National Tourism Week Instagram Post 2
National Tourism Week Instagram Post 2
National Tourism Week Instagram Post 2
najd fayeaz
Asma Muhammad
Supervised by:
Dr.hatem radwan
Tourist guidance is a modern term that means leading, organizing and managing
tourist trips, implementing tourism programmes, accompanying and caring for
them from their arrival until their departure, organizing, arranging and facilitating
their transportation and stay, helping them practice the tourist patterns and
activities specified in their programmes, and providing the necessary explanatory
information to tourists. From tourist guidance, the name of the tourist guide is
derived who carries out the work of tourist guidance. Tourist guidance is an ancient
historical phenomenon whose existence has been linked to travel and
transportation. For thousands of years, people have been keen on their trips and
movements to accompany a travel guide capable of getting them to their
destination safely and soundly.
A successful tour guide plays an important role in direct advertising and
promotion of the civilizational and cultural heritage in his country. He achieves
this through the information he provides tourists with about his country, his
ability to demonstrate the importance, beauty and diversity of tourism products
in his country, and by gaining the trust of tourists and dealing with them in a
way that satisfies them. The tour guide is considered the guide in the
recreational and cultural tourist trip, and he is responsible for making the
tourist trip a success and presenting a positive image of his country to the
tourists. As we mentioned, he is the source that provides tourists with the
information they need about the areas and tourist attractions they see and
conveys to them a good picture of positive customs, traditions, and social life.
lived by local residents. An individual has no right to be a tour guide unless he
holds a license to practice the profession of tour guide, and this license is
granted by the official tourism authority authorized to do so in his country or in
the country in which he works.
There are a group of political, economic, social, legal, and
technological challenges facing tour guides in Egypt, such as:
terrorism, crises, disasters, cancellation of the license to practice the
profession, and others. The research also reached a set of
recommendations to improve the working conditions of tour guides
and raise the level of their professional performance.
-15 The challenge of dealing with disasters. Tour guides differ among themselves according to their
psychological nature and mental abilities to act properly in some of the critical matters that occur to them
during the implementation of the tourism program. Here experience plays an important role in Overcoming
these situations, as with the passage of time, gaining experience, and dealing frequently with such cases
makes the tour guide reassured.
The number of tourist guides is increasing annually and there is high competition. Thousands of guides
graduate from tourism and hotel colleges across the Republic and tourism and hotel institutes and
applicants for the tourism guide diploma annually, despite the decline in tourism demand in recent years.
Due to the political and security conditions, competition for work increases, which leads to a high
percentage of unemployed guides. -14 - Dealing with different types of tourists with different nationalities
and personalities, the tour guide is forced to He deals with different types of tourists, perhaps the most
important of which are: the friendly tourist, who is characterized by being cheerful and easy to befriend,
but it is sometimes possible for him to raise criticism and cross the limits. The skeptical tourist is the one
who is the most common. The characteristic of doubt and suspicion, perhaps for reasons of false media or
the nature of his personality. The narcissistic tourist has a feeling that he is better than others, perhaps
because of his nationality, knowledge, money, or appearance. The hesitant tourist is the one who is often
confused and hesitant about... Making any decision: A nervous tourist is characterized by being impatient
and prone to repeating conversations
-15 The challenge of dealing with disasters. Tour guides differ among themselves according to their
psychological nature and mental abilities to act properly in some of the critical matters that occur to them
during the implementation of the tourism program. Here experience plays an important role in
Overcoming these situations, as with the passage of time, gaining experience, and dealing frequently with
such cases makes the tour guide reassured.
Suggestions to improve the tourism guiding profession. In order for the
tourism guiding profession to take its rightful position, it will be necessary
to have a number of ways and formulas available to solve and overcome
problems and challenges, the most important of which are: 1 - The
necessity of developing what exists. From study programs for tourist
guidance to include everything new and the expectations of questions from
tourists. -2 Arranging training programs by old guides to expand the
horizon of their knowledge and increase their capabilities before putting
them into the work field and before... Their encounter with incoming
foreign tourists. 3- Motivating and encouraging the guide in personal
development and self-development. 4- Including the subject of tourism
awareness in school curricula so that the citizen learns how to deal with
With tourists since childhood. 5- It is necessary to focus on the role that
museums play in the guiding process and train the guide in museum
guiding while using modern technological means.
Training the guide on how to deal with tourist objections during the trip.
There is more than one method, perhaps the most important of which is: -
The method of direct denial is appropriate when the objection is not based
on a valid basis, and in this case the direct answer is B: “No, it is not true”
is the correct method of responding, such as objecting to not leaving the
hotel due to lack of safety in a completely safe area. -The method of
indirect denial is appropriate when the objection is actual. It has a basis in
truth, and in this case the answer is in the form of “Yes...........but.” The
guide gives the tourist the right to object, but gives solutions to the
objection. If The tourist objects to the length of a trip, for example, the
guide gives him the solution of stopping on the road more than once for a
rest because the trip is worth the effort. -The method of compensation is
that the guide compensates the tourist in the matter of his objection. For
example, if the tourist objects to the high price of the hotel, the guide will
compensate him with a special room, a free meal, etc. - The conversion
method is for the guide to turn the tourist’s objection into an advantage.
For example, if he objects The tourist wants to move at night, and the
guide responds that it is basically an advantage and not a disadvantage, so
that he can see the sunrise on the way.
Qualifying the guide to deal with times of disasters and critical times.
Therefore, in critical situations, the tour guide must do the following:
- He must have a great degree of control over his nerves - Be patient when
responding to inquiries in this case - Focus on people whose psychological
state is weaker - Restrain anyone who tries to act on His own method - the
ability to control the tourist group in all psychological and mental ways - 8
coordination between the government and tourism companies (which will
coordinate with the guide) and notifying them if any tourist place is closed
or prices are raised Or any new procedure. 9- Establishing controls for the
work of the foreign group leader and the necessity of coordination between
him and the tour guide. 11- Providing job opportunities for tour guides
during times of stagnation in translation work. Representation and tourism
propaganda for the town