Reviewer Draft For STS
Reviewer Draft For STS
Reviewer Draft For STS
Development started before Spain colonized the country where some
indigenous technology already existed with regards to wet
Lesson 1- Historical Antecedents which Changed the rice and dry rice agriculture. The use of technology was
Course of Science and Technology also evident in the handicrafts, pottery, weaving, metal
ware and boats used by ancient Filipinos. The natives were
Science- comes from the Latin word scientia meaning already aware of the medicinal and therapeutic
“knowledge” properties of plants and the methods of extracting
- Science can be classified as a process and a product medicine from herbs. They had an alphabet, a system of
writing, a method of counting, weights and measure. They
Technology- application of scientific knowledge had no calendar but counted the years by the period of the
- comes from the Greek word techne meaning “art, skill, moon and from one harvest to another. Filipinos were
or cunning of hand” already engaged in farming, shipbuilding, mining and
weaving. The Banaue Rice Terraces is a sophisticated
Scientism- according to this view, when we do science, we product of engineering by pre-Spanish Filipinos.
set aside values and only study facts
- promotes the idea that all of society's problem can be Spanish Colonial Period
solved by experts who are specially trained to unearth the • The Spaniards introduced formal education and founded
facts of the matter scientific institutions.
Society- is the result of people, and institutions interacting • Sanitation and more advanced methods of agriculture
with one another. were taught to the natives.
Antecedents of Science and Technology- are factors that • Spaniards established colleges and universities in the
paved way for the presence of advanced and sophisticated archipelago including University of Santo Tomas.
scientific and technological innovations which we are
enjoying today. • In 1871, the school of medicine and pharmacy was
opened at the University of Santo Tomas.
Human artifacts- earliest form of science and technology
found during prehistoric time about 2.3 million years ago • It also contributed to the field of engineering in the islands
by constructing government buildings, churches, roads,
roughly shaped stones- used for chopping and scraping, bridges and forts.
found primarily in Eastern Africa
• The Jesuits promoted meteorological studies and
Mesopotamian cultures- Some of the earliest record of founded the Manila Observatory at the Ateneo Municipal
science came from them around 400 B.C. de Manila in 1865.
• From 300 to 400 B.C. there was a rise in the number of American Period and Post Commonwealth Era
philosophers who wrote topics on psychology, biology, and • On July 1, 1901, the Philippine Commission established
a host of other topics. the Bureau of Government Laboratories which was
placed under the Department of Interior. The bureau
• 3000 B.C. gave rise to the Bronze Age in the search for replaced the Laboratorio Municipal, which was
finding pigments used to color the human skin, copper was established under the Spanish colonial era. The bureau
discovered dealt with the study of tropical diseases and laboratory
• By 3500 B.C. in Mesopotamia, two-wheeled carts had
been created and it became the most frequently used • On October 26, 1905, the Bureau of Government
mode of transporting heavy goods from one place to Laboratories was replaced by the Bureau of Science, and
another. on December 8, 1933, the National Research Council of
the Philippines was established. The Bureau of Science
• Middle Ages (450 – 1450 A.D.) gave birth to many became the primary research center of the Philippines
scientific and technological development. Also during the until World War II.
Middle Ages (often called Dark Ages), warfare had
improved tremendously. Marcos Era and Martial Law
• Science was given importance during the Marcos Regime.
• The Renaissance Era in Europe that began in 1450 and In the amended 1973 Philippine Constitution, Article XV,
lasted until 1600 A.D. was the period known as rebirth of Section 9 (1), he declared that the "advancement of
knowledge. science and technology shall have priority in national
• Modern Science and Technology around 1600 A.D.
Galileo was the first to use modern scientific methods • On January 23, 1967, he declared that science was
based on experiment and testable observations. necessary for the development programs, and thus,
directed the Department of Education to revitalize the
• Albert Einstein became the most famous scientist of the science courses in public high schools.
20th century.
• In 1968 technology was recognized as the leading factor (2) Science and Technology Scholarship Law of 1004 (R.A.
in economic development and thus additional funds were No. 7687) and
channeled to support projects in applied sciences and (4) Inventors and Inventions Incentives Act (Republic Act
science education. No. 7459).
• The Philippine Council for Agricultural Research was • The Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines
also established to support the progressive development (Republic Act No. 8293) was also enacted which provides
of agriculture, forestry, and fisheries for the country. industrial property rights, copyrights and related rights, and
technology transfer arrangements.
• Presidential Decree No. 49, s. 1972- Philippine
Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services
(PAGASA) under the Department of National Defense was
President Joseph Estrada's Term
• P.D. No. 334, s. 1973- Philippine National Oil Company • Republic Act No. 8749- Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999,
was also created to promote industrial and economic which was designed to protect and preserve the
development environment and ensure the sustainable development of
its natural resources.
• Executive Order No. 625, s. 1980- National Committee
on Geological Sciences was created in 1980 to advise • Republic Act No. 8792- Electronic Commerce Act of
government and private entities 2000, which outlaws computer hacking and provides
opportunities for new businesses emerging from the
• Executive Order No. 784, s. 1982- the National Science Internet-driven New Economy.
