in case of the
D’Autriche Method.

So, the blast hole VOD can be measured using the different methods VOD Probe, Using
Fiber Optical Cables, Using SLIFER technique. And this 3 technique can give us
continuous VOD, in case we are having a VOD placed in the blast hole. So, that the
possibilities is that this is a full phase blasting maybe carried out then also the VOD can
be measured we need not to depend on the samples to be taken in the laboratory to carry
out the test.

So, let us see the first one. First one is the VOD probe. VOD probe is basically during
the blasting it measures the time gaps, while the pulses are passing through the
consecutive points of the probes, which are in contact with the explosive. That means,
the probe is placed along the explosive column having the different consecutive points
and the whenever the points are receiving the pulse, that pulse are time of those pulse are
memorized or calculated in the oscilloscope, then the time gap between 2 consecutive
points in the probe whose distances, how much distance such apart there are previously
know to us can be easily obtained. And from there the distance divided by the time gap is
giving us the VOD.

And, in those case if you are having n number of probes placed at n number of distance
on those cases we can have different timed gaps in between those consecutive probes.
And, we can have the different distances of those consecutive probes from there we can
have a continuous VOD measurement along the column explosive column. But, as probe
is having little bit problem the main problem is the probe that we need to place the
oscilloscope close to the probe and that is why, we cannot have a very full pressure
blasting system, if we are measuring the VOD using the probe.

(Refer Slide Time: 31:02)

So, probe cannot be used for a very long explosive column not for a very large blast
round, but in hole VOD can be measured using the probe. However, the problem of the
probe can be overcome by using the fiber optic cable. Fiber optic cable is basically
consisting of optic stands and fitted with a photodiode sensor, which convert the light
signal to an electrical to an electrical signal. In case of fiber optic cable one end of the
cable is inserted into the sensor and the other end is embedded along the explosive
column. And, as the explosive is detonated from the further side the moment the optical
fiber probes comes in contact with the explosion it emits signal. And, those signals are
recorded in the oscilloscope.
So, consecutive such signals are recorded and computed the VOD using the same
technique as the probes are carrying out. So, we are having continuous input signals and
from those input signals we can calculate the VOD continuously. So, basically this is a
continuous monitoring, almost continuous monitoring of the VOD along the blast hole.
And, this is very easy. And, some problem in the probe that we cannot have a long
explosive column, cannot have a large blast round that can be overcome in the fiber optic
cable, because we can have a longer cable length and we can remotely monitor the VOD
away from the blast hole.

So, is it may be huge long explosive column, it may be a full phase blast round, then also
the blast VOD of the explosive in that blast probe can be monitored using the fiber optic
cable, but there is a little bit problem in the fiber optic cable. The problem in the fiber
optic cable is that it is little bit costly.

(Refer Slide Time: 33:17)

As the fiber optic cable is costly. So, the VOD monitoring cost becoming high and that is
why the people are not encourage enough to measure the VOD frequently in the mine.
So, to overcome that problem SLIFER method that is the Shorted Location Indication by
Frequency; Shorted Location Indication by Frequency of Electrical Resonance. So, this
SLIFER method is used. This is similar to the fiber optic cable method, but instead of
fiber optic cable which is very costly that is replaced by a coaxial cable which is very
cheaper. The coaxial cable is embedded with the explosive column and the ends of the
cables are connected with the oscilloscope to complete the circuit.

Now, as the ends of the cables are connected with the Oscilloscope to complete the
circuit. The explosive when it is detonated and the length of the cable is getting shorter
with the explosion in explosive column, this results into the changes in the frequency of
the oscilloscopic signal. So, what is happened? As the electrical resistance with the
shorting of the cable length coaxial cable length, electrical resistances are changing and
the oscilloscope is getting the different frequency signal because of that from the coaxial
cable. And that is why a plotting is carried out between the frequency and the time or
frequency and with the distance.

Basically, time is giving us the shorting of the length. So, it is a frequency with the
length shortage, length shortage with which gives us the distance of initiation travel or
detonation travel in the explosive. And on the other hand this length is also given in a
time frame. So, that means, we can gave we can obtain the time versus length
considering the frequency and from there we can easily compute the VOD. This coaxial
cable is not very costly it is very cheaper and that is why this allows us for the
continuous VOD monitoring and remotely monitoring for a full pressure blast round. So,
this basically eliminates all the problems of infield VOD measurements and now a days
popularly VOD is being monitored.

(Refer Slide Time: 36:09)

So, it has been found that a number of parameters significantly influence the VOD
charge diameter. In fact, increasing the diameter of the charge the VOD get increased
decreasing the charge VOD get reduced. And on doing so, it has been found there is the
diameter, there is a diameter below which below which the explosive rules lost his
explosive properties and that diameter is called critical diameter. So, every explosive has
a critical diameter and below that diameter explosive the lost his explosive parameters
that is why this diameter of the charge is very important.

Second is that, it has been found that the with the confinement of the explosive VOD get
increased; that means, when the VOD is measured using the D’Autriche Method in the
surface, that time the VOD obtained is very less than the VOD obtained in case of in the
hole VOD measurement. So, if the VOD is measured if the VOD is measured in case of
in the hole in that case we can have a increase VOD for the confined condition.

Similarly, the age of explosives is another important factor and CIMFR has found that
the significantly the VOD get reduced in the, if it is age is more and it has it has been
proposed that it is no explosive can be allowed to be used, if it exceeds 6 months. So,
that is why the age of explosive is very important the allowable age of explosive is called
the self life; that means, that is the limit up to which the explosive can be kept in the

(Refer Slide Time: 38:23)

So, these are the these are the few reference you can read those reference for knowing
more on those explosive and explosive properties, specially the books written by G. K.
Pradhan explosive and blasting techniques will be very useful for this chapter.

Thank you.

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