Development Board and its support agencies was
reorganized and was named National Science and Science and Technology During President Gloria M.
Technology Authority (NSTA) to provide central direction Arroyo's Term
and coordination of scientific and technological research • “golden age”
and development.
• Executive Order No. 1090, s. 1986- The Mindanao and • “Filipinovation” was the coined term used in helping the
Visayas campuses of the Philippine Science High School Philippines to be an innovation hub in Asia.
were established in 1986 to encourage careers in science
and technology and to be more accessible to the talented • R.A. 9367- Biofuels Act, this act promotes the
students in the Mindanao and Visayas areas development and usage of biofuels throughout the country.
• R.A. 6655 or the Free Public Secondary Education Act of • In 2010, President Benigno Aquino was considered as the
1988 opened free education at the secondary level. "father of Organic Agriculture”
Together with this was implemented the "Science for the • Republic Act No. 19844- otherwise known as DICT Act of
Masses Program" which aimed at scientific and 2015, was signed into law. Under this law, the Department
technological literacy among Filipinos. of Information and Communications Technology will
take charge of planning, developing, and promoting the
national ICT development agenda.
• The role that science and technology has played in • LIDAR(Light Detection and Ranging)- laser light is sent
improving the life of people across the globe is vivid and has from a source (transmitter) and reflected from objects in
made life a lot easier and a lot better with the advancement the scene.
in medicine, remarkable development in education,
communication, agriculture, business and industry. • DIWATA 1- was a Philippine microsatellite launched to
the International Space Station on March 23,2016.
• Science and technology holds the key to the progress and - it was the first Philippine microsatellite and the first
development of any nation. Technology plays a satellite built and designed by Filipinos.
fundamental role in wealth creation, improvement in the
quality of life and real economic growth and transformation • DIWATA 2- which will be launched in 2018 has improved
in any society. the capabilities to better monitor the country. This was
made by another batch of Filipino scientists.
• A nation who is not able to prosper in these aspects would
never be able to sustain its life and may have to depend on • R.A 2067- "Science Act of 1958"-An Act To Integrate,
other nations. Without proper implementation of science Coordinate and Intensify Scientific and Technological
and technology, no nation could grow and all those nations Research and Development and To Foster Invention, To
that were labeled as low in growth have proven where they Provide Funds Therefore and for Other Purposes.
stand today and all that happened because of science and
technology. • R.A. 3589- An Act Amending RA 2067 Modifying the
National Science Development Board, National Institute of
Importance of Science and Technology Science and Technology and the Philippine Atomic Energy
Here are What Science and Technology do for us: Commission, Extending Tax Exemption, Privileges and
• It helps us save time and money. Grants, Requests and Donations for Scientific Purposes to
• Education Private Educational Institutions and For Other Purposes
• Internet enacted June 22, 1963.
• Provides us devices for comfortable sleeping, quick
cooking and fast commute. • R.A. 5207 - An Act Providing for the Licensing and
• It helps us live a better life. Regulation of Atomic Energy Facilities and Materials,
Establishing the Rules of Liability for Nuclear Damage and
for Other Purposes.
Impact of Technology on Society
• Presidential Decree No. 49, s. 1972 established the
• Technology has improved transportation.
Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical
Services (PAGASA). Its function was to provide
• Technology has improved communication.
environmental protection and to utilize scientific
knowledge to ensure the safety of the people.
• The World Wide Web has proved to be an enormous
information base from which information can be retrieved
• Presidential Decree No. 334, s. 1973 created the
by means of search engines.
Philippine National Oil Company to promote industrial and
economic development through effective and efficient use
• Technology has improved education and the learning
of energy resources.
Major Science and Technology Development Plans - universe and matter are only made up of “atomos" or
• Science and Technology Master Plan (STMP) seeds
• Science and Technology Agenda for National
Development (STAND) Philippines 2000 - This belief aims that comfort, pleasure, and wealth are the
• National Science and Technology Plan (NSTP 2002-2020) only highest goals.
• Theism
Science as Methods and Results
- They believe that they can find the meaning of their lives
• Iterative Process- the scientific method that involves
by using God as the creator of their existence.
such backing up and repeating, repeating the steps at any
point during the process.
- Theism is a belief that one or more gods exist within the
universe, and that gods are often omniscient (all- knowing),
• Verification Theory- earliest criterion that distinguishes
omnipotent (all-powerful), and omnipresent (all-
philosophy and science
- This belief incorporates Monotheism (belief in one god)
• Falsification Theory- Karl Popper
and Polytheism (belief in many gods)
- asserts that as long as an ideology is not proven to be false
and can be explain a phenomenon over alternative theories
• Humanism
- affirms that human beings have the right and
• Science as a Social Endeavor- a new school of thought
responsibility to give meaning and shape their own lives.
on the proper demarcation criterion of science emerged.